If I had to start over I’d take these 8 steps to make $1 million.

If I had to start over I’d take these 8 steps to make $1 million.

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Sunny Lenarduzz...: Hello, and welcome back. I'm  so excited to share this with you. Call me a nerd,   but I really geeked out putting this together  because it's a followup on last week's video,   where I talked about the five strategies that I  used to scale my business to my first million.   And in this video, I figured I'd take a step  further and I'd share the actual tactics. If I   were to start from zero right now, what would  I do? Having learned all that I've learned   in the last five, six years growing  to eight figures, what would I do?   These are the eight steps that I would take to get  to $1 million business if I were to start today.   So if you're excited about that, give this  video a like, so we can reach more people in   the algorithm. This whole channel is dedicated  to make the entrepreneurship available to every.  

This is going to be info packed and hopefully  super actionable for you. And I'm really excited   to hear what you think. Do me a favor too, if  you like this, and you get a lot out of it,   take a screenshot and share this out on your  Instagram story, tag me, and I will be sure   to share it on mine as well. Let's dig in. So this is the million dollar roadmap. So   these are the eight things we're going to cover  today. So let me dig into the details. So first  

and foremost, identifying the true value of your  skillset and how to identify the right pricing   around that. Number two is specificity  and audience building. Number three is   creating an online course. And I've  talked about this a lot on my channel,   but I want wanted to give you kind of  an overview of what that would look like   in order for you to start one from zero. Number  four, reverse engineer your profit. So the   thing that I don't think people understand about  business is that it is simple and repeatable. Of   course, it takes hard work, but when you know your  numbers, you're actually able to reverse engineer   and create consistent revenue and profit month  over month. So I'm going to break that down.  

And then results. So social proof and the  importance of it and how to leverage results   in your business to grow and to get more clients  in the door. The next thing is content strategy,   which I keep mine stupidly simple, and I'm going  to get into why that is and why it lets me build   a lot of profit in the business. So I'm excited to  share that. And then number seven is systems and   structure. This is a big one. This is probably  the number one thing that I'm asked about from  

new entrepreneurs. So I'm really excited to share  my little details and tips and tricks that I've   learned along the way. And then finally hiring.  So without further ado, let's get into it.   So number one is identifying the true value of  your skillset, really honing that skillset and   understanding how to charge based on the value.  So I'm going to get into some equations in just   a second and the nitty-gritty. But I wanted to  share a little story for context. I have a client,   her name is Rosie. She's incredible. She was  a full-time pharmacist, making a great living,  

all the benefits, all the stuff. But her dream was  to create a business around calligraphy because   that was her real passion and calling in life. We  started working together in Authority Accelerator   program. And at the time she was charging  around $30 to make a cake topper that was  

taking her five hours to create and then send  to people who had ordered it online from her.   So she was very creative. She had all these  ideas and different things that she was making.   And when we started working together, she really  identified, okay, calligraphy is the thing that   I enjoy doing the most and seems to be the  thing that's the most in demand in terms of   my service. So let's hone in on that one thing  and I'm going to create my business around that.   Today, Rosie has created an online course  around that thing and she's generating   regular five-figure months from that program  from scratch and she's full-time calligraphy   and no longer working as a pharmacist. So when I spoke to her, she talked about how much   she was undercharging. And here's the thing about  undercharging. Undercharging leaves you in a very  

vulnerable state as an entrepreneur because you're  constantly trying to chase after consistency and   chase after making more money. When in reality,  you can actually have less clients, clients you   actually love and be charging adequately for  those clients so that you're not constantly   stressed about your finances. And you can really  just focus on the thing that you love doing,   which is the work and serving the clients that  you enjoy working with. So it's really all about   quality over quantity. And I'm going to link to  the full interview I did with Rosie below this  

video so you can check it out later. But let's get  into how do you actually determine what to charge   and the true value of what you're offering? Well, I call it value-based pricing, and this is   big because so many people charge based on their  time, based on the end product, but they don't   think about the value of what they're creating  for their ideal client. And also they don't   know who their ideal client is. So it's hard to  determine what the real value would be. So people   just randomly pick a price that leaves them in  this constant cycle of undercharging and feeling   frustrated and stressed and they can't grow  their business. Maybe you can relate to that.   So value-based pricing goes like this, it's cost  plus income goals, which is going to be personal   to everyone. Your income goals of what you want  to make on a monthly basis are very personal to  

you. And you have to really identify what are  these income goals. And what's going to allow   me to create a business that I can go full-time  in. Maybe it's replacing your current salary.   Maybe there's other factors of what you need  to cover for bare minimum expenses on a monthly   basis. This is really personal to you. And then the final thing is minus barrier   to entry. Now, what exactly does that mean?  Removing the barrier to entry means that you're   really paying attention to what's happening in the  marketplace and what other people are charging for   your skillset. It doesn't mean you're comparing,  but what you are going to do is identify, okay,   well, they're charging all of these different  amounts. I want to ensure that I am the premium  

option because I have nurtured this skillset.  I know the value of it. And most importantly,   we got to bring it back to this. What  is the cost to your ideal clients of   not having the skillset that you provide? So, for example, when I first started as a   social media strategist and I was working behind  the scenes for a bunch of different clients, I was   way undercharging. This was a long time ago when  I was charging by the hour. And when I look back   on it and how I really came to the place where  I understood how to create this model and how my   clients implemented as well, is that I looked at  all of the revenue I had generated for my clients   in implementing social media strategies. I had  generated millions of dollars for my clients.   And the cost of not having me do the work that  I was doing with their social media strategy,   would've cost them millions, hundreds of thousands  of dollars in their business because they wouldn't   have had that as a marketing tool. And they  would've had to spend money on other things,   et cetera, which on another level would cause  them stress, financial headaches. It would  

cost them emotional stress. All of these things. You have to think, what is the cost of not having   what you provide for your ideal clients. And there  is always a cost associated. And that is really   what helps you determine the value of the price  that you're going to charge. So this is a really   good exercise and I challenge you to kind of sit  down and really think about this. What's the cost   of not having what you do and your unique genius?  What are the income goals you want to hit in order   to be full-time? And then what is the barrier  to entry in the marketplace? Meaning what is   the common industry standard  and what are people charging?   And this doesn't mean doing a quick  Google search. It means really going   deep and looking into it and not just looking  at what one service provider is charging, but   looking at what agencies are charging or whoever  they are, the best of the best in the industry,   because the prices will vary and you want to  get all of those variables and information   so you can make an educated decision as to where  you need to land with your pricing in order to   sustain yourself and be financially stable. And the thing I'll leave you with in terms of  

honing your skillset and really understanding why  it's so valuable is that you have to determine the   three factors I always talk about to really  creating a scalable business. It's not about   having a bunch of different offers, a bunch of  different programs, because when you do that,   you diversify your energy and you diversify  your genius and it really becomes diluted,   and you become super stressed out and your  time is limited and all of these things.   I always say, think about your one ideal client  at one specific place on their journey, where   they need you the most and would be most likely  to hire you, and then what is the transformation   or the outcome they're seeking in working with  you and how can you make it super efficient for   them to get there. That is what people are paying  for. So what is your skillset? What is your unique   genius? What do people come to you for help with?  What have you charged for in the past? What's your   career expertise? Those are all big clues as to  what you can actually build your business around.   The second thing I would do if I were starting  over is I would get really specific about my ideal   client before I did anything else, before I ever  hosted on social media or ever tried to grow an   audience, because the more specific you get, the  faster you'll actually grow, which I know feels   counterintuitive, but it is the truth. And in  addition to that, you do not need a big audience  

to build a very successful, very profitable  business. And I'll explain why in just a second.   But the audience piece of this is that you need to  know that as an entrepreneur, especially an online   entrepreneur, your most valuable asset, I can't  stress this enough is not on social media. It is   building an email list. That allows you to build  your own audience that you have control over.   Because if you're just building a social media  audience on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok,   wherever it may be, you are not in control of who  sees your content, how they see it, if it's even   going to be found and the algorithms can change  at any moment, which we've all experienced.   So you need to really be in control of your  assets and your biggest asset as a business   and your biggest money maker as a business is  your email list. So you need to be very mindful   that your content is building that email list.  And I'm not talking anything fancy. When I  

first got started, my email list consisted of a  spreadsheet, the person's first and last name,   their email, and the best social media platform to  contact them on. That is how I started building my   list. The more tech you get involved as you're  getting started, the more friction you create,   the more complication you create,  the more headache you create, and   ultimately the more issues you have in actually  generating an income and making revenue. You need   to really focus on the simplicity of this. So let's talk about getting specific and why   it's so important. So if I could start all over  again, I really mean this, I would hone in on who   is this, who is my ideal client, because that  ideal client is also going to be my ideal   Instagram follower, my ideal YouTube subscriber,  my ideal Facebook friend, whatever it may be.  

Because the more that I hone in on this, the  more that I'm building a hyper-targeted list   of those ideal clients and potential  buyers and customers and longterm   ambassadors into my business, who believe in what  I do and actually care about what I'm talking   about, if you're building a random audience on  social media, it's not going to pay off in the   long run. And you're ultimately just going to be  frustrated because you're building this audience   and creating all this content, and it's not  actually doing anything for you or your business.   How this works is, I talked about this in a  prior video, which you can check out here and   here about social media being rigged against you  and how social media actually really works. But  

it's all about really cracking the code and how  you crack the code on social media is this. So   it starts with understanding who are you trying  to reach? Every algorithm needs to know who are   you trying to reach and what do you want to be  known for? So first and foremost, it's your ideal   client or your ideal viewer or ideal follower for  your business. The next thing is making relevant   content for those clients, because that increases  your engagement. If you build a random audience,   you're going to have random content and you're  not going to even know what resonates and   you're going to have low engagement. From there, you want to make sure that  

this is super clear so that the algorithm can  categorize you. So from here, if you make the   who and the what super, super clear the  algorithm then goes, oh, I know exactly who   this person's trying to reach and this business  is trying to reach. Let me help them reach more   of them. And then the algorithm, whatever  platform it is leverages its internal traffic   sources to reach more people like this. And then  organically without ever having to spend a dime on   paid advertising, the algorithm is now helping  your content reach more of your ideal viewers,   followers, and clients. So that's why getting  super specific on your audience is so vitally  

important. You do not need millions of viewers,  I'm going to dive into those numbers in a second,   in order to build a really successful business. And to follow up on that, it brings me to step   number three, which is creating an online  course, and this is 100% the first thing   I would've started with, if I could start all  over again, because you do not need to start   in a one-to-one setting. You do not need to  start as a service provider. You absolutely,   if you have a skillset and if you have  experience and expertise, can start with   an online course. So prior to beginning my online  business, I was working with clients all over the   world and all different kinds of corporations in  developing their social media strategy, completely   behind the scenes. Didn't have a brand, didn't  have an audience, didn't really care to have one.   And then when I started sharing my expertise  online, everything basically blew up.  

And I wish that I had done this first  because for a long time, I was trying to   work with people one on one, and I just ran out  of time and burnt myself out. So an online course,   if I were to start over, I would start it in  the hybrid model, which I've touched on before.   So the hybrid model is what we use for our  Authority Accelerator program and what we   teach our clients to build as well, because it  really amalgamates the best of all of the worlds.   So you have your curriculum, you have your  community, which is vitally important,   and then you have your support. So how this breaks down is if you focus   on a curriculum that takes people from zero  to hero, which is what we always talk about,   and you can think about this in your own life,  what is the situation where you've experienced   the transformation for yourself, that oftentimes  will be the course that you want to create.  

The curriculum is simply bridging the gap  between your ideal client's zero state and   the hero state and the outcome that they want  to achieve. The curriculum bridges the gap. So   they can study it on their own time, at their  own pace, which increases your impact and reach   because people and clients don't have to wait  on you to get the results they're looking for.   The next step is your community. So having a  community of members in your program creates  

this incredible culture, where everyone's able to  support each other, be on their journey with one   another. We have clients in our community because  we provide lifetime access who have scaled from   zero all the way up to $3 million, completely  organically. They're in there helping our new   members and guiding our new members. And people  at all different stages of their journey who've  

been through our program are able to assist  and help, which takes a lot of the pressure   off of me. And it has this built-in  mastermind, mentorship feel to it,   which creates this really magical community. And then finally support, because not   everybody's going to go through the curriculum  and just get it in one go. A lot of people are,   a lot of people don't ever need to actually speak  to me to get results, but you want to be there to   be able to speak to your clients directly. So we  set up two support calls every week so that I can   actually speak directly to my clients and answer  any questions that they may have to accelerate   their progress and growth. So in order to create  a hybrid model online course, how I've identified  

it is we really break it into four sections.  So you start with test, and then you build,   and then you accelerate, and then you  scale. So these are the four phases   of how to really grow and scale an online course. So testing means that you are figuring out what   works in your business. The biggest problem that  people have when they try to build any kind of   online business, but particularly an online course  is they start building out all these assets. They  

build a funnel, they build a landing page, they  build all these things when they don't even   know who they're serving or what the heck their  messaging is. So we essentially show our clients   and how I do it is, we get you to do it very  bare bones, and we call it the POP Model. So it's   essentially a prototype of your online program.  You test it all out, you get real client feedback,  

you get paying clients in the door efficiently,  so you can get client results because those are   super vital to proving that it actually works. And then from there you have all of the foundation   built. Then you can actually build it out and  build out your forever evergreen assets, your   funnel, your YouTube channel, all of the things  that are going to run evergreen for your program   to bring in clients consistently. And then from  there, you start combining your content strategy   and your traffic sources to ensure that you are  always getting those clients that you're looking   for. And they're actually finding you, instead  of you having to go search for them because your   messaging is so clear at this point. And then  scaling is really all about taking what you've   done and then starting to remove yourself from  the business so you can really enjoy the business   you created and focus on your zone of genius,  which is content and supporting your clients.  

So number four, I harp on this a lot, focus  on your numbers and reverse engineer your   revenue and profits. A lot of the times as an  entrepreneur, I've been through this, so again,   if I were to start over, man, I wish I started  doing this earlier, I would kind of just be   throwing spaghetti at the wall and I'd be like,  I don't know how much I'm going to make this   month. Let's see, it'll be a fun surprise,  but it's not a fun surprise, because it   doesn't allow you to actually hire anybody or  get help or have any sort of consistency or   predictability in your business. So this is key  to consistency and predictability. So I think I   need to do an even more in-depth video on this,  which I might do next week, but let me go over   exactly what I mean by this and how you can start  creating that consistency and predictability.  

So these are all of the metrics that you really  need to be focused on, on a daily, weekly,   monthly basis. These are the things that I look at  first thing in the morning, every single day in my   business. And it's what's allowed me to create  this very predictable business model where we   are completely evergreen, we never do launches,  et cetera. So traffic, leads, clients, client   results, revenue, cash collected, and profit.  Profit is our best friend, right? I feel like  

you should know that by now, after watching me  for a while. Profit is peace of mind. So reverse   engineering this really comes down to one key  factor. That key factor is your conversion rate.   So remember when I was talking about testing. So  why that's important is because it really starts   to inform what activities and platforms are  generating results for your business in terms   of getting paying clients in the door. And your  conversion rate is indicated by how many leads   and how much traffic you're getting and how many  of those leads are actually converting into paying   clients. And when you know what your  average conversion rate is based on,  

let's say one month, then you're going to  know how to create predictability because   you can just reverse engineer it. So let's say you want to bring in two   clients a month paying $2,000 a month each for  whatever your offer is, if that's the case and   your average conversion rate is, let's say  20%, then you would times those two people   by five. So however many clients you want in the  door, you want to times it by five, because that   would give you the 20% conversion rate. So two  clients in the door times five equals 10 human   conversations, leads in the door that turn into  those two clients. And if your conversion rate   is higher, you're going to convert more people  and make ultimately more impact and income.  

So that kind of simplifies things as well, because  oftentimes when you don't focus on the numbers,   you feel like you constantly have to be growing,  growing, growing, growing. True story, I was   talking to a client of mine who has 40,000 people  in her audience. And she was like, "I'm just not   getting any leads," da-da-da-da-da. I was like,  "Are you talking to your existing audience?" And  

she's already run a successful program prototype,  she's good to go. And she's had clients in the   door. She was like, "Wow, light bulb moment. No  I've been so focused on finding new people, I   haven't even nurtured the audience I have." If you  can't turn 40,000 people into two clients a month,   we got a problem. So this takes the pressure  off of growth, growth, growth, social media,   social media, social media, content, content,  content, and it helps you focus on conversions.  

The fifth thing that I would do is leverage  results, way more than I ever have before. I   really only started to focus on this in the last  couple of years and my goodness, it makes a world   of difference and it also really allows you to not  have to focus on growing, growing, growing. And it   allows you to just focus on the credibility and  the validity of what you do, which naturally and   organically brings more people into your program.  So when you can prove that your offer and your   service works, then more people want it and it  builds your authority really, really organically.   A brand is not about the number of followers  you have. And I know that that's something that  

people freak out about. And even when I had a  small audience, I'd be like, oh, I don't know   if people take me seriously. The reality is the  number of followers you have means diddly squat   if you actually can't get people the result that  they're looking for, which unfortunately happens   all the time. So we have a lot of clients  who have really, really teeny-tiny audiences,   but they're really good at what they do. There  are a lot of hidden experts out in the world.   And honestly, a lot of the biggest experts in  the world don't care about how many people are   following them and people start following them  naturally, because they're good at what they do.   Your brand is all based on this sentence.  You want people to be able to say this  

with such clarity and it brings us back  to what we were talking about earlier.   "Oh my gosh, you have to go work with Jake.  They're the go-to expert on email marketing   and work with online business owners." So you want  to have specificity in all of these areas. And   that takes us back to one specific ideal client,  one specific place on their journey seeking one   specific transformation. That is what builds  a brand and making sure that your clients are  

sharing the proof of what they've gotten out of  working with you because you can use that to show   it to potential leads so they have more trust,  which is the biggest key in building relationships   and relationships lead to revenue. You have to  build trust and people only trust things that   actually work. So leveraging your results. One little thing that we've started doing   is when people are wanting to enroll in our  Authority Accelerator program, we're sending   them super relevant testimonials before they  ever speak with us, because then they go, oh my   gosh, if it worked for that person, and I'm in the  same niche, of course it's going to work for me.   And it has increased our metrics across  the word, which is really exciting to see.   So results and relationships lead to revenue.  You don't need a lot of people, but you need the   right people who are actually going to get  the proof for you to validate your offer.  

Number six is content strategy. Ooh, I've done it  all, friends. I don't do it anymore, but I have   really tried everything under the sun. And I do  believe in testing things and seeing what works   for you specifically and what generates actual  results in your business, not just vanity metrics,   because vanity metrics are like monopoly money.  As I said before, they don't really do anything  

if they're not converting. But now, I have  simplified my content strategy so much. So   I'm glad I tested. And I think if I were to  start from zero, I still would test things,   but I would really lean into the things that  actually worked and do it pretty quickly.  

And as I've mentioned before, subtract the things  that aren't working fast. Because if you're doing   all of the things and you're on all the platforms,  you're just diversifying your attention,   which means you're not really doing any of them  well, and you're not really reaching your ideal   audience on any of the platforms and you're  spending all of your time on content creation   and social media, as opposed to having the best  possible offer and program on the market and   serving your clients at the highest level, which  is not ultimately helping your business grow.   So how I think about this is every business should  really have a pillar platform. My pillar platform  

is YouTube. It has been almost since the  beginning, since I brought my business online kind   of accidentally, it was YouTube and I fell into  this platform and obviously I've really mastered   it over the last six years. I love it for so many  reasons, but the biggest reason I love YouTube   is that it works for you when you're not working.  YouTube is my pillar. And then I have from there,   other platforms that I will use, but I don't  have to use. So really the two things that I use   in terms of my content strategy, YouTube indicates  the rest of my content. So I'm not reinventing the   wheel across platforms and I'm not making new,  fresh content for every single platform. What  

I am doing is I'm taking what I'm talking about  on YouTube and I'm creating it into the format   that is most native or organic to the platform  I'm sharing it on. That might sound confusing.   Anyways, we have our YouTube video and then my  other big platform is email. My YouTube channel   builds my email list. And what's amazing  about this and why this strategy works so  

well is that these leads are super warm because  if somebody's, let's say watching this video,   they have come here for a reason. So they're  really warm leads as opposed to, let's say it's   a Facebook ad or an Instagram ad where they're not  super interested, they're kind of on the fence,   but you're being pushed in front of them. So I  like to determine YouTube as a pull marketing   strategy, meaning that you are magnetizing the  right people in, who are looking for you for help.   And then push strategy is where you are pushing  yourself in front of people. So YouTube and email,   that's really it. And I'm going to show you weekly  how my content strategy works and what I do and  

the other platforms that I sometimes use. So just between these two things,   this sustains the business without having to  do anything else. And honing in on one platform   as my pillar platform allowed me to grow this  because new people are discovering my content   every single day through search and suggested  and browse, all the different traffic sources   which we talked about earlier. My audience is  growing on other platforms because people are  

following me from YouTube elsewhere, i.e. on my  email list, Instagram, et cetera, but I don't   have to use the other platforms as much because  this is really working for me on a daily basis.   And the next thing to really understand is  that you have basically two vehicles for   marketing online, especially organically, you have  on demand and you have evergreen. So YouTube is an   evergreen platform. There's also platforms like  Pinterest and blogging that are also evergreen   because they use a search functionality, meaning  that people are seeking out the content you're   creating. So you don't have to do any extra work.  They're coming to find you. You don't have to go   find them, whereas on-demand platforms mean that  you have to post to them in order to be seen.  

And the shelf life of that content is pretty  short-lived because it's not innately being   searched. So those platforms would be things like  Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok,   where they have a purpose, but they're just  more of an urgent purpose as opposed to longterm   business building and business development. And when it comes to the content strategy,   I really focus on three tiers and I leverage these  tiers depending on what I need in the business and   studying my numbers and going, okay, well, we  need a bit more traffic this month. Okay, I'm  

going to focus on this tier for this week. Or we  need hotter leads, I'm going to focus on this tier   for this week. So what are they? Viral, depth, and  then evergreen. So the purpose of all of these is   a little bit different. This is more beginner,  top of the funnel. You're going to bring in  

a broad audience, a bigger audience, and it's  going to grow your brand awareness, but they're   going to be colder leads at the top here. Depth  content is really about building loyalty and   depth with your existing audience. So it  doesn't really necessarily mean you're going   to build this huge brand awareness from it,  but the people who are there are going to be   very deeply nurtured through that content and  make them even warmer leads for your business.   And then evergreen is speaking directly to your  ideal client when they are in the most pain and   when they need the most help from you, i.e., if  I make a video on how to build an online course,  

that is evergreen content. That is for my  hottest leads and it generates a ton of interest   and clients in our business. And  the cool thing about this content   is that this content is going to last a  lifetime. So if you make one evergreen video,  

it essentially is timeless. It's not based on a  trend or anything that's like urgent. It works for   you for the rest of time. So I have videos that  are four years old, five years old, six years   old that are still bringing in hundreds of leads  every single week. So that's the beauty of the  

organic strategy on a platform like YouTube, where  you're constantly being found by new people.   And what I will say in terms of a content strategy  is, it's super easy to get sucked into feeling   like you need to grow your numbers and your  vanity metrics, and they all are different   for each tier of content, the only metrics that  truly matter, and there's different iterations   or versions of these on every platform is CTR.  So are people actually clicking on your content?   Are they using an intent to consume the content?  So CTR, retention, are they paying attention?   Are they staying there or are they watching your  whole video? If they're not, it's kind of useless.   Watch time, subscribers, viewers, and  then velocity. And velocity means like,   how quickly are you getting engagement?  Is it having a viral effect essentially?   But all of those metrics don't necessarily matter  to each piece of content. For a viral piece of   content, you are looking for more velocity, you  are looking to pick up more subscribers. For an  

evergreen piece of content, you're looking for  retention, you're looking for a click-through   rate, and you're looking for action. You  want those people to take an action off of   the video to become a lead, to become a client. So when I'm thinking about my content strategy,   as I mentioned, my pillar platform is YouTube and  everything else I do is based off of that YouTube   video. So I'm not having to constantly be creative  and think of new things because there's lots to do   in a business. And I'm going to talk about systems  and structure in just a second. But in doing that   on a weekly basis, I can determine, okay, the  YouTube video comes out on Tuesday. I know Monday,   I'm going to send an email. Tuesday's going to be  the YouTube video, which also is associated with  

an email that I'll send out to my email list to  provide value. Wednesday, I'll share social proof   or testimonial on my Instagram stories and also  in an email to prove the validity of what we do.   And then maybe I'll turn that into a LinkedIn  post on Thursday or a Facebook post on Thursday.   But all of the peripheral platforms and the  on-demand platforms are optional because just   between YouTube and email, which emails we do  one to three a week, usually Monday, Wednesday,   and Friday, if necessary, and then we do  one YouTube video a week. And those four   activities are what generate the most leads  for us. So we double down on the things that  

work the most because that keeps things  simple and it frees up a lot of my time.   And the seventh thing, if I were to start all over  again, is focusing on systems and structures at   the right time. I think people try to rush this  process and it shouldn't be rushed because you're   naturally going to find a rhythm with what you  can build systems around and a structure around   as you actually grow the business. So again, kind  of start by testing and then you figure out what   works best. And then each of those things that  are working in your business to generate traffic   and leads and clients and helping to smooth out  your operations, those are the things that you   want to create systems around and duplicatable  processes so it can take you out of it and you   can eventually hire somebody to do those things. So this is what you need to understand about  

a business. There's really six pillars in a  business. And these six pillars indicate your   systems and your structure. So sales first and  foremost, if you're not making sales, you don't   have a business. So sales, marketing, finance,  operations, fulfillment, and team. These are the   six pillars that build the entire foundation of  a fully functional and fully scalable business.  

So knowing that right off the bat, I wish that I  had this information when I started my business,   would've helped me remove myself from the  business a lot faster so I could focus on   the things that were my zone of genius. So an easy way to think about this is   anything that you find yourself repeating to a  client or a strategy that you use over and over   and over again, or a process that you do on a  daily basis, document it because those things   are systems. Something as simple as sending  out an email to your list, documenting it,   creating a video, creating a step-by-step Google  document, it might seem like a silly thing, but   these are the instructions that you're going to  provide to your first hires. And oftentimes your   first hires are the people who are doing a lot of  the admin and busy work, as I mentioned before,   to take that off your plate so you can  more so focusing on your zone of genius.  

And so you don't need a big team, and I'm going to  talk about that next. You don't need a big team.   You just need to be really, really organized and  start thinking about each of these and how well   they're functioning and what is the missing link.  If you're not making sales, okay, then we need to   think, well, what are you doing on a daily  basis to generate new clients? What are your   revenue generating activities every single day? So  often people skip this and go right to marketing.   Marketing isn't necessarily going to bring in more  sales. You have to figure out what are your key   revenue generating activities on a daily  basis. And that has to be your number one  

priority because without sales, marketing,  finance, operations, fulfillment, and team,   they don't really exist. So first and  foremost, you got to focus on sales   and that allows you to grow everything else  and create your systems and your structure.   So in terms of structure in our  business, what I've really identified   is we have a very small team and the sort of key  departments, content community is one bucket,   operations is the other bucket, and then finance  is the final bucket. And underneath that, we have   people that support, but those are really the  key factors to creating the structure of my team.   And what's really cool now is because we built out  the team, we have processes for every single role   and every single department, and we've documented  it inside of an internal course. Whenever we   hire somebody new, the hiring process and  the onboarding process is already created   because we've already done it once. And then  we're able to just essentially have the new hire  

watch that, train themselves and, of course,  we're there to assist, but we don't have to   kind of reinvent the wheel with every person  who joins the team. And that helps you create   a really dialed-in process in terms of how you  build out the right team and who you hire.   Number eight, hiring. Hiring was a big question  mark for me when I started. So if I were to start   over, I have so much advice to give here. You  want to be so intentional with everything you   do in your business, but particularly in who  you hire, because if you hire the wrong person,   it actually creates more work and more chaos and  more frustration. I always go back to the concept  

of having a north star. So being very clear on  what the intention and mission behind my business   is allows all of the noise and distraction to fall  away. It also allows me to be very strategic in   who I decide to work with. And what I mean by that  is I've mentioned before that I want to work with   people who are legacy hires and legacy clients. So  people that I envision working with for the rest   of my life. I know that's probably not realistic,  but a lot of our team members do stay for quite a   while. And I think that's because we create an  environment and a culture of legacy thinking.  

So I want my team to be people that I love  working with every single day and I truly do.   And so basing every decision of hiring and  building out my team around our north star,   which is really to elevate experts and allow them  to increase their income, impact and authority   using online course creation and organic  marketing strategies. That is our north star.   We want to elevate the hidden experts of the  world so they can reach more people and make   a greater impact. So every hire I bring onto my  team supports that mission. I'm not hiring blindly  

because if I'm doing that, it means that I'm  lost on what I'm actually hiring this person   for. And if I do that, they won't really know why  they're there, then that creates more work and   stress for them and for me, and then you have  to fire people, which isn't a fun situation.   So really centering around your north star and  understanding that every person in your business   that you hire has to fulfill the flywheel that  grows your business, which these four things are   really what we focus on every single day to make  sure that our business is on track and that it's a   healthy, happy culture and business. So program is  number one, having the best program on the market.  

Enrollment, so actually getting people enrolled  into the program, which means sales. Creating   transformation for our clients that come in and  a really great experience for them is our goal.   And then from there, these people, these clients  become ambassadors. They become the people that   tell everyone, you got to work with Sunny because  she works with people on online course creation   and she helps entrepreneurs. As I mentioned  earlier, that's really the brand. I don't need   a lot of people to know that, just the right  people to know that, and that automatically   brings more people into the business. So best  program on the market, enrollment, transformation,  

and then ambassadors. So every  person on our team that we have   is fulfilling one piece of this, if not several  of them. And that's how we know we're hiring the   right people and hiring with a clear intention. I feel like I had a full brain dump there. That   was a lot of information, but I hope it was  helpful. That was my intention behind this video.   And my intention really was, if I was talking  to myself, when I was first getting started,   how would I lay out the roadmap for myself  to reach that first million dollars?   Hopefully this alleviates a lot of the  stress and the question marks that you have,   and it makes your journey a lot easier. Thank you so much for being here. And if  

you want to take this a step further and  you're ready to package your experience,   your story, and your skillset into a highly  scalable online course, you can click below   and book a call with my team to see if we're  the right fit for you. If you enjoyed this,   be sure to hit that like button, the whole mission  behind this channel is to make entrepreneurship   available to everyone. So doing that helps us  reach more people in the algorithm. Thanks so   much for watching and be sure to check out this  video next. I'll see you in the next one. Bye.

2022-03-04 21:31

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