I lost.

I lost.

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yeah someone just linked me to it and um is it  youtube or is it a twitch clip it's a it's a   youtube one right one second let me just make sure  i've got the right window on um wait one second   okay there we go all right okay um someone sent  the link it got crossed out but we'll watch it all right you guys um so so this game is  really important so i'm going to go over it so   uh we started off it was d4906 c4 e6 g3 d5 and now  i played knight to f3 here he played uh d takes c4   bishop g2 c6a4 this was a line that  he normally plays against the catalan   of course david anton being from spain i felt  very appropriate to play play the opening of the   country against him so anyway bishop b4 bishop  d2 a5.21 this is all pretty normally guys has   been known before um david anton himself  has had games with us he had a game with   bishop before a before queen c4 against yvonne  chaparinov in a previous event um over the board   so i was familiar with this idea and i decided  to play queen c4 here something a little bit   different a little bit off the off the beaten  path um playing the catalan against the madrid guy   exactly why not um it's a knight d2 v6 i played  queen to v3 here yes okay you guys relax relax we   don't need to get we don't need to get into that  anyway uh i played queen b3 um subscribed check   andish's interview why don't levy and anna think  supporters by his name while well you do while   you're out um i think that that's because they're  focused they're focused on the broadcast you guys   but again big shout out i will say thank you to  everybody who subbed during these events um during   the commentary during the broadcast thank you so  much so appreciate it thank you um all right so b6   the idea is if white tries to castle the king here  there's bishop a6 hitting the queen and winning   the pawn on e2 once the queen moves away you can't  take the pawn on c6 because it's still guarded by   a knight so therefore i play a very quiet move i  move my queen out of the line of fire and i also   i also try to put pressure on these very brutal  pawns um their ideas with knight e5 to hit this   one i can also do knight c4 to hit both both b6  and a5 here um so i play knight c4 here again   trying to target the juicer if black takes it  black has problems moving this knight because it's   it's sort of glued to the pawn on c6 i'm going  to go knight e5 and this catalan bishop on g2   is really going to cause black a lot of problems  here um so david antongo's knight d7 i play knight   e5 again the in the catalan defense what you  really want to do is you want to create this   uh this nest and then you want to use the sniper  on g2 to target the pawn or the rook on a8 here   so now roxie was played by david anton i played  knight e6 and we played all these moves very   quickly you guys so i was not very happy about  this because i thought i was playing something   a little bit unknown maybe i could surprise david  anton and at this point this is where he started   thinking for the first time and this is one thing  that's really worth noting um which is that this   this game i think really highlights the difference  between classical chess the games which go   can go up to six hours and rapid chess and blitz  chats because in a classical game i can tell you   what what happened here the the thought process  would be much the same as this game as it was in   the game for david anton i mean i don't know for  sure that he thought this way but i'm pretty sure   where um we both had 15 minutes we had both been  moving instantly up to this moment actually we'd   gain time so i think we're at 16 minutes um and  so the first thought is okay so david anton played   rookie so obviously this was still his preparation  um that's the one that's the closest thing in   chess that we have to a tell um so i played knight  to d6 here and now david anton started thinking   and i think what happened is this david anton  before the game had clearly looked at knight takes   c six weeks he had had played um he had prepared  rook c8 so he looked at this 96 movement after   takes points 498 black is completely fine this  is very well known um and or not known but he   clearly prepared this because based on the fact of  how quickly a playbook seemed but the problem is   when i played 96 here david anton started thinking  and he ended up thinking for over 10 minutes and   this is why i know that um he had not looked at  this move because rook c he played so quickly   that he couldn't have just played it on the fly um  and so after 96 the problem is i think david anton   probably first like wait it's like 96 i haven't  looked at this move this is not my preparation so   um this this looks like such an obvious move what  can be wrong with whoa thank you to try becca   castle for the 25 gifted subs thank you so much  for rebecca castle hope everything is well back   back home in new york and in tribeca so thank you  for the 25 gifted subs appreciate it thank you so   much um so yeah so i played 96 and david anton for  a long time so the thought process was okay rook   c7 looks like an obvious move just move the rook  out of the lane it's not under attack from the   knight then after knight takes c6 or queen is kind  of trapped here the horses hold all the squares   queen can't go to e8 or c8 can't go to e7 it can't  go to b the only square that's open for the queen   is a but after queen eight the queen  gets fossilized you go knight e7 check   hit the king open the diagonal and after king  h8 you take the queen black takes back and   you have the very beautiful knight takes f7  which is checkmate king has no squares it's   completely boxed in the corner here and this is  gg's um so it's a classic two horse checkmate   um and so the thing is so david anton he probably  thought for a minute he saw rook 6796 now the   problem is if you don't see that after rook  takes c6 bishop c6 knight b8 is a move where   you hit the bushman knight at the same time um  you're never going to go for this because you'll   you'll see very quickly after queen c7 white just  takes if you take the knight i just come here and   i have an extra rook and i'm going to castle my  king next move and if you take the bishop i go   knight here and even though you get a diagonal  it's not enough you're still down to rook for a   bishop and it's completely lost so the problem um  is that i think david anton at this moment in time   he probably used he probably spent like the first  minute and a half two minutes thinking about rook   c7 knight c6 but the problem is i think when he  didn't see the idea with knight b then he started   thinking well wait a second there that works up  is just a bad move i can't play it so you start   thinking about it from this from the standpoint  of candidate moves what other options do i have   um which is why i think when he saw rook c7 he  just he missed his knight v8 id he thought rook c7   knight c6 i'm just lost so then he ends up playing  95 after a 10 minute think and after playing 95   de5 the position is already close to lost as you  guys can see it's plus 1.6 it's really really bad   um for black now what i'm going to add you guys  this is a rapid game so the clock is ticking he's   getting low on time he feels a lot of pressure if  this was a classical game when he blitzed out 15   moves at this at this point in time david anton  you start the game two hours he would have like   two hours and five minutes so or two hours in one  minute whatever it is so he'd be able to you know   he he'd have his temporary panic for like a minute  or two but then he'd be able to relax get a coffee   think for like 10 or 15 minutes and eventually  he'd realize that knight takes e5 is bad and he'd   figure out there's got to be a reason that rook c7  is fine and he would have he he would have um he   would have been fine he would have found rook c7  i would say with i mean 95 certainty he would have   found it but in a rapid game where the time is  time is ticking down and you don't see the tactic   right away you can't really go back and look at  something again um so so yeah so that's the um   that's that's what i would say in regards to it  uh four four four fifty minute think ink well   that's the difference between rap adjust blitz  chats and classical chess and wrap it in blitz   you kind of have time to think but you have to  pick those moments and make the right decisions   and very often times um your intuition is good but  you're not always intuitively going to figure out   what the what the move is and that's why blitz and  raptor are so much more exciting totally obviously   um but i'm giving you guys an example of the  difference between classical chess and say rapid   chess or blitz shots i did not fall asleep during  the wait no but i knew that when david anton   started thinking for longer and longer the less  likely it became that he would play rook c7 um   so he took the knight which is a big mistake i  take he moves it rooks of course his knight's   under attack but if he moves tonight he just loses  a rook for a night and this is completely winning   for um for white knights mistake today against  carlson thanks uh so he played brook v8 and now   i just take the free juicer again he can't go up  here because i wouldn't take the knight because   then he takes my knight but i can very simply just  eat the free juicer on b6 and now the whole queen   side starts to collapse for um for black here  so that's why he plays rook b8 but now he loses   this juicer again this is kind of the whole point  of the theme is that black black flings his pawns   ahead but he creates a lot of weaknesses um so  here i take the pawn and now after knight d7 i go   queen e3 i was very pleased that i found this move  while he was thinking um because the logical move   supports the pawn i i could have taken the knight  too but it just makes a lot of sense and now he   just loses his mind and takes again at this point  david anton was already down to like five minutes   it's a very unhappy coolest the great donated  4.20 cents great games today very fun to watch   thank you appreciate it my microphone is not  broken you guys my microphone is pretty good   i think i think it's it's good obviously um i'm  at home i'm not able to go to the facility and   stream my usual setup um so there might be some  issues with the microphone but it but at any rate   it is what it is we have to make do with it um  yeah the the microphone is good things all right   um anyway as i was saying so i played queen e3 and  now he takes the problem again and he can go here   but after castles subscribed i went from move to  1300 indiana four months thank you i appreciate it   thank you thank you to chase appreciate it thank  you to coolix for the 420s well thank you to   complex temple for the 11 and jan cooper for the  two so basically the problem here is that black's   just down a pawn like he's just down a clean pawn  i have a i have a jumbo horse this great outpost   on d6 where the knight can't be removed um and  i'll just move the bishop and put my rooks in   the center and the jumbo horse is going to roll  through hi so instead david anton takes the funny   thing is during the game because david anton was  thinking a long time i'm using the same microphone   that i use at work you guys so uh thank you thank  you for that um seriously next person to say that   is probably going to get banned um all right so  queen c7 i go bishop f3 rook d8 i have to go here   because otherwise i lose the knight um the only  squares i can go to are knight c4 knight f7 now i   saw knight f7 during the game but i thought like  after rook f7 at the very least i'm up a juicer   um but then the more i thought i saw that  i could go rook d1 rook d7 and now i have   a beautiful tactic with castles rook d8 trying to  double stack if black tries to play a waiting move   i don't know like this kind of move i just go  rook here rick rook d1 and i get my triple to   defend the horse and i'm just up a clean and  clean horse here at this point all right so   so queen bee rookie 2 and i i do my double stack  and um it's just completely winning for me so he   goes rook d8 but now i have a very very beautiful  tactic here where i go uh where i go knight takes   f7 and the problem is if black plays rook takes  rook i take the queen for free on c7 if black   takes the knight with the king we trade the queens  but then he loses the rook at the end of the board   and um and if black does what he does in the game  which with david anthony queen takes queen i play   rook takes rook and my rook holds the knight i'm  forking the queen and the rook at the same time   and um it's completely winning so he goes queen  v2 i go 98 and now the game is basically over   essentially i have two rooks and a knight for a  lone queen and black's not even really getting   this pawn combine that with the weak king which  can easily be attacked and it's just game over so   he plays bishop e2 we trade uh and i go r6 here  h5 96 h4 knight g5 trying to create a checkmate   pattern here knight holds the two squares  king can't run out he goes g6 i just take   check knight f4 and now i go to c1 and um that's  game over black can't really stop the uh the   ladder check made here with the rook coming down  and checking the king if you go over to g7 it's   the same thing i make a check obviously if you go  back rank it's the classic ladder and if you go up   to h6 i just eat the juicer on g6 and check makes  the knight holds the rook and um prevents the king   from going to h5 and the recoil to h7 square so  it's game over so this was the first game of the   day um against david anton very smooth win didn't  really have to think a lot very little stress   and it was a great way to start all right so let's  move to the second game between myself and magnus   um let me rotate this to my point of view so  i wasn't really sure what magnus was going to   do here uh in this opening game because we he  had played a very very long game before against   uh alexander grisham and um he wasn't able to win  in this very long end game um i wanted to draw   well i just want to be solid i thought that if i  got a draw here i would i would definitely qualify   great stream thanks for helping me get better at  chess all right so there isn't much i really want   to add there isn't much i really want to add to  this game i'll just start from uh somewhere around   here i thought i thought i played this game pretty  well um in this middle game after i misplayed in   the opening um yeah i blundered to attack but  i felt that in the opening i kind of i didn't   remember how how to make the draw right off so i  kind of drifted a little and i was very happy with   the way that i played this middle game because as  you can see um for much of this middle game it's   giving white an advantage i thought the way that i  played um was very good h5 a good move to saab g4   knight d3 bishop c8 and everything i thought was  good here maybe here i should have just taken the   pawn and after takes knight d6 again i was worried  about an a6 lever with rook c6 here um removing   the pawn and it just it feels a little bit  unpleasant computer obviously doesn't care at all   um but as a human it looks a little bit unhappy  you you feel a little bit iffy so basically this   game was completely fine i was very happy with my  play um and now here i played b5 which i think is   insane if i go rook c8 here i think this should  just be a pretty routine draw but i did b5 which   i think i think was still okay now he did this he  takes and this is where unfortunately i started   donating 20 cents fellow belgians tune in tomorrow  to watch the belgian blunder dominate at 3pm   also have a good one mark kw thank you um but  the problem was at this point and this is this   is why i kind of i it went wrong is um first  of all i saw a6 rook b5 takes a6 originally   i thought i could play a6 but i saw this in a  split segment it's like it must be bad although   although i'll oh this this is just a draw  hmm okay i'm bad at chess uh so i saw a6 but   i thought rookie five is winning so then then  i want to go bishop c4 um now the problem is i   played bishop c4 too quickly and the reason that  this was bad is i should just go on bishop c6 here   and after bishop c6 we're going to be trading  bishops into a um intent end game which will   be rook and pawns should be a pretty routine draw  very very limited danger but the problem is when   i played bishop c4 he went rook b7 i had already  calculated this in my head that i just go a6 and i   bring the king over and i'm just completely fine  but the problem was at this point i saw rook c7   and i kind of panicked so the this sort of set  the trend the wrong way because rookie is still   completely fine it should be a draw but mentally  i was already a little bit shaken because i had   blundered this obvious tactic so i ended up in  this end game that i didn't really want to be in   um and now i went here and i should have just  played bishop d5 and i i'm guessing that i end   up down upon here somehow probably takes takes  some a6 and probably check here and this and   i guess i can go here and here and this should be  a draw i actually just check here and king f4 but   again i at this point i was already a little bit  shaken uh because of what i had overlooked which   you could call it nerves whatever i think it was  it was nerves i it wasn't nerves or just like i   sort of like oh man i just blundered attacked i  better better double look and be very careful um   his eating during the game i actually didn't see  him eating uh one thing that i will say you guys   as far as these games go is you have teamviewer  with the window um where you can see your opponent   but generally speaking you you have to toggle  you can't have it like open in the background so   because you have to toggle like you lose time  when you do that so every so often i do pop it   open to look but i wasn't looking consistently  throughout the game um so now here i played a   check which is probably not best and he went here  and this is where i made the faithful blunder i   basically spent i think a minute and a half trying  to figure out which square i want to go with the   bishop because both squares look logical um  and the problem is when i went bishop when i   was considering bishop d5 i thought here c4 in my  pawn is in time so like a6 c3 a7 i can just take   and um and this this should be a draw or i mean  you see it it is a draw so this is originally   what i saw so when i when i calculated that out  to being a draw then i spent a little time looking   like rook c5 and i figured i mean this has to  be a draw with the two connected outside pawn   and so then i'm like okay so bishop d5 is fine  so what about bishop d3 but then i saw bishop   d3 and i thought well he goes rook c6 check and  when i go back he can still take the pawn and he   hits he hits the pawn on g5 and maybe by virtue of  that the pawn on h4 as well um so uh so basically   uh actually you guys just to be clear no it's  not teamviewer it's microsoft teams for video   for the screen share they use zoom so for  chat and chat and um for for the chat when   the arbors need to communicate something and  um and for the screenshot they use zoom for the   actual video they use microsoft teams that that's  that's how they do it everybody um all right so   as i was saying i basically was like okay well  both moves look fine but then i'm like okay bishop   d3 allows a check so then i can just go here and  i stop the check and i force an end game anyway   um unfortunately after rook d7 king six or d8 i  end up losing this end game by one tempo so i go   c4 a6 c3 and unfortunately after d5 um i end up  losing by one tempo because after takes here here   a7 c2 white queens um white makes a queen and it's  a check on the king before i can before i queen   and hit the king on g1 so this obviously was  very disappointing i was not happy about this   um but again because i had won that first game  against david anton i'd put myself in a good   position where even though i lost this game i  still had um i still had good chances all right   so let's move on to the third game which was  against mr anish geary so in this third and final   game of the day the 11th round i knew my situation  i felt that if i lost the game i probably   qualified but i finished like seventh or eighth so  i'm probably in no matter what but again you don't   really want to be in a situation where you're  where you like you need certain other results to   go right at the same time i also knew that anish  had to win the game to qualify now apparently i   need to only need to be to draw because um because  lavonna ronin lost his game against david anton   guillar and uh maxine vascular beat alexander  grisham so in retrospect the draw was good enough   for anish but before the game and when you look  at those pairings very hard to believe that maxine   will beat grishock with black and lavon will lose  white as well all right so e4 c5 i knew anish   would play this again without getting too specific  about the game there are a lot of other openings   on each could play but it's all about picking an  opening that keeps the most pieces on the board   okay so we i played g3 very solid again i  i fianchito the bishop to g2 here on the   diagonal he goes knight c6 bishop g2 knight of 63  t5 knight d2 and we actually end up transposing   into a king's indian attack now this this setup  can come out of many different different orders um   but it is something that bobby fischer  really like to play a lot uh in the old days   uh do you have a tsm jersey or similar you'd  be allowed to wear during turn i do um but   the thing is they try to say you need to be more  formal about it so i'm i'm just being more formal   um in general that's what i would say so anyway i  castle he castles i play rookie one h6 and now i   play c3 and each goes b5 again all the pieces  are on the board but one thing that i would   note is probably if this was just a regular  blitz game i would go e5 knight t7 knight f1   and then you play h4 knight h2 knight g4 with  bishop f4 queen detune you try to sack on   sack on h6 but again this was a situation where  i assumed i'm in if i lose even if i lose the   game but you don't really want to put yourself  in that situation so i thought you know what   let's be practical let's open up the position try  to simplify it so that we make it so it's easier   to control and it's more likely that it will be a  draw and there won't be double edge counter play   so i take knight d5 i play a4 try to again rip  open the queen side here black and not play   a6 to keep the pawns intact because after  takes you can't take the pawn because you   would lose the rook on ea8 and so on each  goes b4 here again also you can't go push   basics either because then i take and i go  to c4 and your bishop and i get forked um   so b4 i go c4 again i want to open up the diagonal  for this long bishop here knight c7 knight b3   great square for the horse it targets the pawn on  c5 it also supports a push in the center to open   up the diagonal for this bishop so he goes bishop  b7 i play here again double attack on the pawn on   each plays knight a6 to hold the glue and now i go  to d4 trying again to rip open the center part of   the board and activate my bishop so here on each  took the pawn i took back he played queen c8 and   now here i felt that i played a move that was not  ideal i played queen e2 and i played this after   quite a quite a long thing and as you see the  evaluation shoots way down here um did i consider   queen after someone asked i thought after knight  d4 queen b7 knight b3 i was just losing um i   don't know oh i have queen e7 oh am i just bad at  wait am i sorry about that am i just bad at chess ah he can take first i actually  didn't really calculate this knight b3   and i take yeah and black's still better  black well i mean i have two two ops here   uh combined with with some nice diagonals but  it's probably better for black um but i've only   looked very briefly and then i saw queenie two and  i thought you know what if i get this bishop here   it's really good this is like classic wooden  shield the bishop on d4 holds everything here   he trades he goes here i want queen f3 again i  wanted to cut the diagonal so there are no checks   against my king like queen b7 is not an idea queen  c6 isn't an idea and just my bishop on d4 it's   just it's awesome here it just holds everything  so so now on each place queen takes pawn which is   a big mistake by the way he should not have done  this but he played it fast i think at this point   anish felt you know what i'm worse in this game  i have to try to win so i need to create counter   play um objectively i think he probably should  have played bishop c5 or knight c5 tried to make   a draw but instead he he took and afterwards in  one 25 trade rook c6 this knight is very sad the   bishop dominates at the rook dominates it has no  way to jump into the game it really wants to go   to the square on c5 or the square on c7 and so  he goes knight b8 but now afterwards c8 he has   to block again if he goes king h7 i think i can  just go rook c1 and this this knight and this   rook in the corner are really really sad it's  very very sad here um xqc had a similar bishop   in his outro chess game steven the wooden shield  comes directly from the man the myth the legend uh   felix long gel himself so yeah it's from him to  start with uh it's a rook the eight i play rook c1   again i want to trade where am i russia i'm uh  i'm in california but i'm not at the um i'm not   at the tsm facility because again they they they  shut it down for the near future um okay so he   goes knight d7 we trade i go rook c7 rook d8 again  black has to save either the knight or the bishop   um so i take the pawn this by the way was a  terrible move i should just take with the bishop   and basically it's bye bye birdie here because  black can try bishop f6 but i just go a5 a6 and um   after bishop e5 rp7 i'm gonna move the bishop push  the pawn and make a queen at the end of the board   it's just a very easy very smooth win um instead  i did this now after bishop f6 is still winning   but it's not it's not as clear-cut as it could  have been so i play a5 we trade i go 86 again   the horse doesn't matter if you can get a pawn to  the end of the board the eighth rank it becomes   it becomes a queen and you win the game so it  takes i go check and now a7 again i just i'm gonna   move the rook and make a check if black moves  the king i just move my rook and make a queen   and when anish goes 966 he would love to take  the spawn next move but i'm just in time because   i go here i make the check on the king and  then the pawn promotes and becomes a queen   so knight d8 i go queen a7 55 queen b6 and we we  reached this critical moment right here and this   is as i was talking about earlier when i was on  with levi and anna this is a critical moment where   i think um if anish had been able to see the other  games if he had been able to see lavon's position   and maxine's position i think he would have gotten  a second win second wind and he would have really   buckled down and tried tried to make a draw  here but the problem is he could only play his   own game and only only this one game that we're  playing and so he still was in the mode that he   thought he had to win the game um now i think  about the support and countless coordinated 4   and 20 cents tell anish he better get the paypal  payment in on time next tournament thank you for   the 420 dunk tank um so he should have gone f6  and e5 and i i don't know maybe this is still   winning for white long term but he would have i  think he would have been able to find he would   have been able to buckle down and get that get  that inspiration that motivation if he had seen   the other positions because in the game he felt  he had to win understandably so and so he trades   he goes here and now i go here and b4 and the  problem is is now once i break the once once he   can't defend this square the queen of the pawn are  going to dominate the rook in the knight and i'm   just going to push the pawn down the board like  i did with the a pawn by the way and um it's it's   just awesome it should just be winning for white  here so now it plays rook d4 i go b5 or g4 king f1   queen c6 again important to pin the knight to the  king so i can keep pushing the pawn up the board   okay so king g5 i go b6 here um knight f4 last  last gasp for on each trying to create a checkmate   here with rook b1 because the knight holds the  two escape squares so i just quietly scoot the   king into the corner and i basically say you know  what i'm gonna make a second queen with this pawn   and you're not going to be able to stop it even if  you win this pawn on f2 um but it's just game over   same mate yeah totally circuit one king h2 knight  e6 and now i go queen e4 important move because   this is all about geometry the king is in the open  so black black takes upon a b6 i go queen here and   i check the king but i also hit the rook and i  win the rook so anish goes here i push the pawn   now on each blunders he had very little time he  plays knight v8 again position is close loss if   if black tries like king f6 here i just go  queen c6 and queen c8 and again the knight   can't get back in time to sacrifice itself so i  make a second queen and anish kush can struggle   on here but realistically a queen is better than  a knight in three pawns nine is better than six   um and it's just winning so anyway b7 knight eight  now i go b8 and by the way you guys since i didn't   have auto promote to queen on i i actually under  promoted to a rook i maybe i shouldn't have done   that but um but i did and um and here on each  resign because after rook takes rook i take the   pawn and again to check on the king and i win the  rook on b8 here and um and that's ggs so i won   this final game against anish guaranteed my spot  in in the um naughty promotion yeah guaranteed my   spot in the in the quarterfinals where i will be  playing i believe against lavon aronian tomorrow i   believe it is the best of two if i'm not mistaken  let me make sure on that um let me make sure yeah   okay so it's best of two so yeah so i play i play  lavon tomorrow starting again at 6 00 am i believe   we play a four game match chess 24 was mad at  that which i was 24 got mad that i made a rook   okay okay anyway um yeah good one good one alright  so i won the game i finished third i believe   if i win against levon i play wesley and then  potentially in the final i play against magnus   at any rate um it's pretty good we finish the  way i wanted to making the top date which is   the only thing that matters no i wasn't doing  a trigger on each um so that's that so i have   a link to the um someone have a link to the  anish to um to anish just if someone has a link um did somebody have a link yeah someone someone just linked me to it and um  is it youtube or is it a twitch clip it's a it's a   youtube one right one second let me just make sure  i've got the right window on um wait one second   okay there we go all right okay um someone sent  the link it got crossed out but we'll watch it sort of wanna you don't wanna give away all your  good openings now in this tournament heading into   the candidate sometime in 2021 have you tried to  experiment a little bit so far in this tournament   uh well i've been experimenting for  for a while now but uh i mean i have uh   not yet a good idea of what i will play in  the candidate so i mean i have an idea but   now i have many ideas that i can use and we'll see  what happens in the actual candidates in terms of   opening subscribe thank you and we are actually  also joined now by a niche erie two very different   destinies here in in their things monsters maximum  just about making it to the quarter finals anish   unfortunately we're not going to see  you play quarterfinals how are you after   that final game yeah no i didn't expect maxim will  make it actually i mean i also i don't even know   how he finished against rajava but i think he was  lost from the opening there so i thought he was   doing very badly but he mounted a great comeback  and i'm i'm quite concerned i think maybe draw   would have been also good for me in the last round  then that didn't occur to me at all i was sure   i'm in the master situation so yeah i i didn't  really get anywhere the opening went really badly   um and i want to ask both of you because yesterday  okay we had 21 out of 24 games ending in draws   how is the mentality different going into  to today when you know both of you and many   players had to start winning i'll start with  you maxim um yeah honestly i just wanted to   play chess from the start and in the first two  days i mean the results were not so great but   i had lots of opportunities so i mean to be honest  that played so so badly so like i had fighting   games at least because while anish was in a must  win against me and then i was white and some   i don't know how but i got chances against sasha  but yeah my level of play was terrible so i need   to purchase that starting tomorrow how about you  and age we've been so entertained with seeing you   maybe more than we used to seeing you really fight  for for wins in this tournament um no actually yeah i was in a tough spot um i think the  format is not very good i mean first you   make eight players qualify for 12 spots and then  you complain every day about draws from players i mean it's either one or the other and for  me i wasn't i was not in a luxury position of   playing it safe so i had to go a lot today even  in the last round with the black pieces as well   so yeah i was uh i had to fight for my life  but unfortunately it didn't really work out   i'm i think the opening in the last game was went  really badly and position i got was very very bad   actually if i would have had a controlled  game then maybe even um even a draw would   have been enough i had to encounter tie breaks  but i've beaten maximum and also anton so maybe   um maybe i would have would have made it even  i don't know i have to see but uh anyway yeah   i mean i i was not one of the people who who could  afford to just sit and wait uh but i in the other   hand it's quite impressive for example wesley's  uh wesley's playing these events i mean it's so   it's so incredibly good and it's it's as though  you either just make a draw with him from the   get-go or if you don't you get punished severely  so yeah he managed to play very very good event um   again and i mean such such results are inspiring i  mean mostly you know if you if you play it safe in   too many games then you start feeling bad about  yourself and then playing badly eventually but   some players in particular in particular wesley  and also hikaru they don't feel bad at all and   you know if they play for a draw they  make it if they perform what are you doing and well yes david yeah i mean commiseration  commiserations um anish we we were greatly   entertained by your games today i just wanted to  ask about your new year's resolutions for 2021 and   your goals and chess wow i didn't think of it like  that very strong it's a good moment to think about   it and the only good thing about being knocked  out here that i have a little more time now to   prepare for my next tournament to think about life  in general and yeah i mean i'm i need to calm down   a bit after today's games um other than that you  know it's always the same i'm professional chess   player i focus on my my chest so much and when it  comes to new year's resolutions it's also usually   something to do with chess i just try to  improve my game and can get better every time   yeah hopefully hopefully especially i'm looking  forward to my next tournament it's going to be a   hopefully vikings a tournament it's a  live live event in in the netherlands   um you know it's a tough time to host an event but  uh well it's something different uh you know we   are used now to playing online which is tremendous  events that you guys are hosting here but uh   yeah i'm looking forward also to see how  the over the board event will pan out yeah   and uh how much holiday do you give yourself  after an event such as this to both of you   well it depends uh how much time i get between  uh one event and the other one so you don't go   like for me i go give myself one day off or maybe  two days off you don't you you just uh if i make   it to the final i will have to go to bike and see  uh very soon after because of the quarantine there so we'll see how that goes but anyway like if i  have a week off of course i will generally take   a few days off before yeah i think  maxima is pretty annoyed here i agree   i think i think it's very annoyed lots of things  i can do in between the chess but no time for you   to take a break now uh maxine because tomorrow  quarterfinals start and you will face wesley   so how will you make sure that he just doesn't go  for those super quick draws in the beginning there   oh well i don't know exactly i just need  to you know we focus on my chest play   play better be in better shape because  yeah that was in actual awful shape and   doing everything so you know i'll take the  gifts of qualifying but i know that i cannot   afford to play like this against western under  your school you're smiling and each subscribe   the problem is not the draws the problem  is the losses you have it all wrong   i said it okay that's it that's it that's it  well well anish can we have your expert tip for   uh the air things monsters who do  you think will do the best here yeah it's uh all these players are  so good i mean magnus and wesley   magus and hikari were always known to  be good and this year wesley got uh   i mean lately wesley got a lot more opportunities  he didn't get too many invites in the first   tour but now the second one he got and he's  showing great play i mean these three guys   i think are head and shoulders above i mean  no offense to maximo is also a great player at least very high quality chess as well all three of them  and yeah these three are favorites oh my god but   uh yeah everybody qualified and also everybody who  was invited are very good and the maxim of course   if he finds his form as a tremendous player also  the rajabov can be very very um robust and uh   strong and you know in these close matches um he  might also do very well so we'll see we'll see   all right anish one final question we know that  you've recently released a video course for   chessable on the night off and we've discovered  it's kaya's favorite opening any tips for anyone   out there um on learning the opening it's not  only kaia's favorite not only kai's favorite   opening it's uh yeah it's a it's a great opening  that many people uh like and play because it's   a very fighting opening and offers you lots of  chances and maxim actually played it all his life   now that's now that finally my course is  out and he can finally learn to play neither   the right way essentially he switched he switched  to this other opening called the classical silence   which is of course much worse but  uh yeah well um i mean i think um yeah i'm not sure i think some  of the variations are going to be   uh a little too deep for for kaya because you  know it's also it's also a repair that i try to um   they might be also a bit too deep for me thank you maxim but in general yeah  i try to make it something that   can be also valid for players of a high level  so yeah yeah but it but it's it's fun i'm sure   you'll enjoy it thank you so much now  both of you thank you so much anish for   for joining us and we wish you good luck in  the next tournament and maxine we wish you   good luck when the coach violence starts  tomorrow thank you so much both of you you

2021-01-01 14:42

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