Instagram Story Ads In 2019 | From Instagram Ads Beginner to EXPERT in One Video

Instagram Story Ads In 2019 | From Instagram Ads Beginner to EXPERT in One Video

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What's up YouTube Jason Wardrop here and in this video I'm going to break down how to create, Instagram, a story, ad so if you, are a complete. Beginner I'm gonna go through and show you how you can actually become an expert, in just, one, video, and if, you guys are brand new here to the channel if you guys subscribe, like. This video and comment down below if you guys come, and Instagram, the story ads then, I will share with you my Facebook, and Instagram ads, mini-course. 100%, feel free just as a special bonus here for watching, this video so anyway. Let's just jump into this I'm going to spray down and, show you guys exactly how, to create, these Story ads how, the tools, I use the free tools I use to go through and create the actual images or the videos and all this stuff but before, we dive in all that let's break down what an, Instagram, story, at even, is so. If you look at this picture right here when you're on Instagram. Up. Here at the very top this. Is where your, friends, stories are gonna be right and, so as you're clicking on these and you're watching these you're, gonna be clicking next next next to go kind of wash through the stories, and then, ads will pop up as you're clicking through all those stories right. Now you've probably already seen these Instagram ad stories, so you probably know exactly what I'm talking about for those of you guys who have not seen them yet and are not really sure what I'm talking about that's what those are so, the nice thing about it is when, you jump on Instagram, or someone else jumps onto Instagram if you're not like a big Instagram person, they're. These ads are right here at the very top so, the. First thing a lot of people do is they click on those stories because it's right there at the very top and they, don't have to go through and scroll down the newsfeed to see these ads and this is they're clicking through these ads we'll just go through and pop up so that's, a huge benefit right there now one, thing I wanted to break down really quick and show you guys. What. Not to do when it comes to story, ads now, this is actually a good example. See. How there. Is just he's got like it looks like a video or an image right here and it says swipe up to watch the demo so, there's, hardly any words right here and it's, just very quick and concise because as people are watching stories, they're just clicking tapping through them super fast and so, you need to capture, their attention super. Quick I've, seen some Instagram, story as before, where, they've. Got like this paragraph, of text and nobody's. Gonna watch that right nobody's gonna go sit there and read through it and see what's going on so it's gotta be like three to five words get to the point quick and, if it's a video versus an image just make sure you get to the point quick so that you can actually capture their attention and get, them to do, whatever you want them to do so anyway I just wanted to cover this really quick before we actually dive into the, creation, of these ads and one. Resource. That also, include in the the Facebook ads and Instagram ads mini course for you guys you guys comment down below and give this video a thumbs up is the. Facebook, and Instagram ad, specs, so this is for Instagram. Stories, right here so, every, single ad placement, so whether you're posting on the Instagram newsfeed, Instagram. Stories, Facebook, newsfeed the right-hand column wherever it is they, all have different specs.

That You have to abide by so, the. Image is going to be a certain size where. The video can only be a certain amount of time, and so, right here this is the image instagrams. The Instagram, stories, break down okay, so you can kind of see the tech requirements. You can see the image ratios, 9 by 16, 16, by 9 4, by 5 and, it says image may consist, of more than 20% that. Consists of more than 20% text, may, experience, reduced delivery, because they, don't want like a ton of text, on the images and that's why I went back and showed you guys that one example of just having minimal, text because. They want it to be more of that social, environment that, that image based platform. Right so. Coming down here you can see the maximum image ratio, you, can see the video duration in seconds, only. Can be 60 seconds long if it's longer than 60 seconds they won't let you advertise, on Instagram. Stories, ok, so then it kind of breaks down and shows you all of the. Objectives. That it supports. In the call to actions but we're not going to get into that right now we're going to touch that when we go in and set up an actual, Instagram. Advertising, campaign so with. That said let's, jump over here and. Right. Here on the Facebook Ads manager this. Is where we're going to create our all of our Instagram, ads okay so it's the same place, Facebook. Bought Instagram. Over a billion dollars couple, years back and now. They've just basically, migrated. All of the advertising, tools into, the Facebook Ads manager to make it simple, and easy for you, as a business owner so, what we're gonna do to, go set this up is we're gonna first click on create. Campaign, here so, this is a demo account I've got for you guys will click on create and. Then, we'll, just hit start over here so, this marketing objective this, is really, important, and Facebook. And Instagram. When I say Facebook is basically Instagram it's the same thing right they, have so much data on all their users that based on the, marketing, objective, that you choose, they. Will know, who. They should show your ads to first right, so, if you're gonna do a video they. Know which people are more likely to actually watch, a video on Instagram watch, a video on Facebook, if. You're doing the messaging, one if you do what all these ones traffic, they know which people are more likely to click to your website and engagement. More likely to like your comment and post all those different things so for, this one let's just do traffic, so that's getting people to, see your ad and then, swipe up or click on or whatever and go to your, website your blog whatever you're using right, so, that's.

Really Important, to go through and see what. Marketing objective you actually want because I work, with a lot of business owners and they'll, want to be generating, leads someone's name phone or email address but, they'll choose an engagement, campaign, which, is really based around getting just likes comments, and shares so it. Really you, know it's, not the same as getting an actual lead, okay cuz the light comment is shared that those are not leads it's. Good to get that engagement and that social proof but it's, more of a vanity metric right so we'll click on traffic right here and, then, we'll just call this, demo. Instagram. Story. Campaign. Okay. Then we'll click continue, and so this part now this is the ad set, level so, the campaign, is like what's your objective like what do you want to accomplish with this advertising, campaign so, then here at the ad set level this is where we're gonna choose the audience, that you want to target so with male or female, what are their interests, all those different things and then, this is also actually, where, we're gonna tell Facebook. That, we want to place. Our ad on Instagram, and more specifically, on the Instagram stories, platform, okay, so right here we could just say well. Give the name we'll say. Instagram. Or, we'll just say IG, story. And. Then demo. Okay. So now we'll come down here and as, far as the the website the traffic you can just leave this you don't need to mess with this over here on this audience size you, can see how many people potentially are reached how many people are estimated, to be reached that day how, many link clicks how many people are gonna click to your website and all, that which this is completely, just an estimation, this really depends. On how good your ads are your ad copy how enticing it is to that audience that you're targeting but. You can see this, is 230, million because we're targeting everyone, in, the United States ages 18, to 65. Now. If you have a local, business, this. Is really what you want to do and I work, with a lot of local business owners you want to come down here for locations. Instead. Of everyone this location, you want just people, who live in this location okay, if you if you have a restaurant or something like that then you can do everyone in this location but typically, if you're like a dentist, chiropractor. Real estate agent loan officer anything like that you, just want people who live in that location because somebody's. Just passing, through and visiting, they're. Not gonna go to you right so you want, this people live in the location, instead of the United States you, pick your, exact, city so we can say. Orlando. Florida. And then, you can go through and see okay I want a 25, mile radius or, 1 a 5-mile radius or 10 mile like you choose how broad. Of an audience that you want to target so like if, you're a restaurant you probably want to go through and the. 10 mile radius is the smallest but. A lot of times people won't, drive 10 miles to go to a restaurant so, what you can do is click right here and just, put. Current, city only okay. Which Orlando is a fairly big city so it's got a 1 million people still but, it depends on what business you're in if people are willing to go drive like, for example if you're a real estate agent, you know 10 miles really is that far to go through and check out a new home in the area and, so you can go through and just change this out instead, of saying current city will, say cities.

With A will. Go 15, mile radius okay, so that upped it to 1.4. Million right here and you can see the daily results, the reach and all that stuff right here now. Coming down based, on what. Your ideal, target demographic. Is and this is kind of like a general, video. On Instagram story that's right so I don't know specifically, what your your, demographic, is but think. About who your ideal target customer, would be okay. And then based on that you. Want to choose the age range that would connect. With those people now one, common misconception that. I hear a lot is people think that older people are not on Instagram, okay, now that might have been a thing of the past but, nowadays there's. People, of every age on Instagram, so really, it, doesn't matter if you're going up to 65, and the nice thing about Facebook's. Advertising platform. Is the. Broader your, audience. Okay the less specifics. That you give it it actually, works a lot better okay so the broader that you leave this if you don't go through and just go and like say hey I only want people 25, to 30 it's. Able to go through and identify who's. Actually, converting. More or clicking, on your ad and then, by that it's gonna show it to more people that look just like that person that are very similar to that person because they know the, better results, that you're getting with the Instagram advertising, platform, the. More money you're going to continue to spend so if you're making money and you're having good success you're, gonna continue to spend and obviously that's the way Facebook goes, and makes their, money alright, so now coming down here you. Can choose the gender languages. Detailed, targeting, now, this is something. Like if you've got a local business I wouldn't, really mess with the detailed targeting I'd leave it pretty open-ended. Because what Facebook, does as, I mentioned a little bit earlier they're, able to go through and identify the types of people who are already clicking, on your ad and then, just tailor it to more people or send it to more people that, are very some of they've got similar behaviors. Interest. Likes, all that, stuff similar age group so I. A lot of time likes to let's leave this open and, and. And just I've seen a lot better results with that but if you want to come in here and target different, behaviors. Or anything like that like maybe you want target. People that like basketball. Right and. You can see okay enters. Basketball, national basketball association so, you click on that and then. It drops it down to four hundred and seventy thousand people from, the one point four million okay. So then you go in here and if, you wanted to exclude people like, let's say I don't want anybody, that likes baseball. Okay. You can go through and say hey I want people that like basketball, to live in Orlando but they don't like baseball right, like I don't know what business that would really pertain to but, you kind of get the idea and, that you could also say I want people that like basketball, and then, narrow the audience, and say I also, want, people that, like football. Right. There so. They like basketball. They like football, but they don't like baseball and you can see how this kids super, narrow, super, target right here of, just ten thousand, people and so, that's a very very small demographic, okay now obviously I don't know a business you be in that you want to target basketball in football but not baseball but you kind of get the idea you can go through and choose the interests you, can also say they must, like this and also, this to kind of narrow that audience or you can even exclude. Certain people so a lot of times what I like to do is, tell. My. Real estate agent I work with these, are going through and they're setting their ad campaigns up they don't want to necessarily show their ads to other real estate agents so. When they're going through and setting things up I tell them hey come. In here click exclude and, then, type in real estate agent, okay, and then you see real estate agent broker real estate agent directory, you can choose some of these and then, so, we'll just say real.

Estate Agent. So. So you kind of like exclude, some of these people so now you can see it drops down dramatically. Because. You don't want other agents, or other people that are your, competitors, clicking, on your ads right. Just doesn't make sense they're gonna click it you're gonna pay for it and then it's not going to be an actual leaf for you okay, so now coming down here this is. Where get into the actual Instagram. Stories. Portion. Of the training. Okay so up until this point it's like whether, you're advertising on Facebook or Instagram it's pretty much the same now. The placements, right here, facebook. Says, the automatic, placements, is recommended. Now, what that means is it's going to go through and show your ads on Facebook, and the, newsfeed the right-hand column on, facebook. Messenger on Instagram, newsfeed, Instagram stories, all, these different platforms which, I don't. Always recommend that depends on the advertising, campaign you're going through and creating but, if you want to go through and specifically. Only show, your. Ad on the Instagram stories platform, which is good. To kind of know, and understand, that from the get-go because, if you look at these image specs and, even. The video specs right here like, you can only have a 60 second video on your instrument of stories whereas on a Facebook newsfeed you. Can have a much longer video right. And same thing with the image size like this is the image it's, going to cover up the whole phone that's. Going to be very different, than, what the image is gonna look like on a Facebook, or mobile newsfeed, or even it within your Instagram, newsfeed, right so that's, where I don't always like to go with the recommended, because, your ad type, and what the ad looks like is, gonna look a lot better if you're, saying just, the Instagram, story, so, we'll come down here and we'll click on edit placements, and, then. What we'll do so, we'll actually just come over here and uncheck all, of Facebook, okay. We'll uncheck all of audience Network and uncheck, messenger, and we'll, just say, the. Instagram, stories, right here okay. And you can see a little bit of a view. Of like what this looks like if you want to see the the media requirements, right here we'll, just open that up in a new tab and, this. Is pretty. Much the same, details. And specs that are on this page right here okay. So like you can go find other things they like to talk about the specs but, I like to use the actual Facebook website because, they're gonna have the most up-to-date information because. It. Changes, from time to time right the. Instagram advertising, platform, and how that all works so, now coming down here we've got the placements, chosen. Of the. Instagram, story, ads and the, device types you can just leave that you don't need a mess around with that you don't need a mess with this and. Then coming down here we choose a budget okay, so the, budget is really based on your advertising budget it's not like there's a good. Better best or anything like that but. If you, don't have like a huge marketing, budget I would maybe start out with five dollars a day okay. Or if you've got a little bit more money you can go through jump up to ten dollars a day $20, day whatever it might be but. If you're just kind of like getting your feet wet five bucks a day that's 150, bucks per month that's, really not a lot of money to go through and invest in advertising to get more exposure, for your business okay. Then, coming. Down here, this is, a lot of advanced. Stuff that really you, don't need to get, into as a beginning. Instagram. Advertiser, or even Facebook advertiser, so, if we all just explain this really quick right here see, this optimization, for ad delivery, so. You can pay for link. Clicks which means, anytime. Somebody, actually clicks, on your ad to go to your. Website, or you. Can say I want to pay for landing, page views, now. The difference, between these two is let's, say you're on your mobile phone in a rural, area right, where you don't got a lot of great, service, but, you click on somebody's ad and it, starts loading, the page but.

You Get frustrated, it takes about three to five seconds you're like I'm done with this and you exit out will, you just paid for that link click but. There was never a landing, page view because they never saw your website so. If you, want to get more, detailed. Analytics. And know, exactly everyone, who not, only clicks, on the ad but. Actually the page loads, and they see your website then, you want to go with landing, page views now, the impressions, in daily unique reach I never use these when I'm click doing it clicks to website campaign. So, I would just completely, forget those but, the link clicks or, the landing page views those are the differences, and so you're. Gonna get a lot more link, clicks for your budget, at a lower, cost but. The landing page views are gonna be a lot higher quality so. A lot of times I like to just choose landing page views, so. We'll choose that and then, we will just leave all this stuff as is we don't really need a mess with this but, you can see based on our budget based, on the landing page views it gives you the estimated, daily results, the, potential, reach and we. Will hit continue. Okay. So now at this point this, is where we're gonna actually go through and create this story at all, right and I'm going to show you guys some free tools that you can go through and use to, be able to create really, nice professionally. Designed images. Even, if you're not a designer I'm not a designer I'm, a marketer, but I use this tool to go through and make really nice-looking images. So. For. This one we're, just gonna do a single, image now you could do a video and if, you're shooting the video make, sure with your phone you're, not shooting it like this because, everyone on Instagram is looking. Through Instagram like this and so, make sure your, camera, on your phone is, vertical, okay, so make sure it's going like this and so, that your story. Is actually gonna look good it's not going to be a little horizontal, box. Okay. So for this one we're, gonna go through we're gonna choose the Facebook, page where. You can go through if you don't have your Instagram account linked. You can just advertise, from your Facebook page but you can see right here I've got my Instagram, account actually. Added on here so that it'll be from my Instagram, account so going, down here like I said guys we've got the single image single video the carousel, this could be like multiple, videos. Or images but just for, this example, we're gonna do the single, image and the same thing would go for the single video but like I said shoot, a horizontal, or shoot it vertically not horizontal, so, coming down here. We. Need to choose an image to go through and upload, right, so if we come back over here to the Instagram, story. Specs, says. The maximum image ratio, is 9 by, 16. So, you can see you want the image to be you, know just like fitting into your phone right here so what I use is a tool called canva.

Okay So canv. it's, a hundred percent free it's, easy to use they, there's, only like paid upgrades, of like different images that you can use in there but if you're using your own images it really doesn't matter now the nice thing about canva. Even for any other Facebook. Advertising, or social post or anything that you're doing and crating they've, got all these pre-built. Pixel. Dimensions. Of all of these different posts like a YouTube thumbnail Facebook. Ad Facebook post you've, got all these other ones like a facebook, app documents. Blogging ebooks marketing, materials, social media email headers now, unfortunately, they don't have one specific, to Instagram stories, but, what I like to do and. That's why I use this page right here so they've got 9 by 16. And, 16, by 9 right, here ok so what I like to do is color here so, what come up here and click on use custom, dimensions and, then, right here this is where you can put the width and the height which. It's saying 9 by 16, so what I'll do a lot of times just go 900. By. 1600. It's so it's like a bigger image and I've got I can actually see what I'm working with right and it's a higher quality, all that stuff then we just hit design and. Then look at this it's gonna create a 9 by 16. Image. That looks just like your phone that you can go through and create right so you, can come in here you can give it a background you, know like that you can come in here upload, images, so, like let's say we've got like the secrets training or something like that you, can make that black and then, you. Can come in here you know you just see how you can start adding stuff right and so. If. You want to go through and add text or whatever it is you. Come in here they've got all these different text, options, where, you can come in here and say ok I want you, know brunch or. Swipe. Now. Or. Something like that we're, like if you want to just go through and use an image you can upload that and this is one from my video that I shot yesterday and, so you can just go through and use that and get creative with how you want to do it but remember, as, we go back and look at this other ad I showed, at the very beginning of this training this. Is kind of the style you want it to be like very simple basic and then like 3 to 5 words if you're gonna have words on it to, keep it simple and eye catching because remember people are gonna be tapping through these stories fairly, quickly and, so you want to be able to capture their attention quickly, and get. Straight, to the point, all right so jump back over here. Let's just go and download this let's, say this is what we want right there obviously.

Or Maybe we'll come down here and we'll. Say. Swipe. Up. Okay. So obviously this isn't super, compelling, cuz it's just like I'm, not telling what it is it's like secret, swipe up boom I'm like I'm like oh I'm surprised right and, so click download, right here. Download. That it's going to go through and download. To, our desktop. And then. From here we, can just go over here and. Upload. It I'll, just drag this to my desktop, right there. And. We can upload it right here to see the images, so we've got right. Here swipe, up now the, secrets, and. Then. You, just add a link to the website so you can see right here this is exactly what's going to look like it's gonna have the timer up here at the top, swipe. Up so. See how this swipe, up right there and to learn more you probably want to add the swipe up a little bit higher because you. Can't really see it because the learn more is right there so I would probably like secrets. Swipe, up and then, that's. It the, nice thing is like that kind of does create a little bit of a curiosity of like okay, there's secrets this guy's looking like he's like surprise it's telling me to swipe up you might get people to swipe up but the, same time they're probably not gonna be the highest, quality of, people swiping. Up to your website, so now from here let's just say Google's, our website. You. Type in Google, you put in right there and then. You, can say instead. Of it saying learn more right here you can change the call to action which that was what we were showing, you a little bit earlier on the, supportive or the call to actions right here you. Have all the different options so we, come in here learn more contact us, download get offer I usually, like to learn more for pretty much everything, no matter what I'm using I like to use learn more so, anyway so this is basically it as far, as the text goes you don't really need to add text, I would just leave the text in the, image right, here so, now coming down here after this like as far as the overlay you don't really need to mess around with that the. Face would peace of all this stuff you were just ready to hit confirm, purchase, you, hit confirm and that's it you're done you've gone through you craved your ads so all this it confirm just. To show you guys exactly what this looks like so it says confirm your item just may take a few seconds, and then, once it loads right here I'm actually gonna turn this off because I don't want it to actually run because it's just a demo right but. We can go through and we can see the different analytics, of how it's working, as soon as this finishes, publishing, so, I'm gonna actually turn this off, but. You can see the campaign so, this is the objective of, we wanted to get the landing page views people to click to our website right and then. We click on this we, can see the ads set, so these are the people that we were targeting we have targeted, five bucks per day okay, and the schedule is it's starting today and ongoing and, we, can see kind of like the reach, impressions. And, you could even change up here, what. You're really like looking at right I usually, like to just leave it at the performance, the basic one but then we can even click in here and see. How each individual, ad is performing, so if we wanted to create another ad just like this with the same targeting, same everything, we, would just come in here and click on duplicate. And. It would be the same campaign, with, the same targeting, and we, would just hit duplicate, and we, could go through and create another ad so we wanted to test out a different image maybe move this image up maybe change the picture, maybe, change the headline the offering the call-to-action whatever, it is we, can go through and do that and then we just hit publish and, then. That would create the next image, right so, one thing you want to do is make sure that, one, thing I did not do but, you want to make sure that you name these, different, so you can actually tell which, one is what what so all, you do is click on this little Edit pencil right here so, you could say v1. Like. So version 1 and then. You would say maybe something that would like to differentiate, it from the next app and then, we just hit publish and then.

This One we maybe name it just version, 2 and, then. Ideally. We. Want to say what differentiates, it which obviously I didn't really differentiate, anything right there but we just hit publish and that's. It guys that is pretty much the basics, of Instagram, ad stories, so, if, you guys like this video go, ahead give it a thumbs up comment down below also if you want that free, Facebook, Instagram ads mini-courses, I've got for you drop, a comment down below comment. Instagram, story ads give this video a thumbs up and if you guys found this video helpful, make sure you guys subscribe the, channel also turn on notifications because, we launched new, videos every single week helping, you generate more leads make more money and grow your business so with, that said guys thanks so much for watching and I will talk to you guys all later.

2018-09-09 05:41

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Drop a comment below and I'll share my Facebook & Instagram Ads Mini course with you!

hi jason

Instagram story adds

awesome video keep it up the content is hop notch.

Thanks for watching! :)

Thanks Jason Great video

Thanks for watching Eric!

Thanks Jason - always get great info from your trainings!

Well Done Jason! Thanks

Thanks Bradley! thanks for watching :)

Great video Jason

Thanks for watching Julie!

Thank you for the info!

Thanks for watching Karen!

instagram ad mini course please

Here you go Stacey:

I need to get my Instagram bjj page going to get more private lessons scheduled!!

You got it!


Thanks for watching Michael!

Instagram Story Ads please!❤️

Here you go Laura: Thanks for watching

Always like these tips for improving my business!

Glad it helped! Thanks for watching

Thanks for the information Jason !

Markezi Producer thanks for watching!

Instagram Story ads!! Great video Jason. I wish I was doing real estate

Jason N. HAha no need to be doing real estate! What biz you in?

Interesting. I'm in Orlando (funny you chose Orlando)...and have wanted to investigate IG ads to farm for more home seller leads.

It must be a sign! :) I'll go check out your mini-course.

haha awesome! yep chose that at random today :)

This is awesome! I very very interested in the other training you mentioned.

Glad you liked it! Here you go:

Nice videos

thanks Meek!

Hi Jason

What's up Meek?!

Thank you please send more information

Here you go: Thanks for watching!

Hi Jason. Really interesting

Instagram Story Ads!

Instagram Story Ads

Are you serious about the foundation of your business or know someone who is? Boost your businesses presence by scheduling your posts at a time that works for you! You can also sign up for our other services while its FREE!

Hello Jason, great content as usual. Please send Instagram Story Ads mini course.

Thanks for watching Charles! Here you go:

Instagram story ads

Thanks for watching Sumire! Here you go:

Great stuff

Thanks for watching Clinton!

Loved the FB and instagram training please send me the offered training thanks !!

Thanks for watching Guillermo! Here you go:

Anything Jason does is absolutely the Best.

Debbie, you are absolutely the best! :) Thanks for watching and have a great weekend

Great Video

Thanks for watching Tom!

+Jason Wardrop i tried to follow you but got stuck at making sure my ig page was connected to my fb page and i fell off then. Haven't been able to get it right yet because it stated that ig page is connected to another fb page of mines

Hey Toni! Hope you're doing well and thanks for watching :)

Here you go:

You always do make it look so easy. I am actually trying to start a you tube channel to educate buyers and sellers on what really goes on in a real estate transaction and how to be better equipped at making sure their agents have their best interest before their commission.

Thanks Vanessa! thanks for watching :)

Well detailed video brother! Good content YOU GOT MY LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE BUTTON

Hey I appreciate it! thanks for watching

always good to learn something new

Story ads

Instagram Story ads

Thanks for watching Julie! Here you go:

awesome video - thanks Jason!

Thanks for watching Rusty!

Awesome! Thanks for this information Jason!

You're welcome Dan! Thanks for watching :)

Hey Michael! Thanks for watching. Here you go:

Thanks for watching Dawna!

Thanks for watching Steve! Here you go:

Hey Marty! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

Thanks for watching Johnny! Here you go:

Great and informative video, enjoyed it. Thank you!

Thanks for watching Nader!

Instagram story ad

Instagram training please

I'll share my Facebook & Instagram Ads Mini course with you


Thanks for watching! Here you go:

instagram story ads.

Instagram story ads please

Instagram story ads please. thank you

instagram story ads

Hey Valentina! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

Hi Heather! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

Hey Dave! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

Hey Caique! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

Hey! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

Thanks for watching! Here you go:

Instagram Story Ads and I thank you!

that was awesome!!!

cool stuff bro


How can you add a # in your promo story ??? Thanks!

Hey Mo! Thanks for watching! Here you go:


Great video! You've explained this in a manner that is easy to understand. Would love to have your mini course so I can learn more. Thanks!

Thanks for watching! Here you go:

So incredible this video! I like your channel ✔✔ Here is much more great gratis secret guide videos that help your IG page grow quickly.

Wonderful (y)

helpful! thanks

Facebook & Instagram Ads Mini course please!

Hey Christiane! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

nice video

Thanks for watching! Here you go:

Thanks Turi!


Thanks for the info.

Hey Jason!!! The Video i needed, thank youuu ❤️ I wanna do Story Ads for my Youtube Videos (Daily Vlogs), what Consideration would you choose? I think about Engagement because I dont wanna sell any shit

wonderful and easy to understand

Instagram ads

Hey David! Thanks for watching! Was in Germany 2 summers ago and love it! I'd do video views

Glad it helped!

Thanks for this! Please share the course with me!

Hey Amy! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

Hey Wayne! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

Check out his bookmarks in chrome :D

nice man, you give me an easy way to make this

Glad to hear it Wildan! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

+Jason Wardrop they tell me that you are very serious about business

haha what about them?

I have a question, do i need a facebbook account to msg influencers about advertising on their instagram?? I have tried to start a facebook account 3 times & everytime they ban it within hours, i have no idea why & cant find any way to contact them.

fantastic training for free...amazig

thank you so much, wouldn't have been able to do all this without your vid

Awesome! Glad it helped

+Jason Wardrop thank you !

stories ad

Hey Mark! Thanks for watching! Here's some more free training for you:

Wow very detail explanation! Thank you for making the video.

Hey Tran! Glad it helped! Be sure to check out my FB ads mini course here:

Hey Valentina! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

hi, jason good content. pls i need the mini tnx

Great Info - Thanks

Hey Mark! Thanks for watching! Here's more FB & IG ads training for you if you'd like:

Canva mobile app has a lot of Instagram stories templates. I use them and they're very good

Hey man! Awsome tutorial. A small question for you. Can i have multiple instagram accounts connected to multiple pages on the same fb business account (ad account)for running ads on them? Thanks in advance. Namaste

Yes you can

Agreed! Canva is great! I use it all the time :)

Really really helped me alot dude!

+Jason Wardrop I just started running them today

Glad to hear it! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

yo man thank you sm! I wanna guve u a hug lmao! if u down to collab lmk man would love to! Just uploaded my ad now!

Thanks Jason. Great video. Just posted my first story ad.

Beneficial video lesson. Thanks for sharing online marketing tutorials.

Jason Wardrop you’re welcome man!

haha Thanks for watching! Here you go:

great intro to instagram story ads

Thank you so much for your help. I REALLY needed this!

Hello Jason

Hey Alex! thanks for watching! Be sure to grab my 100% Free Facebook/IG Ads Mini Course Here

No prob Anthony! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

i just love to see this video. i just upload my ads just now

Lets do it!

Instagram story ads Great video.

Great video thanks


Hey Khalil! Thanks for watching! Here you go:

BOOST YOUR SALES NOW with custom Ads/ PromoVideos to use with your products on IG/Fb ADS check out @the_foreign_way on instagram

superb tutorial !! Thank you

Thanks for the video! I'm getting the following error that I can't seem to correct: "The URL you entered, "Default Link" doesn't direct to a website. Please enter a valid URL and try again. Any idea where that field is? The "Fix Error" command doesn't work. Thanks!

Instagram Stories Ads

would like to know more about Instagram story ad.

What URL are you using?

great stuff...thanks man

glad it helped!

+Jason Wardrop I never could find the URL field they were referring to, but we started from scratch and it worked this time. Thanks again!

ive never known 'Traffic' to work. Makes me question your skills. and why would you build an ad for a local restaurant when majority of your viewers are dropshipping? just a brutally long video (clearly for seo purpose). Thanks anyway

Hey 'Bruce' - very few of my viewers are drop shippers actually. Yes long videos help with SEO, but went in detail to show what needed to be shown. All the best

Loved your video! Id love to have your mini course

+Jason Wardrop Lmaooo Hey 'Bruce'

Insatgram story ads!

Hey mate! Great introduction to Instagram stories advertisement. I would like to learn more, pls share a link


Instagram story ads

so how do i get onto that page i the first place to create the story ad? I'm looking around facebook and it just takes me to different pages..

Thank you for the lesson.

Great IG Ads Tutorial

instagram story ad

Hi love your video I advertise on Instagram directly. However my question is not related to the Instagram story ads. My question is related to Instagram targeting for your ads. I have been advertising with Instagram for over a year and it is stated that USA takes up over 80% of the audience on Instagram, China and India maybe somewhat around 13%, however if I do not include China or India in my targeted audience I do not get the same level of views for my ad, for example I placed an ad between the demographic of 14 to 45, included countries like USA Canada Europe China and India, butts over 80% of my likes and comments would be from people in China and India, how is that percentage even possible if they only take up about 13% of the Instagram audience of a whole. This happens ever time and no one has asked the question why or have done a video in relation to it. I'm beginning to feel like I am the only one affected by this or the only one who notices this. Nothing against the Chinese or Indian markets but I would expect more exposure from my market that I reside in which is the USA Market. I've even experimented with an ad where I would only use the USA, and 90% of those ads ended before the time period that the ad was supposed to expire, and the reason behind it was stated that the audience size was too small. and then I redid the same ad and only and this time I only included India and all of those ads would go through and end at the times that they should and I would get way more views than when placed that same ad in the US alone. How is that possible if USA takes up over 80% of the Instagram Market. If you could respond and help me with this issue it will be most appreciated.

**UPDATE 1.16.19** Grab the Facebook Ads Mini Course Here

Instaagram Story Ads! Great video thank you

Great video man. Keep it up. This helped me a lot!

lot of scam in the comment section

great stuff gonna get going right now lots of love

Maximum is 15 seconds

Bruh, my Ig says your video your video is still being processed that's why I cant create my promotion need help asap

hey jason, thanks for the video! when you're putting the budget where does it actually ask you for your card/paypal details? i dont get it

If you haven't done that yet, don't worry, Facebook will ask you :)

give it a bit

Get started here:

pinned post

Inastagram and story ads tutorials. Thank you.

Do a video on how to get wasted time on a 27 video that could of been 5 mins

Thank you for the great training!

Hey Barbara! THanks! Get started here:

+Jason Wardrop Thank You!

Story ads Thanks for the Value! Would love to have you on my show buddy. Dm me on IG @behindthegrams

perfect! will add that to my list

Good work thank you!!

Thanks for watching! Get started here: ya man would love to

I’ve never seen so many ads on a YouTube video in my life..

Thanks for watching! Get started here:

i would love the instagram story ads course :)

see pinned post

going for a world record!

InstagramStoryAds! Thank you :)

It's perfect. Thank's.

Thanks for watching! Get Started here:

Great tutorial! *instagram story ads*

good work instagram story ads

Instagram Story Ads! Thanks a lot :)

Great video! I'm just starting out and you gave me fundamentals to work off of. Would love to see how the fb/mini-course is!

Thank you for the very precise and well explained video

there is gotta be better methods all of his marketing methods is wasting money. Ive seen social media marketing videos of other people and they do it without wasting any money

Jason Wardrop thats great. my point is that there is other alternatives on social media marketing with out wasting a cent & im not saying your wrong but there is other ways to make money

sorry to hear you're wasting money. I use every strategy I talk about and on average I 3x my money.

A note that you don’t want to exclude real estate broker interests, you exclude real estate broker as a job title. By excluding the interest you’ve just lost half your audience

good call

Anyone else have to squint the whole time?? Still it was a great video thanks

Hi, Nice Video. What other forms of online promoting do you do? Right now I am looking at other methods Thanks

+Jason Wardrop It was a little tough to see the text but I still got the message! Maybe I need stronger glasses lol Thanks for videos!

too small??

I'll try to zoom in on my computer for future vids :)

Thanks for this helpful video man! I created a story ad for my debut single! Hopefully people will notice it a little bit more now! :) so hard to stand out of the crowd these days!

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