How to Swing Trade 101: Finding Swingtrades, Trading Swingtrades, and Everything In-Between

How to Swing Trade 101: Finding Swingtrades, Trading Swingtrades, and Everything In-Between

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what's going on everyone my name is hamilton with the trading initiative and today we're going to be doing a live webinar here over swing trading i know a lot of you guys are subscribed and waiting for this so by the time you watch it if it's already passed i hope you appreciate the information feel free to hop in our discord it will be linked in the bottom or ask the questions here on the youtube channel i'm more active in the discord not so much on youtube but without further ado i just want to go ahead and hop into swing trading okay how we approach it at the trading initiative from a technical analysis standpoint and how we like to trade the markets in this manner so the first thing i want to talk about is what is swing trading there's a lot of different types of trading scalping day trading swing trading positional trading all of them have varying degrees and differences all right so what we're going to do is we're going to define swing trading by definition swing trading is any trade that you hold for more than a single trading day that means if you buy something at close and you sell it open that is technically a swing trade for you guys that are underneath pdt don't have the 25k you're trading in a margin account one of the better ways uh to accumulate that money and in my opinion just continue to trade is to swing trade because it does not count against your day trade opportunities right so we typically use this word to describe trades that last a few days to a few weeks so even though the definition is any trade that you hold for more than a single trading day we typically use this to reference time frames that last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks okay so what time frame are we looking at on the charts when we are talking about swing trading it doesn't make too much sense to use lower time frames if the opportunities that we are looking to play take a few days to a couple weeks to play out right so swing trades typically last multiple days and so a higher time frame such as the four hour or the one day or the one hour are used to set up potential entries and exits so from a macro standpoint if you are looking to swing trade and hold positions for multiple days it would be in your best interest to look at the one hour four hour and daily now if you want to complicate things a little more and look into some multi-time frame analysis where you can try to time your entries and exits a little better on the smaller time frame by all means do so but the macro standpoint of a swing trade should be viewed on the one hour four hour and daily okay potential profits so i will tell you that i'm not sure if it's because of the rise of tick tock and robin hood or what but for whatever reason day trading has really taken over as the main source of inspiration for new traders but in the past swing trading was very very popular and very very profitable that you do not have to day trade to make a lot of money so i want to point out really quick the types of profits that you can expect to see should not say expect that's bad word you could potentially see when you are swing trading due to the longer time in the market your per trade average profit should be higher than any trades taken at day trading time frames does that make sense you are looking to capture a bigger price movement over the course of a few days to a few weeks if you're looking at big caps this can range anywhere between 5 10 15 20 25 etc percent when you are day trading those same big caps if you're trading spot this does not necessarily correlate 100 to options you will not be looking to capture a five to ten percent move in a stock like apple for example over the course of one trading day that's a multi-day trade and therefore the potential profits on average are going to be higher on a swing trade than a day trade all right so let's move into crocs for example this is a trade that i am in right now and we're actually going to revisit this at the end of the webinar all right so look at procs on the daily here this is the one minute it's very thinly traded there's not a lot of opportunity to actually trade crocs as a day trader as a day trader you need volatility you need liquidity to get in and out etc crocs does not offer that sort of environment that day traders tend to thrive in but as a swing trader as you can see on the daily yes there is a lot of opportunity as a swing trader in this sort of setup to take advantage of okay so before we go into anything else i need you guys to understand that swing trading is different than day trading and we are looking to capture a different portion of the trade than a day trader all right so let's sum it up swing trading provides trades last multiple days to multiple weeks also i do want to point out for the guys that are working nine to five they cannot afford the luxury of staring at charts all day especially for day trades that first 30 minutes is uh very very volatile and typically after the first 90 minutes most day traders that actually know what they're doing leave the market uh and so if you do not have that luxury to be able to trademark it open and sit there intently and stare at the charts and play it uh for the first 30 to 90 minutes swing trading is a great alternative because it's slower paced you do not have to stare at charts at a certain time and like this bullet point here says they do last multiple days to multiple weeks so there's some more flexibility in what you are trying to do number two trades are made up on the higher time frames the one hour four hour and the daily and number three trades are on average higher percentage wins you will profit more generally swing trading than you do day trading it's not saying that you are going to be more profitable as a swing trader the average trade will be a higher percentage win simply because you're looking to capture a larger price movement so how do we find the setup so let's get into it how do we find the setups guys how do you find setups doesn't matter if you're swing trading day trading anything what do you use to identify out of the 10 000 different tickers you can trade in a day that you are going to be active on one particular ticker what do you do well there's scanners right so there's free scanners such as finvis market chameleon think or swim scanner works for free if you're trading on thinkorswim take advantage of it you have scanners that are paid benzene scans redbox etc yes they are worth it ben zinka is absolutely amazing if you are a like you know not to throw shade but if you're a real trader you're going to need some sort of up-to-date fast-paced news uh outlet in benzinga in my opinion is probably the best it's expensive it's a thousand dollars a year um but you know if you're a professional and you actually make money doing this you pretty much need some form or source of a paid news source scanner etc and also my favorite social media twitter reddit discord yes you can find setups here no it's not stealing just because you like somebody's idea don't worry um don't obviously copy people's trade ideas but if somebody throws something up and it happens to fit a sort of setup that you like to trade it can become very valuable we do this all the time inside our our discord here we treat our discord as kind of a social media outlet where different traders inside the trading initiative on the premium side will throw out ideas a couple of the guys will like those ideas they'll all trade it together these are different sources to find setups okay so what we're going to do is we're actually going to look at one of the free sides for you guys because scanners are very very important if you're a newer trader scanners are very very important if you're a new trader scanners are very very important okay it's going to give you a leg up on what you need to be watching and you're not going to be reliant on some scummy marketers selling signals okay they're doing this and you're getting paid or they're getting paid you're paying them just to do what i'm about to show you right now for free so finn viz very popular and it's free this is the home page what do you do hit screener alright here's the screener you have a bunch of different things that you can mess with what are we looking for as technical traders technical traders technical traders that means we trade price action we don't trade the news we don't trade income statements none of that we trade price action the candle sticks on the chart where do we go technical there it is click it now you get this awesome filter set up where you can filter through a bunch of different things that will give you uh tickers that match up with what you're looking for so as a swing trader on a a macro standpoint when we're looking at the four hour and the daily etc we are going to be looking to capture um pretty much trend continuations or trend reversals so as a swing trader we're trying to catch a breakout into an uptrend or whatever your system may be but most people that are swing trading this is generally what we're looking for so i'm gonna give you your first set of scanning material we are going to mess with the 20 day simple moving average and the 200 day simple moving average so what this means is when we select both of these up price crossed up and over the 20-day simple moving average price crossed up and over the 200-day simple moving average that's saying that the long-term trend is up 200-day simple moving average and the short-term trend is up price crossed up and over the 20-day simple moving average now you get tickers look at all these every single ticker that comes up is in an uptrend where inside that uptrend is up for debate and this is where you actually start pulling these stickers up and looking at them on your charts which we're going to in a second but this is a very basic filter to scan for stocks and companies that are in an uptrend okay so you got the ticker you have the company name you have the sector so if sectors are hot for example if you're trying to trade um an ev play or a weed stock play that will tell you the sector it gives you market cap it gives you volume it gives you price and change and as a technical trader we don't really give two shits about pe but there you go there's all the stuff you just did it for free this is your first time looking at a scanner please do this now i know aggro i've seen aggro before so i randomly picked it out we you can look at all the uh the stats there aggro defensive farm products apparently in usa you see the market cap everything let's pull it up on the chart there it is on the daily that blue line 200 sma right the red line 20 day sma so we were filtering stocks that were in an uptrend up and over the blue up and over the red there it is so where would we have originally been alerted if we were looking at this screener every single day there's the 200 there's the 20 right there at 575. so for this example we're way late we're still above both of those but if you're scanning every single day you are looking for the opportunity to play this at that 575 level yes you're up and over the 200 yes you're up and over the 20. let's take it at 575 or somewhere around there depending on your entry and obviously if you were anywhere in that general vicinity this would have most likely turned into a profitable trade going from 575 when the scanner would have first alerted you all the way up north of 650 okay very basic guys and i just laid it out for you now it's up to you to go and actually work on the thin viz like i said market commuting etc these are free premium is better tank for scanners is definitely going to elevate your game but if you are brand new there's nothing wrong with the free stuff i highly highly suggest you use it and uh try to figure out what type of stuff you like to look at this is a very simple one not i do not want to endorse this as yes this is a profitable filter set it's just to teach the concept okay now we're gonna move into think our swim we have a tenor trader in the trading initiative he goes by the name of who so shout out who so he was so kind to give us a look at one of his swing trade scanners on thinkorswim so yeah you can copy it there you go you didn't even have to pay me and i'm giving you a swing trading scanner so he likes to use the macd so we can actually break down what his scanner and thinkorswim is looking for first off volume he wants minimum 100 000 shares traded right get rid of everything that's just not moving number two last price it needs to move price needs to move okay minimum five percent change two percent so nothing that's only moving a little bit he wants to target bigger moves and big caps this is generally a big cap uh as you'll see in a second with the beta um so you're gonna filter out a lot of the big caps that are not moving you're trying to find stuff that has action on it beta of one beta if you don't know what beta is it's a measurement of volatility so he's looking for something that is volatile and moving up you understand how he's starting to layer this in volume very essential for a trader price change that's fine percent change two percent something's going on with a minimum volatility or beta of one this right here is going to show you big caps that are moving right and because he has that five in the plus two percent it's tickers that are moving up big caps that are moving up but where the power comes in and his swing trade scanner here is the negative to positive macd histogram crossover do you guys know what that is if not don't worry i'm going to show you an example we're not going to i'm not going to explain what macd is but i'm going to show you why this scanner makes sense from a swing perspective pen we're going to we're going to go ahead and look at this trade again a little bit later but i want to point out where his scanner would have popped up pen you see macd across the bottom i don't typically use it but we're gonna go ahead and throw a red line at that zero do you know why let's go back two slides negative to positive he's not looking for a macd crossover like every other he's looking for a negative to positive right so if we go back to that same slide you see macd goes from positive to negative on the right it can have positive and negative values now the crossover on pen was down in the negatives every with a macd indicator is going to be looking at that so i want to point out something that crossover at the dip of pen down near 54 53 most likely would have attracted a lot of people that are trying to buy dips and stuff like that on trend reversals that's totally fine whoso says he doesn't like particularly to trade those because he's had some bad experiences being faked out so what he likes to do is he likes to wait until the price and macd go from negative to positive so he doesn't care about the signals he cares about the overall strength of the trend okay he's not trying to time a bottom you try to catch a knife it can it can cut you more often than not it does he doesn't care if he misses out on a little bit of the move he wants risk uh less risky entries we can say right so the negative to positive i added the red line so so it's easier to see you can see that the uh macd crossed from negative to positive around this area right so he missed the dip or the signals crossed he bought the higher probability trade yes he missed out on a little bit of profit but he lowered his risk immensely okay and that right there would be giving you an entry around 70 72 ish just the concept here focus on the concept he's looking to capture moves that are in high momentum high probability plays he's not trying to time a bottom with a signal crossover okay so there you go you can you know go back pause the scanner do exactly what he has set it up exactly what you want with thicker swim and try it out he has a bunch of different scanners he has some more a lot more complicated ones than that but this one i feel is okay for the public it's not too complicated to understand because we can see the indicator we understand what it's trying to do the entire idea guys is the swing traders we're trying to play the trend right the trend where can we find with rather high probability that the trend will continue upwards if we're looking to long macd uh crossing up and over this zero line is a pretty good start okay so let's sum it up how to find your own trade setups you have free sources such as finvis market chameleon think or swim et cetera paid sources benzinga redbox trading ideas which is something i didn't actually originally uh talk about it's expensive it's worth it if you've ever seen anybody trading and you hear tickers be called out in the background by a crazy woman this is trading ideas social media twitter reddit discords basic scanner ideas i'm going to give you a couple that you can mess with macd crossover from negative to positive very popular i just showed it to you rsi crossover from oversold to neutral oversold is the 30 for default okay so not crossing down into 30 crossing back up and over 30 this is not necessarily a profitable filter but it's a great way to start understanding price movement moving from oversold back up into neutral and uh generally up towards overbought lastly moving average crossovers we saw that with finviz right the 20 crossing up and over the 200 the general idea is you want a short term crossing up and over a long term moving average uh because the short term will show you that the trend is up short term long term it will show you the trend is up long term so when you have both the short and the long term bulk pointed up you generally take a less risky trade going long okay if you guys don't know what this stuff is man this is trading 101 you need to understand these things you don't necessarily have to trade them but you need to understand the concepts okay so let's move on to how do we actually execute the trade what do we do here what do we do in the trading initiative and what do i do in particular okay first off pen look at this chart what do you see before i even say anything what do you see anything i'll show you what i see this is the original chart that i posted back on august 13th 2020. i have everything written down in this spreadsheet that i will link you guys can look at every single trade that i publicly posted during the summer and we just started doing it again in december okay and with the original charts and everything so we had some problems in discord where people were saying that there might be some you know hindsight blah blah so i just went ahead and posted the chart exactly how it was so there's no all right so here's penn august 13th uh we made that decision with the charts a little bit after this but the idea here is that i saw a resistance level right around 37.38 and if you know anything about a resistance level we like to play the breakouts i in particular like to play breakouts up and over horizontal levels okay so it's a resistance level i refer to it as a horizontal level i like to play the breakouts and what is a horizontal level i'm not going to get too deep into it but essentially it just means a price area not necessarily a exact price but an area where sellers are beating buyers they are beating the out of bulls they will not let price uh continue past it but if you've been trading for any period of time you should know that the more often times a horizontal level is tested the weaker it becomes okay guys trust me weaker it becomes the more times it is tested because every single time we get back up to that level buyers are chipping away at the sellers chipping away at the sellers the sellers might temporarily beat back the bulls but every single time the balls are knocking resistance gets weaker and weaker number two here the accumulation level aka a rounded bottom the concept is you know if you've taken my master class you know the wyckoff model right we have accumulation markup distribution mark down it's the life cycle of a market the accumulation level that i like to trade is something typically underneath a horizontal level it shows to me that buyers are looking to purchase this but sellers are temporarily pushing price down and at some point it's going to break right so the accumulation level like i said if you're familiar with the wyckoff market model this is the second part of my trading system identifying some sort of accumulation level and that can come in many different fractals and chart patterns i just so happen to enjoy rounded bottoms if you don't understand what these are the concepts youtube has free my master class goes over it but if you like trading chart patterns and stuff like that this is what i am looking for number three high arvol aka relative volume so you know what volume is everybody always says volume is the holy grail follow volume does anybody really know what that means you know it's i see a lot of gurus and stuff talking about volume but when you actually going to explain it we'll just buy the volume huh listen volume is important because it shows you where the uh opportunities lie and going long you don't want to buy a low arvol relative volume meaning the bars around the candlestick right so if you're buying in when all the other buy volume candles are the same the opportunity there is going to be greatly reduced because it does not show you that there is that extra gas in the tank to continue up right so high arbol is that third piece of my trading system i want to see a candle stick on that volume histogram way higher than the ones surrounding it okay so there you go horizontal level accumulation high arbol and we go ahead and look at pen and we're going to go into more of this stuff i'm just giving you a brief overview um here's the pen chart at the time that i actually ended up selling which ended up actually being a pretty bad sell um i got in somewhere in the 40s and i sold somewhere in the lower 60s and as you're going to see in a little bit i actually left a lot of profit on the table but your stop-loss management system your exit management system is entirely up to you as a trader everyone's going to be a little different and i generally like to sell uh when i think that my trading idea is done and at this point just looking at that chart right there i thought okay uh my training idea is done this move to the upside is probably over so i'm gonna go ahead and take my profit i was wrong but that happens so there's the uh entry for this particular trade on the spreadsheet like i said it will be linked to the bottom you can look at every single trade all the winners and losers uh and critique all the charts you'll understand after looking about five of them that i'm a very simple swing trader and uh nothing that i do is something that you necessarily can't do as well right so an entry at 43.86 and an exit at 67 on the dot okay current price is 91.94 so don't

worry about that but it was a 52.76 trade that i made uh back in early august all right let's look at a different one 10 again here we go by the way i don't with the charts i keep everything charted i do that for multiple reasons one so nobody can call me out let's be honest discord is filled twitter is filled tick-tock tick-tock filled with fake uh this is a way for me to safeguard number two it's a way to identify the personality of a stock which i will go into in a little bit also i have free youtube content on this channel on how to identify the personality of a stock and why it matters specifically for pre-market action i suggest you go ahead and check that out after this if you're interested in stuff like that so once again pen same idea horizontal level reset we break look at volume horizontal level accumulation arvol wow amazing it's magic it's not magic it's a trading system that's it this one in particular was a little bit more fun because this one came back and tested the horizontal level uh there's a concept in technical trading that is called sr flips rs flips whatever you want to call it it's the simple idea that once a horizontal level is flipped so if we break resistance to the upside typically we see buyers come in and fill that void so it becomes a support level right so when resistance is broken it becomes a support level and conversely when you support is broken to the downside it turns into a resistance level that bulls have to get through for price to come back up so yes typically we do see price pull back towards that horizontal level which gives us an opportunity either to add in or if we missed a breakout entirely to start a position pen did this we're currently up at 91.94 um sorry jump the gun there 9194 from an entry around 80ish dollars something like that so same price pattern same goddamn ticker there we go it's not magic these are three tickers i want to go over three current trades that i'm in so you guys see exactly what i'm talking about it's not hard t-t-w-o-c-h-w-y-m-d-b all posted in the discord december 1st with the price with what i'm looking at with the chart no all right guys let's look at each one ttw oh original price 180 51 what did i see here horizontal level right that resistance level it's tested three times the more times it's tested the weaker it becomes the more times the tested the weaker it becomes all right guys horizontal four month consolidation period that's my go-to the accumulation underneath a horizontal level is like my a plus setup and what's the third thing i'm looking at guys look at the arvo that orange line that mysteriously is across my volume instagram that i added a couple months ago but in the very beginning when i was posting charts i did not have i put this there for beginner traders that are inside my discord as an easy way to understand relative volume if the candlestick on the volume histogram is above the orange line which i believe is a 30 look back period i believe it's 30 might be 20 i think it's 30. means that if it's up and over uh let's say it's 30 the 30 look back period that means that volume on the day is more than the previous 30 days average so relatively speaking if the candlestick is above it it's a go original price 1851 right now we are at 203 339 for a percent change of positive 126752 i don't know why the hell i use red that makes it look like it's a loser but it's not a loser and i'm still in ttwo okay so almost 13 here on this very very basic breakout and uh our ball is only going up as you can tell so i fully expect this to open up on monday uh with a higher gap up chewy who the hell buys stuff from chewy i didn't even know what she was it's a dog it's a pet store like what everything that i ever bought from my dog was off amazon but i guess she's popular so here it is 77 65 we see the horizontal level break out of a three-month accumulation period i missed the original breakout so sometimes this happens guys i missed the original breakout and i got in a little bit late but the original price was 77.65 and by the way this is a ascending triangle one of the highest probability triangles that you could be trading for a break to the upside horizontal level at the top resistance accumulation underneath with ascending trend line at the bottom showing you that the lowers are becoming higher each low is a little bit higher a little bit higher until finally it pops up and over this is this right here especially when we're day trading is like my a plus right so took chewy current price 100 13 cents for a almost 29 game here now i'm gonna be honest with you i have no idea what chewy is i don't know anybody that buys from chewie but i don't care if the chart says buy i buy that's it i have zero feelings about this and i will cut it when it loses once again you'll notice a lot of these charts we have a breakout a pullback to that former resistance level that is now support before i take off look at the volume it's increasing chewy i'm expecting to continue to go up as well okay so that's two in a row that you've seen the sr flip with a test you see a breakout you see our ball this is very easy guys number three mdb two eight six seven zero on the original price here now i've traded mdb before so i wrote down former fake out new highs would expecting a pullback to sr near 271 to 270 before entry all right i want that i want you guys understand that this is the reason why i keep the stuff on the charts identifying the personality of the stock you can see in the middle of the summer i took an entry and immediately got dumped on it was a bad trade it was a failed breakout and i got punished for it so i made a uh a poor entry exited at a loss moved the on now mdb is showing another one right same sort of breakout but i know last time it could be a fake out so i'm waiting for the pullback i'm waiting for the pullback to 271. so

price is at 286 i'm waiting for the pullback there it is right now now look at the chart look at the chart i bought on the pullback exactly what i said the sr 271 and 270 because i understood the identity of the stock i traded it before it me one time it was not going to allow it to do it again there we go now it's up to 376.87 for a 31 profit this is not magic guys literally steal my system if it makes you feel any better i don't know if you're gonna do well with it i do remarkably well with it there's three winning trades that i'm currently in right now you see exactly what i was looking at you saw exactly what i was thinking pretty straightforward right let's sum it up clearly define entry criteria number one you do not have to use my system you absolutely can do whatever the you want but it needs to be clearly defined guys you have to have a reason to enter a trade okay identify the personality of the stock i personally think this is very very important and i don't hear anybody other than like professional traders of the highest caliber talking about that and the reason why is because most people are marketing they're not actually trading so identify the personality the stock see what type of information you can get out of it before you enter in uh you will be able to save yourself some p l like i did with mdb and number three the most important thing guys like with chewie pull the trigger if you have a trading system a clearly defined entry criteria and it says to buy you buy and we're gonna go over that in a second but you need to pull the trigger guys how many times have you sat on the sidelines where you identified something that you wanted to trade and you decided to sit out and then two days two weeks two months later it's up huge pull the trigger all right what if we lose i want to go over this really quick because yes i lose quite a lot actually and i'm not afraid to admit it aem no idea what this is i believe it was a gold player a metals play of some sort in early september we had some uh on sunday nights we go over a sunday night stock talk in the premium side of discord and we saw some relative strength in the metal sector over the previous two three four weeks something like that and so i was looking to get some long exposure in some metals place aem right with the finish remember the sector i filtered through a bunch of different stuff found the sector i wanted to belong in which was metals found aem which fit my criteria on the entry and i entered into aem now look we have the horizontal level the accumulation and the volume what happened i got immediately basically after two days uh i got dumped on and i had to sell at a rather large loss and he was like close to 10 that's a pretty big loss right guys uh and really i should have stopped out earlier uh i was stubborn and held the position too long and ended up having to sell after a gap down which is literally the worst thing you could do so learn from my mistake here uh if you see a solid red maro bozo candle to the downside especially on the daily if that's not in your trading system to buy dips and you should probably just take the loss because it can always get worse which it did it got way worse cdlx here's another one swing and a miss horizontal level now i want you guys to see where maybe i went wrong here because i did i went wrong i broke a rule and i got punished for it cdo x look at the chart you see the horizontal level you see the accumulation but what am i missing here what am i missing what am i missing right there there is no volume on this breakout there is zero volume which is why i stress relative volume as check number three on my entry criteria now i entered look what happened immediately dumped i broke my rule set i got punished nobody especially the market gives a about you it's you versus you when you're looking at this stuff manipulation comes and goes it's a part of trading but to blame manipulation for your loss is bad because you're not ever going to learn from your mistakes and so here's a learning lesson for you guys if volume is important to you don't try to jump the gun always confirm it with volume and i want to point out by the way i did not take this trade matter of fact when i was putting together this when i was putting together this uh uh webinar i went back and looked at this because i was looking at all my previous summer swing trades uh well my system worked just missed it right so the um the original breakout on cdox came a couple what is this two months later and uh we ended up running from the original entry mid 80s up into the 140s so yeah that's a huge trade a big one that i missed but the system remains the same right i buy the brake horizontal level with arvol in an accumulation pattern underneath so and look at that one yep volume is definitely higher so sum it up cut your losses when your original trading idea has become invalidated very very important cut your loss when your original trading idea is invalidated the percentage and or dollar amount should be second or zero to your trading idea if you don't understand the concept of stop losses i'm not going to go into it during a swing trading webinar i have free content on my youtube position sizing versus account size or something like that versus risk whatever watch the video it's 10 to 15 minutes long i guarantee you're gonna get more information on how to position size and move your stop losses and set your stop losses than you're going to get in any 100 course okay guys so if you don't understand how to use stop losses that make sense watch that free content but once again cut your losses when your trading idea is validated it should not reflect the percentage or the dollar amount and continue to keep your losers charted and journal to review in the future the cdl x trade was an awesome one to go back and look at i had the right idea i had the wrong time okay so having that stuff journaled and charted you're going to be able to go back and reference that stuff also it's nice for the uh identifying the personality of the stock right if you have it charted you have your notes written down you can go back you can reference that it matters guys so take the trade this is the most important part of uh sweet trading day trading scalping whatever if your setup shows up you take the trade guys okay so one thing i want to show you this is a portion of the spreadsheet look at how many red squares there are holy as a matter of fact look at that one at the bottom i have like eight or nine or ten swings in a row fail yeah it's disheartening guys it sucks actually it makes you want to stop trading but if your system works you will experience periods of drawdown sometimes the market just sucks like it happened here in september spy crashed every single swing that i opened in that period failed miserably so if you are in a group and they don't ever seem to post losses i want to let you know that they are lying this is part of trading everybody loses guys everybody loses but what's the golden concept in trading when it comes to losing please yell it out loud what is it keep your losses small and your wins big so i don't give a if you're a three to one trader four to one trader five to one trader anything below two to one and you're lying like really realistically if you're risking one to win one to one point five and you lose three in a row you're done don't believe that i believe starting at three to one and as you can see right here in my swings my average loss i averaged the entire swing trading uh spreadsheet here my average loss was 4.3 my average win was 15.84 the math adds up guys i can lose 10 in a row and still win okay this is how trading works this is how it works especially swing trading if you pause this and you look at the actual spreadsheet or if you want when it's linked in the bottom go through i have winners in the 50 60 70 they make up for all of the failed ones and more because i'm trying to hit the a plus setups every single time they show themselves okay guys so very important concept to understand you're allowed to lose guys if you're a beginner trader i know how much it sucks you feel like you're stupid you feel like if you lose there's a million reasons why no guys listen losing is okay as long as you lose logically as long as your wins are bigger than your losses by a decent ratio you're going to be fine all right so i want to point out a couple trades uh specifically for one reason news news guys tick tock and social media filled with beginner where people are talking about mergers and on this date this is gonna happen and blah blah blah and they make these wild predictions and one out of 20 comes true and then they're hailed as a saint listen it's i'm about to prove why okay i trade off of price marketers market traders trade if somebody tells me wow microsoft is doing really well you should buy it it's going to be 300 soon i should be able to pull up the chart on microsoft and see buyers buying right if the chart doesn't show me that buyers give two shits about what this guy is saying i'm not going to participate you get all the smart asses if they buy the rumor sell the news yeah i get it hindsight's really fun to make fun of people but the reality is once the news headlines hit everybody has the same idea as you and what happens more often than not the market punishes people that try to chase new stuff okay so i'm going to show you right now i entered into crocs at 45.08 at the end of september only because we had a horizontal level with a rounded bottom breaking out arvol everything else across the board okay what happened at the beginning of october so i got in at the end of september end of october we had a huge spike in volume a huge spike in volume price reflected it but really volume stole the show there what do you normally assume is happening when volume goes off the charts like this somebody knows something right so i was in prior to this i watched it i said okay something is probably going to happen this is at the very beginning of october and then look what hits a week and a half two weeks later justin bieber collabing with crocs first off thank you jbeeps this has turned into a very good trade you get in based off price and let the news headlines and everybody else chasing those pay you that's it every in the world is going to see this news headline and they're gonna go buy crocs by crocs by crocs sure but you because you were a technical trader trading off of price action got in two weeks before so every single robin hood trader that is buying crocs is now peeing you to hold their position you got it in 40 right now crocs is it 60. guys it's that simple

you do not buy based off of news headlines people predict it's inevitable but one thing i'm going to tell you guys the guys on tv that predict are paid regardless of whether or not they're right or wrong they wear a suit and tie they sit at their stupid desk and make predictions and they get paid even if they're straight up wrong tick tock gurus make predictions why because it feels safe and it makes them feel good when one out of every 20 becomes true everyone looks at them like they're a saint they know something that everybody else doesn't it's problem is is those tick-tock gurus don't get paid when they're uh wrong but they do get paid based off of subscriptions so go yourself if you're doing that but uh buy off of price action and let the news pay you okay we're gonna look at one more zoom i got into zoom august 21st 2969 initial price zoom crazy run-up perfect example of why are you buying the all-time high why are you going this is overbot blah blah blah blah you you horizontal level accumulation arvo i don't give a what anybody says what happened look at the date august 21st august 31st 10 days later zoom kills earnings kills earnings total revenue 663.5 million up 355 year-over-year what do you think zoom does guys gaps up i went from 290 to 406 in like two weeks for a almost 69 game it's not magic i buy the same every single time and i let the news boys and the earnings pay me i hope i'm painting a picture i know i'm coming off as an but sometimes you have to be a little bit of an because there's a lot of out there and people are paying for a lot of stupid that doesn't make sense this is what you should be looking at as a technical trader now i do want to distinguish everything really this is from a technical standpoint this is not fundamental analysis it's not sentiment nothing this is if you like looking at charts and you like buying based off of candlestick movements i am painting a picture for you of why you are the best the news headlines the charlatans you're the best trade based off candlesticks okay news is always late news is always late take the trade based off of price action okay and let the news fill your pockets with cash let the people on tick tock shield their stupid ideas you got in a week or two prior so everybody that's gonna listen to their 500 million 500 000 to a million followers let's be honest maybe one percent of those actually trade but that's still a decent amount let them shield your ticker that you got in they think they're a big brand when in reality you're sitting in your nice car getting paid while they are making money off of 20 subscription fees all right guys so this is going to be the end of the swing trading webinar i do want to this is not going to be a sales pitch but i at least need for you guys to understand that it's available if you like this type of content if you want to learn how to read charts and buy based off of technical pattern breakouts stuff like this we do have a 30 day master class it's 30 days every single day is generally around an hour of material it's split into two different sections you have the lecture portion where it slides kind of like this and then we have a charting portion it's typically around 30 minutes and 30 minutes each and we have a quiz at the end we have homework at the end and we have a test at the end of every week there's a lot of stuff to get through in this 30 day master class i built it with the idea of memorization and application so i built interactive material that challenges you at all stages of course we have live examples in real time when we're going through it quizzes homework at the end of every lesson test blah blah it's great as a matter of fact if you want to read reviews you can come into the discord go to the testimonials and you have guys in there that have been through the master class and you can read an unbiased uh you know truthful opinion feel free to dm them you know i as of now have not had any negative reviews uh and i routinely ask people what i can do to continue to add value to that course and i continue to add things all the time so if you're interested in learning how to do this i highly suggest taking the 30-day masterclass it's a one-time fee you will get it forever and i will never charge you again for any updates on it one-time fee second we we do have a premium side of the discord uh i personally think most you know every almost every single guy that's in the discord right now on the premium side has gone through the master class and i built it this way for two reasons one creates a powerful one-two combination you take what you learn in the master class it's like a college course and then you go and apply it instantly it's like getting your first job after graduating you know if you've been through college and you've graduated you understand that like hey uh i have a degree and then you sit down actually work and you know nothing yeah you have to learn all that but then after about six months to a year you start realizing like okay some of the stuff i learned in college is starting to apply itself it's just like this in trading you go through the course you learn all the material but then when you actually have to apply it it can feel like a foreign language the premium version of our discord you get to trade with us live every single day we have three time per week mentorship meetups sunday night stock talks we have live trade reviews etc it's a great way to take the knowledge that you learned in the 30 day master class and apply it directly through your training almost instantly um this is a monthly fee and before anybody says don't you make so much money how can you have to charge people it's very simple one i'm a businessman and i give a lot of time and therefore i want to be compensated for that simple as that but number two i'll give you really the reason why i started this in june and july free content is cheap content nobody really cares trading is hard so when you get into a period of a drawdown or you're having difficulties if it's free you're just gonna skip to the next guy and you're gonna skip to the next guy and it's just gonna you're never gonna succeed so by charging something even if it's as little as 40 a month it's going to give you an incentive to actually utilize the stuff that you are purchasing even if you as an independent trader are having some difficulties right so that pretty much sums up the master class and the premium i just wanted to give you guys the opportunity to understand that these are here for you my name is hamilton with the trading initiative i hope you guys enjoyed this live webinar for swing trading if you have any questions please feel free comment below like and subscribe if you enjoy this content i do have free material um go ahead and check it out lots of good stuff on my youtube and our discord link is in the bottom i highly highly highly suggest joining contribute contribute learn a lot we give a lot away for free we give a lot a lot away for free and it's not that's the best part you're actually going to learn how to read a chart and trade independently and become consistently profitable on your own accord not listening to other people's signals alright guys thanks for tuning in

2020-12-25 17:51

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