How to Secure 20-30 Appointments a Week Using Systems and Virtual Assistants with Ravi Abuvala

How to Secure 20-30 Appointments a Week Using Systems and Virtual Assistants with Ravi Abuvala

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Everybody. Welcome back to another, episode of the bread ideas, podcast. As always, I am your host Trent, dear Smith and, I'm here to help you discover what. Is working in the world of e-commerce and, online business. In general by. Shining a light on the tools the tactics, and the strategies, in use by today's, most. Successful. Entrepreneurs. I'm. Going to do exactly that in this episode with, my guest Ravi. Who, is becoming a quick. Good, buddy of mine but but first we've got a sponsor, message today so today's episode is brought to you by cloud, Waze is your, website slow. Has. Your online business, outgrown. Your current hosting provider if, it, say yes to, either of these questions it's time to move over to cloud ways a managed. Cloud, hosting, provider that is built, for online businesses, from. A hassle free launch to, smooth server, operations, cloud, ways is your partner in scaling your ecommerce business, to. Greater success, go. To cloud ways calm, and use the promo code bright. Ideas to sign up and that's all one word bright, ideas, no spaces, to sign up for a new cloud ways account and you'll get a free $25. Hosting, credit. All. Right Ravi we've paid the bills now time, to introduce you welcome to the show buddy, thank. You for having me here so. Ravi and I were. Were, became, acquainted, pretty recently and I flew down to San Diego to see who this guy was and do a day of masterminding, because we both figured out that we were ultra systems, nerds we like to SOP the hell out of everything, delegate. Everything and, try. And make it so that we can be successful while, kicking back and not having to be a slave to our businesses. And. Over the last week or so I've got a chance to spend quite a bit of time with him I was down that his master mind in San Diego and it, was a pretty fantastic event. So, Ravi that's really, a pleasure to have you on the show let's start it off in your own words, who. Are you and what do you do thank. You for having me it's right yeah it's kind of crazy how life works like that right. You night all time and now we either try to stay focused on the task at hand because we start masterminding, time but yeah. Thank you for having me on here everyone that's listening thank you guys for your time I promise. You right now this, will be one of the most valuable podcasts you listen to and that's. A money-back guarantee, just. Kidding I'm not money, but still. Hope. I ask you good questions right. What's. Going on everyone my name is Ravi boobala, law. School dropout now I run multiple seven-figure. Companies one of my companies is on a run right to, do eight figures next year pretty exciting, on that I. My. Two main companies I run an online advertising, agency, we. Run paid traffic for real estate agents in North America we have about one hundred and eighty three different clients right now we. Bring them qualified buyers and seller leads so then I also run essentially, what's, becoming, and developing into like a biz dev or business, accelerator. Company. Where we work with entrepreneurs. That. Are trying to scale to the six-figure a month, aka seven-figure. Mark in their business and they're kind, of stuck and plateauing out so we use systems, processes. And actually, fully trained for virtual assistants that we train for our clients, and. The Philippines, in order to help them achieve that goal, all. Right so for my Amazon, sellers, in the audience who are using the wholesale model you want to pay attention to.

The Details of this interview, because, that. Is. Pretty much, like running a marketing agency we're pretty much in the b2b business, space our job is to reach out to brands, lots, of them send. Them a compelling message to get them to book a call with us so that we can talk about forming. A relationship and ultimately selling their goods so, take. Good notes because we're gonna dive into that under. The auspices, of how, a be a Ravi sorry made his agency, is success, so. When did you start your agency, you. Know actually, have the other day and I was trying to do the math so I created, my LLC. In February. Of 2018. But I didn't, get my first client, until March. And. Then, I didn't. Make, more, than $1,000. A month until. Argot. August of 2018, so, I usually tell people they're sort of my business in August because I, really. Was losing between refunds, and chargebacks, because I was doing it so wrong in the beginning I, was, really losing, money the, first six months of my business. And, so, but it wasn't until I kind of cracked the code on systems, and processes, and just consistently, generation, some of the so I'm sure will cover today and some of the stuff we're going to be working together with you Trent on I think. That once I figured out the importance of that and then how to have, somebody else do it every single day so that when I didn't want to show up to work it was still getting done that, was what we started hitting that you know for, the three, figure four four months five three months and now six figure months four wait. A minute did you mean to say you started to use the slight edge the, slight edge dad turns out over there right now, and. I was talking to my CEO Raj, last, night I was like you know I've, reached, out to dimples for multiple times but but. Yeah this slight edge the concept, that essentially small daily. Things it's. Actually the gentleman whose mentee, was the gentleman who wrote the compound effect which people don't realize that he came from Jeff, Olson but the, idea is you're like small daily. Things that are easy to do but also easy not to do over time rule compound, and it, was that was exact same thing for us until, the point just like Trent was saying a second ago about sponsors. It's like you. Build it and just slowly over time to keep on building and building it up and then eventually it's, like you're not doing outreach anymore people are not. Yeah. That's exactly what's, happening with sponsors. For the podcast and you, know when we were doing all that outreach they never worked yeah, exactly, well it it never, worked in your head it, never worked it was number of direct our ally but there's no way you can't like you, know maybe someone saw they didn't reach out to you and all of a sudden they're going through apples. Well I I know why it didn't work and it's the same reason that your botan tell, me when you say when I ask you this question what were you doing wrong then those first six months your agency I know why our podcast, outreach to work same. Reason you're probably your agency, wasn't being very successful and, that reason was, well. I wasn't. Doing enough outreach, to, go there. It. Was sporadic it, was like you know what I felt like it and it, and. Also. There's no data behind it so I was like honestly I try this messaging today this messaging tomorrow whatever it is like, it. Wasn't I could never tell which what was working what wasn't working just purely through data and just it's. A combination of data and then just show me enough people into a funnel that eventually, they're gonna come out the other side so where you can provide them value so yeah. For us you. Know I had no positioning, I had no authority right, so for me it's just like how many people Billie. Jean says, all the time he says like your. Amount. Of money you're making every, school month is directly, correlated, with how many offers you make on a daily basis. And. So when, I started learning of that and then combined it with a slight edge I was like we, need to be making this and so now we do, I mean in our advertising agency, not including, ad spend we do you know five to eight thousand, piece of outreach a day to, real cities, in North America, now in UK and Australia, well, we're trying to get them to work with us so it's like you, know I was doing maybe five to eight a week. Before, and. Then now, I'm doing five 8,000. Okay. So. There. Are gonna be some people who are listening to this conversation right, now and they did their had just exploded, because, they're thinking five, to eight thousand. Emails, a day. How. On earth so we're gonna spend the rest of the time in this conversation unpacking.

That Because, I want, to make sure that we make good on the whole promise of actionable, gold nuggets so, how the hell, do. You send five. To eight thousand, emails a day to. People who are reasonably. Qualified. To, be your customer, so. When. You talk about it's, not just emails raised five to eight thousand piece of outreach today so first. Of all when we talk about messaging. And outreach we usually break it down into four things and the first one is gonna be the. Lead source so, where are you finding these people that you're messaging. To if. We're talking that email you know you can you have two options which is like auto scrapers, which is you can just type in you know let's. Say the software called d7 lead finder and we were created so we could type in real estate agent and v7 lead finder and find. Tens, of thousands of real estate agents emails and I can just start sending to that but, usually that is I'm going hyper unqualified. People you know it's saying in the u.s. like 60 something percent of real estate needs to make less than $40,000 a year and our product is not cheap right because we offer a lot so instead. Of doing that we look for a quality, lead source so for, us we'd go to like Zillow calm, or, real calm, or in, his web sites where we can find real estate agents, that are paying those companies, and my, opinion our product and service is better than those companies if you work for them or if you're the CEO I'm sorry but I. Think that we. Find people that are already believing, in advertising, spend they believe in lead generation and, they're proving it with their money not by just saying I believe in a like lead generation or investing in my company I find. Them we scrape their information and then I get that email that's a lot more quality another option could be like you, know an hang on hang on you're doing that manually, with an army of EA's is that right yeah. Because it is 5. Mm. Emails or, how many emails, per, using, this method how. Many emails per. Day are. You getting per, VA, and, how many VA is to employ don't, know we have about 10, days that work with us full-time not, what we take like our sender our clients. I'd, honestly, don't know how many a day there's raping I have some that straight full time I have some that send full time I have some that respond full time and. Then also you. Know we also use fiber, for, like data, scraping, so sometimes if it's like a big project would, instead, of taking, up some of RBA's time I just, want to be as close to the money as possible so I'll find of VA on five our data scraping specialist and, I'll pay them 8 to 10 to 12 cents, of verified, email using, this lead generation source so even though I have access. To thousands, of EA's and they're all highly, trained and go through our training program sometimes, easier just to go which if you're listening to us right now and, you want to talk about a quick actions that's gonna be like oh I don't want to reach out whether you for VA yet or IRA. Sprint pretty sick pretty ever and just type in a lead generation and then sort my best selling and then you'll find something and then just a negotiator price a 10, 10 times out of 10 you can negotiate a price down to about 8 to 12 cents a verified email and then, if you find quality, emails, then. The next step is going to be really. You're sending, source or, like sending methods. Facebook. Instagram LinkedIn, like you can use a combination of software and manual sending for those cold. Quality and voice mail drops are also really really great as well. And then email, as obviously we're talking about here and there's a few different ways you can structure email one, of them is. You. Can do like a business, email sending, which is going to be like woodpecker. Reply, if I whatever, those is those, things, are so a company's name is prospect social the one that's a real estate advertising agency so I can do Rodya prospects social calm and create, an account with a software called woodpecker, which allows me to send 500, emails for. Rodia. Prospects kosher comm email domain then I can do rugby across most social org and do another 500, there and then you're really a classified social net and I'm really a prosperous without info and, then now I'm at 2,000, emails a day that I'm sending across all this and they're all that, and that method right there it's all pretty automated, you just have to have your VA load up the front end with the leads and then, look, at the positive responses on the back end and you can actually forward, all of the responses, to one email, that your VA monitors, and they take that positive response like I was telling trend earlier and gives, it to you or your sales guy and they pick up the phone and call them and, that's like there that we call that really the b2b method, and that's like the way that a lot of people do it and when, I say stuff like this I know immediately people like that seems like a lot of work I got to spend you know ten dollars per domain name whatever it is so look I get that but, depends, on what you're selling so Trent was gave me some of the numbers like the Amazon wholesalers, if you find like a whale.

Right, Orissa moderately, sized one it's. Gonna pay for itself like I make. A hundred grand a year off wanna cash so like in your and you're gonna sit here and talk to me back and forth about like you know I don't want to spend 10 dollars plus the software wherever which I'm just making an assumption here this is just we work with hundreds of entrepreneurs and I always get a little kickback on and I'm like you, make one client in a pays for itself a hundred times over again you're gonna make a lot of more from this so that's, the b2b method and the other method is like a personal sending method which is something we teach in our program would you really need bas for but, that's going to be old more along the lines with like creating. Personal emails like Raghu valo one at G Makarova. To achieve, really, more calm thirty. To fifty of those and then, sending, ten. To fifteen 3250, Oh children 50 emails and email address, for each one of those, why. Do you hold on let me interrupt you why do you if you're gonna go with the cheaper method the supposed cheaper method why, do you need all these accounts again remind me what's. What's method the, ravi. Ravi won at gmail rob2 at gmail row v 3g members you can only send like so like a business, domain email like rubbing across web social calm, that, is expected to be sending mass email not. It cuz i've never tried to send mass email from my at gmail, so there throttle. You. And you even have to warm up the personal one so you can't first, day sending 5,000, emails like the reason we send 5,000, emails because, I've had these emails for a year now yeah, started. 1 to 3 to 5 a day but it's a very laborious, and labor-intensive, tasks. So that's what virtual assistants you're paying like we place them for two or three cents an hour that, you find them around that amount that it's worth it for you so the cost of like the new emails is 10 cards and the VA for a day of lead, generation where you do let's say on the low end 500, emails could be like $20 for the day yeah, maybe even less than that so, if you're not working, on a on a shoestring, budget the, woodpecker approaches, to better way to go it's probably the better way to go just. Because the. The. Personal, Gmail one is so, good it's so effective I mean we build multiple set of your companies using that the issue is it's, really tricky, your. Account you're gonna get banned they're gonna have blocks through the create new ones and you have that movie end that understands, the full process and if you don't attend the full process it's hard to tell if someone else either understand, the full process work almost, everyone can just go to woodpecker or reply Fi and just use something like that and figure it out but the idea is just start and just, I guarantee, you if you use revivified with one account which is 250, emails a day that's. Probably 249. More than you're doing a day right now so yeah. So. What about with the business approach to do with ascend score and send a reputation and deliverability. And so forth I mean if you or forget you had your domain name for maybe a year or two years or three years or maybe even longer and suddenly now you're gonna send these mass amount. Of emails should, you get a separate, domain that. Is very very very similar like if you're it if it's ABC, company comm should you go and get ABC company org. Start sending the emails from the org because, you want to protect the sender reputation, of the director that's an awesome, awesome point and yes the answer is yes so I started this I didn't, have like a course, or program or anything to buy into this is all me figuring it out and unfortunately I did rub like rub yet prospects rock on so, even to this day like, I beat my stuff so girls people spam like onboarding information, for a real estate clients all that stuff still goes in the spam because I just abused, the hell I mean I made a lot of money from it but I have used the hell out of my domain so we do, not use our main one we just used prosper, stuff or net.

Info. And then if, you typed in positive social about in for whatever is it would actually redirect, you to our main website or our land or for prostitution ah. Yeah. That's, a great point for anyone listening right now you really don't want to trash or tarnish yours but, I will tell you this I had a very long conversation with G, suite, which. Is Google's like email platform. And they. Told me that like, because. I framed it in the sense of I had a rogue employee that. Was like. He. Was sending all these emails out and I was like if I created, a different it, was under James bucks with her does that hurt my domain, name or is it just Jane to tell it that that's her and he told me it was just that James up boss monsters calm and heard but grubby so, you could create like ten of the ones if you want to keep the calm there but. I you know I don't know how true that is so you, know take that with a grain of salt as well and just to be totally safe with us we just yeah. Yep. Yep I agree okay, all. Right so we've gone to Fiverr we scraped. A bunch of emails we went to woodpecker and set up an account so we can do bulk email reply fi how does that fit into this equation what is worse the pie. Or woodpecker, it's like I just different software that okay so. Pick. Your bulk sending software, and I'm assuming in either one of these you. Can set up campaigns, that are multiple, emails long, that. Will stop when. They reply is that is that the idea, that's a hundred percent sure and like the LinkedIn software, that we give in our program as well does the exact same thing and, so and you are gonna use a software before and you try an obviously knows that I was automate before delegate so yeah like we would like to have our software, take care of it for us that, being said. It's, I always battle people on this conversation, like you know and I had a conversation with one of my clients yesterday on our call like, you know he wanted to nurture them a little longer before he went straight for the hey just let us like let's talk if you give me a phone in whatever it is and I people, had much. More successful companies than me that do it that way so like you had to choose what works best for you I'm into, what's called direct response marketing where I want to know in that first email are you interested in working with us or not I don't like the whole back-and-forth or like let me jump emails, then finally I tell you what I do or whatever it is so we go straight to the throat on the first email because for us those are the people that are ready to buy right now like, it. Increases, our conversion, and are on the phone with you plus. If you're sending 5,000, emails I mean the quality is in the. Quantity, is, at the end of the day what you're after is I want two, or three or four really, interested, people to, book in my calendar every single day and if you do you'll drown in business and make buckets of money whether, you have to send two thousand emails or four thousand emails to get it if you're automating the bulk of it and you're delegating the bulk of it who cares, doesn't, matter and the other thing is that will bring you back to the one the first thing I said which I can't highlight. Enough is the lead quality that you're getting these from right so it's like 5,000. Emails a day like, you're gonna get a lot of appointments but if I'm sending it to just every Joe Schmo that has a post and I'm gonna be on the phone with a lot of every, single person there but, if you can like find really hyper qualified, people based on like traffic at their website, or whatever it is then. You could be getting a lot more quality people to even get on them even to send the email to do, you have them respond back to get on the phone with it and hopefully close so, we, send word, start starting, to send a lot less a day now but have just super higher quality, leads that we're starting out with and we. Don't do necessarily the whole like drip thing but I know people that do the triple multiples, that have great success with this what, we do is if. They don't respond back negatively, and if they don't respond back positively, we keep a list of everything and anybody. That doesn't respond like negative positively, over 90 days will, take, out the negative and positive responses. And then we'll just redo, that, whole list again and just send that first message again so we're, just kind of setting them the same message 30 60 90 days, later and. You know we'll just catch them at a better time right I had someone said, that they, got a day send an email to somebody and that person that just fired the marketing, see like the day report it was a third time they sent the same email to him over, a, century.

Six Months and it was really at that time that I guys said I just fired my marketing you two let's get on the phone so, for. Me the old when. I get drips I get so pissed off I I hate, like I get an email especially, they don't have an opt-out button or um scribe button which is definitely spam, laws it, really, pisses me off when I'm getting an email every single day and I'm just like this is annoying, so I always try to think about that person. What. Do I am i what am i trying to do right I try to put myself in my boss and. The, thing you have to understand folks is that and, Revie alluded to it when. You're going after a brand, there's. So much change happening, in that company, for, month the month the month you don't I mean it could change the ownership new. VP the, new director marketing new person in charge of e-commerce maybe, one of their third-party sellers that they were loving and screwed up or that company got sold I mean there's so much stuff they, could be changing that's why you need to keep in tip you know keep in touch every, 30 days or 60 days or 90 days whatever it is you feel comfortable with there's, absolutely, no reason why, you shouldn't, be keeping in touch with these leads because, at some point in time something's. Gonna be changing on their end and that's even why trend. At my mastermind, he knows as well we drop some gold, nuggets or what I teach my students it's like you, know there's a lot of other ways to get in to stay in front of these people after you make the first touch point right you can retarget them on, Facebook, Instagram Google, YouTube, Display. Network all. That stuff you can add them to your friends list on Facebook or you can follow them on Instagram whatever it is and so even though they didn't respond back right away and even though they didn't say anything to you you, can follow them around 98%, of the internet both organically, and paid and, then eventually like. I, said maybe you don't reach the email out but maybe you sent an email to someone they, respond back know now's not the right time we, already have an agency but maybe you hundred them, as a friend for you on Facebook right because this, is worth your time if you did the right quality, leads to begin with because these people are making a lot of money so it's worth your time so you have them Adam as a friend on Facebook they.

Took The friend request because 99%, of people just want to be loved and then, over, time you're just slowly dripping out really high-quality content about, how you help you know I should say Amazon also is whatever it is and then one day you. Get an Amazon wholesaler testimony later this guy goes I work with Trent he made me an extra million dollars this year whatever it is I highly recommend working with Trent I get that's just every single day about working with wholesalers, I never responded I just decided to give trend a shot I'll never go back he, posted on his Facebook that, is gonna correspond, with the timing where this guy's like man I hate, the whole set that I have right now let, me just message, Trent on Facebook yeah so like it's all the funnel it's just feeding down into, you. Or your sales guy at the other end of it and if you do it correctly you can really systemize it where you're pretty much the whole, process so. We'll go back to that personal, we'll go back to that brand building thing in a minute don't let me forget that what, I want to dig when I want to unpack a little bit more is so we're sending all these emails there's a call-to-action in, the email so you're sending them to a landing, page you talked about retargeting. And so forth for the folks who aren't necessarily familiar with will does, all that work let's, let's get into the weeds a bit so, you're sending them to a landing page on that landing page is what, and what. Are you doing with the pixel on that landing page so. Whenever. We send them so I don't like to send and. I was just literally having to come to Trent right before we started this oh the. Way we like to do lead, generation is this every, step with the lead I'm trying, to get a piece of information or something from them that brings them closer to the sale and. It's. The bare minimum, requirement, so the first email we send out or the first question we send out the only thing we're asking back is that they're interested give us their phone number that's it not the reason they're interested I don't ask them to watch a 20 minute video sales letter they're doing a webinar I don't, ask them tell me what their favorite color is or if they've ever done lead generation for I'm just like give me your phone number of use more talk about how we can help you they, give you their phone number that, goes straight to our sales guy our. VA stems that straight to our sales guy they monitor the inbox and then we and, my we I mean my virtual assistant will respond, back to that lead page, friend thanks so much your response you should be receiving a call from one of our guys in a minute just, so that we don't play, the back-and-forth game and just so we can see if there's even a good fit or not if you don't mind click the link below and book a time to speak with us in our online calendar and then we put a link to a website we use only called click funnels where. We, can put our online, calendar called Callen the embedded, on, that clickfunnels site and so. The cool part of that is that also, on, that click photo site is all of our tracking, software for, every single online advertising platform, that's out there ninety-eight percent of the internet so as soon as that person clicks, on that link to maybe they've even booked a time there now mine forever, and I can now retarget, them with testimonials, and value and content all across the internet and then if they book the time then we can have them redirected.

To A page where. They fill out an application and, we also use something called shot form for that and. This is all stuff that we give our students for our program because I know this might be overwhelming, but they fill out the job form application, and then, once they thought the DA for inoculation that redirects into a thank-you page and I think you page is really my opportunity. To sell, them into our program even more it's a video of me underneath, it is a video of me on Fox News, under, that Bill's authority and Ernie that is a Q&A underneath, that is like a hundred, and twenty testimonial, videos of everybody that's had success with us and by, the time they get on the phone with us, they, have gotten probably fifteen. Or twenty emails and all testimonials, in it they've seen a thank you page warming them up we've. Got a bunch of other content, and they've been retargeted, by some of my content online as well so you, know a lot, of you guys might get on the phone with a potential. Lead and they go why, the hell should i work with you or who the hell even are you I don't you remember responding, back to this you're really gonna hell out of them yeah, we, never get that because most the time they're like I've never gotten more reminders, and more emails from somebody when I'd work to call them them with you I'm like I just want to make sure you show up and that you're educated, and our conversion, rate is somewhat higher than the industry standard for that reason how. Many different pixels are using on the lander you got Facebook, probably LinkedIn, what, other pixels to use, Google. Tag manager and, and, and. Advil. So, for is what we use, okay. That puts us on 98%, of the internet. Okay. I've. Been notes here. Alright, so, we've, got him tool an error we've got um pixels, we've got them pre-sold. Then, they're gonna do the call with you and on. The, call. Walk. Me through kind. Of the structure, that you follow yeah, so we it. Depends on who's doing the call if you're scaling, so you've multiple sale guys so, for. Us and I'm gonna speak to you guys like I speak to some of my agency clients because like Trent's I think it's really similar business model but we. Like the to call clothes in this because. Time. As, Trent, knows him like I really, someone that's why we get a long time is such, a valuable asset it's finite right I'd rather pay money than lose time and so. For me I, didn't. Want to get we started getting it you do this and then fall everything I'm saying right now you will get five to eight appointments, a day like you will I promise but, the issue at that point becomes, quality. Over that quantity, right yeah five eight appointments a day and let's, say your pitch is an hour long with why they should work with you you're doing five eight hours a day pitching and maybe. One person converts, or worst case scenario, nobody, converts well. What we learn to do especially the real estate agents where a lot of them don't make a lot of money as we do what's called a qualifying, call first so.

We Get on the phone with them and this is really what happens like when they respond at the pilot with their phone number we pick up the phone and call them our only, goal there is to just see do, we continue this relationship further, is this worth both of our time and so usually we say hey Trent you're spawning bacteria my email thanks so much do you have just about three and a half minutes I want to ask you five questions Steven see if it makes sense for us to move forward or not any, times I gendell say yes if they said no you can decide what you want to do they, say yes we usually ask literally five questions number one what. Made you in the first place even respond, back to our email or our message, or LinkedIn Facebook Instagram right so figure out the pain point an area that they're in right now if you run a wholesaler, business. We were trying to help Amazon. Sellers whatever it is, then. They could be like I hate the person I work with right now or we don't even have any money right now or whatever it is or I don't remember responding, second. Thing we ask them is how much money they're doing in the company right now some, reason people are like so afraid to ask these questions but, I want to know and you can frame it differently, so for reals is I don't say how much money are you making I say how, many closing, did you do last month yeah and then, I ask them what's their average price for home, sold and I, get to do it around you. Know I'm awful at math I needed math oh my head if you how much money they're making and then, I so that lets us know are they even qualified, right if you have an upfront cost or, whatever it is then. And, it's let's, say offer up or cost is $2,500. And they, said that they haven't sold a home in six months well. Not worthless kanji dispensation, I'll end the conversation right, there hey, honestly, trend thanks for the time I just don't think this right video I don't figure out how much money they want to make so. Once. Again a conversation, yesterday with my one, of my clients and he, this it's played out perfectly, the guy said he didn't want me to do he, is making fifteen. Thousand dollars a month but he didn't want to make you see I'm final two thousand smoth and my client still took him into the pitch and the guy was like I know I don't I don't need this because the paint's not great enough right you're that identified, gap where they are where they want to be and. Then we try to find out how they ever done lead generation or paid advertising before for, you you be a heavier work with so before how many products are moving or even if there's a need we want to see how they invest in they believe and paid advertising, and working with an agency and.

Then The final fifth question is super simple it's okay honestly. Translational everything that you told me here you'd actually a perfect, fit for our company, and I have a few examples of people that started just where you are right now and they're at where you want to be if, I show you a process, that, has guaranteed, improving, results would. You be interested in, possibly working with us and you. Say yeah I mean if it works for me they say yes and then I transition, them into a pitch. Which, we give pitch decks or templates of. A pitch deck in our program as well where, I, do a video presentation of, like, us going to Google slides it depends on however you want to do it but then I actually show them what, it looks like to work with us and it's, like pretty much here's ninety percent testimonials. And then ten percent is actually how we execute it and that's how we close, okay. Brilliant. Work. Let. Me see if I'm just looking at my questions, here to see if there's anything else that we talked about in the pre-interview, that. We. Have not talked, about. Hello. We've been. We. Have been. 30. Minutes Wow time what time went by fast yeah. So. We. Talked a lot about making. Use of V A's and. Initially. We both agree that and we told many people that that's where you should start because the cost of labor is very low the commitments very low it's very very light weight, at. What, point in time, did. You make the decision to start. Us-based. You, know full-time employees, and why. So. All of our sales guys have always been us base but I'm assuming that's probably not what you talked about what's. Your meaning here so you SK are so those guys have always been us Canadian based beep. For obvious reasons right you for working people the u.s.. No. That's that's an important one because in our space as we scale our businesses, we ideally. And I've done this before I hired the, very when I fired myself I hired an us-based, salespeople. It's. Very, difficult to do as I think you and I talked about that we've never ever had a whole lot of success hiring, salespeople and then you kind of crack the code so talk. About because your guys are pure commission so you're not taking on a salary. They. They eat what they kill how, are you finding folks like that who. Can, get the job done don't, have substance. Dependencies. And you know like they're good quality. Professional. Salespeople. Hard. Fine. Yeah, funny. Basis and, whichever ones they out here but yeah. That's. A great point so for us and almost every one of our companies the lead generation and the back and fulfillment, we have our PhD oh so, it's like and we, systemize, our business at the point that like everything. Pretty much in the business is being taken care of by ivas at that point there's more appointments, on my calendar, than I can literally physically, take in the day that's, when we're like all right like let's find a sales person you've, really two options with you a few obviously, but the two big options so there's three big options November, 1 and this. Is what I recommend going in order honestly, number. One is leveraging, your personal network so, like. If you guys are listening this right now I always tell my students you can go and click funnels you type in my name rub the above all and, type in hiring and you'll see a hiring close that I made I don't know five six months ago for our company, that we coach on tours and called scaling systems, and you, could literally copy and paste out of put in click models and so. Were you there in the match plan when I broke down our Eyring how we did the whole like job, form and like no I need to go to catch the plane okay. I won't go and did you much over here it's kind of a ninja way where we literally do like a kindergarten, test to see if they can follow direction I don't really go into it. So, essentially like we. Make a post on Facebook my personal, Facebook page on Instagram, on LinkedIn. We. Can do some lead generation using email and LinkedIn the same stuff we use to get a agencies. Or wholesale. Or I mean a Mazon sellers whatever it is and. Say hey we're looking for sales guys so instead of scraping you. Know names, on Solars or scrapings salespeople. And, we use our email lists and we blast out once our personal network and we. Blast out a post says since the says hey it's our company but the scheduling systems we help entrepreneurs kill seven to eight figures, while. Removing the social process, we. Get on average eight to 15 appointments a tape or sales person we, give a fifteen percent commission, only based position.

We're. Really flexible you can work from anywhere we. Believe in having a family relationship so, you have to be a team player and, you, have to be and we did bonuses whatever you want to do and. Say if your sin in applying click, the link below now it's. Really important for you to start with your personal network because like my, best. Employees which. Ironically I'm saying and because we're sitting right next to me at this table but my, best employees are, people that know. Like and trust me already they're already clients to my program, or they're already close friends of mine so they're just buying to me in my vision so that's the first step you know just like you to find quality leads to even talk to for, your prospecting. At the find quality leads to talk to for your hiring so like, I could have easily found a CEO outside. Of my company I have plenty of people ask him to work with me but I wanted somebody that already told. Me that they buy into my vision by not telling me they buying my vision but by paying me and showing me that they buy in the division and that's exactly where I found my CEO who. I know Trent meant as well and, you do the whole mash mind he's an awesome guy and so, we always look for our personal network first because they already know like and trust you they buy on your vision and dream and there's a lot less training involved, and, then I send them that post out there and then if you're interested to apply here they click there and in. The top of things I say excited, for you to work with us underneath. It it says for, the Aged question, put in the, number 42 so. Then we go name age. You. Know past experience. Have you sold high ticket offers before have you ever worked in real estate whatever, it is and they, click Submit, I honestly, could care less about those questions the only thing that I have zapier. My software looking, out for is did that person put in 42 as their age or do they actually put their age in that and if, they put in 42 is their age they. Get a zap, which is an automation, that's another email ago slim says hey Trent thanks, for submitting your job, form congratulations. You passed the first test now. Send a two-minute video of why you should work for our company to, the email Ravi at skilling systems calm, and put the subject line I want, to work with lovey, and then, I have another zap that looks for subject, line I want to work with Ravi and then, sends them another email that says congratulations Trent, you made it to the final interview click, the link here to book a time in our calendar and if, they put I want to work for Ravi or Ravi, please hire me whatever it is we don't send them that last seat and so, the idea is how, welcoming, all instructions, from A to Z and. By the time they get to our calendar like the example, using the mastermind we, had about 150. Applicants. On job form when I post it all across all of my channels for a sales guy I had, four interviews, when. They came all the way down to the bottom of it and then all I did was right before the interview I pulled up the jock phone and I pulled up their video and I was like let me just see if like what their answers were before they got on the call with us and. I love that it is so good and it works for every position and we do it for V age as well and it's like it's, just how cuz if they if they can't follow instructions, I've been in there they're not gonna follow instructions, like I. Posted. A job. On. Indeed. I. Never ended up hiring a very skin fun it was like hundred, thousand, dollar salary and. Nobody. Followed the freaking instructions, and I'm. Thinking are you kidding. Me I, love. It so, we use our personal network first to. Do it this is free and they already know I can trust you second, option we'd go through is like a placement company so like we place virtual assistants or fully trained they're good to go and. They come work in your company the first day there's seventy three to five thousand messages a day they already are trained at all this stuff and. And then same thing with salespeople so we work for the guy he, works with some of the largest, high ticket offers in the nation I found, him I paid, him upfront for our sales guys and now I think you met Matt while you were at the event - I have my sales guys I love, crush it for us and. I got into a sales placement company once again it goes back to if you have money you want the cheap layer that for, us and I got dr. Trent you know just. Like people pay us for VA she's, know how to go through the of training one I was like I don't want to have to go through this whole thing with a sales person to give me a fully trained one that's good that proven right track like whatever this and.

That's The second way we look for salespeople or hiring and, the third way is the. Luggage is set indeed, monster. Calm whatever it is but that's always like literally last resort because they have no idea Mew are you, know if, they're unemployed right now probably. Not like doing a great job whatever the last job is and. Also, I thought you had to pay forward and like. For. Me it's just not I actually, never hired any other, sites I know for, sales yeah, you, know and in my opinion there's more sales people than there are companies that need salespeople but, this, is my friends is that the reason why we hire top reasons go through that are okay on Commission based is because, we have the lead generation to side down if I look for a sales guy that, is a top producer, and he goes my company I'm giving him one appointment, a month he's gonna leave very quickly yeah but all my sales guy I want to marry me because, I have my missus so systemized, that all they do is wake up and get on the call with people that I've already gotten like fifteen touch points they're already super warmed up they watch the VSL, and they're pretty much ready to buy as long as they handling into objections, so, we're able to take him top producers, because they have eight to sixteen appointments, a day on the calendar and they're just like I just get to sell every single day I mean sometimes, I tell them I'm like you, know I wish I was you sometimes I say oh you, had an easy, job right he was gonna close the deal and then you're on the next call yeah, and the thing that I think people misunderstand. About sales is there's really two part to sales there's lead generation, and then there's presentation, in close your, hiring presentation, and clothes cuz people. Suck. At lead, generation, when. I whenever I tried to hire salespeople in the past cuz I I don't know what the hell I was doing even though I was, a good lead generator, very. Very very very few people are and so, if you're hiring a sales person expecting, them to generate their own leads good. Luck to, you because. It's. Like hey fifteen percent commission if you close the deal but if you bring your own deal in a tizzy they didn't come through us you can get five percent of permission yeah so they wonder what someone said it wasn't but ya know, it's asinine, in my opinion to expect a sale because it's actually two parts of the brain as well lead generation is one part and if, they're really good at closing like a closure is literally should be on the phone too close they should not be generating, prospecting, especially, when, it's super mundane, tasks, like emailing and like you, why, not hire a VA for that and save, your sales person's energy for.

Literally Getting them it because they're getting told no all day long you don't need to give them another channel to get told no to so. For us I'm like I just want them to be on the call and have it be it will be with appointment and I can easily for 2050 cents an hour have a VA do the rest yeah in, my very first career as a financial advisor and. You. Know in the latter, part of that career I joined, this large, team, run, by this really, really smart dude who, had marketing, and lead generation dialed. And I, was literally that guy I was the pure commissioned, closer and I, would sit down and this, was a serious, sale I mean these are people who are coming in with their life savings, talking about retirement planning and I. Would it got so. Systematized. Where people would sit at my desk because so that the appointment, team thanks, to all the lead generation the appointment team would fill my calendar, I would have typically, three to five presentations. A day my. Presentations. Because I'd done them so many times were so. Perfect. That it within 45. Minutes I knew. I would get up and say does, this broad what's at the end my close was does this approach make sense to you yes. Wonderful. Sit, right there I will be right back I believe the room I'd go get the people on the team that filled out account applications, they would leave my office next. One would come in it was a freaking, machine. Oh. Dude, in today's dull so I was 25. I was your age I was 25 years old and in. Today's dollars I was making 400. Grand a year doing. That, at. 25, not, bad all before the internet made it you know where guys could make way more than that you you wanted to make big money 20 years ago you needed to be sales and. The cool thing about that is like it and, people think oh I have shitty experience with salespeople but, in reality you. Know you know anything about like personal. Development you take full responsibility and. Reality, you're probably attracting, shitty sales to who's your shitty business right, like you're trying to have your salespeople do everything but we get high ponytails, people because just like Tran said like you, and the dream person of a salesperson is just to get on every call and just pitch every single criminal oh right. Like that's it and if you have them do all this other stuff you. Get them there in the funks they get unmotivated they, get upset and that affects the calls and so yeah we look for like every, single person in our company has, a single, task or job just like Henry Ford's assembly line, and they do that and if everyone executed.

Really Well and then you have like the next level of would be like a CEO who. Can monitor all that and then above the CEO is like you so, know you're pretty much the CEO is view on the day-to-day tasks which, allows me to do podcast, you to invest. My time and add, learning. Stuff hosting, masterminds whatever it is all. Right so. Before we wrap up Ravi. Do you have I, think you have a special offer a freebie or something. Different. Like software's, for. For. SOPs, and like. They've worked they've been good like we've, had ok. Experiences, with them but I've. Tried and I met him, and I hit it off like two girls and he. Actually goes out flying down to see me in San Diego and. Then. He came to my mastermind, and then I started learning about flows through his program and, now we're working on kind of combining both of our stuff together which I'm super excited about and, then I was playing around with the, actual flow stirap his software company where you can create SOPs, and put them on the marketplace and so, we, are now putting, all of our SOPs, inside, a flow, sir which, I'm super excited about to give my students as well and then, I was like why not give. You guys whoever's, listening this right now wherever you're listening YouTube Facebook Instagram. Podcast. Whatever it is a little, gift for listening all the way to the end so we're. Gonna take probably three to five of our highest. Lead, generating, SOPs. So. The ones that have literally made us millions, of dollars including, the messaging, everything inside of it and. We're gonna put it on the flow store marketplace, and, I'm super excited to give it to you guys and all you guys have to do in, order to get it because you have to have a discount code because it's gonna be a probably $2,000. On the marketplace but if you get up there totally free which, we're going to offer you because travel is not enough to have us on here you. Go to work, with, Ravi all one /, bright, ideas, all one word as well so wo. RK, w. Ith Rav. Slash. Bright. Ideas, which is the obviously. What you listen to as well and I'm sure Trent, will drop that link in here as well and then we'll go in there and you will get I'm. Time, telling it's literally made us really I so Trent what they were as well as, Lily made us millions of dollars and you guys can take that and either do it yourself or, maybe hire a virtual assistant to execute those SOPs, for you awesome. Ronnie, thank you so much for being on the show it's been pleasure threatened, always thank you so much for having me here I appreciate, it.

2020-02-13 06:16

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