How To Start eCommerce For Business! Step by Step Training Guide!

How To Start eCommerce For Business! Step by Step Training Guide!

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Dobrodošli u najnoviji i vrlo jednostavan za primjenu video trening za e-trgovinu osmišljen tako da vas uhvati za ruku i provede kroz proces izvlačenja maksimuma iz e-trgovine. Jako sam uzbuđen što ste ovdje i znam da će ovo biti vrlo korisno za vas, ovaj ekskluzivni video trening vodit će vas pod ruku i po korak po korak će vam pokazati temu po temu i alat po alat što zapravo trebate znati da biste najlakše dominirali e-trgovinom koristeći najučinkovitije alate i u najkraćem S vremena na vrijeme ovo je upravo ono što ćete naučiti. Ovaj video trening sastoji se od 15 videozapisa s visokom rezolucijom koji su organizirani u tri odjeljka, jedan dio, osnove e-trgovine u videu broj jedan, što je sve o e-trgovini, pokrivat ćemo teme poput onoga što je zašto biste se danas upuštali u to zašto je tako vruće i kako to funkcionira u videu broj dva kako postojeće izvanmrežno poduzeće može imati koristi od e-trgovine naučit ćete teme poput onoga što je posao kako e-trgovina može pomoći vašem posao w ovdje možete započeti i kako izgleda web stranica e-trgovine s uspješnim poslom u videu broj tri kako neovisni stručnjak može ponuditi svoje usluge putem interneta naučit ćete teme poput neovisnog profesionalca kako vam e-trgovina može pomoći kao neovisnom profesionalcu odakle možete započeti i kako izgleda uspješna web stranica e-trgovine s neovisnim profesionalcima u videozapisu broj četiri kako mrežni prodavač može zaraditi tone novca prodajom putem interneta naučit ćete teme poput onoga što je mrežni prodavač kako vam e-trgovina može pomoći kao mrežni prodavač odakle možete započeti i kako izgleda uspješno web mjesto za e-trgovce mrežnih djelatnika, odjeljak dva postavljanje profitabilnog poslovanja e-trgovine korak po korak u videu broj pet pronalaženje spremne za kupnju internetske publike naučit ćete teme poput tržišta nasuprot publici koja pronalazi publiku pravilo od 50 posto i pravilo od 3 posto u videu broj 6 anatomija profita koji povlači web mjesto e-trgovine naučit ćete teme poput nam Na početnoj stranici izbornik kategorija stranica proizvoda postupak provjere i odjeljak korisničke službe u videu broj sedam odabirom prave domene i uslugom hostinga za web lokacije e-trgovine naučit ćete teme poput domene koja su najbolja rješenja domene vani je ono što je hosting i koja su najbolja rješenja za hosting u platformama temeljenim na predlošku videa broj osam i woocommerceu za stvaranje web stranice za e-trgovinu naučit ćete teme poput shopify woocommercea i pohraniti zavist u videu broj devet postavljanjem e -commerce web mjesto za pet minuta ili manje sa shopify naučit ćete teme poput zašto shopify i vidjet ćete kako postaviti mrežnu trgovinu sa shopify za manje od pet minuta u videu broj deset koji vozi pravu vrstu prometa za e- komercijalne web stranice naučit ćete teme poput stvaranja bloga vođenog sadržajem upotreba instagrama influenceri izrada video kampanja dodavanje gumba za dijeljenje društvenih mreža vašim proizvodima pridruživanje facebook grupama i dijeljenje zajedničkih kupona u video broju ber 11 praćenje i analiza vaših izgleda e-trgovine i ponašanja kupaca naučit ćete teme poput praćenja angažmana mjerenje konverzije dugoročne mjere google analitika i mreža zadržavanja odjeljak 3 dodatna savjeta koja ćete uzeti u obzir u videu broj 12 naučit ćete o 10 naknada koje biste trebali razmislite o uspješnom pothvatu e-trgovine, ovo su specifične stvari kojih biste se trebali sjetiti da biste koristili našu praksu kako biste mogli uspjeti u videu broj 13, naučit ćete o 10 ne koje biste trebali izbjegavati za unosan pothvat e-trgovine ako ih zanemarite spremni biti razočarani videozapisom 14 naučit ćete o vrhunskim alatima i uslugama e-trgovine kako biste uzeli u obzir da je ovo nekoliko alata posvećenih pružanju vrlo korisnih usluga za vašu web lokaciju e-trgovine, tako da u videozapisu 15 možete dobiti najviše od toga Dobit ću priliku pogledati nekoliko šokantnih studija slučaja e-trgovine, ovo su stvarni primjeri koje smo preuzeli s interneta kako bismo vam pokazali kako e-trgovina zapravo djeluje za druge poduzetnike da biste mogli imati potpuno povjerenje u svoju sposobnost postizanja vlastite priče o poslovnom uspjehu, vrijeme je da na najbolji način iskoristite web lokacije e-trgovine u ime vlastitog poduzeća, znam da će vam se svidjeti ovaj video o treningu broj jedan, je e-trgovina sve o tome što je to elektronička trgovina koja se obično naziva elektronička trgovina koja se odnosi na trgovinu ili olakšavanje trgovine proizvodima ili uslugama pomoću računalnih mreža kao što je internet e-trgovina oslanja se na tehnologije kao što je mobilna trgovina elektronički prijenos sredstava elektronička razmjena podataka edi upravljanje lancem opskrbe internetska obrada transakcija internetski marketing sustavi za upravljanje zalihama i automatizirani sustavi prikupljanja podataka svjetska mreža se često koristi u modernoj elektroničkoj trgovini barem jedan dio životnog ciklusa transakcije, iako se druge tehnologije poput e-pošte mogu koristiti i zašto trebali ući u to danas evo nekoliko razloga za pokretanje e-trgovine e-trgovina je bivša očekuje se rast prema e-marketingu, očekuje se da će globalna prodaja e-trgovine doseći vrhunac na gotovo 2,5 bilijuna dolara do kraja 2018. godine, očekuje se da će američko tržište porasti za negdje između 11,6 posto i 16,5 kina s projiciranih jednog bilijuna dolara u maloprodajna prodaja e-trgovine do 2018.

očekuje se da će se razviti u drugo najveće svjetsko tržište e-trgovine, dok se na tržištu Velike Britanije generira otprilike četvrtina te brojke, što znači da je sada najbolje vrijeme za ulazak u svijet internetske prodaje jer se brzo razvijajuća tržišta uđite u igru ​​e-trgovine svaki dan kad se mogućnosti povećavaju, preporučuje se ispitivanje trendova pri odabiru poslovnog modela prilikom kretanja na tržišta rasta, model e-trgovine izvrstan je izbor za one koji su zainteresirani za diverzifikaciju i širenje ili za poduzetnike koji traže za pokretanje novog posla sposobnost zarade dok spavate u e-trgovini može se vidjeti u cijelom svijetu , nema potrebe za više sto refronts samo trebate ime domene za globalnu prodaju svojih proizvoda s bilo kojeg mjesta na svijetu, ne morate imati proizvode na lageru jer svoju robu možete isporučiti, a marketinšku podršku kupcima i računovodstvo možete lako prenijeti međunarodnim agencijama. automatizacija se koristi se sve više i više u poslovnom procesu, stoga e-trgovina ima određenu pasivnu privlačnost, jer je moguće zaraditi novac dok mirno spavate kako biste se proširili. Vlasnici poduzeća trebaju biti u potrazi za korištenjem tehnologije na svakom koraku lako je pokrenuti se danas postoji više alata za e-trgovinu nego ikad prije, a s vremenom su postali puno bolji, ima puno alata za marketinšku optimizaciju i praćenje vaše mrežne prodaje pokretanje vašeg prvog web mjesta e-trgovine sada je postalo intuitivno jednostavno s platformama poput shopify mogućnost nudi širok izbor pre-made dizajn predložaka više načina plaćanja jednostavan naplata i besplatno hosting najviše izazovni dio je identificiranje vašeg idealnog proizvoda ako odaberete određenu liniju proizvoda, lakše je proći kroz postupak osamdeset posto web populacije izvršilo je kupnju putem interneta osamdeset posto svjetske populacije izvršilo je kupnju putem interneta, kao što možete zamisliti da osamdeset posto samo će povećati uspostavljanje povjerenja i vjerodostojnosti s potencijalnim klijentima, a kupci su ključni čimbenici jer vlasnik poduzeća za e-trgovinu postoje različiti načini za stjecanje povjerenja vaših kupaca, poput razvoja atraktivne web stranice koja ima sigurne i jednostavne obrasce plaćanja i prikazivanja dobrog sadržaja. od ovoga će se pretvoriti u više potencijalnih klijenata, a povjerenje u prodaju jedan je od najvažnijih čimbenika vođenja poslovanja e-trgovine. Zašto je toliko vruće, dolje navedene činjenice reći će vam zašto je e-trgovina danas tako vruća lov na pizzu bio je jedan od prvih glavne marke za eksperimentiranje s internetskom trgovinom počevši od 1994. godine, osamdeset posto

internetske populacije koristilo je Internet za kupnju i pedeset posto Nt populacije na mreži je više puta kupilo putem interneta. Sedamdeset devet posto online kupaca želi opciju praćenja s njihovom isporukom. Azija drži najveći broj kupovina putem interneta s Južnom Korejom na vrhu popisa, analizom izvora prometa e-trgovine komercijalne trgovine na kissmetric otkrivaju da 30,5 posto ukupnog prometa dolazi od organskih pretraživanja na google yahoo bingu i drugim popularnim tražilicama otkriva da oko 70 posto internetskih kupaca koristi tablete, a 47 od njih koristi pametne telefone za svoju internetsku marketinšku krafnu otkriva da novi posjetitelji troše u prosjeku dvije minute 31 sekundu u usporedbi s 5 minuta 31 sekundu vraćanjem posjetitelja kissmetrics otkriva da manje prometa dolazi u trgovine e-trgovine tijekom vikenda u odnosu na radne dane, članak otkriva da su facebook youtube i twitter su među najpopularnijim web mjestima na društvenim mrežama koje donose više prometa trgovinama e-trgovine u odnosu na druge društvene mreže Ups puls internetskog kupca 2015. otkriva da 84 posto internetskih kupaca

dobiva pomoć s barem jedne web stranice na društvenim mrežama i čita recenzije prije kupnje putem interneta trošeći nekoliko milijardi dolara svake godine e-trgovina nastavlja dvoznamenkasti rast u maloprodaji 2013. godine prodaja e-trgovine iznosila je 3,5 milijardi američkih dolara, a predviđa se da će porasti na 14,18 milijardi američkih dolara u 2017. mobilna e-trgovina vrijedit će 3,2 bilijuna dolara u 2017., u odnosu na 1,5 bilijuna dolara u 2013., što je nevjerojatnih 213 posto, što je povećanje globalne prodaje e-trgovine Očekuje se da će izrađeni putem mobilnog uređaja porasti na 638 milijardi dolara do 2018. godine, prema Goldman Sachs Appleu i dalje dominira mobilnom e-trgovinom. Udio iphone-a u

narudžbama e-trgovine iznosio je 50,6, a samsungu 30,5 u prvom tromjesečju 2014. godine. 30 globalnih prodaja e-trgovine do 2018., u odnosu na 15. u 2013. godini. 46 posto korisnika čita recenzije i blogove prije nego što kupuju internetske blogove, utječu na kupnju 13 reklo je da je objava na blogu nadahnula kupnju 84 posto internetskih kupaca preporučilo je barem jednu web stranicu na društvenim mrežama prije kupovine putem interneta, a sedamdeset jedan posto kupaca vjeruje da će dobiti bolju ponudu putem interneta nego u trgovinama kako to funkcionira Sve više i više ljudi kupuje putem interneta zbog praktičnost i dobre cijene internetske trgovine mogu smanjiti cijene jer su u stanju eliminirati troškove povezane s zapošljavanjem zaposlenika u današnjem užurbanom svijetu pogodnost je ključna kada netko naruči artikl putem interneta, često može biti na pragu kupca sljedećeg jutra, brza kupnja dio je uspješan poslovni model koji je Amazon tijekom godina koristio web hosting , dobar web poslužitelj polazna je točka dobre mrežne trgovine Faktori kao što su trošak propusnosti i pouzdanost podržavaju ključne su značajke pri odabiru trgovačkog sučelja davatelja usluge hostinga, ovo je ono što koristite za upravljanje internetska trgovina potrebna je za izgledati moderno sučelje , dobro trgovačko sučelje ima ravnotežu između korisnosti i nesigurnosti htforwardness katalog proizvoda katalog proizvoda je ono što vaši kupci vide kako bi saznali o proizvodima koje prodajete, a za koje kažete da ćete željeti uložiti većinu svog vremena i truda u ovo područje jer se s tiskanim katalogom mrežni katalog sastoji od proizvodi i stranice stranice uspostavljaju izgled kataloga i stvaraju njegovu strukturu stil u kojem dizajnirate svoje stranice imat će utjecaja na to kako vaši kupci doživljavaju vašu trgovinu, ovo je jedan od načina na koji ćete predstaviti informacije o proizvodima svojim kupcima Košarica će koristiti svoje klijente na mjesto narudžbe kupaca dodati proizvode u košaricu, što su odlučili kupiti ih pružiti informacije o dostavi i načinu plaćanja zatim pošaljite nalog način vaša košarica izgled ima utjecaja na percepciju kupaca i kako se to radi može napraviti razliku između napuštene ili dovršene prodaje obrada plaćanja prihvaćanje plaćanja ključno je za internetsku trgovinu jer bez nje kupci ne mogu naručiti u online proces plaćanja kupaca unijeti svoje podatke o plaćanju koji je tada dobiva proslijeđen Payment Gateway koji ovjerava informacije i prijenos sredstava na vaš trgovački račun Postoje različite online plaćanje usluge dostupne, kao i plaćanje Gateways i trgovački račun shipping jednom dobili ste narudžbu koja vam je potrebna da prikupite proizvode i pošaljete ih kupcu normalno je da internetski trgovci natjeraju kupce da plate taj trošak, no nuđenje besplatne dostave može se koristiti kao poticaj da kupci kupe obračun poreza kao dio svoje internetske trgovine trebate razmisliti o plaćanju odgovarajućeg poreza na promet, to ovisi o zakonima u kojima se nalazi vaša tvrtka oglašavajući se za oglašavanje web mjesta za e-trgovinu pobrinite se da se pojavi u popularnim tražilicama kao što su google ask i da, video broj dva kako mogu li postojeće izvanmrežne tvrtke imati koristi od e-trgovine cigle i minobacači su glavna stvar za komercijalu aktivnosti sve dok su bili oko vas otišli ste u trgovinu pronašli ste ono što ste htjeli i onda ste se vraćali kući danas pojavom interneta poduzeća su se diverzificirala i mnoge su svoje aktivnosti na mreži stavila toliko daleko budući da postajete mrežni trgovci bez prisutnosti na mreži u ovom videozapisu, naučit ćete kako vaše poslovanje može imati koristi od posjeda internetske prodavaonice, što je posao, a poduzeće je organizacija ili subjekt koji se bavi komercijalnom aktivnošću ili u osnovi bilo kojom djelatnošću usmjerenom na zarađivanje novca entitet može biti pojedinac koji samostalno obavlja posao, a koji je često zastupljen u obliku malog poduzeća ili obiteljskog restorana koji obavlja vlasnik, ili može biti veća tvrtka poput maloprodajne trgovine u trgovačkom centru ili međunarodnog konglomerata desetljeće ili pa je prije toga većina tvrtki obavljala svoje aktivnosti izvan trgovine odjeće do trgovina hardverom, a poduzeća su trebala biti fizički prisutna gdje bi kupci mogli ići po njih eir proizvode i usluge nazivaju offline tvrtkama, jer danas je uobičajeno da tvrtke svoje aktivnosti obavljaju na mreži, pri čemu većina njih ima samo internetsku prisutnost, zapravo mnoga poduzeća započinju na ovaj način i drže se toga, zato postoji jasna razlika između mrežnih poduzeća i izvanmrežnih poduzeća danas je poznata kao vrsta poduzeća koja jednostavno ne nudi svoje proizvode ili usluge.

Mrežni atributi izvanmrežnog poduzeća uključuju posjedovanje fizičkog ureda ili izloga određenih područja koja su često ograničen na mjesto gdje se nalaze vlasnici poduzeća i koji se za oglašavanje moraju oslanjati na časopise televizijskih novina i panoe , sve je popularnija predodžba da su offline poslovi stvar prošlosti i da posao koji napreduje svojom fizičkom prisutnošću može biti izbačen iz postojanja u bilo kojem trenutku s brzim promjenama u ponašanju potrošača posljednjih godina malo je vjerojatno da će preživjeti izvan mreže, za razliku od internetske tvrtke, tvrtka je koja se usredotočuje na obavljanje svojih aktivnosti putem interneta, znači da koristi internet da bi dosegla kupce i radila svoj posao. nova se poduzeća često rađaju na mreži, a postojeća poduzeća usvajaju internetsku tehnologiju kako e-trgovina može pomoći vaša poslovna e-trgovina može pomoći vama i vašem poslu da smanjite troškove logistike kao što su papiri za prijevoz skladišta i oglašavanje e-trgovina pomoći će vama i vašem poslu da dosegnete širu publiku u usporedbi s prodajom na jednom mjestu tako što ćete imati internetsku prodavaonicu koja svatko može posjetiti bilo koje vrijeme tijekom godine 24 sata na dan u bilo kojem trenutku, ako ne riskirate da izgubite prodaju jer ne možete imati posjetitelje u kasnim noćnim satima, naravno da vaša tvrtka može imati koristi od izvanmrežnog kolege, ali ovisit će i o vrsti proizvoda ili usluge koju isporučujete, a glazba se može strujati ili čak slati kupcima kako biste i vi i vaši kupci mogli korist sve se može automatizirati od postupka naplate do obavijesti koje možete čak prenijeti na isporuku i rukovanje svojim proizvodima trećim tvrtkama koje su se specijalizirale za e-trgovinu, a financijske koristi koje e-trgovina može donijeti poduzećima vrlo su slatke prema podacima prikupljeni prosječnom bruto dobiti za web stranice e-trgovine u prva tri mjeseca prve godine dosežu oko 150 000 maraka; druge godine taj je prosjek narastao na tristo trideset tisuća dolara, a do treće godine dostigao je najviši prosjek od milijun dolara mjesečno , naravno, ovi se podaci odnose na vodeće tvrtke u usponu, pa koji su to brojevi za uobičajena poduzeća koja počinju s e-trgovinom, što možete očekivati ​​za svoje poslovanje, prosjek je šezdeset i tri tisuće dolara za njihov prva tri mjeseca povećavajući mjesečni prihod do sto dvadeset i sedam tisuća dolara tijekom njihove prve godine poslovanja, dosegao je vrh na tristo pedeset tisuća i 000 mjesečno nakon tri godine poslovanja, što je porast od 175 posto tijekom tri godine od početka, gdje možete započeti, morate početi planiranjem što ćete uopće prodati, ne samo da vam treba da započnete planirati što želite prodati, ali počnite razmišljati o industriji i vrstama proizvoda kojima ste strastveni ako prodajete nešto što volite i u čemu ćete uživati, vjerojatnije ćete uživati ​​u upravljanju svojim inventarom i e-trgovinom web mjesto morate saznati hoćete li taj proizvod izraditi ako ćete dizajnirati šalice za kavu ili ćete naći veletrgovca kako biste pristupili onome što želite prodati poput, a slijedi stvaranje web stranice jedinstveni identitet za vaše poslovanje ili marku primjer je tvrtka finch robe koja je kreirala identitet za svoj made in america pribor za muško poslovanje koji se lako može prepoznati i zapamtiti napokon morate razmisliti gdje ste prodavat ćete svoje proizvode koju platformu da koristite možete koristiti platformu temeljenu na predlošku kao što je shopify i izraditi svoje web mjesto od nule ili možete koristiti uslugu poput ispunjenja od Amazona za koju ćete trebati samo pružiti svoje proizvode ono što je uspješno poslovanje Web stranica e-trgovine izgleda kako slijede neki primjeri kako uspješne web stranice e-trgovine izgledaju kao crni kozji kašmir predstavlja se modernim dizajnom web stranica koji svoje proizvode prikazuje atraktivnim slikama, vidljivim kategorijama i lako dostupnim odjeljcima. jednostavnim gumiranjem

minimalnog dizajna kojim se možete kretati po jednoj stranici koja kada se pomakne prema dolje djeluje poput videozapisa iz izbornika tri, kako neovisni stručnjak može ponuditi svoje usluge putem interneta, Internet je otvorio prozor mogućnosti na polju trgovine i posao bez premca prije svega Internet je postao izvrsno mjesto za pronalaženje i pružanje usluga na način da p pomoćni oglasi u novinama i časopisima o kojima su mogli samo sanjati ; sada je uobičajeno da obični ljudi rade samo na internetu. Dobar dio neovisnih stručnjaka na webu možete imati samo gledajući rezultate za lokalno traženje posla na bilo kojoj tražilici, ali tko su ti ljudi i što rade što je neovisni stručnjak neovisni je profesionalac pojedinac koji samostalno posluje ti pojedinci mogu biti svi koji koriste korisne vještine u praktične svrhe da bi od toga živjeli zaduženi su neovisni profesionalci jednog po jednog zadatka ova vrsta profesionalca je samozaposlena u smislu da posao obavljaju sami , ne moraju samo dovršiti poslove, već moraju upravljati financijskim aspektima i aspektima odnosa s javnošću svojih aktivnosti koje moraju rukovati kontaktima s klijentima i naknadnom podrškom moraju postaviti jamstvo za svoje usluge, a također moraju nadgledati vlastiti rad i mjeriti Ako njihovi klijenti postanu njihovi poslodavci i postanu zaštitno lice tvrtke, neovisni profesionalci mogu se nazivati ​​i slobodnjacima, ovisno o vrsti usluga koje nude u proteklim desetljećima, samo pojedinci koji su angažirani da rade na kratkoročnim projektima koji uključuju novinarstvo istraživanje i fotografija smatrani su slobodnjacima, danas slobodnjakom može biti bilo tko tko samostalno radi unajmljivanje nekoga tko nije zaposlen u velikoj tvrtki ili je izravno zaposlen u redovnom poslu, što znači da su slobodnjak i neovisni stručnjak postali zamjenjivi pojmovi, naravno neovisni profesionalci mogu biti pojedinci koji nude određenu uslugu kroz posao kojim samostalno upravljaju u tom smislu neovisni je stručnjak precizan u tradicionalnom značenju pojma. primjeri neovisnih stručnjaka koji nude svoje usluge samostalno su vodoinstalateri molerski slikari elektroničarski tehničari za popravak stolari odvjetnici tumači makeu p umjetnici krojači i programeri softvera, među ostalima neovisni profesionalci koji nude svoje usluge kao posao, uključuju krovopokrivače ekipe za popravak kanalizacije tehničari za popravak računala patentni pravnici arhitekti i ekipe za zaštitu od štetočina, među ostalim neovisni profesionalci koji se često nazivaju slobodnjaci uključuju pisce dvojezične i višejezične prevoditelje grafičke dizajnere talentirani producenti zvuka, zabavljači i glazbenici, između ostalog kako vam e-trgovina može pomoći kao neovisnom profesionalcu, a prije svega najveća korist koju vam e-trgovina nudi kao neovisnom profesionalcu je na mnogo načina na koje možete oglašavati svoje usluge, podijelimo to na kako možete ponuditi svoje usluge i kako vas ljudi mogu pronaći možete lako ponuditi svoje usluge na mreži na više platformi istovremeno, e-trgovina vam može pomoći davanjem trenutnog pristupa vašim oglasima tako da ih možete mijenjati bez potrebe za kontaktiranjem treće strane da to učine za vas e-trgovina će gi imate slobodu izbora između besplatnih oglasa i upravljanja ostatkom papirologije te kontaktiranje na staromodan način ili odlazak s plaćenim oglasima na namjenske platforme i dopuštanje da oni upravljaju ostatkom za vas e-trgovina pomoći će vam da pojednostavite sve kroz automatizaciju, uključujući administriranje kontakte i načini plaćanja morat ćete samo radnu računalo da imaju svoj vlastiti ured za e-commerce će vas izložiti mnogo mnogo izgledima od prvog dana u stare dane, ako čitatelj nije našla oglas u novinama odabrani magazin ili tv kanal nisu vas htjeli pronaći zahvaljujući Internetu, jednostavno pretraživanje putem Googlea može ih prvo suočiti na vašoj e-trgovini pružit će vam alate za prikazivanje uzoraka vašeg rada prije nego što vas angažiraju pomoću audio i vizualni materijal kao i slike i dokumenti kako bi unaprijed znali kako radite e-trgovina vam može pomoći da se diverzificirate u skladu sa svojim mogućnostima, kao primjer za dosezanje klijenata iz drugih gradova ili država za usluge kod kuće poroci i dodatno naplatiti ako radite s digitalnom medijskom e -trgovinom, pojednostavit će vam posao jer završni rad možete jednostavno dostaviti e-poštom ili ih pohraniti pomoću usluga u oblaku, odakle možete započeti, objavljivanjem besplatnog popisa svojih usluga na žutim stranicama web mjesto unesite i kliknite na oglašavajte se kod nas gdje ćete biti pozvani da dobijete svoj besplatni

unos tako što ćete kliknuti na vaš besplatni unos i registrirati podatke o svom poslovanju i svoje usluge možete ponuditi besplatno pomoću oglasnih ploča i usluga poput gdje se možete jednostavno registrirati, a zatim objaviti oglas za svoju uslugu, također možete unijeti uslugu poput usluga Amazon, gdje možete lako prodati svoje profesionalne usluge, a korist platforme usluge Amazon je u tome kako će vam pomoći da pronađete široku lokalnu publiku koja nije imao pristup vašim uslugama, osim prethodnih opcija, postoji i mnoštvo drugih web mjesta na kojima svoje usluge možete ponuditi kao slobodnjak poput fiverr.c om i koji su jednostavni za upotrebu i pružit će vam priliku da vas mnogi zainteresirani klijenti svakodnevno pronađu kako izgleda uspješna web stranica e-trgovine s neovisnim profesionalcima kao što možete vidjeti u ovim primjerima web stranica e-trgovine za uspješnog profesionalca izlaže svoje osobne prezentacijske vještine i neke primjere rada , uspješni internetski profil za neovisnog profesionalca koji prodaje svoje usluge mora stvoriti sjajan prvi dojam o potencijalnim klijentima upotrebom audio i video prezentacija, gdje profesionalac može osloboditi se anonimnosti na taj način ulijevajući veći osjećaj povjerenja budućim klijentima video četiri kako trgovac na mreži može zaraditi tone novca prodajom putem Interneta putem interneta pružio je trgovcima priliku da dođu do globalnog tržišta na način koji je tako brz i učinkovit teško je povjerovati da bi svijet mogao postojati bez njega e-trgovina olakšala je život i tvrtkama i kupcima, nije samo zato što omogućuje tvrtkama prodavati svoje proizvode i usluge širom svijeta bez većih gnjavaža, ali zato što im omogućuje učinkovitije tržište vlastitim sredstvima i privlačenjem vlastitih klijenata koji im zapravo pomažu u zamjenu za dio dobiti koji je tačan. e-trgovina je win-win situacija u kojoj tvrtke trebaju svoje kupce da promoviraju svoje proizvode i usluge za njih, pridruženi programi i oglašavanje usmjereno na rezultate pretraživača postalo je uobičajeno u današnjem marketingu.

Što je internetski prodavač, internetski prodavač je pojedinac zadužen za promicanje robe i internetske usluge u zamjenu za dobit ovi se trgovci razlikuju od tradicionalnih prodavača jer ih agencije ne angažiraju da formiraju skupinu ideja za stvaranje marketinških kampanja, umjesto toga ti su mrežni trgovci pojedinci ili skupine pojedinaca koji traže mogućnosti za promociju postojeće mrežne ponude robe i usluge u tom smislu upućuju proizvod drugim ljudima kako bi ga mogli kupiti to zarađuje profit u tom procesu mrežni trgovci to čine stvaranjem platformi za promociju postojećih proizvoda na web lokacijama e-trgovine stvaranjem bloga koji postavlja oglase ciljane na određenu publiku kojom mogu posjetitelje natjerati da kliknu na oglase kada ljudi kliknu na oglas koji oni možete doći u iskušenje da kupite ono što se promovira, pogotovo ako se radi o novom ili oskudnom proizvodu ili možda o sniženom proizvodu kada netko kupi taj proizvod putem tog oglasa, a prodavač zarađuje od te prodaje kako vam e-trgovina može pomoći kao mrežnom prodavaču e-trgovina može vam pomoći kao mrežni prodavač jer internetski marketing većinom može biti pasivna aktivnost što znači da mrežni prodavač može pasivno zarađivati ​​putem e-trgovine e-trgovina može vam pomoći kao mrežni prodavač jer u osnovi svaka e-trgovina web mjesto ima pridruženi program pridruženi program je sporazum između trgovca na malo i trgovca usmjeren na promociju maloprodajnih dionica koristeći sredstva prodavača dok ga proizvodi ili h Na primjer, jedan od najpopularnijih partnerskih programa do danas je Amazonova e-trgovina koja vam može pomoći jer nećete biti vezani uz grupu marketera koji će vam reći kako to trebate napraviti. Stvorite svoju marketinšku platformu i odaberite koju nišu želite prodati i postavljena vam e-trgovina može vam pomoći jer će vam web stranice e-trgovine općenito ponuditi šest do dvadeset pet posto dobiti od konačne prodaje, dobra stvar je što ne morate prodavati ono što je u oglasu samo trebate nekoga uputiti da izvrši kupnju na web mjestu e-trgovine putem oglasa, na primjer, pridruženi program dress lilly nudi vam provizije od 8 do 12 nad cijenom konačne prodaje koju možete odabrati za rad na različitim web mjestima pridruženog marketinga usredotočeni na različite niše, sa svakom nišom dajući vam različite profitne marže u skladu s cijenama njihovih proizvoda, možete uspostaviti blog za audio datoteke i napraviti recenziju o ovom sustavu kućnog kina s dvanaest tisuća dolara , dobivajući neki ne da biste ga kupili možete zaraditi proviziju od četiri posto koja će vam donijeti cool petsto jedanaest dolara, uopće nije loša, gdje možete započeti. Morate započeti tako što ćete odlučiti što želite promovirati. preporučuje se da radite s nečim što znate jer će vam to olakšati promociju proizvoda i pronalaženje potencijalnih klijenata znajući što oni traže, a zatim morate pronaći web stranice e-trgovine koje nude povezane programe za rad ako ste već odlučili o nišama na kojima ćete raditi s tim da možete suziti pretraživanje i otići na određene web lokacije, u ovom prvom slučaju možete pronaći partnerske programe na web lokacijama koje već znate ili potražiti web lokacije e-trgovine u svojoj niši i pregledati njihove programe kako biste im se mogli pridružiti, na primjer ako želite prodati robu povezanu s pop kulturom koja se može dobro prodati potražite je na googleu i provjerite web stranice koje nude najprodavaniju robu i najbolje pridružene programe ako radije radite s različitim lako prodajnim ili više generacija eric stuff ili ako želite isključivo surađivati ​​s ponudama, možete otići izravno u Amazon i prijaviti se za amazonove suradnike gdje možete pronaći sve vrste proizvoda za promociju, sada vam je potrebna platforma na koju možete smjestiti svoje oglase, to može biti blog ili web stranica posvećeni nišnom sadržaju pomoću wordpress-a možete izraditi web mjesto spremno za oglase uz nekoliko jednostavnih koraka. U našem slučaju stvorili smo wordpress web mjesto posvećeno pružanju informacija o dijabetesu, tako da ovdje možemo postaviti oglase koji promoviraju proizvode za njegu dijabetesa nakon što imate web mjesto na mjestu ćete biti spremni za izradu sadržaja i postavljanje oglasa oko njega pomoću odabranih pridruženih programa kako izgleda uspješno web mjesto za e-trgovce mrežnih markera primjer rezanja žice primjer je kako uspješno web mjesto za oglašavanje putem e-trgovine promiče e-trgovinu Sadržaj bi trebao izgledati i raditi kao što vidite. Navigacija je jednostavna, jer sve što vam treba je upravo ovo. Ovo je web mjesto koje pregledava elektroniku i druge srodne stvari, pa ako tražite univ. ersal daljinski upravljač na googleu

šanse su da ćete biti preusmjereni na ovo mjesto nakon što ga pronađete na googleu , odvest ćete se do članka o univerzalnim daljinskim upravljačima na toj stranici i moći ćete provjeriti dubinske kritike sa slikama proizvodi u prilogu gumbi za kupovinu i cijena proizvoda, što je najmudrije učiniti, jer je osoba koja klikne na gumb za kupnju voljni prilagođeni video broj pet koji pronalazi spremnu za kupnju internetsku publiku . Internet je naseljen milijunima i milijunima posjetitelja svaki dan i svaki od ovih posjetitelja ima nekoliko mjesta za posjetiti svako mjesto svako web mjesto svaki mrežni prodavač i vijesti koje posjete odgovaraju na jednu skupinu stvari koje trebaju, a da toga nisu svjesni da svi traže rješenje za jedno ili više of their needs we are not necessarily talking about needs like food or shelter but other needs like the need for work the need for entertainment the need for art the need for music the need for innovation and so on creating an audience means gathering a growing number of people around the main subject of interest by focusing on one thing and excelling in it you get the first step right by keeping an audience alive market versus audience you'll need to differentiate between your audience and your market you can't have one without the other but you'll have to focus on your audience to get greater market capitalization a market is where you get your sales from and your audience is that fraction of said market that will serve as your social backbone because it will be the people that will give you feedback for example if you are in the market of mobile games and you create adventure games it means that you are creating games for the entire market but your audience the people who specifically like adventure games that's the one that will give you the greatest support and number of sales finding an audience sarah vegan was just starting her vegan goods delivery service she had crea ted an incredible and intuitive website for her products she had the right inventory and personality to manage it all she just needed the clients to really take off sarah had the good fortune to be invited to participate in two very popular podcasts during the first week so she saw this as the golden opportunity she could talk in depth about her stuff and create awareness about her e-commerce shop after both interviews were over sarah detected a huge spike in traffic to her site visitors came and went during the first 48 hours so she was convinced that she had struck gold 48 hours later that spike in visits came to a stop there was no conversion because nobody logged into her site and nobody made a purchase understandably sarah was sad and she started to think that maybe this e-commerce thing wasn't for her when sarah decided to examine what had just happened she tracked her visitors activities in a deeper way she found that she advertised to the wrong audience people went to her websi te but they didn't purchase not even out of curiosity the first step in building an audience is knowing where to find it and then taking action some measures that you can take right now to find your audience are look for blogs where your products are discussed check them and ask their owners to let you participate as a guest blogger this will end up being good for you and for them this will help you pull visitors from said blogs to your site look for podcasts where stuff related to what you sell or offer is discussed ask the hosts to let you participate in it and do a great presentation this will give you a large stream not only of traffic but of willing customers create a blog and be proficient in optimizing it to be found on search engines don't focus it on selling your products focus it on reviewing them and telling visitors the benefits of acquiring them while giving them a link to your website if you are offering services or are marketing the same advice applies focus on giving pe ople something that can help them make a choice be supportive not pushy use a service like google analytics to know what your site visitors are doing by knowing where they come from where they go and where else they shop you can take your game to them the fifty percent rule e-commerce case studies demonstrate that for all your visitors to your website fifty percent is willing to buy the kind of products or services that you sell and the other fifty percent are just testing the waters which means that they are still looking around for the best offer they can find what this number shows you is that you have to be ready to convert that 50 into buyers by getting them to stay on your page just like stated before this means offering people great content if somebody is willing to buy yet not quite ready they will stick to your site until they decide which is great because it means that you created a customer before they converted into a buyer so that is one more member added to your audience as for the other fifty percent it will depend on how good and attractive your offer seems to them when compared to others and how well they remember your website the good thing about this last percentage of people is that they can end up seeing your site as a great source of information and will be a great resource of referrals and positive comments the three percent rule according to the demand generation pyramid when you break down that percentage of interested people at the tip you are left with the ones that are ready to buy at any moment and those people amount to three percent daily this three percent is where you want to drive your efforts most fiercely this is the percentage of people that will click on buy now if they see that your offer is good enough for them video number six the anatomy of a profit-pulling e-commerce site by now you already know that an e-commerce website is a place where business is conducted from selling goods and services to advertising products through affiliate sites and you have an idea of how an e-commerce site looks and works you know that a good ecommerce site has a main page a great range of images a search bar and a menu to select product categories from this is the basic anatomy of an e-commerce site and covers the basic ways to navigate it what does a very successful ecommerce site need to have inside it what are the elements that when combined truly create a great user experience inside one here you'll be able to see what has made some of the best e-commerce websites around the successes they are now the name the name of an e-commerce site is like its face because it is the first thing that people will see whether you are inside the website or by reading about it somewhere else generally the name of a website needs to be simple and easy to remember a name for an e-commerce website doesn't necessarily need to be reflective of the nature of its business or product it will help if it has some interesting story or meaning behin d it the classic example of this is amazon is a simple name that its founder chose after deciding that it represented something that in his own words is exotic and different the amazon river is the biggest river in the world and amazon's founder wanted it to become the biggest retailer in the world the home page the homepage of an e-commerce website looks just like the entrance of a real world storefront once you get inside your first impression will make your mind up about it does it look like the kind of place that is selling what it offers is it organized and easy to navigate take for example the home page of which showcases some of its featured products by having them occupy a whole page just like a stand in a physical retail shop it is effective because it makes you feel it is the natural environment to sell those products the category menu finding products under a certain category on a web page needs to be straightforward and easy especially on e-commerce web sites where a handful of products are sold and not all can be put under a category which means using subcategories for each category is one of the biggest and most successful e-commerce players today they offer an immense variety of products from suppliers around the world which means that it has millions of different products in its store that is why has a category menu that can be easily reached after getting inside the page by scrolling down a little there the main categories are displayed when you put your mouse pointer over a category a subcategory sub-menu will be displayed if you want to see a more detailed view of the categories and their subcategories it is as simple as clicking on all categories which will take you to a page where all categories are displayed along with their subcategories in list form the product page the product page will show you what a product is like in a product page you'll see the product's description details multiple pictures with close-up angles price and the buy button often you'll be able to see similar products as well for this backpack on you can see its description price pictures and other similar backpacks of the same brand alongside the product info you can find the add to cart button the checkout process the checkout process is a section of the page where you land once you have decided what you are going to buy it used to be that you needed to be registered on the site to check out but now this is not the norm is one of those pages that still require you to

register to check out but it is such a streamlined process that you'll only need to do it once it is as simple as entering your email password and some personal info like name address and payment method once you have registered it is as easy as adding something to your cart clicking on checkout now verifying your payment and shipping info streamlining the checkout process in this manner has helped modern e-commerce websites convert first-time customers into repeat customers and it has worked like a charm it is important to also prepare a thank you and a follow-up successful purchase page after your customers are done checking out so they're not left hanging after they've made a purchase it gives them the details of their finished operation a customer service section a customer service section consisting of a help section and a contact us section is a requirement for all e-commerce sites that want to be trusted by visitors and customers a help section should show people an easy way to use your site and navigate it you can see that think geeks help section offers detailed information on how their services work information about their pricing shipping options checkout process security measures and anything that can be done and found on their site the help page also has the option to live chat with customer service it also gives you their contact information and by scrolling down you can find other w ays to communicate with them that is how you construct a streamlined user experience for the best ecommerce website video seven choosing the right domain and hosting service for e-commerce sites a big part of your e-commerce presence is going to be what you name your site what website address you use and where you place it all of which will determine how easy it is to find your website on the internet your website address doesn't necessarily need to have your company name on it but it will need to be something related to it or your business in order to be good for marketing and search engine friendly a website address is what is called a domain think of your website's address as your physical address now that you have an internet address you need an internet building to house the content that you want to manage at set address and that building is called a hosting in this video you'll be learning about both domains and hosting you'll learn how to use them for e-commerce and about the be st domain and hosting solutions available what is a domain a domain is an internet address used to direct visitors to a website address the most commonly used for e-commerce are dot com and dot net a domain name is the extension of the domain and it serves to easily identify it by a preferably simple and easy to spell name using a domain name simplifies access to a website as well as indexing a website on common search engines like google before going into more complex technicalities of creating your ecommerce website this is the first thing that you need to think about a domain name needs to be obtained through a domain registrant like which is a domain name registrant and hosting services company go to and enter your preferred domain name on its search bar to make sure that said domain name is available once you see your domain name is available you have to select the domain for your website for e-commerce websites the most commonly used are dot com dot net an d dot biz creating a domain name should be easy and common guidelines include keeping it short and easy to remember you have to consider this strongly because sometimes domain names won't be available so you'll need to come up with alternative domain names to create the best one for your website remember to associate your brand name with what you offer in your domain name what are the best domain solutions out there namestation is a domain name generator service that offers you the chance to try out some word combinations before deciding on a domain name you have to sign up before you can use the service but after you're registered you'll have access to great tools to sign up you just need to enter your email address and click on create account after creating your account and signing in you can go to the main page and enter keywords into the bar and hit get name suggestions to match it with other ones to generate proper suggestions you can also scroll down and use more specific search methods like standard search and advanced search after you have created a great domain name you have to buy it through a domain registrant for e-commerce we chose hostgator as the domain registrant to use because it offers a very straightforward domain name shopping experience go to and click on domains where you'll be presented with a search bar to check your domain name availability and its domain name extension which again we recommend being dot com or dotnet or dot biz after this page loads you'll be shown availability for your domain name of choice and its price based on its domain extension which will also be its price for a year after that you'll need to renew it click on price to see its pricing if paid for two or three years after checking availability and price you can buy your domain name by clicking on add to cart to complete the checkout process what is hosting hosting is the action of hosting your website on the internet you have to do this through a hos ting service provider which houses physical servers to locate websites and their data it is common to host your website with the same company that sold you the domain name a hosting service provider should offer storage capacity for pictures and files decent or unlimited bandwidth for handling traffic and technical support optional features include email extension for your website and integration with external applications and services hosting for e-commerce should be influenced by each particular website's needs factors influencing selection of provider are the type of products to be sold and how are they going to be promoted because hosting a large volume of files like high resolution pictures can take up lots of storage space also bandwidth needs to be considered when the site gets popular especially during holidays if you want to present a professional presence you'll need email extensions plus website building options and templates for example offers you different op tions with each plan you can click on web hosting and see the different plans and their features starting with the hatchling plan priced at three dollars and fifty cents the baby plan at four dollars and ninety five cents and the business plan at eight dollars ninety five cents all billed monthly what are the best hosting solutions out there for e-commerce one of the best options around is inmotion's e-commerce solution because it offers one of the best suite of features for starting an e-commerce website from the ground up in the market go to search for e-commerce hosting and click on it what should grab your attention first is the fact that they host your e-commerce site on an ssd drive which is 20 times faster than traditional hard drives you can buy one of their plans launch power and pro all build monthly and all of them featuring integration with top e-commerce apps ssl integration for security solid-state drive hosting free domain and a 90-day guarantee v ideo eight template based platforms and woocommerce for creating an e-commerce site after getting your domain name and hosting service next comes designing the page it used to be that you needed to hire a web designer to handle that or maybe you could get your hands on web development software and work on the design yourself for e-commerce websites there's a more intricate phase of the design that requires creating databases implementing checkout processes and managing security aspects these responsibilities were often delegated to a web administrator after your page was done of course that was a process that required a heavy investment of time and resources so creating a website especially an e-commerce website was a process that needed to go through several stages before it could go live now it is different and you can create e-commerce sites in minutes and get them up and running in less than 24 hours this can be done thanks to template-based website builders these platforms impleme nt all the graphic and database design in their coding so you can get them done fast and easy these template-based platforms offer you the tools to create great looking websites by dragging and dropping elements some of them even offer you domain names and limited or unlimited hosting capabilities so let's check what's out there shopify shopify is one of the most popular and widely used website builders around thanks to its user friendly website building capabilities and full spectrum of features on the shopify homepage go to the features section to review some of them some of these features include more than 100 free themes to customize your storefront a mobile ready platform web-based website builder shopping cart implementation with ssl certification multiple payment options automated tax deduction and multiple language support its store management features include customer profiles and accounts drop shipping integration with third-party services email templates and order fulfillmen t it is already optimized for search engines and encourages customers to review your products it has social interaction capabilities like management of coupons discounts email marketing campaigns gift cards integration with social media platforms and a facebook shopping cart you can manage your product inventory through its platform and sell unlimited digital goods web hosting capabilities include unlimited bandwidth for traffic daily backups and automatic updates email forwarding service if you buy your domain name with them and server stability guaranteed with an outstanding 99 uptime rate and 24 7 live monitoring it also hands you analytic tools a mobile platform to manage your store on the go and 24 7 support to see a live example of a shopify store just head to the examples section and check for yourself you can start using shopify today with a 14 day free trial after your trial ends you can choose between the light basic pro and unlimited plans for nine dollars twenty nine dollar s seventy nine dollars and one hundred seventy nine dollars respectively which can be billed monthly or annually woocommerce is a wordpress plugin that will take care of the ecommerce aspect of your wordpress website all you have to do is install wordpress and then integrate woocommerce within it woocommerce creates product pages and integrates a shopping cart and checkout process solution on your wordpress site woocommerce boasts about powering a staggering thirty percent of e-commerce sites on the web and with good reason it is good for store owners that want to have control over their site and for developers that want to create ideal e-commerce sites for their clients go to the woocommerce menu and click on features to review them you will find that woocommerce is built for wordpress and reaches a worldwide community that is great for selling anything it is open source so you can experiment with it and it's mobile friendly it will integrate an intelligent shopping cart system with p re-installed payment gateways you can control every aspect of the checkout process giving you the tools to enable or disable guest shoppers for example you can also set which countries and currencies your e-commerce site supports it can automatically deduct taxes manages cart behavior and calculates shipping prices while making multiple shipping methods available it also has social interaction capabilities like discount coupons or codes and product reviews the great thing about managing your e-commerce store from wordpress is that it is self-hosted which means that you won't run into bandwidth issues and you can choose your domain name on the platform the best part of it all it is free yes using wordpress with woocommerce is completely free so you will not have to pay monthly or yearly fees for all these features storenvy storenvy is another great e-commerce platform which proudly distinguishes itself for being a platform offering two ways to sell your products a free custom online sto re and a social marketplace you can easily promote your products on storenvy because it works like a social marketplace for shopping in which you can place your free customizable online store you can easily customize your store and change its colors text and background images at any time you can set up your store in as little as five minutes you can list up to 500 products for free its management tools are smart and simple to use you can use promotional codes and you can also manage inventory and fulfillment from the app itself store nbc's platform is mobile ready and as you can see millions of people support doing business on store envy you can interact with an active and passionate community and integrate payment solutions like credit card payments and paypal into your store do you know what else makes it great that it doesn't make you pay any monthly fees you only pay a 10 fee for every sale you make the rest is yours video number nine setting up an e-commerce site in five minutes o r less with shopify in the last video we talked about shopify one of the most popular and widely used e-commerce website builders around it is a platform for creating template-based ecommerce websites by using its simple drag and drop functionality in this video you'll learn how to use shopify to set up your first online store in a matter of minutes it is a simple setup process that will only require you to enter your email address and your business information why shopify we chose shopify because it is one of the most streamlined user experiences offered by any of the various e-commerce platforms on the market it offers you the opportunity to try basically all of its features for free by signing up for a 14-day trial period you won't need to provide any credit card information for signing up for this trial period so you can easily create your online store in detail and try out all of its powerful and practical e-commerce features before deciding upon buying a plan shopify will let you create a storefront a website for your online store for which you'll have complete control over its look field domain name and layout the best part is that you won't need to have coding or design skills because shopify will give you access to over 100 templates to work with from there you'll be able to showcase your products through an online catalog that you can organize by category to make navigating on your site easy for your customers you can sell any kind of product because there is no limit to the number of product types that you can offer on a store built with shopify shopify will let you manage your orders on the fly notify you when a new order is placed integrate shipping rates for your orders and provide tracking information to your customers once an order has been dispatched it will also give you access to a dashboard where you'll be able to see analytic data about your store you can integrate apps from the shopify marketplace into your online store to automate your account ing send promotional emails and expand to new marketplaces its excellent features include a website builder and full featured blog unlimited bandwidth and products optimization for search engines several payment gateways to offer to your customers global tax and currency support and management of gift cards and coupon sales pricing for shopify plans is twenty nine dollars for the basic plan seventy nine dollars for the pro plan and one hundred seventy nine dollars for the unlimited plan all built monthly and each one granting you access to a defined set of features for the purposes of this video you'll learn how to access all of these great features and try them out by signing up for the 14 day free trial period to get started creating your shopify online store go to the page header and click on get started on the following page you'll be asked to enter your email address your login password and your store name after you enter this information press on create your store wait for shopif y to save your information and load your store once your page is loaded you'll be taken to a section where you have to add an address to set up currencies and tax rates you'll have to enter your first and last names physical address including your country city state zip code and phone number click on next and you'll be asked by shopify to tell them a little about yourself in are you already selling click to choose which option best describes your actual business practice then on how much revenue does your business currently make in a year click to choose which option best describes your current revenue and are you setting up a store for a client you have to specify if you are creating a store for a client if that's the case click on yes i'm designing or developing a store for a client review your information and click on enter my store now you'll be inside your store from here you'll be able to manage your e-commerce site by scrolling down you can see the options available to start cre ating your online store the first elements recommended by shopify to create your ecommerce site are as follows the first element is add a product click to enter this section where you'll be adding your products and all their details including titles descriptions product images pricing inventory and shipping information next comes select a theme you'll select a theme for your online store you can go to the theme store to select a theme from a gallery with over 100 themes to choose from then you have the option to choose a domain name by going to add a domain you can add a domain name that you have already purchased or you can register a domain with shopify the other options available to get started are the use of other selling channels a bookmark shortcut for easy access and some documentation on the menu to your left you can check the rest of the features that you can start trying to get used to the tools that can be used to make your ecommerce site grow these features include manageme nt of order products customers reports discounts your online store access the app's marketplace and configuring the settings now you are ready to really get your ecommerce business going video number 10 driving the right type of traffic for e-commerce sites one of the key things that you need to consider even before launching your ecommerce site is how you are going to drive traffic to said website because as good as your site and as cool as your products are they can be next to nothing without the proper audience to create an audience you need to build up traffic first most importantly organic traffic which is traffic that comes naturally to your site by following a trail of quality content in this video you will learn about some of the hottest methods to attract the right type of traffic to your e-commerce site create a content driven blog creating a great content driven blog is not only a huge opportunity to engage your customers but is also one of the most powerful search engine ma rketing tools at your disposal this is because traffic on your blog based on keyword searches can be huge by selecting the right keywords and creating valuable content related to your products and services you are guaranteed an audience there are two approaches to creating great content driven blogs for your online shop the first one is to create a blog that is straightforward about being a content window for your ecommerce site where you will talk about your products and services check blog for an example there you will see blog posts focusing on their products describing them in detail and using keywords like autumn and winter fashion to get traffic from those searches they also place a link to their products on each description which can easily convert a visitor into a customer the other approach is to create content that while mentioning your brand and products does not necessarily focus on advertising them check taylor stitch's journal for an example there you will find anecdotal posts in short bursts of content use instagram influencers instagram has recently dethroned both facebook and twitter as the most popular and most visited social media platform marketers and retailers alike have found a great young audience eager to be engaged by interesting stuff and looking to socialize that trend has created a group of marketing pros that are called influencers who perfectly blend among the daily stream of millions of instagram users and their job is to influence the decision of prospects over a product you can search for an instagram influencer and offer them a free sample of your products so he or she can review it in front of millions of their followers which in turn can generate a huge spike in organic traffic that can be converted into a huge number of customers for your brand produce video campaigns producing video campaigns for your ecommerce site for your products and for your brand is one of the best safest and most cost effective ways to dri ve the correct type of traffic for your ecommerce site that is because video productions can be uploaded to video streaming services like youtube where an enormous audience is already established and where around four billion videos are viewed each day when you create a video focused on a product or topic it will be easily found because viewers normally look for specific keywords to find videos the good thing is videos more often than not are not cramped along with meaningless and unrelated search results which often happens on search engines take for example this audio file headphones keyword search which will provide results containing that specific set of words basically every audio brand producing audio file headphones will appear that is the lesson that you need to get from this and it is as simple as producing a video that is keyword rich for what you are selling add social media sharing buttons to your products adding social media sharing buttons to your product pages will make them more likely to reach a wide and interested audience because when people share a product on their social media walls it means that they do it with the knowledge that someone else may like it as well this creates a great opportunity to attract the right kind of people for your site for example every product page on national geographic's e-commerce site has a share button for every major social media site out there join facebook groups joining a facebook group is also a great and cost effective way to get followers and customers enter any keyword on facebook and you are guaranteed to find a group for it the positive thing about facebook groups is that they are made with the intent to create social engagement for example if you are in the cake decorating business you can look up cake lovers and you will find many many groups that are named around it you will find lots of people sharing cake decorating information and recipes by having a nice and adequate facebook profile you can post interesting content on said groups once you post content you will get lots of likes and shares that will end up reaching a significant number of people inside and outside of facebook all these people are either cake lovers or people looking for the kind of content that you are posting once they find that you are a business and thus an authority on what you sell they will be urged to follow you and to always share what you post giving you a great conversion method giving away shared coupons giving away shared coupons is a great way to get traffic for two reasons the first reason is because this gives people the opportunity to get not one but two coupons in one offer which in turn leads them to be more competitive about it the second one is because you are getting a second prospect to convert the trick here is to offer a shared coupon through a contest and said coupon can be obtained by the party that shares the post promoting the coupon the most this coupon will be valid for the two peo ple that shared the most and for the winner so the giveaway is for three people and those three people will give you triple traffic compared to a cou

2021-01-28 23:49

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