Show Video

Hi. There this is delish cayenne and welcome, to the inspired, selling, podcast, and this. Is the place where, people learn the fact how. To find, attract. Convert. And treasure, more, of your ideal clients. Without. Any of those nasty sleazy. Pushy sales tactics, and I. Got a fabulous, guest, for you today, sue. Pereira, and. Sue's. Going to talk to us and share techniques, and strategies, about using. Video, successfully. In your, business so let, me just give, you some background about, sue, I. Am, so excited I, just can't wait to hear more from sue because I have. To admit, I am not the most brave online, video, but, I'm going to be after this podcast, so let. Me tell you about soon, after. 40 years practicing. As an anesthetist, in the invisible, world of the operating, room for, her second, act sue. Transformed. Her world showing. You how to be visible with video, and. Living. In this exciting, time, of rapid. Word unsettling. Change sue. Realize many people, were having challenges, me. Included, embracing. The power of video as a marketing, tool you, know things like camera, shyness techie, terrors. That. Hold people back from extending. The reach that influence, the impact and, the income, and knowing. That she, can make you camera. And tech confident, sue, created. Wisdom, to wealth mastery. Enabling. You to take your wisdom, to the world in video. So. Sue, welcome I'm absolutely thrilled to, have you on the. Podcast and. What. I have. Loved, about you in the short time that we've known each other is. Your. Story and, how. Inspiring. You, are to. So many people, and certainly, to me and I just want to share with, the listeners, the viewers that, this is a lady who, is 71. And, is. Absolutely. A rocking, it she, is out there if, you have a look on YouTube, she's got dozens and dozens of videos, she. Is totally. Inspiring. So. Sue tell us what, was the trigger to, have you start your own business, and why particular, in particularly. Video. Well. I got to say first of all I'm the one who's so, honored to be here at Dilys and I'm you. Know we really enjoy our conversations but, I'll get get to your question why. Did I move, in my second act to video, it's good question, one I must quite often because, there isn't usually such a radical swing from being, invisible in the o.r forever in, medicine, and, you know I I couldn't do anesthesia, 101, for the general populace because we get into big trouble like, if I went out and taught anesthesia, but I have, seen over my years in, medicine. Which it's, 53, years since I went to medical school in University, College in London and I've. Seen I've. Seen us get older and older and older and I know we. Are going to live very long, lives and. You. Know life sends you curveballs I when. I was 60 so. About 10 years ago I. Went, through one of those really painful. Unfortunately. Increasingly. Common, gray divorces, so, I thought I was tootling on into a conventional. Older life and suddenly boom. My. Life changes, direction, and I'm, now looking at being a single woman into. My later years and, you know that, requires a bit my mindset change yes and then, that was in 2007. And then the next year was 2008. When we had the financial crash, and I don't. Know I always, say I don't do, visions, but, I had a vision which. For someone who's as concrete, and kind of scientific as me was you. Know it was kind of it was an emotional experience and I just felt, and saw all these folks, who were good types were going to be severely. Wrecked by this financial. Crisis, and we haven't really come out of it now and I. Knew that many we're going to have to generate add in income, and, because. I've always been fascinated by the web I knew. That, if, you take control of your own life and, not, depend, on someone else the way to do, it today to, generate, added income is, to is to get yourself more seen on the web so, I I I. Started, with everybody, and I found a lot of people weren't interested in changing their world and I, focused, down more on business women and business, folks in general because.

There Is this as, you said there's this rapid, rapid change in the world we, are moving to a totally different way of business and marketing and I understood. Video because I've done it for a long time and it I saw. Its power rise over, five or six years ago Wow. People. Have to use this so that's basically how I it's, a long story because it goes to to come through you through different kind of sections of things that happened to me but that's how I ended up using. Video. As a way to take. Your message the world because it is so powerful it. Is it. Certainly is and. As. You know I am deeply immersed in the. World, of SMEs. Who are selling to bigger businesses, and, time. And time again I, hear. People, saying I just, can't do this I just can't do it and I, had. To kind. Of feel the fear and do it anyway I must admit and and it wasn't easy for me I could. Stand on a stage with an audience of hundreds of people you know as a keynote, speaker, I could. Run workshops with. Many people of many delegates, and so on but, to get in front of this. Cheers. Yep was daunting. You know that that stupid, little ends, and. Then you'd you. Know you kind, of get those butterflies, in you to me and. It. Really has I have had to work hard on taking myself out, of my comfort zone so. Just, tell. Us why. You think business. Owners should consider, a video as a. Marketing. Tool for their business to attract new clients. Well. I think, it's, mandatory today, and, I commend you Dilys for overcoming. Your. Collywobbles, about, doing video because, it is universal. And maybe we can come back to that that whole idea of, if. Just because you're a speaker, doesn't. Mean you're going to be able to transfer, easily to video I think your experience is, extremely. Common. But, I think there's. There's there's core reasons, that it is difficult to make, that transition. One. Is it's. Especially. For women I mean we are so brutally, hard on ourselves and, so self-critical. You. Know a lot of people don't even want to be in the family photos and so the whole idea of. Baring. Your soul and, coming, out. Potentially. To the world because that's what you're doing when you put a video up online, you're leaving, your local, world that knows you and that you're comfortable in when, you're making that big leap, through. The screen to unknown. People to unknown audiences, and I, think it requires a, huge, amount of of, self, work and and. Mindset. Work to be able to say yes. I can do this I, can. Make this I can, make this leap and do exactly what you said feel the fear and do it anyway I, I. Think first of all it's it's it's, mindset. Self confidence that is a real, real. Challenge, for many and then, the next thing is the tech there's, this big thing that oh my god it's so technical to, do video and, it, was even, four years ago but, now it isn't and you know you brought up my, favorite gizmo, it. Really has come down now with with an iPhone hit, the red button give. You a message hit the red button your videos done so, number two is there's. This perception. That the, tech is still difficult but it isn't and, then number three is okay, so I've made my video what, do I do with it now and. Until. You know. Where. And how of, each different, place you can put the video you get a bit lost you don't know what to do with a video when you've got it so that's the three reasons self confidence, not. Think thinking, the tech is more than it actually is today and knowing what to do with the video when you made it mm-hmm, and I'll just share a very funny story with you soon weather when, I was building. Myself up to do my very first live and, I. I. Was actually a but the the swimming, pool and they've, got a nice lounges, there and I was reading a book and it's in it's behind me here and I think it's probably the wrong way around but it's the five-second. Rule oh yeah. Myself, up and I read this and it just said fire, it say to yourself, five four three two one and just do it and that's all right that's it I'm going back home I'm gonna get changed and we'll put my lipstick, on and I'm gonna just do it and I. Remember. Someone saying to me now, put, something, at the, side to put a picture of, I. Haven't got a picture here by the way I've got a train ticket but all will be revealed but.

A Picture, at the side of your phone so. That yet where the camera, is and just look at that because otherwise you, look, if it's as if you're not looking at the camera so. I didn't, have a picture all, I had on my desk was a train ticket so. I popped up I. Poked. A hole in this train ticket, drew, some eyelashes, on it and, a. Way I went I pressed, the red button and, away I went and, I absolutely loved. It I really, really enjoyed doing it but. Well. When. I look back at it and I published, it it's, been all I've, boosted. It, on Facebook, and everything when, I hadn't made the whole quite, big enough it, looks like I was looking it. Better. From here really but. You did it I mean it's always that first one isn't it yes and I and and and, so, many folks they say just do the first one yeah, and, you'll be through it because every, one after that is easier but that's a brilliant thing to do it you can see up, on this is an old teleprompter. I've got behind there and Teddy, sits, on the top because when I've got people who are he'll. Get like you are hesitant about doing video I it's. No good looking at that cold lens you already said that's that just. That blanks people out so look. At teddy talk to Teddy or talk to you train ticket that's the best way to do it but with a bigger hole in if you're gonna put a hole in your train ticket, bigger, hole in when you're doing your iron yeah. And. Of. Course as a marketing. Strategy, for people being able to get out there and people, who know me know I use this phrase a lot it's, about exposing, yourself, metaphorically. Speaking yeah. Being visible. Out there, and. You. Know when I introduced. You sue I talked about the number of videos that you've got on YouTube and the, places, that you that, you share them and I'm sure you've talked to us about that later on but, it's. A really great way not, just it becoming visible, with, people getting to know you as opposed. To a blog for example or an article or, email. Marketing. It really. Allows. People to. See, who you are and gives, them the opportunity to reject, you if you're, not their cup of tea or to, embrace you if you are their cup of tea. Yeah. I mean we are such visual creatures and. I think that's really why my. Video becomes so powerful, and it, all comes down to just what you said Kay L&T know like and trust and we know that people will bond, with you and be more interested, in working with you or purchasing. Something, from you or investing. In you if they know like and trust you and, a lot of folks again, folks who hesitant to do video so I doesn't work this video thing you know it's different it doesn't work when, you're at a distance, and you're doing it online I say rubbish, it, really, really, works it doesn't make any difference I have a client right now whom. I'd never met personally. But. We already knew each other really well and then she moved into town and so now she comes here for her coaching, and, the. First time she walked in we just said hi nice to meet you but, I already know you yes, so you can get to know like and trust people easily. Via. Video. Absolutely. As the, whole mantra, is don't. Put on the airs and graces, just, be, because she can't keep it off if you do if you're, not authentic, it doesn't work yes, that's quite right so. So what do you recommend live, or pre-recorded, what. Are the pros and cons both. Both. Um. Live. Really wasn't an option until maybe, about what, was it now maybe just not. That well, maybe a couple of years ago since Facebook live came in so. The, world really changed, with Facebook life and, I. Think when. I when I'm teaching, I I, say, forget about all those other areas, where you can do video cuz you can do video just about anywhere I mean you can do video on Twitter you can do video on Instagram and I don't necessarily, say forget that but. Focus, on the two big. Humongous. Areas. Where you can do video which, are YouTube and Facebook and. Those are the two areas where you can power out your presence, and if. You do Facebook. Then. There's no doubt live, is, is. The. Way to go a, Facebook. Itself will promote you a lot more if you do live video that. Doesn't mean you don't do recorded, video you do it too but you know if it's a question of coming in on a race Facebook. Live will, will, pick you at the post when. You look at YouTube which, I really, love it's. A different, kettle of fish totally, because. When you're on Facebook, you're, building relationships really you're building relationships, and in fact right now Facebook, is pushing, the whole idea, of engagement. Which is which, is a dynamic. Interaction. When, you go to, youtube. You. Can dilute, your life but. It's not it's, a very different medium because YouTube is a search engine and so. People go to YouTube to answer, have, a problem, solved have their questions answered, so you will make a very different, video, for, youtube than, you will for Facebook, and.

And, That's the power of the two because if you can have a presence on both of them you. Know the mantra really is if you want to be seen today you've got to have you everywhere, now and so, you know think about what your web footprint, is like if if you put your name into, Google. Where. Would you come up like. How, do people find you where are you visible, if, you have a lot on Facebook like when you have a lot on YouTube and you have a lot in video you. Will rise to the top and be seen so the power is, live, on Facebook, I would say and record, it on YouTube. But answering, very specific, questions, that people want answered, and. I noticed on your, YouTube, channel, you. Don't put long, videos, on there yours. Are kind of three to four minutes yep. Max. You. Know we're kind of a bit a DD these days and and, that's that again, is a difference, if you're doing a Facebook live or you're doing something like we're doing right now it's. Conversational. And it it can go on for quite a while I mean you know we can do 20 30 40. An hour quite, easily. You. Try doing that on YouTube. They're. Gone now and you'll see there is a very different structure to, creating. A YouTube video like right up front you say in this video I'm going to show you because. If. You, don't say that they're, gone you. Have to tell them that, you are here, giving, them the answer, to their query, you're, gonna solve your problem, their problem right up front and if you don't do that they're gone so, there's a very different structure between the two and you need to solve the problem on YouTube, tube suite and two to three minutes is really your max I. Well. Before we came on to do this recording, I was actually watching, some. Of your videos on. YouTube and, you. Are absolutely to, the point yeah. You tell them what you're going to tell them you tell them and you tell them what you've told them you. Got it that's right and that is the that is the structure, and it's, the structure that works and I and I'll be honest it.

Breaks My heart because, there's an awful lot of incredibly. Talented people women, again especially who are excellent speakers, who. Put their videos up onto YouTube but they're never seen, because. They don't have that structure and. I know they put you know they put their effort into creating the video they put it up onto YouTube and they. Never get exposure, because. They're not using that structured. Way and also, I see owing their, video properly. And, search engine optimization, is very important, in YouTube as well so it's very different, Facebook, is kind of loser you need a strategy but it's looser whereas, face YouTube, is tight, tight. Focused, and pre-planned, yeah, and, it's. A case of getting started, isn't it because I your. People could have a look at your channel and go yeah but look at all of the video she's not up there but, you had to start somewhere with, video number 1 yep. And I didn't, start this channel till about I've. Got a couple of videos that I pulled from elsewhere but that's basically an eight to eight month channel now and, and. I think if you're going to put stuff on if, you're going to put videos up on YouTube you, really do need to learn about the, structure of how to do it on YouTube first about the SEO and then consistency. I try. To have one video, where we go out every Friday yeah. And then people get used to your channel, they get used to what you're doing and, if they subscribe they, get notification. When your, video, goes out so, it helps, building, your community and I'll be honest right now, the. Vast majority of, the opt-ins, to my email, list come from YouTube rather. Than anywhere else yeah and I, noticed, that too that in the description. You don't actually describe. What's, in the video you. Put subscribe. To my five. Steps, to effective videos. Videoing. Or five, steps, to the essentials. For. Video, I put a freebie, in there yes and then that freebie. Obviously. Goes to an opt-in page and and. And. Then I collect, emails from there and I'll be honest that's where I get the. Vast majority, of my opt-ins yeah, yeah so, you, know people can in fact go and subscribe to, your video. Channel and yes. Let's have a look at your your. Strategy. And and those, those. Elements, that you include, like. The the free, resource, in the description, box and the length of your videos and listening. To how you do they it's. A kind of a what why and how but it's around I'm, going to tell you what I'm, I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna tell you I tell you it and now, I'll tell you what I told you kind, of yeah, and you know it's interesting someone, last week to who. Subscribe, to my channel, then. Followed up with an email to, me or a messenger saying. What. Do I now make, my videos about, because. Other, people, have already made the videos about the subject that I want to talk, about I said doesn't matter if you look at YouTube there. Are 60, gazillion. Videos, on how to use your iPhone to. Create, video it. Doesn't matter there. Is room enough for, everyone because. It comes back again did astir just what you said people are looking for someone they know like and trust us. You know I'm not going to attract the teenybopper who's on snapchat I'm, going to attract, where. I think there's a vast need older. Women and men, who, need to move into this world and and you know we all grow up before the web so, it's it's, a world that they don't understand, and I know I know one of my talents, is to make ice to simplify it and make it easy so you. Know that's who I'm I'm. I'm gearing, to who I'm attracting. Mostly. Folks 50 plus and, who need, to move into this and and you know who don't, like it but then. Again it it it, goes back to, I am. Certainly, inspired the, fact that you, kind. Of reinvented. Yourself. You. Know at the, age of 60 going through that awful, divorce.

Reinventing. Yourself and being. Who you are and, this. Nobody, can replicate you, because. Even though there are tons of people out there talking about how to do video nobody. Can do it the way sue Ferrara does it yeah. And and, you know there are some outstanding folks, way way way better than me but I still am building, my own little tribe yeah and. Yeah. And so it doesn't matter who you are don't, think you can't do it because someone else has already done it yeah, you are you just. Do it and, and. People will come. So. What, would be your. Tips, for. Doing effective, videos, on a regular basis, I. Think. First of all it comes right back to. Your. Message, and. Whatever. Folks. Say I don't know what I don't know how to do video I don't know what to say and I will just say well who. Are you what is your message if you already have a business and what I call the real world and, you were doing workshops or you're speaking, your. Message is already there you. Know who you are and you know what your message is and you know what you offer it's. Absolutely. No different, to. Then go, onto video and say the same thing you, can just pass lit depending, on whether you're going onto YouTube. Or Facebook, live parcel. It in a different way, but. There's nothing more you need to, learn or do it's already, up here your wisdom is here you know your, wisdom is here just brain dump it and take it out to the world and as I say you know then your influence, will grow and eventually. Your income which is a whole idea of wisdoms and wealth so don't, get caught up in the, idea that. You need to do something different you don't you have it all already, and, then I would just say think. About, what, your, audience needs if. You, go to YouTube think. About what. Questions you, almost commonly, asked, so. If and, I always will say think, about the 10 questions, you're asked most frequently think. About the 10 questions they should ask you but they don't and if, you put down 10 fa Q's and 10 sa, Q's you've. Already got 20 videos and, then you just write your text in the format, that I've just mentioned if you're gonna do YouTube here, I'm gonna solve this problem, this is Who I am here's, the solution and you. Know tell them again and subscribe, that's, your YouTube format and if you go to face book life you, can have exactly the, same 20. Videos, or 20, subjects, but. You can chat to them more loosely, and and. Bring, people in through a more engaging. Way that's. That's, where I would start think of the 10 questions that. That they frequently ask the 10 that they should ask it, gives you the structure to then move. Forwards and once you've done those I tell you you will realize you have so many more videos, that.

Or Discussion. Points it becomes. A non-issue yes. And, one of the things I do sue with, everything, that I do afterwards. I do what. Went well what didn't go so well what do I need to do better next time so that yes always making. Those marginal, gains and moving, forward, and upward, all at the time yeah. And that is a really important, point Dilys because I had had, a lady bless. Her an 80 year old I mean it's amazing in an 80 year old from California, I don't even know who she is and she she. Sent me an email this week and said I've just done a video I didn't like it I'm not going to do any more. And. You know and I and and. But. I you know we've had a dialogue since and I said yeah that's right your first video will be so, awful. You'll. Never want to see it again but, it's done it's, your first video with. The bus ticket, with a train. Ticket with a hole in with. I. Mean. It will be it's. Guaranteed your first video will be awful so, if you want to make it without going live and practice first yeah, I think it's a great thing to practice but. At some point you've, got to stop using practicing, as an excuse and and move, out to the real world but. Honestly. And truthfully accept. That your first one is going to be awful and then I found. I'm sure Dallas that your learning curve is very steep and you get better very, very quickly especially, if you do the review that you've just mentioned mm-hm, so. What about tech, then sue what I've, got let me just find it I've known this little tripod, thing now that I can take and I can fit, my. Phone. In just a. Amazon. Thing now I don't know whether you would recommend that or whether you would recommend something different. No. We've got it's perfect I basically. Got this almost the same thing behind, me here I, did. A podcast last, week with someone she, came here a local person of a realtor just, wanted people, talking about but. The neighborhood and what they offered in the neighborhood we did it all on her iPhone dead, simple. In. Fact she didn't even have a separate, microphone that. Would plug into her iPhone we used we. Used an ice cream cone microphone, and it worked just fine so. In. Essence. You don't need anything more than this I mean if you've got a nice body steady arm and you don't joggle, it you. Don't need anything more than a smartphone I do. Have actually, a freebie. Which is, the. Only three tools under, $20. You need to create clients attracting, videos so I would, recommend that once you have if you really, want to be, how. About what, I call a BBC, setup because you. Basically have the BBC, or I'm. In Canada they're the, Canadian, Broadcasting Service, on here, if you take your iPhone, and you, add one single, little microphone, on here which in fact is the one I'm using here because it also works in my computer, and you. Take what you have just shown there delish a clamp. And any, kind of tripod, that. Is it. Yep, all, you it's. Important, to put it this way am I correct yes, yes, I'm not I'm, not going to pretend. You. Know, that the the the. Microphone. On the native. Smartphones. Are okay but, the audio isn't that great so the. You, know get one of these little lapel mics like I've got or I actually have another one here that I quite often use my my. This. Is my Yeti, mic I sometimes, use this one but more along because, I like to be mobile and small I just use this little this little, this. Little devaglia. Lap, lavalier. Mic lapel mic and. Then I just study it is. That on your e-resource, yes. Neera whew, yeah yes, and. What. About, lighting. What would you recommend for lighting, well. It's interesting we were talking about this before we started I, think if you have a natural, light, that you can put yourself. In front. That, works really really well I don't have that in this particular room, that I use so I have two lights on either side here that I I don't know I think about $40, us they're, LED.

Lights I have, a little, diffuser. That I put on top of them and I, can just adjust the intensity, depending. On the day outside so, really. I would. Just, but. I need to begin with you don't even really need that if you can have two little, table lamps either, side of your, of, your camera, so it kind of likes you pretty. Much the same on both sides, that's all you, need and and I always stressed don't let any. Tech. Details, stop you from pushing the red button. The. Main thing is it's interesting we will accept, poor video over poor audio so. If you're going to buy one thing, it would be the microphone, and there. Are so many I mean, it's fascinating to watch this explosion. Of creativity that. We have these days we're like, 10 years ago well it's only 10 years ago since YouTube Facebook and, smartphones appeared and they, have changed everything, and they've really been responsible, for this massive, rise in video. Which is now 82, percent of all web, content, can you I mean that is amazing in, a 10-year daggering is that it is absolutely, staggering. Yeah yeah so. You. Know don't worry too much about the quality of video if you're going to buy one single. Thing it would be a decent mic. Excellent. And you. Know I look like I'm sitting in a cave compared, to you sue but. Of course it it's, day time for you in the in. Canada it's, the evening for me in the UK but I'm actually in, front of a window that normally. Would, give me really, brilliant. Natural, light. So. If I'm, doing going. To do more podcasts in the evening, or. Videos, in the evening and certainly. Going to invest in some, lights, yeah yeah, I think that's worth it but you know I mean you look fantastic right, now you've got good light on both sides and then sometimes it helps to, you. Know to smooth, out the you, know have the background, different. So I certainly, would the setup you have right now I wouldn't change I it, you know unless yeah, you can make it a bit better but but, but certainly it's it's way, good, enough, brilliant. Brilliant so, thank, you so much this we're going to have to talk again because, this, is kind of the fundamentals. That we've talked about and I. Think we can maybe take a deeper, dive into, some. Of the more, technical ways, of how to do a a. Recorded. Video and a Facebook life maybe, we can do, something around, that but. For how can the audience get in touch with you if they want to learn. More or, just get your free resource. Well. I can certainly I can give, you the free resource, and we can add that to you. Know wherever the podcast, is going but I try to make it consistent just, about anywhere, is wisdom to wealth mastery, twitter youtube my. Website. My. Facebook, is all. Wisdom. To else mastery, I do have a Facebook group visible, on video which you're welcome to join. But. But but, pretty much it's its wisdom to wealth in any, of the modalities that you care, to find and, it's interesting because I I knew, how powerful video. Is so most, of my stuff is out there in video, my. Website I have website chain because I'm coming back now because I think that's less important, I'm coming back now and rebuilding, a website because get, yourself out there first, brilliant. And where do people get. The the free resources that on your website so, at, the moment it's not on, my website, because I'm changing it but I could, send, you the PDF the link or if.

Anyone Wants it just Facebook, message me and I Mormon we send you those quick, little three thing under $20, that will. Work well, if you send me the link so that I can add that yep, so your second YouTube I also, have this transcribed, so I can put it into the transcription. For people to just be able to click that and. From. A message, from me who. Really. Struggled. And I, have thoroughly, thoroughly, been inspired, by you and, the, simplicity, of your messages sue and the. Authenticity. In. Which you deliver, them has. Helped me enormous, Lee and I. Think. The four words I would give to anyone is just. Flipping, do it JFDI. Just. Flip and do it what's the worst that can happen nothing. And you, know even if it's the phone with, a train ticket Iran and you've, got you know it looks like you're looking down a toilet roll you, would not believe the comments. The wonderful, comments I got on that because. It wasn't, it wasn't like that you. Know it was sort of like this. And. It. Really stood out, so in fact there was positives, came from that you. Know so so. Thank, you again it's been an utter, pleasure, always. My pleasure to Dilys and as I always say just hit the red button and away, you go, fantastic. Thanks again soon bye for now bye. Bye and thank you everyone.

2018-05-12 00:36

Show Video


So great to see you two ladies talking.

Also, YT values watch time -- how do you do this in 2-3 minutes??

Do you have examples (maybe links) of really good (well-watched) Facebook live videos? I've seen a lot, and usually they suffer from lack of editing . . . I'd love to see a really good FB live video.

From Local to Global, are you using the power of video to connect, build relationships and grow your business?

Sue, thank you for sharing how to use video to grow my business. That's so neat you were a guest on the International Sales and Marketing podcast. Super cool.

Thank you, Professor Heather Austin!!

What a great interview! Enjoyed it very much!

Thank you, Katarina H. I certainly enjoy Dylis Guylan's company and vision!

You two sure seem like you enjoy each other! Great tips!

Adriana Girdler - that's the joy of today's world. You can meet someone from the other side of the planet and instantly connect and feel you have known each other for ever.

You were right, Gary Stockton!! Thanks again for the introduction.

Wisdom To Wealth Mastery I just knew you two would get on.

Thank you, Gary Stockton, for the introducing me to Dylis. From California, you introduced Dylis in the UK to myself in British Columbia, Canada, all because of video - the perfect example of its power!

By getting your videos seen. A 3 minute video seen 5 times is the same as a 15 minute video seen once.

Or Both!!

Thanks so much for the thoughtful reply. Hmm, sounds like there is an opportunity here. Pre-planned quality FB Live or YT Live content!!

Good question, Ian Corzine. Facebook Live videos are a very different animal and as I mentioned in the podcast, much "looser' in their content. Facebook Lives are the equivalent of sitting down in a room and having a chat with a group of friends or perhaps at a workshop. They are the online equivalent of a workshop, if you are teaching. For me, they do not transfer well to YouTube and I confess, being an "Oldie", I dislike the ADD Facebook Live habit of the constant interruption of the delivery of content with "Hi, Agatha from Agrippa, so good to see you here!" FB Live videos are popular for many reasons, but one of them is that FB does it all for you - you don't have to edit. If you do not like editing video, FB Live is your medium.

Great idea for video. This interview is great.

Thanks, AliNowak!

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