I'VE HIDDEN $5,000 IN PUBLIC (come find it)

I'VE HIDDEN $5,000 IN PUBLIC (come find it)

Show Video

I'm going to pull out $5,000. Five racks for one of you guys to find just you guys we've all had this money alright guys just hit the money good luck guys use your brains and go crush it. What. Phase. Banks we're back for another video in this video today I'm gonna be hiding $5,000, somewhere, in Hollywood yes that's right guys not, a joke you already know youtubers, do giveaways and stuff all the time that shit happens online you never know if it's real or it's not real straight up going to the bank in this video holing, out $5,000, cash and I'm gonna be hiding it for you guys real money in your fucking hand shit's gonna be a while if you guys like this idea you guys want me to do this against Mac. On. This video and I will do this again might even be somewhere that is in Hollywood I don't know but I'm gonna continue to do this I like this idea I want to get back to you guys guys in my life because my little babies with gravy the Navy little babies that's where he came from you guys in my world I love, you okay I'm gonna stop more information about that later on but for right now it's Super Bowl Sunday I'm gonna get ready for the game enjoy the blog already big things very crazy things in this video without further ado let's get into it. Don't. Nobody gives up come on your Super Bowl commercial the Patriots, are on today going for our sixth ring guys listen, I might freak out I really might forgot I can't watch this game with a bunch of people like this we're a supreme, sure you're not where the Supreme Truth today I got you something wait really you're wearing that bro you have to my. Bro. Your, Super Bowl I. Do, care, about it it's sick it's awesome. Or. The game the game 100%. 100%. Listen you got paid you're gonna be famous for 5 seconds it's all good. Come. On bro you got to support the squad today you. Wear I'll. Wear the cloud change shit. Shit. You right let me see him one time one time damn shop colds been killing it for us do you know here you go don't lose it or break it or. Sell it or pawn it was I don't, know how to feel the shirt doesn't have supreme, on it so. Put. The hey. Gang. Shit, dad, merch stuff this shit eat them, do we have any more of these left they're almost all gone. Now. I'm. Through the guys I mentioned the merch of my last video or nearly sold out there's a few pieces left so if you want that shit get it now link will be in the description probably not gonna be able to plug this again Nico you doing dog what guys go bother merchants, no honestly the merch is fires that are active the merch is fire and if you ruin today for me if. You ruin to dos yeah god I'm gonna have a big long talk with everyone they have none of the controlling, like this actually is in a joke and guys I'm not joking right now because I will know, you're gonna mark it up none of that bullshit, none. Of that no no seared, but Alex I'm serious, I'll, put you in a coffin. It's. Not kidding ten, feet deep covered in ketchup, when your tomatoes taste like ketchup don't you just hate Alex Thank You Fraser, where you after you know the Superbowl right the football game. You. Say yeah today. None. Of that nonsense. Are. You serious. Just, gave you that sure, but he doesn't have a shirt he's cold Fraser doesn't, know a single thing about football he does. Okay. I can't take this and I'm not kidding okay they all figure to jail they all think it's just fun and games this isn't fun yo t walk listen. To me many wet psychic cats will win we gotta do what. The fuck that. Hey. Yo, listen if the Pats by some miracle lose this game I'm gonna need you to edit this. Video to convince the whole world that they want, out. Their, favorites. Are gonna we listen we don't even need none of that shit we don't need any advantage. We don't need to you off the path you're gonna go in there and it's gonna be ksi, versus Joe Weller all over again ksi being the Patriots obviously well actually the dopest, story about this t-shirt I was at Subway right down the street not even kidding this actually happened I was wearing a Red Sox hat and some dude was like oh shit are you from Boston you from New England anyway, in this card he gave you that teacher who didn't subway like four o'clock in the morning that's an awesome shirt very good vibes you need to keep that on do not disrespect, it what is football, this.

Sport. Of all time spoon time so cook. And. Now you bro, I can't take this shit bro I can't take this shit I. Could have flew to Boston I stayed with you guys yo no truce oh. Here. It foosh what do you got to say for today better. And better, than ever it's the Super, Bowl Sunday versus the Patriots, and the Eagles who will win and. We will go home today's. Biggest loser. These. Games for you, guys, a team any sandwiches, from Subway, so we could have food for the squad and now we're going to Ralph's, with obvious, all right don't, you write what's your pulse under you dishes order a certain sandwich is not in order, for, some wish we. Have to hold me in the trunk taking one for the team great ten see you guys when you get to Ralph's we're already with the veggie dip chips bag guy over here is wearing a Brady, Jersey that's awesome, I'm gonna wring this shit out the ring to go get all those little sandwiches you guys back in the face house right, now face, house you guys have seen it how much I mean you visit it are the ones who brought you help me pick it out what. Can I say me and houses are just something about me at houses I'm very nice but there, should be a realtor bro I could be a realtor good welcome yoots you that's. Some real determination, we'll see you on the other side Noah. Here. We are baby. No brand deals no free Brando's but hey hooked it up here, for the sandwiches, and there they are a lot of sandwiches, got. The range, all loaded up we're good to go a lot of subscribers of, this books and a lot of stuff in this car heading back to the face house to you guys when you get there we're, here we're ready to. Bust. It open show a little trick curl the ends and curl the corners I turn it to a little makeshift Bowl it's. My best to do with you though fire, you show me that in New York and I was like no way this hasn't been ended mentioned when I swear the chip to taste medicine is not good this is for Thomas boy what, eggs what you, guys do it why don't you just use the top of the bottle first of all this. Makes. Us look way cooler okay, third of all Cheers. Wait. Harris hi doggies, no what if they fall, down the ledge over there bro. On some real shit I know I was playing around earlier but bro you got a minute of screen, time on. The biggest televised advance in America. Year what up young Roman who, you rooting for tonight and, don't. Say some dumb shit you, know Luigi's from Philadelphia. 2-door. Live you guys you get to check our key to to door to door, to. Door swerving back in the day it was the. First. Half is over very interesting, 30 minutes football very, confident, Tom Brady are now they call the comeback kid for a reason or you watch last year knows what's up so we, need to pull this out and feel good feeling good when your Patriots, fan there's no other way to feel all you gotta do is tighten some things up sloppy football, being played on asleep let's go ride it out Texas, wind.

Heartbreak. Man I needed that one man I needed this I really needed that whatever, the show must go on right I'll catch you guys tomorrow. Give. Me 50. 49. 50. Listen. I haven't shown my vlog yet cuz I was a little bit buttered about yesterday but I'm flying out tomorrow early. That's. You where can they buy that. Hey. Happy. Birthday. Screenshot, Vegas on Twitter, love, you guys you, got that cup. It's. Coca-cola. Kids. Don't do drugs drugs, are not cool tell me I'm ugly. Crack is whack bitch I. Was. Myself up just like you do it just like this. What the fuck bitch yeah I felt I had everyone, thinks I got beat up which is not the case I can attest this bitch did not get beat up they don't put me on that but I was the only one that saw it happen you got his ass beat we're. Gonna do this we don't see if I see move enough you don't give me this, put me right where, do you think everything has to move in stay outside Mississippi, man I just don't have what it takes do ya no one really likes you. Go. Catch that flight or catch these hands. What. Are you gonna do for your hallways birth but I told them I'm buying them Gucci tomorrow I'm gonna throw it back form tonight. I'm. The, guy there's all these movies my friend that's all I care but what I wanted that white Gucci tea with the night I just want to know are you selling a back for him tonight I told you he's tossing me them inches tonight go through, some. Of the most kid. I've ever seen and rice is over you're beaten off too. You. Have to walk pass how's the get there. Just. Woke up Frazier I was looking for my phone charger in here I'm sorry Frasier but you got tab oh yeah. Yeah. That. Looks awesome stop that bad for you to come on in and I'm just been a pussy, that's. Dope you know I like them I like the tattoos I've actually. Will. Let you get back to you that I'm sorry. All. Right got the new day other job bounced, everybody's doing their own thing rice has a meeting wolfies, no jerk and Ryan off for his birthday I don't know what everybody's, doing but I know what I'm doing like I said it to be give me the video I'm going to pull out $5,000. 5.000. For one of you guys to find I haven't exactly decided how I'm gonna do this yet I'm just doing it on the fly but this shit's real man this shit is so, real I'm gonna get the money right now let's see you guys want to get to the bank all right guys let's secure the bag I got them I got the money I got to go to Staples I'm gonna get a little lockbox, code on it I'm gonna give you guys that code any we're gonna wait till we get home to show you guys but I'm not trying to wave around plots. Lock. Down stars, all, right so we're in stables and I came across this can thing what's that show to you off with the cases, no. It's a lot to you know what's that show with the cases. Deal. Or No Deal bro, it looks like some Deal or No Deal shit, all right how the going to hide this but I think this is the winner and whoever wins this I'm gonna need this back honestly I'm gonna just give you a heads up this is not a part of the deal you're getting five racks that's it I need this back 100%, you, know these homies just on a bus they hop. These, guys great kids, no guys watch my video tomorrow alright big. Things all. I gotta say is this some money shit's, going down tomorrow look. At the cutting yeah hell, yeah yo Lissa is for you baby for, being the best girlfriend ever you see those pretty eyes, see. That's a real that's a damn, no. I'm hiding this for fans what do you think about that five. Racks I. Just. Want to know I'm not about to go get it I just know all right bro bro bro so much how you guys we're minding cuz I got the spot you, know by the. Okay. That's, a good spot yeah. Guys. Rice for some reason has a money counter don't know why cuz he's broke know somebody make a bunch of sense but I'm gonna take advantage of a user right now. This. Bonus. Thing. With. Me there's $2,000. So this needs to be thirty hundred. Twenty-nine. Weight is after your pockets dog right now I'm to your pockets. How. Do I know you're such a stuff but yeah guys I picked this spot the spot has been secured I obviously haven't hid the money there yet I don't know if I'm actually gonna hide cash there do you think about that I don't know but if someone, else gets it that isn't it I don't want someone to get up, for it I don't want any crazy shit to go down i'ma have to do some thinking we're gonna make sure that this goes smoothly it's all good if I put like a little note in there with the code or something I don't know I'm gonna think on it dad you come here right yes can sighs your brother once you get this throw will do any second, now literally any second, now oh sure I think I hear oh wow well.

Well, You. Got a big fight coming up oh how. Many taught honestly, is it getting annoying how many times you heard that the last like 10 hours. Who. Said that listen if he's anything like his brother. What's, all this shit about the MMA all the loser my, way cause he's scared off give up boxing. When. You win then you can fight me shit all right so you heard it here first on drama. Listen. You heard it here first Deji those are his terms don't grab, you already know the drug test boy. Yosi, you guys wanna go have this money all right we have to shovel the supreme shovel. It's. Your birthday why do you try to steal everything, all I'm breathing so you should give me the money uh-huh would be the winner six five three already know the code that's, not the code and that's actually not the box guys I can't bury a suitcase, like that so I'm actually gonna hide in this so I'll be on the lookout for this this is the box that's the trouble that's gonna do the job already no five racks, we're gonna go bury it right now let you know when we do when we do all right guys I just hit the money it's, there it's down back that's the first hint it's Underground, and we're in Hollywood we're going to the Cheesecake Factory right, now and then I'm gonna go back home and I'm gonna give you guys all the information that you need to find this it's not a joke shit is out there I'll see you guys at the factory. All. Right guys it's been a long day long day but now it's the time you guys have all been waiting for I hit the shit I went got the money dad she came through Ryan's. Birthday Patriots. Lost in a very eventful vlog glad you guys stuck through it those of you did are now gonna have the opportunity to win $5,000. So first of all like I said Hollywood, area for this one we might do more in the future depending on how this does but for right now shits gonna be in Hollywood when I go over a few rules and you guys need to listen very carefully so, listen to every word that I say from here on out to the end of the video cuz everything, I say it's very important, and you don't want to this up you don't wanna miss something I said and be out $5,000. For so first and foremost absolutely. Above all else safety. And just playing it cool and you know made no shit, no weird shade be safe you guys are doing this at your own risk okay I hit a box somewhere, and it has information, to claim 5,000. Real dollars, and I just wanted ready to be safe about it it's not in a dangerous area, it's not gonna be a physical challenge to get it you're gonna have to dig it up told you that that's a huge clue so you guys don't have to looking trees and shit it's underground it's hidden it's buried it's not buried deep enough to where you need a shovel I mean you might want to bring a little tool something to dig with but, when you find it it's not gonna be that hard to dig up its hidden well duh so like I said before I actually came to the conclusion, that it's probably a better idea it's, safer on my part and on your part to hide I know in this box that gives, you instructions. Just you, the only person that's gonna see what needs to be done in order to claim the prize give me the person who opens this box finding. The box is gonna be the challenge once, you get the box and you're the one who has the box you get the $5,000, nothing else after that you're looking for this box as if there were five thousand dollars already in the box there will be a note in there that has very, strict instructions there's an email in there that is specific, to this challenge nobody, knows it the only person that's gonna know it is you you're gonna email me some specific, shit I put a password on this so when you email me the password to.

This Email and you give me your name, everything will meet up to be the 5k you'll be actually, featured in my next video so those of you guys who care about that that's cool I guess absolutely. Make sure you guys record, your whole experience the more you have the better it is for me I guess it's not a complete rule but I would really really appreciate how, the person who finds it to have some awesome video evidence of them being the one to first grab and stuff to just completely, legitimize. The fact that you were the winner main reason why I don't want actually put the cash out there was one I didn't want it to get picked up by some random person by chance, I mean it's hidden well enough to the point where like it you're not gonna find out unless you're looking for it and I also didn't want people fighting, and stuff and any dangerous, creepy, shit going on so it's just better off I mean if somebody grabs it and then somebody else steals it I'm gonna find out that they stole they have to come get the money from me so it's just safer like I said on your par safer on my part okay now here's what you guys been waiting for this box has a three-digit. Combination on, it okay it's one of those ones that you scroll up and down and it's a three-digit, code those three digits have been hidden in this video randomly, throughout the video in order so for example, if the code was one two three there's gonna be a one somewhere in this video somewhere, around the beginning a two somewhere, in the middle of another three somewhere at the end obviously the code is a 1 2 3 but you're gonna have to get that code in this video somehow I doubt there's gonna be comments on it because who that's gonna want to tell everybody the code unless those of you can't compete in the challenge want to help people out but then again you. Never really know if somebody's telling the truth or not go find the numbers they're not gonna be hitting like crazy you know I've got to watch the video 20 times just make sure you guys find those three to just three digit code that's the first thing you're gonna want to have now that all of you guys have the opportunity, to get the code through this video I'm gonna give you guys the clue this is where a box is hidden this is where the. $5,000. Is hidden so listen up this box is, hidden underground, at a random park in Hollywood, you can clearly, see the Hollywood sign from, this part once you get to this part be cautious, of rattlesnakes.

There Are rattlesnakes, there be cautious and once you make it there you'll know you're there there's gonna be a big white, man, with his hands in his pockets and a blue collar on he as your prize listen, to what I just said as many times as you have to find the three-digit code somewhere, in Hollywood start, diggin guys be safe have fun and, let's try to get through this in one piece so I can do this more often I love shit like this it doesn't get any more legit than this I mean I'm gonna physically hand somebody cash no fake giveaways you already know guys super excited about this I think it's a dope video I think it's dope this my first real video back I want to do something for you guys I'm stoked, on it like I said before at the beginning of the video 300,000. Likes wolf am and I will for sure do, this again might even be for more money might be in a different city might be in multiple cities we don't know we're gonna see how this goes and we're gonna roll, with it again guys said earlier in the video the cloud King March is getting real low on inventory we, don't know when we're gonna drop again once these are gone they're gone so check out the website it's, right there on the screen it's in the description check that shit I'll catch cloud, gang merch cloud gang shit you already know I'm exhausted like I said it's been a long day, I'm wrapping, it up good luck guys much, love make sure when you find the box if you're the one read the instructions, carefully in, there and you'll have the money use your brains and go crush you have fun guys bring a friend along split, the money with him I don't really give a fuck whatever you guys want to do do it have fun love you guys so much it's been your boy banks who, I missed. That man who's been your boy bags let me say it one more time one, more time it's, been your boy banks peace.

2018-02-12 17:15

Show Video


monk haircut lmao

No need for the code when you have a chainsaw.

how did he not shoutout tgf bro wtf banks you better than tha g


Money already gone

Awww Rice's commercial. So cute!


do it in san diego next!

stop by Chicago banks u da man

247 that’s the code I’m from Wisconsin

Banks you the man please put the Paul family out of YouTube idc how you do it.... just do it like Nike please for the love of God

Why did you kill someone you sad fuck

The codes 420

I found it in my attic

I'm the type of dude to find the money while I live in Texas and use it to fly to L.A to find it

I️ live in nj 247 go boyz


code is 336

Remember Rice’s video they were burying something saying “they killed someone”




Steelers still the best

U should do pranks bro


Found the case yo thanks for that

no 300k likes , dang it

Good luck peep's!!! I sadly can't do it :( but hope the best of luck to you guys!!♡♡♡♡

I swear that beer was full when he dropped it...

The eagles won it

In his video Rice showed them burying something, saying it was a midget they killed and that's why it was a really small hole.


I found it

If you do it again come to Las Cruces NM please love ya bro no homo lmbo

Do it in D.C. or NYC

Live in the desert can ding money code is 247

Code is , 247

Hey did you hear about Brady?



247 hope this helps


i don't accept money from the handicapped.

The Code Is 247 Guys, I Sadly Can't Claim The Prize Because I Live in Canada, But Anyways, Good Luck Guys & Congrats If You Won The Prize !!

Yoooo I already found it

Hey do u know when Alissa is posting again

I was just gonna go and search for money me noticing I don’t live In Hollywood

Banks where ya at man

I'm so down to scavenger Hunt This yo Hollywood area down

stuck in Kansas :( GL guys 247

when is alissa coming back on youtube

you guys need to hang out with savage realm that dude lives with foushee

I found the money wtf

Code is 247 2= 1:01-1:02 ( between dem ) 4= 11:48 7= 20:18

Fly like an eagle #SteelersRevenge

I watched the vid 2 times and can’t find the code

The Canyon Drive Trail Park in Hollywood is the most likely spot. I'm not looking for it, just thought people should know.

Fuckin no likes

See ya’ll in 4 weeks

85% of the vid .


You are the realest person on YouTube

Why do they call a 40 year old man the cum back “kid”

Can u come hide it in Canada plz

code is 247 2= 1:01-1:02 (between dem) 4= 11:48 7= 20:18

Fuck ricegum

I hate the patriots eagles fan here

Ayioooo eagles nation

The first number is 2 of the code

Supreme patty idea

Not in US. 2-...-...

I wish I could participate but I love across the country from where they live

I found it

The code is 936

Lol nice wonder where he got the idea?

YES! I knew Banks was sick. Let's go Pats and Socks! (Except RIP Super Bowl

I bet it’s at the loose change store or at the holly wood sign

247 is the code


You fuck some one on baby B day


Lost in the sauce why is relevancy so important to u it means nothing and he owns the biggest gaming org in the world hes not going broke

OMG I found it

When you don't live in LA

I wonder how many viewers who don't live in Los Angeles, including me.

Who found the money

246 niggas I found it

FaZe banks is koo

I don't know if you realize but you said hit 300,000 wolf fam

I don’t live in Hollywood so there is a 2 and a 7 you have to find the other digit


im in vallejo soooo #TUTUWORLD crest in peace tutu

Code 2_4_7

hide money in miami love the vids


Sucks that most of us don’t live over there

I found it guys

I live in England,weather sucks

I wonder where banks got it @loganpaulvlogs

Too bad I live in Milton keynes

Yeah thanks Banks. Wait i live in Italy

U should do it in Coachella/:

Don't find the fake money cause when you find it inside is nothing cause he's a fool

I live in germany...feels bad man

I want to find that 5k so i can pay to get that beard groomed and rice eaters haircut. #goofylookinmfs

What's Mitch's @s

Challenge Ksi when your hand is better

Boxing is fake.mma is real fight.

Definitely think you should do it back in your hometown

1) 247 is password 2) in Hollywood park 3) can clearly see the Hollywood sign 4) rattle snakes are here 5) a big white man with a blue color on under there is your prize 6) (optional) if you find it because of this just shoot me an email I don't want anything but I want to know if this helped. alecquinn15@gmail.com

5k in his pocket round 2

I found it I was there when you buried it

issa rip they didn't win ......

If this is a giveaway for your fans then how come anyone can find it?

I can't go to Hollywood

I live in the other side of the country

Your so fucking stupid and look gay

KSI vs FaZe Banks

Faze fight ksi

420 is the password guys

This sucks I live in Minnesota :((

Ricegum beating that Meat doug

Fucking love your voice

891. Guys

is it just me or rice him is geting fater

Come to to Fitchburg Massachusetts so I can meet you pls with a cherry on top thx

Like them hats got to smell

Faze Banks I found the Box in the park I’m cryin so much I’m going to give some to my parents and my teacher

Banks i know You got the money for new hats them jawns r sweat stand garbooodge

Lol thanks banks I found that money

who saw all code numbers in the background before he even talked about them

You suck dumb ass

Found it

I don't live in Hollywood I live in San Diego the code is 247 good luck

A statue

live in Atlanta can't get it code -247 congrats to the winner

Alissa said she was pregnant she said she was 3 weeks pregnant sorry if I spoiled but she said on paparazzi

Your a fucking loser faze banks. You and your fucking ugly looking like donkey girlfriend should just stop doing YouTube. You also look like slender man ugly little brother!!!!

I won the money just so u all know. Anyone likes this gets a shout out from me in Banks vid

So Who Found It??????

KirstiStephenson idk

code is 247

Who found the money i went there since this video came out u haven't found it


Some of the people can Get shot



From Australia;-:

i got the money

Password is 608

Yo pin me bro I found it yo I'mma real fan I found it under the bushes at the mall

Faze banks can you guys do it in Glendale CA. Next time please. #notificationsquad#fazebanksfan

I was rooting for philidelphia because of Lil Uzi lmao dead ass

Omg i found it yayayaya

and i forgot about the flexing

l.A changed them all with designer miss the old rice and banks=(

Remember when faze was a gaming channel?

and the eagles won how yah feel banks

If i couñd find it i would but i live in NewYork

I think jake paul is going to win the fight???

Noooo I know where your talking about but I’m in Portland

Why the fuck is your hand still wrapped up? It should be healed by now

Good fuck that hulfer guy

ye u btr report me u lil bitch

I reported Hufler... You aren't allowed to harass people.

Yeah i wouldnt be suprised. He wants to sit here calling other people pussies when we all have seen he cant fight worth a shit

he is faking it to get out of fighting Jake/Logan...

Hey banks did you notice the girl meg something that you were supposed to assault from team 10 has just like vanished from all of their vlogs and videos and she is never mentioned haha I guess jake realized his lies didn’t work not like we would ever believe that you would assault a woman anyways your actually a genuine guy

Why does this guy even still have faze in his name? He hasn't been associated with faze in years.

me to because I live in c


He used Erika Costell intro music in one part

READ THIS FOR SOME CLUES code is 247 i did research and one of the parks is called Runyon Canyon park, it has rattle snakes like banks said, You can see the Hollywood sign at the park. He also went to The cheese cake factory after he hid the prize so i looked up Hollywood cheese cake factory and turns out its one minute away from the Park. So this means that RUNYON CANYON PARK could be an option. I don't know if this is right but i think it is. good luck

Lake Hollywood Park has the best view of the hollywood sign.

Bet u guys 1 million dolllars banks wont like this

I got it

its 247 to bad i cant get it oh well

I don't live in LA :(

quit trying to be like logan and jake with your over exaggeration intros and shit , watched you ages ago before you got with your gf and you wasn't half as hyper and fake af, you proper changed unsubbed , its been good.

I didn’t talk to anyone the next day when the patriots lost

I found the box bout to email u

247 in joy people

guys cant go its lake wood park i think??

The park is Lake Hollywood don’t believe me look at ricegum vid and the sign is their


the code is 666


I live in England

I found the money !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when you live in a different country :D life v-v

You guys fucked FaZe, enjoy the materialistic bullshit


Fuhh the only time I watch adapt is when he messed with banks lol fly Eagles Fly I'm so proud and happy we won!!! Lol ggs but oh well

Patriots lost haa


When is ur next video? Dm please from mass

Drop the song

Too bad i live in New Zealand sadddddddd

"We're back" doesn't upload in 6 days

Check Griffith Park

Who found the money???? Dam banks were the video bro...

You the type of dude to put BO55 On your Call of duty clan tag

But I don’t live in la I am a broke ass nice bro who is going to find it


Where’s the uploads my guy


There's gonna be so many people digging up the ground in hollywood

Ur a patrits fan ur ass in unsubing


Upload please


Faze should drop his song he was talking about tha shit sounded lit af

You say your gonna start uploading again then this...

Got danm it i live in Jerome Idaho.......FUCK!!!!!!

Do t in Nevada plssss

Do it in Green bay Wi

Falissa biolet

if u watch comedyshortsgamer it shows the location

247 is code no joke 2 is at1:01 4 is 11:48 7 is 20:18


Anyone from Orange County who wants to meet up and drive there lol

I found it banks and I want you to bring me to the cloutgang houe

Man faze is such a great person

Bro why dident you back Deji

hi retards

That’s 500

I know where it is but I can’t go cause I live in Maryland if you wonder how I know I took a week long trip to California

I live in England lol

At least jev is happy

Congrazts on thd baby

I found it omg I'm happy

Your actually the mane

another sham...he took the cash back obviously


What was the video called when some one found the box

go on my twitter or yt for money

found itt

Faze rug tunnel

Can y’all plzz you stock on the merch I really wanted to get one but my dad said make me get my next week they were all sold out now I’m sad


You're gonna have all of fuckin Hollywood dug up

ricegum ugly as shit

Prank deji

You're wearing an Aaron Hernandez jersey? Wtf...

I live in Florida like boy

its where they shot Earthquake I live in Ireland, So go to where they shot earthquake, it is where banks gf took a piss on one of his vlogs..Good luck

How do I join Faze I'm gud bruh

IT is 247

When banks uploads on your birthday

You guys should come out with more faze pendants



Fight FAKE PAUL!!!!

Phillyyyyyy bird gang

Code:247 2- 1:01 4- 11:48 7- 20:18 Go to DEJIs vlog “going to jake pauls house” and at the begging you will see that Violet and Banks are hiding it in a park and it is also written there “DO NOT CLIMB OVER THE FENCE, SNAKES” I hope it helped you See ya

Wish i lived in LA

IK all the Jake Paul drama has gone but in Alissa vid she said Erika would slam her door shut and say i cannot stand with jake and when Alissa got kicked out she backstabbed Alissa and that proves jake cheated cuz when Alissa left he started dating ERIKA SO PROOF LOL : WHEN U NOTICE YO DONT LIVE IN AMERICA : YOU SAY THAT U ARE FINE BUT R REALLY NOT LOL IM SO WEIRD BTW BANKS CAN U AND ALISSA HAVE A MEET AND GREET IN ENGLAND PLZZ I WANNA MEET U SO BADLY leave a like on this comment if u think U AGREE ON THIS COMMENT ;)

Wuuussssss gravyinthenavylittlebabies


Please upload a new video! South Africa (Where I'm from) Misses you! I miss your videos so much! Please upload soon

I live in Scotland but ok

MEH live in israel


Do one in sac

it wil be in the haunted tunnel

Since when does Alissa have green eyes?


Po box opening

Deji vs Jake =Jake KSI vs Jake=KSI

i found the money

Team 10 vs Faze clan .. because why not

I live in Boston and can’t go out myself

Shame im in the UK

Watch Deji video and they BURRY a body, Lol with the supreme shovel... idk

Too bad I live in Britain

At least u done it properly and not like that suicide shaming asshole Logan Paul at Vid-Con when he hid 10 grand but it got found and he continued to tell his 12 year old fans that it was still hidden so he could have a crowd greet him when he arrived !! This proves that he is an absolute clown

Is it still out there

rah his views dipped

Can you do Chicago

u said wolffam

You suck

Why do you hate on jake pual he is better

Only if I live in LA

Please don't be come rice with video

Fight KSI

C o c a I n e

https://youtu.be/LQR6RwhgXNM You won’t believe this *must watch*

Banks is losing views

Hey everyone Would you be able to help me kick start our channel as we only just started and we are looking to have a little subscribers to start making insanely hilarious videos and gain loads of subscribers. So if you're reading this please give us some help by subscribing, that would be appreciated, Thank you........FTCTV!!!

You don't need subscribers to start making content..

That is fake monde

I want to join faze

Fly Eagles Fly To The Road to Victory fight fight fight

Where the vids man rly wanna see something new

Banks I love football NFL and my favorite team is patriots

Patriots patriots

Can you just expose Jake already.. I know you a lot of dirt on him

Yo Banks call out KSI you can beat his ass

Nice video love you

Eagles Motherfucker!!!

Go to Sean Boltz church. Love you bro

The patriots suck

Subscribe to my channel it's new buying equipment soon will be uploading daily cheers guys hope one day to be where faze is big dreams ino but let's go people

Fight me.

Were yo music vid

Code is 247 damn wish i lived in Hollywood

Atleast all you live in america I live in Birmingham, England

Not true


intro song Ship Wrek & Zookeepers - Ark

Go to rice gums channel and watch the video “degi and I went to Jake Paul’s house” and there’s the location...code-247

I found it u bitch

the code is 247

Mathis dude still has a cast from punching someone lol soft ass hand boy sit down

Music intro?

Boy you better get your ass back home to BOSTON to do this shit!!!!!

Codes 247

I know you dont fuck with the eagles and all but can you do this in philly ?

highkey triggered as a philadelphian to see banks in a patriots jersey. ITS COOL THO CAUSE WE WON AND I STILL LOVE BANKS LOL

2 - 1:01 4 - 11:48 7 - 20:18 You’re welcome

Ricky tell Alissa to upload a video, it's been a minute since she uploaded, i miss her

isn't tom Brady a trump supporter and therefore someone who supports a racist?

Trump isn't a racist, you dumb fucking sheep, blindfolded following the pack of sheep

mercy giving me hella ASS CLUB vibes

its in lake hollywood park guys. good luck all. can't get it cause i live in norway (europe) lol.

do it in trinidad

Whats that music Name - 7:26 Anyone Knows!!! I will sub To u...

When does clout gang merch get restocked?

Please upload

I’m in fucking England

6:31 I need the song.

Too bad I live in Colorado

Yo my man whens your rap song coming out. I didnt forget that

The code is247 ok

Please post another video

I wish faze banks would fight Jake Paul banks would fuck him up

Has anyone else realized Banks has not released the "song" yet, he said he was gonna release the full song 3 months ago

You're a bitch

Make a shoe collection video

Bruh "throws gloves on the grownd" walk the walk talk the talk #JakePaulChallenge



You should go to Oregon and hide it there

This is the code #2 is at 1:01 #4 cant find it lol #7 is at 20:19

Who else is crying inside because they don’t live in Hollywood and they are broke af? ☹️


I wanna fight jake paul so bad

I'm A Eagles FAN Nick Foles is the best

Hey guys hope your having a good day so if you guys subscribe to my channel I will subscribe back to your channel


I jus subbed to u❤❤❤

Banks fight jake instead of Deji !!

When u notoce u dont live in hollywood

getting rich

Didn’t the eagles win

We’re the he’ll is the song

The Number us 247

Who the fuck found it

Clout gang for life

Make vid about your girl Ricegum, the rape encouraging body shamer of 10 years old girls!

its all sold out wtf

"I'm rich , I'm miserabile

Subscribe to my brothers channel! ( The L&G Life )

Why don't you just do something good with the money instead of pulling some gay ass logan paul shit that could get ppl hurt. Or better yet, buy some education with that money. You stoopid as fuck!

Wheres that song at 324k likes

Is Alissa ok???

Has anybody found it yet?? 2-16-18

FaZe Adapt is fucking stupid

His first step is safety..... Oh yea btw there’s gonna be crawling with rattlesnakes so be careful. Wtf!?

Do It In SLC, Utah bro..

The money could be at lake hollywood park you should check of you live in Hollywood

I have the cover thing with the tree in it It’s dope

It's lake hollywood park

5 7 3

14:37 there’s a sign on the background :D although I don’t live in Hollywood :C

Anyone found it yet?

When you live in Ireland

says hes back then doesn't upload for a week

Ksi will win

Yoo faze banks i found thank you bro u changed my life


You should do a video about your sneaker collection

Says he’s back dosent upload

wow, sorry banks but im in jersey born and raised so Eagles, i respect you but.........SUCK IT..........still love ya

524 or 432

Post a vid

Ayy faze i know you don't upload that much or you don't do youtubr that much but that doesn't mean i love your content ❤ also i do have something serious i would like to ask you personally if that's okay i commented before but never got a reply but this is a serious matter and if theres anyway i can speak to you privately would be such a honor and would make my day but anyway i love you Banks and hope all is well ❤

Upload more please!

Do it In Las Vegas


faze next time give the money to charity not some rich kid in Hollywood

I thought it said $2.000 i was like Bitch wtf banks u have more money then dat

put it in delaware (wilmington)!!!!

Let's go Eagles!!!

Lily People' choice no problem and thank you!

ThatSoLekario Thanks For that Dude!! i just subbed u...

Its called: Two steps from hell - Heart of courage

the number 652 faze kay said it


Yo bro I really don’t subscribe to anybody. But honestly you seem like the realest dude on here. Last name is casanova I would honestly like to be apart of y’all’s team. Last names casanova and I already make 80k a year same age as you dude and I think I would be a great asset to your team! Dude you if you reply I will straight start doing this hustle and grinding w y’all. My name is a great marketing name. HMU brotha man I have what it takes just need a mentor

Upload more homie, you’re the man dude keep grinding

Do it again Banks!

When u notice you live in the UK

Go patriots

12:04 look at Alissa and her hand

I found it was in Alissa’s room

Banks vs jake

So has anyone found the brief case I feel it has not been found and still out there o.o update soon oh and I just subscribe, cool content :)

I just find it

Do scotland lol

Wow Rice, really messed this one up.

Well I mean I'd look for it butttt I'm no where even near Hollywood if it were Harrisburg PA then I'd be all over that city like a baby momma wanting her child support.

You are a very loud bitch Faze!

4:31 Thought that was Jacksepticeye lol

Sub me and I'll sub back and fallow my insta@gucci.review

when's l00sechange merch coming out SEASON 2

I'm a Ricky Banker, a RiceGummer, and #TeamAlissa.

Whatever happened to you getting a pet monkey?

do a shoe collection video

Well cost 5 k for me to get to L.A sooooo

Typical bitch ass Boston fan. Salty as fuck. E-A-G-L-E-S. !!

I watchwd the super bowl all ready i live in vegas eagles. Mc foles

Look in the first 5 minutes you will find the number :)


I found it !!!

Why u dissin my boi Bubbles

4m subs wow jake paul 13M

Josie Cutie12 faze is ball


Josie Cutie12 u shut up

Jose Romero shut up

Excellent marketing plan great way to get views...

Cguo Gaming whu you lying

rice gum needs to be better

Bro drop it somewhere that needs money.

first number is 2

whats happen with your finger?

I’ll be nice the code is 247

Code: 247 Place: snake filed I don't live in Hollywood so I can't get it If you don't believe me go to dejis vlog if you still don't believe me that is on you

Guys look at Alissa’s snap it says for relationship fiancé for Alissa when banks filled out a doctor form

︻╦╤─︻╦╤─︻╦╤─︻╦╤─︻╦╤─︻╦╤─︻╦╤─︻╦╤─︻╦╤─︻╦╤─︻╦╤─︻╦╤─ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ ☻/ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ I want YOU to join Bob's army! Copy & paste! Our new mission is to end RICEGUM'S CHANNEL!

Next video you're getting kicked out of clout house

I live in stockton California


I don't believe anything this loser says. His fan base must be very very young.

Josie Cutie12 oh okay thank you (: jist waiting on his upload lol

Justin Salazar yup

Why u lying

Come and do one in PEI Canada Summerside town

Do it faze banks


I think he's trying to make people exercise

ok can you please post a vid Banks I'm getting withdrawals and from Alissa too!

Bro please try to get in a ring with Jake so you can either knock or choke him out. I will fly down to you and train you on the mat and help you get back in wrestling shape if you can get this fight to happen!!!

Pos do u own anything. Hell no. U rent. Love to see how much u have on credit cards. It just taking advantage of your fake friends. Fight a Paul for charity. U scared pos

Too bad I live in Chicago

Please expose jake paul. Strike 3 end him Please please

giving away cash = desperate grab for followers

Jake Paul would slap u up your butters and got jakes sloppy seconds after he’s been up all in it peak don

I know we're it is bc I went to the place last time I was in Hollywood bit can't compete bc I live in Chicago

Jake Paul is scared of you! Hahahaha

Its 247


Was it found?

Alissa has colored eyes tf ?

I thought he was back

you said at the end smash 300000 likes wolf fam

Can you do. Another video like this and at a different place because some people don’t live where you like live love you!!!

130K+ Likes!?!?!?! We can do better

Ur not gonna win against logan

1:47 Why are hidding GTA V for PS4 from us xD

Definitely need to move to Hollywood

i won

i love how serious banks is imfooo

Banks is lit

Wait why is there house so fucking dirty ew

I bet Alex followed him and took it

Found it omg

Just asking are you still apart of faze???

So what happened? It's been a week

Send mi 5 thousand dollars I’m in Mexico poor ass fuck got deported it sucks bro & hard help a bro out

9:58 tho



Legit only faze person that posts

I feel like i know what park you talking about

I like football and soccer

Please change your title. You haven't "hidden", you "hid". Shit is annoying me.

Next time can you do it in san diego

Can't it be in Las Vegas NV please :(

The code is 247

Sadly I can’t compete but the password is 247

Hey guys!!! First off Let me say that I love clout gang and the fan base behind each and everyone of clout gangs channels. My band has started a go fund me toward new uniforms... I play saxophone and I’ve been in the music industry for a long time these Winford’s might be a bit pricy but every little donation helps!! The current uniforms we have are 14 years old and their deadline is supposed to be 8 the uniforms we are trying to get are custom designed for our band and no other school will have one like ours. We will all greatly appreciate your support and thank you for your time!!! The site is www.gofundme.com/ehsmbuniforms Thanks!!!


I used to fucking hate you and I loved jake but now I hate jake and login and I love u and rice and Alyssa.you are sooooo much better and jake is a fucking douche bag and jake is too.

I found the 5000

Ew pats from philly we took a w pats pay the refs they trash

Who found it

faze your baldness up

Omg I found it

13:46 lol deji said "and when you win u can fight me" haha he admits that jake will win cause he said "and when u win" (he was talking about when jake wins)

Yo banks are you going to beat the shit out of jake paul for your boy deji

Everything k with ur hand

Alissa is j Jealous of jake Paul and Erica haha in the type of Logan pause video idea

Welcome back

I wish I lived were u lived

Please be the undercard in a ksi fight


1:46 who spotted gta v

i dont even live in hollywood

Propose to Alissa

omg i can't believe that they used erika's theme tune in the middle of it

Banks don't you care about your UK fans ;-; xD

Where are you? I'm getting bored of youtube #number1newzealandfan


I don't live in Hollywood. But I know exactly Where the $5,000 are.

Nobody likes banks

yaaaa Teawapppp #MontrealGanggggg

I found it took me two days

the code is 953 helpin out cause i live in texas lol

Y’all took the PHAT L

Dude that " beard " ( pubs ) is nasty ....


https://youtu.be/ZyTNZBjyc30 go to 1:06

Y'alls ice us so fake and screw the pats

Clout gang merch is trash

Kirah Spencer u are trash

*its the Ricky mouse clout house, come inside its fun inside*

I found the money !!!!!

BatmanAndrew 5 that’s what most of the comments are..

Didn’t Logan Paul do this like 2 years ago??Whatever fuck Logan Paul


still looks like James Arthur

Having 5 ads in a 20 minute video almost makes up for the $5k

who got that shit

Code= 323

@Faze Bankz I saw on a video you were born in Lawrence mass! You got fans out here too

Some guy on twitter claims he won but apparently banks keeps blanking him

Who won

24 something

buy the off white vapermaxes


fuck the pats

Jake paul is the best

He Rich

What do u think of tessa brooks now that she left team 10

T U R K - 1 8 2 yea she can

Allison Somers she still can't dance

Watch one of ricegums videos he shows a place where the money is and if you have watched it "the dead body " is the cash

FaZe up


Jake Paul ur jealous of alissa

Can i Please join your house group?

Where is sommer

Rices commercial is about the headphones I have

So did he paid up?


Hey patriots are the best sorry jus watch your video now but I watch all your videos and tell rice gum and Alissa violet and faze adapt all the clout gang and faze clan plz

Their was a 2 at 1:01

More videos!!!!!!!

Guess you weren't coming back. Fucking Liar!

Gotta start from China

FaZe you're childish

Banks is a fucking pussie


Your not even a faze member anymore

Dude where are the videos with TGF ? Are there any coming ?

Hahahahahahah they lost fly eagles fly. Tom Brady= greatest. Chocker. Of. All. Time

I am in trouble please please PayPal me $1000 to vivekmandwade@gmail.com I will repay you please help me.........

i wish i lived in Hollywood

It's been over 2 weeks and he hasn't announced the winner wtf?

r u bold

501 is the code or its 505


I love him still don’t get me wrong but he gets his fans hyped up saying he is back then takes ages to make another video

When the merch is all sold out

has anyone found it yet because if not im hoppin in my car rn im only 20 min away from lake hollywood lol

What's the intro song thingy

i hate everyone in his videos but banks is lit

My mom also does that to the chips

When are u going to do the p.o. box opening



I remember when faze banks says he’s going to post a lot

Where's the trickshots

OMG I AM SO GONNA GET THIS!! Oh wait, I live in England...MUM, we’re going to California!!!

3:27 ouaaaiiisss lets go le quebec Montréal alouette

number 2 at 1:01

Y r u famous

yo banks is a nice person

Damn any one ever wondered what happened to loose change

leave a like if you think banks should do a strip fortnite video with Alissa

Are you kidding me I am living in Turkey

God bless u banks

I found it yay

It was a great game but sorry my team wanted it alot more #flyeaglesfly much love banks

seems legit..we should help him guys

When was the last time you played call of duty

cmon man keep uploading i miss you bro


2 weeks already come back !!

logan paul

Do it in Sacramento California

time to watch jake paul since this fag never uploads

Bruh when this boy gonna post again and is the money still buried

Upload banks


rip views

Come on banks ur killing me upload ur vloggs are lit bro only created an account to show the clout gang love

Banks for life

Redmeber u said a boy has the case ehat if it takes long fr us to find it why would he stay there fprever if it takes t long -_-

I found it

Update on barley


do one in Griffith Indiana pls


i live in sd??

Has anyone found it?

Upload please



By see you

You have anger issues

2:44 Alex and (The Word) Serious haven't met before. or ever going to. XD

We missed u banks

Has anyone found it yet?

What if someone that's not your fan finds the cash?

Faze ur literally gonna pull a logan. There's legit gonna be thousands of kids all over the streets maybe even in people's property

I don’t even live LA

Banks your such a dick and you have jakes sloppy seconds

I wish I lived in Cali

Your slaking banks

I wish he posted

2 @ 1:01

Ehhh Lemme Check Content on youtube What’s This ‘’ANOTHER One’’......... What Im trying to say is that This is the type of .....SHIT.... Logan Paul Did And Frankly im not a fan of that .... SO STOP THIS NONSENSE BANKS PLEASE....

I live in Canada so I can’t compete in this but the first number is a 2 you can see it when the camera pans around to rice at the start of the vlig and the last number is a 7 that you can see at the very end as I said have fun guys I still haven’t found the second digit but here you guys go


the code is 483

Alex Ting lier

Thot you was back

I subscribed. ✌

This is honestly so cool. Its like a movie. I wish i could attempt to find it but i live in Florida. Anyways its a very cool and unique idea

Where's the vlogs homie don't be so gay about it!!!


I’m a hater you loser

I don't really like clout gang just saying

open allot of loosechange shops one after one arounde the world (TRONDHEIM, NORWAY)

banks 2 weeks ago : l am back!!!! .. l love you guys i hope everything is good with him

hey, banks this is atishay form india . i am a huge fan of u banks. i wish that i could meet u and rice gum.I wish that u come to india .

Bru u were hella fucked up with fakie saying that he wasn't posting but look at u

Where's the new videos banks please new vids

"I'm back" my ass. What happened to uploading at least once a week.

He is coming with the daily uploads he posts everyday now

did you delete a video?

never let rice wear pats gear again... from, a concerned Patriots fan s/o haverhill

Lets got eagles get this w

its been 2 weeks when will u tell us who found it

I wasn't there but that looked lit

So I slowed down the part where he said it fast and then he said, “you guys, imma bleep right now and then you’ll be like “ohhhh” right after.” So he actually did not say it.

Can you plez up make new vido

Watch a homeless find that shit


Where are you dad


You are agli your girlfrend it's to beaudiful for you

KSI being the patriots obviously But the patriots lost....

Jake Paul probably found the cash. That's why Banks hasn't posted and he's refusing to give it to him.

People from Boston as a rule just fucking suck

If i seen you in LA I would punch you in the fucking face just for posting a video like this then leaving everyone hanging

Two weeks later..... nothing


Inside bermuda triangle.trust me its there.

Do this in Boston!! I would love to go to my friend’s wedding in Oman

Has it been found yet im at lake hollywood don't see a statue? I've been digging around but have no clue where to look.

No one likes you

Banks if you uploaded everyday or at least once a WEEK, you’d be making probably twice the amount of money you are rn

See you all in a month when banks uploads again

I love you you are the best my familie likes you so much

Faze banks is ugly

He is he’s also stupid and sucks


I have found it

Why your most the t-shirts you wear are torn? No offence just wondering

Any second now cut it’s dark out lol

Why alissa always touch her boobies

I don't usually like youtubers but faze banks is the man much love bro

Banks u gottta post

Love you banks

Can you do a reaction video on lick my body challenge Jake paul

Trap gamer right? Fax

Why the fuck isn’t he posting?!!

Ugly god a daddy so is banks


Where is the video showing the winner?????

Bruh I live in castrovill it is in California

I can't participate but whoever finds it congratulations

I love he's commercial


this just means u love us

And fuck you and your boyfriend RiceGum

Fuck you faze banks your fucking ugly your house is shit and fuck you

post nigha

Superball is my birthday

Your good boyfriend and Jake is mean


Alissa is prettt

Please upload your track! :))

Bro you know you ugly af and the bitches stay just for the money right??!

Who Loves Nba Young boy?

another vid?


Come on please upload

where are youuuu, we miss you!! I love you ricky please come back soon :(

You have a small dick banks

13:18 comedyshortsGAYmer you cant beat jake man honestly you even pussied out when he confronted you and why are you still saying he need to fight ksi first? Really? Cmon man (done get me wrong im still on KSIs side

Come bak 2 youtube I miss u

Where u been man

Hi can we send u fan mail

To far can't get the money

Do it in Florida next

You are all ways puting your hands on people

The 2nd one is 4 @ 11:47

Foloow me

Yo Faze where are you bro I NEED another video man they are just too hilarious

I found the box!!! But i cant be on camera for a few reasons.

Didn't Logan Do the same thing xD

And I bout the clout chain btw


Wah wah wah barley house hurt me.

We’ve been waiting ive been checking everyday I still am u and Alissa are my favorite most inspirational youtuber that push me everyday thank u so much

I saw you in Ralph’s today, shit man you are tall.

I wanna live in Hollywood nooooooo

Ryan is a snack

Make the song dude I want to hear it dude

What happen to banks song tho?

I cant get it im only 12! :(

This is to tell you to post more !!!!

is it just me who hears erikas intro song

R u in faze or clout gang

Lol they lost

Who wishes he would stop interrupting Alissa? I’m with u but STOP MANSPLAINING! I commented on this vid cuz it’s recent and I want u to see this. Thanks

Try not to curse so much it makes you sound more ignorant than you actually are I’m subscribed to you I think you post awesome vids and you are so lucky to have alisa and the clout house to be with summer ray and Wolfe if you could read this message put it in your next video and I will know that you listen to your fans comments thanks and I’ll see you in your next vid


That kid at the front @ 11:45, I’m pretty sure he’s a Junior American football player on Snoop Dogg’s all stars team

Shave that pubic beard

Let legit vlogs in the house

Legit vlogs for the clout house

Ricegum gir really scared at 1:02

247 cuse he lit 24 7

Ricegum got really scared at 0:102

Facebanks you have a free room in the clout house out legit vlogs in the clout house

@faze look at see video


Get Legit vlogs in the clout house

Get legit vlogs in the clout house

Hey bro I don't have tweet I want to apply I'm from new Zealand 33 I don't do hard work I just want too travel and have a room ghee also I'm doing nothing

Legit nation for cloud hous

He’s what’s hot now

He has 360,000 subs

You need a Latino in the cloud hous

Legit nation for cloud house

Legit vlogs In the clout house

Legit vlogs needs to stay in the extra room

1:01 number 2

Go eagles

Who won?

The coad is 274

R.I.P your large amount of veiws

Damn. You didn't hit target views this video.

Found the cash done emailing banks he's gonna upload a video in few days

Did anyone find it yet?

What about people who know howda ediy an slow down the video they gone know WHAT u said

6:29 music name?

hey guys if u sub to me ill sub back and ill give u a shout out if u want

Can you react to alissa and Tessa Brooks

Make a video

please tell deji to train up to fuck up deji

Plz post more

Who thinks KSI should join clout gang like if you agree

Why does he keep saying he’s back the leaves for another month

Faze u should fight jake Paul in ring because he hit ur girl and spit on her and stuff he scared because you will beat him cuase he hit ur girl

When my boy gonna upload again ?lol

So happy your team lost

Eagles won #eagles

honest to god the code is 247 the first one is on 1:00 the second one is somewhere on 8:00 and the third is at the end of the vid

I found the case

Fuck jack Paul

Upload pls I want to laugh watching these vlogs so banks pls get your camera out and vlog

Faze Banks (My Dad)

Me too

It said 7 at 20:18


Its been 3 weeks, who's found the money?

i got the bag and i sent him the damn email. No response, so i just ended up sellin the bag. I needed the money..

Fuck you

So ksi lost

1:46 ricegum do u play GTA V online?cause i see taht grandtheftauto game rd

Like this if use goin hunting for dem bandz!!!!

I don’t want to say this but faze adapt looks like logic

Cod ww2 will never be the same after the new update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mXjdlesLj8&t=14s

Jake Paul is better than you boyyyyyyyyy you are way to mean and nasty for a 8 year old to watch

BOI banks ur not kool wen ur rich or wear u wear gay stuff like supreme or vlogs and stuff btw I wonder why rise gum lives with u cuZ hes weeeeeeek likeeeeee uuuuuuuuuu btw u mom gay and also wht do u have dat wierd 1780 beard man supreme is old u know that right rg

just a fan boy LOL

Bro is ur case almost done my shit is in the same court house


Ee Riki hoces kupiti kapu od mancestera cijena 16 ali tebi cu dati za 3.50

When’s the winner gonna be announced??

post moreee

Yo dude! I've just recently found you on YouTube, kinda thanks to the whole Paul brothers shit that's been going on. FUCK THE PAUL BROTHERS AND FUCK TEAM 10 MAN! You're one of the most honest YouTubers I've found and you're becoming one of my favourites to watch. Keep doing what you're doing dude!

Rip ricegum monitor

Faze Banks You Are A Fuc**** Idiot Bye Smashing RiceGums PC!!!

You motherfucker Ricegum made u from nothing to something and u just go and smash his monitor like that and fucking making him say something or u will beat him up if u were in front of me I would fuck the Sht outs of you you would change 5 colors from the beat up ya fucking cunt

Next vid?

You ediot why the f......k did you Destroy ricegums monitor. You look like a grandfather

Anyone else remember staying up late to watch banks open hundreds of cases in cs go and rage when he lost money?? Missing the old banks

Mess with rice again I'll fuck ur gay ass up


Allisa is mine


everyone who calls banks a cunt its a fucking skit (the monitor thing) trust me they are best friends still

Fuk u I insane man child breaking things is not cool

Joshy boi Richot fuck you retarted kid

Hope u die Banks

Shinonuma Playz same



MontagZ look at the monitor its a crappy one xd

and i wacthed ur video

but thanks for telling me

ok but how when he broke the monitor

MontagZ its fake ffs

Fuck you faze banks

KING Serifo its fake

Banks put NessGod in the clout gang

My night ness god in clout gang

The location is lake hollywood park and the code is 247

Your girl a bop hahaha sorry she for everybody

Crazy how different Alissa looks with Blue contact lenses!

Yo dum punk

Yo dum ounk

lets hate on him he got anger issues that need to be solved like boi if i was you i would get rice a new monitar you fool

but ricegum is preety much rich so still need to say sorry

fuck you banks

alissa dosent even like u

fuck you


dont ecer do that to ricegum or ur getting yourm ass beaten up u fucking irrelevent

Andrei MORI they are best friends for real

i unsubscribed

Tyler Nguyen its fake

Anyone else remember whwn FaZe memmbers actually did what their in FaZe for?




Let nessgod join clout gang

Shit bitch bank ass hold

Kill yourself

Goodnight gamer O6 bro its a fucking skit you dumb cow

FUCK you

You fucken suck

Banks drop your damn song

247 peeps

I live in China people! That's worse than youall


Damint canda

RIP ricegums monitor fazebanks broke it cause he got pissed

f******* you

F*ck you b*ch PAY FOR RICE GUM Computer if you don't I will unsubscribe unlike all your vids b*ch

Shouldnt even have faze in ur name if u aint gonna play cod


Why do you have to be a asshole and break ricegums monitor for making a vid

You should fight Jake Paul.

Fuck you faze banks your abusing

Fight me bum don’t ever mess with rice

Let's go eagles

For breaking rice gums monitor

You video sux faze bank go to hell

In love in Australia

Hay what your fucking problem smashing some binge computer!



Go fuck urself

Anyone here cause Fazebanks destroyed ricegums monitor?

Fuckin pats piece of shit

Nobody gives a flying fuck about ur gay ass fuck u

Man faze banks ur fuckin special as fuck

Ur a faggot

Your a bitch

R.I.P Rice’s moniter

Ur a dick you break someone’s shit and resolve it with fighting what is wrong with u

I dont live in Hollywood

Fuck banks

why did u break rices moniter just a video it was censored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He destroyed ricegums console check

Fuck you faze banks trying to beat up ricegum fucking faze bitch XD you dont know what your messing with

Faze why did u brake rices computer

I hate u

Plz put NessGod in clout gang pls

were you really mad at rice i'm scared

Hi faze hears a video I think you would like to watch https://youtu.be/hTXJSjLdDBM It’s you boi Nessgod

Your a bitch for what you did to rice gum every one unsubscribe to faze banks

RIP Ricegum monitor

It was a skit lmao


Toso Shkurkata lol

I hate you faze bank you Messed up rice gum video I hate you so much faze bank so much

Aww u wished I lived in Hollywood!!

Ricky your a fuckin dick for what u did to rice

You ate the Worst

Fuck banks were fighting with rice gum fuck this fool

you spupid fuck FAZE BANK I fucked Alissa in the ass that's why she pregnant

BRUH why did u do that to ricegum new video!!!!

Fuck you banks you broke Rice’s monitor for no reason just end your. Channel you’re not funny you have Teawap edit everything so just fuck off

U mad because rice almost saw u girl naked on a video

I hate faze banks

don't ever break my man rice monitor again

Yo bitch a thot

*Who else came after Rices New Video* ☺


You should collab with xxxtentacion. I saw kays snap n you guys were blasting sad n low

I like

bro upload more

I was pissed too buddy

Do it in Massachusetts tho

Am i the only one in texas?

The first number is 2

So r u done with ur gf? U fkin broke rice monitor

Banks plz upload more I love ur vids

Hows your fathers health?

*SHAT* I wish I lived in Hollywood

I don't live in Hollywood but I could do with 5k..

I'm sick of watching Wolfie and so on... Come back bro I'm waiting on you

THREE WEEKS!??? Foreal boy get your shit together

Faze banks make a video about you rice gum go to MC D and say can I have Carl's Jr cheeseburger

To bad i live in Pennsylvania

As a guess lake hollywood park


I did not know that you got your cast off until I watched Rice’s vid at the end you showed up with out a cast good for you


You soc

F you faze your mean to rice and Alissa deserves better than you fuck you

So who found the money ?

It's not fair because it's only for the people in Hollywood

Where is the video where the guy found it?

I live to far away!!!



Mock faze adapt


To bad the pats didnt win

Dont let m dub or whatever his name is say shit about alyssa


Yooooo how some ugly person like you has a girlfriend like Alissa

I found it by playing and i saw a case with money i am weak

I found that money bro

Banks your a bitch, you broken rice’s computer and it’s not funny. You lost a subscriber


Fuck you jackass ima kick yo dick Sonof a bitch dipshit

faze baldski


That’s my mony

Fu faze banks

Alissa was better with jake Paul then u fake gay youtuber alissa is to good for u

Faze go check out nessgod video plzzz

WHY did you break rice gums monitor

I find the money

You smashed his monitor! Fuck you!

L Ngoma it wass a joke!!!!

In the end of rice latest vid they did boxing

Why the Fuck did you broke RiceGum's Monitor Ah That was Beautiful Tbh *Say Your Sorry* Rice:I'm Sorry *Say Alyssa is very Respectful Beautiful Young Woman* Rice:Unless I'm Very Respeccful young women Ah Fuck this Drama.

faze banks....ARE YOU FUCKING BOLD??? (I looked in social media)


MinecraftSurvivalist it was a skit. it was planned to make it look dramatic. rice can surely afford another one.


i got it

Fu faze bank


Upleod faget

I wish i lived in hollywood so many things are going on i ask and my mom to move to hollywood she says i dont know about that my mom lived in hollywood before

plz sub to infinite lists

I don't care about faze banks he is a bully freak him

Pats lost cause you put rice fake ass in that shirt

Everything is sold out

Man Rice is leaving clout gang for trynna be with alissa why fuk u man

Tbh I want to arm wrestle ricegum cause it would be interesting but I live in Florida and I'm 13. But it would be a mystery who would win

Add ness god to clout gang

why u broke ricegum computer dude

Faze banks you suck you are such a jerk to rice

Man fuq you for DESTROYING Ricegum's Monitor!



This dude looks fucking gay

thank you omg

SokTheProGamer wtf it was skit are you that retarded?

Too bad I live in SAUDI ARABIA

Lol faze banks just used eveyone to blow up again and has ditched everyone again

Sooooo what happened to this?

I wish I lived in Hollywood.

I hate u pice of shit shouldent even be alive it was just a vidio u dident have to be an ashole not like rice gum said hay every sub say that lets play fortnight and lets get girls naked

Can you tell us and update a video or anything once you know someone already finds it ?

GTA 5 1:47

No hate to ricegum but he looks like Kim jong-un in the commercial

Why no more vlogs Banks, thought you just came back n all, now what... haven’t put out shit in weeks what’s going on. Hope all is well


Eagles are going to win

I found the money jk

You are a asshole for breaking ricegum's computer if you guys watch ricegum's video

Jose Gamez it's a fucking skit

he is right soccer is the best sport

Anyone else come back every now and again to read comments to see if everyone else is pissed that there's no videos ?!

Bruh come back

Do this in newyork but go around the bronx or go to p.s.86 class 5-508 and look for someone named Isaias and mention this in your next video

Supreme patty copy but I’m fine with it


Great sport "football" My ass, three best sport is "fútbol"

Can I get my view back your content is shit

im glad ur finger broke because ur hella annoying.I hate your videos so much

Banks youtube isnt the same without u we need you please upload it will mean the world


Hi pig

Too bad i live in bristol

You should probably say sorry to ricegum for breaking his monitor

I've seen Banks story in IG and he's with the kid who find the money and Banks said that he's going to make a video about it, I've been waiting for that video cuz Banks vlogs are so lit

Bro no disrespect but Alissa Violet is Lesbian, how are you her boyfriend????? LInk to her admitting it-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEPC50gfTv0



I love you so much !!!

Post bruh


This didnt hit my subbox

$5,000 in hollywood?! good thing im on the east coast lol

Where in the video did u see the 4 I only saw the 2 and 7

Timothy Roberson Jr I saw a 4 just before Banks gave RiceGum the Shirt.

yaaa, but E-A-G-L-E-S

its been 3 weeks :( everyone takin a break from youtube. its kinda boring on the east coast rn... blizzards every other day lol

It’s in Griffith park

I flipping found it but I am a nice person

It’s in his white van

Hey when is he going to make a video

#goeagles I’m saying that because the eagles won

I fucking hate him he’s a cunt who thinks he’s hard I’ll kick the shit out of him he shouldn’t even be in faze

fuck me I live in uk ahahah in may is any1 gonna find it lmao

It sucks being a huge fan of someone who never really posts :(

yo hen he counted the money it helped with my math quiz it was 20x30

Is that Alyssa’s real eye color?

Love your Gucci!

are you even still in faze or no

Were are you

What if jake paul or logan paul found it

Banks you’re getting lazy, give the fans what they want. Like if u agree

Go check out my brothers channel! ! ! ( The L&G Life )


You are literally the definition of someone being a drag along. Stop leaching off other ppl



I am calling 911 on you

wow you really know how to ruin a fukin vid for rice about strip alissa violet

ALPHA LEGEND 998 it's fake you fucking knob

Thus guy is complete trash and same shit like Jake Paul. He also has balls to call everyone out for the shit he him self is doing!

banks is my favorite FaZe


Danilsa villar fuck off you low life no you haven't and everyone knows you haven't

Go back to getting your shit beaten in at bars.

Y tf make a video saying your back and not upload for 3 weeks


ksi youi are going to lose big time

someone dm me on insta @skyedrakeee :)

i watched this about 5 times to find the numbers eventhough i dont live near hollywood

do it in dubai ty

KSI being the patriots basically a loser

I live in South Carolina

Cowboys BBY!

Get on some music! Tekno BBY!

Fuck Youtubers!

David Pence.

Ricky please make more videos I love watching them please x

faze banks can I join the faze clan plz check out my vids.

bruh you getting bold af

You should read Alissa’s dms with her :) pls do

Kys piece of shit

GOOD YOU TUBER, BUT REALLY LACKS THE CONSISTENCY OF HIS CONTENT. maybe hes just not the sharpest tool om the shed neither .

Make more videos every day

Can u do one but in las vegas

Why was the a random 2 in the video

I live close

Banks man you a bitch bro

You need to calm down

This guy likes patriots like eagles fam but i still think your cool

Why is banks in faze litterly he's not gaming at all

Yoo what happened to the follow up vid?? /:

Bills XD

negro hurry up and upload

faze bansk you need to upload more

Shittttt i need to go to LA this weekend


Just upload a video dude... Jesus

Banks where have you gone

rice broke computers en puy

Fuck you bitch fuck you fuck your mother

PLZ Help Logan and Jake

When is Banks dropping his Song

pause at the beginning

your fucking retarded enjoy your comment..

You good go look in rice video

Dude you should do a cheating prank on alissa

did anyone find it?

2:43 1:02 20:19

يا سحبه الي عربي لايك

lets have the first person to the moon game, i just gotta find banks first

hey wassup baldio,

Rip he didn’t upload in so long

Can you send me a xbox I’m poor and can’t afford one please help

Do a shoe collection vid like if u agree

Faze Banks is dying

You need a Latino for cloud house

Anyone find that shit already!?

Only 1.6 views 1 month later fucking up, fuck boy your going to need nick to give you back those $500 back lol


the fact u have east tattoed on ur fingers and also try to act like some gangsta... just says what kind of person u are....from geeky little trick shoter on cod to absolute over confident bean...you might have lots of money...but ur an absolute dick. exactly like logan paul.....its so fucked...society is fucked. This is actually 'quality' content to some people. lol.

Fuck u banks just because u and Jake paul got in to it and dated your girlfriend

Erm... Ricky its been a month... Pls papi come back❤

if u search dick in the urban dictionary jake paul pops up lol

Homer will hate him for liking the pats

bruh not even faze banks is uploading anymore L'sss

Faze banks are you releasing your song

Where’s coin slot??


SLB Banks if fucking trash

New video bich

Fuck you bich

I wish I can go do that but I don't live in ca

I hate you, you broke ricegums moniter, I unsubscribing


If you do it agaen do it in Canada in Parkville

Om sh00k they likd patriots

I only like u because u like the new england patriots yay i do 2

Rice gum


FaZe Adapt VS FaZe Banks in YouTube Boxing & I want See Miniminter VS RiceGum in YouTube Boxing

Can u do it in Trier,Germany

Man sorry for what barley did to you arw you ok and is alissa ok to

Upload dumbasss bitch

Post fagget

banks why did u kick wolfie from clout house

F*** f*** you bank cuz you freaking kick out Wolfie why

Ur a bitch for kicking wolfie out

Fuck u

I’m here from summers video

You were so rude to summer mkeen

So happy eagles won bro

Hey bro I have another idea for another giveaway that you should do

Why so rude to summer McKeen like really so unnecessary


Me to

So he’s gone again.....k

Hide 5K someone other that CA like.... my bank account?????

I got it

Please post more often bro ✊❤

U know reaction time did smash or pass on Alissa Violet reaction time has 10 milion sub

Well who found it ??...

U are savage

Banks please upload new video :))

Is it true did you breakup with alissa violet cause if you did then

Why are you not posting anymore

Subscribe to Faze Banks Me Please

Your girl is a hoe and you are ugly.That's what your channel is all about.Your ugly face and your hoe.

Die bitch die,you ugly bitch

Oh your acting in rice video at the end make me laugh,you really good at acting you should become a pornstar bcz your little slut is already down to it whenever u ask.It will let you get millions of views you little bitch

You think by protecting her from removing her clothes will make a nice bitch,no she is always was a slut and always will be and i know that was scripted so don't come with your stupid ass bicth face

faze banks the type of guy to get to the peak of his career right under logan paul, get a lot of money and be like "fuck it, why do i have to do youtube anymore", then when logan paul quits and his opportunity for more viewers comes in, quits doing youtube. He comes back later in like 1-6 months and the cycle repeats.

Where is the song?

Banks you fucking shit

Hey banks yoooooooou suck

I found it!



no fake giveaways lol ricegum

I miss alisa villit from 2017

1:01 my boi lil skies playing???

1 month no video the old banks is back



Anyone get the 5k yet?

Dude u are sooo fucking rude ....I’m disappointed after what happened in Summer’s vlog ....she was literally trying to say hi ....

I FOUND IT!!!!! Oh were you expecting a vivid description? Just Kidding, keep searching~:)

I wish i could do this... Good Luck to all those who can tho~lucky:)

I live in f**king new york! Like if live somewhere else. Anyway, good luck peps who live in Hollywood!

Upload a video already fuck

Please post more!

HAHAHA cool i got it!

Did somebody ACTUALLY find it :l

Wait is banks in Faze or Clout gang

Bro why did you stop uploading start uploading and then stop again what happend to the daily lit clout gang vlogs?


Go punch a wall you spazz case


Like you alot

I'm kidding

You are vold

Your audience are a disgrace to YouTube . YOU are disgrace to YouTube . Your Girlfriend are a Disgrace to YouTube . You , your girlfriend and rice are a disgrace to YouTube , I fucking hate team 10 but the most I hate is you guys . You banks are a fucking bitch . You slapped your girlfriend . You kicked Wolfe and his friend out . You start drama with the barley house , it is all your fault , your fans are probably 9 to 15 year old . I don’t give a FUCK if your fans hate me , you guys completely destroyed YouTube same as the weak ass boxing challenges and “diss tracks” not just you fuckers but ksi . I’m not a fan of team ten . But I got truly angry from what I saw in dramaalert .

"I'm so excited to start making videos again"

oi faze why you talk trash about #wolfie i just went over to his yt and saw his recent yall go check it out...so why O_O

never heard of you. i have no clue who you are. you have no business being mean to summer.

why were you so rude to summer wtf

Blueglitter345 right !!!!

you are so rude... to summer mckeen.. all she wanted to do was say hi and u had to say sum weird shit ... what?

One month later

No.. r u talking to urself?

Foe everyone some arabic youtuber saw faze banks the channel named zshowz and look at there last vid look at the min 10:57 you will see a snapchat vid in that sec

Just wanna say about the Cleveland isure ur the man I give u respect more haveing ur girls back she's lucky she has u as a bf better than Jake Paul ass u da man

It 123

Fuck you faze banks you have fucking anger issues fuck you

Do one at patriot place aka shopping area around Gillette stadium

Come to Chicago!

What ever happened with loose change?

WE'RE BACK....... we're not back....

where did he go?

This makes me even happier the eagles won. Screw the new england cheaters aka the patriots.

the first number is 2

the other two numbers are 18


Why don't you make videos anymore :(

Hi I love your videos I put on the post notification


are u still PISSED of at adapt

gold digger test

Where are you banks? It’s been a month

eagles won

that better be acting doh

dont have 2 be a dik

dude ur such a douchebag it was just a vid man u just dont understand good content dis liking ur vid until u buy a new mointor for him

(money emoji) :D


Where’s the content Banks?

Fuck you

next big thing fucking ricky everybody shut the fuck up about ricky

#cloutgangforlife #ricky #ryanakarice #alissa #wolfie #ryanswaziebaby love you guys

I've got a ship name for you and Alissa Rillisa , it's sounds shit but yeah

Make more video plz

Ur the best


1 month later.. what happen??

*_Should people even consider you as a youtuber_* (you don’t upload!!)

Bankz taking a break guys he does this as a hobby not a job

Post more plzzzzz



Banks come back I need to watch a real vlogger lol


Omg I found it I cried

Soccer is TVE best sport

Thanks I'd be so it'd be so happy if you checked out my YouTube channel and subscribed

First number is 2

hey lazy asshole. so your vlog is updated monthly? lazy bastard

Delete your shitty channel you fucking loser


come to ontario



U fucked rice gums custom pc u cunt af


Check out our new channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJrEqEWqbp0IajAMs0VNM7Q competitive streams coming soon!



OMG faze adapt

Hey can u join faze plz it says it in your title

Yo Ricky when are you going to drop the song you promised

fuck this faggot how bout he get swatted

Faze Banks please upload again I miss your videos and vlogs about you :(


Fuck you banks for breaking rice gums monitor doing a fucken Alissa strip video so fuck you stupid fucken guy

so the follow-up... talk about not giving a fuck

@alliebarbera hi:)


React to YouTube tough guys by penguinz0

Do it in Pennsylvania

One month later he still hasn't upload

XJ4KX yep … didn’t he say he was going to start vloging again?

Consider adding fouseytube to the house. This will make y’all popping again

If banks is still here he’d like this comment

idk why but u just fuucking love your sick intro dude!

Your bloding loser

we miss you where is you???????/

Vids bro?


What’s the name of the beat when they shotgun the cans

Banks u should watch some of your old montages, it would be class

Clout gang is gone fall off soon

So banks is in the clout gang but what about the Faze Clan

Get out of faze fag

What’s the intro song

Wtf man, why aren't you uploading



Do it in like Dallas

Go subscribe to the ace family plz they are so close to 6 mil

That's why he don't make much videos

He broke up with Alissa Violet

1 like = 1 video #WHERESBANKS

bruh this man made a whole video on where he has been and how he is coming back and that was over a month ago bro smh this mans youtube is over

And we never knew what happened to that 5 racks rip 2018-2018

Guys he blading

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTyE2-_xN-w dammit lol

Case you are a bloody regard and you are so stupid

@fazebanks Yo what's up brotha I know we don't know each other but I'm a true fan of you and the whole movement of your squad y'all some real dudes out here... I'm from the East Coast and watching your videos gives me hope that I can do something with my life and not be a slave to society... I suffer from very bad depression and lately y'all videos the only content giving me hope

I found it

Wish pats won too

Up load to youtube mother fucker your good .dont let negativity get you dowm with a frown. stand up and put on the crown .never look back and turn around . You will never hear a sound . Keep makeing videos by the pound .

Bro Ricky when r the f*cking bangers coming plz need

ricegum litterly look like rich chigga in the thumbnail like if you agree

I heard these guys all suck each other off. They are allegedly giving each other blowjobs. It's pretty sick.

Wtf its been a month

The eagles were KSI I’m a dolphins fan so I’m glad they won lol

The eagles were KSI

If banks loves his fans he will pin this.

Where is the new computer unboxing!! Your digital storm computer that’s custom


HEY KSI get IN Fight

He said he was starting YouTube again then he didn’t post for a month boiii

dad you lied where are you

Thought banks would start posting again


My last name is banks. You a poor excuse of our culture and family name. I'd beat the piss out of you in any challenge. Sincerity at its highest.

Adam Banks you’re a fucking sick bastard.

Hide some money in my bank account

Hides money doesn’t make a follow up

Tbh I generally don’t give a fuck if he doesn’t upload because when he does there bangers

Good luck to everyone. Wish I lived in Hollywood. But I’m. Canadian like Wolfie. Have fun!!

It’s 247

I know that

Patriots sucked dick

I don't live in Hollywood. But I know code: 7 1 4

It’s hidden at the Lake Hollywood Park, the code is 247

Come back

Hey banks before u lick your gf, remember that bro pauls dicks were there!

Check out the vid i posted your die of laughter !!!!!!

Ship Wrek & Zookeepers - Ark 0:00

Is Alissa Pregnant or what? You haven't updated ALOT since that incident.

Who is waiting for the new vlog ???

Banks where did you go brother? You're one of my favorite YouTubers it's been forever I miss the vlogs please bring back some content. I doubt you'll read this, but I hope all is well and I hope to see you soon I have them post notifications turned on.

You need a Latino for clout house

It’s been a month!!! Where r u Banksss?

Mann I am fucked cuz I don't live in LA

And here I thought he was "back"

Real Madrid is G.O.A.T ikr

!!!FAZE!!! I honestly feel that my new Montage makes me feel confident enough that you will all accept me into your group. I've worked very hard the last couple of weeks to make sure this all came together properly and my clips As Of Now Completely blow my mind. I truly feel confident when I post this right now saying I would like Your Team to Thoroughly check this out and take a serious consideration when it comes to deciding whether or not you all really think I'm worth joining your team. I have some other amazing gameplays to start my channel off as well. So what's upp??

Has anyone found this yet?

Got it

Rice is a male gold digger

Post please


Fu Jake is better than you


Where the fuck he gone

wya faze banks

GI to everyone i i wish i live in Hollywood


HectorGaming YT edgy

U look like a bum ass

You guys are Paul brothers wanna be s,losers!

If you do it again how about Kelowna, B.C.


You are fucking suck

Christopher Aaron27 nice English noob


Faze..... i know where you live im gonna vandal your whole house...... you better watch out....

Where are you banks???):

Banks bro why are you torturing us. Your not uploading anymore, or often enough

you just coped Logan Paul he hid money in public for people to find. You copy everyone to get views now, just face it your slowly becoming irrelevant

Jessica williams fuck off lol are you for real?

I'm Soo pissed that the Patriot lost

is this one of the old videos, reuploaded?


FAZE BANKS DID U HEAR THAT FAZE really???? u arnt even in Faze anymore change your name the last time you uploaded even a gaming video was 2 years ago faze is dead whos dick to u have to suck to get ninja in faze well no ones cause u aint in it ninja is smart and wont join a dead team that is full of clickbaters AKA CANCER

Brandon Leigh mm somebody’s retarded he’s staying loyal to the thing that grew him stupid ass

Do a prank on Alissa that you cheated on her


rip faze banks so sad he died

rip faze banks

#FaZeBanks I found it

@FaZe Banks I found it

ZeNz Freedom no u didnt

Start uploading damn ur so lazy

They used Erika C song

can you start actually making some more videos, stop bullshitting us all

Password is 247

Who the hell found the money!? It’s been a month already and no update smh.


Fuken post you little shit

How come he stopped uploading!!?? >:(

Broooooooo fight jake Paul! Make a video and call his bitch ass out! We all wanna see bitch the living shit out of him

You traitor you left plasma nx and the skyz gaming

Ur a bich fuck u


I like banks videos but I hate the pats

Fight jake paul!


2 1:01 4 11:48 7 29:19

Ajanay Gandarilla box is already found

Where the hell are u banks

If theres one person i dont like in youtube , is this guy.

Please put some money in North Carolina pleasee

Please put s9me in North Carolina

At 1:00 you can see a number 2

aaaaanddd he's gone.

did anyone find it

I honestly thought Ricky was a douche at first but your actually a cool ass dude with a big heart. Can’t judge a book by its cover

Come to Dallas

So I've wondered, how does FaZe Banks make money? Oh that's right, he gets it from the merch he and his clan sells. It all goes to him. Also, the best YouTuber in the faze clan that takes time for his videos is FaZe Rug.


I wish banks would uplode more

what do you think, am I for real. stfu I am for real dumb ass

ahahaha he is losing Subscribers #TeamPewDiePie

Upload you haven't done for a month

Fight jake paul

I fucking went to the clout house today and saw rice and faze Kay on scooters rice was kinda startled at first but then I told him I was a fan and he chilled out lol I swear

Still waiting for New vid

React to when u have a hot teacher AKA Alyssa Violet and Jake Paul plz React


u look like my dads 11 inch cock u fucking ugly hairy cunt

I would do anything to meet FaZe Banks Alissa and everyone he knows!!!:)

I live in Belfast...so....how can I find £50 thousand pound in Hollywood???Oh well

Has anyone found the money?

Upload a fucking video

Fight Jake


i nutted on my l00sechange flannel jacket

Faze Banks could you pls fkn upload ?!?

Came disliked left for pewds

PS : please put more alissa in your video

Im so happy you and alissa didnt break up. I love you guys together. Especially alissa in your video. Please put more and more alissa in your video

Rikki bobbie .. youre almost 30 "bruuh" and your a coward little bitch that's ripping off 10yr olds, just like the pauls. you're a fuckn loser and if you wouldn't stop hiding form me like a bitch, i'd straight up kick the fuck outta you where you stand you little faggot


You got the hottest merch in the game

I going la airport I mite find d but I love in Bakersfield

But I'm in the east coast Waaaaaaaa why


come back

Eagle won haha lol patriots suck


Faze banks please react to Alissa vilot edits

The code is 355

вrσ wчα??????? ;-;

Make a fucking video scumbag. Wtf

Yo Banks Were You On WaW(Call of Duty World At War) Last Night,If So I Got Into a Game With You,And I think I Was In A Game With The Real You. I Checked Your Friends List And Your Friends Are Like Everyone From FaZe,FaZe Adapt,FaZe Apex,Even FaZe Jev soooo yea

Did I Mention FaZe Rug

Do it again but in Massachusetts

Ma boi ma boi ma boi, u need to start posting. Youtube getting boring

Banks make a fortnite video

where the fuck are you bitch?

at 19:16 YOU SAID 300000 lIkES WOlFAM

Has anyone found it yet

I hope you upload again and im a new subscriber

Where is everyone at? Alissa rice and banks not uploading


3 7 5 code


Yo I found it

Mike Green don’t fucking lie someone already found it

Faze it's been a month were are you

i found it!

Well I thought he was back

Banks and Alissa not uploading and I wanna know why D:

Bruh if u are reading this there needs to be a great vid on YouTube it’s been complete shit since u haven’t posted so come back we all want u back so get your butt up and make a banger

Damn wish I could kick it with you guys in the clout house not gonna lie

Youuuu needa upload man

Does Banks even have a channel anymore? He doesn't post any content....it's not fair to the fans

Good way to have someone get murdered. Someone finds it, some sicko finds them and kills them for it. This was extremely stupid to do.

please upload videos again i miss them !

But it sucks that they lost

AYEEEEE Patriots

You irli shir fack you

banks when are you making a new vid

It’s been more than a month now

Faze you look like Halit Ergenc

I FOUND IT gg ez money lol

My girl thinks you look like Mac Miller's gay boyfriend.

He’s addicting to juuling like a lil fag

Add me back on snapchat i can try to help u


This video was so shit glad you stopped making videos

It's been a fucking month. You're not a youtuber clearly. Let's make a video flashing on people how much money i have by hiding it in a fucking park but not uploading the results. You were one of my favorite youtubers too. But your just lazy as fuck now ordering in with uber eats with alissas fat ass now. Like how do you guys pay bills??!! Sucking dick!? Cause you don't do shit but sit around on you're fat asses and eat and talk shit about other youtubers on other youtubers channels cause you dont do jack shit on your own channels. Fucking lazy losers.

What ever happened with this ? Did anyone ever find it

rip again...

You should go and find your camera

Here because of pewdiepie

HumanoidIsDead BRO SAME

You bitch I flew from Texas to look for this shit and your ass ain’t even posted, your a cunt

Syth Verza no you didn’t we all know your lying ignorant shit

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD he's gone again thats nice

Well there he goes again

I just subscribed

Please come back

i seen a 4


he pulled a blazkien

Fuk wit your videos heavy bruh , come down to Philly turn up bro

Why don’t you post anymore

upload please

Do it in Melbourne Australia

The code is 323

Plus help me reach 10000

time to update now ohhh wait their no more viedos

When are you going to blog agin

Who found the money?

Challenge Christian burns to a boxing match.


What happen next?

I am still waiting for him to upload again

Hey I found ur money. Jk I wish thro

Stream fortnite on twitch

Addicted too what !!!!

So because i dont live in Hollywood the code is 247 go help your self with some cash dudesssss

The code is 247 hope you find it

Friar Banks

CX. fucking fag bag

Ayyy Banks dude, you got an extra 8k for a brother in need? be sure to send it with some merch so i can get off the streets, Thanks! - Homeless Dude.

FaZe Balds*

You. A fucking lying piece of shit faze banks hope you fucking die you faggot

Ice Poseidon made you

Post more

*Who else is in the comment section rn¿*

Ok. Ik every1 is like he is taking 4ever 2 upload but mayb he is going through something again amd u never know

Banks wya? Mysm plz come back

Fuck Jake paul


Are you going to make video

Jake is gonna CRUSH him!

My guess is where he met alisa violet

Logan Paul who

Thanks I still need 5000 dollars to pay my prostitutes.IMMM COMMINGGGGGG TO FIND IT FUCKAAAS

Fuck you faze House

U suck balls bro

Yo!!! Upload something!!!! Been waiting every single day for a video

U can find the number at 1:02

Teawap didn't do anything is Ricegums video


If anyone sees this it’s lake Hollywood park

Bro upload

6:11 lol lmao

i thought you were uploading again :(

Hey @FazeBanks I was just wondering did you hit that chick as hard as you hit the beer pong table when your whinny bitch ass lost? You're a pathetic fucking loser go fuck yourself scumbag.... Cx

Me I did


Ngl kinda Getting pissed he’s gone again.... he’s really taking what he has for granted

joe atkinson same that what I said he said where his babies but he's not uploading I'm pissed

Rice Gum Biggest fan yes I did

owengamingboy owen123 no u didnt

bro pls make a video


I got it!!!!

Yo, I got it

hahahahahahahahahaha E,A,G,L,E,S EAGLES

Has anybody checked Barnsdall Park


New video plz I love all your videos

The to first are 24 but i am still looking


You should get in a helicopter and buy 10,000 toilet paper rolls and dump them all out of the helicopter like if you agree


faze vs jake and who wins it gets alissa :OOOO O_O

He's a fucking retard

Karina Turcios damn you need to chill there is way better youtubers to watch enyways!?!

this guy uploads like 1 video a year lol. fake azz normie. meanwhile ice is chillin with 3 of the hottest playboy girls

Kayce J Lmao soo true

come back banks


faze please post more videos i am really sad your not in my everyday tv life anymore

Fuck Banks!Hes a money hingry ad spammer!Who ever disagrees with me square up at 100 S 24th St W,Billings,MT 59102,You won't pussys!And if you say i wont square up!Date and time!


Are u going to post a video

If only I lived in Hollywood and I live in Indianapolis


When are you gonna make a new video again please make another one please banks

why hasnt he post

The code is653

Why are you even in FaZe? Who the fuck let you in?

U didnt follow up

Code is 247 thank me later guyzzzzzz

247 Is The Code Good Luck Everyone

Faze banks is a jerk because last time he destroyed rise gums computer i have proof check rise gums vid so he is a bitch

Why don’t you go back to instigating bar fights and falsely accusing people? your videos are trash anyway

Ur my lil babie 2

Preston utlaut no ur mom

I.am.Veritas ur a dumbass

Khalifa Tamimi no fuck you

You need to react to logan and alissa cute moments...it would be awesome...like if u think he should react

Watch rice gums vid w Deji if u wanna know where the money is

Where tf is banks at

say hi and I will tell you

Appreciate the vid ricky but if u was returnin u got my hopes hella up

Like this for faze bank

Devin Liddell yass

I can't stand this person, still better than Jake Paul tho

this dudes a fucking scumbag, flexing his money at his 10 year old fans who look up to him. This guy's a peice of shit that deserves to die

I love y’all guys I told Tessa to be friends with Alissa again and join y’all

Your channel is a joke.

make a vlog with keemstar

So excited not to make any vids

Fuck Banks!Hes a money hungry ad spammer!Who ever disagrees with me square up at 100 S 24th St W,Billings,MT 59102,You won't pussys!And if you say i wont square up!Date and time!

lol time to get swatted by some internet troll

Elias Gibson he's a co-founder

Kevin Machuca it was a skit. He probz bought a new computer, just for that video. Or used an old one. Chill dude.

S A U C E all g

King Mitchy thx bro

S A U C E savage

Preston utlaut btw ya granny a tranny

Preston utlaut just like ya mom

Bro u suck you dogs


Banks get ur a** back here, videos are too lit

The code is 231

I found it omg


Take faze out of your name, you attention seeking cunt. You left a year or two ago.

Banks drop the song plzzzz


I foundet

I found it!!!!!!!!

If anyone had a minute I’ll appreciate it if u guys watch my first video and gave some feedback on it ✌

Just please close your youtube account, stop making us your fan wait for your video every single day. Stop making us wondering what happen to all of you guys. Huh

Upload bitch

Bruh clout house barely post the only tru ones are Kay and wolfie and Ryan, rice sometimes but u have supporters that want to watch ur videos if wolfie and Kay can upload more than once a week than so can u STOP BEING LAZY AND MAKE SOME VIDEOS

I honestly don’t know why you’re still in faze

We’re are you

I thought this video was troll about logan paul because ya know he fake'd it

Fortnite ADS Are taking over youtube god...

I️ love his videos but fr he’s kinda pissing me off, he always says he gonna come back and start vlogging again and then he makes one or two videos and never post again. He doesn’t even tell us why he just doesn’t. Then he expects us to all come crawling back when he post a new video every two months. Watch he’s gonna say he’s back post 4-5 videos within a months span and not post for another month. I️ really enjoy his videos but fr he could at least give us a brief explanation of why he isn’t uploading.

JF Sports Gaming EXACTLY

Jake Paul is better I going to watch him

i live in CAlifornia

Make a video with triggered tro

Can someone please tell me what's the song? 00:08

Ship wreck and zookeepers - ark

Simona Borisova la voz de merenque

Dead channel. Looks like Barley House fucked you and your sister in court. Now, continue to lie to your fanbase your friar tuck wannabe you.

Its in his pocket

Did he fall down the hole with the money?

Hey yoo banks how my dick taste cause I used to fuck your bitch in h.s faze banks aka Ricky raccoon is soft like Alyssa's ass cheeks when I used to smash

Hey banks wtf upload it can't be something to do with barley wtf is going on

I watch this and a team 10 ad comes up

Lmao all y’all saying u wanna live in California. No u don’t lol. I do. My parents say it’s way too expensive. Half my friends are moving to other states because it’s too expensive here. So your most likely gonna be homeless and bankrupt over here

I wish he would make more videos because they make me happy

Your just a punk ass bitch

wheres the new vids bruuda

I would love to know who won! Its been a minute!

I really enjoy your videos please post more x

okay you can start uploading again thanks

Im a jakepauler and i subed to him

I wonder how found it

Post againnnnnnnn

You have just a lot of money so shut the fuck up

Youre ugly as fuck

I actually miss your uploads! Hoping your dad is well and everything has fallen into place. Been a fan of you and clout gang for a while now.. Lots of love, from Australia ♡

Desiree Blair I'm from Australia too bro :)

Do this in Melbourne!

Send the link!!!!!!

Nidd nidd fuck you. Banks can upload whenever he want.

KyngEdits {AMV} its not a house,its a street were to fight you dumbass!

I'm gonna call the cops at your house you dummy lmao


Hi Ricky I know you probably won’t see this but after every week passes I comment can you come back we miss you

Dear FaZe banks I know you are not a fan of reading your comments but how did you sign up on esports or mlg ? that may sound like a ridiculous question

He posted on my birthday!

Please upload more we miss you faze banks god bless you

Rikki where's is the conclusion..

Yeah Boi..... Smashed!!!

this guy's such a tool no idea why he does this shite

Nobody got this yet?

Where did banks go?

Why the f u still in faze ffs

Banks where u at ???

How'd the Pats do? Lmao

Oh my lord can we get a new video please

Denis Munga liers

Did logan paul get a haircut?

I thought u said u were posting u haven't for a mont

Love your videos


Holy shit you have to be the biggest tard on youtube. By far . Like no fucking contest. You make Jake Paul look like Stephen fucking Hawking

მოგიტყან დედის დედა შე მუტელო ყლეო

Can you make more videos

Please tell Alissa that I wish she would start vlogging again I miss her vlogs so much

Why does he always were hats

Where are you? I miss you

I want that money


he has been gone for a while now, think if he started doing drugs.... again

Can u fly me out and can I slap u please please

were is the next video banks or whats up

I love how he use to practically upload everyday but ever since that fight youtube "hasn't been fun for him" Like really dude? Ur gonna let some dumb fight keep you from uploading?

Yo guy where you been?

Come on banks upload a video


Plz post again. I miss you

Just like every other FaZe member

And I thought that he was going to keep posting

What happened to this

You’ve not posted in a month

You will loss money fucking with me so shut your mouth

174 thats the number


upload ffs -_- u r slacking super hard

ahmed bouzidi but he is still getting tons of money, idk it seems he is just doin it for money

What up banks, no videos in forever u good man

5 grand? Lmao. Fake af. Period. Why u play dumbass so much?


BaNKS WE ALL LOVE YOU PLEASE KEEP UPLOADING but were NOT making you just I miss watching u

This bitch follows a racist

Whats the song in the background 0:52-1:01

ThatSoLekario Thanks

Uzick0 lil uzi XO life tour instrumental

Who found it ??!

Bruh.... the fuck are you?

Wow... I feel like a teenage girl that just found out her boyfriend had another girlfriend.... (does that make since?)

Kayla Gremillion he is still making about $20,000 a month from not uploading bc his videos are still getting views. I dont think he cares about uploading bc he still makin money. Goes to show u why they really make videos

Love you just cause of the pats

Faze is like the only guy (I know of)that doesn't uses a Alissa's body for views

Bro Wya haven’t seen you in the longest***WE NEED YOU BACK***

Logan Paul all ready did this!!!!! But you did it better

Guys I don’t understand why you guys are complaining about him posting like he just took 5,000 out of his bank account just for one of us... also maybe he wants a break from YouTube for a while so he can spend time hanging out with his beautiful girlfriend and friends with it all being recorded ( CLOUT GANG )

Please make a new video

u should drop fortnite vids

R.I.P FaZe Banks

Restock you faze chain . Like if you agree

Yo my dude banks, I know I’m not the only one requesting vids again, but I miss your content. Your personality and energy is awesome and I used to get so excited for your vids. Hope you’re back soon

did you and Alissa split :c

I don't think you guys are flexing I just think your buying what you earn

My brother was screaming when the eagles won.( he loves the eagles)

Upload a fucking video you cunt!!!!!

U a bum banks


I need ya'lls help , does anyone remember that one song banks used on his instagram story where the lyrics go "im not worried,all are loaded" and "I show no mercy,I show no mercy" I beg one of ya'll help me ive been searching for that shit for time now

Yo banks , you dead fam?

There wasn’t an aggressive bone in my body

why is everyone exepct for kay and wolfie so fucking lazy in this house lol

hey faze banks when i watch your vid you make me happy

Dude, I miss Banks so much. His videos cracked me up everyday. Plz start making more vids. Idk what’s been on ur mind but take it easy. Much Luv.

Did it feel good tho

Dude ur a good Youtuber but u need to upload more dude it’s been a month

You're not cool or hard.

Oli G oh shit i better not mess with you... proper big man

What up Richard

I think u should react to Jake Paul's vines

Fly Eagles Fly

"yea no one really likes you here. youre kinda ugly"

still waiting for a new video:( watching the old ones which is cool but a new one would be great.Like this comment if you still waiting for his song

Upload please!!!!!

Uzick0 no problem

It's funny how he hasent posted right after dis fake give away

I don't believe them about you hitting that girl they're just trying to get back on U back at you for dating Alissa violet the team 10 sucks ass and I just want them to know that and f*** them

2 months later and still nothing.

Fuck you bitch

I found the 5,000 and i spwnt it on Gucci shoes and makeup and a supreme shirt

Please banks where you been get back on the grind fool

I found the money I saw u guys and followed u

I'm rich bitches I'm getting a

Please upload

“I’m SO ExIteD tO maKE vIDeOs AgAIN”

Did he quit YouTube or something

To bad I live in pacoima

So has anybody found it yet?

I love Rice!!!

Where are you. You havent posted in 2 months

Check my beats out

I enjoyed the video, have a wonderful week

please come back to youtube, your the only person I want to watch I miss you. Do a Fortnite video, do anything you want if we see a video of you we will be happy. You and Alissa need to comeback we miss you

Could've sworn my guy said he was back... where he at tho

When are u posting

Banks if you like fortnite that much I mean I’d love to see a game play of you playing fortnite just please!

Cause I wanted to get the top but it was sold out

U guys should restock on merch

Make sure to *bank* ur yt money after this vid

Fuck this dude..

Sup Banks make some more videos..... If u need some content ideas lmk I got plenty ideas

report me

Does anyone know the name of the background music 16:09 - 20:19?

FaZe Banks do a one-v-one on FIFA and do one on Call of Duty van Advanced Warfare versus faze FaZeTECO

God banks if you wanna quit all u gotta do is tell the fans like if u agree

2 4 and 7 is the code

Bro j wish I was in Hollywood b Also you are doing really good keep up the good work

I saw you today at the Cheesecake Factory

I found $20

Alissa go back to jake Paul he is not bold like faze bank

What happen banks

Im so glad faze rug doesnt live with these idiots!

ZULU ZERO Faze Rug is cringy af

Yes two moths need to make 1 video

Your the worst YouTuber ever

luke whelan you’re**

FUCK you faze banks

Why are you in faze just asking for real why ????

Faze your the best

I want to see 1M

Yo banks your most likely not going to see this but I’m a kid in a small town and when I have hard times you cheer me up butt...you haven’t posted in a month and I need you to cheer me up you lift me up please post more!!

Your a bitch you assulted a fucking female you punk bitch


Fucking upload you playing fortnite FFS

A F****** FOND IT

I wish I was rich and have cool stuff like they do

You’re a piece of shit for that stuff with Barley House

Fábio Teixeira Watch the video in the link I posted in the above comment, just check it out and form your opinion from there. But I can say with confidence that I do believe banks tried to bring down the business because he made a mistake that he wasn’t able to own up to.

Robert Crump I honestly don't know what happened there but from Faze's video he was not in the wrong

Fábio Teixeira https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/7glb7f/streamers_faze_banks_and_alissa_violet_falsely/?st=JFMVPNSM&sh=59bffdf9 No, I don’t think you know what really happened there. He drunkenly assaulted a security guard when asked to leave a restricted area, then proceeded to lie about his girlfriend getting pushed down stairs and being sexually assaulted. Watch the video buddy. Faze Banks is a lowlife immature piece of shit that would rather try and burn a business to the ground with false accusations than admit he did something wrong.

Robert Crump You probably don't even know what actually happened there

I’m sad, I just got back from Hollywood

Im like "f*ck i want that money but im in the Philippines and not enough money to travel in that country"

SlayinGodd thats true, but apart from those videos with his fake gf he is funny.

ZULU ZERO every video is mildly clickbait, he gets the only 2 girls he dated to meet for a video. He tries to be too nice

SlayinGodd how is he cringy?

SlayinGodd no he isnt, hes a cute humble little boy.

Why isn’t he uploading?

Yo faze I live in Sacramento maby can u do The next hidden money in San Francisco I love I

did banks quit?

Fuck you bitch ass for kicking Nikan and Nick

yo Ricky im a 14 year old kid but i am pretty mature for my age i dont think your gonna read this but i fuck w u heavy man i love ur content ive been watching u since ur cod videos when i came from cuba my parents would take away my ps3 because i wasnt doing that good in school i was feeling really down i was thinking wtf am i gonna do w my life but i still watched ur videos even tho i didnt understand shit because i didnt know english at the time and it really helped me get my shit together ur videos motivated me to do better at school and eventually i got my ps3 back :). It’s incredible that your videos helped me a lot and the point of all of this is that i just wanna say thank u. Im really glad u have found someone u really love which is ofc Alissa. And another thing I FUCKING LOVE U man keep doing what u do and thanks again Ricky and i am also very grateful that i found ur youtube channel. by the way i was about to send u this trough ig but it said it was too long and i came to ur latest video.

Dude post!

You’re not the best on fortnite ninja would destroy you.

When you live in the UK so meeting Faze Banks and the Clout Gang is gonna be hard

I love u

F i live in south africa i never win giveaways and if i do they cant ship it to south africa

wheres the new video

TheOdd3sOut Micah lmao


Make more vids

imagine giving a shit about this ugly loser

Ricky where them vids at?! It's been 2 months!

2 months bro

He dead

I like Bank's attitude

Your are so fake no wonder big you tubers dont sub to you because you suck

You suck black people are so bester that you and your life /the odd1outs is bayer that your momma so suck it

Ew clean your garden and stop throwing cans on the fucking ground!

I can already sense all the dirty ass privileged faze fans who have their mommy wipe their ass for them commenting back

Its been too long that banks is irrelevante

Banks where are u now

First number code is 0

Thought he said he was returning to YouTube he only posted twice

Where the hell did u go....? No more videos? We miss you! Please come back to you tube.


I'm sure there's an explanation for you not uploading. Maybe cuz our team won the superbowl or maybe it's cuz I know you got some more fire loose change. Or maybe it's something way different and better. Either way I'll be ready when you come back.

Make a vid

I think that 5,000 was stolen cuz he hasn't uploaded in 2 months

What does banks even do in faze? It seem like all he do is vlog

Can you do that agan but in North Carlana

Banks only watch your vids plz upload soon after you heal your hand ly banks has anyone found it?

banks doesnt realize how dumb he is not uploading given how big he can become

Yooo banks what happened you stopped uploading


so much for coming back to youtube

when are you going to upload?


hope everything good but I miss the vids u still my favorite youtuber

You should do a break up prank on Alissa

That's it I'm fucking fed up he's not uploading and he expects us to stay with him through every problem that he has,And I'm sure other people are fed up to

follow BRAND NEW IG @Moneybagg_productions

Hey FaZe Banks GET at Me

This guy is an idiot. His channel was fuckin booming and now it's dead because he can't be bothered to at least post once a month...

Do it in Georgia

Damn Banks back at it again with the ole banks *not uploading*

when are you going to post a new vid!?


2 months damn hw can’t keep up

Faze plz post

Where tf is banks?

R.i.p this YouTube channel

Plz come back

Bro post again


Please post more I mean UGH you were posting everyday now your just posting like every 2 months pleaseeee Banks postttttt

“no mocking faze banks 4.0?”

129 is password gl to people in hw

Please post a video faze banks

Last is 7

Middle 4

Sorry first number is 2

yes, im going to whine about how u havent upload for 2 months

Phantom Freddy bear racist

JayJay World some kid.

DeadAs B anytime bro :)

King Mitchy ohh nevermind thanks

King Mitchy I thought temperr owned faze? Or am I stuck in the past

DeadAs B he owns FaZe.

Vxhy Ft Division his hand is now healed YAY! I'm assuming that he's working on L00SE CHANGE S2. When it releases, he could potentially go back to making videos again. :).

Rice Gum Biggest fan RiceGum said that he's going on a 2 month break. Possibly to film and edit the MV for Bitcoin????

King Mitchy same but rice gum ain't uploading either :(

Rice Gum Biggest fan we all have bro, Only time will tell. I like RiceGum too. :).

King Mitchy same I've been waiting for 2months

Rice Gum Biggest fan he leaked it on an IG story last week. When it releases, hope up that he'll return to YouTube once again. :).

King Mitchy oh ok he better be!

Chiil, he's just working on L00SE CHANGE S2.

Do u know da way Hi he's working on L00SE CHANGE S2

Hyzeer no, he's just working on L00SECHANGE S2

Nicole Silva when your older, come to LA. I'll pay for a plane ticket. In 6 years.

Who doesn’t wanna be In the video who is he

What happened to my boi banks?

What's gravy in the navy


If I am ever in LA im jacking Ricefag's chain and kicking Faze Clans ass. They a bunch of wack ass nerds with money. Fuck those pussies...

That jacket is pathetic, LMAO.

Banks ur my favorite utuber pleaseee come back bro

Just sittin here... patiently waiting for another upload


Alright banks my mate need some give aways to the english lads

Did someone find the money

He is being lazy

even alissa uploaded more vids than you these vids.

white trash

you need a new manager because there is no reason you have been slacking from work this long and your losing very valuable fans and money

Xtronach stop waching him if think he's irrelevant

You have roasted alissa a lot of times

Miss the vlogs fam, you're chasing the clout to much but oh well... keep on grinding dawg.

Video this month or do I have to wait till next month ._.

Pls upload new vid

I came back and likes he's not....

Aye banks your the man upload daily

My sister said your not her favorite but your mine


Bro... Red Reserve is falling apart. Can't you call them up and see what's going on or something? You did make them afterall...

Why the fuck he ain’t posting?

well... i though Banks was coming back :(


" I cant wait to start making videos again"......... 2 months later.............


Obnoxious cunt

Sadly *true*

i mean he doesn't post so how's he gonna stop watching LMFAO

Why did he stop making videos

who found it

I am so sad that I can't look for the money because I live in texas

What happens to Rickey’s rat


Click bait. Nobody found it

Omg i found it

Why has he gone again

Take fucking faze out your name poser

upload fornite

Faze Banks do a part 2 hiding some money

Are u still alive?

I found the money in hollowood


I think you're a really great guy, Banks.. Stay true to yourself and you'll always find happiness.

Banks your channel was on fire you are Turing into a has been dude you need to post!

I'm dying to see ur vlogs.plz upload

Banks upload again i like ur vids plzzzzz

Obviously a scam


Lmao you dead

Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu how dare you, you split on team 10 merch on snapchat story you mother fucker and you shall be scared because promise something will happen to you and you will regret everything you did


wya tho banks

I miss you RICKYYYY, your the only person I wanna watch

hey faze banks or ricky i have really injoyed all your videos i really like the crazy shit you do on your channel and i was wondering why you havnt been uploading for the past few months oviously if it is a family issue then its completely fine but i just really wanted to know why you are not uploading because you ricegum and faze kay are definitley my top 10 youtubers and i just like everyone in the clout house so i would really appriate it if you would just get back into it again.

Fuck you bankz kicking Nikan and nick

The comment how did you get from here from the stairs you have to pass us...I was thinking the same like I thought he went down the stairs?

2 one is 4

First is 2

The last digit is 7

Two months now

Clearly he's not the type to care how relevant he is lmao.

No videos in 2 months you’re slacking...

White trash

Can’t wait for you to start making more videos!!!!

faze banks get your lazy ass up and start posting videos

Saw your video spitting on a team 10 shirt!  Awesome!!! That f**k, cake paul, is a greedy, self whoring, cunt!

Honestly dude subscription lost. You can't even upload videos and you're kicking people out of the clout house to make room for better youtubers??? Fucking hypocrite

Faze banks, shut the fuck up. Basketball is the greatest sport of all time. There a reason that people don't even play football that much and the focus on the Basketball Bro. BBB

Why didn't he make vidssss I miss hem/ he's videos!!!


Banks where are you fam, I miss your funny as vids

The code is 247, good luck guys x

I hate his content, i hate him and the rest of the clout gang but why hasn't e uploaded in two months? Is it because he eagles won?

So your not gonna post for two months WOW thanks

Is the code 537 but can’t get it in England

Why are Y’all lacking

Under the Lincoln statue there is dirt around it under there

One of those too have fun

Hancock Park or its the Lincoln Park

I do not like in La but the money is in Hancock Park trust

Omg Faze Banks I really like your attitude!!!!!!

Banks post a vid wtf


faze banks u and Alissa are my favourite youtubers so can you give me a shout at plz peace

Faze Banks do a part 2 hiding some money


Unsubscribing for your reasoning for kicking Nick and Nikon...I thought you where a chill dude..maybe you lowkey are a dick...I hope you are not.

Is the code




Make more videossssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

I have it

Faze Banks Alissa is cheating on u with logan paul

First noumber at 1:01 its 2 and last number is 7 just after whole video ends and after his instagram. Dont know about mid number

Banks please upload a new video

Banks where you at? You're leaving us again? :(

Umm 2 months pls do more Vids I miss ur Vids

Weird Theory: Do you guys think Banks isn’t uploading because he’s getting ready to fight Jake Paul in the boxing match. Like come August 25th, ComedyShortsGamer says “I think there’s someone else you’d enjoy fighting more” and out comes Banks. Very baseless theory just thought it’d be an interesting thought.


U are not a cool person ur just a copy cat u loser ur beard look ugly to u look like Chewbacca and ur a fucking asshole.

People that complaining about him ghosting, shut up. I’m sure he has his reasons. Like shit I miss him too but y’all be patient. The reunion finna be lit and will come soon.

How long is his hand fucked 4

Banks you Really Salty why you always want beef with TM10 Its was all good

Make another video

Banks shows up to make bread and as soon as he feel comfortable he stops making videos smh

Brother Banks

It’s 4.0

Banks where the fuck are u

fuck you copier you copy logan paul so fuck you copy him i will tell him you copy him so fuck you and fuck your girlfriend she a bitch so get off youtube bitch

Do it in Nevada salon like next to Elaine Elementary School

You told the kids to watch the video tommorow what happend

You suck ugly hoer

I miss the vids man come back

faze banks is a coksuker and alissa violet is going broke thats why shes making youtube videos

scumm banks

He’s beginning to be like lui calibre people like him but he is in other channels videos but stop uploading year(s) ago. Plz don’t be

If he’s busy gaming and stuff at least upload gaming videos cause I kind of want to see him play. Bad or good at the game.

Make more vids please

Join the team 10 with allisa and rice gum

Guess he lied

Can ppl please stop calling *banks* "faze" it's annoying as shit. And for the morons that don't get the difference between faze and banks "faze" is a call of duty clan banks is in "banks" is Ricky's internet name For an example it's like calling shroud cloud 9

faze banks assaulted a girl

banks. wya. imy. wtffffff.

Ricky please post more videos it’s been two months now ughh

Pleasehbjh to boybairaj

you gonna come back?

Glad this waste of space is gone. For now....

We miss u Banks ):

Disliked the video because you like the pats


Upload more banks

Banks is becoming irrelevant he ain’t posting shit

umm Why aren’t you uploading pls

Wtf Bro

Drop a vidddd


20 minute video is only 20 minutes of what he decided to show us. Rest of his life and day to day activities are never meant to be seen. I mean how stupid would it be to film yourself doing illegal activies then post it in front of 4.5 million viewers? lol He's smart, he's not trying to ruin his future career. Give him time, he'll figure it out eventually. Until then wait till his next vid. View bomb it, then he's relevant again. Just keep following him, make this guys dreams come true. He deserves IT!

Cx brother Banks

vids once ever 2 months 10/10. miss ya banks. come back please.

You fucking wanker go kick some people out of the clout house like as if it's yours dude your paying rent just remeber what you were before your acting all different on the camera off camera your a criminal

Lazy ass

U bitch post


No one literally gives a fuck

pls Ricky upload pls we miss you

We all already know hwo da winner is so when u gone anounce it?

Fuck you and fuck alissa the bitch

a lokihng the mony boy holoywod


Missing your vlog banks please upload

If he doesn't post in a week everyone just unsub

samk kanyi thats true sometimes he would get my hopes up for nothing but I mean everyone have their daily struggles and we are basically the one who made him where he is now

But I'm sure even you can agree he has been slacking recently, and even though he's going through a tough time he could put more effort into it and he always says that he's gonna step his game up but never does

Shannon& Amanda I totally agree with you in hindsight

samk kanyi okay I understand where you're coming from but seeing the word "unsub" was quite extra

Shannon& Amanda I'm actually a big fan and only said that to try and encourage another video didn't mean to offend anyone

samk kanyi why? Like what if he's trying to take a break because of all the stress.. we want the best for them lmaoo you be acting as if you control his life tf

Fabian Saldua ew fuck noooooo

Kamron Swan you thought wrong homie

lin and len sammme :/

Shannon& Amanda at least I don't have a shit utube channel and watch a ugly bearded hippy who bullies ricegum

Maxwell Boys peuny?

Shannon& Amanda idk I got better things to do instead of mucking around with some peuny kid

Maxwell Boys this kid is already assuming that I sound like chewbacca I'm dead

Maxwell Boys lmaooooooooo I'm correcting you bro

Shannon& Amanda what are u even trying to say, u trying to sound like Chewbacca

Maxwell Boys ur? It's you're *

DeadAss Diana PREACH

Tom Harrison it can take up to a couple of months to recover my dudes

MR. Wolve cause they can be annoying as hell

Donald Joly you get off youtube

Where the fuck you at bro how come you havent post ?

Um are you going to posted

Did u die it’s been 2 months

Where did u go ?

Make another video where you react to Alissa violet vine

Banks working on loose-change season two???

Been two months now where is the vid giving away the money? Not calling you out just waiting to see who got lucky

Where you been dude, I check all the time for a new vid but non for like 2 months


Post one fucking video


Why does that dude always have a alien emoji on his face every video?

Please post a vid

Where are them “new” videos at Banks?

Dude, where are you at? Im missing your videos... :/

Shannon& Amanda are you serious...

Shannon& Amanda you make no sense

Maxwell Boys so fuck up? Bitch go take a sit

Shannon& Amanda I don't need to write perfectly so fuck up u little bitch

Maxwell Boys at least I have common sense and good grammar

Miss you bro

Ricky fucking upload

rip again x2


Thnx I found it I'm so happy nah it's hard as shit

When the medior hits tilted towers in fortnite it's going to look like that park cause all the digging

he was talking about faze rug

King Chris called you out

Ahh 2 months since he made a video and he says he’s excited to do shit again ok ok you guys will hate me for this but to be honest at least Jake Paul is much more active than you I ABSOLUTELY HATE Jake Paul but I have a point your one of the best YouTubers and have so much potential but now your wasting it and you owe it to your fans to at least do something I understand you got a lot of business but I mean you got to admit 2 MONTHS


U have a few similar details to post malon

Come back Banks :( We love you, and miss you.

Gaming with Amir he doesn’t post on there either

Olivia 145 add him on Snapchat

Kernel no check his Snapchat he said he’s been playing too much Fortnite and binge watching dragon ball z

Brother banks why did you block me on Twitter. I was trying to pray with you

upload boyyyyyyyyy

I find itttttt

You r just a copy of FAZE RUG

Go pats I’m from Boston to



Come on make more videos

We miss ya banks

Blown up after make pau l beef

We Want more vlogs pleas

Brother Banks bless me please

Missing u bro


Brother banks

Banks stop fucking uploading honestly every time you comeback you stop


Plz keep posting Banks we miss u:( ❤️

Dang this gonna be hard for some people

Can you come back? I miss you :(

Just sayin banks hasn’t been on for 2months but yet still grows subs honestly

This is nothing compared to Mr.beast

Still waiting to know who won

I live in Texas so I can’t get it

u rake so long to upload

bro post more

I want a fortnite vid just saying


Big YouTubers are probably gonna find it cause youtuber luck

You and Tanner brong guard need to collab he just moved there sorry for the spelling

Get your ass off fortnite and upload

Where are you

Amazing prophecy by brother banks, giving money to people what a blessing!


bless you brother banks

I don't care what your freaking money because Jake is richer than you even my dad is better than your blood

When are going to post again

i thought he left faze? yet still wants to keep the name

Lazy bitch

i did a reaction to ricegum lol go look at it if u hate ricegum and comment #i_hate_ricegum ok thx link for reaction here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU8Iy4YeA9E&t=42s

Ricky it's been a long time we want more vids You've gone too much

So was this 5000 fake cause I'm waiting for the follow up video or a video in general faze banks is a bitch an galling off an I fucked his bitch

Brother banks we need you back

Banks hid the money and his cameras

Where the fuck he been


Faze plz posttttt

word? No upload two months later? k ..

Bless up brother banks


Plz upload again we all love u

Plz leave a prayer for brother banks

Please upload a vid

Saturn Banks and Rat gum.

He’s been playing too much Fortnite which is why he’s not posting. We need Faze Banks back!

Brother Banks

Miss him

YO BRO start making videos we miss you



Brother banks

Please post

So who won the money!

Who fine it????

R.i.p faze banks

Brother banks

He is coming back in a week.....Two years later...”Why I left YouTube.”

Youre a fcking asshole

Please start uploading again. Your videos are so much better than you know who's :(

Someone tell me the intro song please

brother banks bosley medical center can help you , you got money for it why not do it .Cx

2 months later anyone?

I miss your videos bro i fuckss with you heavily i look up to u man i hope your well ik u wont see this but hey its worth a shot

Miss ur vids

Come back banks

7:36 Asian Harry Potter Don't call me racist I'm 25% Vietnamese

2 months whelp let's forget about it

Where u at banks?¿ we miss you

Brother Banks, I have sinned. I'm here to ask for forgiveness. Cx

I love the way he talks

I miss you’re vlogs


He went to bosley medical center Cx

Zeus Ming Soon

Brother Banks omg thank you my brother banks for your divine blessing

Storm Dude Bless you

Bless All the children

sweet serenity

gow Bless you

TyakGt Actually he is brother banks now. Blessings be with him

Woke Koala Bless

Brother banks brother banks Cx purple army


Faze banks will you at least update us about what's going on with you right now?

Daddy we miss u

Where’s the vid??????


Yor gf is hot

Rick Where the videos at bro love you

Why he. Stop posting

Where tf did u go

Well at least jake Paul post everyday

*10 years later*

prayers of the day to brother banks


Stfu your bold headed cunt

Joey Zumwalt you mad? Yea u mad

RoJA 123 shut up gay faggot

RoJA 123 you’re a

He’s posting somewhere around Thursday through Saturday

Wya i thought you was back banks? Got damn

brother banks, CX.

Says he's coming back just to leave again RIP I was actually excited :(

God bless

FaZe Banks is dead

Im4Real80 me

Dawg you hide the money then never posted again


You said you were going to post again???

He said he was starting to post again

Where you at faze?

I guess he quit YouTube


I think that her girl broke up with him i think?!

Bless you brother banks

Can I get a blessing Brother Banks?

Thank you all for watching my video

why he isnt posting Banks cmon man we love u

faze banks is the best person ever i have been through all of the drama with that sake paul and his snake broke wife and i fully support ricky banks allisa and rice btw . please post

Where is faze banks

2 months no upload ? where are you my boii i love you :(

nobody I was just joking, damn. You don't have to take it serious.

Nothing wrong with being gay bud, Grow up.

nobody Ha! GAAAYYYY!

Stfu you’re a bold headed cunt

Please bleas me brother banls

Fuck rice cum

Blessed by brother bakms

GOOD LUCK ON YOUR NEW PROJECT #momsbasment, Im excited to see your new videos


Nice job throwing a bunch of glasses and other stuff that a person's car even if you ask them politely people in the car we're saying let's go let's go let's go they were saying they were going and that you kept doing that it's not appropriate even for YouTuber I get if you don't want somebody outside of your house but just call the police if they stay out there with you asking politely for you to leave


Generous brother bank

i will pray for you brother banks

brother banks where are you, please bless us. Oh lord help us. Cx

Bless brother Banks! Cx

rip brother banks

Banks just ended his carreer with his hands he irrelevant now

Make videos again

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