How To Start Ecommerce Beginners Guide in 2021

How To Start Ecommerce Beginners Guide in 2021

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If you don't have too much knowledge or you're  not an expert in eCommerce and marketing, it's all   good i got you! I'll be going over everything you  need to know to get started with e-commerce today   in this video we're going to be going over how  to create a product you want to sell and start   an e-commerce store this year as a beginner  the aim of this video is to be the only   video you need the one-stop shop basically to  start e-commerce as a beginner. Hey friends,   Andrew here, hope you're all well! Now, if  you're new to this channel welcome we talk   about all things e-commerce digital marketing  and tech gear lately the e-commerce business   model has been absolutely crazy with everyone  moving online saving more money and spending   more of it through online stores there is a  growing business opportunity here and it doesn't   look like it'll be slowing down anytime soon i'm  hearing a lot of success stories from my friends   and within our private mastery community who have  had their stores explode over the last year making   tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars and  i don't want those of you who are interested in   starting an e-commerce business to miss out and so  i still strongly believe we are very far from the   peak of this growth also a quick thanks to today's  video sponsor hatch who has very kindly offered my   audience a free business checking account for a  full year worth 120 dollars you can learn more   about this at the end of the tutorial what is  e-commerce and how does it work so let's start   this all off with the background of e-commerce  and how it all actually works e-commerce literally   stands for electronic commerce and commerce is the  activity of buying and selling on a large scale a   big reason e-commerce is so lucrative is because  it's digitized if you were to buy and sell through   a physical store as a small business for example  you're completely restricted to that specific   location and the foot traffic that comes through  your store it's near impossible to easily scale   that physical store into a multi-million dollar  store within a few months but with e-commerce   however it is a completely different story fun  fact the first e-commerce transaction was actually   made on august 11 1994 by phil bradenberger i can  never pronounce that his last name so hopefully   i'm doing it justice basically he used his  mastercard to buy a sting album for 12.48 cents   actually let me know down in the comments below  if you know who sting is i personally don't and   maybe that shows my age so if you know who  sting is let me know down in the comments below   but this single purchase of a music album  on august 11 1994 opened up the floodgates   to the internet and e-commerce sales so e-commerce  sales now globally equates to roughly five   trillion dollars every year for comparison with  amazon's market cap of 1.6 trillion dollars alone   and alibaba at 615 billion in market cap  alone that's absolutely mind-boggling   and for comparison's sake the crypto market cap  globally is roughly just half of e-commerce at   2.5 trillion dollars in total at the time of this  video so let's take a quick look at the different   e-commerce models there are a fair few the main  differences are really on how things are delivered   how the supplier communicates with us how us as  the business owners communicate with the consumers   and customers but by far the most common is either  drop shipping or the wholesaling and warehousing   model so let's take a look at this one because  this is what we're focusing on so what's going   to happen here is online store orders direct from  the supplier so we order direct from the supplier   that creates our product the supplier then sends  product to an online store warehouse or an online   warehouse of some sort and then the customer will  place an order let's say from an ad that we've   created right so they'll place that order then  that order will be uh sent over to the warehouse   and over to our online systems as well where  the supplier then sends a customer order from   warehouse supply by the way this supplier this  could be us depending on how you want to store   your inventory and then once that's all shipped  out then you know it goes back to step number one   okay now we have an idea of what e-commerce is  it's history and how it actually works we also   need to talk about marketing later in this video  which is how we'll get a large flow of customers   to our store but before that what are you planning  to sell well we have to find or create our product   to sell to the world so let's find out how we can  do exactly that finding and validating a product   to sell you may already know the products you want  to sell or you may have to run some r d research   and development for example right now you could  be selling homemade candles at the market well you   could outsource the creation of these candles to  an external supplier and start shipping these in   bulk and selling online on the other hand you may  already have a product in mind you want to create   from scratch like a custom face mask for example  this could also be done by working closely with a   supplier or you may want to simply resell items as  a bo at bulk as a middle man all these approaches   work but each of them will need a very different  strategy to ensure you're building a successful   business and not one set for failure whether you  have found a product or still need brainstorming   you need to run some research so you need to one  validate your product and demand number two run   a cost analysis and find your profitable margins  number three run market research and number four   competitor research going into all of this in  complete detail is going to take literally hours   and something we go into detail on in our mastery  class but a great place to start is by asking   yourself these questions and answering them are  you ready i want you to write down these questions   and then answer them so number one what problem  does the product solve and then number two at what   price would you buy this product number three what  makes your product different to the competition   and then finally what is the ideal customer  they'll definitely buy this product these are   really extremely important questions that you  should sit down and answer before you actually   start and then afterwards start to use basic tools  like google trends to start off with and validate   that product demand all of this done right  is going to make sure you've got a profitable   product idea that could make you six to seven  figures in profit in the long term rather than a   failed business my advice here is don't stress  over the numbers but sell a product that you're   proud of and that you yourself would buy and  then back it up with research finding a supplier   there are again many different ways to find your  supplier to create your product profitably and   the keyword here is profitable otherwise you'll be  selling at a loss and obviously no one wants that   by far the easiest and most cost efficient way  to source your products for beginners is through   a platform called alibaba think of alibaba as this  mega factory and warehouse where you can find tens   of thousands of suppliers and manufacturers who  are ready to create your product or have ready to   go products that you're able to emboss your own  logo onto it's an absolute playground to find   winning products to create an empire and brand  around there are things to take into consideration   here unfortunately it's not as simple as pointing  out a random supplier and saying hey i want you   to create my product here's the money it's easy  enough to find the products you want to sell but   it's another to find the right supplier for you so  it's like it's kind of like buying cars sure you   may want a mercedes and that's you know you want  a mercedes but exactly which model do you want   there are so many different models that achieve  slightly different things and this is the same   thing with a supplier so once you have finally  found your golden supplier hold on to them and   develop that relationship you two will be relying  on one another for big wealth creation here   so create a solid line of communication with them  we have a dedicated slack channel with them and   then learn how to communicate with them because  each supplier communicates differently you know   the level of english fluency is going to range  and once you have that communication set down   establish that trust at the end of the day money  talks so make sure you keep delivering business   i.e you make sales deplete your inventory and  consistently go back to this supplier to restock  

up ideally bumping up that moq or otherwise known  as minimum order quantity soon they'll be like hey   look at this business and partnership they're  growing and we're growing alongside them   so the suppliers probably thinking we'll do  whatever we can to support this business and   continue growing alongside them this is a great  point at your business i want to mention something   though because i get asked this question all the  time hey andrew can you give me a script to reach   out to suppliers you know how do you effectively  reach out to suppliers i just want you to know   that scripts are limited they do help you start  but you don't need them to help you grow you need   to go beyond scribs to grow that relationship  with your supplier by using different strategies   we do provide scripts in e-commerce mastery but  our private community is actually where it's at   where we discuss the more intricate details  if you want to join that private community   i'll leave a link down below but depending on when  you watch this video the community may or may not   be closed at the time being but either way it's  totally worth checking out if you're serious about   building an online business and we also just have  loads of fun talking about entrepreneurial topics   tech gear investing and all that good stuff so  i'll leave a link down below if you're interested   in that community paying the supplier okay so i'll  briefly go over how to pay the supplier because   this is extremely important when working with new  suppliers the most common methods to pay with when   it comes to alibaba and their platform is escrow  alibaba payment links and online transfer links   and what payment method that you use really does  depend on things like how trustworthy is the   supplier you're working with the different fees  and what insurance do you need one tip i'll give   you though is to try and avoid wire transfers  otherwise known as tt bank transfers it's by   far the most insecure because suppliers will only  dispatch your products when the full transfer has   been made so you're putting a lot of trust into  the supplier especially when you're making five   thousand ten thousand dollars twenty thousand  dollars worth of orders in one go so only ever   do this if you're completely if you completely  trust your supplier if you have a relationship   with them if you've ever read shoe dog by phil  knight who's the founder of nike if you didn't   know he's run into countless supplier issues and  payment issues during his time starting up nike   so make sure you type you take your time to select  the right payment method for you and your business   before you commit to this order right this is  extremely important i'll leave resources down   in the description box below if you want to learn  more about this but before you go ahead and start   placing your orders with your supplier make sure  you're watching to the end of this video first   to properly set up your business finances building  your store now we know the basics to sourcing your   products through suppliers let's build out that  storefront if you're still here following on   drop a like on this video and comment e-commerce  empire so i know you've got this far into this   video okay so we want to build out a beautiful  looking store that entices your customers right   just like you put in a lot of effort into  building a nice pop-up store in real life   we don't want to bring our customers to a dingy  dark store with broken walls and no decor right   so i'll show you a few great examples of  beautifully built storefronts as an example   that you can expire to depending on what you want  to sell so let's check out two very well done   e-commerce websites and this one i found actually  when i was researching electric toothbrushes the   other day it's called the poma brush and this is a  really well done landing page so there's not much   on it but it does invite you to continue scrolling  to understand more about your product so it's very   product orientated it's just a single product with  a few different variations and immediately you can   see that there is a unique selling point which  is it can be it only needs to be recharged three   times a year you know it's the most effective  clean for sensitive teeth and gums and it's   very visual by the way so when we're scrolling  through you can see that it's extremely visual   there's a lot of unique selling points to this and  it is very minimal text so i personally think this   is a really great website that really shows  the unique benefits of this specific product   and also just really looks aesthetic and this is  something you want to focus on you don't want a   really bad looking website there's also social  proof down here as well and it's a very easy   process to purchase as well if you click check  out the next one is black paris so this one is   they have great branding it's very simple  products pretty straightforward basically   white label private label products and it is they  also have print on demand apparel but what they've   done really well here is branding so everything  is obviously in black and they have this really   nice aesthetic and tone to their store and just  the overall user experience of this store is very   accessible so if we click into men's for example  and just click new new arrivals just to check it   out very nicely laid out very easy to read you can  have a quick glance at the entire product range   this is a great sort of store for a large product  range and if you click into it of course you get   more details here and it's got a 50 50 split  set up where you have the images on the side   and the description on the other right hand side  of course again you're social proof but the point   here is these are really nice looking stores and  and it's extremely important that you do build   your store very carefully and as you can see here  this one is built specifically by shopify so i'll   talk about that in just a moment but yeah this  is a really great looking store as is pome brush   and i just wanted to stress that it's extremely  important to have a really nice looking stall   there are pros and cons with each platform  so i'll leave a link to a video i shared   where i broke down the pros and cons of the most  popular platform so you have a better idea of   which platform you should be using if however  you're just ready to jump in and you're pretty   keen to get started well shopify most likely will  be all you need so i'll leave a link to a free 14   day trial in the description box below to get  you kickstarted and start building that dream   store of yours i'd get stuck into the platform  and play around with it for starters if i was you   to see how you feel with the platform and then  begin to build out your business once you're ready   create ads to drive traffic this okay this  is arguably the most difficult part marketing   and digital marketing an amazing product won't  speak for itself initially you need customers to   come to you when you start an e-commerce business  and as they say you can sell almost anything with   great marketing and ads pair this up with a great  product that makes your customer happy and you'll   have a business that you can definitely scale up  like crazy marketing is a huge umbrella term but   for the sake of this video we'll be focusing on  digital marketing specifically paid ads so the   most common platforms you'll see include facebook  ads instagram ads google ads and snap ads across   instagram and facebook alone there are a total  of 3.2 billion active monthly users and so this   basically means 3.2 billion potential customers  we can get your business in front of considering   there's almost 8 billion humans on earth that is  a lot of people facebook ads can reach i myself   i typically recommend facebook ads to start off  with because once you learn the basics the digital   marketing through facebook ads you can transfer  those skills to other platforms such as snap ads   learning facebook ads will allow you to grow just  about any type of business from scratch and build   a predictable income source keyword again here  is predictable by investing into ads and putting   your money into your pocket every single day and  to do this the plan is to place your new product   in front of your ideal audience at the right time  with the right offer it works by targeting users   based on their location demographics and other  profile data serving an ad that we've created   and then we bid for impression which is basically  serving the ad in front of a facebook user they'll   click on your ad and then purchase from your  online business we then repeat this process   automatically and scale up your ecom store soon  reaching your ideal customers every single minute   and optimizing so you establish a passive income  stream to feed your ecommerce store on autopilot   so the plan is to do this at scale for your  business and practically automate everything with   facebook ads and paid ads in general so obviously  many of these social media companies will   incentivize you to sign up with their platform  but by far the best offer i've seen recently   is from snapchat who are giving my audience  the chance to double their ad credit for free   up to a thousand dollars so if you deposit let's  say 500 into your ad account and start advertising   they'll give you a bonus five hundred dollars on  top of your initial deposit for free so if you   choose to deposit a thousand dollars you'll get  an additional a thousand dollars for a total of   two thousand dollars at credit which is more  than enough to get started with especially   if you're making a return through your e-commerce  sales already and at that point you are basically   printing money i urge you to take advantage of  this offer it's very generous of snapchat and   a very smart way to get started and learn the ins  and outs of digital marketing platform and almost   everything you learn on snapchat can actually  be applied to facebook ads and even google ads   to an extent although there are unique challenges  to each platform i'll leave that special link to   the free ad credit down below if you go through  the snapchat website directly you're not going   to get that doubling of ad credit so make sure you  use that unique link down below literally just by   signing up you'll be getting free ad credit  up to a full thousand bucks how to get paid   okay so well done on getting this fight into  this video i know it's a pretty bulky video but   we're going to be talking about the most rewarding  part of the process which is getting yourself paid   where exactly will all the sales go and how  should we be collecting the sales and fees it is   extremely important you set up your finances and  your accounts correctly really with any business   that you start not just e-commerce and by the way  a mandatory disclaimer i'm sure you've heard this   before but this is definitely not financial advice  if you're looking for financial advice then please   head to a qualified financial advisor accountant  but broadly speaking to correctly process and   take payments with a new e-commerce business you  will need two things here so you need a business   checking account and a payment processor so this  is essentially how the payment will be made so   the customer makes the payment it goes through  the merchant store which is shopify in this case   then it goes to the payment gateway and  payment processor which i'll tell you about   in a moment then it finally goes to your bank  and then into your personal account so the two   go-to payment processes that i definitely highly  recommend is firstly of course stripe and then   of course also paypal you want to set up both of  these to give the customer more options to pay and   this will in turn increase the number of orders  you receive so in the past i had turned off paypal   when i was running a store and saw the number of  orders immediately nosedive on the daily simply   because customers that wanted or planned to pay  with paypal didn't have that option on the back   end and by having more payment options overall  you increase the conversion rate and the number   of orders you receive even take a look into buy  now pay later options like after pay once you've   established your business but before you actually  set up those payment processes you need to make   sure that you have a business checkings account  okay so don't fall into the rookie era of using   your personal checkings account for business or  even choosing the wrong business checking account   i've been there in the early days and trust me it  just gets really really messy this is something   that you want to take your time with and get right  at the beginning rather than fix fix it up when   it's messy later down the track and seriously  your accountant is going to love you for this   the inconvenient thing though here is business  checking accounts charge higher fees and are   overall more complicated compared to you know  our personal checking accounts and at this point   in the business journey i've personally paid  thousands of dollars in business checking fees   alone and the reason for this is because there's  generally more upkeep to a business account versus   a personal account among other reasons the good  news is though today's video sponsor hatch is   offering you a complete business checking account  for free for an entire year which you can claim in   the link below in the description box which leads  you to this page here that you can see on screen   hatch is all about business growth and providing  a business checking account that helps your   business grow by saving us fees and providing  rewards and discounts too their account is   specifically designed for small business owners  and entrepreneurs with no nsf fees which by the   way stands for non-sufficient fund fees there's  also up to five percent cash back rewards on gas   restaurants hotels car rentals and discounts on  business software like square yelp and indeed so   not only are you going to be saving on that annual  fee and nsf fees you'll also be saving on software   discounts and getting cash back up to five percent  honestly my first time signing up to a business   checking account was painful slow and expensive so  take a look into hatch if you're looking to set up   a business checking account quickly they make it  super simple with online registration so you're up   and running with a business checking his account  in no time i'll leave that link down below in the   description box to sign up for a free business  checking account with all the perks mentioned   and thanks again to hatch for providing this  exclusive offer to my viewers so once you have   that all set up make sure that you go into the  back end of your shopify and replace your bank   account or add in your bank account if you haven't  already set this all up but like i said get that   business checkings account first then set up  stripe and paypal accounts and finally add   this all into your shopify backend and then you  are ready to go and get paid all right that is   essentially how you sign ecommerce business from  scratch for beginners everything i've said in this   video will be absolutely evergreen so whether  you start an e-commerce business today or in   five years time this guide will still work for you  except maybe the ad voucher i mentioned so if you   want to double your credit make sure you claim  it in the description box asap below and start   advertising your business today again e-commerce  is a crazy hot business model to get into today   i'd be over the moon if just one person out there  started their successful ecommerce business after   watching this video honestly i hope it changes  your life for the better like it has for me even   if that means a little side hustle that brings  you a few more thousand dollars a month for you   that is that honestly means a lot to me and i  hope you're able to achieve that so i'll leave   that link to the private mastery community down  below for those who are absolutely serious about   creating their own e-commerce empires and i'll  also drop a link to our mastery programs below   again depending on when you're watching this  video the community and programs may or may   not be opened it really depends depending on our  intake and our ability to serve our students but   if it's not get onto that wait list and we'll  email you as soon as spots have opened up if   you found value from this video don't forget  to leave a like and subscribe to this channel   for a whole heap more content on all things  online business e-commerce digital marketing   and tech year if you're still here make sure you  drop that comment e-commerce empires down below   and i'll go ahead and like that comment since  you're still here i read all the comments and   appreciate all of your support too i'll leave on  screen here more useful videos for you to binge   if you're in the mood to learn or kick back plus  follow me on instagram at andrew ethan zane where   i post more behind the scenes business and tech  related stuff and as always thank you for watching

2021-06-27 01:42

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