How to Start a Content Marketing Business: Content Marketing Tips for Beginners

How to Start a Content Marketing Business: Content Marketing Tips for Beginners

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welcome to the propane business  podcast i'm johnny and i'm yusuf   we set up and built into the  profitable semi-automated system that it is today   which allowed us to quit our corporate jobs  and coach online full-time more importantly   we were able to do this without a huge online  audience or being glued to social media every day   we're now ready to share everything from the  failures we've made to the systems that now   consistently generate hundreds of thousands in  revenue we help personal trainers coaches and   gym owners do the same by avoiding the mistakes  we've made and the best practices going forward   subscribe to this podcast to learn what we're  doing and what we've done to build and scale we'll be teaching you how  to generate a steady flow of online clients   win at facebook ads automate your coaching  systems and to achieve financial independence   good afternoon welcome back to the  propane business podcast unfortunately   you are stuck with just me because johnny has  covered this week despite being the most compliant   that i've that i've seen anyone with all the  covered regulations and he's managed to somehow   catch it so he's got a bit of a sore throat and a  cough so uh instead we have an absolute treat for   you today which is armani talks armani is a guy  who i've been following on twitter for some time   and just seeing the way that he nails personal  branding and marketing and he just does it right   he's a guy who's carved out a clear niche and i'm  hoping that we can have two layers to this podcast   because i think what he has to teach is just as  valuable as how he's done it it's a very smart   niche as well because what he teaches is public  speaking storytelling creativity social dynamics   and emotional intelligence and so all of  those kind of soft skills that people don't   put enough attention into and yet everyone  talks everyone interacts with other people   it's just that most people are not aware of  the degree to how [ __ ] they are at that   task of that activity so um his social media  kind of takes people through from being problem   unaware to solution aware and very smoothly into  buying its products as well so armani thank you   for coming on thank you yusuf for having me on i'm  looking forward to our discussion so can you tell   us a bit about your your story because i think  what's what's really interesting and makes you   so credible in this is that you're not  a natural you're someone who used to be   very bad at the skill that you now teach and  you've became so much better and i think it's   learning from someone who has been able  to like upgrade themselves several several   levels is so much more valuable than someone  who is kind of unconsciously competent right   so my story is very unorthodox especially in  terms of soft skills because i had three things   which were set against me number one english  is not first language i moved from a different   country to the us so that was number one number  two was that i was extremely shy growing up so   this was something else that was a hindrance and  number three was that i was in a very hard skills   dominant field which is engineering so all those  three surprisingly went from being weaknesses   to becoming strengths later on because it allowed  me to empathize with people in a different degree   so the beginning of my story basically is about  culture shock going from bangladesh to the united   states spending some years working on my english  trying to fix my accent and as i progressed   there was a strong period in my life when i had  speech anxiety and social anxiety at the same   time i decided that one of the best ways in order  to work on this issue went a toastmasters have you   ever heard of that club yes it's a international  speaking club is that right that's correct so   the first time i went i choked my first speech i  ran away for two to three months i didn't think   about going back until i decided to go back and  that's when the whole armani talks journey began   that's when you know i went from being a guest to  recruitment chair to working my way up to being   a mentor and eventually becoming the external  vice president of the club and alongside then i   was also working on my engineering field which  gave me the opportunity to learn how engineers   communicate in a very hard skills field so around  2018 i thought i would gather all my insights and   combine it into armani talks which nowadays  helps engineers and traditionally introverted   entrepreneurs clarify their ideas get their  message out there so they can express what they do   without hesitancy in their voice i traditionally  do this through short stories through short story   books youtube blog tweets etc and three years  strong so planning on for much longer as well   nice man yeah and seeing your growth on this as  well like the you're absolutely cranking out the   the content with with youtube and twitter and  it's it's impressive to see so it looks like the   the the journey that you've taken was really  solving your own personal problem like scratching   your niche in a sense that you identified  something that you personally struggled with   and rather than what i see a lot of people in  science and engineering fields do which is kind   of retreat into the things which they're strong  at you know the mathematical kind of um systems   based thinking and and ignoring a lot of the  interpersonal musical spiritual communication   style thinking and just kind of staying in  the little safe zone but as you say that by by   identifying and expanding into those other soft  skills in something like an engineering field   you're suddenly so much more advantaged you you  have so much more um tools at your disposal and   um you you've you've you've allowed yourself a  lot more career options too oh yeah absolutely   especially in the engineering field what's  happening nowadays with automation and technology   getting better and better is that jobs which were  extremely relevant in engineering four to five   years ago nowadays can be done with powershell  script in 15 seconds so unfortunately i've   seen a lot of people get fired from their jobs  that they've been working on for 17 plus years   just because automation came into the game  and this is happening in multiple different   engineering fields so when something like  this is happening it's a clear indicator   that you should be adjusting you'll  see different people that start to form   one group is starting to say well this is how  it's always been done why do i have to learn   this it wasn't part of my job description why do i  need to learn how to write how to speak and how to   be a little more empathetic while another group is  like i gotta learn otherwise i'm gonna get fired   because automation can easily outsource something  that can be turned into a procedure but you can't   necessarily outsource the ability to give a speech  you can't outsource the ability to build rapport   through writing skills these are stuff that  nowadays with the advancement in technology   ironically it's showing that you gotta become a  better communicator not only offline but online   as well that's interesting you've got people that  double down on the like well no this is what i've   done and i don't care i'm just gonna kind of cover  my ears and and stick the course or you get people   that recognize that if they if they don't adapt  they're going to make themselves obsolete to   automation oh yeah so i'll just tell you  a quick little story so in my last company   there was this pretty young girl i would say  in her early 30s which is automatically very   unusual in the engineering field  it's mainly a male-dominated industry   and a lot of the people are older so she was  technically okay i would say technically advanced   but she was extremely gifted with soft  skills the team that she worked with were   people much older than her they've been  in the industry for a couple of years and   were starting to expect stuff they were like  okay well i've been here for 15 20 years when   am i gonna get a team when am i going to start  you know having people operating underneath me   and they kept asking those type of questions  where the other girl melanie was like how can   i start networking with the right people and start  working and building relationships with operations   and you know as i left that company i got a call  from one of my co-workers from like two to three   years ago and all those people who are initially  working with melanie now work underneath her   and she bans a team of like 350 people so  it just goes to show you that you know if   you're going to just stick your heels into the  ground i just keep doing what's always been done   then eventually you're just digging your own grave  especially how fast the world's moving nowadays   that is interesting one person was process focused  and the other was people focused and you saw the   the outcome over the years yeah and it's like  with engineering it's not as though you could be a   complete dud once it comes to the technical field  like you got to understand the technical aspects   you got to be able to you know roll your sleeves  up and do the work but that's not to say that you   should completely neglect another side what i've  come to see is it really depends on your desire   you want to move up being okay and technical  and being okay in soft skills will be much   better than being extremely gifted and technical  and being a complete dud in soft skills so in   terms of the the people most people listening  to this podcast for example will be either an   offline personal trainer some kind of um health or  fitness expert coaching something in in some way   is there anything that you see universally that  has a skill that you see just executed woefully   badly oh yeah i mean one of them is the art of  public speaking or talking to a camera so with   your audience do a lot of them have to record  videos for example well that's that's one of   the big things that i think people shy away from  and so the videos are either very scripted or very   stiff or they'll just avoid it entirely and stick  with the the instagram selfie and hoping someone   dm's me approach yeah so see that's one thing that  i see multiple industries shy away from every now   and then it's because a lot of their talking is  scripted so i believe one of the skill sets that   it doesn't matter which industry you're in  engineering fitness you could be in the lawn   mowing industry learn the art of impromptu  speaking which is the ability to speak   without any form of preparation and this is  um a highly slept on field because it seems   as though like normally when you think oh this  person didn't prepare this person to be lazy   while in reality it actually shows a strong  skill set because you can adjust and this   is a cornerstone habit that's going to make you a  better public speaker a better writer and whenever   the recording light is on you're not going  to feel extremely nervous so for your fitness   audience i recommend that they improve their  impromptu speaking skills and here's an exercise   pick any topic you could go on google and just  type in random top generator it'll spit out a   bunch of topics create small little talks on it  roughly 30 seconds to one minute and the more   that you keep doing that the more that you build  the impromptu speaking skills muscle and you're   going to feel much more comfortable in business  deals along with recording a youtube video   thus that is a good exercise to try because i  think just being thrown into the deep end and   doing it in a low pressure situation as well and  i think what what what's come to mind though with   a lot of people's fears especially if they  are a coach or wanting to to help someone   achieve a specific result is either imposter  syndrome or feeling like they have to come   across as perfect online that everything has to  be super polished and i think this is part of the   instagram culture that everything's airbrushed  and looking as perfect as possible and um   but i think that fear of being of not being  perfect is is crippling for many people and   they just end up not not doing anything at all or  just shying away from the entire medium of video yeah i mean that's things that hold  people back the most the imposter syndrome   whether it's in skill set or  whether it's in terms of delivery   but in either situation this is one of the first  generations that we have where we're seeing people   progress in real time a lot of the times for  example i don't know how often you guys watch   let's say mainstream media or just broadcast  journalism over there is it something that's   popular or not really it's i mean it's popular in  the kind of middle age to older generations but   i mean i don't have a tv for example  i think i think that's becoming   phased out i imagine it's the same over there yeah  it's virtually the same but traditionally when you   see a lot of those people speak you'll notice that  they're speaking without any form of errors and   it's easy to be like oh well when i'm starting a  youtube channel i got to be like one of those guys   but we don't see what happens behind the scenes a  lot of these people have teams and teams creating   their content for them there's a teleprompter  they're reading line for line off a teleprompter   that's not undermining what they do it just  goes on to show that we may have the tendency   compare ourselves to someone who's in a completely  different journey than us and that's how imposter   syndrome forms in the first place one thing  that i've realized regarding imposter syndrome   is you just gotta get your reps in because i mean  just looking at you you're a pretty fit guy right   it seems like you take the gym pretty seriously  you got the muscle it's the same exact thing   with communication skills if you could do  it more as an athlete rather than an artist   then you start to put way more emphasis on  repetitions like petition repetition provision   and that's eventually what overpowers imposter  syndrome whether you feel it or not that's one   thing i'm sure you still feel pain whenever you're  going to the gym but you still push on the reps   exactly it's the same exact concept with youtube  with recording a podcast with asking someone   to do an interview for your podcast identical  concept that's that's a very good point about   putting in the reps like a lot of people want  to fix imposter syndrome but before they've done   anything you're like well you're not supposed to  feel confident like you haven't done anything to   right learn that like go and do some stuff and  then you earn that confidence rather than like   amping yourself up to like to do something  where of course you're gonna be you're gonna   be rubbish the first few times and luckily with  instagram video with youtube like you have the   the luxury of being able to edit you know you  don't it doesn't have to be like a live monologue   first time i think that's the the hardest that's  doing doing video on hard mode and if you can   just do like a a video that you can  take some time between lines you can   rehearse things a little bit and then edit it  down and then eventually over time you take   away the the stabilizers on your bike and  and there you go yeah i mean if you could   just warm yourself up to it and just make it i  would say in terms of let's just keep on going   with the recording videos example if you could  have two phases a dark phase and a light phase the   dark phase is when you record videos behind the  scenes and one of the ideas that i've been pushing   with the armani talks brand is called the private  youtube channel i don't know if you're aware of   this but youtube actually allows a feature where  you could upload videos but make it private   this is what i call the dark zone and in this zone  you start to understand which ideas you stand for   you start to clarify your ideas and you start to  record in a way without fear of failure and the   more time that you spend on the dark zone the more  times in the light zone you feel less discomfort   and the basic premise of the light zone is one  thing you just gotta hit publish if you don't do   that then you didn't accomplish that one little  step nice yeah so you're you're you're doing   that as almost practice reps without without any  consequence and then you can flip the switch later   absolutely it's like with a bodybuilding show  you don't just go on the stage and start flexing   in front of a bunch of people overnight there's  a whole bunch of rep stunned behind the scenes   so it's the same exact concept yeah for  sure i think one of the other big factors   in people's perfectionism or being afraid to put  themselves out there is that the it's the false   assumption that all the stuff that's going on  inside your head when you're talking to a group   of people or doing a video or something all the  stuff of like am i doing something weird with   my hands and um oh you know i i've stumbled on  that word or whatever all that stuff takes up   say 80 90 of your your mental headspace but for  the audience they don't care about that stuff   they're completely forgiving of it they may not  even notice because they're focused on what is   the stuff that this person is talking about like  i've clicked on this video because i want to get   leaner this month or i want to figure out how to  make a protein recipe or whatever it is right so   who how you're coming across is totally  secondary to that yet it takes up so much   mental bandwidth for the person  speaking that it can be crippling   oh yeah i mean most of communication is just  about putting the id in front of you the person   and this is one of the most difficult things  for the ego because the ego is whispering   wait wait you're trying to put something in  front of me i'm all supposed to be number one   that's just how the ego exists so constantly  training it to be number second is work but   eventually you get to a point where the idea  does come in front of the person and one great   example of this is barack obama where when  he first started his presidential career   there was a video of david letterman who was a  big talk show host in the us around that time   he was basically making fun of obama before  saying uh at least 30 times in a jose like a   two-minute interview 30 times which is staggering  for a president you would expect a president not   to make such a beginner error so many times but  he did make that error and people still consider   obama one of the finest orators for time because  as he progressed in his presidential career   he still says um he still says so like  uh multiple times but consistently   he aims to put his idea in front of obama the  person and that's what people are looking out for   some people are going to probably judge him  by what he's wearing that kind of stuff but   that's always the minority most people just want  to understand your idea and they'll evaluate you   secondhand yeah and if someone wants to pick holes  in something they're going to find something like   you can't make yourself totally bulletproof  right and it's it's the thing with online   where if you have an abundance mentality towards  people you should sort of be happy when certain   people unfollow you or certain people are like hey  this isn't for me because not giving up more time   for the people who do like you as attention  scales there's always three groups that form   one group loves you one group despises you  and one group is indifferent towards you   what should be done is to focus on group number  one who loves you and just to keep ample find that   but what plenty of people do is they dwell on the  second two groups they try to get the people who   don't like them to love them or the people who  are in different towards them to them and it's   just losing time and money and it's never going  to happen i think that was a big mistake we made   early on trying to get people to try not to offend  anyone trying to be as like as pg as possible and   you know it would never it would never  convert anyone over or if it did it   was really the minority and as you say just  focusing on saying your authentic message and   letting the chips fall where they do is so much  more relaxing and so much easier to do oh yeah   and multiple people went because of that it's  just because you're not necessarily chasing   people you're putting your message out there and  content surprisingly serves as energy in itself   it's digital energy but it's energy nevertheless  so it's a form of content marketing also known as   attraction marketing which allows other people  to win and with you as well so can you talk to   us about your your content strategy and some  of the this stuff about content being energy   because i think you framed this with a really good  attitude to start with which is the you know focus   on the people who will be your potential customers  and will be your your fans don't worry about the   haters and the neutrals because if the neutrals  like you they they'll convert to you and they'll   follow you and if they don't they'll just  unfollow and there's no no drama i come you   know you've got a big following i'm sure you i'm  sure you get the occasional troll and stuff but   um they're not they're not really worth the the  energy um right so we've got i don't know we get   to talk about trolls in a second as well actually  but but we but you've got this this framing   the the idea of using using the dark zone  in the light zone effectively to to practice   your content getting rid of the perfectionism the  imposter syndrome so this is all the great kind of   framing for the the attitude that you come  from now in terms of creating the content   and and building your audience how have you  how have you done that over the last few years   sure so one thing that i have philosophy  is never to rely on just one traffic source   a lot of the the mantras you hear let's say money  twitter talk about is never rely on one income   stream my philosophy is don't rely on one traffic  source that's just personally with me because   traffic uh whatever like whether it's twitter  a podcast youtube you'll notice that sometimes   it's all favoring you times it's like it's not  favoring you you're not getting the impressions   all that kind of stuff so from the very  beginning i try to have a multimedia approach   so i have a twitter i have a blog i have a youtube   a podcast an email list now initially for some of  your listeners they may be like whoa that's a lot   sure it may be a lot for a beginner but it's  something that i worked up to in the beginning   i started off with the twitter and i consistently  expanded from there now once you start off with a   i call this the base of your strategy for me it  was twitter then expanded then you want to start   thinking about a content creation schedule so  every mondays wednesdays and fridays whether i   feel like it or not i'm going to upload a youtube  video just because it's a part of my strategy   every tuesdays thursdays and saturdays whether i  feel like it or not i'm going to upload a podcast   every sundays wednesdays and saturdays i'm going  to upload a blog whether i feel like it or not   and simply by systematizing this process  i give myself more time to be creative   because now i could be like someone can ask me  what are you doing six wednesdays from now and   i'll say oh i i don't know my exact day but i know  somewhere in that day i'm gonna be recording a   youtube video so when you systematize this process  you give your mind less time to dwell over oh no   i haven't posted on youtube in a while i haven't  posted on podcast in a while and blogging a while   instead you're just laying brick by brick and by  doing the strategy for over two to three years now   i currently have with this simple strategy that  i just gave i have over 50 000 tweets 300 videos   250 blogs 250 podcasts which all can make passive  income if you're a little strategic with it   and that's pretty much my approach so this also  yousef is capable of giving you a more a fearless   attitude as well rather than being always like oh  my god like this tweet didn't get over 10 likes   like i guess i guess i'm fair you have a more  holistic view of your entire brand it's kind of   fitness i know i'm using the fitness analogies  a lot but i just wanted to keep it on brand yeah   it's a guy that either always works his arm and  if he only works his arm and then the rest of   his body gets neglected but when you adopt a  holistic approach to your body now you start   to feel whole you start to feel confident so  when you have multimedia approach over time   i think it's a great strategy to never be overly  dependent on an algorithm for you for example   you have podcast and twitter automatically you  have two i don't know if you have an email list   or anything else but two is better than one  in my opinion yeah i mean that that's a pretty   prolific content strategy that you've got there  i think bashing out a youtube video three times   a week plus podcast and everything else is  is huge but i'm sure that's something that   you know you can you can build up to over time  but as you say it reduces the the pressure because   rather than thinking oh you know this is the the  youtube video of the month and if it if it flops   then i'm you know i've i've failed and everything  and it's it's much lower pressure to be like just   just bashing out another single rather than having  to hit it out of the park on every single attempt   and one one big blockage that i see with coaches  is that they'll be building up to some kind of   launch whether it's a product launch or a bit of  content or something and it'll just stay on their   hard drive for months and possibly forever because  they want it to be absolutely perfect it's like   done is better than perfect so i think that's a  great reminder to just just get it out there and   then you have more data you can figure out what's  working you can then use the the feedback that   you're getting from the number of views and likes  and so on to be like oh okay that video did really   well and that wanted terribly why is that like was  it was it the way i came across or was it more of   the um the framing of it was it the headline  and the thumbnail and all that kind of stuff   oh yeah absolutely rather than the perfectionism  mentality it's much better to have the perfecting   mentality because for the latter you just get  the data up there and you keep polishing and one   of the surprises you'll notice is that a lot of  your content pieces which have the smallest views   surprisingly can make you the most amount of  money and just to give you an example of this   there was one video that i did a couple of  months back regarding the cracking voice   you ever heard someone that's speaking  and their voice cracks out of nowhere   yeah this happens with singers a lot but  every now and then it happens with speakers   so not too many people watch that video because if  you think about it it's not like a big mainstream   topic but the few people who did watch it  wanted to book a consulting call with me   and two of those people turned into clients so a  lot of the times even the numbers can be accurate   and accurate where it doesn't get much views  but in the back end it's making you some profits   that leads us perfectly onto something  else i wanted to discuss with you which is   exactly that you know you've got  within your content strategy you have   traffic content for for growth and for reach but  that could be the kind of viral stuff that doesn't   necessarily convert but it it gains you knee  followers it's usually particularly on twitter   it's the the controversial stuff it's the things  which rustle a few jimmies um the things which   have grown on twitter for me the most in terms of  followers have always been the most controversial   stuff you know if i throw rocks we talk about  throwing rocks at your enemies in terms of   building your brand so right you know i often make  fun of uh keto and vegans and kettlebells and that   and it's not because i've got any personal beef  with uh well apart from the vegans because they   don't eat beef but um i haven't got any personal  beef with those kind of things it's just that   i know that that's going to split the audience  into pros and cons and the ones who the ones who   don't like it are going to comment and you  know get angry at me with their pitchforks   and the ones who do are going to comment as  well and all going to like it and share it so   it works very well from from that perspective  but then you also have the conversion content   like you said about this video which isn't  something which is going to have mass appeal   but the people who find that video or search for  that keyword are going to be like oh my god this   guy understands my problem intimately and i'm  going to sign up with a coaching call with him   and so this is something that i think you've  executed really well from a business perspective   and i think anyone can learn this from you um  or from from seeing how you've built your your   brand which is that you've picked a very specific  problem to solve a very specific kind of message   and and you've also in the way that you  brand yourself the way that you have your   your bio your social media set up it's like  look here is a cordoned off area of my expertise   i practice what i preach and i teach what i know  but this is what this is what i help people with   and so it's a very specific result rather than  trying to kind of cover all areas now there are   some people particularly on twitter who kind of  are general gurus and they they have opinions on   everything but but you know they can maybe get  some following but they're probably not people   that you would hire for a specific result  are they so um i think seeing the way that   you've done this where you said right i am the the  speaking communication guy and building out your   your brand from there means that every follower  that you have is worth much more than someone   who kind of just casts their net really wide  yes and it takes some time to even discover   those particular skill sets which helps if you are  actually practicing what you're preaching because   then what you consider to be normal is considered  insights for someone else so for example   with you i could tell that you take your diet very  seriously and for someone that doesn't know much   about diet they have a very general outlook of  that so you simply sharing what you eat for the   day is going to be gold for that person they're  gonna be like oh i actually didn't know that   having a diet can taste good where a lot  of people when they think diet they think   automatically the food has to taste bad so if you  practice what you preach i mean that's one of the   best ways to find your target niche of people  is you want to ask the question is my skill   set capable of benefiting at least one person if  it's capable of benefiting a person can a benefit   and that 10 people can turn into 100. so rather  than thinking super general from the get-go   think like a bull and one of the best ways is  to just keep practicing what you're preaching   and a niche is going to slowly form around you so  helping a specific person rather than trying to   try to help everyone at once and i think the the  other point you raise there is what you eat in a   day for example might have become so normalized  to you that you just think well there's no real   value in that like why would anyone want to  know about that but it does take a lot of   a lot of empathy to take a step back and think  ah actually would would the version of me one one   decade ago or five years ago want to know about  this you're like well probably yeah so um trying   to put your your head back in the because they  put your head back in the shoes of the people who   who haven't got the result that you're looking  for and saying okay how can i lay out this journey   so that it's as step wise as possible and  creating that customer journey right from the   beginning up to your content and then through  the buying process absolutely i mean here's a   uh content creation a cheat code this will  lead to unlimited infinite content just give   advice to your younger self you do this enough  happens is with creativity you need a little bit   not too much but a little bit of wonder a little  bit of inner child in you and you could even say   spirit or whatever that gets you thinking big and  whenever you give advice to your younger self you   fully create the flow state because the  systematic definition of flow state is   when time does not exist the person gets lost and  i'm sure you've had moments like this when you're   so productive and the time is just going on by  right so when you're giving advice to your younger   self you're doing something very miraculous your  present day self is going to your younger self   your younger self is seeing a future self at  this moment time is becoming blurred which   allows you to forcefully reach flow state rather  than read like 10 different books on it like you   got to this you got to do that you got to set  it this way you just have a simple framework   would this benefit myself from five years ago 10  years ago and such and this allows you to unlock   emotional intelligence as well where you can be  like huh something that's comfortable with me   was something that was the pain point since  it was a pain point for me i wonder if it's a   pain point for someone else and this is when you  have hyper targeted problems that you're solving   that competition other people never even dreamed  of because they're focusing too much on outside   market research rather than focusing on inner  market research as well obviously you've got to   factor in both but if you could also factor in  inner which is completely brushed over nowadays   now you got that huge advantage and that's a  that's a great framework now to to just generate   content that is specific gets the traffic gets  the conversions pulls people into your world   and achieves them a specific result and at the  end of the day yes there's you you're probably   listening and thinking bloody hell that's a lot  of content this guy's bashing out and it's all   very focused around a specific result but  from from that we know that aiming for them   and aiming for a specific thing rather than trying  to appeal to everyone is is paradoxically going to   get you more clients because it's it's something  which is offering value for that result and then   people are going to are going to follow up with  that so we've got everything from building the   confidence getting over the perfectionism the  the marketing strategy the content strategy   now moving into selling what's your what's your  process from you've now got a pool of organic   following i don't know if you use any paid ads  as well but what do you do from that point to   selling people onto your program and what's the  difference between your free content and the   stuff that you advise in there and then your paid  content sure so at the time i don't do any paid uh   the armani talks brand is purely running through  organic for the time being which allows different   offers to be provided i have a couple of  low tier offers which range from journals   to short story books along with a few longer  books then i have additional products as well   where it's more expensive than the products on  amazon and then i also have one-on-one coaching   and this is much different than the content  mainly because i'm directly working with these   people and i could work on very specific pain  point issues and it's more so a coaching okay so   that's something that i do with one-on-one and i  also have a group package as well which i don't do   too much of i do it with certain people and this  allows the people that i'm working with to have   an audience to practice in front of so it's  killing three birds with one stone i get oh   they get the results and they also get a  camaraderie built in the process as well   and traditionally most of the people that  find me they have consumed at least three   to four pieces of my content beforehand so they  know what i offer and that's when they book the   the free call so it's not of me being like wait  where are you coming from the form that they   fill out i know exactly what they're trying to  improve i'm seeing if i could help them or not   and if i can help them i'll accept the call  and then we'll just carry it out from there   and another part of my business yousef  i haven't bought this up too much   i am a part of a business networking group in  tampa or i was before so a lot of online branding   comes through referral marketing so you know  someone who knows someone that's looking to   start a youtube channel and tips that'll be a  referral so i have a variety of sources but it   traditionally comes from organic and referral and  then they'll choose which offer works for them   and then detail will happen from there there's  a few things in there the referral marketing   simply works from having a such a good  product that people want to talk about   and people want to say to their friends like  hey this is great get in touch so it's cool   that that stuff can kind of tick away in the  background and then what you've also got is the   is the tagging or the the tracking of i know  that someone has seen this piece of content   and that has led them to book a call which is  then converted at this percentage for example   and so knowing where your clients  are coming from and recognizing okay   that worked well and so relate if i make some  related videos around this particular topic then   that's going to funnel more people in through  the same route really helpful to be able to   look back on your business as a full dashboard  and say okay i want more of these people less of   these people or whatever else and we certainly  find that between platforms between content   that people convert differently we with podcast  people i think it's about three pounds of download   um from from how well it converts compared to  youtube which is much less but you can reach more   people so it's kind of about a mixture of getting  the reach but also having a high conversion   medium too and what you've got there in terms  of your product offering is by the sound of it   three three layers of you've got low access to  you which is a passive information product and   presumably gets people up to the  point where they're like okay   i've got a lot of value from this and i can  see that armani is legit here you know i've   i've paid with a a low risk amount of money like  that 50 or less and i'm happy to upgrade to the   the middle grade program which is  your group coaching and that has the   um the accountability and the the community aspect  of it so people can actually practice with each   other which is a an awesome idea to be able to  create to create that online and actually for them   to be effectively training each other it's not  it's not really a luxury that we have in fitness   i suppose you can you can do some kind of um zoom  accountability thing but it's not as gym bodies   yeah it's a little bit less um straightforward  and then you've got the high-end coaching which is   very bespoke and working with someone directly  to to really dig into that problem more deeply   absolutely and and also one thing that i didn't  include is that with certain platforms you could   also run advertisements which is one of the  things i love about youtube you could once   you reach 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers  you could monetize your videos just do it paying   playing some ads so that's uh some of the passive  income side of thing but yeah you nailed it i mean   i highly recommend having a a a little bit of an  offering for different people that are looking to   find you in different ways and if you're someone  who enjoys communicating a lot and you're someone   who doesn't want to show yourself too much i mean  nowadays writing books becoming self-published   these are all options so there's so many different  opportunities it really comes down to crafting a   business that you could do long term that's sort  of an extension of your personality rather than   it always feeling like you're moving a boulder  up the hill so the more congruent that you are   the more that multiple parties win because you  show up with a fun attitude rather than like ah   this is just for a paycheck kind of attitude yeah  that's a huge point like being able to turn up and   enjoy what you're doing and you know  the even if you're doing something which   is working from a online marketing perspective  but if you're hating every minute of it like   is this job really or is this business really  fitting your lifestyle or has it become a job   and so yeah i think that's a that's a huge point  the thing that's like sorry go ahead well that's   what kills people who are consistent versus  inconsistent where if i'm over here you know   speaking about veganism for months and months  and i don't even i'm not even a vegan myself   i mean this is just going to be another job that  i picked up and it's going to be way more effort   than a person who's naturally a vegan you  see what i'm saying this concept comes up   so much in sales as well that if you don't  believe in the product that you're selling   it's so hard to stay congruent with that you  know if you're working for a double glazing   window sales company and you don't have double  glazing yourself and you don't see the value in it   that's gonna come through unconsciously like your  your leads are gonna feel that difference compared   to if it's something that you personally use and  you say you know what man like this is great and   this this is a good deal for you and it's going  to help it's going to help you it's going to help   me there's a lot more authenticity with that too  oh yeah absolutely and it's it's as though you're   answering people's questions even before they have  them you could notice little micro body language   moves that someone who doesn't have any skin  in the game won't even acknowledge them they're   going off talking points or the other person  is going through a little bit of passion plus   experience as well so when those two come together  i mean you got a monster at that point yeah it's   it's pretty magical well armani this has been  fantastic like we've talked we've been through   everything from building your audience to  creating content to selling your program   and some of the stuff on on your delivery as well  so um is there anything else that you wanted to   advise to our audience or um what to  mention that we haven't covered yet   well one thing that i would mention is that you  know just start because since working with a   lot of different entrepreneurs behind the scenes  i've come to notice a lot of different personality   types and one of the common things that's  consistently holding people back is where they're   like um there has to be this one particular  moment once this particular moment happens   then i'm good to go diet starts monday the diet  starts monday and i don't know like a whole bunch   of different stuff like that but that's actually  school thinking in the real world in school we   had a teacher that says this wednesday you're  having a test you stop studying by the day before   wednesday and this is your day and subconsciously  a lot of people are taking that form of thinking   into the real world and keep being like oh  well one day that they will come and i've seen   i'm talking like people straight out of college  all the way to ceos of companies with the same   roadblock so i recommend you just start and a lot  of the times you'll be surprised something that's   a weakness that you consider can turn into one of  your biggest strengths like right now i have an   accent from when i first moved into the country  and before it was something that would hold   me back nowadays a lot of my clients came to me  they're like i decided to mingle with you because   you look kind of like me you kind of sound like  me and the other people are way too polite so   what was holding me back before is actually a  strength nowadays for a specific group of people   for your audience i just recommend they start they  take some action and they have along the process   because without fun then creation storytelling  communicating your message becomes a whole bunch   of effort and eventually you're gonna burn out so  keep trying to put fun into your business strategy   in one way shape or form and consistency  is just going to be a by-product of that   why is words man yeah i love that and in  terms of staying authentic as well as you say   just being being comfortable with the fact that  you're never going to be tv quality polished and   even if you are it's not credible it's not  trustworthy we see these instagram influencers   with the kind of perfect physiques and everyone  knows that they don't look like that all the time   they look like that for for that particular  shoot that they did on a sunny beach in bali and   with the good lighting and the fake tan and all  that stuff and you're like that it's not relatable   and people don't buy coaches which they see as  totally unattainable it has to be something which   they see like ah okay this person has put  in the work and they have got to this stage   and i can see myself in that position if i if i do  the same and they've laid out the method for me so   yeah i think that's absolutely you nailed it there  we go cool well how can we find out more about you   you can find out more about me on that has all my different   stories blogs youtube channels the books getting  centralized in one location and you could also   join my newsletter from there where i send out a  brand new short story daily to help you out with   one of the following topics public speaking  social skills emotional intelligence creativity   storytelling or level of mentality so thank you  again yusuf for having me on it was a pleasure   and you're an amazing interviewer as well man it's  it has been a pleasure and and yeah if you have a   look on the man is prolific there  is hundreds of hours of stuff in there that will  

address basically every facet of those five  domains that he's talked about amani thank you   thank you yousuf to learn more about the systems  we use to run build and scale   head over to forward slash  business podcast and you can get your hands   on our free training that covers the seven steps  that we take with every client that we help build   their own online business and also the seven steps  that we use to successfully build propane fitness   we walk through the sales systems the delivery  systems follow-up remarketing how to basically   build your program so that it delivers coaching  to your clients without you being there 24 7.  

we really do cover the full thing  right and if you want to continue   even further and potentially work with  us there's a chance to book in a call to   have an informal chat with us or i to just  basically see if any of our programs would be a   fit to help you get from where you are to where  you want to get to so go to   forward slash business podcast today and get  access to that if you'd like to learn just   more about yousef and i more about us what we do  follow us on the various channels the best place   to go is our youtube channel we have a load of  stuff from fitness content productivity content   why yousef slept on the floor for several months  why he's been having cold showers there's always   stuff on there that's entertaining and hopefully  informative so just go to youtube search for   propane fitness and you can find out a bit more  about us there as well speech on the next episode you

2021-08-16 00:06

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