I Played Animal Crossing To Escape My Reality

I Played Animal Crossing To Escape My Reality

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I. Have. Never felt, so ready to, go, to a deserted, island and restart, my life. Hey. Everybody I'm Kelsey, I'm quarantined. And today we're gonna be trying Animal Crossing new, horizon. Uh-huh. That's. The crowd of people cheering, me I'm except, for there's no one around me because I am a quarantined. In my home absolutely alone, but luckily I've got you guys all to hang out with me today as, I, escape. Reality, and dive, face-first. Into. A land, of serene. Animal. Friendships. Bug, catching, world's. Building, and overall, jolly, good times. I've never played an animal Crossing's, game before except, for the mobile game animal Crossing's pocket cam so today I really, want to make a ton of friendships, get a really nice, starter. Camp and overall, I just want to have a really positive experience. No. Challenge, no rules, just. Friendship. So. Let's get into this game I'm, so excited. I. Already feel so wholesome, look at a little palm tree that's a great palm tree oh my God look ain't deserted, I like get away package, ooh I love a get away. Good. Afternoon we're so excited to have you here have you here oh they, called me wise thank, you there's so much to look forward to but first let us introduce ourselves I'm Timmy they look like they're made of felt this is amazing. They're gonna be flying with me to the island do, I get to hang out with Timmy all the time think of a sir sir partners oh I need, a partner this day and age we're in it for the long haul yeah, let's do it let's get started shall we we'll need to look up your application can we have your name and birthday oh my gosh, I want to get away this is Kelsey confirm, my birthday who'll get ready this is canon. 7-eleven. And before you ask no I've never gotten a 7-eleven, slushie on my birthday because I normally have better things to do on my birthday than go get a slushie Kelsey Kelsey let's, see Timmy I better be on there oh, they're. Gonna take a photo of me I should have prepared this, is like when you go into one, of those offices, and they're like okay, we got to take a photo for your ID and you're like could you have told me this. Ahead of time okay, okay I'm a girl hairstyle. I mean. We could be whoever we want to be in this why do I look so tired. Honestly, world-weary, Kelsey, I'm gonna go this she wide awake that's aggressive, she got a brow game the school seen some stuff that one, like seems nice, I feel like this little button nose our, girl doctor I'm gonna go big smile cuz you know your girl Kelsey's a big smile and of course I want some anime blushed cheeks you're all set all set but now let's start talking about your new home so, exciting exciting, there already oh they're proud of the work they've done I thought they were gonna say they're already proud of me and I was gonna be very happy where. Do I live now I live in North America we'd recommend that you relocate to an island in the northern hemisphere I'm happy with the weather being similar to here oh my gosh I get to pick my island now just. Follow your instincts, at you look how cute, oh my gosh I wish I just like radiated. Flowers, and sparkles, every time I was happy like. Pick. Our new home they're all cute I don't know what to choose I'm. Gonna go this one that's my Island I feel it in my soul Timmy. And Tommy said wonderful choice one thing with you two desert island what would it be a sleeping bag I'll lay out some food something a kill time at this point I would bring something to kill time because that's.

What I need right now I'm sorry that was just a hypothetical, it's blush was so, cute let's board a plane oh my gosh I get to do so many things that I'll get the good do in real life right now hello, everyone, thank you for taking this chartered flight what, sit back relax and, enjoy a complimentary video. Presentation. So. Soothing so, pretty. Wow. That is what I want for me right now also where she got the hair I didn't get that hair that bug looks too, realistic, I. Was. Kind of. You. Know I've never wanted, to go fishing, except, for that. Was fun, oh my gosh, Goldie. And fun and Goldie are my favorites oh, my. God there's J I recognize, some of these characters, I'm very excited, about all these villagers, that I get to be there is so, much to do beautiful. Bravo. To a new king clock obtainable, crossing, new horizons, now. I know you must be incredibly excited, to explore your new island home but I have one small request would, you please join us for a short orientation orientate, me baby. Pick. Them up I can't pick them up yet okay I guess I have to go to this presentation but, I want to clean whoa, look at this pink monkey we, stand these are my new two friends, okay LC cop death looks so let's get orientated, alright is that everyone let's see is rocket, here, that. One's rocket, and that was axle and then there's kelsey of course great, we all here, Timmy's like the leader but Tommy's, the sleeper fave oh welcome, to your new Island my name is Tom Nook and I'm the founder and president, of, Nokia CEO, of Nokia today, is the first day of your new island, life on this pristine lovely, island so congratulations, big arrow choose a spot of your own the first step to putting down real roots, click your tent okay we're gonna start from, a tent I'm gonna collect from Tommy cuz he's the real one thank you for the tent okay, once, you find your perfect spot press X okay we gotta go find the perfect spot oh he's gonna give you math too they, Tommy, okay I'm gonna go find the, best, chefs. Kiss spot on this little, island this is beautiful, what are you thinking about Axl you're Kelsey right nice to meet you walk. So. Find a good place for a tent not yet I'm looking to pitch wine somewhere close to nature so I can train my body and soul, walk. Axl's, my new fave all right Axl's looking over there I'm definitely wanting to be by some water though this one's really pretty, right, here but I don't want to knock down a fruit, bearing tree, look. There's a butterfly oh my gosh you're coming near me it's coming near me don't panic, don't, panic it's coming. Oh. I. Can't. Okay. This is where they're situated I don't wanna be too close to that you, know like I can't, talk about some noise pollution, wait, are you right here with this behind, me oh my gosh view of a waterfall but, this is nice too by the beach and by, this river we, can't see the waterfall, do I want Beach or waterfall, this is like really buying a house you know no house is gonna be perfect there are no bad choices this is a beautiful, island I'm like Naruto running, all over here what's up rocket you're wait I got, it don't tell me you're Kelsey thinks, rocket I gotta tell you I'm excited to do this whole island thing vroom, I, love how they all have catchphrases, looks like we're both having trouble deciding where to put our every test I mean it's a pretty big decision of course no matter where we settle in this little island at least we'll be neighbors rocket, rockets. Quickly. Becoming my favorite although Axl is pretty dope too I think I'm definitely gonna do this upper corner here, with the beach I really think I should put my tongue, here let me imagine it let's, picture this moment, oh that's.

Awesome. It's, a dream right on the beach and the river with, some beautiful, treatment. Let's. Go back and tell them what I did so I get. Congratulated. Did you see me did you see that did you see what I did I did find a suitable spot, I need to assist the others I mean I do have an eye for where to put a good tent some people might call me intense all right we're gonna talk to you a rocket, I was just trying to feel for the best spot but having trouble cuz every spy I know I've been there my friend I'll find you a spot rocket, rocket and I I think are gonna be best friends, this might be my first best friend but tonight's Tommy who I just wanted to adopt as my own child I know that's not how this games played though all right rocket I'll pick you a good spot by you I. Really want a good spot for rocket, but also I, want a spot far away from me this one's kind of nice I like these little rocks in the background, here all right let's build here waterfront, property I mean how much should I pay to be here this is a great spot Rockets got her place for her Tet now let's. Check on this other friend, here both Axl and rocket half very car, related beeps, conspiracy. I'm just trying to further the purse not all I didn't make the noise what do you think Kelsey uh well. It's just the, thing about it maybe I mean it's like in view of the, camp, but. It's whatever, I mean, I wouldn't, choose it for me. But. I don't want to like tell them they're. Wrong so I'm gonna just put them here we have a winner I'm gonna put the stakes right here and never look back walk you're. Like like, a, true. Champion. I've. Never been called a true champion I just got here so I don't have anything ready but I'm gonna reward you for this one once, some villain Oh Wang, okay. Let's go back to the plaza together welcome back I hope you found the right spots we did you're, welcome, now we're gonna throw an island, warming, party we'll, have it right here in the plaza with a roaring campfire. Already. This is very satisfying, we'll just need a few supplies to get started yes they're all gonna set up stuff in the plaza I'm gonna gather firewood and perhaps a little snack yes I would come with you I feel like I've just been called to the principal's office, Kelsey. Can I speak with you for a moment all right what's up top CEO bossing, me around ten. Tree branches, all I find so many tree branches, it's gonna be insane I'll investigate, the peach like items, growing in the trees I suspect, they're. Real teachers, what a detective, I want some sticks except for I'm gonna I'm gonna just grab peaches, I'm. Gonna grab these peaches ha ha ha how. Did you grab the peaches game, you can't stop him gathering, up weeds don't even worry about it I didn't even know you could gather up weed okay, now I finally got one coach if these teachers are, it's, like me Kelsey.

Impeach, Okay, it's just like peaches look, at that I know that's a fish I'll come back to you fish you ain't safe this my Island now fish, the, slate breeze and. The trees. Feel. Like I could be on a meditation, app right now welcome, to, Kelsey's, meditation. I'm your host Kelsey, watch as I drift. Through the, campgrounds. Looking for supplies just gathering. Everything. I see slowly, and surely shaking. Down those trees with. A gentle, shake leaving, no tree. Unturned. All the branches, all, the, peaches. I, never knew I could have so much fun just walking, around and pressing one button to pick things up let's see how much I got I got 17, yeah I got more than enough it, looks like you managed to collect up the tree branches you found even more than I asked, I know next task to round up something snack on while you were collecting branches I was valuating the fruit that seems to be abundant here they look like peaches, they smell like peaches, they even taste like peaches in fact they are peaches. Oh what's this you've already collected enough peaches, take. Those off your hands and start the preparations, now is that everything yes yes I believe it is let's get started with the festivities I, suppose we can't call this a deserted island anymore but, what should we call it I. Get to name the island now suggester name for the island oh my, gosh you can't change, this, this, is a big, step I mean it could be like Kelseyville, if we want to go there happy landing, 'dom of, Kelsey. Kelsey's. Kingdom, Animal Kingdom no that's too weird I want it to be happy and people say imagine, your happy place this is what I want the happy place to be bright and sunny we'll, call it sunny sunny, is cute what else makes things cute Sunnydale Sun evil sunny land, sunny Cove sunny bunny. Chubby, bunny sunny bun sunny, one I don't know why it's so cute. I've just decided it is now named, sunny. Bun okay. Is there already this is just sunny but hopefully, people like it let's try saying our ideas all the same time sunny. Bud Wofford, awesome. Beach now. For the voting I'll say each name in order and you can clap to the one you think is bad sunny button. They. Wake me Sonny. Boy why, I don't know anyone, who would have picked this but that's fine blended from now on this island will be known as Sonny bun I hope to be mayor of Sonny but since you've proven yourself by an evening Sonny bun I hereby name you, resident. Representative. Of Sonny Bob thank you thank you oh my god I never expected, to be given this honor but, like now that it's here this is what I deserve a toast to Sonny, bun and the happiness, of its residents, Cheers. All right, oh, my gosh we're here at Sonny but let's talk about my BFF Tommy you handled your task perfectly we got a nice kit all these told to. Me I don't, need anything from you Tom Nook ah Kelsey having a good time yes I know this is a bit much so if you like to use short nap in your tent, go ahead yeah I'm gonna go take a nap okay I'm. Gonna go to. My beautiful look at my beautiful walk home let's go inside my, bright yellow tent can I change the Technicolor or, I mean it's like fine but look, at my tip it's. Very plain, but. I like it let's go to bed good night yeah I don't have anything better to do but sleep right now so what did I dream about I hope. I dreamed about something really nice and not, having, like a ton of stress dreams sometimes a lot distressed roofs they're not fun what, am, I dreaming about a dog playing guitar cuz that is amazing. So looks. Like you've decided to make your own way in the world get. Out this is kare kids voice get, out there explode, new food tears this all the way right daddy daddy. Oh being. By the lonesome, can grind on the soul who, you.

Speak. You're preaching, to the choir right no, Kay Kay you got to make friends along the way ramble. In this crazy world it's squaresville, what's up some pals yeah, man, friends are weird that that's true it's about time for you to wake up when you wake up you'll, be in sync with real time dig, that island life and I'll catch you later, Oh Tom nooks waking me up ah there you are I hope you had a pleasant nap or well I suppose it was a bit more than a nap yes it's going normal to be worn out from such a long trip and a major life event. Just. Really. Speaking to me on many levels I have a few more things that you I find useful as you adjust to your life and our little paradise. First. You'll need one of these yes a. Cell. Phone go just give someone a cell phone I have these meat especially for Island resident a deserted island but I have really. Great cell service have one more thing for you it's a piece of paper a bill airfare, accommodations, like wait I have bills in this game I mean how much do I pay to be here this is stressful forty-nine, thousand, eight hundred bells. What's a bell bells are currency that can be exchanged for goods the service is here on Sonya pine well no need to worry play your fees with miles, you can earn miles by simply living your life okay so the more hours I play in this game the more money I make challenge. Accepted, oh I'm in debt I started, this game in debt I hate this would you believe it only comes to five thousand that's still a lot okay, what do I do now boom. My. New life is underway I can do whatever I want with who look, at our mile, ledge. Program, you traveled a long way just to move to our little island and you rolled in the program, who 500, tweet that's, already a good start that's a really good start of my mileage program so goals learn, how to fish talk to my neighbors every day get some bugs pick, some fruit grab some shells we got a lot to do there's so much to do first custom, design let's do a custom design what if I got this one well buying outfit, I kind of like the leafy pattern so we're gonna do that excuse, me excuse. Me can, I just get inside a free DIY, workshop, oh no we can learn each, participant, will make and keep their own tools and receive a set of DIY recipes, Lord DIY come at me we're gonna gather materials. Follow recipe and then craft using workbench, I'll be constructing, a fishing rod yes now I can fish first, goal happening, all right I'm, gonna go give it a try craft it let's. Do it here we go I built a flimsy, fishing rod always getting away our recipes, I need more tree. Branches to make most of my things so we'll keep that in mind I see you got stuff to do for any weeds or trash you bring in I'm. Gonna sell you about weeds I want, to sell I want to sell all the weeds wait. Sold. 340. Bells for a bunch of weeds so, things, I need to do go fishing, get more sticks is. This my baby I'll be on checking in with everyone about how people are doing if you're ever unsure about what you should do don't hesitate to stop me for a chat I would just stop you for because I love you now I obviously know I do, need all these weeds I think they're just baiting me to clean up the island because they didn't want to do it before they got here I'm the CEO of cleaning, up this dang island how many do I have now 52 heck. Yeah let's. Go get more money yes you can offer me. 520. Belles I want to be a billionaire, let's go fishing and then we're gonna get, a bug, net cuz I want them bugs here, we go oh is he coming to me he actually, got very interested, once I pulled out my rod, oh I'm pumped about that spot you helped me pick out for my tent thanks for the push you're welcome I hope, we can keep, looking out for each other like this it's good to have buddies it is good to have buddies it's alright I've got something here for you you're. Giving me a gift I got a hat oh. I. Look. You and, my little denim hat. Okay. What. Now I'm, gonna wait oh. Oh. Did I get it I got, a tadpole. I got a tadpole it's, just a tad small, but that was my first fish I. Need some more tree branches, probably. Some more weeds I can, click this oh my gosh okay okay here we go here you go this is not a drill it's a fish let's. Hold it alright. And. Cast. Come. Here fishy come here fishy oh sure, okay I got a little excited about that one okay here we go yep, right. There okay. Oh. My, gosh how cool I got, a squid, I had an inkling I might oh. This. Is a big fish there you go. Dang. It. Did. Not stick that landing no it's a tiny fish it's. A tiny fish we accept all types here, dang. It I'm gonna be the queen of the island first I was gonna be mayor but, no your days are numbered butterfly. I'm coming for you as soon as I get enough sticks, there are no fish around here okay this is a fish alright this is your moment Kelsey okay. No that's not your moment this next this next moment is your moment Kelsey.

Here We go here we go here we go. Oh. A. DIY. Recipe, okay that's cute I was really mad about the can for a second there but you. Know it's all good ooh. What, money, these trees, have. Money in them excuse. Me, oh my gosh that tree had money in it too wait there's a fish give your fishy I'm being very patient and never been this patient before in my life I. Caught. A bluegill. Do you think it's calling, me a pink one let's go inside let's craft baby I need to craft this beautiful. I made a flimsy, bag oh I can make a succulent. Planet that's, adorable, of, course I'm gonna make that I made something out of the trash, I. Found a creature I found a couple fish here's the tadpole, wait I just gave it to him I have an idea an old friend of mine runs a museum I'd love to send it to him for a closer look I mean yeah are you any money, for that though you just took my tadpole, this is no way tied to your generous donation just now but I have a useful app to show you you just dull my tadpole, I was just trying to show it to you critter. Pedia, yeah it's. A terrific source for an aspiring Landry, Island researcher, I'm as researcher. This, one app you'll get all the important details about all, the bugs and fish I catch cute, it's, like my pokedex, yeah let's look at the shopping, I love to shop an electric, scooter a, flamingo. A Paisley, bandanna, sweatpants. You know your girl wants to swap hands alright now I have my bug net I don't love this hat this hat is not the look ooh a butterfly okay. Here is our moment we're gonna capture a butterfly, aren't floozie net how do I get this butterfly, come, here okay. I caught a tiger, butterfly, I've earned my stripes Oh, fish. Here we got big fish I've now learned they give to wheat until he's really on the hook and then you relevant, oh there. You go he's on the hook I'm, really good, oh another. One of those squiddy's but there's a butterfly Oh fork it just left why, does everything I want to do leave me, shoot. Got. It I've. Never, caught, a single, bug in my entire life and now I've caught two what's, the latest um, I thought I'd be able to just wing it and then sort of moved here without the Bell a bell to my name save, I'm. Trying to sit on my routine and while bottom line I'm ultra broke I could, do some weeding or pick up some stuff and sell it to Timmy that might help I'm Way ahead of you I already done that picking, up all the stuff I'm getting a real good vibe from the template Oh thanks. Rocky oh if, I ever need anything don't be shy well then I need something right now please tell me how, you're getting that wood oh I got more miles till then togetherness, I've talked to all my neighbors check, oh wait I got so much stuff and I got to start selling some stuff I got too many things in my inventory still, some peaches well 1,000, bells for 10 peaches. What is the extrange rate for belts to taller all, right look I got some fish for you found, a bluegill. What a catch. Send it to your museum curating friend along with the rest of people to craft an axe yes that's. All I want is an axe oh wow of so much that I can craft now okay, wait can i craft this axe now oh I need one more tree branch. Wait. I caught a bee I caught a wasp that, was on accident and then I got a nest what, happened. That was wild, let's go put my stuff in my house I'm gonna put down my. Succulent, plant oh look at my cute little home proud, of it proud, of it simple, but classic wait, what do you want rocket Oh way to help a gal get our tent set up that, seriously a rock star move I got you a sweet DIY recipe is a sort of thank-you gift let's open our present well leaf on Brella so we I learned, a DIY recipe, for a leaf on Brella all right we need, what. Is money. This. Is wild there's money in trees oh my, god rolling. In it I just need twigs, there. We go I think we're finally gonna get to make the axe flimsy. Axe, I'm working hard yeah. I made, a flimsy, aah, I'm actually gonna give all of my bugs, to, Tom, just so I can get him out of my inventory we're all night all my creatures, to Tom and get that squid he's always gonna take good care of my squid that's all I care I have a proper reward one of those red wind flower bags just a little sampling of a product we sell go ahead and do some plants I'm, gonna get to garden show us that grow will be very strong they'll spring up if you just plant them and forget them if, you water them every day that's where the magic happens watering, opens up the possibility, of propagating, and crossbreeding, your flowers to develop.

Rear Colors, how do I water them ha ha ha, that. Was so much well. I've just sent you a DIY recipe, for a watering, can keep giving me stuff Tom give you that loss I don't want the wasp got it completely, on accident he's. Getting a phone call blathers is that you of oh what a splendid timing, I've never met brothers do you remember the venture we discussed well it's come, to fruition I'm. Currently stationed, on an island that we're decided to call sunny wine yes. Yes the local fauna is abundant as affected just as I told you oh my. Gosh she's gonna come I've just received let's see five, outstanding specimens, we all have - excuse me I'm with a customer right now wait, what's happening, blathers, who, curates the museum he's, going to come to our island I can use your help ok what do I need to do oh I'm gonna find a spot for blathers. You, need a good sized spot to really build out a world-class museum so keep that in mind this is our first new resident this is thrilling ok we, are going to go get. A spot for blathers, I think like this is what, I've been working towards I feel like right here is actually a good spot here we go, let's build the tent oh how, cute, yeah, it's a good spot for blathers, leathers, consider his place now. I, think welcoming. Blathers into, the neighborhood, is exactly, where I want to leave this today no animals, crossed me so I think this was a solid first, time. Hi. Everybody thank you so much for watching this video make sure to hit that subscribe button and that notification bell and if you want to see more check out the rest of the videos on this channel.

2020-04-11 01:13

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