Inception Model | Comprehensive Study

Inception Model | Comprehensive Study

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hi everyone welcome back it's saturday  night for me and i'm sitting here with the idea of making this video   and summarizing kind of giving you  a more or less comprehensive idea on the inception model i want to talk  about certain rules certain things   and hopefully answer the  questions that some of you have so if i've been going through the comments in  my telegram channel and youtube also and i've   seen that it's very nice to see that some  people have taken it seriously and they   show executions show charts and executions based  on based on the inception model which is great and   sometimes you know i wake up in the morning for  new york session and i look if i have time i'll   look through the chat see um and i'll see people  posting setups during london session which i don't   trade i sleep there right so it's you know  it's been really great i see people putting   in the work and sometimes people actually  showing setups that i i have missed myself   so that's that that inspires me to keep doing  these types of videos and obviously you have   seen also me some of the life commentaries and  traits that i take using the inception model   or when i call a certain bias and then i go in  and find a trade based on the inception model you   see those playing out also in my telegram but  also i've noticed that some of you think that   some of the comments are like makes me feel  like i'm a uh i'm columbus who discovered   america you know that's how people think when  in reality and that's what i want to sit down   and start this conversation this video is is  that what i've shown you really is it's nothing   absolutely nothing new what i've shown  you all i've done is just put certain   teachings from my ct right  from his free youtube channel   and uh packaged it into a model one of the  models that i use and gave it to you here   and let's start with the basics so it's really  i think it really comes down to just three   main factors and let me just type it out i  guess so first one is understanding premium   discount right that's the first most  important factor uh when we look at price   we want to make sure that our imbalances if we  want to go short iron a premium both of them   no overlapping gaps or if we go one to go long  they're boosting a discount and this is obviously   the concept that ict has been teaching forever  on his youtube channel so that's one number two   is well basically your fpg you call it imbalance  right same thing uh plus fpg and let's just   say plus refugee basically like overlapping  imbalances this is the only thing that i kind of   again nothing new the concept was already there  for many years since ict started doing this right   and uh all i did was point out that you should  not disregard the imbalance once it's traded to   and actually extend it out in time and see if  there's an overlapping imbalance which is again   also nothing new ict especially in his recent  videos for 2022 mentorship has mentioned that   uh you shouldn't disregard the order blocks  or imbalances even if they have been traded   through because this is really your this is  your real supply and demand in the markets right   but the idea of overlapping gaps i i'm pretty  sure i'm not the only one who who who uses it and   who discovered those things but i'm kind  of surprised nobody before me at least   to my knowledge i haven't seen any youtube channel  who trades ict concepts who would have this   similar model you know i i haven't i haven't  encountered something like that so if i'm   wrong please let me know in the comments  maybe if you've seen if you've seen someone   prior to me introducing this model showing this  out gladly look you know be interesting for me   to see but from what i understand i haven't  and even some as a charter member right as a   private mentorship student when i showed um when  i shared the video with the charter members some   of them were like wow this is interesting  i've never thought of that so i don't know   i'm pretty sure i'm not the only  one who discovered it but obviously   not every trader wants to be a on social media or  youtube or whatever right some people i know very   uh very good traders who don't have anything  related to trading on their social media they just   you know they just trade and that's it so anyways  um i digress so the third idea is obviously the grade um let's just say liquidity great right  also nothing new buy side sell side liquidity   uh double tops double bottoms trend line  phantoms all that stuff was discussed   a long time ago on ict's youtube channel  so all these three scenes are really   again nothing new all i did was just put together  a working model that i personally use across all   of my different accounts one of the models that  i use and this is the model i'm willing to share   with you for free and um i mean not for free but  just to share with uh with the you know publicly i   don't have any paid services and i don't plan on  doing so in the near future at least definitely   um never say never but again i don't really want  to deal with people paying me and teaching them   anything advanced or whatever maybe five years  from now i wake up and i want to have a course   or whatever i don't know doesn't matter really  um at this point like i've stated i have no   interest in you know taking people's money and  teaching them even though i had people offering me   basically you know offering me money for  teaching them privately i rejected everybody   but that's not the point here right the point is   that these three concepts that were always  available to you ever since i started posting it   on youtube they are really the building blocks  of the inception model this is pretty much   the sweep and the three pillars  if you want uh that make the model   and the last point liquidity rate is when you  look for high probability trades but sometimes   i think if i've had also some um you've  seen me take trades when there is no raid   just but this is something that's that comes from  experience again five years of trading and well   two a little bit over two years now trading ict  so i trained i developed my eyes uh subcut my   subconscious mind on seeing a lot of things that  make sense to me it might not make sense to you   or you know anyone else really because we all  trade differently but to me they make sense and   sometimes i don't need a liquidity rate to  um get inside the inception model but high   probability trades right uh usually when a purge  of some buy side to sell side happens and then   price reverses and you start looking for lapping  gaps um all right let me see i have my notes here   so this is again the building blocks the  pillars if you will right for them for the model   and now let me remove this i see a lot of people  asking uh for how long the gaps can be valid   and well let's just start i don't really look for  inception model on the daily chart although you   totally can nothing wrong with it but i think just  going down to a let's say one hour chart is plenty   um is more than enough right so but those  are the rules that i personally work with   um let's say it's a one hour chart one  hour imbalances they're val valid for a week week and a half let's call it this way but  definitely let's say you have an imbalance   on monday you can stretch it out for the whole  week and look how price reacts to it and i'll   go more into details about it in a moment but  let's stick to this 15 minute um two three days can be four days but really two three days usually  is uh is good for that time frame and then we have   five one minute um one minute imbalances same day  just use them within the same day i've seen people   i've seen some charts when people straight find  a one minute imbalance uh from like you know two   days before and stretch it out no you don't need  that just work within the same day even if same   within a couple of hours and you'll be fine unless  we're talking about trading the asian session   when you can if if you um trade the  agent session and those rules are trading from seven to nine nine thirty at most  right that's the rules that i gave you also and   we'll go over them one more time here so this will  be really just a one kind of one stop for all um   for most of the questions or for all kind of rules  that i have established across many videos here so what was i saying okay so asian session if  you trade asian session you can look at five and   one minute gaps that happened on in the previous  day within the last let's say a few trade here um   right this was this was friday so let's just  assume if you you know trading here you can   look for gaps in the last few hours of the  previous session right through previous day   you can work with that so that's across just  a few hours really but technically it's two   different separate days but if you trade new york  or london session you can really just work with   a few hours of data again and just look  for don't don't do do not find an imbalance   and one minute in balance and stretch it for  like two days you don't need to do that otherwise   you know it gets messy on the charts there's so  many of them literally just few hours of data   like i've been saying and showing you in  my life executions and live commentary   uh you don't need too much when you work with  lower time frames so this is the idea okay and   again i'm not really touching daily i guess  daily imbalances you can stretch maybe for   whole months i don't know i haven't really tested  it out myself but the higher the time frame the   longer it's valid for and this kind of ties in  into the next question that some people that say   how many touches until it's valid or how  do i determine you know if it's um going to   reverse or continue uh how do i know when to stop  looking in this imbalance right so it all depends   also on how long let's start with this um well  actually so let me show you this nasdaq trade   i wasn't really looking too much at the charts  this week because i mentioned in the chat actually   um last friday and i believe it was last friday  yeah so literally in the middle of the months i   hit my monthly target so i'm not really trading  i don't need to be trading i don't want to be   trading i just want to relax so i have i've been  kind of looking at the markets but not so much   but i did notice something here so let's say  you trade um so you saw so first and first   okay high previous days high rated so we have  one check rate buy side liquidity rate we have   your um low resistance liquidity around here for   uh sell side and it was also friday so price  has been expanding uh of throughout the week so   it high chances that are that friday will be some  kind of a retracement back inside the weekly range   um tgif friday as ict mentions it usually so again  buy side rated sell side liquidity right and then those are the things it should  stand out to you immediately   and again as long as you keep training yourself  um being on these charts your eyes will just   your brain will automatically see all those  sins right away so bicyrate happened and let's say you have this gap  here this imbalance here   and obviously both are in  this imbalance is in a premium from this high use this low right above the  50 percent so this is good and we have this   imbalance here and you can clearly see obviously  this is also inside the premium but let's just   um from here to here premium market about 50 right  in this fractal so we have buy side rate check one   we have post imbalances in a premium check  two again sometimes you can work with let's   say one imbalance isn't a premium the other  one isn't and the trade will play out nicely   but if you want to be safe while you are learning  or even just backtesting this model or executing   on your demo accounts you it's better if you  stick to make sure that both imbalances are in   the premium if you want to go short but eventually  you'll start sometimes deviating from the rules or   you start seeing you start noticing certain scenes  and again you can work with it doesn't have to be   ideally both signed a premium but doesn't have  to be for a profitable trade so anyway this was   both were in a premium right and let me just  remove this you can see this already and let's   say you saw this on the first touch uh so you  saw this area here and you decided to go short   on this wick so anywhere let's say not the best  entry let's say just here a little bit above so   your stop loss would be above this a little bit  above this candles high right and personally i   would not so this was only this price only gave  like 1.3r in your favor here i would wait at least   i i would expect if i was to take this trade i  would expect i would wait for at least one and   a half r and then i would uh as many times i would  show you i would definitely move my stuff to break   even and maybe maybe take some parts of this  level or just if um let it run for a tour right   but let's say so this happened and price retraced  again so you see okay this is the second touch   and then this is your certain so just three  touches in a short period of time basically   from 10 20 you know two in 20 minutes this area  got touched three times so this to me is a red   flag because we've seen this imbalance being  rebalanced three times in a very very short time   period so again it's all about time and price and  it's important how long um what's how to put it   it is important to note how long does it take for  price to revisit certain areas right the shorter   it takes the less probability trade it becomes so  please let's say you are short you know it didn't   give you anything you didn't move your stop so uh  this is a red flag three times it retraced back   close just close the trade you know close  the trade and also again we are talking about a one minute chart and talking about basically price consolidating  for over only half an hour pretty much   so usually if price really  wants to go away quickly   right it will it won't it will not consolidate  this much i mentioned that too if i see that   price just doesn't give me what i want doesn't  move within a short span of time when i believe it   should go over i should i will just collapse the  trade because i don't like consolidation usually   sometimes it can play in your favor but usually  it it will just work against you if you see price   consolidating for too long just collapse the  trade and again we had three touches so this is   your red flag just like close it out can be in a  small loss if you close it here or you know small   profit whatever it is basically more or less break  even uh collapse the trade and if you didn't you   could see clearly that on the force pass through  it actually you know this it definitely would hit   your stop-loss it just went one more time above  this high and eventually the price did drop it   dropped here right uh and sometimes it can happen  again it was friday too so not the ideal day to   um you know sometimes on friday's price is  going to be stagnant it's not going to be   the price delivery is not going to be as fast  so you have to incorporate the understanding   of days of the week too if this was thursday  i would maybe you know and price wanted to   it was supposed to go down for sell side liquidity  after taking out buy side i would not expect this   to consolidate for so long i'd expect this move to  happen much quicker right so this is how you how   you can avoid the losing trade or you know if you  ignore ignored all the warning signs and you were   stubborn and this was a loss that's a loss and  you know you just go for the next setup but those   are the things that can prevent you from taking a  loss okay so hopefully this is clear enough even   though price did eventually go lower also right  this was a nice rundown but a lot of times on   it can completely just you know on a third  or even on the third touch on the four star   she can completely reverse you know so i don't  like seeing um price being revisited in a short   period of time that's a red flag for me so i'll  get out and let's contrast that let's say with was it the euro dollar on the hourly chart where was this um i think it was here yeah it was here  this was the day when i said that i want to   look for lower prices this was your resistance  support level and i said it would make perfect   sense for price to go below that and it  did so it was uh last week but anyway um   so we had this imbalance here i'm not going  to draw a fee but it is in a premium slightly   above 50 and we have this imbalance so again two  overlapping imbalances right and um so we had   price go once inside the area got rejected this  is basically your london session twice this um   at the end of london session this is you probably  when you let's go actually to the 15-minute chart   when was it oh this was yeah 545 so ideally you  don't want to be trading this at this time frame   right it's kind of the dead zone but it did hit  it twice but most most important for me this area   here because the time was good for it again it  was inside the london kill zone right so it hit   the ones hit it twice and then this this happened  this drop happened and price started reversing   retracing higher and we finally hit it again  at basically 12 noon london close so this is   not a short time span right this happened across  pretty much the whole day half of the day at least   so i would consider if maybe if i was  well this you probably don't want to be   trading this because of the time element there's  nothing wrong with trading it for london close   if you want to one two three touches but it did  not happen right away you know all this price   action had to happen before it hit this level  again so you might want to participate in this   trade and even though this was a counter trend  trade eventually price went higher i mean if you   what this was this was a 50 pip trade you're  gonna tell me that you won't take at least   partials or collapse the trade completely after 50  pips i'll take that so hopefully you know you can   see the difference between two trades uh two  overlapping imbalances and how price touches   touches them across different um time segments  well actually if we go back and this is where   you can see tools that that area really becomes  your eventually priced on the next day price   breaks above it comes back retests it  so this is your real support and your   resistance right and you see how beautiful  the bodies of the candles close inside the um   this gap here so that's eventually yeah the more  times it touches eventually it will break and   it can either completely reverse  or you can just again do one more   like we saw that example just take out the high  and go lower but a lot of times it really just   reverses i would not be looking for shorts and  especially when we see that again if we look   at liquidity perspective we see that the sell  side was taken price aggressively moved lower   and we have with this you know shifting  market structure so we are bullish right that's the idea hopefully makes sense clear  let me see what else i wanted to talk about i did have a long day today so i'm trying  to and i'm going to be away for the next   well from tomorrow for next week that's why  i'm trying to put this video together now   because i promised it for a while so i wanted to  get it done before i leave so it might not cover   everything but it should cover a lot of things  that should hopefully make sense to you alright so   also a lot of people ask well some question that  people ask actually it's like you know instead of   me wait uh waiting for my answer just go in there  and test it for yourself you know some questions   are like does it work on every asset class well  yes even on i well i saw it even on bitcoin   over some overlapping gaps um i saw it too even  that's not the asset class that they really trade   but it happens there it happens in forex in  indices it just happens so that i really like   trading indices mostly uh i feel i it's easier  for me to read price action there's a lot of   setups based on specific sentences only  for indices that i'm looking for and um   yeah i just like the way they move so that's  why you see most of my life trades on nasdaq   especially recently nasdaq usury mostly  nasdaq i have been trading snp also   moves very similar to nas eu30 sometimes can be  not as nice you know it can do its own scene but   nasdaq and smp you've seen me also use it for smt  divergence they work very well all right so yes   but this is something you can really just if don't  wait for my answer it works on gold too on oil   like i said every asset class it's is going  to work i'm very confident in that even though   let's say i haven't personally seen it let's  say in the grains market i mean i haven't like   i observe grains market only on high time frames  i don't really go down to the one-minute charts   one minute charts uh but i'm confident  that there's no reason for it not to work   and again just don't take my words for granted you  know i don't uh just because i said that those are   specific times let's say i want to look for trades  or just because i said this works in gold don't   take my word for it you know go there and test it  for yourself i'm not here to kind of preach and   i don't want you to take my words for granted  you know i want you to be critical i want   you to be open-minded and go out there and  test it for yourself see if what i'm saying   works if it doesn't work well then i don't know  call me a fraud but you haven't seen that right   you've seen people actually showing results with  the model i give but i want you to be critical   if i say that you know the times for asian  session to trade between seven to nine you   usually go out there and look for setups  see if you can find a setup after nine maybe   and say hey oh you know what actually i found the  model that works for me you know at 10 11 pm i   they'll be really nice i would love to see it  because for me personally i established those   rules that i don't want to trade after 10 p.m  i lost more times than not more often yeah more   often i lost than like one a trade after that  so i stopped trading after 10 p.m eastern time  

uh but if you find something that works  for you work do it great you know excellent   again there are so many different ways to trade  and the idea is really if you think about it   i'm talking about with like all those imbalances  or the blocks cell side by side is your parts   of the pdra matrix right pg arrays as ict  mentions it so all we're doing is just taking   two overlapping pg arrays sometimes three like  i said uh if it's three overlapping imbalances   usually it's you know that's a really golden  golden a really good high precision trade   um so you can if you don't like if you don't  really i don't know for whatever reason you   don't really like this model or you just don't  see it maybe you like order blocks more so all   you have to do is change one variable just change  one imbalance to an order block and then look   for an imbalance it's inside of an order  block that's your it will be the same idea   two overlapping pd arrays an order block and a  imbalance let's say maybe i don't know look at   the um well this is really a setup but  it's yeah like you have your embed um say this let's say you have this order  block and then on the hourly chart   and well this was actually low high low low this  was your breaker and within imbalance and this is   something that that was well known to for a  long time now i think ict mentioned this setup   somewhere he mentions it so a breaker with  a order block and you can see the price did   in fact retrace um you know there was but this  that was a potential scalp at the end of the day   but usually you don't really want to trade  forex after you know noon or 1 pm but on   the one minute chart you could potentially maybe  find something but the idea is maybe you see a one   hour order block so then go on the 15-minute  chart see if there is a imbalance you know   this is then this is an imbalance here inside  this order block right this is your imbalance   so you can see the price went inside of it  consolidated for so long and broke above and then   broke down just to go up again so you can tweak  them you know my model however the hell you want   whatever works for you however you like it i again  like i mentioned i don't use order blocks as much   for entry purposes i only use them to either close  my trade or take partials if i see an a solid like   a very important order block on the way on the  path of my trade let's say if i'm short well let's   say if i'm long here let's say i right i did buy  here and i do believe buy side liquidity is here   the price should reach here above this level so  but i also see this order block so if i'm long i   would definitely take partials here just because  you know price might stagger there for longer or   maybe do another retracement and then go up and we  can see that it did consolidate for a few you know   almost two hours i think before going higher so  that's just me again i like imbalances because   they're very easy to spot and i like the idea of  overlapping them because it's again it's one of   the ways that i trade it's one of the ways that i  trade on all of my accounts um and it's it's been   great this is what i'm sharing with you okay so  hopefully you understand this part um let's see so i talked about becoming support and resistance all right so let's actually touch asian session  again since we're here if you want to trade asian   session like i mentioned um well before that  so when you trade let's say london or new york   of course it's really it's best if you trade  even if your scalp in line with the daily bias   and in incline new york like ict mentioned is  the easiest session to trade because you have   the benefit of seeing what price did before for  all sessions right so you can have the idea of   what where price is most likely to go next so  of course ideally you want to be looking for   if you go if you want to go alone you will  want to look for imbalances on the buy side   right but for asian session like i mentioned many  times you don't really need a bias and sometimes   there's really two ways of trade agent session  sometimes it's not clear during asian session it's   not clear what price is going to do for the day  you have to wait for london to you know do it sin   and then maybe form a bias for a new york session  but sometimes it's based on previous price action   previous days uh work you can you know what the  day is most likely going to do and you know that   asian probably will just kind of consolidate and  maybe london will do a stop run and then reverse   so it's really two scenarios either you already  have a bias in mind for the day or you don't and   as honest if you have a bias for the day during  the asian session it doesn't matter you can still   go against it if you want to think that price is  going to go on you can scalp short just work with   that's how i see it at least again go and  backtest it see if it makes sense for you   if it doesn't make sense for you then if you  think it's too complicated or you think it's   it's not a high probability trade then don't  trade asia trade you know little london session   or the new york session whatever works for you  whatever you feel comfortable with go and backtest   it see for yourself i'm just sharing based on my  experience what i've been doing and you've seen me   in last two trades on nasdaq i think they were  all in the um inside ict students mind playlists   with the live commentary i think  they were both in asian session right   so you see me do it and uh let's see and you've  seen me even trade in asian session like euro or   the pound dollar i've shared it with you several  times and the ideas are the same you just work   with a few hours of data let's see this example  i think this was a really good example i saw it   like only you know on next when i was actually  reviewing trades the price action again i   wasn't following too much this week but the  idea is the same if there is uh we look for   three those same three elements i mentioned in  the beginning in this case if we want to go along   we look for price for both imbalances being in  the um discount so we have an imbalance here clearly it's in a discount  and we have an imbalance here clearly it's in a discount and rules for asia   maybe some of you are new or missed it i have a  video for it but the legends again this should be   the one stop shop kind of for most of the  things that i mentioned here um what was it look for trades between seven to nine pm est nine thirty pm is see the latest monday monday asian session just go for 1.5 1.8 our  trade scalp that said you don't need any smells let me see apologize for the typos or again  i had a long day a little bit tired so   bear with me okay three any other day you can look for two   two and a half r scalps right four  probably also the most overlooked rule if by 10 pm esc your trade did not hit your target collapse the trade doesn't matter if it's any  small win small loss just collapse it because   most likely it will go against you based on  my personal experience after 10 p.m i've lost   so many times it's not worth it price action  is not as pristine and usually you don't see   asian session move that much after 10 pm  occasionally of course it can happen but   if asian session is to move more um it  usually happens between 7 and 9 pm 9 30.   okay so so those are the rules for asian  session and again this was a new day   and we look for the same things so we had this  price section and dropped lower it took out   these relatively close even those were just you  know nasty spikes uh pretty much the first half   hour of the new session still you count it right  i mean it's all important so we had this sell side   price went inside of it price started going  higher we have a shift in market structure   this could be again this is pretty much i mean  this is really the first entry here on this   imbalance this is your ict youtube model right  sell side taken uh market structure shift in asian   session scalp boom but if you want to wait it gave  you the inception model entry second imbalance   overlapping gaps price can you see how this candle  is closed and opened inside the big imbalance   if you want to go on and the time is good it's  eight o'clock so with everything matches right   discount both imbalances are in a discount uh sell  side taken so where is like where do you offset if   you want to go alone where do you set it on buy  side so we have high here a high here relatively   cool highs here as well these two right so let's  say you let's not even pretend you're going to   take this entry here let's say you entered i  don't know here you know then your stop loss below this slow for pip stop loss and then this  time again the spreads are already pretty much   back to normal in the first hour of trading the  spreads are higher but at eight o'clock i believe   at least on most brokers it's back to pretty much  you know normal so you can definitely sculpt with   a four pip stop last especially if the structure  allows it if this distance was 10 pips and my   stop would be 10 pips you have to understand it  right you cannot always have the same stop loss   whoever tells you they always use the same stop  list i mean they're lying it's impossible you have   to work with the current price action whatever  the market gives you again this is a logical area   to put places to stop in this case it's only four  pips but it could have easily been 10 pips 20 pips   so whatever it is that's your stop loss you  know you can't always have a fixed stop loss   it's impossible given the volatility of the day of  the session of the week it you have to be flexible   so anyway so the first target you measure  your first target this is too low just one r   right second target also kinda low one point  three and this is this was not monday so you can   if you want like like based on the rules you  can look for two anywhere between two two   and a half are so we have this equal highs  what does it give you it gives you your 2r   does it give you yeah it does it gives you 2r if  you want you can collapse the trade if you want   you know two and a half it gives you that too well  it gives you even three are trade but like i said   that's just my personal rules i like to be  its asian session i don't like to hold full on   i get my two anyway anything above 2r  i'll just take it i'll close the trade   that's me if you want to tweak the model or maybe  fi refine it somehow and look for 3r trades be my   guest it happens it can happen also a lot but i'm  just telling you what's more high probable you   know you're just in and out in and out you don't  want to be too long because again if you don't   if you're not comfortable with the but you don't  know the bias at all for the day this is just a   trade based on working with few hours of data sell  side taken market structure shift displacement ict   youtube entry here or inception model entry here  and uh offset at buy side same same thing exactly   same thing as we reviewed the nasdaq trade but on  the high time frames first right just the opposite so nothing really changes nothing changes all  it does is just you have to be you have to be   flexible and adapt to the market fast and you  have to understand that asian session again   just grab your you know grab your profits  collapse the trade and go to sleep if you   are you know sleeping during london whatever  you do and then come back for new york session   so that's my rules for asian scalps and yeah  this week indices were not really good there   it was muddy so sometimes it depends you can have  two three trades maybe even four trades in asia   uh sometimes even if i've showed i've shown you  two you can have two or three trades in one asian   session can be very nice but occasionally you  can have weeks when asian session just is very   you know it's bad it's there's nothing there it's  just consolidating and waiting for london like   mostly for indices it wasn't good but on euro usd  it works and some will say oh my god he's trading   a forex durian asian session well yes because  i've studied it for five years now and i know it   works and you've clean clearly seen me i've showed  you plenty of examples too right i've showed you   when i even give my bias and i see sometimes a  trade urine is set up during asia i'll take it   um that's all i need so yes you can absolutely  trade this but if you don't feel comfortable if   you think that you need to have a bias for  the day to be to enter a trade then don't   trade asia simple as that just find what works  for you i'm just showing you what's possible   and not only this is obviously a hindsight video  like after the fact but i've proven myself i think   plenty of times now right i've been doing this  for 10 months more now just calling out trades   showing you examples showing you live executions  all that stuff so i know people trust me uh if   you're new to the channel again everything like  all this all the history is in my telegram which   is always free and links are under the videos  and of course the you know there is also with   the live accounts that i shared also they show  that i guess i know what i'm talking about right   so that's that so we covered asian session let me  see we are what 40 minutes this is pretty good um so gaps support resistance let me see  my notes differentiation for resistance again don't really ask me to cover it on crypto  because with crypto even though i did see a few   trades and they went to it took a few trades i  think three weeks ago but i don't really touch   this is probably i think was it three weeks  ago i took like four trades on bitcoin   and those four trades are probably the maximum  of what i want to trade like for the whole year   in crypto i don't really i don't really know the  time element in crypto the kill zones there are   different so of course if you trade ict style you  need what's first time and price right so you need   to understand the time i don't really know the  time element so i know if some people do really   well with crypto so you might be interested in  learning from them i'm not really again i'm not   a crypto guy i don't i don't really like crypto  all right but i've seen it work i know it works um   i mean there's no reason for it not to  work okay so yeah just be open-minded be   curious be don't take my word for it just  because i said certain things go out there and   test it for yourself and maybe who knows maybe  through back testing you will find something   that works just for you maybe you'll find  something better and you'll be able to refine it   the way that suits you i'll be happy if you do  uh and seriously whatever works for you it's very   there's so many ways to trade so just do your  job put in the work i laid out a model for you   that works perfectly fine and you've seen if you  are in my telegram channel you've seen how people   show executions show traits that they find with  it and some people even say that they pass like   the ftmo trials and they're going to you know  they hit those targets uh so they're going to   try the actual funded challenges so god bless  them hopefully you know they will work you know   they'll succeed so that's the whole purpose of me  doing this to help you ict introduced one model   i'm introdu i'm giving you a different model and  a different perspective on the market i'm showing   you how you can trade asian session i know a lot  of people especially if you're in the east coast   also or whether you know whatever your time zone  is maybe you work during the day and it's you   cannot trade i mean you sleep during london you  work during new york so you can be on the charts   so you come back from home uh you can come you  come back home from work and the only session you   can trade is asia so just yeah those two two and  a half hours of your time that's all you need to   find setups and you can trade them in four four x  in asia yes nothing wrong with that someone tells   you you can't trade you shouldn't be trading forex  in asia well i've shown multiple times that i have   traded it and those trades are profitable so it's  all it all depends on how you view the market that's the main takeaway just be  curious do you do your own due diligence   go out there back test forward test and eventually  your subconscious mind will develop certain things   that will help you filter out bad bad trades and  and hopefully i covered this today that i said   high probability trades and when both imbalances  are in the premium and after a you know buy side   or sell side rate sometimes you'll see me trading  without any um liquidity purge but that's a little   bit more advanced and there are other things that  i'm looking for to confirm this model that's out   of the scope of this video and um it's all about  again experience nobody can teach you that you   will have losing trades of course while you learn  but eventually with time if you keep applying it   you will get better you will get better like  anything else you do in life right you first   you learn something you go practice it you suck at  it at first but eventually if you go through the   pain and um you know times when you feel like you  want to quit and fail if you don't give up you'll   succeed and yeah just figure it out if this model  is for you or not some people clearly told me oh   i don't really see this as my model and  that's fine there's so many ways you can trade   the same things that work on the one minute  chart as i trade on a five minute chart work   on the one hour two hour four hour daily chart  however you want it if you are a swing trader   look for one hour gaps and then maybe go down to  a 15 minute chart like look for another gap and   obviously your stop losses will be higher  and you might hold for a few days i just   i usually don't do that so it's all about  how you want what you want to make out of   this model again you can tweak it towards your  own needs specific needs your specific trading   style your psychology however the hell you  want all right um so yeah i think on this   point we can collapse we can close this video um  i think i covered most of the sins that i wanted   again i apologize i am a little bit tired um so  maybe something has slipped my mind if it has   i'll do another video right but i think this is  pretty comprehensive it should answer a lot of   similar questions that i see people asking  and again all you have to do is just put in   the work and go out there find examples see if  have those filters in check and you'll be fine   you'll be doing you'll very well okay but  like everything else you need experience   and experience requires time also you cannot  be good at it in one week one month um i don't   want to sound like ict uh sorry if i do but yeah  again experience nobody can teach you that you   have to go through this on your own all right  so that being said i'll talk to you next time   uh in about well once i get my like i promise the  broker statement at the monthly broker statement   at the end of july which is a week from now i  will make the video for going over my results on   the account i shared publicly um i'll show you  more proof and yeah i'll talk to you probably then   all right so until next time be safe  and enjoy your weekend stay blessed

2022-08-02 08:53

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