Intergrated Business Program Advisement Fall 2019

Intergrated Business Program Advisement Fall 2019

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On behalf. Of the faculty, and staff in the integrated, business programs, I would like to welcome you did Chippewa Valley Technical, College, you. Have chosen to be in the business program that maintains a prestigious, accreditation with. The ACB SP, which, ensures you receive a quality education here. At cVTC. You. Don't have to take our word for it let's. See what our students are saying. Chippewa. Valley students. Are proud of their accomplishments. And often, praise their experience, while earning their degree we're. Excited for you to create your own memories and contribute, to the learning community, at cVTC. To. Help you get started in this presentation, we will take you through a student's, journey here, at cVTC, we. Will cover getting help resources. Available to students registering. For classes, knowing. Degree requirements, and much more. My. Name is Owen Pross neck and I'm one of the academic advisors, here, at cVTC. Advisors. Are available students. Via phone face-to-face, and web, meetings as. A. Student, you'll be required to use many different technologies for your classes, for. Some of you that might be intimidating. Or overwhelming, if this, is the case we want you to know cVTC. Is a supportive, campus with resources, in place to ensure, that you can navigate these technologies, and be successful in your courses. The. First place to go for help with technology or to get assistance with being an online learner is my, cVTC. Then, visit, the online learner resources. Page under, student services, and support this. Page hosts, many online support, tools as well as contact information for our e-learning specialist. Our e-learning. Specialist. Is available, to meet with students one-on-one either. In person or online and, you. Can schedule appointment, from the online learner resources, page don't. Wait to get this valuable assistance. The. Primary, method of communication, that cVTC. Uses, is email, as a. Student, you're assigned a student email address, important. Messages will be emailed to you such as financial aid awards course, information college. Closure program. Changes. It, is your responsibility to check your cVTC, email daily, today. We, are going to walk you through your, online journey as a cVTC. Student you. Just received an email from your academic advisor, with, reminders for the semester, this. Email is a helpful reminder from, your advisor but. What else can your academic, advisor help you with. Students. Meet with their advisor for, a variety of reasons. We. Recommend touching, base with your advisor each semester prior. To registration. You. Can also meet with your advisor as needed with questions or concerns come up we. Help students stay on track towards graduation, by developing, an academic, plan we. Can also review transfer, credits, and assist, students that need to drop classes or withdraw, from the college. In. My cVTC, under student services, and support you can find the academic advising, page. The. Advising, page is where you can find the instructional, guides like how to run a degree evaluation and. If. You scroll down you'll, find links to more resources, that will be useful throughout your time as a cVTC, student. Learn. How to register for classes calculate. Your GPA, transfer. Credit and be, a successful, student. When. You go back to the top of the advising, page click, on the yellow program, button under, advising, by program. To. Get more program specific, information you, can access all of our programs, from this page this. Is helpful to get information on your current program or, to explore other programs, at the college. From. A program page you can see who advises that program, if you're. Ready to meet with an advisor you can call the number listed to schedule an appointment or, inquire. About their walk and availability. You. Can also avoid calling by scheduling online, all you, need to do is click on the advisors name. The. Scheduled appointments, we use calendly, which is an easy-to-use, online tool, that allows, you to schedule an appointment with, your advisor. Advisors, will meet with you face to face online. Or by, phone. By scheduling with calendly you will get email and text reminders, so you never miss an appointment again, you.

Also Have the opportunity to reschedule, or cancel your, appointment, if something, comes up in, addition. To scheduled appointments, Advisors, will see students, during certain times of the week on a walk-in basis. To. Learn our walk-in times you can call the office or stop, in to B EC 1:13, and our staff will be happy to help you if, scheduling. Online is a bit overwhelming feel free to call our office or, walk into the academic advising, office for, help with scheduling. The. Easiest, and fastest way to communicate with your instructor, is through, email or messages. In canvas. Instructors. Will use email, and messages, to share important information related. To courses, and provide, feedback on assignments, you. Don't want to miss out on this important, communication. It. Looks like your instructor, is providing some feedback for your course. Let's. See what sort of feedback your, instructor left, about your assignment. Canvas. Will be your online portal, for classes. In all formats including. Face-to-face, you will, access canvas through my cVTC. While. On your course page you'll be able to see your grades and, any comments, left by your instructor, if canvas. Seems overwhelming, remember, we have an e-learning specialist. On staff to help you keep. In mind that your instructors, are your number one best, resource, when it comes to course content and assignments. Always. Reach out to your instructor first, if you don't understand, a topic or assignment. They want to help you. Other. Than the instructor, there are many resources available, to support students. Information. About academic services. Can be found in my cVTC, under, student services, and support, academic. Services. Will provide you with online, and face-to-face help, for your courses in, addition. Of course help they host a variety of Student Success workshops, designed. To give you the tools you need to be a successful, student, don't. Wait to take advantage, of these valuable resources, students. Who seek help early and often. Are more successful in their courses. Here's. Another one of those importantly, email reminders. This. Email is a reminder, that it's time to register for, your next terms classes, as a, continuing. Student you're given priority registration over. New students, this. Generally, happens in October. For spring term March, for summer term and April, for fall term, your. Advisor is a great resource at registration, time to help you identify the courses, that you need and give, you a reminder on how to complete registration. As. You. Prepare to register, for classes we. Want you to consider the time you have to dedicate to, school. Attending. College takes time and sometimes, sacrifices. Students. Who prioritize, their time to attend classes and, plan. Time into their week to complete assignments, and be involved on campus are, more successful as. You. Begin to put a schedule together first. Consider what is already going on in your life that is not a gullible this. Might be work family. Responsibilities. Or medical, needs add. These non-negotiables. Into your schedule. Next. Consider. Things that you want or like to do but, that might be more flexible these. Might be recreational, sports time, with friends or a.m., vs. p.m. preferences. Pencil. These into your day. Make. Sure you also consider, the time it will take you to commute to and from your activities, as well as campus, it's. Always a good idea to also consider study, time for the courses that you're enrolled in. Keep. In mind that this schedule is one that you need to live with for 16 weeks not. The rest of your life not. All students will get the schedule that works perfectly, for them this. Is often when you need to evaluate those, priorities. Your. Next step in preparing to, register, is to determine which courses are required for you to graduate, your. Official, ticket to graduation, is your degree evaluation. This. Tool in sis will, show you the requirements, for your program. Directions. For running your degree evaluation can be found on the academic, advising page in my cVTC. From. My cVTC. You, can click on the sis icon, at the top of the page go. To the student tab and, then, student, records. Click. On degree evaluation towards. The bottom of the list. When. Asked to select a term you, should select the term that you are planning to graduate from, cVTC. Then. Once your program appears select, generate. New evaluation and. Hit. The button next to your program, and select. Generate request. You. Should always select detail, requirements. And hit, submit one more time. Now. That your degree evaluation is, up it, is important that you know how to read it you. Should see your program at the very top left of the screen, your.

Program, Guides which program requirement sheet you are following on. The. Top right you, can see the term that you began that program. Now. Look down on the lower left side of the page a complete. Evaluation will. Have yes all the way down when. You see a no that. Means the requirement, is not yet met in this. Example you. Still need to take 104. 102. For. The courses that you have completed, you, can see the title of the course and the, grade if the. Course was transferred, in you, will see a TR, in replace, of the grade. Classes. That you are currently registered for won't. Show a grade but, will have an R in the source column, and will, show a yes as met, on the far left. Now. That you know you need to take 104, 102 you. Might be wondering what, class is that, course. Numbers and titles can be found in your program requirement. Sheet if. You don't have one of these you can find one by visiting your program page in my cVTC. Make. Sure that you are looking at the requirements that match the catalog, term on your degree evaluation, in, this. Example you, began the program in the spring of 2019. Which. Means you're following, the 2018-2019. Program. Requirement, sheet if. We. Search this page for course number 104, 102. We can see that the class is called marketing, principles. Now. That you know which class you need to take you, might be wondering what, days and times it's offered this semester. You. Can locate specific course, information by, going to search course offerings, from the my cVTC, page under, records, and registration. Here. You can search for courses by department, program. Location, delivery, method course number or title. We. Recommend, that you either search by course number or by program if you. Narrow your search too much you. Often miss some, of the delivery options. As. You start planning which classes, to take it's, important to understand what you're looking at courses. At cVTC are, identified, in two ways, one. Way is their course number a course. Number is a six digit number with, a - the. Course number will match the program, requirement, sheet and the, last three numbers identified, the section of that course. The. Second highlighted, number on this slide is the course registration number, or CRN. This. Number is what you will use to register for, the individual, section of that class. The. Far right column shows, the number of seats that are available in that course if. This column says full it means there's no more available, seats for that class you. Can, learn two things from the building and room column, first. You can learn the campus the course takes place in do. You see the different locations listed, both. The business education center and River Falls are listed in this example. Please. Note that SAS, will not stop you from registering for classes on, different campuses. Double. Check the campus location, when you're registering the. Second thing noted in this column is the format that classes, are taught in, cVTC. Has many different formats for courses to accommodate, different learning styles. Fully. Face-to-face. Classes, identified. When you only see a location in the building room column, is a traditional. Classroom setting where. You'll come to campus for each class hour there. Are variations of face-to-face classes. Telepresence. Is one of those options that, allow students, to take classes at, some of our other campuses a telepresence. Class, is just like a traditional class, in structure, except. The instructor, and students may be in four different locations, all. Locations, will see and hear each other at the same time and be able to interact continually. Throughout the class time. Hybrid. Courses are delivered between, 50 and 100, percent online, hybrid. Courses work well for students that are highly motivated, while. This delivery, method gives you more flexibility, in learning regular. Participation. In class in online are both essential for your success. Be. Sure that you can attend the face-to-face day. Time, and location, because. It is required for the course. Blended. Courses are similar to hybrid courses, except. Less than 50% of the class will be delivered online while. The rest of the course is in a face-to-face format your. Instructor will offer multiple participation. Opportunities, via. In-class, activities, as well as online learning opportunities. Online. Courses require computer. Or device and, internet access your. Class will not meet face-to-face, but regular participation, in the course and following, the instructors, timeline is critical. Online. Courses require a high degree of self motivation, and time management skills. My. Choice courses, allow you to complete the coursework in person, or online, depending. On your needs which, could vary from week to week. Specific. Time for a face-to-face delivery will, be scheduled, and always available to students but, is your choice of whether or not you want to attend the unique.

Feature Of my choice is that you are not required to attend the available scheduled times because, you have the option to complete your coursework online on your, own time from, the location of your choice. Now. That you know how to search for courses let's get ready to register for them you. Want to open up a new tab so you can navigate back and forth between the course search page and the registration, page. Remember. When we discuss how classes will fit into the rest of your life here. When you start making those decisions keep. In mind that some of the classes, will have less flexibility. Than others your. Personal schedule and preferences, may need adjustment, to accommodate the classes required for your program, when. You create your schedule, remember, to write down the course registration number for that particular, course this. Is the number that you will use to register for, that particular, section you. Can remember which courses you need to take by referencing, your program requirement, sheet. To. Get to the registration, page from, the my cVTC, home page you, will click add drop classes under the resources, and tool menu from, the right-hand side of the page select. The. Term that you are registering, for and hit, submit. Then. Take. Your CRN's, and add them to the boxes, that you see on the screen you. Can add one at a time or multiple. When. Completed, hit, submit changes. Now. You're registered, if you, need to drop courses before the term begins you. Can return to this page and select web drop delete, in the action column and hit submit changes once again. Please. Have your program requirement sheet on hand as we go through the next few slides. You. Might be wondering if you need to take all the courses listed on your PRS well. Maybe, not cVTC. Has opportunities. With credit for prior learning for, students to earn college credit, from previous knowledge and experience. Contact. CPL for more information, on this if, you've. Completed WorkKeys, you may have urn scores that qualify you to earn credit for the mathematical, reasoning course, don't. Forget about transferring, and credit from a college you've previously attended, or, submitting. Ap scores from College Board ask. About both of these opportunities as soon as you can if you think they apply to you. After. You know if there's any courses that you don't need to complete it's. Important to know how to read your program requirement, cheat program. Requirements, are your contract, with cVTC, make. Sure you're following the correct PRS, by, noticing, the program name at the top of the sheet as well, as the month in the year that you began the program if. You're. A pre program student, you will follow the sheet of what you are accepted, into the core program not. The sheep for the semester you started, taking classes in. Course. Members identify, the subject the first three numbers and the course the, last three numbers, general. Education, courses all start with an 8 and courses. To start with any other number are considered, program courses. Each. Course in the program is assigned, a number of credit hours as indicated, in the highlighted field. The. Program requirements provide, students, a map of the courses, needed to earn the degree and in, order to take them as recommended, by the faculty, an. Associate. Degree program, is broken up into four semesters, where, students will take 14, to 16 credit, hours of semester. Following. The program requirement as listed, will help you complete the program in two years, if, you, plan on completing the program over a longer period of time we recommend scheduling, an appointment with your advisor to, discuss course, sequencing. The. Prerequisite. And Commons, column provides, valuable, information for. Program progression, and completion. Please. Look at your program requirements, and identify, any courses, that are offered only in the fall or only, in the spring. When. A course number is listed in this column, that course, is either a prerequisite. Co-requisite. Or concurrent, requisite, of the course that is attached, to a.

Prerequisite. Course must be successfully. Completed, before another course can be attempted, our. Concurrent. Course needs to be successfully, completed, before or it, can be taken at the same time as the course that it is attached to and. A. Co-requisite course, must be taken at the same time as the attached course, please. Take a moment now to look at your program requirement, sheet and circle, any courses, that are prerequisites, of attached, courses. Just. A few more details in, order, to graduate from a program, you need to have a 2.0, program GPA, this. GPA is based on all of the courses listed on your program requirement. Some. Courses have an either/or requirement. This, means that you only need to take one of those courses, take. A moment to identify the courses on your program requirements that have an order listed. Also. For, students in our integrated, business programs, if you have the intention of transferring, to a university, in the future we. Recommend that you take intro to statistics rather. Than mathematical, reasoning and accounting. One rather, than intro to accounting. You. May also notice that some programs restrict, their courses to program students only this. Means that if you're a pre program student you are not eligible to take those program classes until, you have been admitted into the core program. Some. Of the programs, have professional, practice or internship, this, is a one credit course that a64, our commitment. Over 16, weeks it can. Be in a variety of industries and it's. Also in our management HR, marketing, accounting. And digital marketing program. Throughout. Your time at cVTC you. Will learn more about internship, before, you are enrolled. After. You've, completed your registration, refer. To the checklist in sis, to complete the additional tasks. Here. You can view or pay your bill or set, up a payment plan you can. Also print a detailed, course schedule and, view or, purchase your textbooks, if you. Need to adjust your classes, you can do so in sis, at any time before the class begins. We. Hope you found this information helpful and if you have any additional questions please reach out to your academic advisor.

2019-06-16 04:14

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