How to Simplify Business Processes with G Suite (Cloud Next '18)

How to Simplify Business Processes with G Suite (Cloud Next '18)

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Hello. Good. Morning everybody, welcome. My. Name is Alan, thank you all for being here today I'm, joined by my colleagues, Anita, and gaiba, we. Are, representing. Different products, within G suite but we're all super excited to be here today to talk to you about, process. So. It's. Already Thursday of next and hopefully, at this point there. Have been a few major takeaways, that you've had from this conference the. First major takeaway, is that this is all an elaborate excuse to throw a chainsmokers, concert. The. Second. Major takeaway hopefully, out of many is that G, suite can transform, the way your company works. So. You've probably heard this a few times now and it sounds great but, I think a reasonable question, to follow up with is how, how, does it actually transform, the way your company works you. Know yes G so you can create a culture, of collaboration yes. G suite has wonderful, technological. Capabilities, that, your users need and, yes. G so we can help your users innovate, and move faster, but. What is what does all of this mean practically. On a day-to-day, level for. Your employees, how does G so we had actually, enter, into their lives and make. Their work lives better. We. Think that the answer lies with, process. And when. We say process we don't just mean bureaucracy. We, actually mean all the different tasks, and interactions, that your users are doing on a day-to-day basis, to, actually do their work and to create value for you, and your company. The. Way we think about it there are a few different levels of process that we can talk about. First. Off there's. A large, number of fairly, simple, day-to-day, you, know everyday processes, that your employees probably aren't even thinking too much about so, this could include things like pulling, data into, a spreadsheet or using. A standardised company, document, or. You. Know perhaps creating, a slide deck presentation. To update, stakeholders, about a certain project. Over. Time some. Of these processes become, a little bit more formalized. Because, they either happen, very frequently or. They're very important so. This could include things like filling, out HR, information, it. Could be filing, feedback, into a CRM or it, might be something like ordering. Supplies. And. Finally, there. Is probably. A small number. Of very. Complex. But. Very vital, and perhaps even proprietary. Processes, that your company might have so. This could include things like a proprietary, supply, chain management solution, I could. Be scheduling, deliveries, for your fleet or. It could be some kind of a customized, internal.

Approvals, Process for. Content, that your company generates. So. We're here today to talk about all three, levels of process, here first. Off we're going to look at how Docs sheets and slides can. Help make, some of those simpler, everyday, processes, much more efficient then. We'll look at how some of the more formal processes, can, be helped out by forms, and then, we're going to look at how some of those really complex, customized, processes, can. Be built using app maker and our, hope for today is that after. This presentation after, next, you'll be able to go back to your companies with. Some of these tips, and ideas and. Show them to your users so that they can also benefit from G suite. So. We're, going to start off with that, body of simple, everyday, processes, and we're, going to look at how Docs sheets and slides really. Help with those and the. Main way that Docs sheets and slides can help is by, fostering a, culture of collaboration, and. In, order to illustrate this we, are going to walk through a common. Enterprise, users, workflow, and that's. Going to be the workflow of financial. Planning so. You, know everybody's aware that finance teams exist in companies of all sizes all. Industries, and generally. Those finance teams will. Have some kind of financial planning exercise, every, quarter or a year or so so. Today we, are going to tell the story of Becca who, is the CFO of a fictional, solar moral corporation as she. Embarks, on, company's, annual financial, planning exercise. So. As far as exercise Becca, is going to need to gather some numbers things, like production, volumes or material costs from her company's ten different plants that are scattered around the world and she's, also going to need to pull in data from external data sources that her company uses she's. Going to create some charts and perhaps well formatted tables out of that and then, use those in a final report or a final presentation, for. You know the stakeholders, in her company. So. Luckily for Becca she, knows that this isn't the first time her company is doing financial, planning so, she starts off with, the sheets template, gallery all. G-suit, organizations, actually have their own internal. Template, galleries and users. In those organizations can upload, templates, that they think their co-workers might find useful and as, administrators, you all have the ability to also control who can upload templates, into the gallery so.

Over Time we've, heard of tons of great examples from real customers about, how they use templates, at work so. This could include things like slides templates, to, enforce company branding it could be doc templates, for, standardized, documents, like purchase orders or legal contracts, we've. Heard of sheets templates for budgeting, use cases and we've, heard of forms templates, for supply chain management, just. As some examples here, so, luckily, for Becca her, company has actually, a very rich financial, planning template, that she chooses to use to, jump start this entire exercise. But. Why, does Becca choose to do this all in sheets, it's. Actually because sheets has a number of key features that make it perfect. For this kind of exercise as, a. Reminder Becca needs to get numbers, from her company's ten different plants from from the managers, of those plants so. When. Becca and her different. Plant managers are all working together there. Are always looking, at the same canonical. Version, of the file they're always looking at the same file. Moreover. Because sheets, as cloud native they, can share the file via a link they, don't need to attach, the file to emails they don't need to check the file in or out of a third-party storage. Solution, a, great. Thing about sheets, as well as Docs and slides is that there's also a virgin history, so, that later on Becca can look back in time to see how, the document, has evolved, and who made certain changes and, again. Because sheets is cloud native there are a number of, features. To help protect this data especially with such a delicate. Or sensitive exercise, that she's doing for. Example in this particular case Becca. Is okay if individual. Plant managers can, see the data that other plant managers are providing but, she wants to make sure that no, manager, is accidentally. Editing information, in the wrong tab so. She can actually add protection to, each of the tabs so, that only that plants, manager can edit that tab. Moreover. Becca. Can also prevent, collaborators. From adding additional people to defile so she can control the, reach of this document and she, can also prevent. Others from downloading. Or copying, the information in the file. So. Once she has shared, this, document out with her collaborators. They, all begin coming in began, to come in and supply the data that, she's requested, and what's. Great about sheets is that they can all be working on the file at the same time without, any, latency, and moreover. Any changes, that they're making will show up in real, time and this is a crucial fact for, efficient. Seamless, collaboration, with. Some competitor, products, changes, can show can take up to 30 seconds, to show up which doesn't make for very smooth real time collaboration. With. Docs sheets and slides collaborators. Can also leave comments or action. Items for example to flag questions, or follow-up step, eka and so, with all these features the. File essentially becomes a living, breathing conversation. As everybody. Works together on the task at hand. So. Great Becca has now gotten the numbers she needs from the different plants, but. Now she needs to pull in some more data from other data sources that her company uses so maybe a CRM, or an ERP, for example this. Year our next we are super excited to announce a couple new, superpowers that sheets users have to, access, their data wherever it may live, so. First off we're, excited to announce a new feature, to export. Data directly, from s AP into, sheets, if. You're curious to learn more about this feature please, visit the URL you see here, slash. Sa p /, sa p and g suite with dashes in between. We've. Heard from many customers that SI p sometimes. Contains, all of their operational data it, really is the lifeblood of the company and it runs the company so to speak so. With this new feature a user, can look, at some data in SA P and with, just the click of a button export. That data directly, into sheets where, they have access to all the features that they're already familiar with so, features, for analysis, features, for asking. Questions about their data in natural, language via Explorer and of, course real-time, collaboration, as well.

Next. We are also very excited to announce a new integration, between sheets, and bigquery. And if you're curious about this feature please visit G suite, slash, DQ, - sheets. So. Bigquery is. Google. Cloud platforms. Enterprise, data warehouse solution. Which, means that it basically allows users, to run superfast, sequel, queries using. Google's infrastructure, on your, data in, the. Past what. Would happen we've heard from customers is that. This kind of data, this kind of data analysis, would only be possible by, a dedicated. Data. Analyst, team and any. Partner. Business teams I wanted to make data-driven decisions would, have to go through that central, data team in order to get their help and this. Worked ok but, effectively. It meant that the specialist. Data analyst team could. Become a bit of a bottleneck, but. Now with this new integration, those, partner business teams can get some of these data-driven, answers, themselves using. A tool that they're already familiar with namely, sheets so. This feature is available in beta today and we encourage you to consider, it if your company is also using bigquery. And last, but not least we are super, excited to announce a new Google. Sheets add-on the, data connector, for Salesforce. This. Sheet on is made by Google cloud and it allows users to pull, in reports, or custom, data queries from Salesforce, directly, into sheets and once. In sheets of course users have all the typical features that they're used to so pivot, tables charts Explorer, and real-time collaboration. Moreover. With this particular integration users, can actually make changes to the data in sheets and then, use the add-on to push those changes back into Salesforce. This. Add-on is part, of the strategic partnership between Google, cloud and Salesforce, and is. An illustration of, how we're bringing you powerful intelligence, about your customer data in familiar. Tools, like, G suite and Google sheets. This. Feature is actually available as a public, beta starting. This week and you, can find it by visiting the Google sheets add-on store and searching, for the name data connector, for Salesforce. So. These are three new integrations, that we are introducing, this year at next and you. Can see that they all involve, users, being able to more seamlessly, access their data wherever it may live so. If anybody in your company is using sa, P bigquery. Or Salesforce. We, encourage, you to go, back to those users and ask them to try out these new integrations, to, experience the benefits there. But. Now back, to Becca Becca. Now has all, the raw data from. Her plant managers and from the external data sources that she needs, but. It's still kind of raw data right now she needs to kind of clean it up a little bit and standardize, it before it can be fully useful, to her. Luckily. For her she has. A future called the macro recorder which, reduces, repetitive, work by allowing a user to record a, certain pattern of actions that. Later on sheets can repeat with, just the click of a button in. This case Becca has been working with raw data from plant, managers and from other data sources in. The past all the time so, she actually has a set of macros that with just the click of a button will. Clean up everything and standardize, it for her, what's. Great is that sheets is the only online spreadsheet, tool with, macros, and in. Fact with sheets you also get all the other benefits, of a cloud native tool as well so.

For Example other users, don't have to download a file in order, to access the same macros, so. At. This point becca has all the data she needs it's all cleaned up and standardized, and looking good so, she can go directly, to the summary tab of her, template, where, all the charts have been updating, in real time as the data has been coming in but. What happens next is even more powerful. In. The past if Becca wanted to use some of these charts in a final report or, presentation she. Would probably copy. The chart from, the spreadsheet, file and then, go to the, document, or the presentation and paste, that chart in as an, image and this. Worked okay but, if any of the underlying data changed. Then, it, created a bit of a headache for Becca because, at that point the, chart would be updated of course and so, she would have to go back to all the documents, and presentations. Where she used that image of the chart find. The, charts in those files and manually. You know copy and paste the updated, version of the chart into, the file so this. Was kind, of error-prone, and it just caused a lot of headache and worry for Becca, but. Now G, suite is helping, to make this way more seamless and efficient, now. With, Docs sheets and slides Becca. Can taken, a chart, from a sheets file copy. It and paste it directly into a Docs or a slides file and when, she does that she, has the option to, retain a link, from. That file, back, to the original sheets, file, what. This means is that if any of the underlying data changes, Becca, will automatically, see a little Update button show up in the Doc's or the slides file and by. Just clicking on that button doc. Sheets and slides will pull in the latest version of that chart so, this is much less error-prone and saves Becca a lot of time and worry and this, is another example, of the benefits of using a cloud native product, sweet. So. At this point Becca has a final, document or final presentation, ready but. Before it's you know fully finalized, she needs to get approvals. From a couple of colleagues, in. The past again this, process was ok, but not great Rebecca she would, probably have to save the document as a PDF she. Would then have to check that PDF into some kind of third-party solution, perhaps and. Then she would use that third-party tool to request approvals, from her colleagues and. This was ok but, again there, would be a lot of headache. And time, spent fixing. Things if any, changes, were needed right if any, changes were needed if any feedback, came in Becca, would probably have to first, update the spreadsheet and save a new version of that then.

Update, The document, and save a new version of that then, save, the new version of the PDF then check it in again and then re-request approvals, so again, lots, of steps there and a bit of a headache, that's. Why we are super excited to announce that next an upcoming. Lightweight. Workflows, feature from, dr, using. This feature becca can request. Approvals, from her colleagues, directly. From drive, and when, she does that drive. Will automatically. Lock the file it will, automatically, share the file with the approvers, and it'll, automatically, send a notification to. Those approvers, about, the request. Later. On after, the file has been approved let's say it's a few months later people. Looking at the file can see that, the file is still locked and in fact the current version, was in fact the version that was approved. So. This document centric, workflows, feature will. Really streamline, a lot of approval flows that a lot of companies have and it'll, be available in an early adopters, program soon. So. Now at this point becca, is very, happy she has completed this round of her financial planning exercise, but. She's a fictional character so, what, does all this mean in practice, you, know we have been telling the story of a. Typical. Finance. Users workflow, and we. Want to point out of course that finance. Teams exist, in companies, of all sizes. Industries, but. This story wasn't, a hypothetical. One we've. Heard from customers, of all sizes and of all industries, that, in fact they are using, Docs sheets and slides for their work for. Example Gordon. Food services is a leading, food, service supplier and distributor, they're one of the biggest players in their industry and they've, told us that Docs sheets and slides are, quote, the new normal for their company and their. Entire, team including their finance users are using, Docs sheets and slides to, do their work so. I'll just highlight here again that this means that real companies, even, some of the largest companies in their industries are using. Docs sheets and slides to do their work and real. Finance, teams are using. Sheets to do their work so.

This. Has all been a, section. About how Docs, sheets and slides will, really help make some of those simple, everyday, processes, in your company much, more efficient and, it does this by fostering, a culture, of collaboration of, course as well, as providing, some of the enterprise-grade features, that your users need, to do their work so. We encourage you to take some of the tips and tricks from, this session back to your users and ask, them to try it out so that they can experience some of the benefits themselves, and. So. Now to talk, about forms, I'm happy to welcome up to the stage my colleague Anita. Thanks. Alan as I. Mentioned my name is anita Flanagan, and I am the Google Forms program manager can, I get a quick show of hands who in the room is already using Google Forms, for your organization. Ok, so there's lots of folks here and who are and who aren't so hopefully the folks that are using it you're gonna get some examples that you can bring back to your organization to. Build even stronger, forms and stronger, processes, using Google Forms and for, those that aren't hopefully. I'll leave you guys with some examples, and how you might be able to move your everyday day-to-day. Processes, into. Google Forms. So. As we see companies start, to migrate onto G, suite we, see lots of different departments lots, of different verticals, start, to move their processes, and simplify. Their processes, bring them online make, them more efficient, and more effective using. Google Forms, anything. From a finance, team who wants to bring. A purchasing, approvals, decision, into, a Google Form to a customer, satisfaction, team who wants to get more insights from their clients to. Engineering. Teams who might want to run an early access program with clients, if, any of you have ever participated, in an early access program with Google you no doubt have already filled out a Google Form as part of that process, so. Today, for. This presentation, I'm going to talk you through some examples, in the HR, vertical, I worked, in the Google's hey to our team people operations, for a long time and we use Google Forms all the time to, simplify our HR processes. In. The, people operations, team we. Had a mantra, find, them grow, them keep them it's, pretty standard HR, policy, you, want to find great people hire them you, want to ensure that you're growing them and developing, them giving them lots of training and development and keep, them happy and keep them in your organization. For as long as you can. So. Let's kind of move to the the finding talent we, see organizations use.

Google Forms all the time to, build out simple, recruiting, applications. There's. A feature in here that I particularly, want to highlight it's the file upload feature you. Can. Allow your users to, submit files into a Google form so, you can specify the file format, if needed that could be a docx or an image and in. An example like this such as a recruiting form that. Form could have Seavey's. Resumes. Cover. Letters be, part of that application process I, also. Wanted to highlight and you update that we've recently, launched on the Google Forms team we, heard from our enterprise users that, they wanted Google Forms to look and feel more like the branding, for their organization. So, just a few weeks ago we, launched the ability to customize. The theme and, the look and feel of the Google Form so, if you haven't checked out Google Forms recently I'd encourage you to go to Google Forms and check out the new customized. Themes. That are available there. So. You find some great talent now, you want to onboard those folks there's, lots of ways that hecho, our teams can use Google, Forms to make sure that the onboarding, process is, going to run really simply really smoothly efficiently and effectively before, that employee even, starts on the team things. Like making sure you have the information you need to have, their desk set up correctly to know, what their technical, requirements. Are going to be before they start to, know what their training and their learning and development needs are going to be before they start we, see companies, use Google Forms all the time to, run these simple, day-to-day processes, in. Their organization. And. I want to give you a quick demo, of something. That's very important, to the Google Forms team. And. That. Is. Machine. Learning and how we use machine learning on the Google Forms team we're, always trying to save our users time when, they're creating, the questions, on Google, Forms so, if we switch over to the, demo. Machine here, I'm. Gonna create a new question and you can see the default question type on Google Forms, is multiple, choice so. If I type a question like what, date. Will, you, join. Us. For, the. New hire. Training. You. Can see that the question type automatically. Switched to date we're always trying to predict, what type of question, is that user going to ask let. Me show you another example at, Google we love our swag. We're. Always trying to predict what are the options, that might be available on a question, type as well so. Let's try choose, your. T-shirt. Size. And. You. Can see there straight away we're, trying to predict what are the options, that much that, might that user might need and you can very quickly add all of those options in we. Have lots of odd predictions, and auto suggestions, in our in, our. Database. And we, have. Them available for over 14 languages, including, Arabic Chinese. French, Spanish, and. We're always trying to grow what we offer in machine learning to save our users time, so.

If We go back to the presentation. We. Find some great people we've brought them on board and, now we just want to make sure that they have the knowledge they need to, hit the ground running in, Google. Forms you have the ability to turn, a form, into, a quiz and, I'm. Gonna switch. Back over to my demo machine again here, and demonstrate, how you can turn a Google Form into a quiz. So. If I go up to the settings up here you, can see across the top there's. A little panel here and I can just toggle on and off to make this a quiz once. It's a quiz I. Can. Then go in and, provide. Different answer keys and just to find what's right what's wrong and I also can give feedback on correct. Answers or incorrect answers encouraging. People to go back and revise, or study some of the onboarding, material, they might have been provided. Something. We're very excited about, offering this, back to school for our education. Users is the ability to turn, a quiz into. Lock mode on a managed Chromebook this, means that when students. Takes that quiz if they're, on a managed Chromebook, that, browser will, go into a lot mode and the student won't be able to do anything else until they've, submitted the answers to that quiz we're. Launching initial - our edu, users, but, over time we expect to launch that to all of our G suite users and you can imagine if a learning and development, team or an enterprise had, a loaner, grab-and-go, policy, for for, Chromebooks they. They could organize that, new employees, could pick up a grab-and-go take. An assessment, as, part of their onboarding, process, and then, you, know ensure, that they have all of their knowledge needed before they before, they hit the ground running so let, me just I've want, to turn this on to luck mode and let me just demonstrate quickly, what that looks like. So. This quiz is now in locked mode if I go to preview, that you'll notice up across the top I have lots of tabs open that, would possibly. Distract, me or her provide answers to me if I was if, I was trying to complete this quiz if, I go to the preview mode as students. Or a user will get this this, pop-up to say that the, lot mode is on and once I start that quiz everything. Else will then turn off and the browser. Will, go into lock mode so, when I start that quiz you'll see everything else has gone up across the top and the, only thing I can do now is submit, this question, or submit these answers. And. Once I submit it everything else comes back and the person can then go and view the score and see how, they did in that quiz. So. Moving back to the presentation. Again I. Find. Some great people I've. Grown. Them I've given them all the training that they need now, I want to make sure that I keep them I want to make sure that I'm keeping. Them happy there's, lots of ways that you can use Google Forms to run various, processes, in your organization. To check in with your your employees, are they happy you can run annual surveys using Google Forms we, also see lots of organizations. Use the, kiosk mode. Capability. On Chromebooks. With Google Forms anything. From checking in how the food services, in a cafe, to, manufacturing. Floors and allowing users very quickly, submit. And health, and safety incidences. That might happen on a manufacturing. Floor they, the, options are endless when, you start thinking about these capabilities. We. Also know that a way to keep our employees happy. Is just making sure that all of our processes are, running efficiently. And effectively, and, smoothly, I'm, using. G suite and Google Forms, there are lots of add-ons and options to use app scripts to really make sure that those simple processes, that you need to run will work efficiently, and effectively for you I've listed, a couple of the add-on examples, that are available and, through the add-on options and Google Forms but, there's no one-size-fits-all there's, lots of options and capabilities available, to. Make sure that your unique processors can run for your teams. So. That's how Google, Forms might be used in the HR, departments. On your organization's. But as I said at this start there are so many different, departments and organizations that we see start, to leverage Google Forms to transform, their, everyday.

Processes, And, one. Thing I did want to leave you with is a sneak peek on something else that our engineering team is working on and that's the ability to embed a Google, Form into. A Google site or into any site more cleanly and simply again. This was a top feature request from our enterprise users they, wanted a Google Form to, embed much clean more cleanly into their sites without, all the background, and on, that Google Form so that's something we're working on and we're really excited to launch over the coming weeks so. Before, I finish up I just want to remind folks we, really do value Enterprise. Feedback, we, really do read and listen to all of the feedback reports that we get in so please do continue to submit your feedback through this and feedback option in Google Forms it's something that we really do prioritize and, we really do look at and listen to and we want you to know that you have a voice in terms of how we prioritize, our, features, on Google Forms. So. Next up we have gave our who's from the app maker team it'll start to talk to you about how to really build out much more complex processes, that you might need in your organization. Hi. Everyone I'm Gavin I'm the product manager for AppMakr. We've. Just seen how shetan. Forms each automate, work processes, that were previously, hard. To streamline, efficiently. But. As many of you know, often. Work involves, multistage. Processes, and. Several. User roles throughout, the workflow so that you have for example an. Applicant, and a reviewer or an approver. Some. Workflows, typically, require a, few, data sources so. They're not just, leaning, on a single. Spreadsheet, for. Their, flow. And there. Are sometimes capabilities. That are distributed. Across two or three of our G suite products. Customized. UI's and flows make. Our work faster, and less error-prone, and to. Create those we build web apps with AppMakr. One. Example to illustrate, this. Is an app built Y by one of our customers, Electronic. Arts to. Streamline a critical, business process, they, had struggled. Optimizing. Previously. Before. Using app maker. Several. Sheets were used. To. Track various human resources types required, to create many of their games. These. Human resources include, game developers, or studio, managers, and. By. Checking project. Calendars, in parallel, different. Humans were, juggling, to allocate the required resource, to. The scheduled, project, it was. Tedious and quite difficult for, EA to optimize, resource, allocation, to. Get the right person on the right project, at the right time. After. Building the app with, AppMakr, the. Matching, between, a project need and available, human resources was, done by an algorithm. Automatically. And, it. Reduced, the, allocation, errors and achieved higher, efficiency. With. Resources. That they had. The future ei are, thinking, that it iterating, based on the learnings, of how, they've optimized, the, allocations, so far would. Make the, application even, better by optimizing. The algorithm. Yes. Director of IT describes, the value, created. By using app maker in their, company. Another. Example, comes from ATB. This. Is a financial, institution customer. From Alberta, Canada, it. ATB, there is a large number of processes that involved, a customer, facing employee. Team, member, sending. Information requests. To the operation, teams in. Their back office for, additional, information and processing. Leftover. From a TBS Microsoft, days many of these requests, involved, filling a word document or a form. An. Excel sheet that gets, emailed to, a shared inbox, for further processing. This. Was time-consuming and. Made. It difficult for both the requester, of the service, and the provider in, the back office to track. Their work. Some. Of these request, types. Have. Now moved on to Google form solutions, and. The. Ones that could, benefit from. Status. Updates, or. Assignments. And/or. Flows. That need validation or calculation, as part of them. Those. For. Those ATB turn to at maker and build apps around them like. The one we see here. For. A foreign, exchange, purchase. Or sell request this, app gives every bank teller an easy way to request. It on behalf of any. Customer, and, provide. Ways to track all the, requests they're. Approved, if they're. You. Know in progress and when they're due to arrive at the branch.

Additionally. This app reads the exchange, rate from the ATB website. And. Populates. The suggestion, box with, for, the currency with the accurate exchange, rate for, the same day. ATB. Is using several other app maker apps for their loan management. Processes. For. Example a, banker. Loan, limit check up is something that they do through an app every banker, has a cap, to how much money they can lend to customers, there. Is a centralized, way to review. Questionnaires. That are given out to loan applicants. And match. The right product, for the customer. While. Another app does, the appointment, scheduling, based. On. The. Questionnaire, result with the right representative. At the closest, branch. As. You. Can see our apps. The. Apps that our customers, are building are branded, with their logos and their styles. So. They look. As an integral part of, you. Know their business their, corporate business, a. Fun. Fact app, maker was developed. As an internal, Google, product, and, today. We have hundreds, of applications, internally. That run, every day at Google and most, Googlers, are not even aware that they're using app make our applications, because, the applications, all look and feel like any. Other Google internal application. So. This the, same kind of feeling, can. Happen for every company. The. Work reimagined, project leader at ATB also. Endorses, app maker in, this statement. Let's. Now take a quick look at how an app maker app is difficulty built. And. I. Will show you how. We. Start building an app, from. For example a simple sheet that we have so. This sheet is. What. We, have. Supposedly, used for tracking projects. And, when. We open app maker. We. Can choose to create a new app I've. Already named. This app to-do list, the. First step that we usually do is select. Which data source we want to use in the app so this, app is going to work with our project list so. I'm going to add. To. Create the data model it is, based on the default database, that we provide with the product, which is Google Cloud sequel. I'll. Name my. Table. And then. I can import, the. Google sheet is. A Google spreadsheet I. Can. See which ones are available and, for the. One if you want to use, we. Can see the fields, if. All of this looks alright we can create the actual table inside our app. We. Can easily add more fields, if we want to extend. What the app will be doing beyond, the. Source. Sheet and we. Can also add, attributes. So for example, to the priority, I can, select. What are the possible, values. Say. We'd like to work with a for. For. Priority, letter, so. I add that and for. The next stage, of building the app I'm going to design my web pages so. Here. We have a, palette, of widgets. I'm. Going to show a simple, data entry one which. Is a form and I'm. Prompted, for. Which data source to use for this form I'm using our single. Table for this app, and. After. That like, or below. For. Simplicity, I'll add a table, where we'll see all the projects. This. Is also bound, to the same data source. And I can choose which fields will be displayed, in this table. We. Can also control, the layout here so if we want spacing, between the data entry in the table we can add a. Number. Of pixels you can see the table is now spaced from the forum.

Once. We are done, with. Designing. Our app, and. You see that the fields here are also bound to the data in the table, that we created from the sheet we. Can generate, the application first, preview it if it looks the, way we want it to and then publish, it and I. Will just move, over to the. Publish. Tab that I've just. That. I've just shown you how to create and we can see that this is a data. Entry form and here. Are the list of projects that are already running and we. Can of course add, a. New. Project here and see how the app is. Working. This. Is top priority today. And. I've. Submitted this project, and you can immediately see it here in the, list of - dues. So. If this app had other roles here there could have been some supervisor, or someone else who would look, at the list and see how the projects, are progressing, maybe send even, automatically, emails to remind, people that they need to complete their projects, let's say by the end of the week and, many. Other functionalities. So. This is the product working. As it, as, it does for any, of your domains it's available for, G suite business, and enterprise customers, and also for G suite for edu. Back. To my slides. Before, I finish I wanted. To highlight, one. Area, that the app maker team is working to improve right now. We. Know that many application, developers, and companies would like to build apps that run on any. Device in the same way that they build applications, for, Desktop, web, applications, so. While we are working on, introducing. Full responsive. App design, and mobile specific, widgets to the palate we. Will provide responsive, samples, so that you can import those easily, into apps at your building and also. Support, viewport, editing, and canvas. Breakpoints, in the interim so. That when you design web pages that are intended to work on mobile devices you'll be able to easily. Design. The page to fit those formats. To. Start building at make our applications, in your company, please check out the Google's developer site, and. In, at the app maker section. And. Finally. I'd like, to kind of go. Through everything, that we saw today we. Covered the, gamut of processes. Started. Out with Alain presenting, the simplest processes, that your employees might be doing, every day and showed, our Docs sheets and slides, have.

Features, That really streamline, work processes. We. Also showed how. Forms. Can help formalize, some of. The stronger processes, that happen a lot in companies. For. Example in HR departments, and finally, I just. Showed how app maker can be used to. Build some powerful custom. Processes in your companies. We. Encourage all of you to take. Some of these ideas back to your companies, and encourage, your users and, employees, to use all, these. Different products, to make, your work processes, more streamlined. Faster. And. Working. With less errors.

2018-07-30 15:08

Show Video


Why do all of these videos have such low volume? Phone at max volume and can barely hear, it's that way for most of the Google NEXT 2018 video sessions

Google Forms the secret killer app of G Suite.

Alex Bass completely agree!

Strange: I can edit the font style in Forms when using my personal Google Account, but not in my business G Suite account (old interface).

Do you have a seminar we can attend to? The volume here is too low.. I already have a single uaer license and expanding my business. Need to understand what's the best I can do with G Suite

Why is the volume so low?

Play it on your cars system. Then it fine

It sounds fine for my headphones. But I would suggest that it's possibly the preamp doesn't have enough voltage.

Sound is extremely low, intro music blasting loud but voice is like 10% compare to intro music:(

Google Forms is the most diverse tool in G Suite. I use them for new client intakes, field to office reporting on mobile, training, onboarding and more!

I swear from start it was loud then all of a sudden it got quite. Had to bump up the volume and barely can hear.

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