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Hey guys welcome, back to another, extreme. Deep, cleaning, clean with me. In. Today's, video I am gonna be tackling some of the areas in my house that have been neglected, not. Only are you gonna get a ton of super, satisfying, decluttering. And organizing, I am, also gonna be tackling anything, that has been left behind, today's. Video took, place over, about three days and you are gonna see is so much get done I know you are going to get some extreme, cleaning motivation, today. If. You. Like videos like this don't forget to subscribe before we go any further. So. I'm gonna get started in my room I am pulling off my comforter, this is a new duvet, that I have recently purchased and, I, will try to find the link for you guys if you follow me over on Instagram I will, try to have a link there as well if you don't see it today I hope, get it to you as soon as possible but I purchased. It from Bed Bath & Beyond and it is a duvet but I do not have my down insert, and there because honestly it is too hot, the. Duvet is already pretty thick, so, having, the down. Insert, would have just been, overkill. I'm. Gonna, throw my, sheets in the wash and then I'm gonna proceed, with cleaning the rest of my room today. We are going to be doing a deep clean, of my bedroom because it is so, dusty and there's hair everywhere. At. The first part of this video you're gonna see me tackle my bedroom, and then I'll be doing a deep clean at the kitchen. And the rest of the house like I mentioned earlier this video took about three days to do partly, because we were busy or I wasn't feeling too well so you're. Gonna get a ton of cleaning. Motivation, I know you guys are going to be so motivated. Here. Are the, tops of our dresser, and it is so so, dusty, constantly. So I'm gonna use my shark, attachment. Just to get some of the loose. Dust, and then I will wipe everything down. Dusting. Is definitely, something that I need to do every single day but let's, just be honest I don't I, actually, left, the.

E-collar. On, my dresser so I have just been kind of wiping it every time I walk into the bedroom and it's, not necessarily, pretty to have sitting, on top of the dresser all the time but nobody's here and I wanted, to keep it like clean, for a little bit longer, for like than 30 seconds. So. I will usually wipe. Everything down with a wet cloth or I'll vacuum it like I showed you previously. I. Always, like to do that because I don't want to get too much dust, in the air because, that is when my allergies, go crazy I am an allergy, and asthma sufferer. So it is really important to kind of take those extra steps so. I'm not putting so much dust back in the air. So. If you guys have been here a while with me you know I have used so, many vacuums. And the total. Drama with the vacuums, I had the Dyson and it wasn't lasting, very long and then we, had a water vacuum, sent to us which I love it's the quantum if you see any of my older videos you'll, see me using this water filtration, vacuum, and I love it but I don't like, having, to always clean, it out so thoroughly, after I use it and you have to clean it out, thoroughly. Or it gets really stinky, so if. I am doing like, I'm not cleaning, all day I'm, just trying to get in here and do what I have to do because I knew I wouldn't have the energy to like do hours upon hours this. Actual, cleaning in my bedroom took me about an hour and a half but. Moving. On I knew, I wasn't gonna be cleaning anything else in the house on this particular, day so I, pulled, out the shark and I loved. It I loved it more than the handheld because it doesn't, die. On me my dyson handheld works for about three, to five minutes on max if that and that's no exaggeration so, this, is perfect and it does a great job getting, under. The, bed and the dressers, I'm it lies. Completely. Flat, so, that's really amazing in this suction is incredible, so highly, recommend, I will. Probably. Be purchasing, shark products in the future because it is so awesome. You. Can see how much dog. Hair and dust it gets up and that was just our room, so that's pretty shocking, hazel. Has been shedding which is such a bummer because I, don't. Do well with shedding dogs but I'm obsessed with her and I love her and that'll never change but I wish, I would have known what. I was getting into but, that's okay she's here and we love her for life. So. I purchased this nail, polish organizer, and basically, it's like a nail kit from Amazon you, can check out my Amazon favorites if that's something you're interested in, I will definitely, put that in there but I love it because I, was, holding all of my finger nail polishes in this little, you, know 98, cent been Sterlite. Bin and it was great but it started cracking on the bottom so I wanted to get this and I also wanted, it to be more, of like vertical. Height so I could put, more in the top of our linen closet, I loved it I think, it's so clever and, I would highly recommend it. You. Guys give me a thumbs up if you love to, see everything perfectly organized. Like I do oh it's, one of my favorite things. So. We're gonna play a little game of would you rather so, I'm curious would, you rather have. Your, nails. Done all the time and not, your toes or have your toes done all the time and not your nails leave. In the comment below what. You would rather. I'm. Gonna continue, organizing the, rest of my items, here I have a ton of bits. For, my nail drill that I love it's very, you. Know it's not professional but it gets the, job done so, I'm gonna take care of all of this and then put these little plastic things in here to soak off any gel polish, or dip. Powder it fits in these little containers as well. And for us. Interested. Open your eyes just get, it done take my hand just follow me. I'm. Going to start wiping down my countertops, I'm actually using the tub, and tile planner from method I love it and I like the way it smells so, I use this on the countertops, as well these. Sheets are done, yay. And I'm gonna start making my bed. So. When I was editing this video I noticed that my camera was so out of focus it is one of my biggest hassles. With my camera but you know you do what you got to do so I want to apologize if you notice it's a little bit blurry it does get, sharper, very soon but I just wanted to throw that out there I can't. I just I can't have, it in my video without, there being an explanation I also, want, to tell you that if you, haven't seen, my other previous. Video where I talked about my sheets they are the threshold. Brand I really like them I like, that they have elastic elastic. Around, the. Side where you put in the mattress it's very deep but, but. But I really, think you need to use fabric softener because I feel like they're a little stiff. I. Was, not messing around this is a bedroom. Deep, deep. Xtreme. Clean so, I hope you guys aren't enjoying.

It And if you are don't. Forget to hit that subscribe button if you aren't already subscribed and, joined our YouTube family we have so much coming up as well as a new baby I'm. So, excited I'm, just so so excited, ahh I'm. 5 weeks today and, it. Just makes. My heart feel so happy, but, while, laying in the bed and not feeling too hot I noticed, that I had dust I'll cover these walls so I'm tackling that now. He. Looks, at me like I, know what, he's thinking, but, I don't, have a clue. True. Talent. In avoiding. Conversation. You, it's. Almost rather, cruel. You. Guys, this. Is just my. Walls, look. At that I did, both sides these were brand new my. Walls, especially. Around the TV. Whoa. I am. Using this pumice, stone this is my favorite thing to use to get anything off of grout, tile. Ceramic. As you see I purchased, it from Walmart for I think four or five dollars had a little handle on it and this is the best thing for hard water stains as, well if you don't want to use a ton of chemicals, which I don't find, chemicals. Work for hard water stains inside. The toilet bowl so. This is definitely something to get. Excited. To clean it with. The toilet wand and, Clorox wipes but, this is what it looks like I mean it isn't great by, no means is it great Florida. Has some of the hardest, water I have ever experienced. So you. Can see obviously. Where I got it it's much much cleaner but. This is as good as it's gonna get. I have. Recently switched, to the Newman's, Own, or. Whatever it's called organic. Coffee and I loved it we were doing Jeff alia my favorite is community, but the rest, of my family don't does not like it but. The Newman's. It is so so good you guys have got to try it let me know in the comments below what is your favorite coffee. If I had to choose any. Any, and every day it's gonna be the Bernese Santa's. White Christmas, let me know right, now give, me a thumbs up do you know, Barney's white Christmas it is, so. Good, I can have it all year round it is by far my favorite, is just oh my gosh oh my, gosh you can tell I love, me some coffee however with. The pregnancy and with all of my pregnancies, I have, an adverse into coffee I think that's how you say it I don't, like the smell of it I can drink it but, only a little bit I feel like it makes me super jittery, it makes me, feel like dizzy.

Is, That normal, let, me know like, what were your food aversions, when you were pregnant I'm wanting, all this spicy, a little little, sweet, but mostly like spicy. And sour I could, okay. I'm, just gonna say it I drank pickle juice I did I did I did my mom made homemade, pickles, and they were a little bit spicy and I drank that juice. It. Was so good but that's, not pregnancy, I just love pickle juice anyway but I'm really. Craving spicy, stuff so I would love to know what did you guys crave. Let. Me know, do you guys see I got a new dishwasher it, is not wobbly, it's not pouring, out water on the bottom it is, adulting. To the max I got it for about $300, at Home Depot, it's a samsung it doesn't have all the bells and whistle but, it is stainless the controls. Are on the top which is really cool it's. Quiet and it works that's all I care about you guys as it works. So. I was telling Chris, that we should do a hot husband, clean with me let me know in the comments, you think we should do that I do I mean I love. Watching him clean so I will, totally, do. A hot, husband. Clean. With me if that's something y'all want to see and let me know who. Else I should ask to do it like, tell. Me some other hot husbands, and maybe we can do like a big, mass, like, hot husband, collab how. Fun would that be I mean I candy, all day okay all right of course I'm not gonna I'm, gonna stop it right there I'm only gonna be watching my my, husband, he's all the eye candy I need or want but, how fun I think these look I think some ladies would enjoy, that. So. In last, week's video I talked about doing laundry stripping. If you don't know what I'm talking about I'm gonna link it above and the cards, go. Check out that video is a ton of cleaning, motivation, and I talked about how to strip laundry, not the details but just kind of what it would do, and so. You can go over there but I am definitely gonna have that in my next video. Next Monday so. Make sure you're subscribed your. Notification, is on we're, gonna have a, video about laundry stripping, and that's gonna give. You the details on exactly how. To do it effectively, and, exactly what it does but if you don't know what I'm talking about go ahead over to that other video it's. Great motivation, anyway and so check. That out. But. You making me nervous. Though I've realized. That, I, can't. So. I don't always tell. You guys every single product I use just basically because I feel like you, can see the video and you know but. I will just say real quick I use the dawn power, wash in the. Microwave, on top of the cooktop, and I used it for the turntable, it's my favorite, I have the Apple sent and oh my gosh I love it I highly highly recommend it, it works for everything. So. With putting the house on the market which yes we are going to be putting the house on the market as. Soon as possible I, wanted. To finish this front room I still have to pull all the nails out of the wall, where, I used to have the pallet board and I need to paint it and do something there but I also wanted, to make this room look more cohesive, so I'm gonna be rearranging. It so you'll get a nice little before.

And After. I. Kept. Thinking. You're. Wishing, you would kiss, me under, city. I. Know, you're feeling. This. Was the little IKEA. Bookshelf. That we got for the boys that was in their room if you, haven't seen the, boys room completely, transformed. I'm gonna blink that above you guys that was such a huge transformation, their. Room turned out so so good I love doing, room makeovers, give, me a thumbs up if you guys love room makeovers, but that room turned out incredible so I want y'all to check that out but we. Pulled this out of there and I'm using it for in the middle of these bookshelves, it doesn't fit perfectly, but I prefer, the desk like this so it's gonna work for now. She. Was singing outta your. Frustration. To. Say a word. He. Promised, Tyrion. Never pay. Me, I knows who her. I'm. Gonna continue, to dust and wipe down this, desk here I still need to get some. Electronic. Wipes some ones, that are specific, for that or get a knee cough that's specific. For that let me know what you guys use I've asked you before but I honestly can't remember so. I'm going to continue to wipe everything down the best I can and then we will be moving on to the next room I know this video has just given you guys so much motivation and, I love love love doing videos like this for you guys just a little bit of everything so, let me know if you guys like these videos as well and like. Always if you haven't yet considered, subscribing. Go ahead and do that now before we go any further I will always be posting, videos like this every single week. So. I would love to have you join my YouTube family, and if, for any reason you're like nah don't want to subscribe let me know why because I'm always curious I can take it let me know and. Honestly. It's not even like, I know I don't I don't think I've ever even heard any other youtubers, say that but I'm curious because, you. Know I I want, to know how I can do better so seriously. I don't mind just let me know cuz I want to make the best videos that. I can for you so it's, okay to be honest, in love and just, let me know what's up. Like, strangers. Screen. Go, with nasty. Changez. So. Change your heart. Moving. Into the boys room I'm going to clean their, windows, I've been trying to stay on top of this because the. Last time I cleaned, the window and the blinds it had been oh my, gosh I would embarrass, myself if I told you how, long but it was so caked on I knew that I needed to tackle this at least once a week so I'm gonna wipe everything down, I'm. Also going to be cleaning their sheets and putting new sheets on so there will be some time. Lapse where I'm doing other projects, and then I will be coming back into here. Kingdom. Lockdown. You. Never give, me any, change. Watch. Me on my way. But. I told. You. The. Boys are so so excited for, the possibility, of having a game room and that is one of my biggest things on my list when we move I don't, really even care about the size of the house we just need a playroom, a game room for them as they get older and have somewhere where they congregate, right, now it's in the living room and I, have nowhere to go and I, feel like they. Need a, space for them so lord willing, I pray, that we can find something that is perfect, for our family like. I said we already got started I'll, be sharing our house hunting, adventure. On our family blog so make sure you are subscribed, there I'll have that link in my description, box, I will be sharing tomorrow, Tuesday, the, house, hunting adventure that we had and, you'll. Be able to see some of the houses we looked for but, I'm really exciting, but it's, a it's a really competitive market, and when. You don't have a million dollars it's not very, easy so this is gonna be quite, a challenge because I'm just a real person trying.

To Buy a normal, home and that's not always the easiest thing but either, way I'm gonna be taking you guys along, on this, journey and. Home us. You. Know - I need. You. Your, spell, can, tell myself. So. I wanted to say real quick I've had other. Questions like are you using the same cloth throughout that same hand or throughout, the house and no I changed, my cloths. Depending, on what I am doing if I'm cleaning my kitchen. And, I'm just cleaning the countertops, then. And I'm using some sort of cleaner I will, probably use that for the bathroom but if I'm wiping, down like floors, or. Something. Else like that no I'm not gonna use that same cloth. It might look, like I do because, I have ten, of the same exact, color cloths. It's the microfiber, cloths that I purchased, from Marshalls, quite, a bit of time ago I'm, sure you can get them online but, I'm obsessed with them because hey they're my favorite, color and I, like that I just throw them in the wash and you're, good to go so a lot of times you'll, see me with a saint like the same looking, call but it is not the, same cloth I just wanted to preface. Your spell. So. Our friend and realtor, is coming over tomorrow, so, this, is the. Perfect time to wipe down all of. These door frames and, doors, they, look so, nasty, they're so dirty and we will also be giving all of the board. And bed and a good wipe down. It's, something. In my dream. You. Like a story. Get. Out my side. Even. If you try you, wouldn't. Understand. The. Sheets are all done and I'm gonna start putting, this on the kids bed because, it is a bedtime for, them we are gonna work really hard to shorten their bed time we. Usually do Chris. Will do a book or a song, rub their backs and then go I will usually rub, their backs and lay with them for a while but it is so drawn-out some, nights were in there for 45, minutes. So we, told them last night we're not doing that anymore, mommy, and daddy are gonna both come in they're either read a book or, rub, their back during, prayers and then that is it they have got to learn to put themselves to. Sleep on their own do. You guys have long drawn-out. Bedtimes. For your kids if you do let me know in the comments below let me know what your bedtime, routine is actually, because I'm really curious because I feel, like ours is a little much, the, older kids just put themselves. To bed but it's Noah, who's six and Josiah has eight and I love that time with them but. I, feel. Like they're relying on it too much. Hello. Baby. I can't, sit beside, you while, you're going on about your, simple, AI. Nothing. Left just thinking. That maybe you're, not do. It. Is so amazing, what a magic eraser on a wet washcloth. Can do the entire hallway, felt, so, much brighter. That, would be. Everything. Is feeling so good and so clean and you don't realize how filthy, you are until, you start wiping down some baseboards. And door, frames y'all, we, were nasty we're. Moving, on into, this area right here I am gonna fill out their, little, chores and everything they need to do you. Can use this for two kids I use it for four as you can see and it. Works just fine but I'm gonna put everything that, they need to do on a daily basis. And then they'll get to mark it off we, try to have a little treat for them at the end of the week if they do it all week. Long and then we told them if they want allowance, they need to make this consistent. And then, we will start giving, them a little bit of something that they can save. Cuz. It will ricochet. Get you in turn. Like, a ricochet, you. Will come back to me. Okay. You guys I hope, today's, video gave you a ton, of cleaning. Motivation, we did deep cleaning, decluttering, and all the things in between and I, just want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for spending your time with me I've, said, this before but I do. Not and will not ever take. That for granted I hope I've earned your trust to. Be able to bring you guys consistent. Cleaning motivation, every, single. Week or decor, whatever. Is that, you're looking for on my channel I hope that is what I can provide if you, did enjoy this video go ahead and give it a thumbs up also, if you haven't yet already go ahead and hit that subscribe button I would love for you to join my, YouTube family we have so much to share and I would love to share it with you yes.

You The one that's listening to this I would love for you to join our family so thank, you all so so much I love you more than you'll ever know and I cannot wait to see you in next. Week's video bye, guys.

2020-05-21 01:59

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