I Hired A Speech Therapist To Fix My Boring Voice

I Hired A Speech Therapist To Fix My Boring Voice

Show Video

Hey I'm Kane I have a super, monotone, voice it might not come off that way in some videos because, I edit, out. Of, all, the pauses, and gaps I never, thought that it could be improved this month I am going to speak to a speech, therapist, to, fix my boring, voice in, the past I've lost, 40 pounds I've, gotten. A hair transplant, and this is the, most life-changing video. I've ever made up Buzzbee tan you will see why one of my biggest insecurities, that I don't, talk about and very nervous because what if I can't, change with, all that said let's jump into it. Let's. Go meet our speech therapist my name is Amy I work, on people who want to improve their speech singing, to acting to, presenting. It's not about the speed you don't need to speak fast if you stop. And. You think exactly what you want to say your point can come across much more point I noticed, a. Lot we talked about what's called the power bottles which is right here you lecie politicians, doing this you want them flailing, all the way because then your ideas, are flailing but, if you have it right here, what you need to do is really, try this is your, exclamation point what other, things, do you think I could improve. On potentially. Potentially. And you've left it right there I didn't, know if you were done with your sentence, or not versus, if you would have said so, what other things would you like me to work on I would have gotten the clue like now it's my turn to talk so especially for an interviewer, another, thing let's work on yeah I contact, because you keep looking up at my flashy light, and, it makes me want to be like what's up that is something is something they are is very vulnerable for, both of us, but vulnerability. Is what makes for good content, good conversation. Good dialogue, I'm really nervous because at the very end of the month I'm giving a speech in front of, over 500. Universities students. I really. Want to dig deep and apply, everything I'll learn to give the most inspiring, and on a speech I've ever given one. Of the things I did is go out and talk to co-workers. That I have asked, him what they first thought of me when they first met me, times that I met you yeah I thought you didn't like me because your voice before I got to know you I was afraid of you because I always thought you were angry since. Your Mountain I don't know what you're feeling like are you mad are, you frustrated are, you happy, you're so busy and in so short the combination, of that makes it sound like people are bothered you've, known me the longest so we're sitting next to each other as antarians well I didn't think he likes me very much when I first met you you were always very helpful but, you just seemed uninterested did, you ever think I didn't like.

The. Lack of interest, I wasn't sure if you liked me or not because, I. Thought, we were friends from the beginning, friends. From the beginning. Now. I'm realizing a lot of stuff about my life that I did not know at what point did you know that that's just my, personality versus, like that I don't like you. Oh. Yeah, were. We friends then. I'm. So. Stressed. I. Knew you were nice when you were sitting, up the stages, by yourself and I stopped oh. I. Knew it look so nice just like get that in a fire do I have. To. Hear that it took Ryan, nine months. To know that I didn't, hate him sucked. I just think about all the potential, friends, that I could, have made through, the years I did, not expect, to get. Emotional. About it my, perception, of the world is, a lot, different. Than how. It actually is, like, I didn't know so many people in my life felt the exact same way, I. Don't. Even know how to process, this I love trying to fix things improving. Myself and growing as a person, every chance I get working. Out getting fix, miling. More getting like pre-diabetes, in check getting a hair transplant getting, a personal assistant like all this, stuff, and, one of the biggest issues that I had only, now am I making a video about it I'm gonna attack this like a, ninja by the end, of this this, is not going to be how I'm gonna be talking, I. Need. A break myself down to build myself up from the bottom up when you're excited, it's like from here to here other people even sometimes, will be like it's communicated, that I'm a gay you, even, if someone says something to you that's wild, or like uncalled for he'll, just be like a. Lot. Of the expressive. As you get. When. You're doing a comment or, a statement, where, you want to sound confident, your voice needs to go down my, name is Amy, I like. How. They come I, like. The. Moment, or syllable, right before the very end you're on high low I like Dom I do want to learn to garden, because, I think that's a really good skill, great. Don't drag. Out the, last words either you just take your finger touch. Your thighs I started singing video in college that's, it. Okay. And I will go to dinner or something oh my, god that was so good, Kangol be like it was pretty good. You. Always say stuff is pretty good when it's excellent what is it gonna take for you to be, mean. I. Really. Need to watch my car because, it's really, dirty. Nana. Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana Nana Nana. Nana Nana. No words I really, need to watch my car because it's so dirt so when I took your words out you. Use every, other part, of language, to. Get your point, across. Yeah every parts of language our intonation, our. Stress. How. Am i with compliment, it still just very dry I said your make it look good today yeah yeah your makeup I. Mean but I'm extra, so, I want you to be like come on face. Okay lipstick, that's how you give compliment. Is. The thing in, my mind that's why I'm taking it. Seriously. Yeah, oh. Really. Like how the way cuff pulls. Up on your shirt, that's. So different I've never seen that. But. That is different and I was authentic, about that I've never seen a shirt that came like that thank, you but I wouldn't want to see and that. Was your compliment, and you felt it from me. You've. Given me several gifts, through the years I gave you a Polaroid, well doesn't think I think you genuinely, did enjoy the kit I did Brady's a good gift giver I, think, what you said was like I've always wanted one because. I know that that's not you are I know that you did like it I agree to that happy. Birthday, thank, you. You're. Finding the one piece of truth in whatever it is that you wanted to compliment Wow. Yeah. Thanks. So much yeah literally, every, single session with Amy I have a new revelation it's, mind blowing week, to lots, of stuff is being thrown at me I know you went on vacation so. I would ask oh so like where are you going, Haeju. Really. Oh cool like are you going with friends, yeah some Kotchman really. Whoa. Finding the genuine interest in someone else that's the thing that, is going to spark more conversation. So tell me. That's, already, something that I'm interested about we're. Gonna talk about getting, what you want this, is one thing that I know I'm, bad at I feel like I asked for help but I don't know how to do. That in a, sweet. And Deering way think about why, a waiter, is so, friendly, because they want it when you want something, the complimenting. Of the ability, that you were trying to get the help with and love to your work that you did on, last.

Week's Video I, would be so appreciative, if you could do it to get from line that can be asking, their advice you, know so much about this, I don't. Know anything, about this is there any way you would be willing to tell me and really value, your opinion, you make very hot minute emotion. I. Almost when they're like it'd be interesting if people watched your work and then met you and like are you they imagined, or. Something as I was leaving her. Next clients, recognized me. I literally, was like yeah. I am, nice. To meet you I waved and I ran. That. I don't, like them you. Know. They, take the same amount of time if you stop change. Directions, one introduce. Yourself, to, ask, their, name three, close, it out why, am. I so awkward. I've already been, more. Emotional. Than I have in, the past like, five years feeling. A. Lot. Of feelings, they don't know how to do likes you, are probably, one of the best, communicators. That I've met if not. Like. In. The past few weeks have, you noticed anything, different given. The amount of stress, that you're under getting, a lot of really amazing things out you've seemed very positive, grateful. For any time there's been a problem that you then need to go to a bunch of people to work around there's been like a real level of gratitude, and appreciation and. Lightness that I have seen ya. How. To talk to of somebody, who's helping, you out the three things to tell them number one this is the thing you, did do and I liked it, so it gives them that confidence, boost so they're going into it with a smile if I'm talking about your outfit, today I really. Like your outfit, I love how. That pink, hat brings, out your cheeks I mean and now, the, thing that I want you to change. I love, to see you in a blue hat let's. See what that does to your ass yeah because if I just came to you and said you, should try a blue hat things. Like oh my gosh gonna wear this hat I'm. So bad at building rapport and all aspects, of my life also, I inherently, don't think I'm that interesting, this is where I'm saying you don't have to live you're like five, myself so interesting, you, could be self-deprecating I, don't know how to do that, tell me five, things that just aren't very awesome, about you I am horrible at communicating, I probably work. Too much I, have really oily skin, I have weak knees I'm like really. Messy, if you're in there oh you've got such a beautiful, home so, perfect to be a techie a total. Slob at all that makes people feel at, ease when, they realize, like oh you're not perfect either. What. Do therapist, ask how, do you feel so it's open-ended very, similar, to tell me about yourself, tell, me what's going on. Thank. You I think part of being, getting, in the closet, throughout, my life has prevented me from being. Able to be vulnerable you. Talking. About it how's it make you feel about it I think it makes me feel like, it's not, totally. Like. Would. Have been. Really. Eye-opening and. Life-changing. Your Epiphany today, who showed, your kiss money yeah, like. What do I do, also, no that's, finally, the reason why. It's. Huge. You said something so key in there you said maybe, it's not my fault. But. It's, not your fault and, that's, a big deal to take off some of the pressure and stress - it's something, about crying, and, opening.

Up And being able in a rule like they're all tied to my speech. Pattern, I did not know this, video was gonna turn into this like about, me coming, out like what. The this is crazy. Being in the closet for so long I just kept, trying to deflect, attention, for, myself I finally, know what I need the speech that I'm giving in two weeks needs to be about I'm a pretty private person so, opening up like this honestly is really scary but I know I got to do it. I'm. Directing a 30-minute, scripted video I have not directed, a scripted thing in two years I'm hoping that what Amy teaches, will, help me on set. To. Make sure the whole thing. And all of a sudden it will be so much easier to tell them what. You need to tell me I had a table read yesterday, the genuine, compliments. Openness, to hear their input I, think has really been, helpful have, you seen any changes. When you compliment like me and shame like I like to guys to death let's try it again in the middle of it you said Brian I like the pizza line said those are like, those and it was simple that was it. Okay. Small. Talk before and totally like 180, you a psycho. So that was a date in life and then I was like wow. If. I met you today I would think that he, likes me right on the bag I think you warmed up a lot, but you like smile more you think out loud a lot more than you used to do I feel like you're going down like the right path I think a way that you express, affection for, people is demonstrating, that you have faith in their skills or they like you respect what they can do like the way that you work with Kevin RDP. It's very clear that you think very highly of him and you're like partnering, with him honoring, people and respect is a big part of how you really, I, mean I definitely like that you noticed that the only reason I'm able to trust you guys to do it is because for Kevin like all the shots are, two to three times better than I imagined. Makes my job a lot easier too and same with you Brian like you care about the character and the lines and how it's coming off you're always like super fun, and chill to work with you. I've, definitely seen improvement, you're gonna be, like an actual conversation. Your. Speeches yeah you did I just, wrapped the very last day of my, scripted, video I love that they picked up on me, trusting, them in their creativity. I felt emotional. Like hearing that because that's. What I wanted, out of this process the, fact that they said yes to, joining, me on this journey ultimately. Does show that they do want, to work with. Me now that that's down I'm gonna switch my focus, to, prep, for my speech, holy. I. Am. Still writing my script right, now the most important thing is structuring the speech have something important to say before you. Can sound good saying it so all italicize, where the. Emotion, is going to be when I talk I do this like leaning, back and forth thing is there anything I can do to not either put the weight on one foot and barely, have your other toe there and get a highlighter, and just highlight, the parts that are fun your cadence. Is up you're not, monotone, at all I'm happy with the speech I am exposing, myself, a hundred percent I've mentioned, stuff that I have, not, even talked, to my close friends about I'm, nervous but I think this is what, I have to do like this whole speech and, this whole experience.

In This video is about opening, up and not, being afraid to be vulnerable. Hey. Boston University, I am Caine and I will be on your campus tomorrow at 6:30 p.m.. Along, with a few other Asian American guests I'll be sharing a lot of intimate, stories that I've never ever shared before and they'll, be a Q&A after an amine green and I'll see you there coming up so, I am in my hotel room in Boston. The city is so cool I just want to feel, as, comfortable as, I can with the words so, they have impact, I hope I don't choke what if I choke thing I hope that, the, students get something, out of it see y'all tomorrow. Let's. Give a warm welcome to can't give I. Want. To start off by apologizing. To. All the people that I spoken, to in the past in auditoriums. Just, like this I wasn't. Being, honest with them I used to teach finding. Your voice as, if once you find it you're, done but the truth is I'm still. Finding mine at. Six, years old bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed, my parents and I were invited to. Go to my, teachers classroom after hours as we sat in that colorful, classroom, in the miniature wooden, chairs my. Teacher told my mom and my dad King, asked, too many questions, they. Wanted their kid to thrive, in this foreign school system and they looked me in the eye and said white. Momentum, play which. Translates, to canes, stop asking questions and so as a six-year-old kid, I quieted. My voice and hid, away my curiosity, be mean is, a Chinese, term, that, means to, save face and it. Describes the. Links an individual. Will go to in, order to preserve their established, position in society at, 19 years old after my freshman year of college I got my braces off finally, and, I. Was, a dancer, and I was feeling sexy, AF. And. I. Was ready I was ready, for my first kiss, but. Who, do I kiss I was. Nowhere near out of the closet, I couldn't, even say the word gay out loud and so I jumped. On Craigslist, I. Actually. Met the sweetest boy I'd ever met. Eventually. He. Asked, me to be his boyfriend. But. Remember, I had to be mean right, and I, told him no because. I didn't think that it would be possible, a week later I, mustered, enough courage, to ask him to be my boyfriend at, 19, years old I finally. Started, raising, my voice just a little bit and, started. To explore my curiosity, at, 23, years old one. Day I was sitting with my mom and she asked, me Caine, when are you gonna get a girlfriend and, instead, of nodding like I normally would and letting it go. Away I told her mom. I'm. Gay I don't. Want a girlfriend I already, have a boyfriend. And. She. Didn't take it well the. Thing that hurt me the most was she said came. Don't tell your father don't. Tell anyone keep, it inside, and. For. The first time in my life I saw. That my mom was embarrassed, by me. Instead. Of saving face I let mine show and it, wasn't a face that, she recognized, as her son a month. Ago I read a comment and it wasn't the first time why is Kane so monotone, and, that triggered, a deep-seated. Insecurity. That I wasn't engaging, enough when I spoke and so I did what any other good BuzzFeed er would do I decided. To make a video and. It. Would be titled I hired, a speech therapist, to fix my boring, voice she, had me sit down with, a bunch of people and asked, them what did you first think of me when we first met to. My utter shock, and horror. Every, single person, thought that I didn't, like them when, we first met one of my Coker's, thought I didn't like him for nine months. That's. The time it takes for a human, to be formed. My. Best friend Freddie she said that she also thought I'd him like her for months and by, at that point I thought we were besties. My. Old voice was direct it was Stern it made people believe that I wasn't playful, or that I was too busy to be bothered I had to face the fact that. People thought I was the Grinch who stole Christmas, when. I thought I was Cindy Lou. One. Particular day in one, of my sessions with Amy I had an epiphany one. That would change everything. Going. Into this month-long experience, I thought that my lack of communication. Skills was. Because of my cultural background or that English was my second language I never, considered, the fact that being, in the closet for. So long and hiding. So much of myself that, I accidentally. Hid away part. Of my personality, and only, now sixteen, years down the line am I, starting to uncover, it I'm, sorry that I used to think identity, and voice were, outward, check boxes it's every, single building, block every, encounter, that we've had every, bully everyone. That's told us to shut up and sit down every. Crush or heartbreak, we've ever felt every. Misunderstanding. And attempts. To fix it every time we face our fears and all, the times we run away from it every compliment that we've given and received every. Truth and lie, we've ever told and every. Time, we apologize, please. Don't. Let others quiet your voice and always, remember, to embrace, your curiosity, and if we need to show our face instead, of saving it it might be the only way, for us to honestly grow, thank.


2019-01-07 09:10

Show Video


I love your voice

"This is my voice, 1 day on speech therapy." *1 month later* *Kane delivers a 30min heartfelt and genuine speech to 500 strangers*

Kane, I am 12 and all my friends have an average voice. Then me talking makes me feel left out having a deep voice.

I actually just wanna see the hair transplant results tbh

Yas kane! Your first couple of videos I thought you hated confrontation or social interaction. But after a few videos I realized that's just how you talk. Congrats on going on this journey and doing it for you! Cyber hug!

As someone who's a complete opposite (on a good day, I'm like Freddie), I honestly feel rejected sometimes when someone like Kane would respond to me lol. I know it's not the person's fault, but when you are excited to talk to someone and you get a "monotone" response, the relationship is very "one-sided" lol. Like, c'mon match my energy! Btw, great Buzzfeed video in a loooooong time.

I´m so proud of you Kane!! You did a really god job and your speech was awesome

19:45 *I‘m not crying, you are!*

This lady is one of the most likeable experts Buzzfeed has ever had

I'm not crying! I'm not! It's just raining. Indoors. While I'm in bed. And just on my face.

Kane you have helped open my eyes and given me a pathway to how to improve myself. I see myself in you and not so alone and not so guilty for being monotone

Wow, well done, I'm impressed

I am exactly the same way, and oh boy can I tell you how many times it has affected me socially and personally. I never knew it was that bad until I found out that people stayed away from me because I came across as ‘rude’ or ‘arrogant’ or just plain ‘awkward’. All because of my voice! (& partly because I am so shy, I didn’t say much which made it worse, thus the seeming ‘arrogant’ part). So yeah... this really helps me remember to keep at it and remember that I will get better in time.

Such an amazing vidieo. Such an amazing person. I would date him if he was straight. So cute

This is amazing! Love the awareness you created about speech therapists, and that speech therapy is not exclusive to people with disabilities. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Amazing progress, well done xxx

I'm so proud of you Kane!!!!

jeez. i got choked up when Kane gave his speech. will I have the courage to actually ask people what their first impression of me was?

What the blue hat does to my ass?! Is that a riddle, threat, or promise?

i litteraly hade tears in my eyes

11:22 his palms are sweaty knees weak arms are heavy...

I was really touched by you speech. I understand that it is for a large part a cultural thing and I have seen the video's with your lovely mom, but telling a 6 yo boy to not ask questions and later to hide being gay really hurts my heart. I am very glad our little boy would never have to deal with that with either his dad or me if he would turn out to be gay or whatever he turns out to be.

I love his voice though and how he speaks..

Can someone plz tell me what he was directing plzzzzzzz

I’m so proud of you! Actual tears in my eyes rn awww such a good speech!

I always thought his voice was fine lol

WITCH!! Omigod I want her skills

cool video :D but is it me or is that Howard Wolowitz twin at 14:25

When he asked his colleagues how they initially felt about him, are the same things people still say to me.

Great video.

So... Can they help me with the fact that I yell when I talk?

I NEED this. People always think I don't like them

11:17 5/5 This is so... Me.. it scared me haha.. need help so badly.. haha huhu

i watched this high and thought i was tripping until the end

Idk why but I was expecting him to do a summary at the end of the video of what he learned

thanks to buzzfeed

hearing his speech put a smile on my face. awesome job Kane!!!

Kane!! We need a hairline update!!!

This spoke (lol) to me so much! When you were talking to Freddie about how in your head your compliments are over the top but what comes out sounds borderline disinterested I was shook because I feel like I do the same damn thing. Thank you for sharing this, you got me thinking about seeing a speech therapist now :)

But why does he own 5 pink hats?

I watched up until 4:35 and then skipped to the end to see if there was a difference. I would say its pretty much the same. I think a large part of communicating with other people and expressing interest in introductions is by expressing emotions through your facial features, tone, and your body language-- and not so much hand gestures because many of us guys don't do that. I think even if you don't show it through your face or your body language, you can always express interest by making small talk and by putting in the effort to reciprocate another person's efforts. Ask questions, stir conversation. If you put the effort to keep the conversation going then you won't give off the impression that you're annoyed or upset. While speech techniques can help, its also just showing emotion and expressing interest through your words and actions

lol the speech therapist saying, "it will make your voice come across a lot more poignant." its POIGNANTLY

Omg, I have this same “issue”. Although, I’m not really motivated to change it. I think if people don’t want to stick around to see that I’m nice or put in the initiative and not judge someone based off their first reaction, then I don’t need them in my life anyway. I constantly hear “I was afraid of you at first, but then I found out your super sweet” or “I thought you didn’t like me” or “I can never read your emotions”. It’s so weird because I think I wear my heart on my sleeve and then to hear things like that, it throws me off. Good on you though for trying to change that about yourself.

I actually likes the way he talks .. very chill and seems like he's confident and doesn't give a s* about other people's patience and takes time to think.

Am i the only one who noticed the bottle of patron on the therapists table?

This is honestly one of the most powerful and interesting videos I’ve seen on YouTube! And your speech was amazing Kane!! I enjoyed it and was laughing and tearing up throughout it. Well done ☺️

Omg... Omg, I’m monotone and I didn’t realize I could be colourful and interesting! Thank you! I’m going to look into a speech therapist!

I'm so glad to see you continuing down the road to self-improvement, it's really inspiring to me. Watching you open up like that and actually seeing you light up about something was really nice, I'm really happy for you. The speech was on point.

This was a great message!! Loved this video!! Happy you’re still working on becoming a better you!

Wowwww your story is same as mine. I also struggling taking to new people i meet. Always awkward, especially when he or she are good looking ☺️

The gradual change in his voice during his speech made me so happy. He came such a long way. I can't help but smile and be happy for him.


Song at 16:34?


I relate so much to this omg

you can tell he is improving throughout the session

The Kardashians entered the chat

You go Cane!!! I’m so proud of you

This is GREAT content!!

Amy seems like such a great speech therapist!! I’ve learned so much helpful tips in this video

From 16:00 on, you’re so different! More lively, confident, happier! Good on you!

His voice and on camera demeanor really sucks ass omfg. how did this dud get Hired at buzz...

Damn his speech was amazing. I’m so monotone and this video honestly really helped me. Thank you, Kane!! Keep being you!

I have a long one voice too, I feel ur pain!

Shane omg

There's nothing wrong with your voice. It's just that crazy thing in the US that one needs to sound like Minnie Mouse yell and completely overact all the time. This "therapist" speaks like a 3 year old with her squeaking sounds. Nobody outside the US would ever take her seriously.

was still monotone

I'm monotone too and my mom calls me the Grinch

On the other hand, people have told me that I am too expressive.

Me at first : oh this guy is cute

When I came out to my mom she too was embarrassed by me. I know that pain. I came out as trans on my 21st birthday this past April 2018. I gave my parents a card that said "Surprise, it's a boy!" on the front. With a personal note to my family inside. When I gave it to them as they read it tears team down my checks and I couldn't look them in the eyes, I was afraid of rejection. To my relief they said "stop crying, it's okay we will always love you." But I recently found out that I embarrass them and that coming out on my birthday was "uncalled for" and not a "happy day" for them. I waited 21 years to find the courage to come out and this is how the people I thought loved me most feel about who I am and how that makes them look to other people.

Kane, your speech was fantastic. I loved it.

Idk why but I can listen to the speech therapist talk forever

I don’t know you, but I am so proud of you! My heart is full of joy for you on this journey!

I noticed his uptalk in the beginning of the video - interesting because it’s a lot more common among women. I think in general it often indicates a lack of confidence. It’s awesome that he was able to make such a huge change in such a short amount of time, because it was very obvious by the end that he really had changed the way that he speaks.

friends from the beginning? No. OUCHHH

When are we going to get a hair update video??

I love this video !!! We all love you and think you are the best!! I am sure we can all agree we have seen this transformation happen. You voice and the way you spoke completely changed and it was great to watch and listen to.


Yay Kane!

the speech therapist reminds me of amber scholl

From now on, I stan Kane.

Finally!!! I’m a speech therapist and I love Buzzfeed and I was hoping they would eventually do a video with a speech therapist!!!! Do more, it’s the best job!

great now im insecure about my voice

I was in speech for 7 years and I honestly don't think it helped me at all. I still struggle to talk as much as I did when I was younger. I started taking classes when I was 4 and stopped when I was 11. I was supposed to keep taking them but I didn't want to do it throughout middle and high school. I'm currently a junior in high school and I get really embarrassed when I mess up on my words and when people can't understand me . I wonder if I could still take more classes .

I know i need this

My math teacher really needs this

This was really great content and I’m so happy for all of your growth in this video! You forgot to wear a blue hat though!!

Usually I'm very expressive, but every few months I go through a dry-period, where I become expressionless. Monotone voice, less facial expressions... idk why

Kane this was an amazing video!!! So heartfelt and honest and raw. It shows that being closeted leaves deep scars that sometimes take years to heal and can manifest in ways you’d never expect. Thank you for being so open and honest with this process. Your speech was awesome!! Also side note, you look so cute with the hair out and glasses on. I think the hats are a security blanket that you’re holding on to

i have a monotone voice too .I didn't realize that until my friend told me last week.We had gone to a movie and the main character was speaking in a monotone voice(its was a very passionate dialogue) so my friend was making fun of the actor and suddenly i realized why she kept/keeps calling me robot .

its powerful

i like the therapist she fine tho

I so need this lol like I'm so awkward when I talk ....

Such a great video, feels so much like I'm on the journey with you just watching it. Also cute glasses, love the clear bottom half on them, Kane!

Thank you Kane, I think I needed this video. I always know in the back of my head that speech and words are important, but I am always worried that I come across too cold, crass or disinterested. This has me looking into the knowledge of speech. I hope I can improve too. Because you nailed that speech! Good job at improving something that had you insecure!

Kane is so cute aw I love him and this video idea ah !!

Your speech was awesome! You did an excellent job!

Lol my voice is like high pitched and vibrates a lot and I have this weird speech thing where my "r" sound is weird. Like "murder" sounds like " mother" and " mother" sounds like "mudder". It's that "er" sound and I hate how my voice sounds lol

That one guy that pronounce frustrated as "FUS-rated"

Kane is admirable for putting his insecurities up in videos for us to watch and learn.

You probably have mercury in Taurus

Awe Kane! I think you seem so sweet! I’ve never thought this about you in any of the videos, but good for your for doing this!

We're in the same boat, but in different compartment bro. Thanks a lot, I've learned so much from this video.

I'd love to try this..

9:41. Hat changes from front to back. I had to do a double take and rewind.

Kane! I loved this. Thanks for sharing it

I’m 100% like Kane in this video and I didn’t know it

This is awesome. I always thought that speech therapy is something that you go to if you have speaking difficulties. But the problems that were addressed in this video are quite common. Also now that I look back, if such problems are fixed, the effectiveness of our speech will improve greatly. Thank you once again for the video. Also, can you recommend some books for speech therapy?

am inspired

Who else wants to see the film he was directing btw if it’s out can anyone tell me what it’s called

did anyone notice she has a patron bottle next to her desk? lol same sis

Can Lindsay Lohan be my speech therapist too???


This is so good!

Wow... This video has hit me on a deep level. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your journey! Its inspiring me to work on myself as well and a great reminder of not to let others quiet my voice. Thank You so much ♥♥♥♥

Can she fix my squeaky ass voice then?

This was intense. It’s not about speach, it’s about finding your voice.

I need one too

This makes me appreciate having a naturally good voice when it comes to conversation

Working for Buzzfeed literally changes your life. The hair transplant, weight loss and now this.....

he’s so cute when he finds out Freddie didn’t think they were friends in the beginning

I have a teacher who has a REALLY boring,monotone voice. I kinda want him to do something like this because he's actually a good teacher but bores everyone to sleep before the end of the lesson.

Great video this is the type of buzzfeed content i miss the most, super inspiring, universal message, by the end of the video you were blossoming so proud!

Current freshman at Boston University here! Thank you so much for coming and opening up; you've touched a lot of people, with your speech and this video. Love your progress and I admire how you faced your fears and continue to grow. Keep speaking, Kane!

I wish buzzfeed hired me to stay on my computer, fix my life while also paying me above minimum wage for it!!!!

this is such an open and honest video, i think it was "pretty cool"! No, i really liked it and connected to kane on a really personal level. I don't think he's ever going to read this, but i am really impressed. you're not only improving yourself step by step, but letting the whole world in on that nervewrecking way to the top. I'm thankful you let us have a look inside.

Awesome video

When you run out of ideas

You’re such a brave and beautiful person

That speech therapist is so good

This is a very insightful video

One good point to make also is the fact that they way people perceive you through your speaking pattern and tone differs from one culture to another. Perhaps for people in the USA or just in this region of the country, if you speak in a rather monotone pace, that can have a hostile impression on others, while in another part of the world a more monotone way of speaking is the norm and if you speak very animatedly, that can be seen as over the top and even untrustworthy because it feels like you're trying to influence the way the subject matter is translated when you're not simply giving out the facts and have the listener make out the importance of it themselves. So, in one culture, a very animated way of speaking can be even seen as a way of manipulation which raises doubts in the listener, or may raise other thoughts or preconceived ideas, while in the US the story's clearly entirely different. What I mean, Kane shouldn't feel bad about having a certain tone to his voice because it's not perceived so negatively everywhere in the world and thus isn't inherently bad. It's just the environment that can affect the way one is and the norms of it on how they are understood.

This is my voice 1 week after speech therapy

A speech to 500 university students?! I can barely speak in front of the 26 kids in my Psychology class.

I need this so much

Amazing video! Great work, Kane :)

oml, this is so like me. people always taught that I was angry at them or I don't like to talk to at all. I'm like, I need to go to a speech therapist right now.


This was such a well put together video and very inspiring!

I cringed a lot in this video

This is so impactful! Great video!

This is super helpful. Yet it’s soo scary. Being vulnerable is super hard!!!

Amazing video Kane, thanks for sharing your voice!

literally cried so hard watching this because I relate so much. so happy for kane's growth

thank you for sharing this experience kane! the speech at the end was very touching; I even cried a little! I am really glad to see your improvement, I hope in my life I experience the same passion and drive that you show in everything you do.

i don't think i have a boring monotone voice but i definitely don't express myself like i want to. i always say things in my head wihout actually saying it outloud especially with ppl ive just met/someone ill probably only ever see once in my life so this was actually a big help cause i didnt even realize i did it

Anyone know the song they use,? I hear I am shivering, neither world is fading

What's Freddie's @?

I've also got a monotone voice, people always think I'm being sarcastic

I got your feelings man! Sending A lot of support from also super awkward and shy person ✊

the therapist looks like gabbie hannah and lady gaga had a baby lol

This is what’s wrong with the humanity. People just want to change anything that God gives to them I don’t think you should even be existing right now ffs

"Get that inner fire." Who is that wise woman?

Omg. I struggle with this too!

You did great

Omg we are the same person. Especially when he asks people what they think of him

I’ve never related so much to a video

tbh I know a lot of asian guys who are just like this. they aren’t friendly or rude, I can’t tell what they’re thinking and they seem boring/bored. I wonder why?

He should start a sleep asmr channel

I think I'm like that too! Interesting to watch.

yeah but what about andrew and he's like always approachable? no?

That was such a good speech :,)

His voice and intonation improved SO much at the end!!!

I want to be a speech therapist but I also speak and act like Kane so.....

Great job Kane!!

But why would you have 5 of the same plain pink hat

This is so relatable.

I'm also actually quite monotone and talk in a calm manner so this is what i need

A tip for confidence: change your speech! 9:41 he says, "why am I so awkward?" and that kind of speech can become a self-fulfilling prophecy! Big changes come when you just smile and say something you want for yourself like, "I am handsome and I'm going to be a very well received speaker!!!" xx

I didn't see a difference in his speech

Most people when they get to know me usually tell me that they thought I was mean or didn’t like them because I never talked and if I did it probably sounded that way. This video is giving me inspiration to work on my communication skills and not be so closed off. Thanks Kane :)

I wish Kane had his own channel

ive never even considered the fact that something like this actually exists and I feel incredibly ignorant. I’m so grateful to have learned about it through this video. this was so well done, thought provoking, and informative. this is how ALL buzzfeed videos should be. inspirational!

Omg she is pregnant!! How beautiful!! And she is such a great therapist ♥️♥️

the speech therapist sounds like Siri!


This is actually really helpful in my life right now.

Are you an Aries? Lmao

that guy is not having boring voice, that guy is just high af, that is how high people talk.

i never knew that i needed this video. Thank you and great job Kane!

WHY AM I SOOO AWKWARD???!!! yeah exactly me!!

I don't see any wrong with a more monotone speaking voice or personality. My boyfriend is like that and I love him for it. I love that we always talk about not judging books by covers, or people by looks and other things. So when someone has a monotone voice or personality, the entire point is to get to know them first. I understand the sentence structure, conversation skills, and small speaking/speech tips though. Am I the only way feeling this way?

so proud of you

how the hell changing to a blue hat has to do with his ass?

Damn i need this

Im learning from you Kane Diep! I think most Asians are like that were so bored!!

omg this was so great, it really inspired me to start working on my communication style as well because i do struggle with it a lot and its such an important skill!!

High my voice it so raspy and high and it's my biggest insecurity

I feel personally attacked.

Did she just ask what a blue hat would do to his ass?

Currently studying speech therapy and this video is unbelievably beautiful! Happy for you Kane

Wow this video was so interesting! Amy was amazing and taught me a lot myself about speech and communication. I love your speech at the end and wished we could hear the entire thing. You improved so much. Congrats!!

Wow this was amazing, it really hit home. I’m not one to usually post YouTube comments, but this was really eye opening for me and my own deep insecurity of my voice.

You could tell you had maaaad progress throughout the video and I dont know you but IM SO PROUD OF YOU BOY !!

Wow! Thanks for making this video. I didn't know there was a solution to this. I too struggle with being monotone but mostly I just don't give af either. I'd like to change that though. Good luck on your journey Kane

This video is so much more than changing your voice. Thank you for sharing this journey. I look forward to exercising some of the techniques you’ve learnt and shared so I can too become a more confident, direct and elegant speaker. This video is as powerful as you hoped it would be!!

I need this girl to teach me how to speak...

I love how he is and how hard he tries. Even the shoe lift videos or weight loss when he’s having a tough he can convey his feelings but focus on the future in a cheerful way where I want to keep watching it. If he is unhappy he is still reflective as to why he felt that way personally.

Might be the first buzzfeed video I find genuinely interesting and purposeful

Can Buzzfeed try hiring a hetero? Excluding them is bigotry and prejudice.

5:04 he was so shook

I mean your voice kinda goes with your personality. I mean if you were aggressive, then in return your voice will generally sound more like a tough but your personality looks easy going and in turn that’s prob your personality. It all works out naturally in the end

I think the correct path would be asking questions and not assuming. Like: "Do you like me?" " Yes." Problem solved. When you force people to change who they are, we all end up being the same. And that's more boring than Kanes voice. It is great video, but it promotes unhealthy standards.

Tbh, his voice is not that monotone, i've seen so many people who are worse

I cried like a baby watching this! Thanks for sharing & bless anyone that feels this way, to overcome it like you!

I've had a lot of communication struggles. This video taught me a lot to put into practice

“why u look like you got heartburn”

This was a great video. Good job buzzfed

Thank you Kane for sharing this with us! I could relate with your experiences and I really value the powerful speech insights from Amy!

Scripted video looks sick... Can't wait to see it!

I am sorry...... 3:34

Subs on for 10:50 "I'd love to see you in a blue hat.. let's see what that does to your ass" - checks sub settings.. not auto generated XD

yeah sometimes i try not to us certain words as well.

Question Mark

This was the best! Thank you for allowing us to see your amazing journey!!

Oh no, I'm getting flashbacks of when I used to go to therapy

Great and inspiring video !!!

OMG, I'm related to his speech. At 13 my teacher wrote in my grade paper that I'm "Too confident" my mom read it and told me to stop. I slowly become timid and quite. As an Asian girl in school, I fit in. But when I start working, I lose a lot of opportunity because I can't speak up and take credit for my work. When my senior at work introduced me to her friends as a "timid girl", I'm so shocked. I used to be the brightest in class but now I'm the quiet one? I'm trying to change, I hope I can be better.

speech therapy is a thing?

I clicked on this by accident... was not disappointed

Whys he so adorrableeeee

By the end of this video..I was bawling my eyes out. LOVE you Kane

beautiful speach!!

that ASMR voice thooooo

Spoiler alert he still has the monotone voice at the end of the video

I sooo identify with this. Thank you!

Kane that was brave af

Hey Kane! Great video! So vulnerable...it made me like you more. You did a TKO since your scripted video was lso Dope! Hope your parents are proud.

Made: Kane is going to be an orator!

in addition to fixing his monotone voice, this video is also focused on improving his personality. :D

I hope he's happy with the result, it's such a small but drastic difference from the beginning of the video and he seems so much more confident during his speech. He's a great producer, can't wait to see what he's got next.

okay but he sounds just like the guy from the honest channel jskdjsjd

I'm gonna be honest, Kane is so hot. His determination is supersexy. And his shoulders, whew Chile

Amy is great!!!

Listen to my voice if you want to talk about monotone. I have 1 single deep pitch

what video did they make?

Proud of you Kane ♥

Y I K E S !


I was expecting a video on the technicalities of the voice and speech, but now I learnt that speech is not just a bunch of sounds produced by hitting parts of your mouth together. It is an expression of one's identity. (too deep for a YouTube comment)

Thank you for being so brave and sharing your story. ❤️

i could really see a difference!! good job, you were a great person before and after, you just know how to express it better :)

aww so proud of you

I hear that all the time. I think I'm sounding all bubbly, but everyone else thinks I sound like the Clear Eye Dry Eye guy. This was a great video to watch and I know now that I can do something about it.

This is such a unique video. Every once in a while Buzzfeed produces one of these gems thanks to the hours and hours of work by individuals like him.

Like you are are monotoned and sarcastic

If you go from the start of the video and jump to the end you hear the difference

I am like this too when it comes to meeting new people, but with close family and friends I am more expressive. I think, it has a lot to do with self-confidence and self-esteem being a bit... low. But just like Kane I am going to be more communicative to new people I meet.

This made me realize that I need to get help, I’ve been in the closet and hiding my insecurities because I can’t communicate well, so I shut down and I realize that I want to be open and feel that I don’t have to hide any more. Thank you for making this video!

is this fiction .. a cast list? like in a motion picture

I think this vid is changing my life


Your speech is AMAZING!! Love it so much!

Idk why when I said I have weak knees I totally lost it

I think my speech is normal but I’m definitely awkward in social situations. People think I’m aloof. Should I like... do this?

omg so glad there's a youtube video about this!

His speech was so moving. This is the first video I’ve seen of Kane’s but I am so proud of him!

I cried through this whole video! Kane, you are such a beautiful person (I saw that before you hired the speech therapist) but I am so glad she helped you express yourself and feel better about yourself! You are fantastic just the way you are

Wow. This hit me hard. As a still publicly closeted bi/gay man, I realize how much this struggle has affected my personality and how I interact with my unknowing friends and family. You do give me some hope that one day I can be my complete open self. Thank you.

Halfway through this I started realizing Kane is really attractive. Like I can see him as like a popular guy that everyone likes, once his personality started shining through

Lol he doesn't talk about his biggest insecurities because his insecurity is talking. Pretty great video tho

What’s amazing too me is that at the beginning of the video you said “by the the end of this I WONT be talking the same “ and look at you Now

this is outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kane I am so so so so happy for you to learn these things about yourself. That’s huge and life changing. It’s amazing to expand your voice to what you want and deserve to have and I’m rooting for you!

Mad distracted by the gum you kept chewing.


Finally there’s a speech therapy video Thank you

I love how a lot of this wasn't even about speech as much as just "how to interact with humans" also, that speech was so good. im shooketh. it really hit me.

“Why you look like you got heart burn”

he sounds like a scary story teller youtuber

you may never read this but i hope you have a good day and that god bless you all:)

My social skills are a 0/10

Such a great way to start the year learning some great values about embracing one's true identity and finding your own voice! Kudos! Much love from the Philippines

I’m so happy watching this.. Go KANE!

it’s motivating to see someone overcome their personal obstacles and have the courage to share it in public. k is a beautiful human

"...i urge you to speak yourself"

His voice reminded me of that one girl on twitter about the basketball tickets

OMG! I relate so much to this video. I feel the same way about being gay and closeted and how it’s affected my ability to be vulnerable.

I could relate to this so mUCHH

okayy speech therapist

i loved this so much.

Love love love this! This is my personality but I’ve learned to understand it and know I’m different over the years

Wow I see a huge difference. I can see how people thought you disliked them even though you liked them a lot. You really grew and learned a lot in a short amount of time. You are still you, but you learned how to communicate much better. This is super inspiring.

I feel like my voice is really monotone and I hate it

I may not know you、 but I'm proud of your growth Kane! Keep on being the amazing person you are! Clearly everyone loves you for you、 and I'm glad you have found a way to accept yourself more!

you killed it.

I didn’t realize his voice until I watched this

Kane, this is so powerful! You are an inspiration!!

my normal voice sounds like most people's sarcastic voice so people can't tell when I'm being sarcastic and then I'll say something's sarcasticly as a joke and they think I'm being serious and then they hate me also I'm the most awkward person alive

this dude is asperger


Great job your speech! I was engaged, you sounded interesting a worth listening to. So proud! Keep expressing yourself!

That speech therapist was amazing

I relate to this soooo much. Everyone in my life tells me that I speak to monotone and I don't know how to fix it. I had to take a theater class this year and my professor kept telling me that I needed to sound more happy and I thought I sounded super happy already.

so that's what Lindsay Lohan is up to nowadays huh?

Lol watching this made me realize that I talk like him

I seriously need this. I often get misunderstood due to my monotone voice add to it is me also having a poker face and a low volume or quiet voice.

introverts problem.

Can’t say I’ve ever watched a Kane video I didn’t like, “boring” voice and all

Very inspiring speech Ken! Good on ya

Next up *I hired a life coach to fix my life*

omg you can really hear his voice changing from about 13:00 o.o

No lie @5:30 is so me XD I can't find words to express myself that quickly.

I have the EXACT SAME thing

I ciree watching this.. i dont know why

The therapist’s voice sounds like Elizabeth Gillies’

the speech trainer sounds like an AI lmao

Wait ok me

that is me omg HELP!!!

Props to that guy. He came out for the first time after hiding it for so long. Imagine him posting this video for millions of ppl to know he’s gay

9:32 omg how did I not know she was pregnant for 9:32 minutes. Da fuc

This was such a great video!! And your scripted series was amazing!

I’m glad that you put out this video. I’m a really social person, I have no problem talking to people, as long as I see that they wanna talk to me too. Usually if someone gives short answers or doesn’t ask me anything back I take it as if they don’t wanna talk to me or they’re not interested in the conversation (because that’s what i would do) so I just back off. Never came to my mind that this could be the case for some people

I’m going to say it... I might be really wrong but I feel like he’s expressing his sexuality more... 11:50 omy Gosh I wrote that comment before 11:50 so rn I’m shook

Pretty great

2:05 is my life... Except Kane has more friends than I do.

That was amazing.

Wow I wasn't expecting this to be as inspirational as it is. I wouldn't say I'm monotone, but when talking to people -especially strangers- it's hard for me to feel comfortable enough to change the tone of my voice. It doesn't help that I'm such a bad conversationalist and I speak faster when I'm nervous. But this video taught me a few tricks to improve that. I can tell a difference in your voice and overall presence, I hope I can take it and apply it

Speech therapist reminds me of Lady Gaga in A Star is Born.

So wholesome

I suffer with this...its hard to work because of this lol

I needed this. I never understood why people looked at me the way they fo, but now it makes sense

Amazing video

I didnt think when i clicked on this video that it was going to make me cry by the end of it. The way your mum reacted about you coming out broke me xo im so awkward, quiet and introverted i related alot to this video, over the years thanks to working in retail ive taught myself how to communicate around people just like the speech therapist told you. I havnt quiet gotten to the point were its natural for me but when im around people ill tell myself its time for retail voice to come out. Im getting there. Thank you

anyone know the song at 16:27?

ok this is me to the T. everyone is always telling me I have a hardcore monotone voice and that I'm intimidating but Its just how I present myself. I learned a lot from this thank you

Anyone else sent this to their friend who is also monotones?

So...how not to speak Valley girl because he used to raise the word at the end.

voice sounds like a super villain not a villain a Super Villain. Explains why they thought you didn't like them.

Bro, that speech made me bawl my eyes out. I feel connected to you on a different level. We won't let anyone take our voice!

God damn it why am I flooding deku tears :*(

She is a voice coach not a speech therapist I have a bad lisp and I go see a speech therapist every Tuesday

Buzzfeed must be paying really well

Oh that’s why I don’t have friends

This is incredible and SO inspiring!!

I need this omg

i feel like speaking super expressively is a super american thing??? being more quiet/reserved isn't a flaw lmfao and idk if it's just me but when i am around someone who has a more over the top manner of speaking i actually get a bit overwhelmed and turned off

I'm glad that someone is actually addressing this situation many people go through

Love this video

i had no idea how much i needed a video like this

I wonder if he’s the same when he’s drunk lol random thought

What song is playing at 16:27 ???

ok im crying little bit..

Whoa...never realized until now that this exists? And I could probably use it?? I have such a hard time expressing any emotion and voice inflection at all when talking, should definitely look into this!

This is the best buzzfeed video i've seen.

I'm 8 minutes in. As a woman with Asperger's, I struggle with speech tone and expressing myself correctly for the given scenario. This is ALREADY really helpful.

That therapist was so good at her job in every appointment

You know I never quite understood why I always feel awkward in college until this video. Now I want to learn more. Thank you.

This entire video was so impactful thank you so much for being so vulnerable you are so brave and I know that your courage has inspired many other viewers ❤️❤️

i was trying to do my homework while listening to this, and i payed full attention to the speech. awesome video

I kept getting distracted because the Speech therapist sounds like my gps

Why did I learn so much from this

omg, the best speech ever!!! Love you Kane! Awesome job!

what kind of evidenced based practice is the "power box"

the speech was incredible! you didnt sound monotone at all, and your voice was engaging and lyrical. it made me want to listen more to what you had to say. it also made me really think about how being closeted and hiding so much of myself from my parents and community affected me. ive struggled with lots of anxiety and i never considered how the two might be connected.

i have the same problems, im glad i found this

Even when he was sad he sounds like he doesn’t care

Damn that speech was so good

A person's voice is the sum total of whatever's going on in his/her mind. Happy for the dude!

Awwww youre healing and awakening

Wow! You look totally different at the end of this process! Your eyes are brighter, you emote with your face more. You look so much happier!

I think a lot of people could find this video useful to their lives

I'm in love, I literally cried at the end! Thanks for sharing this

This video was absolutely incredible. It is so wonderful seeing you come out of your shell and feeling more confident in your communication skills. Thank you for sharing and being brave enough to show this side of yourself.

Seriously this lady is good. Not what I expected.

I’ve went to speech class for years for stuttering and my ‘r’s. And I still do it just not as frequently.

“We all have that inner fire” .... “Why you look like you have heartburn?” Made me LOL

Loved it, go Kane!

As a speech therapist I'm all for this video

This helped me more then it helped him

The bottle of Patron tequila on her desk at 8:50

What a great reminder that my career also consists of counseling the client and family...providing resources. I love my career.

Omg i had no idea he was gay

kane is such a pisces omg. i relate to him sm


This is one facet of the broad range of people that SLPs work with. So proud to be in grad school for speech therapy. Represent

i can relate to him so much, people i sit next to always ask if i hate them or they apologize because they think they're annoying. like no pls i wanna be your friend-

Thank you for being vulnerable. I loved seeing how much you grew over this video.

“Why am I so awkward?” I felt that.

I think i need to do this.. Because i feel like i have trouble opening up to people.

Great video!

Kane, I have never commented on a video, in all the thousands I've watched, but this one I feel I must. You are an inspiration for so many people. I am truly proud of you.

Kane, I have never felt closer to you than I do now. I have a similar complex about the way I talk and emote. You've inspired me to do something proactive about it so I can enjoy more out of life.

no ur crying

Thanks for sharing! This is so helpful!

Ok, now this is content :))

Woot! You go Kane!

Also this is a bigger problem than I first thought :/ IM glad Kayne worked thru it

I thought we were gona see the video he directed at the end of the speech....

Kane, you are an awesome and inspiring human being! Kudos to improving your voice and for always working on yourself. As the video progressed, I could see your progress and it made me so happy! Cheers mate!

Omg! His speech was sooo good. I never knew or noticed how important intonation was in English. This video made me do a little reflection on the way I talk and how I must come across. Thank you for making this and the editing was beautiful!

I swear this is me


I had no idea this was an actual problem for people XD

I think that is’s awesome that Kane is improving, good on him, but don’t change yourself Kane! You’re wonderful don’t change who you are


I honestly don't care if my voice is monotone, or if im super awkward. I like me the way i am :)

Wow. Thankyou. I always considered myself 1 beat off. People have told me I'm too serious or why am I angry? And I never say something off the cuff or funny because its never percieved that way. Youve giiven me somthing to think about!

Is she a love therapist too? cuz my heart is about to explode

Beautiful story ♥

I think I need to go to speech therapist

@15:50 these glasses are life!

He losed his weight He got his brow shaped He got hair transplant Now change of the voice Now He is new person

Wow! I am so glad I watched this, I will definitely not judge people on their voices, sounds weird but obviously people do that, but you seem so sweet! I hope you can’t achieve this goal!

Joyce ❤️ I love her!

I feel you

when Lady Gaga is your speech therapist.

Well that was a completely heart felt speech!

@Kane Great job dude! Keep growing and thanks for that impressive speech and this video! You ARE the example of purity and beauty in the heart!

I seriously cried hard on his speech at the end! AMAZING TRULY INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO!

He could be the male version of Siri.

Haven't enjoyed a video like this in a while and I'm really proud of the results that Kane has reached! I hope things will only go up from here for you!

Wow I didn't realise my voice was a problem until this video

As a British person I don’t find what you were saying as monotone or under expressive. I feel like you just don’t fit with American as much, come visit Europe and you’d be normal haha

yes! another good content:) buzzfeed take good care of employees like this!

He is extremely ka-ute especially with those dimples

Wow. This was so inspirational. “Fixing my voice,” is not a common self-improvement choice, but in a way, I’m not surprised you uncovered so much. Our voices are unique and personal. We think we’re born with it, and that there’s no way it can change. You have showed us the many possibilities , “speaking your truth,” and, “loving yourself,” can look like, all through loving & caring for your voice. Thank you

& Congratulations!!!!

I've always thought your voice was calming and would be good for Audiobooks.

how does someone become aware that they have a "boring" voice? ...

Wtf I cried lol:(

I have issues with eye contact but in my culture making too much eye contact is rude. Before I went on a date with this guy I told him don't assume I am not interested just because I don't make much eye contact. He assumed anyway and thought I wasn't interested at all but in reality I was very much so...

Why is this so me

This was a great video !I learned a lot about myself as well.


I went to "like" this video and I already had.

Been a while since buzzfeed actually made a good video.

The therapist is mad cute

Just what I needed. Thank you

My friend talks super monotone-ly, and his face is always expressionless. So he always seems annoyed/bored. IT MAKES ME WANNA PUNCH HIM IN THE HEAD!!! (But I still love him)

I feel bad for Kane because he seems like he's very focused which can come off to others as disinterested. This tends to happen to people that have been taught that work is work. You end up not forming work relationships.

Go Kane!!!! So proud of you. This inspires me

Kane your drive to want to improve yourself also inspires me to be a better person

Yeah, it’s pretty boring. Nawh just kidding.

You need to learn how to speak from your heart, and this is possible by connecting to your heart! Why not learn Italian?

the speech therapist's plant tho......

Kane! This was beautiful! I'm so proud of you!

Relatable. My inner fire is also similar to a heartburn.

Freddie is gorgeous looking! Glowing skin and super white smile... just for starters ...reminds me of Jamelia or Sinitta


Wow. I am so proud of Kane and the progress he made in such a short time. I’m upset that I’ve been ignorant to the fact that this could be a problem

I'm just like you, I supposedly have a monotone voice or whatever, but thing is I don't see an issue. You even seem 100% normal to me, don't see a problem...

im just realising that i have the same problem

Omg this just taught me so much about myself!

His voice is already fine silly

Wow! This is probably my favorite buzzfeed video. You are amazing Kane! Thank you for sharing this video and your awesome speech.

Wow! This is gotta be one of my fav vids in a long time, due to it being so damn genuine. I love it! Thanx for the eye opening vid.

Am i the only one who thinks everyone hates me? Honestly you could be both...


Number 15

I'll sometimes be talking about something I'm really excited about but I'll be talking about it in a super flat tone XD Oh boy I'm also the kind of person that always kind of glances away while in a conversation, bc I get sort of uncomfortable with a lot of eye contact?? Apparently that's an American culture thing to make a lot of eye contact and them finding it weird when you look away, which I dint know until my college professor was talking about that to the class. And it's a little strange considering I'm American and didn't know about the eye contact thing bc a lot of my friends do the same thing where we kinda look away, but we're still paying attention. I think it's also a thing that has to do with human ancestors/general animal instincts where eye contact shows dominance and can sometimes be intimidating or give you other emotions depending on the situation

“why u look like u got heart burn ??”

His hair transplant looks like it went really well

omg this is how i am too, everybody thinks i’m mad or sad when i’m not, and also i get mocked and made fun of my voice so often

this video was so inspiring! YOU’RE AWESOME, KANE!

Great content. Interesting subject. I personally wonder what your parents speech patterns are, I have a very deep calming voice (so I've been told) and it's been pointed out that my children do too. Parents are our main teachers with the highest exposure in our formative years. So I'm sure we are heavily influenced by them and their quirks etc

I loved this video and I love Amy she’s so funny, but I think that’s just because she knows how to talk, I don’t need it but I kinda want a therapy session with Amy just to find out what I’m doing wrong if at all

I didn't think this would help me personally but it did, nor did i realise speech therapy could be used in this way. Its really making me think about how I talk to people and the small little things i can do when communicaticng with people to show them that i am inerested in conversating with them and want them in my life.

The transformation you have gone through in the years I have been watching you is amazing and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging everyone to keep incrementally improving.

I am exactly like you.

I don’t think I’m monotone, but I can totally relate to perceiving the world differently. I found out that most people think I’m mean, or think I don’t like them at first and then they know me and realize that’s not the case. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but I don’t want to ask because my anxiety for that thing will ruin me

Good job and this was very interesting that you shared all the tips the voice therapist gave you, thank you so much! I enjoyed it all the way!


I think it's interesting how Kane was monotone in his speech when Vietnamese requires such specific diction, inflection, and pronounciation. So proud of you, Kane! Rep for all of us Asians who have difficulties expressing emotions.


Speech language pathologist over here! Love that this video helps to show one of the several things that we do.

Boring voice? Have you been slaying goblins?

Great video!

Beautiful sunset time lapse.

This makes me anxious because I never ever considered that I come off as monotone and mean. Imagine how many people think I hate them :/

I didn’t notice it because I do it too

But does this mean he's faking it or does the treatment actually work for the long run? Will he evetually fall back to his old monotone voice?

this is my voice one day on speech therapy This is my voice one week on speech therapy This is MY voice One MONTH on Speech Therapy.

Dude, that was a hell of a speech. Perhaps for the time being your speech has to be a little conscious but you are going in the right direction. I loved this video! By the way, I can speak "properly" but I'm also very awkward in how I approach people.

So proud of you!!

That was heartfelt. I want that speech therapist to teach me how to not be so high pitched.

The speech therapy not only is she so beautiful but she talks with her eyes.


damn i just realized i really need a speech therapy

Such a good speech at the end! You got so much better and im so proud of you!!!!!

i have big anxiety, and one of my friends is like kane. whenever she gives mixed signs, i always freak out and think she hates me (when in reality she one of my best friends). this video actually helped me understand what was going on. thx

This ... is super weird because my native language is always monotone no matter who speaks it

This was so inspirational! ♥️♥️

Anyone notice the patron in the back of the speech therapist desk

Omg!....I found someone like me

you should be very, VERY proud of yourself!!! honestly all the self improvement you have done is amazing

he kinda reminds me of anpanman!!

I feel like I hear a difference in his voice throughout the interviews but I’m not sure if it’s just my mind playing tricks on itself

Wtf I needed this video so badly. I literally relate to him on every level and am battling all the exact same issues.

i should probably do this but i don’t like being uncomfortable so it’s a no from me dawg

i loved this video so much❤️

05:06 learned something new! The high low. My speech therapist only taught me to end low. But i never got the hang of it. Great video! It’s nice to see how open you were about this, Kane. Thank you for taking us along

So inspiring

Great job. You are so motivating. You sound and look fantastic. Never give up.

This was a great video. I know Buzzfeed has a bad rap and it's the butt of a lot of jokes, however, I think a lot of really great, insightful &/or vulnerable content comes out of it ☺

Where can I watch his scripted video/ when does is come out?


OMG you look so cute with your glasses on!

3:45: It's weird. I get you very easily. Your voice would not have me think you hate me.

1:33 - Next level flirting

Bruh, my voice is so deep I often times find myself in the monotone section because ppl often times never catch what I fully say. I do not like the fact that I have to speak loudly to be able to have others hear me. It sucks and I wish I didnt have to force my vocal chords sometimes so in essence your insecurity is my insecurity as well

as someone who is only recently came out as pansexual, i feel like i can totally understand this. i’m so proud of him and this video

Ok this video was truly amusing and even a bit educational in some ways. This is good content.

I can actually see him improving throughout the video when he's talking to the camera

Most asian people have monotone voices, especially people from Hong kong

I actually need the opposite because I sound kind of like exaggeratedly with NY hands everywhere etc and multiple ppl think I sound like a valley girl smh I must be annoying bc I'm talkative too ಥ ͜ ಥ

this video speaks to me a lot, I personally did start to voice-out myself more but I didn't know it was related to being closed to myself ... I feel emotional now >_

Finally a Buzzfeed video that I can actually use myself.


Me and Amy would have a great conversation. I've been a strong speaker and conversationalist since I was 10.

Lmao that was so cute when he said yikes!

Oh my gosh this is a powerful video Kane! I'm glad I've watched this today! I think i have a problem with my communication skills as well. I thought it's just an Asian thing. (Obviously I'm just trying to ignore the fact that I needed help. Sorry >.

ok. I'll try all these advice on my boyfriend.

I have this problem, especially when receiving gifts

Thank-you for this video Kane!

I definitely feel the same, as I am Asian as well. I get where he’s coming from. You did well, Kane! You’ve grown so much.

I dont like being too nice because it makes me feel like the other person thinks I want something from them.

*James Charles Has Left The Chat*

Everyone's reaction that they thought you didn't like them.... that is my life lol.

you are so so inspiring.

yes queen

I'm mad at this video. I love his voice and speech pattern. He's very calming and relaxing. Why are we in a world that we feel we have to fix the personal differences that make us special. This is what's wrong with the social media generation.

This is amazing! I learned so much.

For vietnamese, because the intonation is already carve into the meaning of the word. So when they speak English, they treat it like it's monotone and they can't comprehend the way of intonation works in English.

She looks almost identical to a woman I know who does cucking videos

"I got a hair transplant." *still wears hats all the time* DAMN YOU! Some of us with thinning hair would kill for that opportunity. Take that damn hat off!

I love this, ur an amazing person Kane

This is so beautiful!

Ah man, I 'm so sad people thought he didn't like them! D: I always got the feeling that he was a nice guy, just really quiet, but that's probably because I had a close friend in junior high who was like that--people misinterpreted his lack of expression for disinterest. Instead, he was just a really private person.

Number 15 boy needs this more than anyone in the world!

yo you HAVE to watch the movie Saving Face. it’s the story of a chinese lesbian couple struggling to come out

Omg I love this video! It is hard for anyone to realize how they present themselves to the world and attain that level of self-awareness. But he did it and grew! Hell, I grew! Thanks so much!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Beautiful story, beautifully told. Congratulations, and keep it up!

At 3:34 in the car he kind of sounded like the guy that said “burger king foot lettuce”

wow this hit so many more emotions than I had anticipated lol

I know someone who jokes a lot and is really sarcastic but most of the time we can't tell bc he always sounds so serious.

Really needed this message today. Thank you so much! Your videos are always some of my favorites! You’re such an inspiration!

I am halfway through the video and I am shook from all the similarities I have in common with him! I do agree with him, as a more feminine gay male in the closet until college. I was always afraid to speak out loud and call attention. Thank you so making this video! It's really inspirational!

I identify with this so much and I’ve wondered why the hell people don’t approach me easily. My self perception, confidence and communication skills have always made it harder for me to make friends and engage in school. Realising all this, I can start to make changes to my personality. Thank you so much for this video.

So many people say that to me “I thought you didn’t like me”, “I thought you hated me”, “You look like you never wanna talk”, “I was lowkey scared of you”, “You look mad”, “You always sound sarcastic”, “You have such a monotone voice”. Like damn, blows my mind.

Im not great at conversations and usually give one answer responses which usually kill conversations because either im boring or they think im not interested in talking when i just dont know what to say. Is there anything i can do to improve myself?

11:09 id just like to say that im the best at self-deprecating ok now im gonna go back to eating goldfish at 2am haha...

This is a great video

ahhhh so funny story I just recently broke up with this dude who might've suffering from a dry monotone voice ahhhhhaaaaahaaaa wish I saw this sooner RIP

16:48 That colour scheme is sooo good, maybe even unintentionally so

Listennn Ik this video is old but I’m 3 minutes in and it’s so relatable my friends always tell me before they met me they thought I was stuck up Bc of my voice and ig my rbf is horrible so those two combined led them to that conclusion...anyways I always get upset at the chances of being friends with someone that I lost Bc they thought I didn’t like them Bc of my voice/face and I was like it’s not something I can fix

This is so cool because as it gets closer to the end of the video you can really hear the change in his voice he just seems so much more bright

this hit too close to home

Thank you for linking the hair transplant video. Because I really wanted to watch it but didn't wanna go looking for it!

she’s so good at doing what she does !! like wow !! i’m so proud of kane ✨

I feel this video so much. Like... this is me. Literally. Lol

Buzzfeed tf u making me watch

It was a BEAUTIFUL speech, so beautiful in fact that you made me cry... And trust me, you are a wonderful human

did anyone else notice the bottle of tequila on her desk

I’m terrible at conversation... I could probably use this lol


Omg I'm crying right now

u do sound boring

This was very touching! I cried! Amazing! :)

This is adorable

I'm crying? I'm sad and happy and proud and suddenly more self aware?

I wish I watched this before my phone interview. This would have helped with my confidence and rapport building. I'm much more charismatic in person. This kind of thing is a new reason for speech therapy that I never thought of before

Buzzfeed hates him! Find out how one man proved buzzfeed makes you monotone and gay

i want to be friends with that speech therapist, she seems so cool.

*like 9 months. like a baby.*

Omg this is meeee. Everyone of my friends has told me they thought I hated them for months after we meet. It made me so upset because it's just because I'm shy sometimes and apparently it comes off to most people that I'm just stuck up:(((

Damn I need reverse speech therapy I wanna sound how this guy originally sounds! I guess Monotone lol it just sound better like your not giving everything up in conversation instead of always being on 100 and robotic which is actually pretty annoying lol

Wowwww I could see and hear the change so well comparing you talking at the beginning versus the end. AMAZING!

His coming out story made me cry

Daaang I was hoping this was about that "Chills" guy! You know who I'm talking abooouuuutttt....

That speech therapist is fire

This was such a great video! Helping my awkward ass get motivated for university


Shane your video was so touching, I cried. Thank you so much for sharing your journey!!

not sure if my comment went through, but i found this video to be wonderful... made an impact on me. thank you.

Your speech made me cry. It reminded me when I told my parents that I want to date girls. I completely empathized with you. And even in finding your voice I’ve done that a lot myself the past two years and like you said you don’t ever just find it. My voice evolves everyday and grows in emotion, capacity and strength. Thank you for sharing your story! ❤️

You did a great job :)

Man that patron bottle behind therapist looks good about now.

One of the few heartfelt videos I’ve seen recently. Congrats Kane and awesome job!!!

I have the exact same problem

I would love to meet this speech therapist.

I think he as a typical buzzfeed or moderator kind of voice, like kind of makes me jealous because his voice is so "perfect" and smooth :D

She sounded boring tbh

I honestly didn't even realise that I did this and it now explaines a lot

Watching this with the hope I'll make friends finally. Been going to the same school for 2 years yet no one talks to me what's so ever. Maybe it's my resting face. Hmmm

He bores me to tears zzzzzz

Such a difference. Where he used to drag his words his now has this sexy bass purr in the syllables he's saying. Everything he says sounds more interesting. I could go on and on about all the things I noticed!! I'm SO excited that Kane did this. It's going to be a whole new world for him!

I just want to hug you :) you rock and please don't feel like you missed something until now, best things are yet to come.

This is my voice one day on speech therapy. ThIS IS MY voice ONE WEEk on spEEch therApy. THIS IS MY VOICE ONE MONTH ON SPEECH THERAPY!


My husband (also Asian!) is super self conscious about his monotone voice too!! But I keep telling him it's unique and masculine and calming and authoritative!? If people have a problem then that's them!!

He used what his mom said for the skit... Wow... If my parents said that when I come out the closet i think I'd be scarred too

Bravo! The entire process and ending speech was so honest and beautiful. I have no doubt this helped many other people struggling with similar real life issues.

Loved this!

Wow Kane this came at a very perfect time in my life ! I too deal with this every day of my life this problem is literally the reason I cried so much these last couple of days with Christmas and my birthday that just past I’m so terrible at communicating and at showing emotions everyone I know also thinks I hate them or hated them at one point I’m so glad I’m not the only one dealing with this I too share the same life you do being Mexican American I thought it was because Spanish was my first language but in reality it was my teachers telling me to shut up and my older brother telling me I wasn’t important and my “friends” in school telling me I talk to gay I hid away a lot of who I am and now 22 years old it affected my relationship with my fiancé he thinks I hate ALOT of things that he dose for me but in reality I just don’t know how to act I don’t know how to be a human but like you knowing and figuring out the problem I will work on it thank you SO SO SO MUCH FOR THIS VIDEO - Luis Regalado

You are making some big strides, Kane! I'm so proud of you!!!

Great video

This is awesome, *so proud of you Kane!* You really shined in your speech

I legit cried

This video is too good for buzzfeed

Wad about the hair transplant follow up video?

Very moving. Thank you for putting yourself out there and sharing your journey with us.

The therapist can get it, even if she convinces me to apologize for her cheating...

I really need a speech therapist, I have a monotone-ish voice and it doesn't help that I also tend to have a sarcastic tone of voice (at least in my head) but it never comes out how I intended. I'm either terrible at speaking or everyone misinterprets me. Well it's both.

This makes me feel like I want to be a speech therapist

I can't believe I watched this whole thing, i didn't think I would but it was made very well and had me very intrigued at all the information and your personal experiences that relate to it all. I got a little emotional too. Very well done, intimate, inspiring and educational.

This has opened my own eyes up to those I feel I cannot understand in my life, or that I can't vibe with, that maybe it isn't any of those things, but simply that they have a hard time communicating even with something that comes naturally for me as intonation. Everybody is different and all for different reasons.

Kane, Thank you for sharing this journey with us.   I felt like it was me in the video, my heart rate went up when you saw Amy each time. Honestly I clicked to see your experience with a speech therapist and the progress, but, I learned a lot from this video, hopefully I can change some of my communication skills for better just like you did.

If speech has something to do with coming out, then I am out of sorts, man! I'm not gay. So what do "I" do with MY monotone voice. I cant point where in my childhood or life I have "developed" this. Probably childhood? I don't know internet. Help. I mean, I'm not gay.

Is it because I was constantly not meeting my parents expectation regarding my academics, career? ETC? They told me that I am smart and I should be an accountant because I'd earn a lot, but man that is so boring. Despite that, I gave it a try. I think it just killed out all of the creativity in me. And now because I studied those Accounting Theories, I am just very cynical of the world. Managing others money sucks. Just thinking about it,,, i just. I just cant.

Does he speak a tonal language? Could that be part of why his voice in English is monotone? Idk, I'm not the speech therapist here but I thought they would have talked about it...

That was really good I learned a lot from this video plus a lot of cool techniques from the speech therapist. The speech therapist is very knowledgeable and knows how to get the best out of people. I wonder how much she charges?

Way to start 2019 Kane :)

I would like to try thisssss!!!!! i think i have a monotone voice so i tend to bore people or people assume i'm angry lol

You did such a great job with your speech!

Wow love this video! Buzzfeed finally doing some good

Congratulations man, that video and that story is actually incredible. You're genuine vulnerability is going to help so many people look at their own lives and finally feel okay to search for their own inner voice.

looked ya up after I saw the hair transplant video. look great imo :)

Oh my goodness! I needed to hear this, I've been wanting to improve my voice for many reasons and this video was incredibly inspiring, thank you.

You don’t have to change.

Why you look like you got heartburn??

As a future speech therapist this brings me so much joy and reassures me that the path I have chosen is the right one! (Side note: SLP's need more representation!)

I loved this video. So incredibly genuine.

Wow i didnt know this kind of thing exist and i actually suspect i have the same problem as him. Not the exact samw thing but the kind when the moment i started speaking, i slowly fade in the middle and dont know what to say anymore. I always wonder why i dont connect with people that much. I feel like its because of how i talk like kevins friends think he is not really interested and always gives off the vibe of being too busy to be bothered. Becuase im so awkward whenever someone tries to have small talk to me i always rush them up and yeet tf away from them. I just now realized this. And my case is probably like kevin. Thinking hes a Cindy lu when everybody elses think hes the Grinch. This is actually a very informative video for me. Im broke af and probably wont be able to afford a speech therapist but at least now im aware of some of my problem. Thanks Kevin!

Woah. I got goosebumps at the end

Lol the longest TikTok ever

This is amazing! I've always had trouble communicating ( I didn't realize how much of a problem it was!!) ( I have adhd which doesnt help lol) and I had no idea why. Thanks! This video was super informative and inspiring! Edit: Oh my gosh I've been told millions of times "you ask too many questions" "you talk too much" "you're so loud" Seriously, thanks so much for making this.

relatable 100%

okay, random detail but did anyone else notice that halfway through the video she switched from a Roland Fantom keyboard to a CASIO?

Great job on the video. Speech Therapy is something most people can benefit from. Freddie is a hottie. I’m in love. :)

Danm Kane that was a good speech.

"Feeling a lot of feelings. And I don't know how to deal." SAME

Somethings are cultural though, such as cadence in vocal tone. If he came from a multi-lingual home the tonal inflections of the other language outside of english may fall in different places. Which is why some languages sound harsh & monotonous to native english speakers, where more melodic languages sound super upbeat & easier on the ears.

Hi, Thanks for partially sharing your course. I believe it helps me somehow too.

He's gonna become Justin 2.0 lol

Freddie is gor.ge.ous.

I hate buzzfeed and like this video. Way to go Kane!

I’m actually getting educated while using my phone

Damn boi sHE thiccc

I didn’t notice he was monotone because I relate lol

That speech therapist seems so cool and so genuinely helpful and she seems to really love her job and that's really inspiring to me

So good!! Your speech was so impactful.

What an amazing video Kane! No one's voice should be silenced. I'm so glad you found yours!

What was the title of the scripted Video

"wHy Am I sO aWkWaRd" cannnnn relateeeee

I wish I could afford speech therapy sessions, I slur my words, I’m incoherent at times and say sentences backwards:/// I’m basically a drunk sober person

Hey, give the guy a break. He was most probably used to interacting with computer or smartphone screens and not people. What he set himself to achieve on this video was really brave. Kudos to you, Kane.

This is important. I'm awkward and sometimes I am aware when my monotone voice makes people feel as though I dont like them or am uninterested. I'm a very emotional, happy, sad, playful, nice, crazy person. I want to embrace having emotions. With my depression I hid it all away. I never spoke out. I was quiet and reserved and I feel like I missed out on learning to socialize. I'm still struggling but this video and the free tips from his speech therapist really showed me that I can express in kind ways. I can express with interest. I am 16 years old and I wish to go into the next chapters of my life happy and sociable. Thank you for spending time to share your story, with that you inspired sparks of inspiration to be content with all that I am.

Finally! Instagram perfect.


wow. I've been deeply struggling with this as well and.. I have no words but gratitude for you by bringing this insecurity of mine that I've been ignoring to the front of my face and realizing that it needs to change. Thank you Kane for being vulnerable and I will try to do the same as well!

Thank you for this video I felt this. Being awkward and too serious has always been one of my insecurities also

First world problems..... only buzzfeed....

The only buzzfeed video actually worth watching lol


He doesn’t need it at all. Huge waste of money.

16:27 whats the name of this song???

I like your pink hat. I'd like to see you in a blue hat... this is a huge NO in giving feedback and leaves the receiver feeling like the initial positive comment was given, only to setup for the person who is giving the feedback to try to get their way.

“Why you look like you got heartburn? “ Lmfaooo I’m dying hahhahahah

I honestly didn't think I needed this until now

THIS is my voice, ONE YEAR On speech THErapy

Love this :)

I am so so proud and happy for you!!

*how does buzzfeed come up with this stuff*

I am asian and feel like for a lot of asians are thought to be unfriendly, unengaging and lacking interest. I think it's the way we express ourselves - no overreacting or being overly emotional, staying always calm and minding our own business.

Here I am not minding my own business, but I have to ask: you don’t feel obligated to change what is essentially a cultural phenomenon with speech therapy do you? Many cultures are reserved manner as a show of respect. (And we need folks to teach us to mind our own business.) I for one, celebrate the differences we all bring. I feel sad for Zane. He he quickly erasing himself. He has transformed himself into a marketable product.

Speech therapist reminds me of Lady Gaga

Can someone please tell me what the song at the very end is?!

Proud of you, man. You have a lot of courage.

Kane, you are the best person ever.

wow this was eye opening in my own life.. same reactions others have of me... woah

yur speech was great!

Your voice is beautiful

Burger King foot lettuce

Freddie looks so pretty here

your hair transplant looks great!

9:40 the hat changed in the cut lol

Such a beautiful video, well done Kane ! Vulnerability is strengh.

In a year, everyone will forget about this video and think you have always talked with empathy. It will be a complete shock to people that you were monotone. *Congratulations, Kane!* I hope you make many new friends since that seems to be what you are most upset about.

I have a similar speech pattern with you. I am an SLP student. I'm also Chinese. Your video helped me initiate some changes that are needed to be a better me:) Thank you

I love how you actually tell it how it is and improve yourself without putting the excuse of “that’s just how i am” like other buzzfeeders.

“We all got inner fire.. why do you look like you’ve got heart burn?!”

I’m actually crying

I really enjoyed the video, it was very interesting, I deal with a lot of similar issues, so thank you! I never thought about speech pattern being a disguise for hiding parts of yourself or holding in emotion. Crazy.

Holy beta. I swear you can get Millennials to buy and or believe anything lol

I need this.

Bro I got emotional at the end, that was beautiful

9 month... like a baby

I speak a language where the melody changes a LOT, it is always like up and down so it makes it hard to have a monotone voice if you come from my country lol... but I can definitely see how it can be an insecurity!

Gets a hair transplant yet always wears a hat

Did they change the thumbnail?

I didn't even know I needed this video in my life. Thank you

This video made me contemplate the way I interact with people on such an emotional level. Can't believe I cried over a BuzzFeed video. Hats off to you Kane, a brilliant thought provoking video.

i think kourtney kardashian needs to see this

Honestly my take away from this video ain't really positive, not because of Kane at all( he did so well omg), just the people around him, like damn you hung out with this guy for like more than half a year and still thought he hated you like what? It really makes you think about how other people feel about you and well that another line on my list on insecurities XD

I like how the speech pathologist has a bottle of patron on her desk. LOL 6:14

This is a very inspiring video.

OMG, how do I get a speech therapist that good in the 'freakin' countryside of Brazil? PLease... just take my money, girl...

This is probably one thing why people think we finns are angry or don't like anyone, because finnish is really monotone language and many people doesn't get rid of that monotone when they speak english

I read this title as how to waste money on unnecessary things.

Amazing! I really love journey and improvement videos. This is worth watching. Hiding has a lot of effects.

I’ve been thinking about seeing a speech pathologist for some years now to improve my pronunciation and minimize my accent. So glad to have watched this, now I’m more motivated. Thank you for sharing your personal growth with us!

This video really triggers me lmao I’m so awkward, I really feel for Kane.

Really, really good video

Can a speech therapist works for an awkward speaker like me?

It sounds so hard to do

Why didnt you just start yelling!

I think I have the same problem

I loved how he opens up while the speech.

this was a really helpful video

Can anyone tell me what song is playing at the end of the video? Thanks.

I need to see a speech therapist and a doctor too. It hurts when I talk, and my voice has been deteriorating really fast. I’ve complained to my parents about it and suggested they take me, but they haven’t. I’ve been complaining about my voice for 2 years -_-

Lmao gay people

My complement is always pretty dry cuz I’m hard to be impressed

17:58 that face of deep thought

This should of been a tedtalk great job❤️

I'm super open and fun with my close friends, but with other people I'm akward like this guy.

So happy for you, Kane!

are they a virgo

word of advice, buzzfeed, don't cut peoples speeches short for "time" this is youtube not the tonight show

I love your outlook on life!

Best video

what clip is that when bryan and shane were in the car?

I need an Amy in my life

I loved this video and aye das ma school!!!

Just love yourself if someone like you he/she will understand you and don't worry just smile

What a ride! Keep at it Kane! You're wonderful!

Lol my life with aspergers I sound boring and uninterested

Wow I also have a monotone voice. I never really realize how awkward it makes people feel around me.


"potentiallyyy....." I dont always finish sentences either, like when he said that hahaha I noticed that about 2 months ago lol and I've been trying to be aware of that and finish them, and dont leave the other people guessing or be think "s/he knows what I mean" so funny this video was suggested to me lol

Does the speech therapist have a YouTube? Because-

I'm somewhat mono-tone but that doesn't mean I'm a ducking robot. I show emotions and great people good gracious.

“Why does it look like you have heart burn”

I LOVE YOU KANE THIS IS SUCH A GREAT VIDEO!!!!!!!!! Shahshhshwanshhsbs

This is such a Californian thing

frick thats me


Bro where can I find her because I have the same exact problem, and I have a lot to say, but no friends to tell it to because they don’t want to listen to me and if they do they get tired and lost

Ok but the speech therapist looks like Lindsey Lohan

Kane, you are adorable! I’m so happy that your brain and your mouth are seeing eye to eye! (See what I did there? DAD JOKE!) Stay strong, you got this!

I’ve only clicked this video to hear what his voice sounds like. Now I’m out of here

I always sound sarcastic

u talk like the guy who says: ''Burguer king foot lettuce''

i feel like we have the same epiphany. glad you were able to find yours! thanks for helping me find mine.

This actually helped me alot

really enjoyed this video!

You’re the man Kane! I always like watching your work. Thanks for sharing!

Im taking a public speaking course for my general ed right now and I LOVE IT! Its making me so so much more comfortable presenting!!

I wanna kill myself everytime you talk. Please stop.

His speech sounds like that guy that reads those scary/creepy stories

As much as I always hate buzzfeed, you just made me realize things about myself

2:20 are you *mad* ?? are you _sad_ ?? when you can be *...* *GLADE!* *_spray!!!_* -_Johnson, a family company_

I just realized I am this guy and i'm mad lol Edit: I'm not gay, so I'm kind of different but you get my point

I like how the speech therapist just has a bottle of patron just casually sat on her desk.

This was a really exciting video. I really enjoyed watching the transformation. As an Asian whose lack of self-confidence also showed in my own monotone voice, I really related to this video. Congratulations on a great topic...and presentation!

3:30 why you look like you got heartburn?

Peep that patron

Freddie is the most beautiful girl in the world!!!!

Loved this video! The initial idea was very interesting and it took an unexpected turn that made it even better.

So proud of you Kane!

I am going through the exact same fear of being OUT, and it is really hard on my social life. Personally, I prefer to keep that little secret for myself, or maybe couples of friends, but not the ones who I normally have to deal with. Friends at school barely talk to me, my conversations with classmates usually end within like a few seconds, etc. All of that little difficulties gradually build up depression and anxiety inside me. I admire, and maybe slightly jealous, of people who can genuinely live their life without fears. Watching this video reminds me a lot about myself, yet I am not the only one who has the monotone kind of voice, and being a gay Asian. Thank you Kane Diep for the most relatable, amazing video that I have ever seen so far.

Omg why do I relate to this so much? Like sometimes when I suddenly and unexpectedly see one of my friends somewhere, my first reaction is to run and hide lmao I don't know why

i’m not monotone but this video is so enlightening and helpful! there’s so many things that i forget about on a daily basis about how i communicate and it’s nice to see it explained by an expert. wish more buzzfeed videos were like this!

Yay Cane!!!

I'm really insecure about my voice and just talking in general

i've thought the exact same thing, that my voice comes across too monotone at times and DID NOT expect a video to be made about speech therapy! Very well made video, props to the whole staff.

This would be a good time to say, “This is my voice one day with speech therapy.” “This is my voice one week with speech therapy.” Etc. XD

Awwwwe Kane I wish I could give you a big hug.

i really do admire him for having the courage to share his deepest insecurities. i’m also so proud of him for achieving so much

What a speech and a journey! So inspiring :D thank you

I don't really think this is an important issue. It's like telling people that they are worthless for socializing with unless they are wildly extraverted, loud, and obnoxious all the time about little things that don't matter. "WOW! That's a cool red shirt you are wearing! AMAZING! I am blown awaAaAaAaY!!!" Yeah, no.

I probably should stop responding with a monotone "Mm..."

The therapist had a bottle of half empty tequila on her desk

OMG it's an actually good, fun, entertaining and really educating BuzzFeed video! Keep it up guys!

OMG I'm exactly the same way, even the accent. That's why people kept on staring at me when I finished sentences, hahaha.

Wow she looks like Shane Dawson...

What if you're too energetic? I feel like I come off as too invested and it scares people.

How to become annoying overexpressive American?

So lucky I don‘t work at Buzzfeed

The way the speech therapist talks is too exagerated. I would find it annoying to talk to her lmao.

Well at least you have the “I don’t like you “ voiceversus my “bish if you take one on step to far I’m gonna kill f’ing kill you” stare

Careful, man, saying @#$% might get you defunded.

Kinda reminds me of will from unbox therapy lmao

I have the same problem when people first meet me! This video was honestly really helpful and showed me I can do something so people don't assume I'm apathetic. Thank you for sharing and being so vulnerable

can she fix my life

This video is amazing! I love you Kane!

dude this is so me wow I'm not gay tho no diss

Your voice sounds fine to me just as it is.

eye-opening and life-changing indeed

Enjoyed the video very much, never realized that it was so important

The birds chirping at potentially took me out...

Love the video!

I lovee this video to be really honest. I don't even know something if i have offended my friends because the tone or the way i speak.

Can you fix that horrid rising inflection after this

Took down notes because I am super monotonous as well so here's the summary! 1. More hand gestures 2. Smile more 3. Think out loud 4. Don't drag out the last word 5. INTONATION AND STRESS! 6. Give specific compliments 7. Just compliment

Just me or there were no audience? Haha

If you think this is sad boi my voice is like a sparrow

Take my money i need her to teach me

If you can talk slowly, you can talk *quickly.*

This is so gay

So there's not a single straight man working at Buzzfeed?

6:29 I'll cum on your face anytime!

I absolutely loved this video. Thank you for sharing this.

i’m super shy and i don’t really talk to people. my friend said that this girl asked if i like her because i didn’t talk to her when sat in a group together. people think i don’t like them because i’m shy. i hate it. i wish i could just talk to people freely without fear. i know this is kinda different but it’s similar with others thinking you don’t like them or even just communication. i kinda get how you feel but in a different way.

i cried throughout the entire speech, great :")

This is interesting because Finnish (my first language) is usually spoken in a more monotone way and it doesn't sound "boring" or weird at all.

Love this

He improved so much! I was absolutely engrossed in his speech

I cried watching your speech! Kane, thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your heart with us! This is absolutely beautiful and meaningful, and probably my favorite Buzzfeed video of all time.

Omg he is literally me

2:20 nah he said fustrated.

that's a sexy ass keyboard

really i just quit buzzfeed and it seemed to work for me!

I'm like anti social so if my own friend is like telling me a dramatic story, I use facial expressions rather then words, I just put on a shocked face, or say "really, wow. " Idk it's just the way I am, I really don't like small talk

This video caught my eye because these are things I have been told about my speaking voice and I have a YouTube channel. So I thought this could be helpful. The therapist definitely gave some helpful tips. Thanks, Kane for sharing, I definitely can relate, and I see your improvements. By the end of this video, you seemed more open and comfortable as well. : )

fix my boring voice - My new book

Dude sounds like chills

The therapist reminds me of Gabbie Hanna.

Woah I didn’t think I’d get emotional. But when I heard your voice waver a bit it really struck a chord. Even though I don’t think I have an issue with my tone or cadence I liked learning about how to communicate effectively. Here’s to personal growth! Loved this video! ❤️

I loved this video so much, it was such a learning and motivating experience for me

I died at 18:40 when a guy in the audience said "get it boy" after the first kiss thing XD


Damn, that was such a good video!

I’m truly sorry for the people I’ve communicating because I’m kinda dull during talking, I don’t really know how to story tell like others, I find myself quite hard talking to people, the fact that I’m ambivert, that’s hindering my natural ability at the same time.

I've learned alot from this video..

FASCINATING!!!!! Loved this video the most out of all I’ve seen from this channel. Thank you for sharing your story!!! I am a speech language pathologist so this one really resonated with my experience.

thanks for the good content

14:15 oh my gosh ik this is weird but I KNOW SOMEONE NAMED SHANE WHITAKER like,, thats not even that common of a name

I love this so much! Thank you

2:21 *fustrated* agh pronouncing it wrong makes me frustrated lol

Tina Belcher, Sterling Archer and Bob from Bobs Burgers are all fabulous people

One of my favorite videos on whole YouTube, don’t ask me why, but I loved it. Btw, did u know that they are cultures that talk that monotonous? I loved the speech at the end. And I feel sorry for u about what ur mom said

I have never related to a video as much as I did with this one. Wow, this was so eye opening

Wtf thats gay af

my health teacher talks like this on purpose so we don’t know his emotions talk about extra ☕️

I needed this video lol

1.44 min into the video and I already like the therapist

I really don't hear any problem with the way he talked, you don't have to be bubbly and cheerful all the time

He speaks so slowwwwwwlyyyy

I’m gay and I act straight a lot of guys make fun of gay people which I hate so much so I talk to girls and get made fun of for that and that affects my communication

He did improve alot

Wow! Just, wow! I cried at the end of the video, full of emotions and so impressed by the journey you've done. All the love to you! (From a person who don't even know you). ❤️

He sounds like a more enthusiastic DylanisChillin

What's the name of the service you had with your therapist?

To me he just sounds more gay

Dick implant next?

This is hands down your best video! I love your monotone voice but it was refreshing to see you grow and learn more about yourself! Much love from Pittsburgh!

This Poor Guy

Where the F can I find a speach therapist because I am the most aquard person on the planet!

Poor introverts in the US.

Is his scripted vid out yet? What is it called?

I like his voice tho

This is so relatable

cambodia food bro

I’m so glad a came a cross this video

Thank you for your work Kane! I too was told to stop asking so many questions when I was young and It had also impacted my ability to be vulnerable. Thank you for daring greatly and sharing your journey and experience! :D

A differrent you at tha later part of the video, if its you then go for it

this is one of those good videos. y'know...one of those that comes along every once in a while, and is very good.

the funniest thing is that i'm native russian speaker and I express my emotions pretty much the same haha but it's kind of okay in russian bc it's kinda monotone language, thats why when i speak english it's unnatural for me to speak like she teaches. and basically I think lots of russian speakers speak the same way

Kane, what a powerful journey you shared with us. I’ve been a vocal teacher for more than 40 years. Given both your content and your spirit, you have a beautiful voice. Keep sharing!

i don’t see what’s wrong with his voice

I fell in love with the therapist.

Argue with my parents for an a hour and you will learn how to talk

Anyone know the song that starts at 16:27 ?

I figured it out it's "let me hear you"-pop talk

Maybe it's just me, but I think his voice is fine. He just needs to be more confident in himself, as a person.

Congrats Kane! I’m lovin your new vibes!!!!

Damn she finee

This is interesting

dyrus needs this

Honestly I noticed a change from minute 2 to minute 13 in how you were stressing different words and just making your speech more interesting in general! Good job :)

It really touched me when you got emotional after hearing the feedback. I can totally relate as I've received feedback that made me question so many interactions. It's so important though to seek the advice of close associates for your own awareness and growth. Very well done!

This video is very important because a small percentage of people are like this, including me, except I'm not mono toned but can't speak the same way as I think, and it's not talked about (I mean look at the views on this video itself, compared to other Buzzfeed videos) . As an example, my writing and speaking is like two different people. In my mind, I think very quickly almost like a video on double speed, but actually talking is very slow and difficult to put my thoughts to words. I can come across as not interested, but hell I'm a Sagittarius! The only issue that this video didn't mention is that people should know that the way we talk is genuine all the time, and learning how to talk in a new way can be uncomfortable and make us seem like now we are just acting to people and not being ourselves.

I'm getting better A LOT but it's not always easy bc I feel ingenuine

This is my voice 3 weeks on buzzfeed

Anybody else see the Patron bottle at 8:03

This is so good

This was a lot more real than I expected

What show!?!?!?!?!

“Why do you look like you have heartburn?”

Wow that speech was amazing Kane !

What's the song at the end??

Does anyone know the song at the end?

I know this is about his voice but damn that hair transplant really worked! His hair is so much fuller

i didn't know you were gay cause you were monotone

You are amazing I could see a total change in the way that you spoke so inspirational

Wow Amy is a powerful speaker! Also please don’t blame yourself, Kane. I really think it has to do with our parents coming over and English not being their 1st language so we “get” what they are saying in short Eng phases as they busy around & we pick up these “bad” habits. You clearly care about others and are a do-er (like ur mom I assume). This video encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone too. Blessings xx Edit: I listened to your speech and you were engaging & funny. Keep doing you. I think maybe what I wrote reflects my childhood more or maybe it’s all interconnected. Lots of love!

Boner-ability is what I got from her.

Can someone plz tell me where buzzfeed got those light poles like in 13:35. I really want one

I always run off. they call me ninja. saying good byes so awkawrd for me and we gonna see each other the next day so...

That therapist freaks me out. Might just me being a socially awkward person. Lol


who’s the guy at 2:46

I used to do this when i was in middle school to college “ You did this it made made feel like this” I was really explanatory and open, except i was surrounded by “friends” who always put me down “Why do you talk like that” “You’re weird” It has made me nowadays to use slang and people please bc that’s just how i feel like i am able to make friends

this video came at the right time! I was looking up this exact topic all over the internet. I was actually going to make a video on this lol.

How brave of you!!!

Whoa dude, at 13:18 you can see a huge change! Right after he realized the root of it. He is so much more assure and confident and expressive. Mind blown..

I AM Kane and awkward AF! HALP!

Kane had so much expression when he reacted to his friends/co-workers' first impressions of him! I think it's all within us but it just takes a bit to get it out the "right way".

Kane, you are so incredible!

Gadiel is the best in that video

He kinda sounds like my chemistry teacher

I immediately loved your voice because your monotone its comfortable and relaxing to me

Waaaaait, don't go away! He should have stayed just a bit longer at the stage to really receive the applause, feel the applause. But ok, he's a winner anyway. Congrats.

0:30 ironic

I’m monotone and sarcastic. People are always shocked when I laugh or compliment them.

I like wanna talk to this voice therapist all the time

I don't have friends. I'm not exaggerating :[

This made me realise I need a speech therapist. I didn't even think of how important it is to improve speech! My voice has always been quiet and sometimes I eat my words, my family always complains about it. I am also bad at saying the right words and communicating confidently.

U got a gay voice

This has been such a great video!! I love that everyone who watches this to the very end can see the progression and go through it with you Cain! It’s absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story, this life changing moment is inspiring! Best wishes to you and everyone who you inspire

Enjoyed the speech, thank you for sharing.

honeslty, i ask to many questions at school and all the teachers are saying that i need to stop its kinda sad

I'll keep these in mind whenever I decided to be social again.

This speaks to me on such a deep, personal level. Thank you for this, Kane.

brb crying this is amazing

Loved this so much. What’s the name of the song used in the background?

Damn he looks so ded

Yassss Kane!! So beautiful.

He seems like an INTJ MBTI personality type. Very driven and sweet people but they are expressionless most times.

Ian Jeffery is like this too

I really like the way this video was packaged. Much better than something titled how to improve your speaking voice or something like that

His voice was so monotone and uninteresting I couldn't even go through the video

I wanna marry Amy

Could someone explain the tongue thing the therapist was talking about I couldn’t hear that good

Do mushrooms

I LOVE your hair! Never wear hats again!!

I love Kane such a geniune man!

I work retail, and I notice I have a “retail voice” when I talk with customers my voice tends to get high pitched and sometimes I think about it and would probably annoy myself if I met myself with that voice lol I try to recognize it and not do it. I just find it super interesting

This me

Aww this is so wholesome!! Make more videos about finding your personality it would be nice and I feel like a lot of people would relate to that content.

I was in the first day of school and one of my friends now asked me if I knew how to answer a mathematical problem and I said: No. She thought I was mad LOL i just didn't know how to aswer that problem, perspective is everything

this guys actually making a difference in his life with all of these changes and its so so inspiring

On the topic of speech and gestures, the girl at 10:00 is definitely lying

7:19 - 7:29 could be meme material without the crickets.

Lindsay Lohan finally landed a job ans speech therapist

Anyone else notice the bottle of tequila on the table next to her?

my name is also cain, it’s spelled differently obviously. but this dude and i have (had) the exact same issues

chills needs this speech therapy

so during the hairtransplant they fucked your brain? sue they ass

Thought he had a hair transplant? It not work? He's still wearing hats to cover his head..

What a BetaMale!

u have such an annoying voice

My autistic mind is blown.

His Face looks Like a Shiny Clean Shaved pair of Ball Sacks. Not a necessarily a Bad Thing.. just a Observation.

Kane is so cute omg

The speech therapist kinda looks like if Lady Gaga were a normal person

This was amazing I need this I don't know if I'm monotone but I know sometimes I'm emotionless unintentionally

This is my voice one day on jeffree star this is my voice, one week on jeffree star. Can’t relate, this is my voice one month on jeffree star WHaT’s uP EVERYBODY, wELcoMe BaCK tO My cHAnNel, HOW ARE YA

why u look like you got heartburn


autistic asain

One of the best videos I’ve ever seen. So vulnerable. He exposed him self. So thank.

Amy is hot and Kane made amazing progress.

Thank you for sharing this!

seriously rooting for kane. i related so much to this and it really is eye-opening, i didn't realize how much effect my tone has on how people think of me.

I like his voice

I'm just like that lol my friend would always tell me that I come off to other people as if I don't care what they're saying or I'm uninterested in anything. I really need to work of my communication

Hey i have the same keyboard as the speech therapist lmao

Amy looks like lady Gaga in a star is born

Everyone say that I speak very slowly

At least you can speak fluently... Without even stuttering....

The speech therapist sounds like Siri

I’m a 16 year old girl, but I have a low raspy voice and I feel like I sound like a man and I hate it so much. Some of my friends say it’s hot, but it’s a huge insecurity and I never send voice messages to anyone and always keep my mouth shut unless I REALLY have to talk. :(((

1. SPEED : don't need to be FAST, sometimes you stop and think what you're gonna say, your point will be deliver more poignant. 2. HAND GESTURES : USE IT, POWER BOX for EMPHASIZE your points. 3. TONES: FINISH your sentence, let people KNOW you're DONE. 4. EYE CONTACT: 5. people's FIRST IMPRESSIONS on you : collect it ( ex: monotones, level of expressive, seems uninterested. 6.making COMMENT or STATEMENT: DOWN at the end, UP at the very end, don't DRAG OUT the last words.

13:38 i want her notebook

Your voice tone is fine, then it's fine

Wait is that the guy from bird box? The one in the stop & shop vest???


"One of my cokers" 20:44

Wow! Thank you for making this inspiring content, Kane. I am planning on working on my communication skills!

Her room echos so much considering she is a speech therapist..

I need this. My voice is way too low and I don't notice that some people can't here me when I talk because in my head it sounds higher and louder than what it is

You never really "spoke" to me as a BuzzFeeder (or probably I wasn't patient enough to listen carefully to what was speaking from behind the mask). But this video was amazing. Thank you for opening up and for the gift of your vulnerability, ...and sorry, from all of us, for the times we failed to realize there was gold hidden behind the iron wall, and for the times we were to lazy to dig deeper to understand. If you had miscommunication issues, that wasn't entirely your fault. You realized you had issues expressing feelings, and that's good to know and to work on. But on the other hand, remember that whoever listens has got some kind of responsibility in the relationship as well. Don't put all the blame on your issues, communication is a couple's dance :)

My friends told me i sound like Luna Lovegood !!


Wooow I’ve learned so much. So powerful !

You sound the same from start to finish

im usually pretty normal-esque but my mood, stress and how tired I am can make me sound monotoned

The gift receiving one was giving me stress flashbacks to every birthday and Xmas I’ve ever had

speak yourself

This is phenomenal. I applaud you, Kane! More power to you.

I love this video so much. The way I am is just like you and it’s affecting my relationship with my girlfriend because I just don’t know how to communicate properly or be enthusiastic as I need to be

Lol I get rly awkward with strangers or even friends friends but when I’m being awkward I’m rly quiet, plain and boring and keep a straight face so I always end up giving a bad impression to everyone

Seriously this video made me tear. The biggest insecurity is my voice and speech. Ideas flash real fast in my head that I cant even make a straight sentence. To control that I talk slower and tend to whisper. But then people think i'm slow. In business its hard for people to take me serious because I come across as not confident. And it sucks. After many years this video gave me impulse to seek help. Thanks Buzzfeed. And Congrats Kane.

This video is amazing. I love Kane's glasses too

I'm so happy that more people are learning about speech language pathologists (SLP's ). Communication is such an important skill that is taken for granted. SLP's are really changing lives.

THATS SPEECH WAS SO FREAKING GOOD PLSSS YOU DID AMAZING. You’re an amazing speaker now I’m gonna rewind and see your growth I might cry lmao

is there a scientific reason why some voices are monotone

By like halfway into the video I could tell a HUUUGE skyrocket of improvement. And the further I watched, you just changed completely. The tone is more confident, you sound, I don’t know, more passionate more like an outgoing person who’s always positive. It’s crazy to see this change.

lmao i needed to watch a video about this cause my voice is straight up boring

I don't even have an actual own voice, I've always impersonated others, I get so uncomfortable having to speak seriously

Can someone make a poll on twitter or something to get every buzzfeed channel deleted please?

I’m the worse at eye contact

Only video I didn't skip

Super Helpful!!

The speech coach looks like Lady Gaga :)

This is one of the best Buzzfeed videos I’ve watched. And trust me, I’ve watched a few in my time ❤️

she kinda looks like lindsay lohan

Daniel Schiffer sent me here

"Why you look like you got heartburn?"

I'm taking notes.

I tell people I want to work with a speech therapist to become a better communicator and they all think I’m crazy. Thank you for this video!!!

Thank you for this.

so good

atleast hes not the boy chills

This is me 100% lol

i talk like that too omg thats terrible

This legit helped me to realise some things thank you so much

I need to work on how I talk to people in general lol If I was confident then I think I'd be fine

Wheres the scripted film

Wow this was genuinely so interesting. I’ve never thought about how much the way you speak literally effects everything. Mind blown

This is a fantastic video Kane! I find that this is a problem that more people struggle with than previously thought. Speech therapy is a great way to learn how to break down communication barriers between individuals and improve relationships!

yo wtf is this

my problem is that i am not able to listen anyone finish their sentence. and always people are like, "hello?" and i say "what?" and then i get kinda lil stressed??? because i need to listen their sentence lol

I really love this personal video. Thanks for sharing!

*The speech therapist looks like the woman from the channel Bon Appetit*

@11:51 I stopped watching

How to talk to your friends* I used to talk expressively all the time but believe me you will encounter people that you’ll eventually not wanting to spend any energy with. It saves way more energy and get you in way less troubles if you just stay monotone and mind your business

i genuinely loved this video and learnt so much myself


I couldn't help but notice how he really does end every sentence with "..." I'm so glad he's working so hard on self improvement

when my parents announced we were going to Hawaii I was so unenthusiastic. I'm really anti social :P

I speak like Hannibal Lector and I'm proud

Kane, you have and will continue to change lives by sharing this. We need to hear you. We need to hear “human” stories from people like you. Thank you for stepping way out of your comfort zone and showing us your truth.

Asian people speak like that

Dam I feel like my or I mean know that my biggest insecurity is my body, but I'm making changes and can't wait to reach my goal before I graduate high school.

I feel like I just witnessed a caterpillar explode out of its cocoon and into a butterfly. It was so powerful and beautiful to see Kane come out of his shell and really own who he is and the things in his life that have impacted who he has felt like he had to become. Suppression is a coping mechanism, but those coping mechanisms can be left in the rear view with self assessment and willpower. Beautifully done

He almost sounds robotic.

Honestly I feel like I'm borderline autistic so this video really helped me look inside myself for improvement

Love this video! Loved the tips and how you progressed

No offense but doesn’t he kinda act gayish

Not saying that it’s bad

I don't even know you Kane but I felt so proud of you watching this video. YOU GO KANE!

I never knew he was gay

Woah this is what the internet needs. Thank you, self improvement!! We all need a page out of this book!

I am very loud and eccentric so when people are monotone towards me I feel like I am constantly annoying them

This is so weird to me that he didn’t already know any of the stuff that the therapist told him, literally talking is what I do best so I thought this was normal stuff

God damn why is her voice so perfect...it's like top perfect it sounds kinda bad..??

If the Gabby show was a speech therapist

3:45 me on my period Dont come at me if u think that's tmi thx

Wow, this video was far more genuine and entertaining than I expected. Thank you for this!

My friend sounds more monotone

So relatable i love this. I’m so happy to know I’m not the only one and the fact that I know I can fix it is just so relieving. So many years of crying and confusion. Thank you so much for showing us this part of you.

Omg compare his voice with 0:06 and 16:08

Wow you can genuinely see the improvement throughout the video!! You seem so much happier aw!

This guy is me....

The therapist looks like Tessa Brooks

Omg his voice it is SO boring!

the impressions are similar to the impressions I've got, and I'm glad you got vulnerable and did the video! i want to spark my life with my tone too, and i'm glad that you went on this journey!

I need speech therapy. I can't say my L's or R's, and it just comes out as a "w" sound. help lmao

Wow she’s awesome!

I speak like a smart ass and I really don't mean to like I get in trouble for no reason and it's annoying

God forbid having a white person in video

And of course the guy is gay...

I need her in my life

Same bruh

Congratulations on your amazing process!

How did the hair transplant go?

Has anyone gotten through the whole 22 minutes of this video? I usually fall asleep around the 2-minute mark.

amy is mad sexy

Does anyone think the therapist sounds like siri

come on, face cum on, face

Four words. Burger King foot lettuce.

Dude don’t change your voice use it. Everyone is unique and who cares what others think

Damn, asking others opinion of him must have been nerve wrecking. I'd probably have a good cry after hearing everyone say they thought I didn't like them.

The black girl with the red lip sticks never looked that good? Damn

Stuttering does that to you, make you socially awkward, finally got rid of it and need to relearn how to talk lol

I'm monotone but it's part of my language (and culture!)

Chills needs this

whats the name of the song starting at 16:27? it's beautiful.


"what if i choke? i hope i wont choke"

kane is so cute

story of my life.

we love you kane

This is great video. Sharing vulnerability and the point of view of friendship. Love it great job.

dear buzzfeed, wtf is a boring voice xoxo planet earth

Thank you for sharing your story! I thought I was the only one. My problem is I don’t really know how to react about something and i always feel awkward when interacting with people. I also use a lot of hand gestures as I noticed. It’s weird ....

After hair transplant you still wear hat come on dude

Gets a hair transplant... wears a hat 24/7

Oh my god. She’s just like my theatre teacher

Okay so Mayhaps I cried

I feel like i need this but not severely

I have the same problem

I only found your voice boring till after you said it

He’s gay??? Not saying that’s bad I just did not expect that I am also gay so

Thank you for this! This is the most motivational & relatable video I’ve watched thus far. This speaks to who I am as a person & I want to grow and be able to speak up too! ☺️

This is so me in many ways. I'm struggling in comunicating for many years now. Thank you buzzfed for inspiring me to come out my box. I'm still hoping I could talk to a speeh therapist though

Wow I talk the same!! All of my friends said the same as yours, I hope those tips work

Just some advice: you seem to make everything sound so matter-of-fact in your speech, it's a little off-putting. However loved how hard you worked overall to sound and look engaging with your gestures. Hopefully you can learn to let loose and feel more comfortable soon, with practice! BEST OF LUCK!

how vocal coach lowkey looks like lady gaga as ally

Lol people these days are so weak

Literally that teacher should be ashamed of herself. Your job should be to encourage curiosity of children.

This is probably the only useful video buzzfeed has ever made lol.

Have you ever met my teacher?

Hahahahahahagahahagahagagaggagaga Gah! So Awkward... sooooo Me!

I'm just here for the power box!

off-topic but kane's nose is so cute!

LMAO, didn't know i needed this.

today we will be showing you the top 3 most

How did I never notice this???

Ok plz tell me I’m not the only one who did not know he was gay

This is the best content I've ever watched from buzzfeed. This video hit deep.

Sorry, but he’s kinda hot...



Hi. Everyone. I .guess. I’m. The. Girl. You. Love. To. Hate.

As soon as I heard boyfriend I dashed out

I see myself

the progression in his body language and speech throughout the vid is so amazing!!

this video made me realize that the fact that i keep eye contact with people while we're talking isn't weird

why does he remind me of Kyungsoo

How does he have a boring voice?

13:19 is when I really noticed the difference in his speech, really gives me motivation to change my own speech.

Yo I relate to this guy so much I hate my voice and everyone thinks I’m always mad or uninterested in them. Imagine how many friends I could’ve made throughout my entire life. They should teach kids this in middle school or sumn. I could’ve been a completely different person.

8:06, when you really see his monotone voice in action

I need this my voice is naturally shaky and it sucks! It makes me sound like I'm not confident or shy when I'm the exact opposite!

His best friend is so cute.

This hits home..I'm so proud of Kane! I also have a monotone voice and just as he's learning something new each week, I'm also learning stuff about speech. Great video!

I love this video so much

This is relatable to me! I do these things all the time

This was a beautiful video

These are the people that tell us that we are privileged while they are able to spend money to fix their boring voice

I’m a student SLP and I relate more to Kane than the therapist. Oof

Why am I so awkward I can relate

10:50 "Let's see what that [blue hat] does to your ass"

Okay kawhi leonard need this therapy, also if there exist, the laugh therapist too

I love this. I need this.

this dude wearing god dam boots 1:14

His hair looks so good now❤️

I love your voice, It’s calming

Has Kane got aspergers? I have it and I can relate

It’s crazy how you can see the changes throughout the video! It’s great I loved, loved, loved this!

This sounds all too familiar


“Why do you look like you got a heart burn”(3:36) I literally died laughing

It really is a shame for society that gay people are still afraid of their coming out. People are idiots. Live your life how you want gay people! If there is a god i'm sure he loves you too. I do. Do not let anybody hold you down!

Am i the only one who just realized that he is gay

@Parisclaire Myers Briggs Personality Indicator. Google it. It's not the gospel but it sorted my behaviors and tendencies pretty clearly

“i sensed a lack of interest” HAHAHA I like how he didn’t notice

Are you on the spectrum?

Very inspiring ❤❤

Me: i want to be that guy who talks...

I RELATE SM people think I'm being rude all the time but it's just how I am and talk ughhhhhh

Thank you Kane!

At 1:26 she sounds like a robot

i need speech therapy

This video describes me 100%

I love his speech! It was so good!

Number 15


I am literally bawling right now. I’m 21yrs old and one of my biggest insecurities is my speech. I have really bad speech anxiety so I tend to be super awkward in starting conversation, keeping up with conversation and ending conversation. I always wanted to go to a speech therapist but I hide this deep insecurity because I’m actually really embarrassed by it. I’ve learned a lot recently and have since improved my speech anxiety a little but by taking deeper breathes in between sentences but could really use more help. This video really inspired me to keep working on this insecurity and to not give up. Thanks BuzzFeed.

Every time she talks and is not on camera, she sounds like my GPS ☠️

Naomi smalls and Alaska Thunderfuck 5000 needs this.. Ahaha

Your voice isn’t that mono tone to me hahahahaha you should listen to me math teacher

Never knew Kane was gay

"Saving face." That really hits home. I've been hiding myself for so long just to "save" my face. So this has really inspired me to open up from now on.

“GET IM BOI” am I the only person that hears that dude yelling that from the audience LMFAO CUS I FIND IF HILAAAARIOUS

i used to have a speech therapist when i was three. not to fix the sound of my voice, but i actually had apraxia lol

I have one deep and sad voice, id rather no talk

You're doing amazing, sweetie

The opposite of him is JoJo siwa

The hair looks great!!

4:00 watch him talking in 1.25 speed and you can hear more emotion in his voice. He seems to speak at a very slow pace that makes him sound more monotone. I haven't watched this vid till the end to know what happens next btw.

I need help speaking louder

Anyone know what kind of cool lights those are?

im so proud of you my heart is warm

This is beautiful I can definitely relate seeing your documentary, I want to come out of my shell more. You’re amazing Kane thank you

I feel like I could benefit so much from this kind of therapist but Id be too embarrassed to actually go

this lady has a lot of great advice :0

Ben Simmons needs this

Maybe this is why i dont have any friends

this is gay

I’m so proud of u

*Anyone noticed how he OVER EXAGGERATED his 'monotone' voice? Gurl, bye.*

This video is very insightful! Thank you for sharing!

visit the philippine's mcdo and you will see nothing special, everything is common

all the love and support for you❤️

I'm shook

Fine I’ll watch it YouTube

this is definitely my favorite buzzfeed video in a long time

Really helps me, people always asking me if I'm bored or uninterested with them but im not, I'm just so awkward potato.

Bro this man has so many problems

never seen such a video that made me look at it from a whole different side of it and feel so much of it. I loved this sooo empowering !

Daniel Schiffer sent me here.

Your speech gave me goosebumps

Wait?! HE'S GAY?????

Wow, it's really educating people. It reminds me of my wrong things I've done!

Eye contact is the worst

I'm so like him and I'm worried if it could affect my future

He didn’t change

If you have trouble making eye contact, look at their nose or teeth.

why is this so relatable? :,))

The speech therapist sounds like Siri AHAHHAHA

This is meeeee

“Why you look like you have heart burn”

5:03 replace the first letter "g" with "c"

The chills channel guy need this

This was more wholesome than I thought it would be tbh

Stop making me cry

all the tips she gave reminds me of the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by carnegie which is a really good book


I just loved this video

This is what Chandler Bing needed

I love this honesty

Yoooooo who else needed this??

I never knew lane was gay

I don’t usually comment on buzzfeed video, but Kane, if you are watching this, THANK YOU! This video had help me realised a lot more about myself, that there’s a lot of resemblance between us, as a gay and monotone guy. I never knew that this could be fixed until u made this video, and i will favourite this and start fixing my speech too. So again, thank you Kane, for willing to be vulnerable and share this to the world, and i believe this video has and will help a lot of people like us who are facing the same problem. Love all your videos btw, especially the videos u made with your mom. :)

I didn't know that the way you speak could change the way others see you

where can I do this lmao


10:50 let's see what that does to his wHAT???

Me: ooo i should try this Speech therapist: *EYE CONTACT* Me: haha nope.

dio porco perchè sto a guardare buzzfeed invece che studiare

I could use this speech therapy but I'm broke so

Boring voices are better than emotional whiny voices.

Gets a hair transplant Still wears a hat

Definitely felt this before

8:05 i like this lady check out that patrón bottle!

thank you for being so open and honest. I'm sure so many people other than me appreciate it too. Keep up the great work!

I’m so proud


There is so many useful advice here that helps me as a non native english speaker. Many thanks!


This man has come a long way!!

Why the male workers at BuzzFeed are all gay

Is she pregnant

love this

I’ve already liked this video but I want to like this video like 5000000 more times because i feel so proud of someone I don’t know.

This dude is super insecure...

Wow the speach speaking and tone was awesome. Great job !!

Omg Kane has dimples

Go kill you'r self you stupit Gey

I really wish I watched this before I had to give a speech for my class

pink flower that’s the point he pushes his voice to hide his awkwardness lol

This video is about me and I feel attacked

the therapist seems very likable

This video hit me really hard, I am gay, awkward and an introvert all doesn't really help me. I grew up in a homophobic environment and I really speak not in a monotonous way like Kane but rather like I'm angry or like speak in a really tough way because like him I really don't like people to judge me or when I meet new people I also have to introduce not only myself but my sexuality. I really find it stressful and frustrating. Btw that Vocal coach lady is a ray of sunshine!

He could be really good for some acting jobs

Question real quick what are the lights he has next to him at 13:37?

You're incredible

my dude has some real insecurity issues. Gets hair transplant, get eyebrows done, speech box fixed. Live your life and accept who you are boo boo.

More than half of the comments look like essays...

What the gay

He looks totally different than seeing him in his first few videos, I’m very happy for him

this guy is so me i can't even deal

Oh yeah yeah

I think Casio won this time... sorry Roland!

Wish I could fix my mono tone voice too, cuz I'm a rapper and sometimes it doesn't sound right lol.

me: oh he's so cute! i would totally date him! him: i think part of being gay in the closet.. ect. me: 3:43 to 3:50

I'm very bad at being expressive, I definitely need this speech therapists help. I NEED to be EXTRA like Freddy!

When people first met me this past year, they said that I sound high..... What does that mean?

Why does his hair look even worse

I thought you wanted to change the sound of your voice

I cant hold eye contact because its way too Awkward

why does this matter

this was so wholesome ah

This coach is teaching expressive mannerism in a feminine setting, he really needs help from a man.

Am I the only one who doesn't see a problem with this?

One of the greatest buzzfeed videos. You did amazing!

He sounded normal to me

it’s also my problem

This guy is so me. I sound bored and unhappy af 99% of the time

Wtf did I just watch

They didn't like you because your gay

This is a joke

Omg the speech therapists speaking is so on point!!

Always i get a gift people think i dont like it

I appreciate this video.

I love Vietnam, and I think you're amazing Kane. ❤

I speak kind of monotone as well, and I'm a low talker so I understand this. I sound like I don't care, but I do alot about everything!

Wow u have made such an improvement! Honestly congrats man

Kane is trying to be so perfect all the time and he also tries to change those little things, Kane I swear, you’re perfect just the way you are, you don’t need to be skinny, have a low hairline or a perfect voice! Everyone else too, these little things make you unique, don’t try to change them !!

Once he pointed it out I noticed it djj

She's amazing!

Ok YOUTUBE , I'll watch it !

h E k I n D a T a L k S l i K e T h I s

Dude I can relate as well. I don't talk a lot. I should though. I need a speech therapist

Update on hair surgery?

Okay? I am so confused?? I have watched this video before? Is this not an old video? Mandela effect??

The first clips of this video compared to the speech!! WOWOWOW I’ve never seen how much speech therapy could change someone and give them their own unique expression

LMAOOOO I didn’t notice he was sad or crying until he said he was getting emotional

Like all the people around me say I'm monotoned and i absolutely hate it. I also don't notice it AT ALL either like i think my voice is fine. I really frickin hate it man

He sometimes sounds like pewdiepie

I didn't realize this video would go this way, but wow. You did so well on your speech! Especially the parts from 20:40 on, I can really hear the emphasis on your words! I'm so proud of you, and I learned a valuable lesson today. I loved the overall message. Thank you. Keep up the good work!

This is honestly the best video I’ve seen in such a long time

god damn, this is great

for someone with speech problems, this is inspiring as hecc. thank you, im so proud of you.

That is the first ever speech I’ve listened to and stayed fully engaged WOW! what an awesome turn around well done!

Okay, so. Anyone else in love with Brittany?

This is sooooo me with the monotone and lack of expression when im so excited in the inside

Wow this is helpful, this is the first time i hear about Speech therapist

Okay but why is there a bottle of Patron tequila in the back of the speech therapist office

i can relate so much!!

This dude needs RSD over anything. Speech is just the outter layer of what is natural. He has beta'd himself so much that he is afraid to interact with people


He nailed it ❤️

I just want to know about Kane hair implant, and how’s going on right now!

I’m always monotone and I don’t see why it’s a problem. I’m just minding my own business and chilling. I don’t see why it’s necessary to be so expressive. But for his life and his position, it makes sense why he’s doing this. But it’s not needed for everyone.

Wow, I got so emotional while watching this. I want to bring out my personality more into my speech as well!

I actually have a small lisp and i'm 15 so i was kind of disappointed that i didn't fix it when i was younger. But this video gave me hope. Thanks

Idk I think that, while not monotone, being less dynamic is something I’m comfortable with bc I’ve observed that exaggerated speech comes off as fake. It’s not everyone, but I just never wanted to come off that. People always know I’ll tell them the truth, not just a glittery story. I would trust him, and gravitate to him first, despite his tones. People still like him, too. I’ve heard way worse, but I’m glad he is working on something that can improve his professional life. I would do it for that reason too. Cool video!

Same here but idaf

So many losers love buzzfeed.

A lot of this stuff reminds me of me... and I have aspergers syndrome!

Guys, the majority of speech therapists do not do this!!! This is not what speech and language therapy is about

Oh wait...that's her reflection in the mirror

Kane had me crying ugh I love him!! As another asian in the closet thank you so much for this I honestly relate

3:32 "why u got heartburn?" Its his inner fire

damn i need to learn how to do conversations i have *anxiety* and i think i come off distant

Omg the improvement!!!!!!!!

This was a very helpful video I think that I can be monotone as well but that’s just my personality...

Amy is so good

First time I tried to watch this I get tired of hearing him talk

Ma name is JEFF

I feel like a proud mom lol

Wait, this *isn’t* a ted talk?

The hat makes me think the transplant didn't turn out great.

I'm actually crying. This was genuinely beautiful and shows how great speech therapy can be in uncovering why we talk the way we do.

Anyone else think that therapist looked like Lindsay Lohan?

No shade or anything but this is really funny to me, I finally understand why Americans think us French are rude. French is a monotonous sounding language we don't have stressed syllables or anything so at first i genuinely didn't understand what was supposed to be the"problem" with Kane. And about every things that were said to him the fact that he wasn't expressive enough in giving compliments or thanking people, in France it's rather frown upon to be too expressive (unless we're on strike of course) in any way talking to loud, smilling to much, people will tend to assume that you're fake or an attention seeker.

This was beautiful. Thanks, Kane, it was a wonderful journey.

OMG i just wanna hug Kane... got me crying at work!

Man I need a lot more fixed than my voice

everybody also thinks i hate them... i have exact same problem as you

Does anyone know the name of the song that was playing near the end?

Usually I can detect gay in some one but can’t detect it in him because of how monotone his voice is and I had no idea he was gay lol

woe amy, your cheating on lucas with buzzfeed now ?

Anyone else felt Kane on a deep level because of how socially anxious of a person they are? When i saw you cry i almost cried too. But by the end of the video i was smiling :)))))))

Now all I can look at is people’s hand gestures whilst there talking

It seems like he’s trying to fix his personality not his mono tone voice.. does anyone know what I mean?

My teacher has this voice and it's the worse thing in the world

Thank You for sharing Kane!

you need cuts to make a simple sentence

Soup Boy

You did so well! Fantastic job, man!

I only watched like 4 mins of it and... this dude just needs a psychologist.

Maybe something like this can work for me. I'm a large, tall Black man, with a very deep, monotone voice & all my life, people have said I come off as unfriendly or even threatening & that goes back to my childhood, and I wasn't bigger or taller than the other kid's. I'll have to look into this

I like the way you put words on the screen. It helps people with hearing problems like me understand everything. Much appreciated!

This is really unnecessary to say but dang that speech therapist talks like a elementary teacher and it bothers the crap outta me

Is it me or does the speech therapist sound like Siri?


Who else skipped to the end of the video to see the difference?

I loved that speech! The way that he speaks now better helps communicate what he is feeling and it makes his words sound more genuine! Fantastic.

Patron in the backround 8:41

I’m so happy for someone I don’t know

honey you are ok just the way you are. you look so sad trying to be somebody else.

I had no idea that speech therapists even worked on these issues!!! This is amazing!!!

Heartburn is a form of inner fire, no?!?

Number 15. Burger Kkng foot lettuce

another major change: STOP USING "LIKE" as filler words in sentences! that's a HUGE way to tell if someone doesn't know how to talk like an adult with eloquence. you can thank years of airheaded people and the internet for people thinking "like" is ok to say twelve times in a sentence. next time you talk to someone listen to how many times they use filler words...it's so annoying

I felt this. My voice has been the exact same problem in my life. People just think I'm chill, which I am. But people always want me to explain everything in such detail and I just.... Answer the question. This helped me a lot

Oh my gosh Kane; this was amazing. I'm so happy for you and I hope I can make these same changes in my life to improve my communication skills. I'm Filipino American, and I've always felt like when it came to serious issues or topics that we had to save face ti avoid confrontation and pay respect to those around us.

It’s so bad that he was one of the people who was laid off from buzzfeed, Kane was one of the most entertaining people there

I'm the same as this guy

What's the name of the scripted bid Jane was working on ??? I wanna watch

hey i’m insecure about nothing here’s a video about it

This lady could manipulate me so easily!

The world needed this vid... honestly

Loved this video ! Thank you for uploading !! It helped me realize a lot

i sound like a 7 year old boy and im 14


Aww I like his monotone voice. It's relaxing.


Too bad the voice coach had a terrible office for recording voices.

i also have monotone voice

What are the light tubes in the vid called?

I see a difference @ 8:29

10:51 this just became a VERY different video

This video could also be called “guy finds out he’s accidentally a dick”

That lady sounded like siri

I don't even like buzzfeed, but this video was really good.

FYI Kane was let go from Buzzfeed as part of the layoffs.

I can't believe they laid him off.

related to this on a spiritual level.

The hair transplant looks good

“Why am I so awkward” that’s a big mood

2:46 omg who is that

This girl is fun

@12 mins I feel the same, i don’t really talk to anyone and when I do it’s so awkward

Guess whos taking tips from this video. ME!

“Burger King foot lettuce”

1:29 that *oh my gooood*

Great video. These 23 minutes flew by so fast!

I'm really thankful. This videos helped me out a lot improving my english


wow only on buzzfeed

He's literally asian shroud

Jet Lee?

I think he has the tism

Feel like I lost brain cells listening to him talk

Omg she acts looks and speaks like a smart Gabbie Hanna

OMG... so good! I've been there

clicked on this video thinking: "whut"

Well, I will need to get to that speech therapy to learn not to run out of words in the middle of a discussion !

This guy is getting his job pay for him to improve himself. Eventually he is going to become perfect and eventually bcome the CEO of the company or leave buzzfeed and be super sucessful

Very inspiring!

The speach was great..I didn't think it would touch me like it did...really beautiful especially when he talked about coming out to him mom..it hurt me a little too

Just accept yourself smh

The speech therapist looks like the 'what if I'm the MONSTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER' girl

This was so heart-warming! Thank you!

-How is Amy Chapman related to Piper Chapman?- oops. I’ve gone too far

U dont have to fix or improve any aspects of urself. Ur gods creation in total perfection. Pls dont get stuck in the vicious cycle of self help/improvement

Why you look like you got heartburn? Ahahaha

Now fix your boring face


WoW. Loved everything about this vid. Awesome

This is the same lady that Lucas Cruikshank looked for, she's so nice

Eww gay

for the love of god, get the gum out of your mouth

You don't need to feel bad, Kane, you are perfectly fine! It's called phlegmatic type of personality, that's it :) But props to you for constantly improving!

Heard Kane got laid off.

Why does she sound like Alexa

I feel this.

Super cool, honest and open. Nice work!

she's very seductive

thats sooooo me. My inner world is blooming, shiny, basically fantasy on earth, but when it comes to expressing myself I can almost never say it the way I thought it. Thank you so much this was so eyeopening. Friends often tell me they thought I didn't like them, when in reality I was so fascinated by them, that I just wanted them to talk, so I could listen and learn. But then they stopped because they felt like, they talked about themselves the whole time.

She looks like lady gaga (sober)

I relate. everybody i get to know tells me "i thought you hated me" IM NOT MEAN I JUST DRAW MY BROWS THIS WAY

Who wants to see the hair transplant update!

Idk to be honest I feel like the speech therapist comes across really fake lol. Maybe it’s cuz she talks like a politician

OH MY GOD!!! I am mind blown! You look like an even better version of yourself!!!!! Amazing!

People always think I'm angry because I look angry and sound angry. But I'm pretty nice.

I have a calming deep voice for my age. But I make my voice more fun.


Is it just me or is this not also a really big anxiety thing?? This is how I talk in big social environments oh no

hol up, is he gay?

takakzu if he is soooo what

It's actually very calming You have great frequency

Looooove it kaane


Truth be told...and this is DEFINITELY a foreigner thing...all Americans sound monotone to me. In school they even taught us to mumble slightly when speaking English to sound like true Americans because enunciation and inflection wasn't "natural" sounding. His speech pattern is exactly the same as most if not all of my classmates in upstate NY. I was definitely spoiled by growing up in a Latin-American country where we are extremely expressive (overly expressive some would say), so my perception is obviously skewed. But Kane shouldn't feel too self-conscious when I think that speaking in monotones is pretty much how most of his fellow Americans speak. :) I think its absolutely fascinating!

His hair transplant failed

5:43 why am I laughing ygh

Btw I loved this video so much it was beautiful

„I really want a dick deep“

Can I hire a speech therapist to fix my gay voice xD

guys play at 1.25 playback speed

is that a gay promo video? thumbs down

Well, this was boring....

Hmm I needed to see this because people say I’m monotone too grr

I say making people thinking you hate them just by your voice is a gift

This was such a good video, It's too bad Kane no longer is employed at BuzzFeed. He was laid off among many others.

"You keep looking up at my flashy light." Well, why'd you put a distracting design element in front of your clients?

Burgerking foot lettuce guy needs this type of therapy.

Damn I just realised I had the same problem

for me all of this is natural , and its crazy to think about the fact that other people can't express themselves

Knees weak arms heavy Mom's sphagetti

Great viddo

I had to put the speed to x1.25 because his voice was too boring.

But for real she’s so cute

This man is getting his whole life changed

great. Every asian feels like that. I need to change my self like him

I'm quite surprised to find a good and relatable BuzzFeed video for once

You did a great job Kane



Congrats. And thank you.

Ok, eye contact is easier for some of us, and downright uncomfortable for others. If I have to maintain constant eye contact I have no idea what is being said because I'm so focused on trying to "maintain normal eye contact". Also, that was really honest and beautiful Kane. I saw a lot of myself, I often get confused about the difference of how I see myself and how everyone else sees me.

That speech was amazing!!! I loved the video, thank you for sharing this experience with us

Why did I yawn so many times before his voice changed?

How to become a British vlogger

I hate how hard it is to find the song they use at the very end. Can someone tell me what it is?

That therapist is soo good. The way she talks also makes me feel comfortable

Same goes to me,monotone, I can feel you 100%.. and shed. I've typed "monotone" on youtube and finally found a way to fix it, when I first clicked on this vid. It's helpful. Thanks a lot.

Why does the voice coach remind me of Gaga from ASIB?


He is not really monotone. He just have problem with speaking a little too slow (at least how he sounds to me). Maybe bc his brain processes the sentence slower, but I feel kind of tired hearing him speak.

i hired a dick expert to fix my boring dick

if you dont want to sound monoton speak like a gay guy....

that gut tho

Kane keeping his hat on just to tease us more

Half way through the video I can tell that your speech has improved so much! I love this video. Keep on inspiring and growing our man, Kane!

wait i actually relate so hard

im so proud of this baby rn

Wowow I can tell the difference in his speech

He went through that whole journey so that when he complemented the actor his response was just “okay, thanks”

-this is my voice one year on speech therapist-

wow, your speech was amazing

i actually cried during his speech... im so happy for him

Are we just going to ignore the bottle of Patrone on her desk? 8:01

Could he possibly be autistic?

number 15

We Arabs talk more with our hands and we an arab talks you would be surprised how much he uses his hands to express

He sounds totally normal to me, I feel this is an american thing? Americans are always so loud!!! Everytime there is an american tourist here everyone is like 'ok yeah there are the americans jeez...' In the Netherlands I feel we are a little bit more toned down as well.

“why... am I so awkward” *my life*

can u ask him to drop a video about his skin care routine lol

I’m not going to fake interest during small talk. It’s obvious and I hate it when people do that it makes them seem fake and condescending.

HAHA. WE ARE THE SAME BRO! But you are far more famous and accomplish in life than me. I really hope i can also change for the better, I really feel you when you want to cry because people just judge us base on how monotone we are. And this video is the first step for my success I believe. By the way, its not wrong to be gay. Its more conservative in Singapore because of the elderly here still have not open up. Its truly not easy for us. I really appreciate you making this video. It just show how honest and wonderful you are as a person. Most importantly, UNIQUE. :)!

Mark CC her hair and makeup was specifically what I was talking about.

Lmao why are u acting like no one knows who Gaga is besides ASIB?

We need better captions out here.. “it’s communicated that I’m a gay” isn’t cutting it

Do you notice his voice changing through the video?! Amazing!

pls stop recommending this to me youtube

I noticed a lot of asians I know have a monotone voice, why?

I dont like buzz feed but i can relate so much to the situation around it... everyone just thought i was mad all the time and because of that i didn't make a lot of friends. Even compared to today, people still believe that i am somehow angry all the time. ( my face looks like this every day : | , unless i am laughing or hanging out with my friends)

I never finish my sentences it drives a lot of people crazy

My voice turned boring after watching this.

I dont think your voice is that bad. Have you seen one of Chills videos on youtube? Super monotone and awkward, but still love him!

Funny how NOBODY mentions he might just have Asperger's! After watching lots of videos about it, this one came up in my recommendations and still nobody in the comments suggested it? Strange.

Good luck bro

Does anyone know what light tubes are used at the start of the video?

So turning a normal person into an American?

He’s so cute!

his spirit animal is a turtle

I heard Kane was let go in the buzzfeed layoffs and it makes watching this all the more heartbreaking. I've adored him for so long. Im not a guy, I'm not gay, and I'm not asian but I have felt a connection to him and found him inspiring. I can't believe they let someone who has made content like this for them go :'(

Jesus...If she was my speech therapist I would fall I n love with her.

'Let Me Hear You' by Pop Talk !!

Congrats Kane! You've made great progress

Hello... why is this hitting all my weak points?

Is he from LA originally? He sounds like LA

If I could give more than a single like to a video This one would be one to do it. Congratz Kane! I kinda have the same issue with coming out story and keeping part of personality hidden. But don't have the faintest clue how to fix it >.

5:46 hey Alexa

why does this woman look like she could be lady gaga's cousin?

Loooved watching this journey

Thank you for touching on how big of an impact parenting has on people... ❤️

subtitles are pretty distracting

But i feel as if its others peoples fault for assuming things about this guy too. Like, they almost judged themselves before judging him. Like "ohh theres something that he doesnt like about me, im not going to engage". Maybe its this lack of engagement thats grown him into the person he was. Almost like he got use to this type of engagement. Idk... just an opinion. Lol. Seems like a cool guy before the therapy.

wait hes gay whaaaa

im a chick version of him before the speech therapist. i get told i sound stuck up all the time...

What is the song at the end?

gosh why do people put all their business on youtube? *heavily invested in watching this*

That speech therapists eye contact though.

who is here from Lucas' video

This was so cute and that speech was adorable

This is one of the most legitimately inspiring videos I’ve watched in a really long time. I connect with your story on so many levels!! Thank you for using your voice.

*number 15*

kane your speech made my tear up!! also i just wanna say i appreciate all the videos you do for buzzfeed. they are always so interesting and you can really tell you put so much thought, work, and heart into it--but in a human way, not like look how hard i work and how successful i am for it way. thank you for all of it!!!

My friend recommended this video for me because people always assume I'm rude or hateful or dislike them because of how I speak. I'm actually crying. This hit me so hard.

How does his hair look like ???

i started crying during this im-

I have been thinking a lot about seeing a speech therapist for spasmodic dysphonia and this video sealed it....now to see if there is someone who can coach me on how to speak while dealing with the voice crap! It would make my videos so much better!!!!

A lot of us monotones grew up with quite parents. Or non expressive/animated parents.

Killed that speech Kane!

good speech!

I usually tune out of others' coming out stories. Kane's story is somewhat relatable. I have a huge respect for him.

I don’t have this problem at all but the ebony chick is cute doe

You're such a darling. Seeing how smiley you were with Freddie was so lovely

Thanks for making this vid.. it got me thinking about myself.

We wanna see the hair Kane.

If this guys voice is monotone I'm in big trouble. My voice is 100% more monotone than his.

I am curious if his parents are quiet and shy?

To all the Kardashians and Jenners

My voice is pretty calming apparently Ive been told, maybe a little monotone. Its surprising since Im in sales as an Account Executive in Tech lol. Maybe I should try working on it....just to sound excited when a deal closes

This is what I'm afraid of. People pointing out stuff about me (like from 2:09 to 3:27) that I don't see at all. Like what if my perception of how I come across to others is way different than how people perceive me :o

this was very interesting and inspiring thank you !

gets hair transplant, to rock a buzz cut???

I have a similar problem. I've been wanting a speech therapist for a while now but thought they were only for children. So, I was embarrassed to even like try to look for one and explain my problems. haha But, watching this .. I gotta say THANK YOU !

I live this video

The therapist looks exactly like /Lady Gaga back in 2008

Are we gonna ignore the fact that instructor is so BEAUTIFUL

The way they were talking in the lesson sounds like bad actors in porn. Because it's so *dirty*

She's really great

Man she's good!

That speech therapist is hot

That speech therapist is so sexy.

I relate to this video so much. I too had to learn to be a human. Don't feel bad. All that matters is that you're making an effort. ❤

Gosh I relate so much I feel like I’m so awkward and I feel like my teachers think every time they approach me, they feel like they’re disturbing me and that I’m disinterested, but it’s not the case...

Ad (+existential journey)

The "I did too" 2:38 lmao

She is sexy

This was really powerful. Thank you for making this.

6:12 is that a bottle of patron on the far left??

This really speaks to me, thanks Kane. Really motivational video, I needed that.

This video is really eye opening. I have the same problem. Pair that with my shyness and you get a girl with a lot of barriers and missed opportunities for friendship. Before this video, I viewed my speech and shyness as "not my problem". If someone misunderstands my monotone voice, it's their fault for judging before really getting to know me. Also, I know people who have big reactions but constantly roll their eyes behind backs - aka fake people. So I've never had a desire to be less monotone because I thought it would seem fake. Now I realize that this IS my problem, and it's preventing me from living my best life. I need to start changing. (Speak Yourself!! Connects so much more now!)

just make a top 10s youtube channel, your voice will do great

Kanes problem isn't speech... he lacks social skills. He on the autistic spectrum.

this is the lowest test count group of males I have ever seen in my life

I think I just found my doubleganger

btw good work, imma start working on my social skills as well

not his fault. asian households are usually limited when it comes to emotional expression

this is not related to speech issues. in this case he's got other issues closely related to confidence and self-esteem.

This saved me a speech therapist

The therapist is so beautiful! Gosh I have a crush

I'm going to be honest...I wasn't expecting an epiphany of my own when I clicked this video. So many of his words struck a chord in my own subconscious insecurity, they show me that I can help myself in the same way, that I can be helped. I never realized that my expressions, like his, affected people in ways I never meant. I feel inspired to learn to be able to express myself better!

Why is he forcing himself to talk like that? I've never heard him speak that way in any video before.

change title to , Therapist tries to fix asain

Id fk her (the therapist)

2:20 "Are you mad? Are you FUSStrated?"

I thibg you intp Edit: i think your INTP


I really love the specialist

People always think I'm angry or think theyre annoying me when in reality I dearly want to be liked by them and joke around. my 2 years of college were absolute hell for 2 years I couldn't make any friends and since I was so dry, direct, insecure and overall just a quiet person and even when I thought I was being nice I was so scared they thought I was being sarcastic when giving them a compliment .. I wish I could go back and redo all of it. this video gives me a little more hope that I can open up but I don't even know how I got closed off to begin with lol

This is like a veteran psychopath teaching a new psychopath how to blend In with normal people!

This was so freaking relatable

I am half Chinese (and totally assuming that Kane was raised by a similar culture) and my Chinese side of the family does not know how to emote. Where do you think the cultural application of 'Inscrutable' comes from? So, people influenced by Asian culture (their families) living in the over the top world of America! (where everything is so LOUD) well - the 'language of expression is different. I also personally think that people who may not be naturally introverted people but who were heavily influenced by a reserved culture, tend to think they are expressing and emoting in a far greater way than they really are. You seem like a smart, talented person in this expose and at first, I really liked your commercials but people often make the mistake of being douchey and playing them too long on air. I really did like them at first but when they become played too much they become that annoying person who won't leave your house.

Omg this is totally me!! I use to be very expressive in my way of talking, but until people said I was being too loud when I thought I was speaking at a normal level, or when someone said " lol you talk funny, like the way you raise your pitch when you talk" and just being told to be quite slowly made me loose my voice, I started to keep things short with a boring voice and I became anxious, I COULDN'T EVEN LOOK PEOPLE IN THE EYES

@buzzfeedvideo , how much does a speech therapist usually charge per session or hour

wow, I can totally relate with him...

Ayyy he knows being gay is a "fault" aka not normal

Wow I didn't know that a monotonal way of speaking can alienate this many workmates.

great stuff.

You can hear the difference in his conversational abilities. Damn. Definitely for the better.

Love this episode. Quite wholesome

Mehh, if these guys would talk with me they wouldnt think you are boring ore anything else =) And i cant fix it for all my life... And, hell, where did you get these brown boots?! Wanna buy the same.

Take your hat off

Didn't change much. Pitch was much higher during the speech due to the nervousness.

I didn't know Gaga was also a voice therapist. Such a multi talented queen.

I hope he isn't changing himself to impress other people.

Last video i saw he was straight and now hes gay. Cool

Copiying Lucas much?

I skipped to the end and can’t hear the difference :/

*snapsnapsnap* For the whole video. And especially for the mini-therapy session!!❤️

I am so grateful this video is made. ❤️

If be a great speech therapist....now I understand why children, special kids and pets love me.....yo I can do this.

I've been told I had a very monotone voice. Ig that would explain why I dont have many friends.

Looks like he is ready to be the step-dad to the SLP's two kids from her previous marriages.

I feel personally attacked by this video.

That woman doesnt have a real job

6:29 when I heard that the pervert in my mind couldn't stop laughing

There is a very important culture component there. To me, as non American, this way these Americans express themselves is annoying and sounds fake. It took me years to filter that out and understand that's just how they speak.

just tell people you're gay and they'll be like "ohhh it all makes sense okay, and then they'll apologize TO YOU!"

wow more than halfway thru the video he said he was LMFAO, k just tell ppl the truth and they'll understand

I liked him before too.

Sweet Man, your pink hat was already telling.

Always say less than necessary

Disliked because of him faking being monotone.

Dude, I am you. Except the gay part.

the hand movements are a bit cringy to me...

I have a monotone voice and I can't compliment anyone without seeming sarcastic

Great shot at 16:31 gave me chills !!

literally me ... I have such a monotone voice that I personally don't recognize but everyone makes fun of me for it because I just don't believe it ... so I can relate 100%%%%%

Why does he have that many of the same hat?

*gay voice

great story Kane!!

I have the same problem lol

*monotone squad wya*

I'm monotone around people I don't know well lol

"Introvert tries to convert to extrovert" ;DD thats more like what this is about xDD

I'm just really distracted by Amy's fiddle leaf fig whoops

As someone who has had to do a lot of voice work, it’s so interesting seeing his voice become more expressive through this video. Good one you, Kane, for this entire journey

As a future speech pathologist i LOVE this video

Hey it’s me

That buzzfeed lady who has endometriosis needs this bcs she sounds boooooooo000000ring 24/7

you sound like a young Sulu. Say Oh my!!! and embrace it.

Proud of you

Wow that speech therapist Amy changes her look every time

Growing up my family always told me to talk soft and quiet because I was too loud. With that mindset I got used to it and so I would tend to be too soft spoken. But eventually it bit me back in college where professors told me to speak louder when talking, but when I raise my Voice it comes off as too aggressive.

Bruh stop wearing hats ur gonna kill your new hair

I was about to say that I don't think a speech therapist (speech language pathologist) can ethically help someone for that reason. Unless they have flat affect which is a medical condition. But she's a speech COACH.

When he told the story about being 6 and being told not to be so curious and stop asking question.... I felt that

I love monotone voices

Prolly a lot, look up YouTube videos instead lol

Shivraj Koli yes, not the point of the video

He looks better with out a hat. It's like a security blanket .

Well, you should hire someone else fo fix you boring content instead.

this is my voice 1 week with a speech therapist... tHiS iS mY vOiCE afTeR oNe moNtH wItH a sPeEcH thEripISt

He talks to the girl super confident and faster. Everywhere else, he speaks slower.

The real ones stayed after thinking u didn’t like them

So basically you have to lie to become a better talker I don't like that + It is to hard for me to pay attention to what other people are saying so it makes my speaking skill boring.

Oh nooo

How’s the hair transplant?

I hope this video helps me

ugh... the world making introverts feel like they have to be converted into extroverts... :(

He's like an Asian me lol

Anyone else notice she does that bottom lip extension in a very Donald Trump kinda way.

This is why I don’t do sarcasm everyone thinks I’m serious


So the video is let’s publicize my insecurities and make money on them

you're like Kevin spacey but doing it for the views you really pulled the gay card on a video titled "I hired a speech therapist to fix my boring voice" lol this should also be a flag for you for investing all your time and effort on a video for a chance llike buzzfeed, rather than working on your own image. surprised you didn't do this on your own channel

I'm new to this guy, but my impression is more that he's unexcitable rather than monotone.

Are employees at Buzzfeed basically guinea pigs?

I'm proud of you!!

I need this entry-level class and all of the subsequent levels after. Where can I get this? (I’m joking but if it does exist please tell me!)

Anyone else thought of Burger King foot lettuce?

yes, everyone has a fire within!!! no, it's not your heartburn!

Has Kane ever been tested for Asperger's?

Carlos Alvarado what do you mean

You can fix the way you talk??? Damn

It’s not your voice. It’s you

Oh my gosh, this is a great video! I think I need her in my life--I have a lot of the same problems you do with speaking...and people Alo thought I hated them when they first met me! Yikes...

damn i tought that was a hot therapist until i saw this on the bottom of my screen 9:23 but she is still low key sexy with her speech and smile lol o.O

He doesn't sound monotoned to me

You shouldn't have edited the speech so much. Of course it doesn't sound as awkward when we don't hear the pauses.

9:54 超可愛い~ omg

The therapist is driving me insane with all her extaragged gestures and her facial experissions

Thanks for sharing you're journey Kane! This is very inspiring for me to work on myself!

Just come to Britain, we are just the same over here

I'm only about 6 minutes into this but I totally relate to Kane here! Most of my friends have said they thought I was "cold" or "closed-off" when I met them because I'm, well, monotone like him! Hopefully this will help me sound more friendly to others. I have a warm heart, just not a warm voice (I guess)!

Why this dude is always so insecure in every video?, he is always in this type pa videos.

@5:20, what was the finger on the thigh supposed to do?

Dont try these tipps in europe. People might be disguisted.

Marl what do you mean???

Smoke less weed?

Actually a good video that resonates with me. Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing this experience.

oh man, eye contact is the worst for me. I look at the sides every time I talk to ANYBODY, except, my mom and brother.

Mink He’s very out of practice. His white girl friend is a master of that though (in the video). I need to learn her ways! @.@

You don't have to be extroverted to be sociable!

I agree with you... what we thought was not our issue, really affects us negatively in the long run.

I need this. Where's my speech therapist.

So deep and touching! Huge support! Hard to face our insecurities and harder to overcome our fears, u did yourself proud and earned your family face.

What’s wrong with being monotone tho I’m confused. why doesn’t he like that? Shits fun being monotone

This dude is the millennial peak

This took a lot of bravery, Kane! Proud of you.

加油!好勁啊你! 越來越有自信,真正既勇敢係面對自己再改變自己。 我會好好向你學習

My friends all tell me I’m monotone. But they say it makes me stand out, because I seem so chill all the time. So I don’t see it as a negative

Kick ass job dude.

Man. I relate to this so much, it made me emotional. Every single thing you learned and shared in this video is going to improve my life as well.

Kane! I have the same exact issue as you. People say they can never tell how I'm doing and that I'm bad at expressing my true emotions; and I also think it stems from me being closeted for so many years suppressing myself! I have never found a video more relatable and the advice she gave is really helpful! :)

Same for me people I meet ask am I angry or interviews go bad cause they ask am I actually interested and I thought I spoke normal towards people

Maybe I should go to a speech therapist because I am literally the same person.

I would like to see you in a blue hat - let’s see what that does to your eyes *(ASS)*

My teacher should watch this video

ahaha am monotoned too.. :-D people fall asleep if i speak :-D. I shall work on my speech pattern too.

bruh I feel the same way this guy feels you gotta get to know me because I dont look/sound very friendly at first when I really am and I just dont express it as well as others. Like I cant just laugh/smile out of nothing during conversation it just feels fake to me so I dont do it.

I started balling when she assured Kane that it wasn’t his fault

"You always say things are pretty good when it's excellent" so it's not ok to have a difference in option and everyone must think the same way and say the same things, I'm so glad that I don't rely on the approval of others to make me feel gratified, don't like my voice......f@ck you!!! But that's me

Very cool, Kane Can we hire a speech therapist for the YouTuber "Chills" now?

This was so powerful. Thank you so much for being vulnerable and taking us on your journey.

I feel you brother

Wow I feel this so much. I’m not gay but I can see how my mom made me feel like I should keep things inside and my voice is super monotone. My friend at work always tells me people don’t think I like them just because I sound unenthused about everything. But I’m like you, I’m actually a joyful and chill person on the inside. I just wish it wasn’t so hard for me to express myself. I’ve been trying to work on it forever but I just get discouraged because it seems to come so much easier for most other people. I’m an INTJ so I think it’s a common problem that we have to pause a lot and we’re just bad at saying what’s in our mind. But I want to be engaging.

Requirements to work at BuzzFedd - Be a skillful professional - Be gay

Why do you write random words on the screen

It's cool that he wants to do this, but I can offer a different perspective. I have depression, and it's a normal daily thing for me. So often my answers are "pretty good" or "ok" etc. When I really do feel strongly about it, I just can't express the same enthusiasm as most people. So for me, it's upsetting when people comment when I say I feel "pretty okay today"

My friend act and sound just like him, and he is diagnosed with asperger.

+Marisa Ruiz He has some of the primary markers of Asperger Syndrome and it could be a possible reason behind his monotone speech. When he was asking the people around him how this make them (and him) feel, and also his reaction to them... I could go on. It all made me wonder.

Same. Too much movement...

Singing and performing is actually just a hobby for her. THIS. This here is her main thing.

Too much hand movements make me really uncomfortable...

Where can I watch the short film and where can I watch the Boston University speech? (found the short film but wheres the Speech) WHY CAN'T I FIND THE FULL SPEECH and Q&A?

“we all have inner fire. Why do you look like you got heartburn?”

Oh wow his speech at the end blew me away! My heart ached and I started to tear up as I started to relate to him. Thank you Kane for being so vulnerable and honest, I feel like your words reached a part of me I didn't realize was hurting.

We have the same problem


His slow monotone irritates me but I’m watching cause I love the speech therapist

"Why you look like you got heartburn?"

If someone doesn't like your monotone voice, that's their problem and they don't deserve to be in your life. Don't change yourself for other people.

watching him implement his lessons as he progresses throughout the video warms my heart

Finding your voice is a key element if you want to be more outgoing with the world around you. When they were talking to Kane about "inner fire"; and when he was shocked that someone thought that he hated them for 9 months... I dont know, to me it seems like he cannot connect his HEART to people. The speech therapist touched on an important note which was vulnerability. Kane is very focused which can work against him to make him appear unenthusiastic, but if he focused also on being vividly present in the Here and Now people would take notice of him more and see his value.

Sooooooyyyy boooooyyy

Love every bit of this video man, awesome job, very inspiring and definitely keep it up!

I never considered his voice to be boring until he mentioned it. Now I think it's boring.

This video has touched me so deeply, because I relate so much to you and your struggles and it's inspired me to want to do better and improve upon my close relationships.

What’s the movie they’re working on? That they show toward the end of the clip

Upwards inflection are for questions.


This was eyeopening Thank you for making this video

It was great to watch this video. I never thought of a speech therapist to help with the topics you cover and how it affects the tone of your voice.

02:19 this guy’s lips reminds me of kim possible. Don’t know why I needed to say that.

I wasn't sure if you liked me actually

Youre right your voice is really boring

that's answers many questions :/

Ending song name?

It so hard to talk. Even foreign language. Me too it's hard to communicate for foreign people. But most of all I like it. You show me this video build more confidence. I'm sorry if I'm talking sweet things about your productivity, but most of all I like it. I need to talk or consult on speech doctor so I can adjust my accent and words. Thank you for this video . I need to change. Very Need to change.

You ask too many questions. How sad is our school system?

IF THIS ISNT ME!!! I feel attacked

Eye contact is my main issue, like how do you know how long and like how little and it's really awkward to look people in the eyes, bit if you don't they think your not interested

Wholesome content

Maybe I should go to a speech therapist because I am literally the same person. Edit: Wow, I cried from a buzzfeed video. I really should visit someone.

That’s the same thing

she looks and sounds just like her


Do you live in Cali, if sooo... it’s quite dry! Toast with no jelly and no butter!

his teeth are so pretty wtf

This gave me confidence! I talk alot on my job, so this gave me so many new tips to get my point across! Thank you

Well done young man.

I’m like this but only when guys approach me especially when they flirt. I shut everything down

Kane ;___; your speech made me teary eyed. You've come such a long way.

Why can't we just let people be themselves? Instead of constantly trying to change awkward or introverted people why can't extroverts learn to be more understanding of difference and appreciate uniqueness? We can't all be cardboard cut out talkshow hosts and we shouldn't be. I found this really sad :(

Go Kane !

Still can't change my monotone

I'm not a native speaker... does "come on face" means what I'm thinking?

in the situation she said that in, it does not mean what you are thinking.

I feel like there's no problem with the way he speaks. If he speaks like this for a speech or presentation, it makes sense. However, to hear him speak so unlike how he is sounds disingenuous.

I find hand gestures in that particular area offensive and annoying.

especially theirs.

Is it because he’s trapped in the closet gay? And if he is out the closet is he trying to hide his flamboyant?

some people are just that boring, just because someone stretches their mouth out sideways doesnt make them interesting

I think he’s gay

I dont typically watch BuzzFeed but I am very glad I watched this video. Great job Kane, keep killing it out there!

The therapy insights were beautiful and self-actualizing and I'm so happy for him, but kinda miffed there was no actual change to "his... like, California musicality?" I get that speech is personal, but it's also social and learned, and I was a bit surprised that the speech therapist was so participatory in those cultural affectations she couldn't provide any insights to counteract them. Maybe she did and they were cut from the final version, but that would've been day-one for me if I had to help a young person who'd learned how to speak from 2000 to present-day media.

Brother why did you edit your speech in the auditorium at Boston? I wanted to hear all of it.

I started bawling oh my god

+M R He has some of the primary markers of Asperger Syndrome and it could be a possible reason behind his monotone speech. When he was asking the people around him how this make them (and him) feel, and also his reaction to them... I could go on. It all made me wonder.

This guy is annoyingly gay

You REALLY embraced the process and looked deep inside yourself through the whole video. Great job, that's reeeeally hard to do and you deserve major props for it. Keep being awesome

Never really liked buzzfeed, I don’t know why. But I know that they dish out some really good content so for that you guys earned a sub. I also have problems with speech & this actually help me realize about the way I speak and everything else that communication entails. Thank you for this.

Great video. I'm happy I watched it!

im monotone asf, my bf doubts my love for him because of it.

money buys him hair, voice, and probably something else

PS: I love your speech at the end. You're amazing.

I don't think there is anything wrong with his voice or attitude. That is just his personality. More introverted and that's okay. Eventually he made friends and all is good.

11:50 yayy society :P same. same

Can someone please tell me where I can buy those god damn RGB led rods that Kane has in his room

Excellent video!!!!!!

Thank you and im so proud of u !


This video Is so damn interesting.

This video got very close to me. Sometimes when I've heard myself back from a recording or a video, I'm astonished at how my voice may come across waaaaay different than I intended. Sometimes I even questioned myself, "was I angry?" to which I realize that I wasn't. I can relate so much to Kane, not only with (perhaps) the monotone voice but hiding my sexuality for so many years, being the quiet guy; this whole thing adds up.

It's really really really really amazing videos !

This all seems so fake: the people in it, how they talk, everything. Oh yeah, it Buzzfeed....

Good content

This is so related to me in everyway. I'm just like you and I'm always trying to improve my speech over time

Hmm....Amy is really good I mean from the first moment I saw her in the video I feel like she is really happy... I guess that's her work and she is doing really good

Hey, is that speech therapist doing anything Friday night? Get a drink or two, maybe watch some Netflix and chill ;)

"I'm in training to be a human right now"

Just b yourself

What a great speech. I relate to this and i think many of our generation do. Thanks for putting this together and allowing yourself to become vulnerable in order to grow and show others the bravery and love that occurs after you push through the fear.

You kinda sound like Ryan Adams

BuzzFeed is so whiney

Learning how to communicate more effectively is the real life hack nobody talks about

This hits close to home. Add to that people here are usually monotone, and ADD to that I have resting btch face and ADD to that I am introvert. It’s like I am asking for people to not like me :/

I have such good eye contact, sometimes I feel like I’m starring into there soul

Read something today talking about a lot of people have a sense of shame when expressing themselves, like they should not speak up at all because their ideas will not be welcomed. This video is really helpful in exposing such deep insecurity that we normal don't talk about, all people have the need to express sometime, but in some culture it was not encouraged to do so. Great job Kane, really great content.

Wasn't expecting this but watching the video made me realize that im on the same boat. I too was in the closet growing up and I felt that im not interesting and i tend to turn off people because I'm either too shy and awkward and my communication skills aren't that great. Thank you for doing this project!

This is so cool! We can see his speech improving throughout the video :)

I also have a monotone voice. After seeing this video, I guess it comes from my desire to hide my struggle with social and general anxiety. I’m sure most people I know would say they didn’t think I liked them. I can imagine how much it hurt this guy to hear his coworkers say that.

I'm watching this to help improve communication in my life.

Just wow! The video itself about the speech was interesting but when he shared his story... It was relatable ish in a different way so felt a bit emotional Thank you for sharing :)

Aaaaaanw i love this guy

is she just a speech therapist or a life coach? cos she gives so many helpful tips!

Damn I didn’t even know he was gay wtf

This is harder for me because I unintentionally frown, my eyebrows love each other, and my eyes and mouth is droopy so I always look angry. I also have a very low voice so I ALWAYS try hard to make my voice sound upbeat because I am a really outgoing person, I love talking and getting to know different people. I also laugh a lot and do the effort to approach first. But I still get those bad first impressions :( I have a lot of close friends online (games), like literally a lot, that is because they could only read my words, not hear it and also not see my facial expressions, but in real life I rarely get good conversations because they are scared to open up to me and think that I am so upfront and strict T_T Lucky you, you have a pleasing charismatic face :) You definitely improved in speaking along the way in the video. This is very helpful because I have a monotone voice as well. Good job!

I honestly didn't think anything was wrong with his voice.

are u from Hong Kong? cuz u speak Cantonese

i feel you man

Watching this, I see myself in him all over!

I seriously love you so much! Everyone feels like this, not everyone is perfect at communication and thats okay!

we want an update of the hair transplant!

Learning how to speak with a midwestern accent

this video actually hits hard

I need Amy

who is this beauty at 2.50?

Being an anxious person and very expressive with my voice I appreciate monotone voices because it feels like everything is actually chill and safe lol

What was the scripted video he directed? It looked super cool!!!

I really can relate with Kane.

Oh my gosh, finally someone else going through speech issues like me! This has inspired me to finally be brave enough to find a speech therapist. Its my biggest insecurity that's ruining my life, wish me luck!

Felt asleep like 10 times xD just kidding

Seriously wtf

what are you talking about? lol it's a whole profession

Such a good speech

Thank you. You saved my life

They always talk about gay people coming out to straight parents but what about the straight kids coming out to gay parents?

I think your voice is smoothing lol


Kane u own my

I need this because my mind is very fast and sharp, but my mouth just spurts out blaaaaaa and can’t keep up. I’m also very monotone my voice isn’t very noticeable. My brain tries to say two same sentences in different ways at the same time.

oh hi lindsay lohan

I swear Kane is me. I also try to improve my communication skills.

La terapeuta transmitió tanta confianza que la quiero para mejorar mi discurso!!

Nole same!

Wow. ❤️

Lack of interest... I've gotten that alot.

Buzz feed will be gone before 2020 archive this vid

Move to New York and get a job at Starbucks and you will be singing your words through your ass.. Crash course.

Well done! brilliant video and loved your speech :)

ill be your friend...

But where can I get that cute pink cap?

I had a friend in college who is kind of like Kane and I made it a point to be friends with him not only because he was cute LOL but because I liked hearing reactions from him.

God. I can be a speech therapist, but I need speech therapy also.

Try having a thick Icelandic accent

He could be the potential replacement for *CHILLS* tHe BuRgEr KiNg FoOt LeTtUcE guy

He sounds like the Asian guy from the good place

It is helpful to learn communication as it aids in the workplace but introverts and extroverts are wired differently. It is not a flaw. Perhaps extroverted individuals should understand that introverts do not 'hate' everyone. We just internalize so much. Would highly recommend Kane to read Susan Cain's book called 'Quiet', which also discusses American Asians and cultural differences in communication.

I have a boring voice too

its me haaha

Excessive eye contact would get you beaten up in Scandinavia lol

beautiful! now I understand my boyfriend better. thanks

has your hair growed

bruh why are my eyes sweating

Seems like he is enjoying some free speech

this was amazing .. i didnt know what i was getting into when i clicked this !!!

What does a keyboard need to do with speech therapy?

I love him. He is so inspiring.

I can do what you ask... but not eye contact. ever

i love himmmmm

That speech therapist is outstanding.

"To give the most honest and inspiring speech"....errrrr.... be yourself?

I have a monotone voice too

Well done to him but honestly he was still cringe and awkward.

Now I think I need a speech therapy..I have the same problem

Is that a patron bottle on the desk behind her at 8:30 ??

I don’t understand eye contact. Sometimes it can be a bit toooo intense so sometimes looking away is the way forward (at least that’s what I think) but then people assume you’re shy or have bad interpersonal skills when it’s not the case..

Am I the only one who thinks the speech therapist is really, reaaaally attractive ? :D Just the way she speaks ... wow, dude ... :D

My biggest problem is that 90% of everything i say to people outside of my family is answered with "What?".

Are all BuzzFeed people gay or what?

Hair transplant, voice change... dude wtf wrong with man nowadays...

I feel like Kane is every Finn ever xD i see nothing wrong with his speech lol

Damn, is this guy me? Also, I was tempted to take some lessons with Amy ... until I looked up the price tag. $250 for an evaluation and $200 per lesson? No way I can afford that.

I was just waiting for the Speech Therapist to bust out like “I’m off the deep end....watch as I dive in... I never MEET the ground”

I’m not sure I understood the difference or the issue.

this is my first time watching you and wow I never realize how much I am like you but I have a stutter that I have no control over which makes things even more worse for me :(

*Cringy 1st. world problems*

Ooof you could really notice it click for him throughout the video

This was super helpful thank you!

we could tell u were gay in the first place :/

"why do you look like you got heartburn?!" 3:31 :')

yes i have the same problem.. people think i dont like them because im not very emotional. great life :D

The therapist is annoying

This video made me feel a little bit less weird about myself. Thank you for opening up

Why does she remind me of Lady Gaga o.O?

hehe good one. message me.

Except there are thousands of coaches out there on that.

1:37 the reflection on the right side got me so scared

You inspired me to seek speech therapist.

Still won't fix your boring personality


Maybe i should get a speech therapist

I think ur gay dude .

This guy is just like me. Everyone thinks I hate them but I am too shy to tell them that I don't

this dude sounds like an AI program.

Dude, you have what you're looking for already. Just do more of this 0:29 (6 seconds).

"Really? wooooooahow"

I cried! Love THIS video

Buzzfeed should do a video on a beta male trying to become an alpha male

That "therapist" just runs every chapter of Dale Carnegie's best seller HtWFaIP. Better read the book yourself.

are all buzzfeed employees gay lmao


Apt name

Ohhhh didn't notice that thanks btw

she is not only helping with speech, in her introduction they said something about teaching singers - there a keyboard is useful to highlight the different singing notes

You implanted 1mm short hair? 0.o Dude you could have had big ass dreadlocks or something cool xP

How can i get better at speaking? Any tips? Let me know! Thx

Make a video on why I left buzzfeed

Thats such a good speech!!

Pure awesomeness :)

I hate how these peppy americans talk with these uptones at the end of words... Honestly i couldn't deal with it.

Ohhhmagashhh.. u are totally like me.. flat tone, awkward when giving speech in public, awkward when meeting new people.. and problem is, I'm chinese too.. now I'm questioning whether or not your parents brings u up the way my parents did? Cz that's where probably where we got it in the first place... I really hope there's a speech therapist in my country now.. I really would love to learn how to speak to people, and show emotions..

Love that ❤️

The stuff she talks about I've never thought of

same here! i need her to make a youtube

Why don't you hire a filmaker to fix this boring video?

Burger King Foot Lettuce

This was the best buzzfeed video I've ever seen.

This is my favourite video on youtube. Thanks for sharing this.

I’m not gay but this was pretty relatable lol

It seems like the dude is just depressed not just boring to talk to.

I personally don’t think he sounds boring

This had me tearing bc at some point in most our lives we experience some kind of a fear and it all starts from our childhood. I encourage those, and myself, to find what it is that is still holding us back, and set ourselves free from this uncomfortable fear.

damn now im thinking everyone i speak to thinks i hate them

"Doesn't that make you gay?" - Uganda TV interviewer

Very inspirational and true. The way you speak comes from deep within. It's biologically so ancient that everyone can pick up when you're not being fully truthful with yourself. Good reminder to face our own demons and love each other because we all are fighting the same battle


I am NEVER using my hand in any way when I talk. I wouldn't know how to use them that way. Is thay weird?

I like the good guy feel to ya brother. Subbed

I used to hate how I talk and how I sound. But as I’ve gotten older I learned to embrace my annoying voice.

So I woke up not long ago. It’s 3:44 n I have a midterm not long from now. Out of nowhere I started thinking about the hair transplant video n the results, but sadly he’s still wearing the dam hat!!!. Hopefully I pass my midterm

I wonder as well if growing up in a non-English speaking household also has an impact on intonation. My grandmother was Irish and my mum sometimes puts the stress in the wrong place despite growing up in the UK.

This video made me learn a lot about myself

I really love the way you countered the saying "save face" with "show your face" and integrated it in your presentation. That was really powerful to me, probably because growing up, my family generally liked to "save face". This whole video just speaks to me. *-* I also was a reserved child due to familial issues. I never thought my monotoned speech was related to that. I'm also pretty sure no one I've met thought I liked them very much lol I was actually fond of a lot of people I've met. It just never crossed my mind to express it Idk why I wrote such a long useless comment

This is my struggle too >~

6:29 "Come on, face" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

i heard he said "I like Cum".

I can tell he was doing well when I saw that the thearapist downgraded from a Fantom to a Casio.

New content uploaded new meme might come up

Was is just me that felt like the way the speech therapist talked in all her example interactions came across really disingenuous? Didn't really feel natural or like how I'd want someone talking to me to come across. Felt like a therapist who's interested in seeming interested in me.

100% me

So inspiring ... thank you so much for the video, I think I also need a speech therapist ^^'

McD Jombor jogja enak juga

What's the song at 16:27?

my economic science teacher has a monotone voice... let me tell you how her classes are bORING AS HELL, resulting in 90% of my classmates (and me) not listening and failing every goddamn exams, I think a speech therapist would suit her like, A LOT

Were is ur hair transplant review

Remember: strength in weakness!

I don't speak "monotonous" and I definetly have confidence in my speech in many situations, but there are other times when I think this compliment or this "grand" reaction would be weird/ridiculous if I said it, even if I think it's normal when other people do it. Then I end up not saying those things and instead stay silent or come up with amazing phrases like "pretty good", "this is nice I guess", or "it was all right". That especially happens with people I don't know, are my senior or are more confident than me, like when I sense that this person is on about my level of insecurity or below, then I'm super outgoing and try to make them feel comfortable and like I'm approachable, the other way around I'm an awkward, cold person that probably doesn't come off as all that nice.

dude, do you hate me or why do you speak to me like that?

From where I am now, I don' think being so expressive as shown by the speech therapist would be really appreciated overall. You may sound like you are selling something or actually has different intention. Maybe need to tone it down a notch or two.

why is she so fat xD

Omg I love him

Awesome and really heplfull video. U are the champion!!

No boss in this entire world cares if her/his employee likes them or not!

The whole video remind me of the book,Quiet, by Susan Cain. I choked up when he said his mom tell him not to tell anyone, that hurts like hell when you open up your heart to someone you love and trust then failed ... totally understand the cultural issue he is addressing, the Asian"face" problem, the discourage of being independent thinker, and obey to the authorities until you lose your personalities. It is sad, they need to change but it is a long way to go. I wasn't expect this video to be so educational, or inspiring. The end of video makes me feel like i am watching a TEDtalk.

he is kind of sissy

What an incredible video! The words I feel are not usable nor exist. The closest one is free. Thank you!

Traduzcanlo al castellano por favor :(

10:50 "Let's see what that does to your ass." Or.... was it eyes???? I'm so confused.

oof i think i need a speech therapist

"Don't let others quiet your voice, and always remember to embrace your curiosity." - Kane Diep 2019 :')

Ughhh this made me cry so hard at the end

Ugh awkward gays club

The most moving BuzzFeed video I've ever watched... Grateful and touched!

I don't know what it is but I'm am so attracted to the speech therapist.

10:49 Wait what? Run, my guy!

Daamn this touched my heart

One of my biggest insecurities I don't talk about... The jokes write themselves

I also struggle with a very “boring/monotone” voice, I wish to better myself and learn to be more talkative especially now that I work retail. I hope it helps me come out of my shell and be less monotone!

Aww Kane you were probably so nervous

You should just be you, why do you wanna be like every other drone in society. Your nonchalant is freaking awesome!

This lady seems so trust worthy, it's crazy

The way she talks makes me want to hop on to her level

This reminded me of the "some of y'all bout to be real mad at me but. it. must. be. said." Girl

I love this video! As a person with a speech impediment and I have really bad acne, I try to deflect attention from myself all the time. Basically, you running away from that fan, is me. I love that you did this! Hopefully, more people who feel low self-esteem see this and be able to see that they can change for the better too!

16:07 This is when I really noticed the difference, wow! Well done Kane

Kane, I'm super picky when it comes to voices. It genuinely can be a factor on whether I am attracted to someone or not. Guess what? Yours is fine by my ridiculous standards. :)

This made me so happy!!! There is hope for me!

One of your biggest insecurities you literally can't *talk* about... see what I did there ;P


like " I'm doing good? I like pizza? omfggg hes so annoying

Damn she fine

hey this video is helpful! I recommend whoever what to improve speech performance, go check American Accent Training. It explained so well that even a native English speaker can benefit from it. I got my intonation improved right away from just finish 1/5 of the training. I also have my youtube videos to prove that!

One of the first BuzzFeed videos I’ve actually liked, keep it up fella.

Lady Gaga?

Oh come on, show your new hair !

Why does the speech therapist look like lady Gaga on the low

This was so beautiful, thank you

Its absolutely amazing what little effort people invest in trying to understand other people ... I don't think He should have had to change they way he expresses himself because people are terrible listeners ! : (

Some of the therapists advice feels like lessons in manipulation and being inauthentic.

Idk, this therapist seems to be full of BS on some things. Like Amy Cuddy.

How do you find a therapist like that?

Amy, the speech therapist, was really outstanding. I like how specific and simple her feedback and instructions.

I don’t get it, it’s nothing wrong with his voice

Supports Planned Parenthood. Says it takes 9 months to develop a baby (?)

Thank you so much, I've noticed that I actually need this video until today. It did uncover many things about why I talked that way too. Thanks again

Anyone on the autistic spectrum who thinks their 'tone perception' (or lack thereof) makes them less appealing for the hearing of neuronormatives?.

This guy needs to sub to alpha m

“why it look like you got heart burn?” Lmao

Ive had people tell me the same things they told Kane.

KANE!!!!! You look so good without your likkle pink hat

You don't like me didn't you

Wtf a tick

Haven’t seen Kane in forever...

There's an epidemic amongst trendy young people at the moment to have a rising cadence at the end of every sentence and to slow down what they're saying as if they're asking a really sensitive question from which they're not sure what the answer will be. It needs to be sorted out immediately

5:59 “I really need to wash my car, because it’s So dirty.” *Voice twin of comedian John Mulaney right there!* + the delivery of it too. Especially when he said: “...so dirty.”

My grandpa always used to tell me that "colouring" my voice, or using hand gestures, extending the syllables and using emotion is bad. He thought it was "gay" and that only women talk like that. It was a huge insecurity of mine for a long time, especially the hand gestures, because I use them a lot when giving a description of something or when trying to explain my thoughts etc and kids in school would often make fun of me. Thus, I was really surprised that someone would want to colour their voice and put emotion in it, a really boring way of speaking is considered traditionally "masculine", I'm so proud of you Kane!

His skin is glowing my gawd!

Kane that was beautiful

So proud of you

Monotone voices have been found to be more attractive by women lol

Me too! Lol

and this version I am seeing is more authentic too, I like how he is growing

I found this video very helpful and has me considering speech therapy. I'm super awkward and sometimes I cannot communicate well what I'm thinking because I don't know how to put it in words so that the person I have communication with can understand exactly and not leave me feeling like I could have explained something better.

Not a coming out story, but a similar one. I've been studying in a good university for more than 3 years now. Initially, I was very vocal about my opinions. But after a few months, I feel like I've been silenced. It's like you're only allowed to speak the right opinion, which is a very liberal one. And while my political views are generally left leaning, I have some reservations. I think it's okay to joke about things that would be considered hurtful by SJW standards. I also think it's not okay for people who are not part of a minority group to not accept liability for the actions they did not intend to do (for example, automatically being racist because you're white or automatically being toxic because you're male), because that is rooted in problems in our society and not an individual problem. Calling them out will only fuel a divisive society. But my college has made me feel afraid to speak out because if I did, I would be mobbed by SJWs and even more, I may be dropped from uni due to pressure. It didn't help that people in my school had Twitter accounts that called out every viral tweet that were only slightly problematic. It became a situation where I would only comment if I agree with them or totally ignore them at all. Because of that mentality, I developed anxiety and a weird speech pattern that made it seem like I'm not sure about the things I'm saying. That is why people question why I have good essays, but whenever I speak in front, it's like I don't have anything to say.

this is my voice, 1 day, in antartica ---

Your video was really awe-inspiring! I loved it:)

I tried to look my teacher in the eye but I ended up staring at her even after she finished speaking and in the i was like “ bye _mum_ “

YOu are awesome man. Keep improving. btw the blck chick is fkn hot. you look like jeremy lin

I want to try this but I'm afraid I might come off as affected

Great video! I'm conflicted, because I have the same exact issue. I'm a huge introvert. I have to literally tell people, especially younger people from the more sensitive generations, that they shouldn't try to read my expressions and I'm friendly and a huge goofball once you take the time to get to know me. It helps me manage without changing myself for others. Because you have to wonder which is the case. In the end you apologized? Why should you apologize for who you are? Was there something wrong with your voice or is there something wrong with people? Because it kind of seems like you are changing your voice/expressions to cater to extroverts. To reassure them. Once you begin to act, using these new extroverted communication methods, will your expressions come across as not genuine to those who now know you? Maybe your colleagues shouldn't have been so quick to judge you/your expressions and take time to get to know you? Maybe they shouldn't be so insecure and immediately jump to "oh my God he didn't smile so he hates me!" Should the friend who is "extra" calm down a little to cater to laid back people like you? Why did YOU need to change?

Same. He sounds so normal to me.

Can he take the hat off? I wanna see his hair but he’s always wearing a hat

He seems like a genuine good guy, but the only expression he has is a awkward smiling face that makes him extremely boring and unattractive. Hope he'll make it.

week 3, so much progress!


I think men need male voice therapist and women need female voice therapist because the guy might speak like a woman and the girl speak like a man.

Your final speech was beautiful! Your jokes had a much better flow than before and you did a really good job conveying emotion, I'm proud of you!

OMG I think we are kindred spirits lol


Kane and I are literally the same person. I'm private, I'm monotone, I can be dismissive, people are always questioning whether I like them or not.. maybe seeing a speech therapist isn't a bad thing.

lmfaooo this used to be me/ is still me

Damn, not even 2 mins in and she's already roasting his ass lmaaaoo

What happened to your hair transplant

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