I start TIK TOK inspired small business

I start TIK TOK inspired small business

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hey guys it's me minori and my pet baymax welcome back to my channel hi okay so i have a dream i've always had this dream ever since i was like a teeny tiny girl but i've always wanted to start like a small business i've always wanted to like sell my craft works and artworks online however it really never happened because it's really not that easy or so i thought recently i've been watching a lot of tick tock videos and i noticed that a lot of people have been starting a small business online i know i'm inspired by tick tock i'm just so into watching all of those like crafting videos and i just couldn't help but try it myself so today i'm going to try out all these tech talk inspired crafting ideas and if i like how they turn out i'm going to sell them on etsy but um i've never done any of these techniques before so hopefully they turn out okay so anyways without further ado let's just jump right in i'm going to start a small business let's get started oh by the way it took me a few days to shoot this video so don't mind my clothes changing here and there oh my gosh guys i'm so excited so first off i'm going to try out making some phone cases so today i'm going to be customizing these phone cases i don't know if you guys seen this before but it's like so popular on tik tok so apparently you use something called a sublimation process and i was like what in the world is the sublimation process but it's just like so interesting so for this project you will need a sublimation printer a heat press and a sublimation blank phone case so this is a normal printer but i'm going to turn it into a sublimation printer and it's brand new let me just peel all the tape off there's one more so satisfying so apparently after doing a lot of research you can turn a normal printer into a sublimation printer however you can't turn it back into a normal printer so i actually got a completely new printer just for this project this printer comes with a specific type of ink but you cannot use that ink or it's going to turn into a normal printer you're going to need something called the sublimation ink see right here it says type sublimation ink you can find these on amazon oh my gosh i'm scared i kind of want to start with yellow because i feel like that's the easiest color to kind of clean it up so we're going to use a syringe to put the ink inside the machine so i'm just going to put it in kind of tilt it and pull so you're going to need to repeat this process for all the colors you basically use a syringe to slowly pour it into each tank it's not that hard but it took me like an hour to fill up half the tank this syringe can only suck up like a few millimeters and it just takes a while i also took my time since you cannot mess this part up once you put the wrong color into the wrong tank it just messes everything up and i think we're done i'm going to clean it up a little bit and i also got a lot of ink splatters all over the table so i guess it's something to keep in mind don't wear your favorite clothes when you're doing this project and next up i'm going to put in some sublimation papers it only works on one side so i'm just going to set it in like so and that's it guys hopefully it works okay next up i'm going to need a design for my phone case and because this is like a sample it's my first time doing it so i'm just going to quickly make a design using my old drawings [Music] oh by the way i ended up changing the background because i wanted to keep it simple so um let's just go with this design i don't want to take too much time thinking and save and now step three print out the design using the sublimation printer um it actually didn't work that great for my first few tries the color was like so sheer with like random lines inside so i took like a few hours to figure out how to print it out properly i cleaned the nozzle like five times i tested some ink out and it finally started to work after i changed the paper settings so yeah it may take a while at first to get everything right okay moving on now i'm going to heat press this design onto this sheet so and i'm going to use some tape to tape it up you obviously cannot use normal tape or it's going to melt you're going to need a heat resistant tape which i also got on amazon by the way everyone asked me where i get my stuff and i basically get like 99 of my stuff on amazon apparently you can use like a normal iron if you want to but today i'm going to be using this cricut heat press as you can see it's not opened yet so i've never used it before some people use those like really big heat press machines but i thought this cricut one was so cute it's quite heavy so while i'm waiting for this to heat up it's going to take a while i'm going to open my easy press map again from cricket i'm going to get some cooking sheet and place it on top apparently you're supposed to do it for 115 seconds okay i'm so excited but kind of scared at the same time hopefully it works so now i'm going to press this right on top and start since there's so much space i guess you can do like two to three at once but for now i'm just starting with one project oh my gosh i'm so scared what happens if it doesn't work out and i got all of this for nothing oh my gosh three two one and we're done so i'm going to put it aside and i'm just going to wait for it for it to cool down i know as much as i want to like check it right now i need to stay calm let it cool down or else i could kind of burn myself 10 seconds later and let's see guys in the review okay wait wait it looks a little bit cloudy but i feel like you can like rub this off let me bring it to the water and try rinsing it off so guys this is my first try ever and um it did work technically kind of worked but as you can see there's like a weird residue on top and i tried washing it off but it didn't come off so i think i need to do a little bit more research and try it again okay so guys after a lot of researching i figured out the problem and the problem was so there's actually a protective seal on top of this sheet and you're supposed to peel it off first here i print it out again and let's try it again and here we go again hopefully it works guys i would be devastated if this doesn't work 30 more seconds five four three two one [Music] and again we're going to wait for a few minutes for it to cool down and let's see how it turned out the reveal oh oh my gosh guys look at how it turned out this is like perfect oh my gosh guys i'm impressed what do you guys think now i'm just going to peel off this sheet and stick it on and there we have it our completely original phone case i'm so in love the color is so vibrant as well and i'm just like super impressed okay so now that i know that it works i want to make a few more designs and kind of play around with it so here we go [Music] i decided to make a few designs i first made a case with my puppy lobby and then i made this random case of a chocolate bar but then i was like nah i didn't feel like making that one i also made one for my friend and lastly i made a design of my channel mascot you know that girl that comes in the beginning of my videos yeah her i used to use that mascot because i originally didn't want to reveal my face and i thought i would use that girl instead however i ended up revealing my face but i've been using her as my channel mascara for all these years so she's really special to me and then i use the heat press for all the designs by the way a few things to keep in mind one you need to mirror the image two the color is going to turn out tad a bit different from how you want so you kind of need to adjust and try it out a few times and three don't forget to take off that protective seal on top [Music] so i made four new cases let's see how it turned out i forgot to take off the protective seal for this one no like it's okay there's always a learning curve and you will always mess up like a hundred times when you start something new so yeah um i am sad it did go to waste but yeah it happens next up okay yes this one i think turned out to be a success the next one is um okay yeah it turned out really nice but it's actually for a friend it's not mine so i know the design is kind of random but still i think it turned out really nice it's really saturated the color is so pretty and one more the reveal okay yes same design different color i just want to see how it's going to turn out and for this one i'm going to put it on a black case so far so good and let me quickly remake my lobby one one last time and the reveal i have to say it's a little bit off-centered but still i really really like how it turned out so after like a whole day of crafting this is what i made and i'm just in love with all of them okay moving on okay now that we have a sublimation printer we can now decorate almost anything well maybe not like everything but you can now use the sublimation process on like fabric like t-shirt masks tote bags you know any kind of fabric you can decorate towels you can decorate floor mats you know there's a lot of things you can make so next up i'm going to try sublimating a mask again i printed out using this printer and now i'm just going to line it up place make sure i get all the edges tape it up and start three two one and release let it cool down for a bit and the reveal and oh my gosh it worked so so well however as you can see i accidentally printed onto my mat but like look look at how pretty it turned out and yes it's washable so oh my gosh i'm so so excited okay i'm going to flip it over and do the other side and this time i'm going to use a cooking sheet on both sides three two one and release in the reveal oh my gosh it turned out so much better than i thought i'm loving it so much what do you guys think seriously the quality is amazing it's definitely minori approved okay next up with the sublimation printer you can also decorate a mug you're basically going to use the same process you're going to print out a design tape it onto the mug and heat it up and to heat it up since it's kind of curved it's really hard to use a heat press so some people actually put it in the oven to heat it up but today we're going to be using a mug press again i've never used it before so i honestly don't know what i'm doing but let's see how it works look the cork looks like mickey mouse i'm going to look up youtube for a bit to see how it works brb 10 seconds later and i'm back and i just went ahead and printed out this design using my sublimation printer um she's my original character and i painted her a few weeks ago and you guys are going to see her again in a few weeks but yeah i'm going to try to sublimate this design onto the mug i'm going to cut it and tape it onto the mug [Music] i forgot you're supposed to mirror the image let me go quickly reprint this and tape it up i'm also going to tape up some cooking sheet on top so everything's set up and it's getting very very warm and i think it's ready so now i'm just going to slip it in [Music] and press down and now let's wait for a few minutes and when it's ready all you have to do is release and carefully take it out and it tells you to wait for about like 20 minutes until it completely cools down do not touch while it's so hot okay and let's see how it turned out [Music] okay i think i did it a little bit wrong i think i messed up with the heat settings this is how it turned out it still kind of worked but it's not there but you know what it's actually still really really cute you know what i think i like it even more than how it should have turned out because honestly this fade is giving me the vibes i don't know okay i failed but still it turned out great i would do it again but i don't have that many mugs so i think i'm going to try it a different day but yeah what do you guys think and what's great about this is that it's 100 dishwasher safe like it's on there for good i mean i messed it up but the quality is there it's 100 minority approved okay now that i had so much fun with the sublimation technique let's move on okay next up i want to make some pop sockets i don't know i think it'll be really cute if i can make like matching pop sockets let's see how it turns out so i went on amazon and got a lot of pop sockets and to be honest um these turned out to be a little bit different from what i imagined so this was what i thought i was getting you know like a normal pop socket and this was what i got as you can see it works as a normal pop socket but the shape is a little bit different and it doesn't have a top i was originally thinking of like putting a sticker on top of this or something but since it doesn't have a cover i had to come up with a different plan i walked around my local art store and found printable shrink dinks if you don't know what a shrink dink is i've used it so many times in my videos before and you guys can go check that out but it's basically like a piece of plastic paper and when you put it in the oven it shrinks and turns into hard plastic so i'm thinking of printing out like a charm that's like big enough to cover this up [Music] so i went ahead and printed out my design onto the sheet again i'm using my channel mascot i decided to use my cricut cutter to cut it which i have to say worked but it left like this white residue on top of the mat so i guess i need to try it out a few more times so it won't totally destroy my mat after i was done cutting i went to the oven to shrink it into plastic and i just love looking at this process it's so mesmerizing and this is how it turned out i'm going to stick this onto the pop socket using double sided tape and there we have it our very own pop socket works perfectly fine and so cute i love it i'm just going to put it onto the case and here i have my very own original phone case with a pop socket what do you guys think i think it turned out so so cute and you cannot tell that i made it at home like it doesn't look like a craft it looks like a legit phone case and guys i'm so proud of myself i then made a few more new designs using my ipad guys i think i had a little bit too much fun [Music] [Music] i think they turned out so so professional and i'm just so proud of myself it's completely minority approved so you know what guys i'm going to sell them online but i'm obviously not going to sell every single item here today i'm going to be selling these two cases with a pop socket online i'm going to be selling them in two different colors in three different sizes i hope you guys understand because this is my first time selling items online and i kind of want to start small i couldn't buy every single cases out there so i decided to pick up three most popular sizes i'm going to be putting them into small bags like this it fits it fits but i can't zip it up um i guess i got the wrong size but you know it still fits oh my gosh they look so professional and i'm also going to throw in a bag of candies that i made a bit ago okay disclaimer they're 100 edible you guys can go check out my video i made it professionally with professionals they're a hundred percent edible but i would not recommend them for you to eat i just hope you guys would use it as like a decoration i don't know i think it'll be really cute to put it up on the shelf decorate the room or like maybe put it into resin and make some cute charms so in this pack you're going to get a bag of candies a pop socket and an iphone case with the color of your choice and size and this pack is going to be 35 but the thing is i want to start really really small so i'm only going to sell 30 packs a very very limited edition i will have the link in my description box below so guys please please check it out so this is going to be like super super rare so this is how it turned out i'm so so in love i mean they look so professional i mean look at this mask i honestly don't think anyone's going to believe me even if i say i made this at home i just love love it oh and please let me add since this is my first time it may take a while to ship and some products may not be like perfect everything is completely 100 handmade by me so if you're looking for like the perfect product this might not be it but if you guys want to support a brand new small business please do check out the link in the description box below okay so that's it guys okay so thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you guys next video bye [Music] you

2021-10-31 16:36

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