I Built a mighty solo fortress in Rust...

I Built a mighty solo fortress in Rust...

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[Music] welcome to a solo rust adventure my story began with a rock on the beach and after traveling across the map to the snowy mountains by launch site i lay the foundations of what will be an epic solo fortress able to withstand a barrage of rockets and so sit back relax and i hope you guys enjoy my vanilla rust experience [Music] day two had just begun and my aim was to expand my base to its penultimate form if i were to do so i was gonna need a lot of farm and so today was gonna be a grind a new day on the solo server i've got a lot planned that i want to do today and uh it's gonna be good it's gonna be a grind but mixing table down now i can cook my low grade fuel okay my aim for launch is to get gears because i need garage doors pumpkins gosh hey helly i just heard a second set of footsteps i think he's underneath pretty sure he'll be in this pipe waiting yep what was he shooting me with silence revolver what i was weird let me get this recycled and go home okay i've got four gears that is a good run that means i can craft two more garage doors this furnace is loaded up okay also place these two boxes i can actually seal off this loot room which means i can use it which is good and one garage door here now i've got another loot room i'll put this campfire right about there i really love the feel of this base probably shouldn't be wasting gears on the shotgun trap but i think this is a pretty important one being able to block off my entrance like that pretty helpful and for the ocd out there it was about time that i organized some of my boxes put all my resources in that one components in this one whoa what's going on okay i'm on the hunt for more gears wait someone's left a horse here free horse you know what i might actually pay the arctic base a bit of a visit i haven't been there in a while actually i haven't been there this wipe at all might be fun and so as the sun rose on a new morning i prepared to travel to the arctic base good morning should be enough stamina for the horse it's not too far away looks like someone's already killed all the scientists here damn people have been fighting here oh night vision goggles that's kind of cool you killed all the scientists and didn't leave them it's kind of weird not really sure what happened here it must have been pretty loaded oh the supply signal i will throw that in the next night time those crates are so overpowered they're like two mil crates so good 20 high core wait what i did not know polar bears could climb up that which is scary okay good run just gotta get home oh i'm just trying to steal my horse no you don't it's kind of rude okay might as well use the horse and go on a farming trip that will do for now well i'm gonna need to farm a lot today after my first arctic base run being so successful i decided to travel there again as it seemed to be more rewarding than launch site okay no scientists again hopefully some of the crates have respawned i may have come back too early actually let's have a look got some crates in here oh there's someone over there i'm gonna need to be sneaky oh [ __ ] okay he's okay this is not good ah that was a lot of damage okay okay what the [ __ ] i'm just gonna hide and heal i do not want to get grabbed here okay all right i'm not getting greedy i'm out of here where's my holes go go let's [ __ ] go what a run i gotta say i was not expecting to come out of that with an ak but uh i'm not complaining i don't know what that guy was doing he just w'd me with another huge load of loot brought back to my base i was gonna need to increase my storage and make it more organized this can be a clothes box actually have a lot of clothes there we go components back on that one this can be a food box because i do actually have quite a lot let's get this in a bit to sheet metal i want my whole bunker core to be upgraded eventually i mean eventually it'll be high cool but uh for now she is fine all right i think it is time to farm some wood i've been procrastinating it for a while [Music] [Music] my furnaces for a while at least but i'm need a lot of wood even just for upgrading the base there is a lot more to build oh gosh that was that over there oh a large battery that's huge actually just hurt someone in there still live come on oh oh [ __ ] run away run away what just happened over there i'm so confused wait there's a dead house here okay wait there's someone doing red room right now i'm so lost right now did he kill him from red that means he'll probably come here to loot i did no [ __ ] way oh i just stole everything the grub just gotta get home with this oh no oh this guy's insane [ __ ] okay surely i'm fine i'm not fine that guy was insane i can't believe he just beamed me so hard with the python it's like 100 meters away oh well time for the airdrop i am going to use a night vision actually i think the night vision will work really well with this i'll be able to hold it quite well pumpkin [Music] some ammo for that review should probably craft some better guns okay there's a night vision let's get a bandana as well oh yeah [Music] yo this diversion's so sick i'm pretty sure they buffed it a while ago it used to be rubbish but i think they made it better i don't know maybe they just talked about it damn that's actually that's insane without it it's almost pitch black yeah no one is stealing my airdrop that's for sure oh [ __ ] [Music] no i whiffed [ __ ] i blew it he's so confused so confused he's like this guy's [ __ ] hacking bro my airdrop he is so confused right let's see what we get i'm not bad not bad take a free thompson and a bumpy let's load all these furnaces up probably do farming some more metals soon okay i'm gonna craft a couple tommy's since i can oh not your customs no no i want thompson the sun was rising on yet another morning i planned to head out and do some farming before returning to expand more of my base what a beautiful morning all right that'll do for now okay i didn't get as much metal as i planned but at least i got stoned all right i just need a couple of large boxes for uh that powerful there then i can seal that one up as well okay triangle at half height and two half five walls there this base looks so wacky right now but trust me it's actually a sick design uh for those of you that don't know this is sieges apart of two you should definitely go check him out and watch that because uh it is a great build and he's a fantastic youtuber send him some love [Music] cool [Music] okay and then i'm gonna put a locker in either one of these two lockers might be a little bit overkill for a solo but [ __ ] it i got big expectations [Music] and just a door in front of each one and then seal that up for the half all right looking good just need doors on them now two frames i can see all the top with triangles [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] oh someone's doing milton's am i trying to counter that i kill the scientists at the top [Music] come on come a little bit closer he's about to get the fright of his life i'm sorry i don't think that was a guy that was originally taking it now i'll head home with that anyway i'm gonna put that lantern up top [Applause] okay i know i've just placed that locker but uh i think i want to put a battery there instead siege actually puts the batteries in the end bits but i think i'd rather have it more central a bit safer [Music] hmm okay i'm gonna go after that guy [Music] might not be worth it but he might be farming [Music] did he see me no i whiffed oh wait what the [ __ ] no oh no don't come after me bro come on man go for the other guy i bet he's gonna die it's that thompson guy now that is so annoying i would have killed him bye okay so this is where's huge puts his batteries but i think i'll just put the second locker into this one okay so a door frame and then a half will seal it up nice having this uh shoot means it's really quick for me to get to my roof [Music] base is really starting to come together now actually after some more upgrading i wanted to head back to the arctic base see if i could run into the ak guy again and hopefully get some more gear i decided to craft myself a semi-rifle as this gave me the best chances of survival no horsey this time i'm gonna have to take it on foot wait did i what the [ __ ] i was like i thought for a second i saw someone hello what you thought camping for i'm sorry i'm sorry i saw you i i saw your light as a building i thought okay this is maybe easy but it was not i'm very sorry it will not happen again thanks i live very close so i will not door camp here again good luck man yeah good luck hey well uh hopefully that guy doesn't dork on me again that was a little bit of a fright that i didn't want oh scientists are here oh those guys are brutal they just rush you oh oh my i can't kill this guy oh my god oh my word what unless you're about to die oh [ __ ] i'm whipping i'm actually 10 hp [Music] okay i think we're good those guys are insane they just don't stop rushing you okay there's no one bro they're beamers oh shawty trap not gonna lie i was kind of expecting that you better still be here come on [Music] okay he's here [Music] this is not good he's got a head glitch [Music] he's not dead i'm pushing [Music] nice i reckon if i wait he'll come back maybe give me another gun yep oh my [Music] i should be able to kill this guy [Music] hollow v saw [Music] oh okay not if i get jumped like that i don't they're not even fighting each other after dying a couple of times it's often helpful to focus on yourself and try and upgrade your base and work on farming rather than rage losing all your kids oh [ __ ] no don't do me like this that was literally my last note before going home i've got too much farm to lose come on [ __ ] silences man i don't even know where he is they're so broken just keep running okay [ __ ] my life god catch a break right now fight going on outside my base big fight i reckon i can clean this up oh the python is growing on me i think i'm slowly getting better with it oh huge that's exactly what i needed no come on man give me a break oh no i got one bullet [ __ ] come on okay they're still there they're still fighting this is good that's potential python in a dream oh no you don't i don't know what the guy behind me has oh okay he had all the guns that's good some stone you know what happened to the rest of it though please i just need to get this oh what is going on leave me alone too many people who knew the wilderness server can pop off this much what okay another guy outside my base what is going on well there's the farm i lost gonna dump this before he comes back well who knew you pick yourself up enough times you eventually get the good karma like a guy delivering an inventory of stones my base right after i lost a bunch feels good you win some you lose some i got a lot of guns from that fight actually i got pretty much all that i lost from uh the arctic base fight as well the area around my base was really starting to pick up chaos was everywhere but unfortunately i needed to farm some wood unless you just need like two trees that's all i need it's gonna try not to die somehow because there are gunshots everywhere right now oh okay and there's an ak guy right there that's i'm glad i didn't jump down okay now someone's rocket riding what is okay i guess i'm gonna counter that whoops that's a big raid i wonder if it's an online raid oh [ __ ] what is going on oh oh [ __ ] we both suck [Music] i suck more i guess oh man i take it back that's so annoying i had such a good spot okay bro leave me alone but that's the same guy that just killed me i hope he didn't just get my python and run that's so annoying when i was there to counter there's an arc i don't understand where all these people are coming from well they're fighting each other now so i just need to clean that up should be easy oh that was clean that was clean night night both of you this guy should have two stars wait he didn't have any on him there's okay there's a saw wait i'm confused now where were the other guns there should have been an extra python and an extra star with the raid still ongoing and night time falling i headed back for another chance at a counter this is gonna be hard it's pitch black what's going on in there oh that guy got [ __ ] we had a night vision oh that's gonna be huge in this fight okay i'm gonna drop back give myself some distance and i can hold the entrance this is actually perfect i'm assuming whatever's going on in there the raider lives in the base behind me oh what did that guy have but what the [ __ ] i think he had the raid stuff how did he come from there come on almost time let's go what a run that is insane literally just two or three fights and i have built my gun collection by like five times who would have thought night vision that's strong i'm gonna need a separate med box now because that can be all my ammo then i'm gonna put that small box in my meds in need of a second clothes box now just kind of mad meds in here i just need some wood [Applause] oh okay what has a man got to do to get one treat [ __ ] sake okay there's a guy flying a hot air balloon this server's crazy come in thank you that's easy okay can i just farm a tree now this is too much to ask i have so many guns well there was a stone hatchet i can't even craft a metal one this is so sad okay i think i'm clear wait what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] does he know i'm here what's going on i think you thought i was inside my base just one treat that's it that's all i need [Applause] yay [Applause] okay well now i can also craft metal hatchets in case i lose my my salvaged ones which is good with the area around me so chaotic i wanted to take full advantage and try and snowball even more guns [Music] oh clean [Music] and killed the poor naked oh oh my word that man is sad oh he lives right there oh [Music] oh yeah nice you [ __ ] can't always [ __ ] i'm sorry man i am sorry i need it all [Music] there's just a guy in the balloon the whole time [Music] okay well i've got a couple more gears now it's another garage door i can craft always helpful [Music] oh what the [ __ ] i should absolutely not be alive right now i'm running out of storage for my ammo and meds [Music] i can't believe how much i've just snowballed i had like three guns and now i have a full large box [Music] i think now is a good time to focus a little bit on my base who to thought pvp does actually happen occasionally on on this channel it's not all just primaloft building i swear nice small walls on these [Music] i was starting to run a little low on animal fat and leather so i grabbed a silencer for my custom and went out hunting for animals i'm not taking any chances today these bears they're not gonna know what hit him i will not die to a bear today yeah how do you like that yogi oh okay silenced customs not the play noted i will not try that again oh i whiffed oh man it's a lot of bullets i think he's still there [Music] oh come on oh [Music] i'm one crossbow [Music] i think he's gonna kill me yep i knew it still alive [Music] oh he's dead now oh huge i think i'll pick him up i know the pain i'll get him up he can still use his teeth good guy wheelchair he just got murdered oh we're only taking dubs today boys only dubs on this channel what a day it's going unusually smoothly oh my come on he's fighting this guy [Music] night night [Music] two customs [Music] well i'm running out of space got an entire large box full of guns well a few crosses but [Music] gonna get the arctic suit skinned [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay that's enough animal fat now [Music] well i was finally able to farm some wood i guess that means the air is finally dying down with my area a little more settled it was time to work more on my base oh wait what the [ __ ] what is he doing he's coming too far [Music] he was oh he had a jackhammer oh dude probably didn't know i was active with the mini cops required i grabbed all the stone i could and headed to outpost to trade it for wood we're going to outpost finally [Music] i always find it weird flying over the rust map because you kind of see like everyone and there are people that have been having their own like journeys and wipes that i've never even run into but like at the same time i don't know it's always a weird thought [Music] that will do [Music] home sweet home can i remember how to land [Music] oh beautiful stuff beautiful i better do this one more time it's not cheap there's a lot of stuff to it i mean i'm probably not even halfway done still got all of the externals with the uh wide gap peak downs and compound there's a there's a lot to go this has been a great day this is the bulk of the uh core of the base done now so siege is obviously this superpers 2 has like big wide gap peak downs it's really expensive but if i didn't want to make such an expensive base i would probably just make these little peaks here instead of doing the whole wide gap thing i don't know this is up to you you want like a cheaper option rather than doing the externals you could do that but uh now we're gonna do it properly this swipe all right let's clear this box out because it is time to put the vending machine down this vending machine was super smart actually it added like a nine rocket raid cost from the front direction it's time to get a lot of the base to metal if i want to survive tonight all right we're looking pretty solid now well the top floor is now sealed it's a new morning i'm gonna need to do some more farming probably cue another farming montage oh no okay that was a little bit too close for comfort hey we got the auto turret now no one can steal my heli that's what we like to see nice i'm gonna use that second battery to power a second auto turret just for like extra security so my god those dudes just bomb rusty second auto turret for my core just in case anyone tries any funny business overnight and yeah powered up nice oh it's like building a ray bass oh come on one hp [ __ ] [Music] oh he was building a raid base shame he didn't have his explosives on him but a row of metal frags thank you might as well use all those frags to upgrade more of the base [Music] going off in the distance so [Music] our base is looking so tanky no one be raiding this poor to armor [Music] come on where are my bullets going [Music] i might not have needed to wall there but oh this guy's aggressive come on land yeah she is my bullets going come on [Music] oh i bet he's pushed right up i knew it he was quiet for too long oh guess that's my mini now thank you sir [Applause] i'll even try that [Music] that guy's just run out from outposts [Music] oh poor guy thank you though appreciate it [Music] oh i've got an idea okay okay you ready for this oh i meant to take off the sides all right now we wait for the freest kill of my life no way oh that poor guy deletes it played like a fiddle oh no you don't and that is gonna wrap up the second chapter of my solo adventure on the willgem solo only server i really hope you did enjoy if you did make sure to subscribe it really helps me out a massive thank you to my patrons you guys are amazing and i will see you all in the next one welcome own [Music] [Music]

2022-04-11 20:36

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