Interview with Dee, a Leadership Coach and a Successful Business Man

Interview with Dee, a Leadership Coach and a Successful Business Man

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Okay. Welcome to my YouTube channel.  And if you are here for the first time,   you know, just click the subscribe button. So, each week I'll be sharing with you on   some of the tricks, tricks and tips on  how to improve your business, especially.   And, normally I'll be sharing more about  digital marketing because that is where,   I'm working on right now because I  run a digital marketing agency,  you know, for today, it's very privileged that  I actually have Dee joining us. It's been a while since I actually wanted to  be the view him because of his successes,    know, and, and how he actually presented itself. So a bit of a background on Dee, from what  

I know, because it actually surprised  me this morning that, he actually has another, backstory and  you know, from what I see is that  I think he was born in Philippines. He's pure Chinese, but, he actually went   to the States, at a very young age. But,  from what I know is that somehow he actually   ended up in China to set up, a very successful  business that doesn't need him to operate at all.   You know, because, um, you know, in  Malaysia we actually had locked down. So, he   didn't manage to go back to China all right. For close about a year, but the business  

is still running. And on top of that also, he  is actually a very, successful leadership   coach, that has been doing coaching, performance coaching leadership coaching for   the past, about 16 years, helping  entrepreneurs, helping, employees,   and even, top leaders in corporate, to actually have them excel and breakthrough   using some of his guidance and coaching. So yeah, that's all from my side, maybe you know, if you have anything to add on, you  know, just feel free, you know, over the Dee. Maybe you just tell us a bit about  your background and how you actually got to where you are today. Hi, thank you, Rogers. First of all,  

thank you for having me here today. Uh, it's a,  it's a pleasure to be here and to see you again.   Well, yeah, I mean, I think a lot  of things happens when we were younger,   you know, whether they're good or bad, right. And so a lot of times we use those as reference   points to how we make decisions as we get older,  uh, in my case, I got lucky when I was young.   Okay. And because I got lucky, uh, when  the time when the business started going bad,  

I wasn't prepared for it. I got complacent and,  and, uh, I, I didn't want to improve myself.   Right. So I said, wow, you know, it's like going  gambling, right. The first time you go gambling   and you, when you go, Hey, wow, this is easy. Right. So next time, if I need a red money,   all I had to do is, you know, just go there  and then, you know, play a couple of hands   and I'll get my lunch money. Right. But all my rent money,  

but, uh, I'm sorry that doesn't work. And  we know the odds are always against us.   So, uh, there's a saying that I learned that if it  has to be it's up to me. Yep. Okay. So by starting   that, you know, I had to start improving myself. I had to make better decisions. Right. Uh, whether  

to, uh, grow myself personally, grow myself in my  career. And I realized that it's all up to me.   It has to be up to me. And, and the thing  is, yeah, we could read a lot of books.   We can attend a lot of courses, uh, whatever  courses they may be, but we have to understand.   Right. And they don't work. And when I say they  don't work, it doesn't mean it doesn't work.   People work. Right. Unless we actually execute,  

we applied those things that we  learned, it won't work. And sometimes   we may be from a mindset mindset of wow. You know, uh, what if it doesn't come out   right? Or maybe like, okay, what if it looks  ugly? Or maybe what if I fail or whatever.   And then we have all these, uh, these past  judgment on ourselves and it, and it doesn't help.   Right. It doesn't help. And we can motivate, we can say,  

we gotta do this, we gotta do this. And you  can tell yourself the worst story there is,   uh, what's going to happen if it doesn't work. Right. But if our mindset is not right, so it   doesn't matter. Okay. It's just like listening  to people, trying to, uh, lose weight, right.   Or people who, uh, make new year's resolutions.  Right. You know, we all say it we're all   motivated. Or even when we do training, right. When companies do training, uh, probably the first   week that people are very motivated, they're  excited. They're ready to get back to work.  

Right. And after a week, maybe a month later,  it's, you know, back to the same thing. Okay.   So, you know, unless we understand, uh,  that motivation is just part of it, right.   If you have a dream strong  enough, you will be motivated. And   if you're, there are times when you might be  tired, that's when discipline has to come in.   I think there is actually a saying that a  motivation is like taking shower every day,   but, uh, inspiration on the other hand is  actually something from within, but you know,   something that is burning the desire, burning  desire that comes from within to our, you know,   um, because we need to shower everyday. So motivation is like, you know, taking  

shower every day. That, that doesn't really lie.  Well. Yeah, exactly. It's almost the same point.   Right. My, my point would be is more like  a discipline precedes motivation. Right.   And so, you know, we have to have the  mindset that, uh, what should we do first?   You know, once you learn how to  do it, you just have to do it   right. And not think about,  well, what if I get it wrong?   Uh, unless you do it, you don't know if  you're going to get it wrong or right.   And unless you get it wrong, you won't learn. Definitely. Definitely. Yeah. I think back to  

your story, right. Is that you mentioned that you  actually got, uh, pretty lucky, uh, in the past.   Um, I think you, you actually had a pretty  successful business prior to this one,   and then you also lost your business. So, and I think that kind of like   a link back to why you actually venture  into leadership coaching as well.   Right. So, maybe you want to share  a bit about, what, what happened,   you know, what, what business were you  in and, how you actually transitioned   into leadership and what made you realize that? Okay. So leadership coaching is something that,   you know, maybe you need and everyone around you  need and you take it as a career or profession.  

Okay. So let's say, um, I had, uh,  started with a restaurant business.    Then we started selling logistics for,  law enforcement and things like that.   And, and also we had a doc training  center. Okay. Three, three businesses   at the same time. Well, that's what I thought. Okay. I don't think I was running it. I think   it was running me. Right. Um, so  I, you know, it was fine.   Right. So we got lucky. And  then for the restaurant,  

you open it in a place where everything was,  uh, how do you say there was no competition.   Right. And as business started picking  up, we were getting, like I said,   we were getting lucky. People were coming and then  boom, across the street, someone opens another one   selling the same kind of food. Right. And after that, maybe three   months later, another one opens to the  side of us and the next block. Okay.  

So now, now you start having a  competition. So what do you do?   Right. So if you're a person who just is just  hoping like, Oh, I'm sure it'll get better.   You know, I think all food is you  might go to the other place and try   it. Right. See if they're good or not. Right. And then, but the thing is that,  

you know, when it comes down to food, right,  it can be very, um, subjective, right.   For different people. Right. Everybody has  different tastes. So what is it that you have to   do that, that, that can, um, help to improve your  opportunities to create that customer loyalty?   And this is the thing I didn't learn. Right.  Right. So, you know, obviously then, you know,   business started doodling and what happens is  people start getting into a price war, right.   You either start giving more food or  you start dropping down on the price.   And that, that never benefits anybody. Okay. So eventually everybody goes out of business.  

Okay. You may, you may satisfied,  uh, the customers, um, uh,   ability to save a little bit more. Right. And it, they probably very happy   about your price war, but the thing is, once  you go down, he doesn't, the other guy goes,   and then I have no food eat at all. And then I have to go somewhere further   away. Right. So those are things that,  you know, I realize that, you know,   I look back and I say, hope, you know,  this, this could have been prevented.   Oh, you do. Definitely. Like if you were given  another chance, Ah, that's a good point. So  

what I would do differently is to create a more  personal bond with my clients or my customers.   Right. I would, I would do do things. Okay.  I'll have the team do things a little bit   differently than the other people, right. That make the, the, the patronage more memorable,   Like adding more value, giving like a  personal touch to them.   And that could mean you give a little bit more  food, but in the long run that doesn't work.  

Right. So, you know, sometimes like, you know,  people value consistency, they value things like,   you know, being polite, they value cleanliness. Right. You know, the value that your, your, your,   your prices are always say the, they,  you say what they are, and it doesn't change.   Right. And the quality of your product it's,  it's, it's consistent. So, you know, some people   may think like, okay, yeah, my food is so good. And they start a business because they think   their food is good, but then they, we start  a business and boom, you know what I mean,   how come nobody's coming, but my food is so good. Right. So yeah, so especially in nowadays  

where, people's attention  spans are a lot shorter.   Um, there's so much advertising and of course,  you know, you're in digital marketing, right?   So there's a lot of noise going  on. And, uh, so you, we need,   we need to be able to keep on top of it. Definitely. Definitely. Well, and 

so that business actually, uh, actually  went down because of price war, and all that.   And, so did you actually went straight  down? Sorry, Rogers. I cannot say because of   the price war, I can say that it was my  fault because I let it, I dropped the ball.   So, yeah. Especially you have to, you know, in  business also, you have to realize when it's,   when is it time to, you know, if you knew, you  know, when to cut the coil, cut your losses.  

Right. If you don't know, you just  wait till you run out of money,   you know what I'm saying? Yup. Wow. Okay. I, that is   definitely something that I did know  about you. Interesting, interesting.   So that was actually back in the States. All right. Great. Okay. So, 

after the business, uh, what made you  realize that you needed to, maybe,   what made you venture into personally  development or even leadership coaching?   Well, after that, then I had several different  mentors that really helped me to pave the way.   Okay. So, you know, I had people who  mentored me about the corporate world.   I had, you know, a mentor, the teach me  about, you know, being an entrepreneur,   looking for the side hustles, right. You, things are looking for opportunities. You  

know, so, uh, I, I realized, and also I had a, uh,  mentor to teach you about, uh, about leadership.   Okay. So, you know, but then obviously as  you trying to tell people which doesn't work,   right. What they should do, uh,  I, I got into coaching, right.   So I thought that by coaching, we'll  be able to connect with people better,   right. To help them to look within themselves and  to find out, you know, what they need to succeed.  

Okay. And this quite interesting because, um,  um, on the concept of mental, so, um, do you   actually stumble up on this mentor or if she came  to you and how, how did that relationship happen?   All right. Um, I think, I think  this is probably very fair to say,   and this is the same says when the student  is ready, the teacher will appear.   Okay. I think when we are there and we are very  open to other people's suggestions, they are more,  

uh, liable to be helpful, right. If you're honestly sincerely willing to learn   and people can sense that, that you're not just  full of it. And you just want to, you know,   you know, hang out and, and, and, and party  and chill out and get drunk and whatnot,   you know, I think people can send that. And when you're sincere enough,  

then people really, really, uh, you  know, they're willing to help you.   Right. And they're willing to help you  answer the questions that you have.   And, and I think that's where, and of  course, too, that you kind of build a   relationship right. Where you can say, okay, now,  does that mean that all mentors are right now?   That doesn't mean that okay. In fact, sometimes  mentoring and coaching are two different ball  

games. Okay. You know, when you talk about  mentoring is like, people mentors share their   experience with you, but that doesn't mean  that experience is going to work for you.   Right. So, you know, and that's where coaching  would come in. And instead of just saying,   okay, you should try doing this. You say, well, what do you think you   should be trying? What do you think would work  for you? Would it be better if you were dressed   in a suit or would it be, is it more  like you to be dressed in a polo, right.   Or is it, you know, are you just casual with  a t-shirt and, and like Steve jobs was right? So everybody has their own,   uh, personality that they can bring to,  to their careers. Right. And, you know,  

maybe they have their own way of talking. Some, some mentors can be very honest, brutally   honest. Right. That's a good mentor. Well, uh,  if you can take it and he's a good mentor.   Right. But if you're a person that's  very timid and sensitive and may be,   it may not be a good fit. Okay. Cool. Cool, cool. Miss that,   after that, you actually have got some, um,  corporate, corporate, uh, mentorship, corporate   experience. And then do you actually mentioned to  corporate or, um, you just reach out Oh, okay.   Yeah, we'd done corporate in a dot com companies, for the British Isles,   British counseling, for other SMEs  in China, you know, some of them were,   customer support, some, uh, you know, basically,  you know, so there were little things that we did   training for them, and we did group coaching  for them, which is very, very successful.  

I really like group coaching. Okay. So, and you mentioned about China means that,   uh, that is that how we actually ended  up in China setting up your own business,   your tuition business, right. Well, don't forget. All right.   After what I went back, it was basically still,  um, healing from my failures. Okay. So still,  

I haven't made any serious changes yet. So, you know, we got into the other business   and as usual it failed. Right. You see? Uh, and  because it took a couple of failures, right.   To start to realize that, yo, we can't go on  like this. I can't go on like this. Right. So,   you know, people may tell you, but if you're  not ready, you're not going to make the change.  

I believe that, um, by using coaching methods,  we can help people to accept the change,   to realize the change, find out  the what's holding them back.   What are the weaknesses and what are the  strengths? Because even as a business person,   right. We don't know everything we can  and we can't do it all, even if we did.   Okay. And, um, how long was your recovery for you   for your failures and how, how  old were you? Um, the time.   Uh, okay. So I would, I don't know  exactly because truthfully, I, I don't,   I don't celebrate birthdays. I  don't think a birthday is a very,  

uh, important thing for me. Right. Some people feel they do   and I will do it for other people. Uh,  so, uh, I will only give you approximate.   Okay. So maybe about, uh, my  failure started when I was in my   thirties, 30 something 30, and then I didn't  realize until maybe four or five years later.  

Okay. All right. I did, I had to make  a change. Okay. And then, um, yeah,   so that's when I started, you know,  trying to understand more about me.   Okay. That's interesting. Okay. So, uh, after  a failure means that, uh, you know, that,   you know, you're, um, already hit, like  wrote off that you cannot go further on   with whatever that you're doing. And you, you actually had mentors to   actually guide you and make you realize that, you  know, you, you need Elvis first to break through.  

Um, I, I think it actually happens a lot of people  as well. I mean, even for me personally, um,   sometimes if, um, you know, if we do not learn  certain lessons, the lesson will keep on coming   back, our revisiting until you, you, you  know, it gives like a tight slap on the   face and this is the lesson ideas. Can you just wake up and see like,   well, that, that's really interesting. And I  see that, uh, even a lot of successful people  

actually have that, that moment in their life. Um, yeah. And coming from you while that's really   inspiring. And, uh, okay. So after that, um,  so what made you venture into like a tuition,   um, uh, business in China, so  that, that you have a tuition center, right? So how, how you ended up there?   Well, after a while I was healing for us five  years. Right. Um, I had to take up jobs.   Okay. So going through jobs, you know,  you pick up things, you learn more things   and using that, I saw a solution to a problem. Okay. Um, so we, you know, we just took  

that solution and, uh, you know, we  applied, it started very small,   just like any business you can't expect to,  you know, anything that comes easy won't last.   Right. So, you know, we started very small.  We started with a close, a few close friends   and it just, it just, it just  grew, we did not advertise.   We did not. Cause we, I think we  answered a serious problem. Okay.  

And I think there were a lot of people looking  for solutions, but there wasn't any available.   Okay. And, um, so that business, you, how, how  long were you in that business? I mean, up to   this point, Well, at least about 10 years now. 10, what about 10 years now? And then maybe 12.   Wow. That's, that's a pretty stable  business. I mean, from the beginning, right.  

From, from infancy, right. From infancy. Yeah.  And how involved were you in the business? I mean,   I know that, you know, you don't even need to  like, you know, look at a business right now.   Well, in the beginning, you're very much hands-on.  

You have to be. Otherwise I will wind  up making the same mistake I did before.   Right. So you need to know your business. And  then from there, see where it needs to be tweaked,   you know, and constantly review, okay,  what, what could I have done better?   What can be done better? What are we hearing from  our customers? Right. And, you know, things like   that. So we, we got to a point where, uh, parents  will use our, our, our situation, our, our tuition  

as a punishment, if they weren't good. Okay. So we knew that we were good when   the parents said, we don't know what you guys  do, but I love our kids love coming there.   Okay. And not only are they learning,  but they're there, they love it there.   Right. So when, you know, sometimes, you know,  children will relate, we will call them and say,   Hey, uh, your child's not here yet. Um, is everything okay? Is he coming? Yeah,  

sorry. He was naughty. So, because it's not, we're  going to punish them and not let them come yet.   Wow. Okay. So that was something new and that  kind of encouraged us to say like, okay, so   what we're doing is right. We're on the right track, I think, uh,   based on your previous experience, um, the way  we will business is totally different already. Um, um, right now, like previously, you don't  really look into like the personal touch, but   this time around you actually have mobiles and the  touch expire, um, you are growing organically.   Um, that's why a lot of areas actually reaching  out to you. I mean, we would have, we were  

actually telling people if this is not what  they want, you know, we tell them what we do.   And he said, listen, we would even say that  if this is not what you're looking for, you're   looking for, uh, somebody with a PhD, uh, you  know, I mean a teachers masters and things like   that, and blah, blah, blah, this is not for you. Okay. So we were almost turning people away. And   so you know, we attracting people because we  actually explain to them why we do what we do.  

And I think that was very important  that our customers realize that,   and they felt our passion and they trusted us. Okay. So, um, for your center, you actually teach   English, um, to, to, to the Chinese,  straight up the people in China.   Are there any, We, we do  online also, so, you know,   there's people from other countries, so, Okay.  And are there any competitors in your space?   I mean, like, um, in, in, in Germany.  And, uh, so the next question is like,  

um, you know, uh, how, how do you actually  differentiate yourself with your competitors?   Well, that's the thing so far, what we  right now so far, thank goodness. We're the   they're following us. Okay. But because  they have much, much more money, right.   They, they advertise a lot more,  we don't really advertise. Okay.   Um, so that was a, that's something new. So again,  uh, we have to be able to customize a lot of  

things to provide, provide better value. And I have a feeling, people are going   to be following that too. Now I'm  just, it didn't run out of money.   Right. I mean, especially during the COVID, um,  a lot of people went bankrupt. A lot of small   companies went bankrupt, so we would, uh, the,  maybe the few, and then you have these very large   companies that have lots of, lots of resources  and, you know, so they're still hanging on.   Okay. Yeah. Cool. Cool, cool. And, um, okay. So,  uh, how, how many employees do you have actually  

running in running your whole business? I know that your wife is actually actively   involved in the business, but apart from that,  um, how, how, how many people are you managing?   Well, we have, uh, probably like, uh, on, on hand  right away. It's, uh, maybe about eight people.   And, um, what, are there certain qualities  that you look for in hiring these people?   Well, um, right now, because I'm here, I cannot  do the hiring myself, but, um, when we do have to   hire certain, uh, advisors or consultants, we like  to make sure that they know how to work with us.   Yeah. I think that's very funny. And, um, and  just like you mentioned that, you know, um,  

the, the why of the company, um, what, what  would you say is the why of your company   and, um, you know, why, why the company exists? What actually drive, drive from the company?   Well, we, we, we truly believe that learning the  basic of the language will definitely outperform   learning about specific subjects. Okay. Because once you get the foundation   of the language, everything else you read,  or you, you know, you see, or you hear,   you can automatically translate  that into what it's trying to say.   Right. So that's education in itself. It's,  it's like a gift that keeps on giving.   So if you learn the basics of it, right. You understand the spelling, the grammar   and things like that, you know, wherever  you go, it's going to work for you.   Right. So it's like, if you know how to cook,  it doesn't matter where you go. Right. You're  

going to, you know, how to cook, right. If English is probably one of the top,   um, languages that people communicate with today,  and probably Chinese would be the second one.   Right. So, you know, um, you know, they already  have that language down, Pat, so now they just  

need the first, uh, the other ones, right. To really help them to be able to able to   achieve more in their lives. Well,  that's great. That's great. And yeah,   I think I actually have got few  more questions and, um, so, okay.   Um, so one of the questions, um, I already asked  you, or maybe I can actually ask you again, like,   you know, what, what do you do differently  that attribute to your success, um, today,   um, either in your business for your  center or, you know, personal coaching,   what do, what do I do? Yeah. So what do you do actually,  

um, differently, you know, um, or  what are some of the attributes that   lead you to, you know, where you  are today to, to your success?   I will say that I have to be number one would be  open to feedback, Open to Savannah and number two,   constantly learning. Well, that's very, very good point.   And yeah, I can see that in you, you know,  in that. Yeah. You're always learning.   You're, you're, you're always, um, one thing  I realized is that you're always giving value,   um, rather than asking first, um,  that, that, that was actually the   first impression that I actually got from you. Yeah. Thank you. I'm glad about that. Thank you   for saying that. Okay. Uh, okay. I  think, uh, we are at the end of it,  

if you have actually one piece of advice, right. Uh, for someone who is starting out, or even   someone who is actually going  through a tough time during this   COVID season, what will be your advice to them? Maybe I shouldn't break them into two categories.   One is a business was struggling. The other one  is, uh, you know, someone who is actually just  

starting out into the business world, you know? Well, th that's, those are really good questions.   And, and, and can I mention this, uh,  about a program that we're doing?   Uh, Roger, is that okay? So we, we have a program  that's every Tuesday and we actually hire experts   from around the world to explain more about, um,   tips and advice from professionals,  like experts in their fields   regarding starting up or running a business and  existing business, especially during this time.   And it, you know, and that's on every  Tuesday at 8:00 PM Malaysian time.  

Okay. It's called ask the experts. And last  week, last Tuesday, we had a speaker from a   global, uh, financial solution HR person. So, um, you know, she was very familiar with   the she's been in a business for her, her field  for almost, I believe it was like almost like   20 years, uh, from global pay Worldpay, which is a  very big financial, uh, solutions, uh, company and   into another one, which they're all global. And it was a, you know, she shared a lot of   insights about hiring people, firing people, what  leaders need to do to make sure that people are,   uh, uh, adhering to the business goal. Okay. And, uh, what I think is, and that was   very important for a lot of people. And that's on  every Tuesday at eight o'clock is my pro series.  

Now, what I would suggest is that people,  you know, if they're already in a business,   they really, really, really have to be open, uh,  and, and get some food when they people tell them,   wow, you know, your stuff is this  or that, or, you know what I mean?   Or maybe like, uh, Oh, you know, your, your  staff is so mean, you know what I mean? Like   it's like when I come here to eat, I feel  like I I'm trying to put out a fire.   Okay. So, you know, we have to listen to  people. Sometimes we have to listen to the   market. We have to listen to the customer and  we also have to learn how to be able to adapt.  

Okay. You know, if a position is not, um,  in the right position and not business,   you know, uh, are we able to move? Are we able to adapt is online?   Are we learning about online? Are we  learning about social media to improve our,   our, uh, our presence? Let me say this, this owners are stuck   because they are not open to feedback and whatever  that is actually happening in the market.   Yeah. Well, if we think about it, if  they're stuck, why are they stuck? There   is something that they do not know, and perhaps  they're not open to feedback and all that.  

Right. So, you know, this, that means  they cannot move. Right. So they have   to understand why they cannot move. Right. They can blame it on the market. And we can   say, Hey, you know what I mean, the market  doesn't like this kind of food then change,   or they can blame it on the competition  and say, well, yeah, I have other people.   So how can you make your service, your w where can  you add more value into your service or into your   brand to make yourself more attractive? Right. And, you know, sometimes people,  

well, my food is good enough. They, they  should be lucky. They're eating my food.   Right. And, or maybe like, well,  I've been busy. I've been here for   15 years now. You know what I mean? I am, you know, I have a brand name,   people know me and, you know, but you know  what, the guy across the street he's fun   right now, he just opened up. But, you know, he makes people laugh. You know,   he jokes with people he's really friendly with  people. He doesn't have that kind of attitude.  

Like, you know, you know, I was here  first. I've been here, you know,   you don't have that arrogant presence. Right. Yeah. And if people who want to start a business,   ask yourself if you, if you starting  a business, because you have a, a   solution to a problem, or you have a great  idea, or do you just need it for a salary?   Well, you know, a lot of people  during this times, they, they have to   maybe set up a mama stand or whatever, you know,  just to, to be able to support the family.   And, you know, they should be praised  for that. Right. You know, they're doing   what be there doing the responsible thing,  but at the same time, can they grow it?   Of course they can write it, although it may  be temporary for a salary, but you know, what,   if you know why you're doing it, besides the  money part, the money is just the byproduct.  

Right. Right. It's just the result of something.  But if you know exactly why you're doing it,   you say, well, yeah, I provide a good, healthy,  wholesome food without any preservatives.   Okay. And at a very, very affordable price. Right.  So, you know, and, and you know, the other guy  

may say he's doing the same thing, but then when  you serve the people you say, Hey, how are you?   Um, you know, I hope are you okay? You know what  I mean? How's everything. Yes. Hunter tough,   you know, this things that we can do to help  people feel more human, more appreciated   to have consistency in times of chaos. Right. You know, so, you know,   like maybe one day they come to you and then  you're very happy and tomorrow you're grumpy,   you know, like, Hey, what happened? Right. And they told him, Oh my goodness, what   happened? Did I do something wrong? Did I offend  this? The, the, the auntie or uncle or something?   Right. So we have to be able  to constantly monitor our,  

our attitude, our presence when we, you  know, we're dealing with our customers.   That's. Yeah. That's very important. That's  very good point. Right. Yep. Um, okay. Uh, so,   um, back to the, uh, the session that you  have on every Tuesday, um, where can they   actually get more information on this? Um, if you go to Facebook on coach Dee,   now my Facebook, uh, we use it promoted there  as an event also on the LinkedIn, Dee Han.  

Okay. I posted there too. Um, it's, it's called  it's, it's actually very easy to ask the experts.   Yeah. Right. So last week we had an HR,   uh, CFO, uh, CPO, they  call it chief peoples officer.  

And, uh, next week we have our very own, Michael  Teoh is a very, he's an inspirational speaker. He   works, he empowers millennials. And he, he's a, he's a really   interesting, uh, individual, very passionate  about helping millennials, whether they're   doing the business, whether they starting career. Yeah, he, he, he's going to be fun to, to see  

Interesting interest I'll, I'll, um, include  the link, um, on, you know, uh, I'll include a   link, uh, on the description on this video. And I appreciate that. Thank you. Yup.   Uh, so it's, uh, I think we're done for  now. Um, are there any last words that   you want to bring out to the audience? Uh, you know, any last piece of advice?   Okay. Um, yeah. I mean, just remember whatever  you plan to do, whether it's losing weight,  

new year's resolutions or, or starting a business,  or in your existing business, uh, remember that   it's not time that we have to be concerned  about it's actually focus management focused.   Okay. Right. So we want to be able to focus on  the right things at the right time. Okay. So,   you know, we don't want to, you know, being  busy doesn't mean you're being productive.   Right. And in fact, by doing that, that's how  you build more stress. Okay. So, you know,  

if you, if you're working properly and you're  focusing on the right things and you're doing it   at the right times, then it's, it becomes fun. It's a lot smoother and it doesn't get chaotic   Well, that's that's yeah. That's really good  advice. Um, yeah. Um, I think we are done.   Thank you so much for it. Time being, um, you  know, I really appreciate that, uh, you know, for,   for all the audience out there, you know, if  you like content like this, you know, just, um,   comment below comment type, type in the chat. And then if you have any questions to ask D   or even myself, you know, we can actually, do something similar, address, like, different angles and different   approaches when it comes to business  or, or even leadership and coaching.   And, um, once again, thank you so much for  your time, Dee. Thanks for having me Rogers.  

Yup. So till then, we'll see you next time. Cheers. I'm looking forward.

2021-02-07 04:34

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