How To Start a New Business (The RIGHT Way)

How To Start a New Business (The RIGHT Way)

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[Music] foreign [Music] Destiny right here I am the fairground mother of finance and it is my jobbridge gap between the Haves and the have-nots now um for those of you who are new to the channel um or to my page wherever you're watching this video uh more than likely you're going to have watched it on um YouTube because of the length it is probably going to be and um that's okay well you know you probably have come from a snippet from like Tick Tock or something like that um but in order to get uh more information to you guys um you guys need to be able to like share follow subscribe all of that good stuff so that you can keep up with me giving out the information now here is a big difference from other channels that provide Financial advice or information um on growing businesses or business opportunities that you can do from home is that we actually do these services for you um we provide them as a service so we're not just a coach of a Consulting business we actually take care of those for you um and um let's say for example um we have an opportunity for you to be able to work with us um as for example a tax preparers uh success coach which is basically like a sales agent um this video is going to be about um really finally starting a new business uh we're gonna go over some things that um you really need to be looking forward to um really planning out when you are in the beginning or the planning phases of your business if you want to make sure that you can get all of these things taken care of for you you would definitely want to attend my workshop because we have an online Workshop um that it's done Mondays and Tuesdays um once a month currently um we only let so many people in so that we're able to answer your questions because a lot of people have a specific q a and so having too many people on will not allow us to be able to answer and get to everybody's questions so uh with that being said we are um thinking of and looking at adding you know it to be two times a month instead of just the current one now um with that being said guys um let's go ahead and get started I am going to pull up um my page here because and let me tell you I'm so proud of myself for this I want to make a personal accomplishment I have um really started to overcome the need for Perfection that is something that you guys need um to really take it into account for yourself not trying to have everything perfect and then balancing that with not having or trying to do everything yourself you're not an expert at everything um nor should you try to be and I just I have just a great this thing or like coaches and Consultants who try to teach their clients to be and do everything where all of these hats in their business and then wonder you know why their clients aren't getting any success why they're overwhelmed while they're quitting their program why they wanted their money back because they haven't gotten the results that they were looking for when they when you guys sign up to uh uh you know business or marketing plan you're not looking to take over market and you just want more clients in you're not looking to figure out how to write sales copy and how to build and create a website or funnel or any of that stuff you just want a way for people to find you to find your offer and so you know that's one's last sake don't try to do everything yourself and it really uh at this point a lot of the clients that come to me to come to us um I really burned out with all of that and they just want to pay somebody handed you know hand it over and have it done but they don't want to have to sacrifice quality trying to Outsource this to you know the Philippines or some other country that uh they really don't have the authority or the expertise in order to do this level and type of work um they need more help of an expert versus just an employee and so that's where we come in so with that being said guys um let me pull up um My Little page notes Here on the computer I stopped trying to hand write everything and that has saved me so much time okay so um let's talk about filing these businesses one of the first things that you need to know and we do cover this on the uh a workshop the pros and cons of each entity type also that you can choose which one is going to work for you you need to figure out what the benefits are and what your reasons are to see how they match up you want to be able to get all the paperwork done for you great we'll do all the paperwork for you um long as you just you know come to a decision on what it is that you're looking to do and that's whether you decide to form um an LLC which is a limited liability company whether you decide to form a corporation a non-profit um or even if you just wanted to follow simple DBA um our business experts our business following experts are going to be able to file your paperwork really quick and you will be able to get it back as soon as possible and I will tell you since covet it has been a little backed up as quickly or as far as how quickly you are able to get a turnaround on your documents but on our end we fill them out and send them over as quickly as possible sometimes depending on what you're trying to do like to be enrolling into payroll tax um and stuff like that you have some forms to follow up with and send back and then they'll you know have to complete it and do their part but as far as us we get the paperwork in and out as quickly as possible so um typically when we are um going over with our clients so we'll go over with you to um get your business filed and you know get it indexed which means basically get it searched we'll get it pulling up in this you know in the correct places on the on the legal uh roster um we're gonna start with a company's name check okay company name check is crucial because what's going to happen is we're going to search for any similar names see if that name is uh been taken and if the name has been taken what we'll do is we'll give you a list of possible suggestions that have some of the same words or similar names um we made um suggest that you stack your business uh with an LLC and a DBA and we'll talk about how to do that and what that looks like you know during the workshop but you want to get a your legal name and something that's completely you know you needed different so that it won't get mixed up with similar businesses and the name that you operate in that you actually do business in can be whatever you want it to be especially if you're going to be performing like in person uh you see clients face to face in a local like County or Statewide uh business um the next thing that we're going to talk about is um really getting your Articles of Incorporation together um and your um your articles of organization if it's an LLC so uh you basically are not going to get a boilerplate [Music] um articles of you know incorporation if it's a C Corp or you're not going to get a a border uh plate which means like a generic or an uh you know just a a template you're gonna you're gonna get a semi-customized as far as your um your Articles of Incorporation the next thing that we're gonna do is run your corporate um compliance we have this um software that's going to bring like complete uh company alerts on things that you know there's various things that we need to look out for that's actually included we don't charge any price for that that's actually included in your filing um the next thing that we do for you is to get you a federal tax ID number for your business which is also known as um an EIN which is an employer's identification you may also see me see it written as f-e-i-n I'm a little stuffy here because the weather's changing I feel sad but you might see it as f-e-i-n which is a federal employers identification it's literally the same thing it's the tax ID a tax ID whether you have a Social Security number or you have an EIN they're both tax ID numbers okay and then for the non-registered aliens um the people who um are not citizens but they have some type of a privilege or rights um they're permitted to be here within the country they would have is a basic ITN which is in a sense a sort of Ein so you either have one or the other um so we include that with your filing it is no charge uh for that so you could do that yourself obviously but you have to know what you're doing and so you know it we're doing it for free so I mean you should just get it done right and get it you know all taken care of the next thing that we um do for you guys is we give you a certified um copy of what we filed for your company uh the formation documents so if you need to go anywhere like say to get funding or if you want to open a bank account if you want to get a commercial lease or space for your um business um you guys are able to show boo proof boom here's the proof we are a legal business we are in existence and you have you have that it's going to be certified for a year because some states and some lines of business you have to have um uh you know annual certifications and every business you have to have a registered agent every year someone who's able to send or receive legal documentation uh for your business during regular business hours so um without those things um your business will become deactivated and after a while you'll have to um but they'll give you so much time to catch up on that this the secretary of state will give you so much time to catch up on that and after a while inactivity what they'll do is they'll deactivate it and you're no longer being good standing and if you want to use those same um entity and same identification numbers Etc you'll have to do a reinstatement which we can help you with that as well if you've already experienced that um the next thing on the list is what I was just mentioning to you guys about um we give you a year of um free registered agent service and that again is just someone who's able to send and receive legal documentation like if you were to get like taxes if you were to get audited and that's where you wanted the person to be to receive notice for that or give notice if you were um wanted to Sue or if you're being sued you need someone to be able to receive um notice for that we give you a year of that free um and then after that is um it's an annual charge so um but the first year we actually provide that uh free for you currently um the registered agent is three hundred dollars and um you need to have that on file in order to um remain a legitimate business um the next thing on the list that we go over is uh your custom bylaws and your minutes and that is for um those of you who choose to form a corporation so bylaws it's basically like your company policy there the rules of how you're going to govern or operate your uh business your institution your corporation minutes are basically um like your notes who's you know taking notes during the meeting what happened who did what who said what who's going to do what and what are the consequences Etc and when this shall be done by Etc how that's going to proceed that's basically your your minutes your notes um so if you guys didn't form a corporation and you'd have an LLC what we're going to do for you is to really go over what a custom operating agreement is and that essentially is the same exact thing it's your company policies okay it's how you're gonna operate and govern your um your your body politic okay um essentially just like a country or if a state a nation they're all literally the same thing but just how you're calling it they have different like you know whichever uh way that you decide to form the type of agency they have the same you know overall structure they may be saying purpose rather but they just maybe call different things you have one as well so um after we come up with your custom operation agreement like your policies and like the rules of governorship for your company the next thing on the list is um your corporate banking resolution so when you are starting your business you're gonna need to form a uh open a bank account to be able to do business with so um you you more likely you're going to need some type of resolution so the resolution is basically deciding who's um your figureheads of the um company of the organization who has access or authority to that and who's going to be able to do you know what essentially um the first one is basically saying your overall policy and the next one is basically going to say who or which specific individuals or titles um are going to be able to do those things and how Etc um the next thing is once we fill all that out for you okay we are going to deliver electronically um your state documents um so that means that you can get them a lot faster and then you also um we like to give everyone a uh memorabilia something that's that has more you know special unique value or meaning you guys will get a um a folder with all of your papers and your documents together it'll that'll be mailed to you and it'll be leather bound just so that it's you know it's special unique you see that and it's you know it follows this great value because it's your company you wanted to have you know a type of you know you want it to be nice you want to have a value and esteem and to to feel you know more established and secure so you get that um in the mail but of course you get a electronic delivery first initially um the next thing is you guys are able to um opt in for a custom kit and seal and that's if you have a corporation an LLC because some of these services are not available for a non-profit organizations and so something that wouldn't happen for a non-profit you wouldn't get for a non-profit organization would be an incorporated resolution statement you wouldn't be able to get the custom bylaws in minutes because that's for a corporation as I stated before um and then you wouldn't be able to get a custom corporate um banking resolution because non-profits are structured differently so there's some certain things that you not necessarily not even need um but yeah so with that being said um your Custom kit your Custom kit includes things like if you wanted to get a corporate seal in a stamp so um that just shows legitimacy uh it's kind of like a signature makes it more official um you can use those for like certificate that's another thing that's going to be in the kit um like certificates shares of stock um things like that um this also works if you're doing like a nationality change um managing your estate Etc you can get sales made the same way like the courts have uh sales your company can have sales to show like legitimacy and um you know uh that just increases and and has enhances the um legitimacy and the appearance of legitimacy uh of your company with the stamp the embosser um and you can get like the the foil paper wordpressed you can get like the wax that um you can put on letters and stuff like that um you can get the certificate stocks it's on like for Bond paper stuff like that uh that's that shares your shares will stop the next thing um after that's getting um online access to your uh incorporation documents and that means that let's say if you are out and about somewhere and you need to be able to reference and pull it up really quick without going through a lot of loops and Hoops you'll be emailed it so you'll be able to pull pull it up online for quick or easy reference and then lastly um you are able to get lifetime um customer support on those documents that you um filed on importance to that company you're able to always um either call us up or email so that you can get your questions answered Okay so now that you know the um types of things that comes with actually planning out and starting a business um if you guys are actually ready to go and get your business filed um you can give us a call and we also will encourage you to attend our Workshop because we actually go over this in depth with you guys as a group and then we will actually do the filing um for you at the workshop and then you also get help with business funding the very next day that's all in one and yes what that means is that includes brand new businesses like the ones that's going to be uh filed for you the last thing that I want you guys to think about is that I know that you guys are tired of setting all the appointments and showing up sometime later when it's like oh you're not even up for it or you're probably not available oftentimes it happens you know to me and I just think that it's a lot more convenient and it's you know quicker access if you guys are able to text and so um I actually encourage you guys to text so I'm gonna put my phone number to the office down uh in the description box or somewhere along this video depending on where when you're watching this so that you guys can actually send a text and we'll actually you know write back to you the same way as you're writing your friend and then when you guys are ready to move forward um we will um I'll be able to you know take the call for you right then and there so um we do want you to know that uh with the workshop the ticket price includes the filing fees um so if you're in Texas that's going to save you a lot of money because they're like 310 dollars the price has gone up like over ten dollars in the past eight to nine years because it's just be 300 which is still a lot because some states are 49 50 so uh with that being said guys my name is Destiny Ray I'm the Fairy Godmother finance and it is my job to bridge the gap between the Haves and Have Nots um let me go back to zoom yeah so um do you want to um I guess I just really make sure that you get in there in the workshop but if you can you just want to get um one thing taken you know care of at a time get that done for you you definitely want to reach out to us about getting your business filed I'm going to put the office's phone number on the website our contact information down in the description box below in the comments section um you I'll be able to get both so that you can be able to reach out to us and ask us a bit more questions um you're kind of on the fence uh or have a couple more questions before getting started okay guys so one more thing I forgot to tell you guys um for those of you who are looking for like additional services that um aren't just for like new businesses like if you already have an existing business and you want to make some changes like um learn how to operate what you need to do to open in another state to open up shop and become um compliant uh if you plan on having a W-2 employees um if you need to get any licenses or permits if you want a bit more information about that kind of stuff um stay tuned and watch uh my next upcoming video I'm feeling lucky so I'm gonna get a whole bunch of these videos um just made and uploaded and sent out at one time so that um you guys can be able to get more information on that and kind of understand more or less how the process works so again thanks for um watching my video like share subscribe so that you can get um more information you can learn some new tips you can um kind of get a bit of a chance to get to know um how a lot of this process works hang out with me you can talk and um if you guys are actually ready again to uh just really get all that done for you and you're tired of getting information um you've already kind of uh you know feel confident in your ability and that you're actually ready to get stuff started you want to go ahead and get something started not waste time setting an appointment but you don't quite want to speak to anybody on the phone yet because I know that part is draining there's so many sales calls that they have going on so you just want something simple which I do still keep my um intellect um sharp and sharpen my ax by taking um I continue in education courses training um doing my own research staying the breast um keeping up with certifications all of these things have been bringing you guys the most relevant information and accurate information um so I get it I'm also a student that's how I'm able to keep you guys um you know with the with the best information so for those of you who are actually ready to get started you may have just a couple more questions before you actually just say here hand it off let's get this done let's get the show on the road um you can actually text us see the number on there I put it up there like I said I I put it in there text us okay and we will text back to you just like you you know your your best friend your business bestie okay guys well um with that being said I want to um really thank you guys for watching um again like share and subscribe don't forget to hit that Bell um I have another video coming up soon about um additional services for businesses who already exist and they need to update or customize some things um and they're ready to go to the next level stay tuned and see what I have for you guys then bye

2022-10-22 17:25

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