I Want to Quit Day Trading Stocks... (so hard!)

I Want to Quit Day Trading Stocks... (so hard!)

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yeah i i want to i wanted to quit trading stocks right now uh day trading it really is so hard and a little context here um this video won't post until i think new year's day because that'll make sense logistically since i am now done trading for the month uh but i wanted to get this recorded right now just because i am it's literally the day of and yeah i want to quit now it's not clickbait in the title because i really do that's the emotion that's what's over me right now is i just want to wave the white flag be like clay you're terrible you're not good at this just quit man just just quit that's the emotion right now now i've been here before over my training career so i know the feeling and i know what i need to do and i'm going to do that so no i'm not going to quit but yes as of right now i have no shame saying i want to quit and um i i wrote down a couple of notes right here uh that i want to talk about uh but this is gonna be like i said i feel like garbage right now i'm so upset at myself so upset like i i deserve to like i should quit because i am just it's so pathetic and i don't want this to come across as like me whining but if it does to be fair maybe it is going to be me whining the whole time at myself but this is as raw as it gets and i thought you know clay don't wait until a couple days when you come and do this video just do it right now so people because i'm sure somebody's been there i'm sure somebody just felt the way you felt and just get it out there and i don't want to make this video at all i really don't you know i i've learned a lot from the trolls but i'll also be honest that the trolls every now and then they still kind of i don't know just the idea of keyboard warriors um still gets me and i know this video is going to bring out some trolls and i don't want to give them to the satisfac the satisfaction but let me save trolls you the time i mean i assure you you can't be any harder than i myself that i've already been throughout the day and what i'm at right now but i'm sure some people will still be there uh but i guess that's just uh i bring it to myself i have a youtube channel so i'll throw this stuff out there too although it's not pleasant um and i'm already rambling but like i said this is just totally anyways so let me set up some context here so right here you see the results uh going into today before today and it was a good solid month 32 50 i mean it was actually a really good month my best trading day was right there which seems a little backwards because it was the the biggest losing day but actually that day could have been so bad so so bad spoiler alert yet i actually behaved the way i should have behaved and it you know it was quote unquote only 1785 loss but i mean i was able to fight back stick with the strategy uh you know continue to manage risk i mean right there basically a break even day break even break even but point here being i i was doing great i was doing fantastic i was happy with my results going in the day was up 32.50 and from a little context point this is just a side hustle for me i have multiple streams of income but my goal is to be done every day right around about 30 minutes so you know on average i'm done with trading as my you know this income side hustle source whatever you want to call it after about 30 minutes so i get it you can look around the internet and people like wow i see some somebody making 3200 bucks in a single trade and that's awesome for them but for me this is a side hustle and you know the the per hour that i make is i mean that's definitely per hour i mean well over a hundred dollars per hour and in fact if you watch the last month i did i showed my november results i think that i'm pretty sure that number came out to like it broke down to when you do the math like 500 per hour and i mean that's not worth my time but my point here being is i was doing fantastic coming today so those are my results coming into today and now let me bring up the results from today and yeah so oh look at that minus 64 hundred dollars which now puts me on the month i didn't do the exact math but right around minus three thousand dollars think about that up 3 200 and then one day one day down three thousand dollars one of my worst not not my worst months in the my trading car i've lost more money than this before in my trading career i mean i've been doing this over a decade so not my worst month monetarily speaking but my worst month from just a clay what are you doing man what are you what is going like you know better than that like what is going through your skull and i'm still trying to process it and i just want to walk you through that but it was just a terrible terrible day six thousand dollars and let's see okay yeah i have my notes why is trading hard such a fine line and not a hater it's hard okay let me further just let me first start off with if we've ever had any interaction or i've done a video or we've or maybe i just come across as kind of being a hater kind of being jealous towards people that are maybe having success so maybe you've told me about something that you've done and you've been making all this money and i i throw something at you that suggests you know maybe calm down a little bit maybe it's not as easy as you think it is maybe your strategy isn't but it comes across as me not really patting you on the back saying hey great job and i understand why you would say clay you're just jealous of me man you're just a hater you wish you had my results and i understand why you would feel that way but this is why i i do that because trading is hard it's very very hard and i am letting you know that things can fall off the rails and things can fall off the rails very quickly and i know i get it well i won't let that happen to me i promise you i was saying that to myself today at the beginning of the day i'm not gonna let that happen to me lose six thousand dollars in one in one day are you serious clay uh is that even possible clay you're not you're not gonna let that happen clay so all i'm saying is i'm not a hater all i would encourage you to just realize is i'm just trying to warn you i've i've been here before i'm here unfortunately right now these days are terrible like oh my goodness i bless my wife's heart she knows i mean it's just it these are bad days and i really even if you are a troll i i still i don't want to see these days happen to you i hope they never happen to you i hope you're always super disciplined and this doesn't occur but i just want you know that i'm not offering up you a warning because i'm sitting here from i'm just hating on you i'm just jealous no it all it takes is one day and things can turn around and your gains can evaporate uh i mean from this point of view it's not like i just gave back like now this would have been terrible if i'd lost like all my months gains and then all of november's gains that would have been like whoa clay one day and you lost all of december and all of november that would have been terrible so it's not like it was was that bad but it was just like i said mainly bad from the point of you know better clay and then what did i else i wrote down oh why is trading so hard trading is so hard because it really is a fine line all it takes is for you for you to not follow the strategy for you to mess up the strategy now of course if you're brand new and you're beginner you need to actually have a strategy right i mean that that's that goes without saying but after you even get the strategy and after it's a proven strategy to work again like i said i i guess i'll put the link down to the november results so you can see the very previous month had one losing day all green days it was it was a good solid month here leading up you saw the beginning that one first trade was was rough but it still was part of the strategy and then things went back to green so that my strategy works my approach works the tools that i use they work but you know it didn't work today this dude right here this didn't work because i it's a fine line all it takes is a little twist and turn here or there and things can get bad now to be fair is it always going to get minus six thousand dollars in one day bad no that'd be a little dramatic but it can it can't get that bad and it happened to me here today so it's not always just you know it's very black and white it is black and white at this start because you do have to have a valid strategy like you need to build something that works for you but even if even after you have that it's still a bouncing act because you got to make sure that you follow what needs to be done and if you don't well things can get bad what else did i write down here oh yeah okay dumb greed so let me actually walk you through i i think i think what has me the most upset or the most pathetic like i'm a loser like i am of the biggest loser i i deserve today i in all honesty i deserved it the market was fair to me the market punched me in the face and i deserved it and this is probably why i should quit because i'm just a greedy scat i'm just this greedy scumbag so and i don't remember the exact order of this but pointer bean the day started off with some frustration you can see some of these so nothing really worked out there all right there was you know what 50 bucks there is another you know so i mean i was winning but it was kind of just frustrating like okay come on come on just work with me here work with me here and then guess what happened tesla happened and i did very well with tesla in fact when you have tesla and these other three i was up over 500 on the day and i i wasn't happy with that who isn't happy making 500 and i think at that point i don't know this i might be lying right now i don't even think it was 30 minutes in maybe it was a little past 30 minutes i don't remember but the point here being i was up over 500 within you know let's just do this to make it easy within an hour i was up 500 in one hour who's not happy with 500 in one hour seriously like what kind of greedy scumbage scum i can't even talk scumbag loser is not happy with 500 in one hour apparently i wasn't like what that's what i totally deserve this i really do and i'm talking to the future clay if i ever watch this back i probably never will just because i'm so disgusted and i'm like i don't want to revisit but i i need to but clay like are you that's pathetic man that is pathetic that you were not happy with a f with 500 in an hour especially when you know clay you know it was less than an hour but you're just making the math easy to call it an hour that's pathetic i mean that's just dumb grief i wrote down dumb greed i don't i guess i was just being dumb flat out greedy and then what got me this circles back to the fine line is mrna came along an mrna got in well intentioned and then all of a sudden it didn't start to go my way i thought well come on come on you know i it's this is the worst part tomorrow's christmas eve day and then the next day is christmas right and i got i did this to myself because my oh but i don't care i i'm doing this i'm venting call me a whiner call me what you ever want but i'm getting it out of my system because after this video is done i'm moving on i'm gonna enjoy christmas eve with my family i'm gonna enjoy it with you know every i'm just i'm i'm moving on with it so maybe it probably is totally whiny but i don't care this is my therapeutic relief right now that wasn't a tear maybe it was a tear i think it was an eyelash but anyways i got to get it out of my system i don't even know where i was oh yeah so i made that and it didn't quite go in my favor and it's not like it wiped away all my gains but i was like oh man i was just up 500 clay do i really want to be and i don't remember what it was again this could be a lie but i want to say that i could have gotten out with like a 400 450 loser so i would have still been up like 100 bucks but for whatever you know clay you were you were just up 500 bucks man i do you really want to be done now with only 100 i mean even in an hour where do you make well not many places in the world can you make 100 bucks in an hour but i wasn't happy with it so then this is where the fine line comes into play i was like okay let me make this work and what i did was i started to blend strategies meaning i started one strategy i started my entry point with one strategy in mind but then i brought in another strategy where i was going to all right well let me try to do this from other strategies meaning this you don't want this in terms of is this showing up yet you don't want this in terms of strategies strategies should be compartmentalized for a reason because when you start to blend them this is what can happen it can get really nasty so i started to blend strategies and you know at the at the moment it really was just okay let me just tweak it right here but no this is a fine line trading is so hard because it's a fine line and even little tweaks can result in disasters and that's what happened here a couple little tweaks fine line boom i took a big loss and then from there it was just down the rabbit hole of okay let me make that work and then boom and i mean you can see i don't know i guess every trade every time you scale in or out is technically a trade but i didn't sit there and like make 133 trades on maybe no well no because that was a buy and sell yeah so i i don't know i traded a lot today uh the first trade was bad and then took another one actually made a couple couple back and then it was just like all right let's go and it just the wheel spun off the bus and it was just um it just that i think that says i think that speaks for itself i mean i lost seven thousand dollars seventy one hundred dollars right there in mrna um and then ultimately lost 6 400 because of all those reasons i just discussed and uh i want to quit i do i like i don't deserve to do this like i don't deserve to be a day trader i shouldn't be a day trader when i behave like this um and like why didn't you follow the strategy clay like you have a strategy it was working it does work uh it's not perfect nothing is perfect but you i don't know why you just you know it is what it is so i i guess in conclusion here or at least i think it's conclusion i don't even know how long this video has been going how long is it all right we're not even at 15 minutes i got another no i won't go that long but um yeah i'm trying some humor with myself i'm trying to lighten the load here but um this is actually helping believe it or not uh so if you're still here right now thank you for just listening to me i guess come across as a whiner but i do wanna uh two more points here first off this is why i would never recommend why i would i don't tell people hey listen just be a full-time day trader like right now quit your job or even if you do have a good strategy this is why at least at claytrader.com in my community we we are a culture we are community that's encouraging multiple streams of income and this is one reason why you want to have multiple streams of income because as much as i wish i could say hey you know what buy my classes follow my classes and you'll always be making money that's just not how trading works i believe in my class i i believe that can help but if you don't listen to the classes or me if you don't listen to the strategy after you have it this is what can happen and it i don't want to say it's going to happen to you but odds are i'm very confident that somewhere along the line in your day trading swing trading investing career you're going to have a trade a day a week where you're just like what was i doing what was i thinking i don't if you're if you're if you're willing can you like in the comment section below have you ever been there before like have you ever had something where uh one of these days we're just like what was what is your problem like where you just basically want to quit because you're like you know what i i'm just not good enough but you know what when you have multiple streams of income and like i want to encourage you in this way i would encourage you research any wealthy person anybody that you consider successful and one thing that as far as my research is concerned they all have multiple streams of income all of them nobody is like nope i got my one stream of income on and i'm good with that nope everybody i've ever studied has multiple streams of income and i don't i would encourage you to do that too because this is why you don't want to put all your eggs in the you know what i'm a day trader basket because days like this can happen and if i didn't have other streams of income coming in right now i would be in flat out panic mode right now i would be in flat out just what am i gonna do and that's not a spot that i want you to be in that's not a healthy spot to be in both from a physical like mental perspective and from just a financial monetary perspective you don't want to have all your eggs in one basket and anything in life especially in income streams especially as a trader right because days like this can happen and i i hope they never happened to you i really don't i don't would never wish this on anybody even the the troll of all trolls i i you know just because this has a very real threat of affecting me and my family now over the next couple days of christmas but that's why i want to do this video now just so you can be with me in the in the doll drums but also like i said you were like this is my couch and you're the therapist right now and i'm just pouring my soul out so that i can just move on from it and feel better about it but i i don't want anybody to be in this situation however you got to realize that when you have multiple streams of income which i do it it makes this much easier to cope with and it makes it much easier to deal with and just realize okay clay i know you want to quit i i it's hard i know you want to quit but just calm down you you have an infrastructure in place with multiple streams of income so that's why i will never ever make fun of somebody that's like are you a full-time trader well no i have a full-time job you don't trade full-time no good for that person ticker symbol j-o-b fantastic so don't feel like you can only ever be successful as a trader if you just like quit and go full-time that's don't be like that your job even if you don't really like the job you know what it's another stream of income and that's what wealth building is all about and when i say wealth i don't mean so you can have rolex watches i just mean for peace of mind that type of wealth to know that you're in control and because of my multiple streams of income as bad as i feel right now i still i can get to the peace of mind and as i'm doing that right now because of that and the other thing is don't quit don't quit i i know the feeling i'm having it right now you're gonna come across or odds are you're gonna come across a time in your trading journey maybe you've been there before and hopefully you never go back there again but you're just gonna wanna wave the white flag and be like i give up i'm done but just keep on going now make sure maybe maybe maybe not keep on going the way you are i mean if you're randomly just kind of doing stuff and you know deep down that you're kind of just guessing you're kind of just ran you're maybe you were getting lucky i mean keep going but keep going in with with a different different approach right keep going down a different pathway but just keep going but this is what makes it so hard for me is because i i know better like i can't sit here and be like well that's my cost of tuition i'm just trying to learn the markets i don't really know no clay you know what you're do like what are you doing man what are you doing and that's what makes it 10 times worse than any sort of monetary loss i can look at is i so know better but i and i wish i had more of an answer other than the fact of i was just a greedy savage today for i don't know why maybe it's because this i was planning on this being my last trading day of the month and i wanted just a little bit more because i want to take off you know christmas eve and then next week and i want to just you know step away from the market enjoy uh you know time with my family stuff so i don't maybe and that's a guess maybe that was somewhere deep down where i was like you know this is kind of the last day of the year clay so are you really just going to close with 500 why not try to get i i really don't know um and and i wish i could say that i was making a youtube video because i could see that it being a justification clay come on you you're making a youtube video for this one let's just make it a little bit bigger than 500. i mean that actually makes sense but that's the bad part is i wasn't even recording today for a youtube video so i can't even throw that as an excuse which makes this all the more frustrating because that actually makes sense the youtube voice is real is very real and the youtube voice is always saying clay make a cool video you'll get more views you'll get more subscribers like that's good clay make a cool video but that voice wasn't even i can't even use that voice as an excuse so i don't know what it is but what is my solution uh my solution is i i am done i'm i'm done for the month like done for the year uh so it is what it is because what would definitely just because what i want right now is okay clay it's it's only three thousand bucks three thousand dollars divided by there's still about uh five days left in the in the uh so you know i'm doing that right now three thousand dollars divided by five days left that's right around six hundred dollars a day you can make that happen that that's a that's a recipe for disaster me now out there i gotta get six hundred dollars i gotta get six hundred dollars and to be this was i don't think i can sound arrogant here or condescending just because you see my results but i mean i i could pull it off i really could i can get 600 if i wanted to i mean i have i have a high likelihood of doing that i'm feeling confident in myself that i could do that but that's also the problem is because i'm still in the heat of the moment and i'm probably lying to myself right now am i really mentally capable of continuing to trade over the next couple of days no no no and this is actually good because i did you see me i just try to you see me talk i can do that if i'm being honest i can do that no clay this is helping this is helping quite a bit actually i i you just got to see that no i'm not mentally capable i'm gonna tell myself i'm mentally capable like you just saw me do but i'm not so i'm done it is what it is i'm closing this month red it was a terrible terrible month because of one decision i made well multiple decisions but uh it it is what it is um where are we at time wise 22 minutes so i mean that that's all i have for you don't don't be like me you know what don't do this don't just realize how fine of a line trading is and um yeah it's just uh i if this is not pleasant at all and i know better and i'm throwing it out there and you know i i get it clay dude you're like you you offer classes i do offer classes and all i will say is if you're looking for like a perfect teacher if you're looking for like a teacher coach guide whatever you want to call me that does it right all the time that always makes the right decisions that always behaves that always has their emotions under control and i i i realize the irony there trade without emotion is a slogan if that's what you're looking for if you're looking for the person that only ever makes money and the only and the person that only you know never makes mistakes and never you know then that that's not me that that's not me if you're if you're if you're open if you're interested maybe somebody that's gonna just throw out their messed up moments like i'm doing right here then that is me but yeah full disclosure on my sake if you think that i'm like the perfect coach the perfect teacher the perfect trader that's very clearly not the case here um but yeah it's uh it's just not not good but oddly enough i do feel better about myself i do feel better going forward because you listened at least i i think you're still listening actually i'm curious it's we're 24 minutes in if you're if you're still here can you comment below still here like did you make it through all this i understand if you're not like i'm not offended at all like next this guy's too whiny let me go check out another trader i i get it i i totally understand it um but if you are still here in a kind of maybe creepy type of way because i don't think we've ever met in person but thanks like thank you for listening this has helped and please just realize that if any of my videos like i said i started this i want to end with it if any of my videos if any of our interactions have ever come across like i'm hating on you i'm jealous of you i'm trying to discourage you i'm trying to rip you down i'm really not i'm just speaking from experience and here we go my newest data point of experience that trading can be really hard and it can it can get really nasty really quickly uh when you're unsuspecting it and i i i assure you i was not suspecting at all that i was gonna be doing a video like this when you know today started but here i am and hopefully uh you learn from it and i'm looking at the screen here i think i've mapped out everything but um i hope you all had a good end of the month i hope you all did much better than i did i hope you all um had a a a good 2020. talk about 2020 maybe this was on par for the year 2020 but um i i wish this all myself included i'm i'm going to get back on it going to get back at it uh you know the first i guess what the i think the first day is the third but i'm done for training for 2020. uh i'm done and uh you know it it it's definitely the best for me because i'm just not mentally capable of it and i i just want some rest and relaxation anyways i need to just chill out and uh like i said i was already thinking about it beforehand but seeing this and now i i don't want to take now i don't want to rest and reel right the thing that i want is what i don't want to do right i want i know i need just chill out it's the last week of the year the markets get super choppy anyways who cares but now i want to go and throw myself into the chop fest because i want to try to get you know 600 a day back so i can at least break even on the month but that's not gonna happen and uh you listening really helped out so thank you for listening thank you for just hearing me out and uh i i guess trolls have at it tell me how terrible of a trader i am but i know i know i'm well aware i'm well aware of how terrible of a trader i am there's i'm not refuting that at all it was not good uh but feel free to pile on in the comment section i guess trolls are gonna be trolls but um for those of you that are just still here like i said and listening i thank you very much as creepy like i said as it sounds i appreciate you listening it it actually helped out so i'm gonna move on i'm gonna enjoy christmas eve gonna enjoy christmas day and i i suppose by the time you're watching this i'm gonna enjoy christmas eve and um yeah hopefully you're enjoying your new year's day so everybody take care and um yeah just remember what can happen when uh things uh things can get out of control but yeah thank you for listening again i realize i keep repeating myself but i feel like there's something else that i want to say but i think i got it all wrapped up but everybody take care first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-01-02 16:56

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