Inside Education S19 Ep19 | Business & Education, Drug Abuse Education, Spread the Word

Inside Education S19 Ep19 | Business & Education, Drug Abuse Education, Spread the Word

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On this, edition of inside education we're, tackling three important, topics getting. Businesses, more involved, in the education, system drug. Abuse among students, and on, the heels of Nevada Reading Week the, importance. Of reading especially, at home our guests. Are experts. In their fields, and we, think you'll find what they have to say quite, interesting don't, go anywhere inside education starts right, now the, cornerstone of education is, getting to know a student first we want to make sure that we're supporting, families, and students. Thank. You for joining us for this edition of inside education I'm, your host Mitch Truswell on, this, program we have often highlighted, the partnerships, between the business community and the Clark, County School District which are helping students understand, their future career options and also, providing, them with many of the skills they will need an, upcoming, event is hoping to create an even, stronger bond, between public, education, and the business community well. The business education, be. Engaged summit is coming up later this month on Thursday March 28th, at the, Smith Center for the Performing Arts the, event is organized, by a volunteer, group of business and community. Leaders and. We have two of them with us here today, Peter, Guzman, is president. Of the Latin Chamber of Commerce Nevada, and also, Kent Evans is president, with the urban chamber of commerce and we appreciate both of you for being here to talk about this important issue right. I, think, we, understand. Generally, the, connection, between education. And the. Business community but, I'd like to hear from each of you. For. A lot of years that kind of kept to their own kept, to themselves we're. Trying to bring them together is that important yeah I think it's, not only important, it's critical at you, know the business community, has to understand that, they have a vested interest it's their children, in those schools it's, their future workforce in those schools and an. Education, needs to understand that they need to embrace the. Business community being, involved, as well because that's, where funding, comes from that's. From you know that's where the dollars come from so I think it's actually a marriage. And I think it's long, overdue but I do see the movement, now where business, and education, is now coming together okay, Kent how about you do you think this is something that people already knew or do, you have to convince people or, your members that hey, we really should be working together and the benefits are better when we work together I think our members already. Knew that it was important, for them to be involved in education, whether. It's general education. Because there is a connection between education. And economic development. Historically. We've actually had challenges, either. Developing. Organizations. Here, or companies. Here or drawing. Other companies, to come to Nevada because of our educational, system and so I think as, we move forward, we, recognize, that there's a relationship between, education. And having. A good solid economic, development, agenda, okay I'm curious when, you hear from your members each of you as we said are president. Of your respective. Chamber of Commerce what, do you hear from business, leaders on, maybe. Their frustration, with the. Employees. That they're hiring that, or do you do is, there frustration I hear. From my members and I think it's twofold yeah, there's, frustration. About maybe. Not being able to get the educated. Workforce that they'd like to have okay, but also that they have their children in these schools and they they you know they want they, don't want to see us 49th, or 48th they want to see us moving up the ladder. That's a vested interest in our family and for. My demographic Latinos, you know we're very family-oriented and we, care about our kids education. And and. So I think that there's a two-fold frustration. Okay Ken how about you do you think are the. Businesses. Feeling, like they have the the workforce they need, once. Again I do, agree with my colleague, here I think it's a two-fold concern, first, and foremost there's a concern, that we graduate, individuals, that are prepared, to.

Participate Technically. And have. Some professional level, of confidence whether they're going to go right into a career or whether they intend to pursue higher education, opportunities. There's a concern there and then again there's. Also a concern that they prepare, be prepared with the prerequisite. Life skills, in order to be. Part of a team in the workplace right okay, one, of the big issues, this. Year in terms of Education, and the, legislative, session, which is currently, underway is, something, called the Nevada Plan and just to remind people that is the plan that guides, funding, for public education of, this state was a plan that was created in 1967. And, I'm kind of curious as, we kind of get into this issue do. You feel like this plan that we have now this Nevada plan is it. Holding back the, state you, brought up the issue of you know our rating. Frequently. Not good but I'm curious to get your your, view on this I would. Say two, things first of all on a macro, level yeah I'll, say this is a concern of mine and not just myself but, others as well if you look at our overall education. System, in America, it's about a hundred and fifty year old business model, and no, business, would want to keep moving. Along with that so bring it back specific. To Nevada yes. If we have a plan, that's. Well. Outdated. It's going to impede. Our ability to prepare a quality, workforce because. They're not getting the education specifically. They may not be getting the funding, necessary to, provide, the education necessary to. Prepare a quality workforce yeah, what about you Peter I've you know I agree, with my colleague and here's the thing you wouldn't run a business, the same way you've got to start looking at this a little bit from a business angle I like, that the new CFO, at the School District is from the private sector when. His hands. Are when. His hands are not handcuffed, and allowed to really do what he does well he's, gonna find a lot of waste and a lot of extra dollars out there that are there but, we gotta get into 2019. And you, need some business minds to help with that again, I liked the CFO's, from the private sector. I think his mentality a way of thinking is going to be a little different, combined. With dr., Hajra who's doing an amazing job I think. That we're gonna see some real pluses okay let's. Talk about this this difference. Between the, you know the categorical. Funding. Which the. Funding that goes into particular, I, guess, maybe programs, or areas versus, what, people are talking about this weighted, funding formula where the where the resources, go with a student, based on what that student NEADS, are. You in favor of this weighted, formula, idea yes definitely, because, for, me a big concern is as, but as has been mentioned although, I want to say and congratulate, the district on having. Pockets. Of excellence if, you will because there are some good success, stories at the same time systemically. There's some issues related, to student student, achievement, and in particular, when you look at students of color especially, Latino, males and African American males there's an achievement gap there, so if we can use a funded. Formula, or a weighted, formula, that actually, follows, students, that are, on the deficit, end of a student achievement, gap that's.

The Way to go right now, and I agree I mean again, I go always go back I'm an entrepreneur now if that's that's my DNA you, got to look at things from a business standpoint, this, it makes, total sense the. Money following, the student makes total sense. One. Of the things we brought up is that there are, 72. Different students, come in from 158. Different, countries to see CSD they, speak 27. Different languages. So, CSD, has to, educate. Them and some of them very literate in their own language right, so this categorical. I mean this weighted funding formula, would help get, the resources, so that we can bring them up is that is that the thing commend ously that is that, is the thinking lifting, up okay, lifting up a group and at. The same time what's also important, is even as we're lifting everyone. Up to a certain standard what's, also good about this process is, it doesn't take, away from students, that may be achieving, at a higher level right or for example if you have a school that recently went from let's say three stars to five star achievement, it makes sure that you don't take resources, away from them even, as you're bringing other schools, continues. That momentum and that's a concern we want to we, want to help all students okay, before we go we're almost out of time. Why should business leaders attend this conference on the 28th to being engaged summit, well, a because this, is their school district these are their students, their family members and their future. Workforce it's, an exciting, time they. Should be all over this okay Peter, how about you can I, think it's imperative that business. And education, come together hence, the term be engaged so it's imperative that all our business, members. Get involved, be engaged and show up on March 28th yeah that's wonderful thank you for your time appreciate, it well let folks know that if you want to get more information on being gauged you can go to be, engaged. Nevada. Dot-com. For ticket information again, the event is Thursday, March 28th, at the Smith Center, rosemon. University, of Health Sciences wants, to help students, in the Clark County School District fully understand. The realities, of drug, abuse and misuse. That's. The purpose behind the drug abuse awareness team, which is a student, organization that, works, with schools to deliver this message in the classroom, with us today is dr. crystal, Ricci OH who is the faculty, adviser to the drug abuse awareness team, and Cheryl, Nelson a Roseman University, pharmacy, student pursuing, her doctorate, degree, welcome to both of you thank you for being here, so.

Help Us understand, so you go into, primarily. High schools right and you, talk to all four. Years, of high school correct, what, kind of topics are you covering. Give. Me an idea give me a sense we talk we cover. Prescription. Medications. Over-the-counter. Medications. We cover, illicit. Illicit. Drugs. We've. Started covering alcohol. And marijuana upon, request from the teachers, in the classrooms right I guess we should probably step back the, you work with the teachers, and they're telling you here's. Maybe. How you want to tailor this it's based on what they see is that what it is give. Me an idea about that well, we have wine that one. School has, more. Of a xanax, issue, so, we address, that more we, have ones. That are more, alcohol. Marijuana so we addressed, that in their. In. Their classrooms okay what, seems to work with I know having, students, go in, is. Probably better than. A parent. Or maybe some other authority, figure but. What, what's. The message that resonates, with the students what do you see Oh from, both of you I'll give you the opportunity shirelle. What do you think what resonates, with them what is it that where they go where, you see in the go mmm. I get it is there any I think it's because we don't necessarily, say. Don't, do it right we more we more or so say here. Are all the facts and you. Can make an educated, decision. On, that okay, how about you I think, that really brings up a good point when we started the drug. Abuse awareness team, back in 2006. It was, in light of the. Dare, program being taken out of schools because. It was less effective with, the authorities. And the law enforcement, officers. In the classroom, and so, it really was to, put someone, as a near age group, into. The classroom, so they can relate, better to the student body make, an impact that way right we. Should I want, to let people know you were when. This program started again, it's a student organization, the. Drug abuse awareness team, that as I guess I've heard you guys say you, were a student in 2006. When this was created I'm, curious, from you how, has this message as the advisor you're probably seeing well when I started this was the issue it's. Kind of gotten over here give us an idea what your what, what the issues, are now that might be different than in 2006, well if you think back to 2006. We were seeing the rise of prescription, drug abuse we also saw a lot of crystal meth abuse, and addiction at, that time and so that's about the time that crystal darkness came out we. Saw a shift away from methamphetamine, abuse with, images. And the real-life portrayal, of what meth the can do to the body those. Are very graphic images, that were real to the students, and. So then along the years we've focused more on prescription, drugs of abuse over-the-counter drugs of abuse now. Stepping into this era we see legislation allowing, for marijuana use in our adult population right. So kids have more access and they have questions yeah I'm curious about that are you seeing that, I know one of the schools you went to you said more of a xanax issue but. Are you seeing more influence, among, the high schoolers when it comes to marijuana. Because. It's there's the availability, it seems like is I mean, it's legal if. You're over 21 but. I'm curious what your what you're seeing as, far as the influence historically. It's always been statistically the, number one drug abuse in our adolescent. Population of, high school age I, would. Imagine that, we thought going, into this new legislation that it would open up access however. There's not really any great evidence to say that it has or has not, unfortunately. We just don't, really have that you, that information as a state I think, it's important, and really important, that we go after understanding, the students perspectives, and how that may have changed with legislation, early. Research that we've done in the, Roseman University, Research. Center on substance abuse and depression to have seen that impact, but. That's very small populations, in a pilot study okay. So, would, you say that prescription drugs or non. Prescription. Drugs. Or over-the-counter. Drugs. Are are. They all equally. A, big, issue or can. You give. Me if there's something that's happening more often with one, section of those drugs I would. Like to say that there's an issue with all of it yeah, any, drug that you take if you take it wrong, can.

Potentially, Harm you yeah and. What did they tell you about why they do it you must hear this in the in the classroom why do they do it is it what. Are you here sometimes. They say oh so my friends do it so, I want to try it and nothing's. Happened to them so. And when. I was younger we. Had or. I didn't, have they, had pill, parties and they would just take prescription, drugs and just put. Them in a bowl and take them just. To see what they would get Wow. Okay. So this obviously this message that you're you're, speaking with students it's gonna be geared to students but I want to know what you would, say to parents. Parents. Who because I hear the issue of you. Know get rid of medication, that's in your medicine cabinet that, you've had for four, years or five years and you think no one's paying attention to it you never know what's. Your message to parents about. This, issue and what they need to be paying attention to now. I think. It's it's, important for them to realize the number one source of diversion, for illicit, drug use whether it be prescription, drugs over-the-counter or. What have you is from a family. Or a friend so. You're there the number one drug dealer in the household is the parents, or the grandparents, that don't throw away their unused or expired medications. And open, up access to their teens. In. That we, have really, focused as a, community. Event is to. Improve, drug, take-back events, or drug proper, drug disposal proper. Drug storage, I think, parents need to understand, how to communicate and talk with their kids about it because. It's not something that you can just ignore it's, happening, in their lives you want to be the most impactful, person in their lives right so, just open up dialogue okay. Before we go approximately. How many schools do you go to in. A normal year just, ballpark it. Really. Is by invitation so right now you're doing about four to five high, schools throughout. The year where they go multiple times throughout the year okay but, we're really excited to do as many as want to have us out there and that's the perfect lead and thank you for your time I appreciate it, if you would like to get. More information about. The, drug abuse awareness team, we, have an email for you and they would if you are a teacher or a parent, you have questions, or you want them to come speak, to one of your classes they are more than willing to do that the email is are you, d AAT at.

Roseman, Dot, edu. Every. Year the Clark County School District celebrates the joys and the benefits of reading, by participating. In Nevada, Reading Week typically. Held the last week in February this, year's theme was find, your, superpower, local. Celebrities, parents, and community members participate. By visiting, schools and reading, books to students I did. That as well that's me at Laura Dearing, Elementary School, while, reading is emphasized, during this week we know reading is critical. Year-round, when, it comes to academic, success joining. Me now is Lisa hobbyhorse, the co-founder, and executive director, of the nonprofit spread. The word Nevada a nonprofit that serves at-risk, children serve. All children, but especially at, risk children's, by giving. Them books that's the that's the per but that is the purpose right and I just want to acknowledge something, here you have distributed, your, 5 millionth. Book, that's. Incredible, thank you let, people know when you say you've distribute that many books how do you get them to kids well there's a couple different options for. Main programs so we do books in the home so the schools that we adopt, and we choose which, are 60 across the state now the, kids get books for their homes to go home and build a home library every month they get a new book so that's our biggest distribution, program, okay we also have a Family Literacy Program where those same kids at the same schools can come in the morning before school or after school but have to bring mom or dad some adult figure in the family so we can teach them how important it is to read together to model that a lot of our families didn't grow up with books in their homes so they don't know how the importance, nor how to read with their child so, we show them that so, that program is very successful and, works well with the families and, we also have a mentoring program where, books go out for the kids when they finish reading with a volunteer, one on one they get a half hour a week one on one reading mostly, our struggling, readers maybe. Just, a kid who needs an adult figure and therefore in their life too it might not maybe a okay reader but afraid to read or have that self-confidence, issue and then. By having a mentor who comes and cares enough about them every week, really. Opens. Up their whole world and their self-esteem, so that's that's another program, and then we have a summer reading program to which we gave, out quite a few books in the summer and again, it's just always to get the books in the home to keep those resources, there for those kids to practice practice practice and become proficient readers, they have a better shot at a better, education, as they grow older right I'm imagine, that Nevada Reading Week gives you kind of that platform, I know you do stuff all year long but, it kind of gives you that platform, to, really emphasize, as, you said, parents. To take the time is. It just a is it a matter of parents. Not, having time or, parents. Not realizing. The impact they can have by just having that one-on-one time, and. Reinforcing. That reading is just something we should all do I think it's a little bit of both and it depends on the family there's.

A Lot of our families who are struggling to just put food on the table and the parents are working three or four part-time jobs and just not around and older brothers and sisters are babysitting, and so, that's why we say the kids can an older sibling will, teach that older sibling how important it is to read together and, then. There's just there. It's the other side of things too that parents, some parents don't realize how important it is or we get so busy and our kids not. Necessarily our kids cuz we really serve the at-risk. Population. More so but a lot of our kids are putting their faces, into, video. Games and oh my gosh books yes exactly. If we can pull them away from that and get some time on the books that would be really. Really good that's certainly a struggle oh my gosh yeah good luck on that so. 5 million books I got to go back to how on, earth do. You get all these books I'm thinking, you, must have some great donors is that how you give that have some amazing donors. Yes yes the, valley has been extremely, supportive of this program we were grassroots we started in the, garage of my home and have, just built and built and built to this huge warehouse now so, yes lots of donations a lot of our more affluent schools, doing, book drives for their partner schools that maybe don't have those resources and then they can donate books that they've read once or twice don't, want to read anymore and give them to a child who just so. He can have he or she can have that opportunity. We. Also have grown to the point where we get, books. Shipped. Up from California out of Orange, County because we're giving out so many we gave out about 56,000, books a month a month. During. The school year so, it's a huge effort to try to do we, do book drives and we love that and we love when people contribute but this is our, backup is we buy them out of California from the goodwill down there okay great. Deals and they're very good to us and we just get them shipped up and we use that that's so that's our backup solar books that's wonderful okay, so let's talk about this guy over here yes I'm gonna move this over here so, this is the. Readers. Cup, readers. Cup so, this is something, that you kind of work in with Nevada Reading Week tell me tell me someone. Is going to get this we don't know who yet because you're still tabulating. The result we are we are basically. We put it out to all of our schools high school middle school and elementary, schools to do book drives for us because, we may have that great need so you're asking them to collect books that they can donate to spread, the word Nevada so then you can. About more books exactly. And the school that brings in the most gets. This beautiful cup that we call it a traveling trophy yeah and it goes to them for the entire year and it stays in their bookshelf, or their trophy shelf at the school until. About the beginning of February and then we take it back for the month and then we get it to the new winner you can see on the side my gosh about six years and running and Goolsbee, Elementary's, won the last three years and they really want to win it again yeah wit they are hoping for it back but you know we're open to any school taking it and brings in the most books competitions. On people and. You know what these are some impressive numbers so just, say so last year, Goolsbee, collected, more than 6500. Books yeah and that, was went to spread the word yep that's awesome now I went into 6,500. Homes that's, amazing that, is. If. You're a parent you don't know exactly what kind of book to read to your kid you know some there's the you, know there's the fun little very, young books and then it gets into chapter, books. What's. Your advice to parents, listen. To your kid what. Every kid wants to win it wants, to read and it's more important, that you read. Something that they're interested in so, if, they are into dinosaurs it doesn't matter if it's a picture book or if it's a very a.

Chapter, Book or one with a lot more detail, but. If that it doesn't matter to our kids they want to read whether. They read it slowly or take, their time they want to read what they're interested in, so, really follow your child's lead and find. What interests them that's the most important, key to getting them to be readers and, then what are you saying when they say no you read, it you. Read it you read it read it over and over again we, all remember those days whenever someone's read it and they want to read the same book over and over and you're like oh my gosh I could do it in my sleep yes but they that repetition is so important, and they get to repeat the words with you and they know the story, it's it's, a beautiful thing and it's so important. Now. I, guess. It was probably a year or maybe longer you were just then talking about your, expansion in Torino you're, now in Reno tell me about that are we're in two schools up in Washoe County we're really excited about that we have an office we, have one and a half staff one, full-time one part-time so really a half a person right and, good clarification thank, you there. Doing a great job up there we. Are in two amazing. Schools that there are the schools are much smaller up there and our schools down here they have about 500, kids apiece okay so it's kind of nice a little bit less. Pressure but we're building our donor base we're building our volunteer, base up there we had over, 65, volunteers, come in in the month of January to help us get books ready book drives are going it's like starting, all over again, because here we're on steroids, right and up there we're just starting ground zero it's really fun yeah well fortunately you've been through it before so you know you've. Learned if you learn what works and what doesn't work so, you talked about the Reno but you've also added some schools here how many schools are you in. Southern. Nevada or the Clark County School District 58 okay, 58, down here and we, will be by the end of the school year we have two more scheduled we have an opening, in I could even tell you then oh my gosh award, will be coming on with us in April awesome, very excited about that and Hollingsworth, Elementary you'll be coming on in May and they will be sponsored by Zappos, okay we expect that to be a big deal that is going to be a big deal so, I, know that you probably always need, donations. Of books for, volunteers, to help clean them I've seen that happen several times so. What. We'll do is we'll I want to first thank you for coming on and bringing the books and say congratulations. To whoever well. You, when, do they they get this in a couple of weeks yeah they'll get whatever school that is yeah we're still counting we've gotten most of the books in but we're still counting we don't count we weigh them and we figure it out but we figure out the total so that takes a little bit of time all right wonderful Lisa, thanks so much for the information that's always thanks for having us you betcha and if you would like you can learn more about spread, the word on its. Website spread, the word Nevada, dot, o-r-g. We. Want to thank you for tuning in to this edition of inside education, students. Parent, staff member or taxpayer, we all have a stake in our education, system a quick, reminder that you can find this episode, and past episodes, of inside education on the, Vegas PBS website or, YouTube, page we, hope to see you in two weeks.


2019-03-17 20:04

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