How to use your phone for business, without it using you

How to use your phone for business, without it using you

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hi guys kurt provost here your guide to all things  nu skin it has been a while since i last created   a video on this channel been a bit busy and in  that time you guys have been busy too because   we have broken the 5 000 subscriber mark in  fact as of uh last moment that i checked it is   5061 of you amazing people who are subscribed to  my channel and tuning in getting some value from   my content so thank you so much for being part of  that thank you for watching the videos thank you   for commenting thank you for all that you add  to this and thank you for your questions which   help inspire me to create content specifically  for you now today's video is it's it's gonna be   a little different it's always challenging to  to jump back in creating video content after   a period of not creating anything at least  on this platform because you you feel like   you need to create something really important and  really big and special you can't just talk about   any old thing to start up again so uh i found the  topic for today because i've been doing something   a little unusual for the past week or so and  it's really helped me a lot and i think it could   help a lot of people so i'm going to title  this video uh something along the lines of   how to use your phone to build a business without  your phone using you so i guess the best place to   kick this off is with a neurotransmitter  that goes by the name of dopamine now you   may have heard of dopamine before it's  uh it's becoming quite a popular phrase   and people associate dopamine with pleasure  and that's that's kind of correct i mean it is   present when we're experiencing pleasure but it  has more to do with uh guiding our wants desires   and motivation to to do things so it's  more oriented around that around the future   whereas there are other neurotransmitters like  uh serotonin like uh oxytocin like uh gaba these   ones are they're more in the here and now they're  more helping you with experiencing fulfillment i   guess a bit of peace and zen and satisfaction  with what you're doing in the present moment   so let's explore dopamine because dopamine is  an integral part of us dopamine in itself isn't   good or bad it's just a chemical that is released  in our body primarily in our through our nervous   system and primarily in the brain and without  dopamine we probably wouldn't get a lot done   now there are certain things that release more  dopamine than other things and if you think about   how we've spent most of our time as homo sapiens  as human beings we've spent most of our time as uh   cavemen if you looked at all right this is all  the time that human beings have been around or   homo sapiens have been around then about that much  would be being cavemen and about that much would   be uh a farmer in an agricultural society and  about this this tiny little slither of my pinky   would be the modern uh technology driven society  that we exist in today and we still have the   same brain that is largely uh optimized for that  cavemen style of living except we find ourselves   in modern times and that is a blessing and a  curse because as a caveman sugary foods fatty   foods really protein rich and dense foods would  elicit a dopamine response finding a mate having   sex that would elicit a really strong really  powerful dopamine response because these are super   important things for a caveman to do you need to  be motivated enough to go out there and forage   and go through the trials and tribulations of  hunting some actual food that could potentially   harm you as well and many other things that could  harm you it'd be much easier just to stay in your   cave and uh you know lay around and sleep all  day but you had to be motivated enough to get up   get out there and get after it whether that was  some prey whether it was some food or whether it   was a mate so whatever it may be dopamine was  vital in helping us get motivated enough to   get out there and do that now you fast forward  to today well we still have that same brain we   still have that same dopamine response except  the things that elicit those response are way   easier for us to attain today so if we want some  sugary food we just open up the fridge or we un   peel off the wrapping of the candy bar and shove  it in our mouths there's very little hardship   between the wanting of something the motivation  and desire to do something and the receiving of   it the problem with that is is that we have no  context within our brain our brain is amazing   but it doesn't process context of a situation  it just wants something whether it's good for us   or bad for us it wants it on a biological and  chemical level now we do have a conscious mind   that is able to discern what is good and what is  bad for us so we can feel you know guilty if we   shove that chocolate bar down down in our throat  or a couple of chocolate bars and then a tub   of ice cream we will feel not so good afterwards  because we realize that wasn't the best long term   decision however dopamine still kicks in and you  want to do it again and you find yourself making   these bad decisions again in the future it's  this this cycle of sorts same thing happens with   trying to find a mate i mean we can open up  our phones and just on tinder or social media   we can see more people than we ever would  have seen in an entire life span of a caveman   in about 10 15 minutes of just scrolling through  things or watching a movie or whatever it may be   and just have a think about the impact that that  has on our brain the impact like the the sensory   overload that that has and the dopamine overload  that that has on our brain we're completely fried   the issue with dopamine is that it's kind of like  alcohol in that if you have one glass of wine one   drink and you barely ever drink that's going  to be enough you're going to be drunk you'll   be having a great time you'll be feeling all  right you're a cheap date and that's fantastic   but if you drink every single day then you're  going to need ever higher quantities of alcohol   to reach the same high that you would with that  one glass if you didn't do it regularly you see   it's a bar that just keeps getting pushed up and  there's a new standard and as you keep pushing   that up you need more and more of something  well dopamine is exactly the same and that's why   my drugs are so illicit drugs are so dangerous  because they are highly addictive they are if you   look at cocaine and heroin they have ungodly  they stimulate ungodly amounts of dopamine   or dopamine receptors within our brain and that  explains why it is so easy to get addicted to   these substances thank god they are exorbitantly  expensive and there are social constraints that   try and limit the addiction of that otherwise we'd  all just be snorting cocaine all the time because   it releases that much dopamine but there are a lot  of other things that have been flying under the   radar that release just as much dopamine but they  are not they don't have those social constraints   like illicit drugs do things like computer games  they are incredibly addictive incredibly effective   at hitting those dopamine centers because it it's  an adventure there's all this stuff happening it's   it's entertainment uh it's a release of sorts  and it creates all this dopamine same thing for   social media you know the psychologists have  really found their moment in history because   all their ideas and concepts all the cutting  edge psychology of influence and persuasion   has been funneled into your device i'm pointing  at this because i record this on my phone and   the smartphone that is in your hand that you're  probably watching this from is designed from the   notifications the sounds that it makes the the  images that they show to you the lighting up of   notifications it reminds me of i actually grew up  in clubs clubs in australia like bowling clubs and   depending on where you are in the world it's  not like a nightclub type thing it's more where   elderly people will go and all sorts of people  will go and and they'll drink beer and they'll   it's more an excuse to drink beer and gamble so  we have these things called pokey machines and   kind of looks like las vegas you know the casinos  it's a watered-down version of that they're slot   machines so i was very young when i entered clubs  because my father was a manager of multiple clubs   and so i would visit my father at work and i would  hear this kind of circus music off in the distance   and all these flashing exciting lights and i i was  really drawn to that area and that's where the the   poker machines are now by law uh miners are not  allowed in that area so i never got into it but   i would walk past it i would walk close enough  to see the people in there just uh sitting there   and you know pulling the lever that that was  the really old one but mainly they would just   tap buttons and the screen would refresh  and all these things were twirling and   and i was confused by that but i was drawn to it  because everything that was happening there draws   us to it it's just like a carnival except this  was for adults unfortunately i well fortunately   i guess i saw the people who were putting money  just 50 notes 100 notes into these machines and   just sitting there like this just just they look  like zombies to me as a kid and i guess in a sense   they kind of were zombies because scientists have  conducted research on dopamine in rats and what   they did with this particular study was they  increased the dopamine or amount of dopamine   within the rat if they touched a certain button  or a lever and what happened is the the rat would   hit that button get this release of dopamine it's  like oh that was that was nice i like that i want   i'm motivated to do more of that now because  i know it's going to be this kind of feel-good   thing and so the motivation goes up so they keep  hitting it they keep liking it but they need to   hit it more and more and more because that rising  bar that rising tide and what happened inevitably   was they lost interest in water they lost interest  in food they lost interest in mates and friends   in in their relationships they lost interest  in the surroundings and they would just hit   that button until they collapsed from exhaustion  now the researchers reversed this study and they   inhibited the receptors for dopamine so that they  weren't getting enough dopamine this time so it's   the opposite of the original experiment and what  happened to the rat well it got super lethargic   it would just kind of stroll around and lay  around most of the time it wouldn't move it   it wasn't even motivated enough to go and drink  some water or eat it would only eat or drink if   the researchers put food in its mouth and then it  would chew it and for our business here i guess   you can see some some parallels there if you've  been in business for a while perhaps you have had   some team members who have just been you know  you've done everything for them and they've got   a sale let's just say they've got someone  they did a post or they've got a friend who   would really love the product but for whatever  reason they just can't seem to get around to   collecting the sale and it's really frustrating  because you're like everything is there it's on   a plate for you why are you not taking the the one  step towards it to to improve your life you know   everything has been made easy for you why not  also move towards what it is that you say you want   but uh they can't because and i believe dopamine  has a lot to do with it there's there's other   things as well about habits and and what it is  that they actually want in their life but we   are slaves to number one our habits but number  two to the the chemical processes within our   body and most people are just so overwhelmed with  dopamine that or their receptors are kind of a bit   let's just say we've had we've over  indulged and it's messed us up a bit   and that is why that's that's detailing the  problem i probably went too long into detailing   the problem but that is why it's important to  have a dopamine detox what is a dopamine detox   it is very simple it is cutting out all those  things that currently create pleasure in your   life or that excitement or all the things  you're kind of motivated to do at the moment   and all the things that have a hold on you that  you don't like when you look at it like the way   that i opened up social media this is why i did  it personally is because the last two years i have   i've found that the situation on a world scale  has been oppressive has been all-consuming for me   it's it's been something that i've just kind of  opened myself up completely to all the latest   news i've been reading all these reports uh  all these clinical studies all this stuff   uh about what's going on in different parts of  the world and in my own country and it's all been   too much i've become a little bit addicted to  it and it it messed up my ability to focus my   ability to look into the future with optimism look  into the future uh with clarity and hold a strong   vision and if you can't hold a strong vision then  this business will be challenging for you because   that is a large part of it is is looking into the  future seeing where you want to be and holding   on to that image and then taking steps every  single day towards that image of who you want to   be and what you want to have and what you want  your world to look like now if you cannot hold   on to that then there's a problem it's just you  kind of maybe you do activity but you're doing   activity in all these different directions not in  this one focused direction and as such by the end   of the year you look around and you haven't  moved you've just been spinning in circles   that's a problem so i was feeling that issue and i  i needed a break from this i needed to remove the   hold that the news had on me that social media had  on me because i would i would end up scrolling for   half an hour hours at a time looking at cat videos  looking at funny videos just looking at random   unimportant stuff that does not add to my life  in any way shape or form and yet i was wasting   immense amounts of time and that was making me  really unhappy so that's the ironic thing about   dopamine is it it's not necessarily going to make  you happy in fact it's quite often the opposite so   most people need a reset i needed a reset so i  just cut everything out now you can do this in one   day you can do it over a week you could do it over  a month or you could do it for a lifetime i mean   ultimately the the best way is you  just delete all social media apps you   you throw away your phone you go buy a nokia  that has no internet access and can receive   texts and calls and you're done that's that's  sweet you just focus on real human interaction   you could probably still have a youtube channel  or something and create content of course in   different ways but we don't really need a lot of  the the stuff that we have on our phone right now   so getting rid of it is a huge step forward  however here's the caveat we build our businesses   our new skin business is largely built through  social media so how exactly do we have a dopamine   detox if we want to use social media to build our  business well this is how i did it and just before   i dive into that i want you to appreciate that  if you were eating out at a five-star restaurant   every day of the week you would grow acclimatized  to that level of quality and if someone offered   you a plain bowl of rice while you're eating your  you know michelin star restaurant meal you would   say no thank you you would reject that offer  because you're getting way more dopamine from   you have a standard of dopamine hits that that  bowl of rice just wouldn't fulfill now if we   switch that around a bit and you've been stranded  on an island for weeks on end with no access to   anything except some rain water and someone  offers you that same bowl of plain rice that   is gonna set off so much dopamine for you because  you've kind of been reset because you really want   that you're really motivated to eat then and  that's the whole idea of a dopamine reset is   take a step back remove yourself in an extreme  way from all the things that control you currently   so that then you have control over them and you  can decide what it is that you do or do not want   to be part of your life so here's how i did it  i decided that first and foremost with social   media i would have no notification sounds i cut  out all sounds silenced everything and what that   meant is i also got rid of visual cues on my phone  so notifications no longer pop up except for a few   specific apps and i'll get into that in a moment  but what that meant is that i would have to go to   those specific apps to see if there's a  notification like if someone has commented on a   post if someone has shared something if i've been  tagged in something all that that sort of thing   you don't need to be notified about that you can  check your phone at certain intervals during your   day to see what's happening now i will get into  that a little bit later but first two the only   thing that i am notified about are messages that  are coming through two different places for me   so the first one is facebook messenger and  that is because most of my communication   comes through there now if you can redirect all  communication through just one app that would be   brilliant figure out if it's going to be whatsapp  instagram messenger facebook messenger maybe email   something like that and i receive emails as well  because of you guys youtube so uh you guys tend   to email me quite a bit and i uh check them and  respond to them so they are the only notifications   but there's definitely no sound happening there  and that cuts out a lot of the unnecessary   distractions when i'm working on something i  can just focus on that one thing it cuts out the   multitasking because whenever you get interrupted  on a work schedule it takes time to get back into   that workflow and it will usually take longer than  the actual interruption the interruption might   only go for a couple of seconds might be ding  ding and you check something your mind goes there   and 10 seconds later you're back on task but it's  going to take a few minutes if not much longer   i've heard people saying that it could be 5 10 15  minutes before you're actually back into a deep   work state so make sure that there are no  interruptions and as a result of that i have   been working on my laptop rather than on my phone  where i would normally access social media and i   installed two plugins or one plugin actually and  it covered all of them and that was the news feed   eradicator on google chrome you just install  that turn that on and then when you would be   working on facebook then there's no news feed  so you don't get lost in this rabbit hole   and i would have my phone on either flight mode  or on silent and so it's sitting beside me if   i need it but i'm not getting tempted because  there's no sounds there's no notifications that   uh are trying to drag me back down that vortex  meanwhile i am working on social media and the   idea with social media is you can still use it  but use it to create things not to consume things   you see there's a key difference there use social  media to post something use social media to create   a video and share it use social media to prospect  use social media to follow up with someone to   respond to comments to engage with people whatever  it may be but do not use social media to consume   so there may be people watching this going  well i already do that fantastic that means   that you're disciplined you're focused you have  the ability to do that that is brilliant i didn't   have the ability to do that because i was so uh  saturated with dopamine i needed to reset it so   that is the work portion and that's how it worked  in with nu skin the other things that i did was   i cut out all alcohol all sugar uh most  socializing i did have two guests come within the   week that i was there but what was fantastic about  that is because i wasn't checking my phone all the   time i wasn't conscious of social media i wasn't  conscious of what's going on in the world i was   just focused on the person or the people and so i  could really enjoy their company and we had a much   higher level of conversation a much higher quality  conversation than normally would happen and it was   fantastic and what i noticed was that my my sense  of humor has improved a lot my mood has improved   so much and my vision as well i can actually  well my focus my ability to focus on something   is is going through the roof and that's something  i really needed help with and my vision for the   future is looking brighter and brighter and also  i can see it and i can hold on to that and that   is so important for our business so that that is  why i'm sharing this today because i think there   will be people watching this who think uh who  perhaps are in the same scenario same situation   as what i've been in and if you're not then you've  probably got team members who are or you know some   family members around you who are and you can  perhaps share this video they may not be building   the business but it's still uh applicable for  life in general and so i just focused i allowed   a few different things number one was i wanted  to sleep a lot i really wanted to improve my   sleep habit because i was going to bed late i  was waking up later and that's a vicious cycle   so going to bed my phone shuts down completely  just automated i i've set that up so the 9 pm   it's shut down and then i've got no choice i can  go and read a book because i allow that it has to   be an older book preferably or a non-fiction  book if i if i'm looking to learn something   but i get a lot from older fiction because great  stories have so many lessons in them lessons in   psychology lessons in strategy lessons in in just  understanding human beings and myself much better   and lessons in creativity that's for sure  all of which we need for our business so   i encourage you to read as much as possible if  you don't read nonfiction go out there and read   nonfiction there are brilliant books thinking well  that's yeah think and grow rich rich dead poor dad   the richest man in babylon how to win friends and  influence people these are absolutely brilliant   foundational books that i highly encourage you  to go and start reading if you do read a lot of   nonfiction start reading fiction because that just  will open up your mind in a totally different way   so i would read in the evening so there's  no screen time i'd go to bed around 9   9 thirty ish read for half an hour to an hour then  i'd be really tired and i would sleep all the way   through till six in the morning at which time  i'd get up and go and stretch exercise trying to   meditate i'm not that good with meditation but  if you can apply meditation into this i think   you will be absolutely winning and then i study  languages so at the moment i'm studying russian   and that's progressing very slowly but at least  i can focus and get a bit more committed on that   and then the other things i allow in my  life is time in nature and work that's it   so if i'm not doing one of those things i'm  doing one of the other things there's no time   for social media other than when i'm actually  working the other thing is turn off your tv   one of the biggest challenges for me was that  every time i would sit down for a meal let's   say lunch or dinner time because i work from  home well i'd want to watch something while i   was eating i didn't want to feel unproductive or  kind of wasted time just sitting there chewing   which is a strange thing you should probably be  very conscious when you're eating a meal i mean   a lot has gone into sacrificing either animals or  plants and resources to provide that food for you   we should probably be gracious and conscious of  that meal but nonetheless i would watch things and   inevitably i'd be watching something on youtube  or i'd watch something on netflix and i'd finish   lunch and i'd keep watching whatever it was and i  get completely derailed for the rest of the day or   the rest of the night and nothing would happen  so instead because i know i'm not super strong   i flipped it so that i would still watch something  while eating except it was only one thing and   that is interviews with top earners within the  network marketing profession and that has been   absolutely brilliant there are hundreds if not  thousands of interviews out there with leaders   from all different companies but there's a ton  of interviews from leaders within nu skin and you   learn so much from these people who are building  this business at an elite level if that's where   you want to go then i really encourage you  to invest the time as much time as you can   to absorbing every bit of wisdom that those  top leaders have so that kind of wraps up my uh   dopamine detox and how it is that i'm beginning  to rebuild my business using my smartphone   without the phone using me i hope that has  been valuable for you i hope that you gain   some tips and insights from that if you haven't  subscribed as i said at the beginning please   do subscribe or at least hit the like button  that's a great free way that you can promote   this channel or support this channel and leave  me a comment if you enjoyed this if you have any   questions about anything i discussed in here we  can clarify in the comments if you need to contact   me my details are at the end and i look forward  to chatting to you and seeing you in the future   my name is kurt provost i am your guide to all  things new skin i'll see you in the next video you

2022-04-04 18:15

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