How To Use Your Feminine Energy To Create Business Success

How To Use Your Feminine Energy To Create Business Success

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well hello and welcome to today's video in  a minute you're going to get to sit in on   a conversation that i had recently with a lovely  coach who has got some incredible wisdom to share   about the importance of intimacy and relationships  especially for those of us who are women who are   busy running our own businesses and  who have maybe neglected those all   important intimate relationships in our lives so  melissa keenan is a usa today best-selling author   keynote speaker and intimacy coach she's also  the ceo of a multi-six-figure international   intimacy coaching company supporting high-level  business women to reclaim their true femininity   and sensuality to create deep intimacy melissa  works with high caliber soul-driven female   leaders who know that living the dream is only  as fulfilling as their most intimate relationship   and that their impact is only as wide as they  are willing to go deep within themselves so if   any of that rings true for you then you are going  to love watching this interview let's get into it all right today i am very excited for my  conversation with today's guest melissa   keenan welcome to the show melissa it is such a  pleasure to have you here thank you i'm so glad   to be here yeah i am really looking forward  to learning from you today and hearing about   everything that you've got to share you know about  intimacy and personal relationships especially   for business owners um but before we get into  everything i would love for you to introduce   yourself and just you know give our listeners  some background about who you are and what you do   yeah thank you i'm so glad to be here so  i um i work with high level business women   and i help them to use their feminine  energy as their 10x growth strategy   um and i i love this work i'm so passionate about  about women having a whole full experience of life   um which which was born from um you know me  hitting my own rock bottom in so many ways and uh   and feeling completely and utterly hopeless and  then building back from that and looking around   and recognizing like oh my gosh nothing is a fairy  tale like i can have it all i can have whatever i   want and then i just went after it and created it  i love that i love that a lot actually that's uh   that sounds like a lot of uh you know yes a lot of  the philosophies that i have too so and it's just   so funny though not funny but you know how often  it has it requires a rock bottom right in order to   have that just big shake up and perspective change  so okay well tell me a little bit more though like   what tell me a bit more about that journey like  what what what what was the pathway that led you   to doing this work that you're doing now so  uh there's kind of two threads that i follow   uh one is the relationship with money and  the other is the relationship with my husband   and family um and i i was raised uh in a really  tumultuous childhood lots of abuse and drugs and   addiction and um you know all kinds of stuff i  ended up living with my aunt and uncle from 12 to   18 and uh and so uh you know coming from you know  having experienced a ton of pain and then i jump   right into a marriage very young i have a strong  faith um and in in my religious practice you know   there's a lot of emphasis on family so it was like  regardless of the fact that everything inside of   me says you can't trust people you should you know  marriage is a fairy tale having a happy family you   know didn't work out for you so you probably  shouldn't do it again i was like i believe and   i jumped right in at 20 years old my husband and  i got married started having children right away   had our first daughter at 21. wow um and we kept  uh we were both in college we both graduated we we   kept pursuing different business um endeavors um  just brutal right because you already don't have   a lot of money at that age and stage in your  life and we're having children and we're going   into debt for these business endeavors and having  them just fail one after the other after the other   so painful um and then about five years into our  marriage um i i discovered that my husband had   some really deep seated issues that he had kept  hidden from me our whole marriage addiction and   that meant lies and that felt like the deepest  betrayal ever um and so we actually i i came to   the point where i asked him to move out i had  three kids ages four and under and uh the the   baby was two months old i was like what the crap  am i doing i'm still in my 20s i have three kids   and i thought that like i was you know i'd put  all my eggs into this basket and it was blowing up   just the way that it had my whole childhood right  um and so i came to this place where i was like   i i don't care what my husband does i don't care  what other people do around me i was not born to   live a life of suffering i just know that there  was something in me you know and so i started uh   working on myself it was like regardless of what  happens in my marriage or whatever you know the   story with money has been up to this point i'm  gonna go and i'm going to um find my happiness   and uh you know that all sounds so glorious right  my husband moved back in two and a half years of   us trying to come back together and having it  blow up and then kind of going okay get go back   to your own lane he's working on him i'm working  on me and we're raising these sweet children to finally come to the point uh where we both  you know looked at each other one day and it   was like oh my gosh i didn't know that this kind  of connection existed and that's you know through   that whole journey i had met a lot of women who  were going through similar things to me women who   had been cheated on women you know just so many  different marital like heartbroken situations and   i was like these women need to know that this is  possible and so i find it so fascinating because   we tried to do the money thing first  and life taught us like you have to have   you solid and your relationship solid if  you want to make the money stuff successful   and i don't you know i see people do  it the other direction all the time   but i do think at some point if your relationship  stuff is out of whack it catches up to you   and it can destroy businesses like it happens all  the time you know so so i learned a big lesson in   that journey that's amazing i mean that and thank  you so much for sharing all of that because that   i mean i'm sure to distill it down sounds like it  was quite an epic journey but to distill it down   into um just a couple of minutes of story but um  yeah i mean that sounds absolutely life-changing   and and certainly brought you to where you are  today and and actually fast forward to today   tell us you know what are you doing now like  who who are you working with and i sort of got   hints of it but tell me a bit more about who you  help and and what are you helping them with now   yeah so now i run a six-figure corporation nice  amazing where i serve high-level business women   and and it is that same philosophy it's um you  know uh business women have they know they have   to invest in themselves and they invest in a  lot of business stuff right business coaching   business strategy it's like whatever it's going to  take um to make the business um big and expansive   and visible and so that it can create the impact  uh you know women um i love working with women   who have big hearts about serving their community  and and these are the kind of women who also tend   to uh put their relationships on the back burner  yeah because um because there's so much at stake   it's like if i'm going to make you know an  investment uh way in investment decision i   know most women are going to invest into  masculine strategy masculine business   structure stuff before they invest in their heart  their self-care their love their and and what   happens is we end up with this huge imbalance and  so um and and so i i had to learn that process in   my own in my own journey and that's where i found  kind of a passion helping those women i love that   okay that's great so i mean because it obviously  it came through your own journey with your husband   but now you're able to bring that wisdom  and everything that you learned and helping   other women high achieving driven business owners  who have been putting their relationships on the   back burner i'm sure that many of our listeners  can relate to everything that we're saying so okay   let's talk about intimacy i would love to know you  know what are the things that like the top things   that keep uh business women and entrepreneurs  from having a great you know intimate life   for themselves and their partners so uh  i think a couple of different things um   come into play here uh one is often i think we  think uh i have i have passed unresolved stuff um   but actually what we say is well i already dealt  with that i'm sure that's not affecting me anymore   um or or on the flip side it's like i already did  a bunch of therapy on that and so i'm not you know   again i'm sure that's not affecting me anymore  so uh especially when it comes to sexual stuff   you know uh so so much can affect our  ability to be open and receptive to pleasure   and to physical connection and and all of that and  so uh so so physical connection right can be one   um one barrier another um another barrier  is not ever feeling permission to be   in our feminine energy so  what i mean by that is like um   you know the best example is like  there's no time for all these feelings   how inconvenient yeah and you know it's  like okay i'm running a big corporation   like where is there time for me to like break  down and grieve what what i've lost or to you know   feel the weight of the text that my partner just  sent me or you know or um or even what happens is   that it even prevents us from being able to fully  be in our celebrations and our big moments and so   and so we sort of like try to put that part of  ourselves in a box and that comes from generations   of living in a patriarchal society living where  masculine energy has been honored and celebrated   and um and kind of lifted up as the gold standard  so so we don't really know what it looks like to   be a full woman business owner it's like uh well  there's weak women over here who aren't business   owners or there's women who fit in this paradigm  of the patriarchy and kind of have to compete with   men and compete with the big dogs and act like  them and where is that middle pendulum place right   so but the thing is is we when we do that  we lose touch with our true inner voice we lose touch with our power our ability to  really run the business the way that we had first   envisioned it when we when we got that seed of  inspiration to do it in the first place right so   uh so so that prevents that prevents us right all  this cultural stuff that's like everywhere that   maybe we don't even recognize we're just you  know fed it every day right exactly yeah you   typically we don't even recognize it because it's  so pervasive like it's just so part of the culture   and it's just so out there and i mean in terms of  i was also thinking as you were talking in terms   of role models like it's really hard to find um  examples of women who are running their businesses   and having a rewarding fulfilling beautiful  family life too like that those things are   it's really hard to find mentors and role models  who are exhibiting those more feminine traits and   i'll say the last thing that i see uh very  often is um kind of tied to the other two   true intimacy i define as into me see i didn't  come up with that but um i love that i think   it's so accurate well you know we think  of intimacy we think of sex but it's   so much more it's it's all these things and it's  really about seeing into ourselves so that others   can deeply see into us and so then we can deeply  see into another you'll never be able to feel as   intimately connected to someone else as uh you  know deeper than what you've gone into yourself   and vice versa so we feel this loneliness we want  people to be in this with us we feel like i have   to do everything on my own and whatever but the  catch-22 is we're the ones putting up those walls   yeah so so i see that a lot there's a fear of  intimacy people are like terrified you know it's   actually so beautiful it's always that uh that  cliche right like the tiger in the closet and   it just keeps getting louder and it's scratching  at the door and then you open the door and it's   like okay it hurts it's not great but the tiger  is never as big as we say or as we think it is   yeah that's so true i love that and i love that  definition of intimacy that's very cool um i am   curious about this and i'm sure that my listeners  are curious and dying to know in fact too but i   would love to know like how much do you focus  on sex as an intimacy coach like what is that   like for you so i would say probably all  intimacy coaches approach this differently   but i i come from a very conservative background  and i look at sex as absolutely sacred um so like   i yeah so you're not gonna you're not gonna end  up coming into a container with me and we're not   gonna explore your polyamorous relationship like  i'm not gonna be the person to support somebody   with that um i you know i just think monogamous  um committed relationships are so beautiful and   so typically the women who are attracted to me  are women who have craved healing this part of   themselves but have felt like there's not a safe  space to talk about it when you talk with their   girlfriends it kind of gets trashy right it's like  well i didn't want to like dog on my husband or   i didn't you know whatever right yes um we make  light of it we make it a joke but really inside   there's like deep stuff that we're like but i  actually don't know maybe sometimes we don't even   want to google it because we don't we don't know  what we're going to find right it's just scary   um but but you know we actually do end up  focusing on it more more than uh you might think   it ends up showing up more often because i  think um even people will say to me oh we have   sex all the time that's not really our issue  right and then we get into it and it's like   i just wish there was more depth i wish i wish  it felt like we were actually seeing each other   it feels robotic it's you know and it's like um  i look at a marriage or a partnership and i think   there's all this power and magic in a partnership  and so i'm always kind of asking people are you   harnessing that like do you feel that there's  all this power in your partnership if you don't   all that means is you haven't learned how to  tap into it and sex becomes a powerful strategy   for tapping into that power there which then  ultimately obviously as a businesswoman is gonna   like you're radiant all of a sudden you're all  about your pleasure you're like you know parts   are flying again and then you're of course going  to go out and influence the world in a deeper way   yeah well that i actually wanted to ask you about  that because you had said you talked about 10xing   um your success and using this as your tool  i would actually love to know like you know   from your experience and what you've seen like why  is high level success in business dependent upon   having those successful relationships and that  true intimacy and like what is the correlation   between those two things i'm so glad you asked um  you know think and grow rich napoleon hill talks   about this and everybody gets at this chapter  and gets like i don't know what's happening here chapter 11 so if you have your think and grow rich  what's funny is uh you may have a copy that has   eliminated this chapter because no way oh my gosh  i'm gonna have to go and take a look because yeah   of course i've read that book like everyone right  now yeah and i'm thinking i don't remember that   so maybe i either glossed over it like he said  everybody does or maybe mine doesn't even have   that oh my gosh okay tell me all about this so fun  so fun i mean there's so much i could say about   this but i do love bringing in this book because  everybody knows this book chapter 11 he talks   about the emotion of sex um and he says that it's  like he was reading a study um that had studied   about this and had interviewed lots of people  who were very successful and uh and asked them   about their relationship to sex wow okay said that  throughout time there was a correlation between   people with um he called it highly developed  sexual natures and being abundant and successful   and you know it's right there before our  noses i think i heard it for the first time   and having been through all the trauma  and messy stuff that i had been through   i was probably just triggered and i was like i  have no freaking idea what he's talking about and   i'm just gonna like take whatever else i got  out of the book and ignore this chapter yeah   what's going on here you know but it really  is it really is very uh very true and and   here's how we bring this into real life right a  woman comes to me um and she has focused solely   on her business her whole life and she's been  in and out of relationships um all all kind of   failed attempts at not being lonely she keeps um  dating guys who uh you know sort of fill that need   they're comfortable it's like oh i need someone to  be comfortable but then when the relationship gets   hard or maybe he shows that he's actually pretty  needy and stuff he's not super capable on his own   you keep him around because he's got this comfort  factor until it gets uncomfortable and then   it's like look you're getting in the way of my  business growth and so i'm gonna just you know   just move into um my business deeper and let  go and then you know this is her story over and   over and over and then she starts to get older  and she starts to realize the clock is ticking   um you know i'm i'm mid-40s or i'm into my 50s and  i'm worried now like maybe i'm not gonna be able   to grow old with someone because i've had these  priorities this whole time and i'm not super happy   with the guy i'm with now and um and and sometimes  she cannot she cannot break out of this mentality   you know after living this way for this long like  we know that we're not compartmentalized beings as   women and i i look at i look at someone like that  and i think and then she comes to me and she's   got this checklist right like these are all the  things that he needs to to fit and i just can't   find someone who you know like hits all these  things right and i'm like when was the last time   you had a vulnerable conversation with somebody  you dated well i don't really do that right   when was the last and and so what ends up  happening is she loses all her fulfillment and at the end of the day we have to ask ourselves  like what's the point what's what's the point of   all the business success and all the even all the  people you're helping if you aren't truly happy   in your in your heart in yourself it's a good  question to ask and i don't think that we ask   it nearly enough of ourselves right because it's  just and it's so easy because it's just head down   keep going keep building growing doing the things  doing doing doing without ever lifting your head   up and saying well what is the big purpose here  like why am i even doing this if i'm not happy   so i love that you help women to really connect  those pieces together for themselves and   and that it's not just about focusing on building  your business but it's an and kind of thing it's   not like either i work on my relationships or  i work on my business but really by working on   both you get to elevate both and what's super  cool and you know so sometimes i'll get i'll   get a woman will come to me and she'll be like  well i know i need to work on my marriage like   i've been focusing on my business so long and  now our communication is super like strained   and we're just not as close as we once were and so  this year i will work on my marriage and i'm like   ugh just feel heavy and awful and i think that  sometimes again when we're so business oriented   we're in that masculine energy space all the  time we just start to look at everything in   our life as a checklist of things and people  that need us and the resentment builds and   builds and builds and it doesn't it doesn't have  to be that way your business can be in service   of your joy your clients can even be in service  of your joint your husband can be in service of   your joy your kids can be in service of your joy  it's just a matter of shifting the perspective   so when women start working with me typically what  happens is they start um you know first it's kind   of this scary process it sort of can feel like  i'm guiding them off of a cliff into the dark   what are we doing but they just start to feel more  and listen to their heart more and they start to   um you know even people who have done a lot of  personal development a lot of the consciousness   and mindset world is also masculine oriented  it's like task oriented like you need to um kind   of like lasso your ego and get it to conform to  your higher vibe or to your up level or whatever   it still is very masculine a lot of times we still  bypass this ability to be intimate with ourselves   right so she comes in she starts doing this work  with me she starts to feel uh feel her feelings   more she starts to listen to her heart more  and then she starts to see things differently   and it's so fun because you know a lot of  times women will will completely rearrange um   how they have done things they start to see  possibilities that they just weren't even able   to see before because they're like they like  pull their heart out and they're like okay   how would you do it right so a lot a lot of my  clients hire uh and delegate more in their teams   um you know they come in and they're like oh and  now i see that i was still holding on to this   thing that i should be doing all right you know  or this gap over here that i've been avoiding   or whatever they start hiring more supports  they start hiring more support in their home um   and uh and and then a lot of times they become  you know more relationship oriented so a lot   of times women will make more money because  they're just taking more time to like you know   listen to their intuition that says hey  you should reach out to so and so today   um and tell them about what you're up to right  and it's all of a sudden you know leading to sales so many things like this happen then you know  it's fun too when she's married because she starts   to shift into this uh really it's her goddess  energy and i actually believe that like she's   finding her true self and she starts to shift into  that and a lot of times the husband will be like   wow and i i had a client once her husband  bought her a tesla right off the lot   when he had not bought her any gifts of any kind  for years um and i had another client her um   husband spent around 10k on her one christmas  again when he previously hadn't bought her gifts   in years and she had like kind of like harped and  complained and like you why don't you buy me gifts   and you know you know i don't care whatever  she starts doing this stuff and her goddess   energy and just uh you know money just starts  flowing in and opportunities start flowing in   and what we find is and this is i believe  what's happening in a in a bigger scheme   in our society in the wor world right now is  uh the masculine way of doing things served us   but it's not serving us the way that it used  to it's not working the way that it used to   and it's harder it's actually way harder um you  know when you have felt like your business is like   pushing a boulder up a hill and never reaching  the top it doesn't have to feel that way so they   start to tap into this feminine and it's like  you become a sorceress oh i love that yeah why   you create what you want i love it i love it that  is so good um you know i'm finding myself feeling   really curious about your story melissa like just  a little bit more about your own business because   of course like many of my listeners are in the  process of building their coaching businesses   and you clearly have a very successful coaching  business and i just wonder if you'd be willing to   share a little bit about how you yourself built  that success like was there anything that you   did in particular that helped you or made a big  difference in your trajectory of your business   um yes let's see here uh  what would i say has been um so i was born i think blessed with i'm  using these words very strategically   sensitivity like i am a feeling person this is  why i do what i do right um i'm a feeling person   i can't i actually can't compartmentalize um when  i used to live in masculine energy so so much   i was miserable on antidepressants and um suicidal  thoughts and ideation and you know really like   i cannot live and exist like that and  so uh throughout my business journey   um because as a as a again as a business  woman we are like you know just put into   this whole um patriarchal thing and we and  we have to women like me who who you know   yes i have a strong willpower and i'm actually  really good at doing what people tell me to do   and i prefer that it's easier it's way harder to  sit and listen and dig into my intuition right   but when i do that i'm not fulfilled when i'm  not happy and so this has been the key through   my whole journey is um you know learning  business tools business strategies um   certainly taking certifications all kinds  of stuff like that for client fulfillment   and how to really help people get from a to b  and um but but you know learning sales calls   learning um you know how to generate cold leads  and all that kind of stuff right learning the how   and then it's this process of uh in human design  i'm a manifesting generator bringing it in   feeling into what actually works and then moving  forward with the strategy that actually works   for me and it's been uh it's kind of a brutal  process because again like everything comes from   this masculine structured like achievement  do it every day and you'll have success and space um you know pressure sales all this kind  of stuff and uh and and so what i have done is   try it like i try it i plunge myself in and i will  commit and i give myself a time frame like okay um   you know in fact you know at one point it was like  okay i'm gonna do this for a whole year just as my   coaches have said oh i don't really recommend  that a year was a long time it is a long time   but um you know commit and do the thing and  really learn it so you can say i know how to   do that and i'm very good at it and then you  go back to your heart and it's like now now   heart teach me out of everything that i know uh  intuition you know teach me guide me what's my   divine way of doing this thing how do i generate  cold leads how do i nurture my warm leads   how do i structure my business what programs do  i want to offer because it fuels me it lights   me up and i get excited about it and it's been  that um kind of uh almost like a teeter-totter   balancing right of like learning the things and  then coming back to my heart and and it was just   in 2021 when i really um you know got to this  point where following all the shoulds and to do's   as a coach just started to feel like um it  was crushing me and so i really again had to   dig deep in and i think at this point i know the  strategies like i don't need to continue to hire   more strategy coaches i need uh people just  to remind me to go back to my own inner wisdom   use the tools that i already have and create my  own uh my own journey right because we're always   having to pivot the markets always changing and  you know thankfully my intuition knows just what   to do every single time it's amazing you know i  just i absolutely love that approach like that   whole philosophy and as you were talking about it  it reminded me and i'm hoping i don't know if i'm   correct about the the particular artist i feel  like it was picasso who said something like you   have to learn the rules in order to then go on  and break the rules something like that you know   i'm probably butchering it and i might entirely  have the artist wrong so if any listeners have   know what quote i'm talking about and know the  exact artist then let me know but um it's that   kind of idea like just exactly what you described  that whole process of yes you've gotta you know   learn the strategies learn the tactics the  masculine stuff the structures the checklists   all those to do's and tasks and then not just  kind of let yourself off the hook by not actually   trying it like i love that you had the commitment  to go in for a full year on various strategies but   yeah i mean you've really got to run it through  your system and then but that's not the end of   the story right i think that a lot of people  probably give up i think they probably are like   oh well i tried that and it didn't work instead of  what you described much more beautiful intuitive   process after that because that's just sort of the  beginning and then you kind of sink in and be like   okay well what worked about that and how did that  make me feel and why didn't that work for me or   you know whatever it is that you have to whatever  your process is of making it your own and then   you can break those rules and go off script and  do your own thing because you have gone through   that learning process and discovery process i  love that and i think what i would add to that   is especially for beginner entrepreneurs um and  if you're aware of masculine feminine energy like   there's a lot of up-and-coming um uh entrepreneurs  that i see you know um who know that they don't   want to do things in the old masculine paradigm  but then as a result they really struggle to   create any systems or structure for their business  and the the thing about um being in our feminine   is we have to have masculine support it's a it's  a river and a riverbed um without the without the   riverbed the water just will go everywhere right  like i picture like water droplets everywhere in   the universe or something like it's scattered it  doesn't know where to go but with the riverbed in   place the water can flow it can flow abundantly  it can flood and it just goes and goes and goes   right and that's what we want our business to feel  like and so and so we create masculine structures   right we create systems and things we need all  of that stuff and then we can uh the problem   though is that we rely on those so so much that  we forget about the flow of the river we forget to   nurture that flow and add to it and and be in the  flow and receive the flow um so so we need both   yes i'm gonna start a business just by you  know sitting under a tree and meditating   and you know thinking clients are going to show  up that's not going to happen but it when you   create the systems and structures and then you  don't go sit under the tree you're making it way   harder for yourself so it's both yeah i love that  analogy that's perfect the river and the riverbed   that's really great um you know this has just  been such a great conversation melissa and i   can see that we are just about out of time um  before we wrap up i do want to hear all your   all of your details in terms of where listeners  can go to connect with you but before we do that   like any final words of wisdom like one or two  you know final takeaways to give our listeners i think what i would share is we're so abundant i think that especially as women we  feel like we have to reach so far   to be something that we're not to be successful and to prove lots of that proving energy right our  ancestors and our dna says like who are you really   and so we feel this intense pressure to go  out and serve and help and and and it's got   its light side and it's got its shadow side and  uh the truth is like all of that abundance is   already right inside of us it's actually  in our stillness in the spaces in between   when there isn't a big success happening or there  isn't a lot of noise or chaos it's right there   and if we don't feel that all that means  is that we haven't done whatever is needed   to heal and clear away the space so we can  feel that abundance in the spaces in between   because it really is ours it  is it is who we already are   um that's the perfect note to end on that was just  beautiful thank you melissa for sharing that and   thank you for sharing so many just pieces  of wisdom and just so many beautiful ideas   to send us out into the world with so i mean like  i said though before we go tell us where we can go   to learn more about you and your work and connect  with you yes please come to my website melissa and i have a free intimacy guide  there that is a beautiful way to just get started   in your own process and journey certainly i love  talking about this but what i love even more is   is people sharing from their own heart and hearing  what's inside of uh you know your heart um your   intimacy and your journey and so this begins you  right away um into you know kind of like here's   the situation what am i feeling what am i what am  i valuing what is this guiding me towards and then   how do i actually create intimacy with another  person about this situation um so i definitely   recommend go in there get on to get a copy of the  intimacy guide and that will bring you into my   email list and stuff to keep you up to date with  what's uh happening and then i also run a free   women's community it's called women manifesting  intimacy again for high level business women who   uh who want a space to be their whole self  not their compartmentalized business self   and look that up women manifesting intimacy on  facebook oh amazing and i will put all of those   links in the show notes for sure so that people  can easily find you because this has just been   so it's been such a pleasure thank you so much  melissa have an amazing day thank you so much   i hope that you enjoyed watching  that and i hope that you are feeling   freshly inspired to pay attention to what is  happening in your personal life and what's   happening in your relationships i would actually  love to know what your one big takeaway was   from today so let me know in the comments  below and let's have a conversation   now this video was of course focused on your  intimate and romantic relationships but there's   another kind of relationship that's worth talking  about and that's the relationship that you have   with other women in your community your fellow  health and wellness entrepreneurs and your peers   and colleagues basically your tribe and this is  especially important for entrepreneurs because   let's face it it can be pretty lonely on this  journey and having a community of like-minded   women who have got your back who are supporting  you and cheering you on as well as being a   reliable source of information and advice it  can make a huge difference there is no need to   do this alone and so if you are looking for a  true sisterhood of women who are also building   meaningful businesses in the wellness  space then you are going to love   what i'm creating for you i can't reveal all the  details right now but what i'm putting together   is a membership for wellness coaches and  entrepreneurs to give us all the community and the   connection that we crave in addition to all the  business expertise and know-how that we need now   if that sounds interesting to you then go ahead  and follow the link in the description box below   to add your name to the waitlist and you will  be the first to know when all the juicy details   become available alright that is a wrap for  today as always i hope that you enjoyed this   video and that you have an amazing week  and i will talk to you again very soon you

2022-02-10 03:45

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