How To Start A Box Truck Business - Amazon Relay Trucking Requirements

How To Start A Box Truck Business - Amazon Relay Trucking Requirements

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live from columbus ohio this is the get business credit youtube channel with your host josh van horn subscribe now and hit the bell notification right now to stay up to date as soon as we release new business credit gyms take it over josh hey welcome to the get business credit youtube channel in today's video we have a special guest a fellow youtube creator uh eddie garnett he's a youtuber about that teaches about how to start a box truck business i know a lot of you current subscribers i've done several polls in the past on the youtube community page and a lot of you guys have asked about how to start a transportation business trucking business and or uh bucks truck business so i've reached out to a couple youtubers if you guys just type in how to start a box trick business pretty sure he's gonna come up number one and uh let me just show you his channel before i let him kind of introduce himself uh let's see here so you can see uh this is uh eddie garnett he's with us right now you can see he put this video out like six months ago it has over a hundred and fourteen thousand views that's amazing for any youtuber period as one of his first videos definitely connect watch his videos because um he breaks everything down for you but we're going to break it down for you today as well on this video so without further ado let me go ahead and introduce uh eddie here let me get the hang out my computer's kind of my mouse is uh let me get back to that here okay welcome eddie how are you i am doing great uh just blessed to be here brother yeah definitely so me and eddie we've been kind of talking back and forth i reached out to him a couple months ago and then i got busy and then we finally connected uh last week and spoke for a couple hours on the phone and you guys know i won't bring somebody on the channel that i don't 100 and feel that the person is 100 transparent and genuine um you know like i said i've reached out and spoke to a couple of other box truck uh how to video creators and a couple of them i didn't feel that were 100 transparent or were not really a good fit for my audience because we want to give you the best info without people trying to just make money off of you guys so um all right uh eddie maybe go ahead and tell the viewers like before youtube and stuff because i know you started that but uh before youtube like how did you get into the uh trucking business or a little bit of background about you okay just a little bit about myself uh prior to uh the trucking industry i just was a construction worker i actually worked at a nuclear power plant in uh waynesboro georgia it's down in georgia i think it's like one of the only uh power plants that is nuclear that's being currently being worked on right now that's currently being built at the time so uh made a good bit of money in that but i got to the point where i wanted to be my own boss and i was tired of trading time for money i wanted my time i worked a whole lot of long hours and uh like i said i just wanted more freedom but uh uh basically i just was doing construction and then um a friend of mine he actually was doing this and i saw he was actually uh in the trucking industry and i saw his uh success and i saw what he was doing and i saw the freedom that he had and i got uh connected with him and uh he let me know what i needed to do and from that point on i just uh i've been in the transportation uh industry since then so uh it's definitely a great uh and prosperous thing to do uh in the transportation industry okay so how many years have you been uh i mean in the transportation business in january or whatever how long have you been doing that besides just the box truck business because i mean it seems like you're um the transportation business can be you know wide you know ranged not just box truck business but you know brokering and dispatching and ltl and rigs over the road all that so how long um have you been doing that and i guess the time doesn't really matter but just give a little audi you give the audience a little bit of background on your time on that but overall it's uh it's overall what you've learned and what's current right now that's what matters you know correct correct and i i always make it very clear that i am a person who has not been doing this a long time i haven't even been doing it a whole year yet but uh i had the mindset and i knew exactly what i wanted to do when i jumped into this industry yeah and you got your own trucks it looks like as well huh correct correct i i have my own uh trucks and uh i have a dispatching service also and that's one of the main things when you jump in this industry you cannot just look at it as i'm driving the truck if you just look at it from that point of view you're going to be a worker it's going to be just like when you was working for your job you actually have to look at this as other like dispatching trucking uh brokering uh with uh with fuel card or factoring companies and mentoring and setting up companies so i basically do it all i set up companies i do dispatching i i've got trucks on the road um i deal with multiple factoring companies uh and if you go in this industry with that mindset you can definitely make a lot of money in it so uh i would suggest like mom like basically in a sense kind of monetizing every avenue um stream that you can within the transportation niche and stuff and i think kind of like what you've done is with especially with your channel and as you learn the knowledge and went through maybe some of the mistakes that we all go through when we start different businesses and stuff you learn from your mistakes but you can save a lot of people a lot of money by mistakes you know so um yeah definitely so um let's just get down to some like basics of like where you go from like starting like how to kind of a to z real kind of real quick and then everybody that's watching right now if you're interested in the starting a transportation business or box truck business and you know i can help out to a degree on getting all the gas cards that you need you know for fueling depending on what your credit is like some of it can be no personal guarantee some of it um you don't have to have perfect credit you can still you know leverage that and stuff so that i i think i got you covered on that um eddie and i both have some connections with invoice factoring a few different companies and um i can help with a little bit when it comes to if you need truck financing of course don't even think about starting any type of business especially this type of business if you only have a hundred dollars to your name it's just not gonna happen uh period you know but um you know eddie he um you can reach out to him all of his videos and stuff he pretty much puts his cell phone out there he can talk to you and then um you know the more time that you need you know he may charge a fee you know but he'll give you guys a good rate as long as you say you came from this channel watching this video and i might come on his channel here soon too so i think eddie kind of knows things that i don't know that's why i wanted to bring on somebody like him um but i think we both can complement each other to make it be perfect for you if you're just now starting a transportation business or you already have existing one but it's not profitable um and maybe he could do an audit with whatever you have going on right now and see how you can monetize it and earn more you know and get to that point so eddie what do you do when you like if somebody just wants to start their transportation business um you know i think quite a few of my viewers have already started their say llc or inc with a as a transportation company but they don't have a truck yet you know they're building up their business credit they're not really they're pre-revenue so um what is the very first step besides you know obviously forming your um your company and stuff like as far as the licensing and stuff and all that and i know there's the financing route you can have your own semi-rig or box truck but uh you can also rent from writer and others and stuff so what is that first step that they need to take so as you said of course as we know the first step is definitely uh forming your entity get your llc done get your ein and of course you probably want to go ahead and get a bank account businessman yeah yeah yeah exactly so uh so yeah we had any you guys we had a little bit of technical difficulties and i'll cut out that part anyways i don't know why i'm telling you this because i'm cutting it out anyways um but what we are saying is getting at ease advice on uh besides after you already have your business bank account your ein your you know business entity established with your secretary of state all that done already and i'm assuming you already have that done anyways because that's what i teach and if you don't have it already watch all my videos you can see exactly what you need to do right get you to that point so no need to contact um you know eddie before that stage so he you're not wasting his time and stuff so get established first and then go from there so eddie once you already have that done then what do you i mean what's the next step as far as the licensing the very first step as far as that go all after all that is done you need to get your authority so when you when i say authority you're wondering what is my authority your authority is getting your dlt number and your mc number and that you actually get that from the feds the federal government basically so you have to go on the fmcsa website apply for your dlt number apply for your mc number and it's going to charge you a 300 fee to pay for that after you pay for that you're basically going to enter all your information like your of course your llc information you're gonna enter uh you know all your personal information all your content information and then um you're gonna choose uh and this is where i come in handy because uh it's very important when you do your authority that you know what type of authority you need so in the the type of authority you need is based on exactly what you're going to be doing if you're going to be doing hot shot and if you're going to be doing box truck if you're going to be doing semi truck uh depending on what type of uh rig or what type of truck you're gonna put out there uh you may have to get different authorities uh so what so i mean what if like uh so can you get those licenses the dot and the mc number can you get that without a truck like if you plan on doing the rent you can still get all that like we don't need to have that yet so basically either way you see it if you rent if you finance if you lease you still got to get your authority so you can do the you can get your authority before right before you yes here's how it works that's kind of like your driver's license for your company like your business license in a way as a transportation company the business license in a way because you cannot legally operate without it just say if you're out there you don't have a dlt number and an mc number and you get pulled over you're to get fired the state troopers and that's what there's weight stations and all that it's on the side of the highway you need that and i'm sure you need that to be in compliance if you're doing amazon loads or any type of loads you're going to need give you a chance if you don't have your own authority so you got to have your authority your own authority to even apply with amazon so i definitely got to get that done but to answer your question you said can you do this without the truck yes you can start this process without even having a truck when i initially did my authority i didn't i did not have a truck yet however your authority cannot go outdoor without the truck having insurance on it or without your business in this sense your truck is going to be your business so uh it's more like you will have your authority but it will be inactive in order for your authority to go active you will have to get the truck and insurance so it kind of but you get but you can get yeah but you can get like the writer leases and stuff like writer monthly leases and i don't know what other ones they are you can get that and you can either buy the insurance directly with writer or get your own correct and then it makes your mc and your authority active right correct correct so that basically like you already have your authority the people who are trying to rent you already have your authority you go to writer uh once you get their truck information and put insurance on it they're going to report they're going to e-file that information to the fmcsa once that information make it to the fmcsa your authority will go after them how long does that take like say you already have that authority but then you go to writer today um you know and pay them or whatever the down payment or something for renting or whatever the truck how for them to e-file is that pretty much like overnight or does that take a week when they e-file it goes direct but it typically takes three to four days to update in the system so just say of you a person who already have your authority you have already went through your 21 day vetting process it will only take you about four days after you actually get the truck and the insurance for everything to go out but if you're a person who haven't waited your 21 day vetting process you're going to have to finish up your 21 days of vetting process oh so there's a so so when you get your authority there's like a 21 day waiting period it's a 21 day vetting process it doesn't like when you buy a firearm you gotta wait for that checks for a couple days or whatever so kind of like the same thing correct so it's typically they're going over your information they're checking your background driving records because whenever you're dealing with transportation you know it's a whole lot of smuggling there's a whole lot of drugs there's a whole lot of illegal things going on so what they're going to do during them 21 days is actually look at your background and make sure that you're legit you know that's it's a approval process basically yeah making sure you're not somebody that's up to no good right correct okay i got you on that all right so then um i know a lot of people have mentioned and i picked up on it as well is insurance is probably besides the gas but the insurance is something that is probably the major most expensive cost is that correct commercial insurance is expensive uh when you get commercial insurance do not go in there expecting to pay four hundred five hundred dollars that's car insurance thousands huh it's in a it can be i mean typically uh everybody insurance is based on their own history but right on average your insurance is going to probably be anywhere from 1100 to 1500 a month a lot of people more depending on their history if you got a bad driving history you can probably have to pay put down seven thousand dollars just to get your insurance started and then pay 2500 a month but what if you just start your company and you have some money already set like you already have you know a little nest egg but you're gonna do is say go down the uh rental with rider you know path but you say you you have two drivers already and you're gonna drive yourself two or three drivers is that like an umbrella insurance policy for you just add on those drivers yeah you it'll be totally just like the car insurance if you have a new driver you have to add them to the policy so any problems that are driving your uh truck you just add them to the policy and believe it or not with this commercial insurance it does not go up as much as if just say if you were in a car and you added another person in your car you'll be amazed it doesn't go up that much when you add a driver yeah i know my like i know my uh ex-wife i mean she's from the philippines and when i brought her in 2010 to the u.s she didn't have driving record obviously and stuff but she went to her driver's ed and my insurance you know i've never even had a speeding ticket in my life you know you know i i always for full coverage everything was like a 250 deductible for you know my personal you know car and stuff i had a bmw and a ford pickup it's both of them together it's like 68 bucks a month you know for full coverage you know with comprehensive everything but then when i added her it's like 290 dollars just to add her on just to add her on you know so i mean it it definitely can spike up and stuff so um so then after that process after you you're all good to go and stuff with the insurance and stuff and you guys we can probably talk for three hours and we don't want to bore you with that because everybody's case is going to be different that's why i suggest you guys to check in the link in the description below i'll have his channel and his contact information you can reach out to him directly and um you know figure out your exact situation because everyone's going to be different and where you're at and all those so many different factors and stuff this is just kind of a broad interview and then you know you just consult with him and i think he does you do free consults right on the phone like for oh yeah there's no charge called my number just to call and talk to me there's no charge okay and then you just can't you guys come up with a plan he'll come up with a plan for whatever you want to do and stuff you know i don't want to say like a plan but like uh he'll give you a kind of a game plan and then you know either he'll charge you or he'll just kind of give you the free advice whatever that's out of my realm or whatever but definitely subscribe to his channel for sure i'll have this channel like i said in the link in the description below so eddie the next step after all that that's pretty much it right then it's down to making the money like getting the loads right or is there another you get the authority to get the insurance get the truck there's still other things you got to do as far as uh which is more in the details you got to get your d.o.t number your mc number on your truck you got to put your stickers bro you got to get all your stickers and they're all the legal stuff on the truck because it has to be visible on right right driver side of the passenger side and then you have to get like your accessories uh like you got to get so like writer let you do that to the trucks you wrote from them right so how this work if you're dealing with a rental of course you're not going to get a permanent sticker you're going to get magnets so the same company okay so just imagine they do madness that stick to the door and on the madness you'll get your company name your d.o.t number and your mc number on those so that's what you do whenever you're dealing with rentals yeah because i think us a lot of people may be going down that route my viewers and stuff because they just don't have the finances to do it i know that's probably not the cheapest option starting off but you know you may have to grind it out and not make as much in the beginning because of those extra costs but at least you have that experience and then you can work towards work your butt off you know i used to be even a taxi driver back when i was like 18 years old in columbus ohio and i worked my butt off and got my own medallion for my own uh taxi and stuff and you know you may have to do that and stuff i remember i'd drive for like 16 hours straight and stuff but i mean i would literally be making i would have to pay 400 for 12 hours to the uh medallion uh owner of the license of the taxi and stuff you know the car is only worth like 5 000 you know um right you know it's just adding that extra thing on and stuff i mean it's you know but you do that and then you can i think start working towards getting that financing to get your own rig whether it be a rig or a box truck whatever the case may be i think he can point you down the right direction just don't be discouraged and sometimes you just have to hustle i mean i tell you guys that all the time you just have to find it you know and hustle right i mean i think out of here in a hotel room right now i mean you you're monetized all over i mean you're still running loads and teaching people mentoring people have a successful youtube channel right i mean even you start making you know very very good money and don't get lazy keep grinding because you know you never know when it's going to end i think that's why the trucking business and transportation business is so successful right now is because of what's going on with cobot that may slow down after maybe three or four years from now so get it while you can you know right so all right so after that uh what do you do as far as like where do you go to try to get loads like obviously you're not just gonna post something on craigslist like how do i get a load okay so basically how it works uh my advice to all new uh business owners in the transportation when you got brand new authority most people will not give you a load because you are brand new so basically when you start off it's very important that you get a dispatcher what is a dispatcher a dispatcher is a person who basically uh or booked the load for you up under their authority right and then you just have to pick up the load and take it from point a to point b and what they do is they charge you ten percent of the load so if it's eighteen hundred dollars you pay the dispatcher 180 and you get the rest so for the first 90 days i advise everybody to go ahead and get a dispatcher and i also offer uh dispatching services so uh also so those of you who are brand new who need that give me that you can get loads for people it doesn't matter where they live uh and yeah and that's very important with your authority when you get authority you want to make sure you get interstate not in truck if you get intro you only can do like inside of state lines when you get in turn that mean you can go nationwide in all 50 states so it's very important to get interstate if you really want to make some cash okay so then i got during doing that say uh under say another person's authorities rather be you or whoever with that dispatching like you're saying and have to pay that 10 after that 90 days then then do the other like that companies that whatever you're like they start trusting you or what whatever after after the 90 days you basically do the same thing the dispatch you're doing you become your own dispatcher and uh how we book our loads to go back to your original company is off load boards they have the that load board they have the key trucking load board they have the one two three load board and on the load board you have brokers who post loads on there from shippers is that kind of like like you ship like you see on people getting at like u-ship where like people can bid on bid or take loads or whatever but they're just it's one item or something but you but same concept right same term it basically on the load board you put on there what state you're in how far are you trying to go how many miles away you're willing to ride and uh based on what you put it'll bring up a selection filters it out and this is bringing thousands and thousands of those on the board every single day you just got to be willing to ride now you have some people who enter this industry and they only they might just want to be local but depending on where you live at probably not a good idea to be just local because your area probably don't have a lot of work there so you probably have to be one of the people who definitely have to go otr to make some cash and being a major city too huh oh yeah most definitely yeah okay so then um so i think probably after you do like you know get some experience under your belt after say 90 days and stuff then i think you prematurely learn the ropes and you could even sign up with can you sign up directly with amazon or is that on that load board or is that completely separate like with amazon amazon what's so significant about amazon they don't care if you're brand new the only thing they care about if you meet their requirements so the main thing is to have a 26 foot box truck you want to make sure it has a lift gate right and yeah i watched one of your videos you were saying something like it needed the box truck has to be at least 26 foot so somebody could just do amazon if they wanted starting off right correct they need to have 26 foot box truck but isn't there a height and and length width as well the height length and width uh for the most part so it's uh it's uh you need to definitely be 26 feet long 8.5 high eight foot wide at least you know okay or it could be bigger than that but the minimum 26 foot long 8.5 feet high eight foot wide and you need to have a left gate as well it got to have a lift gate and then the insurance requirements amazon requires the highest insurance that that's out there so if you're that's because the package is there you could be carrying one package within a pallet that's probably worth you know five or ten thousand dollars as well you know so you you have to get the one million general liability uh with the two million aggregate with uh amazon with other brokers you don't need that much but uh if you basically if you meet the requirements of amazon you meet the requirements of everybody and you can be brand new too that's the plus amazon don't care about you being brand new they just care about you meeting their requirements yeah okay and then it but do they pay their pay competitive or well more money on the board when you amazon works for who it works for and when i say that it depends just say if i'm a person i'm in the area that's surrounded by a lot of amazon distribution centers okay i'm about to make a lot of money but just say i'm a person who live in the area i got to drive 400 miles just to get to emma's amazon distribution center it's not going to work for me because i got to do too much deadhead to get to the lows right so like first for kind of give an example and stuff like where where i'm from i know there's uh amazon distribution facilities in dayton columbus cleveland cincinnati so if you're say in the middle of a state there columbus i mean you could be staying probably in state and do amazon i mean you're three four hours away from each of those distributions hour and a half to two hours for each one that would be profitable huh that'll be very profitable so yeah and you're just basically moving is it do they fill your truck up the full 26 foot pallets or you could go there and just pick up a couple pallets but you're taking it to say columbus to cincinnati or how's that work well a lot of times you're going to pick up loads that don't fill up not but the back part back part of your truck sometimes you're going to get loads that fill up the whole entire truck now one thing about amazon and they let you know this when you uh do the application they let you know that you have to load and unload so be ready to load and unload but a full truck you can unload it in 30 minutes literally because everything is on pallets and you have a pallet jack so you're just getting up under the pallet pulling it out but uh you just unload it yourself and like put it right into their dock or whatever correct well you back straight up to a dock and when you back up they have like a ramp right so you pull everything straight out so yeah but just be ready to load and unload a lot of things like over the road outside of amazon it's a lot of no touch so it's literally right yeah they pull out the you know you go through security give them a like sign in or whatever and then they tell you what doc to go to and then just kind of wait and they will you know maybe be there for a few minutes or i mean i used to deal with jenko uh fedex and stuff you know of their return goods and sometimes we would sit there and have to wait like two hours for them to load us up and right you know just depends on you know who's you know kind of factors in those things pretty much right well yeah you will run into those problems but just save the time that they tell you to be there if they're not ready to load the time that you're waiting they got to pay you okay so yeah so how does that work save for like amazon for instance so if you're picking up a load do they pay like per like pallet or per the per miles i mean i mean if you're only taking two or three pallets say from columbus to cincinnati's center i mean are they paying you more if you have a full truck versus a few pallets or like everything it's really based on the miles so okay but the most part is based on the miles the weight do play a factor also but for the most part it plays a mile because just think about if it's three pallets and they got to go 600 miles they still got to go 600 miles so right right so but if you you're going to make probably less money if it's if it's uh if it's going to be a full uh truck because the gas is going to cost more obviously but costs more gas for the weight well yeah that's and that's a part of the negotiating also when you got more weight you need to negotiate that well uh it's this amount of weight it's going to cost my truck uh more diesel more guys yeah to add another 200 to you know if they're offering 18 i need you to make that two thousand dollars okay so with all is it called relay or is that for the is amazon is it amazon relay is that for the truck or is that for the personal like uber yeah amazon relay is for trucks only it's for trucks okay so i mean if you start doing that as a new like authority or whatever um is it uh do they have their own like app and you can just like correct a book just like you're being like an uber driver but on a buck as a box truck or whatever is it kind of like that and then they just tell you what to do things that when you apply for amazon you're you're getting access to an amazon load board so it's only amazon so and it's literally just like you say uh it's basically the same concept of uh you know you you have the app you see the load you like you like the miles you like the cost you press i want it but on amazon the difference between amazon load board and other load boards on amazon is non-negotiable so meaning right right put there is what is going to be yeah outside of that board you can negotiate the price okay gotcha so whatever so like say on like amazon how do they work their payments i mean um do you get paid like weekly or how's that work well it's it's it's different options it's different options you can choose you can get paid daily or you can get paid weekly okay gotcha um some people rather to get paid weekly because instead of seeing like six hundred dollars you probably see four thousand dollar payment at one time so you know right kind of you guys depends on your financial situation and if you have gas cards or not because gas is going to be your most expensive cost outside right i mean why not yeah yeah even if it's only a net seven terms or whatever right now i have all those gas card videos out there i think uh i mean i was showing eddie earlier but i mean oh yeah here's the stack it's double so you know there's so many gas cards they're mainly gas cards for the most part uh you know um so don't let that like scare you at all like i said i had a fairly new llc that i did for this uh youtube experiment uh channel and stuff and that one video i did uh you know having no business credit at all and pretty much no uh it was no personal guarantee for the most part and about forty thousand and four months that i was able to get so don't let that discourage you if you have that type of gas and most of it isn't that 14 in 30 terms and that can help you leverage i think any transportation business the longer you can hold onto that cash you can scale bigger you know so i think um i think that from that aspect if you kind of take um the advice that eddie can give you and take the parts you probably already know from my videos put them together i think you would be probably pretty well set up for uh versus us you know you still may have to grind it out for a little while but you know if it's something you want to do uh i mean i i think the earning potential is pretty much up to you right i mean it's it's how much time you wanted you know i know when i first got into the taxi business like some of my other taxi driver friends were saying like i can't wait to get home after after they got 400 for that day they paid their you know after paying their fees and their gas and stuff they just want to clear like 200 bucks a day keep in mind this was 20 years ago but myself i was like no i just i mean the money keeps coming in and i would work you know sometimes until 6 7 a.m

pick up the the college drunks at ocu and then you know drop them off and then pick them up four hours later and then you know take a break at like three or four a.m go over to white castle and then about five a.m go to the different marriott hotels take people to the airport businessmen a woman to the airport and then after about eight seven eight a.m it's uh i don't want to deal with the traffic and stuff so i just head home at that time but you know i would be able to make uh a thousand fifteen hundred dollars working like 14 15 hours a day you know so i mean it's i think it's pretty much probably the same thing right i mean you just depends how much time you want to put into it right you got to be you cannot jump in this industry not wanting to work you got to be ready to put the work in if you do not put the work in uh this is not the industry for you uh just like any industry you know you got to be ready ups and it down the pros and the cons everything that sounds good of course you know people don't speak on the good sides of it but believe me it's always a darker side to it so uh just come prepared and uh ready to deal with the goods and the bads and be ready to work right and that's kind of like why i stress that out to the viewers uh a couple times now in the last five minutes because i want to make sure that everybody knows if they're thinking about getting into this business or you know that's what their plans have been i i mean don't think it's like some of these other youtubers they like i'm making all this money and so yeah you could probably do that some of them are maybe dishonest or misleading or whatever not fully transparent but um not to say you can't make a lot of money you can scale and make a lot of money i know that just from being in the taxi business 20 years ago it's still similar concept i think and it just depends how much you want to hustle and maybe you have friends you guys can do it together or your brother or sister family member you guys can just like kind of run together and kind of hustle for a couple months get that money stacked up and save some of that money and then then maybe you can take a little break just not work so much and start you know bringing on other drivers or get your own truck or whatever you know work towards a goal right you know i think eddie can help you strategize for that just you know almost definitely you know but definitely i think this is definitely a business you have to be prepared to work or have somebody willing to work i mean i think if you if somebody has money they want to start a transportation company they don't necessarily have to be the one driving right i mean no they can they can have their say their brother is going to do the driving but uh you know the sister is going to be the one running the business and stuff that's all right too right oh yeah that's that's that happened that's happened most of the time you have a whole lot of people who don't got no interest in transportation but they see that it's uh it's great money in it so they just want to get their hands on the money so uh they they pay the money to get everything started and hire drivers to do the rest so uh it's definitely something to get into even if you you're not interested in it uh you can definitely make money yeah well i think i have quite a few people that's emailed me that i know that they're not they don't want to be doing the driving part but they've already formed their llc and had the business account and stuff you know but uh you know they know people that will be willing to do the driving for them and stuff you know so um just keep that open minded yeah you guys that even if you're not wanting to do the driving yourself as long as you as the owner of the company is going to have be disciplined strategically plan what you're going to do on the loads and for to be profitable and i don't know how much on payment goes on that as far as what you're gonna pay your drivers if you're gonna be the one floating everything eddie can go down that rabbit hole with you directly and discuss that one-on-one with you guys but i think that's uh you know there there's many ways that you can make money within the transportation business and um more ways than i know but eddie can fill uh you guys in on that if you uh gonna go down you know that rabbit hole or whatever and want to do that but um i think we pretty much covered what i wanted to cover um i think today i mean it's because i mean if we we could talk for say hours on different ways you can know the different load boards and stuff and which way you're going to go but we also don't know what the viewers that are what they're going to be watching this right now or whatever we don't know what their financial situation is their driving record and what stage of you know if they've started yet or in the beginning stages and if they're going to do in-state out-state or you know all those different factors that's why i don't want to make this video three hours long for you guys to get boring when you can go directly to the source because i don't want to waste your time you can talk to him directly tell him your situation you know and then you guys kind of take it from there um you know i know i'm not gonna get into prices he can tell you about that uh on his own i don't earn any money from eddie at all he's not gonna be paying me any type of referral fee at all like i said he doesn't charge just for a consultation but he may charge a small fee if it's going to be something where he's going to mentor you for a couple weeks or a month or a couple months whatever the case may be or whatever because you know he has to be paid for his time as well just like you know we're not no one's here to work for free we want to give out the knowledge for free but um you know if it's going to take any uh period of time for extended period of time for you know him to talk to you he has to be compensated of course but he will give you a lower rate i think than the average person that contacts him if you just tell him you watched the uh our video our interview video but um you know i mean just like you guys know i don't even do consultations right now directly anymore because i have like a waiting list over 160 people 170 people right now and it's just uh and i don't have time to do it right now so i can only take on a couple people a month uh you know my busy life and everything but yeah is there anything else that you wanted to say addy besides i mean you guys check everything i'll have all of his information in the link in the description below but make sure you guys smash the thumbs up if you haven't if you're a new viewer and you're not already a subscriber because this video might go out to a lot of non-subscribers you get you know 20 30 000 views who knows um right away but if you're not a subscriber please hit that subscribe button and turn all the bell notifications on because my channel has a lot of information about um completely fully transparent with a lot of ceos and um top executives at a lot of the fuel card companies and bank equipment leasing things like that there's no other channel on youtube like mine as far as teaching business credit no matter what type of business you're in uh to get the direct advice as far as transportation business of course you head over to um eddie garnett's channel i'll have like i said the link in the description below along with this contact information but is there anything else you want to say eddie i'm sure we'll probably uh do another video maybe in a couple weeks or something on my channel one if we have some follow-up questions so if you guys have any follow-up questions put it in the comment section below and maybe we'll do a quick uh q a live video in the coming weeks with eddie um and maybe i'll be going over to his channel as well so please show eddie support no matter what and go over to this channel hit that subscribe button if you're one of my current subscribers i appreciate it eddie i'll let you see the final whatever anything else that you wanted to say okay great first thing i just want to say thank you for allowing me to uh be able to come over to your page and uh uh you know give some tips out it's definitely an honor it's definitely a pleasure uh it meant a whole lot to me uh so i really do appreciate that and like like like josh said make sure you hit that like button make sure you subscribe because this is a great guy who can give you some great advice uh and uh i always like in my videos and motivation no matter what you want to do no matter what you want to be no matter what nobody say you can be what you want to be just don't give up on yourself if you got a vision go after it and believe in yourself because it's going to be a lot of times when nobody else don't believe in you so believe in you and make your vision come to life and that's it exactly exactly those are powerful words and you know uh you know that's uh what i try to sometimes forget to say on a lot of my videos at the closing that's what i try to say you know some motivation and positive words and stuff but sometimes forget to say that because we get going too long talking and stuff you know so many comments and stuff on my live streams but yeah you know like i said i don't bring people on my channel that i don't believe in and think is it 100 being transparent um you know and the proof isn't kind of in the pudding check out his channel even if you just organically search on youtube unit how to start a box shipping business i mean he's going to come up number one or number two you're going to see that video you know he wouldn't have over 114 000 views just on one video uh that's six months old and he wouldn't have uh you know about the same amount of subscribers i have we started both of our channels about the same time six months ago you know so um you know proof is in the pudding you guys head over to his channel definitely shum support even if you're not ready to start a transportation business but it's something you're thinking about just subscribe to his channel because uh he does a lot of videos quite often sometimes a lot of quick live live streams or whatever that are just a few couple minutes long but you get just kind of throwing out some transportation nuggets and stuff you know so definitely check them out and with that being said it was nice having you eddie on and i look forward to doing some other collaborations with you in the future so uh you guys check out the information about his channel and contact information below until next time you guys take care have a great day be blessed as always until next time take care be safe bye

2021-08-15 15:30

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