How To Prepare Your Business For The Holidays | Successful Holiday Season Planning and Launch Tips

How To Prepare Your Business For The Holidays | Successful Holiday Season Planning and Launch Tips

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good morning or hello whenever you are watching  this welcome back to my channel I am Tatiana I'm   a business coach and a mentor of a woman  wanting to start their own businesses hey   we are doing a little Vlog today but I'm  also going to be talking a lot about how to   prepare your business your shop your products your  launches things like that for the upcoming holiday   season it is definitely time to be thinking about  it if you haven't been already I know in the past   I used to be really guilty of waiting and feeling  like okay I knew this holiday was coming up like   why am I just not sitting down doing this so let's  start getting our minds thinking about this early   even before quarter four is starting so that we  can really get an idea of what we want to do for   the holiday season and also start getting ready  for the ramp up and priming our audience for what   we have to come so we'll be talking about that a  little bit but like I said it is a vlog it's a day   in the life and today is actually Emery's Birthday  y'all if you're new here Emery is my daughter   she's turning four today I can't believe it and I  also can't believe she's going to preschool today   which selfish part of me wanted to keep her home  because I'm like it's her birthday like what are   we doing here but I have some little cupcakes for  her to take for her classmates and I have a little   set up for her when she wakes up I'm actually  going to get her up a little bit early so she can   see a few of her little gifts because what we're  doing is she's gonna get some stuff in phases   y'all I'm one of them extra moms and I'll be doing  the most so yeah because of that um she's gonna be   getting some stuff in phases mainly because I know  if I give her all her gifts now she's not going to   want to go to school she's going to want to play  just you know toddler life y'all know if you know   but we're going to start off I got her little  door decorate I'm gonna show y'all and then I   have a little setup of some ponies she's obsessed  with My Little Pony right now that is her thing   so she's got a little something for this morning I  can make her like a little birthday girl breakfast   sprinkles on she loves like chocolate toast  I'm putting that on there put some sprinkles on   there make your birthday like and then um when  she comes back home after preschool she'll get   her next present and then we have a call with  our family if you know our family does not live   here and we always like to include them in  her birthday so we're doing a zoom claw with   our family this evening um while we're doing her  dinner of choice which is quesadillas so um we'll   be doing that and then we'll FaceTime so they can  sing Happy Birthday to her and all of that so I'm   sure I'll share some of those clips throughout  the day but anyway it is still pretty early I   don't is it even seven o'clock yet let me see  yeah this is what we're working with y'all 6 58   right now so I'm gonna be waking her up and maybe  a good maybe 20 more minutes but look at her door okay so she's also having she's also having  a party this weekend and I apologize y'all I   like to wear these little glasses but  they don't do well with the video so   she's also having a party this weekend  I won't be filming that but um yeah   we're excited for that we're gonna have some  friends and everyone come over to celebrate right now I'm making my morning lemon tonic  I love this stuff I've talked about it before   y'all probably may or may not have heard the  name Jessica spiers or spears around here she   is a nutritionist that is here on YouTube I found  her and I ended up doing a consultation with her   um some months back and then I ended up getting  her membership so anyway this is one of the   things she talks about I'm actually going to link  the video if you're interested it's a lemon and   ginger tonic it's a very like detoxifying it's a  detox every morning it's not anything too crazy   though it's not like you're you know on the  toilet or something like that it's not like   that it's more so I feel like it really helps  with immunity it really helps with just feeling   good it gets your stomach ready for everything  that you're going to eat for the day I've just   noticed a lot of benefits with it and so I'll  link the videos you can see how she makes it   but it's literally just lemon juice Ginger and  um what is it lemon juice Ginger and hot water   okay so I'm gonna top really quickly about one or  two things before I get Emery up for her birthday   breakfast but um basically one of the first things  that I have some little notes right here and click   up so I'm gonna make sure that I don't miss what  I wanted to cover with you guys so the first thing   I would say is when you are thinking about holiday  you always want to think ahead as much as possible   so go ahead now and get all of the dates in your  calendar so whatever your preferred method is for   how you want to track everything if you use  click up if you use Trello if you use Google   Calendar if you use a paper planner like whatever  it is Mark all of your dates down in there don't   necessarily leave it to just kind of be like oh  yeah I know you know Thanksgiving is on the last   Thursday no like literally get those dates and  put them in your calendar now as well as any of   those social media dates so I saw one really  um well I guess it's not really cool but kind   of um there's a national Stress Awareness Day  for example takes place on November 1st is it   um I believe it's November 1st so any social media  holiday that really fits in within your specific   Niche is what I'll be writing down so if you're  into like baking or baked goods I know there are   a ton of social media holidays around that so  that lasts like two to three months I would get   all of those holidays because that's chances where  you could do like a special you could run a sale   maybe you have like some kind of free item with  a purchase or something like that that would be   the time to really plan that stuff out and what's  nice about it is you can start thinking in advance   so first things first Mark all the dates on your  calendar and just get everything in line and then   you will naturally be set up for wanting to figure  out your sales and stuff like that so we already   know the big ones Black Friday Cyber Monday  like that whole weekend small business Saturday   that's a really good time to get into figure out  what you want to do a great thing you could do   right now is take a look at maybe what some other  businesses did last year I always say never copy   anybody but get some ideas to help you in the past  I've done things I don't even know if y'all can   hear me all these sprinkle things so in the past  I've done it where my whole shop was on sale so   maybe 30 off for example everything now keep in  mind this is what I always tell clients when you   are pricing products always factor in that you  may do a sale at some point and what it would   be if you had that sale so you know pricing is  going to vary depending on products but when you   think about a product that you have and you're  like oh I want to make it really affordable but   then if you do sales a lot or if you know you do  some sales throughout the year then you're maybe   shortchanging yourself to where you're making  either no money at all or just a little bit so   keep that in mind when you are thinking about  your sales price so sometimes if that was the   case for me I would have it or maybe notebooks  were 30 off but maybe something else was only   twenty percent off and there's different ways to  do that um there's I believe Shopify actually has   it set up now where you can do this and you can  have like a collection that is off it did not   used to be like that before and um if for some  reason it's not what you can do is also download   apps I'll actually link a couple good ones to  look into but there's apps that will allow you   to take certain parts of your store and discount  it for like a specific time frame and then it'll   go back up after which is really really really  nice I did that for I think two or three black   Fridays and I loved it so yeah figure out what  are you going to have that's on sale what is the   sale and start thinking now how much it would  be off how much you would still make as far as   your income from each sale you want to get all  of those numbers and everything calculated now   and start kind of figuring it out if you're going  to do any type of bundles how much are those going   to be if you're doing a gift with purchase look  into the gift you know how much is that are you   going to start getting that now ordering it so  you have it in time for your sale and all of that   that is what I'll be thinking about right now in  this moment is all of the logistics the the dates   the timelines what I'm going to be doing how I'm  doing it and what I can start preparing right now   to get myself ready so if you know that you are a  handmade business and you're planning on selling   a lot you may want to get started on making some  stuff by hand today so then that way you aren't   stressed on the holiday season one of the things  that always made me grateful of course but it also   made me stressed was that it was Thanksgiving to  the time of that and it was like exciting because   I wanted to decorate for Christmas and stuff and  I always will be bogged down by a whole bunch of   orders because I didn't necessarily prepare  properly always some stuff I might have had   ready in advance and some stuff I did and it's  just you know the reality of just being me so   I am just encouraging you now if you have a lot  of handmade products or if you have something   you know that might take a while to get here if  you're ordering it from somewhere regardless I   would start looking into using this month of  September to figure those Logistics out and   start planning ahead and getting those things  ready now so that's the first thing I would do okay so really quickly I'm waiting a couple  more minutes and then I'm about to wake Emery   up so before I do that I wanted to discuss one  other thing so like we were talking about the   logistics of everything another thing that I  would definitely look into is how you want to   do your sales so you could have everything already  on sale I'm sure you've seen this before in shops   you shopped for in any time of the year where  everything's already marked down so you don't   need a code or you're going to do a discount code  now if you are going to do a discount code what is   nice and I'm specifically talking about Shopify  because that's the platform that I mainly have   used for many years now um You can of course do  discount codes and things on other platforms like   Etsy and things like that but I'm specifically  speaking to Shopify you can have the coupon codes   and everything set up to where maybe it only works  on a specific product or a specific collection or   something like that and you can set the coupon  code up to start on a specific date and time   and end on a specific date and time so decide  now you know how do you want to do it those are   the logistics and things that sometimes we don't  think about to the last minute like oh yeah I need   to make a code you know figure that stuff out  now how much everything is going to be what the   code will allow for them to do and get money off  and everything and then look into some different   apps as well there's ones where it can even have  like a recommendation app for you too so let's   just say you know if someone is shopping they're  purchasing and you want to recommend another   product that's related that would be great this  is the time to start adding these things to your   store and playing around with them and learning  them now versus waiting until the holiday season   and you're already scrambling trying to get things  together but you're also trying to figure out all   these new apps and things like that take the time  to research it and figure it out now again I'll   link some of my favorites for you all um below  there'll be a blog post along with this video   so you can search everything and just kind of see  what all there is that I'm talking about but the   point is the apps uh where it's at and I mean  this is definitely a little hack that I think   is great it's just you know you can use it for  a couple months and then after that you may not   need it in other parts of the year and that's  fine okay you know use it for when you need it   um I think that that's smart versus just  paying for something that you know you   don't necessarily need to utilize at other times  but the holiday season is kind of a big deal so   having all those kind of different things  in place can be kind of cool it can make the   shopping experience even better for people and all  in all I think that it'll make it even better for   you because a lot of these apps will take away  some of the manual labor and you know getting   your store set up and having everything ready to  go now I'm going to be talking about this a lot   more specifically with my um Community I have  a community of ladies that have gone through   my program with me and every year around this  time we always do an in-depth holiday training   so I'm going to be doing that with them very  soon but I wanted to share some of these things   with you all because again I just think that we  know the holiday season is coming up and if you   have a business whether product or service based  sometimes we just tend to let it slip because you   know we're just in the moment right now and then  we look up and it's November you're like oh shoot   Black Friday is next week what am I doing so this  is a great time to start thinking about it now if   you do offer services just as much you know you  can offer some discounts on things if you have   digital products you can offer some money off and  with digital products what's really nice too is   because there's not a whole lot of upfront costs  for digital products and there's not really a ton   of manual labor either you can definitely discount  them pretty heavily you know if you wanted to I've   done discounts where my courses have been 50 off  before and things like that and this is a good   time to think about you know if you want to do any  types of sales like that or if you want to create   a special type of product or a special training or  a special something for people a special digital   product that may only be available for this  limited amount of time that's another thing   that I think is great too is creating kind of like  that fomo in a way for people you know like if you   make something that is specifically for that time  frame weather physical product or not and you tell   them like hey it's only going to be available for  this week or you know for this weekend or this   specific day that's a great way to get people kind  of to make a decision a little bit quicker and I   think it's a wonderful way to help yourself get  some additional sales because people like oh my   god well I need this I need this and so the main  thing that we haven't talked about which I'm going   to talk about once I get back home from dropping  Emory off because I'm getting some birthday stuff   with her is how to set yourself up for success for  the holidays starting now so I know we're talking   a lot about more so the logistics and the business  side of things and things to get yourself working   I hope you've been taking some notes and writing  some things down to start considering now but the   second half of this I want to talk about is really  some of the kind of like lightweight launching   type of things you need to be doing stuff you can  be start doing today so that you're priming your   audience so that they're ready when it's time for  you to sell and there's so many I mean like I used   to work at Bath and Body Works for example back  in the day and they would do like days of deals   and so there would be every single day like the  12 Days of Christmas or something there'll be a   different deal every day that's something you can  do I've done that before again all of those things   get the logistics now so if you're going to do  it 12 Days of Christmas if you're going to do an   advent calendar or anything like that like right  now is the time so that you can be ready to go and   you already have the stuff you can start creating  the graphics and things for it now um all of that   stuff if you start working on it now it will not  feel overwhelming when the time actually comes   so stick around we'll be talking a little bit  about launching and stuff when I come back oh   heading back home and I'm gonna make my smoothie  I was gonna share also I am doing a series on my   channel for the whole month of September  and it's all about email list building so   I've had so many times I'll mention things about  email lists in the past to clients on this channel   and people will always be like oh well how do  I get started with that how do you even do that   how do you deliver things to people you know like  all of that stuff so I thought it would be kind   of fun to just do an entire month dedicated  to a topic and I'm going to try to do that as   much as possible on here just to make it so you  can kind of have some things that follow each   other so definitely make sure you check the link  down below I do have a email building checklist   that you can get to kind of help you just get  started with those steps to figuring out how   I really need to get a car mount my phone  completely just fell over so next thing I'm gonna   invest in is definitely going to be something for  the car for both my camera and my phone but anyway   um so yeah click the link down below if you  just want to have just an idea of what to get   started with I know there's tons of content out  there but I still want to share what I know in   my experience with growing my list I think  that it's so important and especially like   we've been talking about with just getting ready  for the holidays I think now is the perfect time   to start growing your email list because you want  to get an idea of the people that might have some   interest in what you have to sell it gets people  kind of ready and so that was really the other   part of what I wanted to talk about all about just  like getting people primed for your launch and all   of that so once I get home and get settled I'll  discuss a little bit more about it but either way   definitely check out the series there's already  probably been a few videos at the point of when   this goes up but that playlist will be linked down  below as well there's nothing like having what I   call your golden list of people that just support  what you do they're interested in what you have to   say and you are giving them a reason to stick  around and want to learn a little bit more so   yeah more to come with that outside of that I'm  also getting ready to go live today to kick off   the series and I'm going to be talking all about  kind of the 101 basics of getting started with   everything so I always love going live I've been  doing it about every other week and it's been   it's been really good I definitely love it that's  also something I recommend as well for the holiday   season too is just putting yourself out there  in new ways so if you've never gone live before   if you've never done a real before different  things like that this is a great time to start   doing those kinds of things it'll get your people  interested in what you have to do in new ways so   you know if they're used to just saying you kind  of post pictures you know changing it up and kind   of doing some video and going live and trying  out reels you know starting a channel things   like that this is kind of a fun time to maybe  do that and try to reach people in a new way or   email list is also good but um if you've never  gone live before I challenge you to try to go   live at some point Within and before the year is  over go live talk about whatever you want to talk   about five minutes it could be for 50 minutes I  don't care but I think you should definitely go   live get comfortable talking about your products  talking about your teeth what it is that you offer   what you can share with people it is so important  to connect in this way and just use all of the   different avenues that are available to us out  there I'm such a big person about organic reach   and growing organically yes there's a whole  side of ads and things like that but taking   advantage of the free tools that are out there  and available to us I think is your first stop so but um yeah I cannot wait for my smoothie I am so  hungry I've been doing smoothies for breakfast for   shoots since probably like April of this year and  usually during the week on the weekends sometimes   I'll do a smoothie but usually I'll just eat  something now but they've just been so good and   I'm gonna make this one it's one of my favorites  that I probably make it way too much but it has   banana mango spinach cashews which I don't really  have a ton of cashews left but I'll just use what   I have um chia seeds coconut water spinach did I  say spinach spinach is in there it's really really   good y'all though I got it from Jessica Spears  that's you know that's my thing that's my girl   okay she don't know it but she my girl um but yeah  so I can't wait to make it it's gonna be so good foreign it's definitely different because the mango was  so stuck together I got this one from Trader Joe's   usually I get it from like just the grocery store  or Natural Grocers but I got this mango chunks   from Trader Joe's and the mango is really good  but it's like really I have to remember to take   it out of the freezer a little bit before I make  it because it was just completely in one big Clump   but I just did strawberries instead so I love  putting my smoothies in these sometimes a lot   of times I'll just drink it straight out of here  because I have the little clip but sometimes when   I'm feeling fancy I'll put it in here I got these  from the target Dollar spot and they came in was   it a two pack I can't remember if it was a two  bedroom it has like a wood top but I'm not gonna   put the top on because I'm not getting ready to go  anywhere with it but I don't want to spill this so   hold up let me concentrate okay yes yeah it looks  so freaking good and it is good I just tasted it foreign but I want to show you all my setup for  my lives too just in case if you're curious if   you because I talked about going live and if  you want to do it on YouTube there's a couple   of extra steps I guess or at least I take a  couple extra steps so I'll show you my setup   and then we'll talk a little bit more about um  what I was talking about with some of the launch   stuff after I go live because let's see I have a  little less than 30 minutes so I need to set up   okay so I actually need to sit down and respond  to some emails too where's my laptop okay let me   first of all let's get my laptop okay we need  that yeah cause I actually got an email from   my one-on-one client one of  them she is on a trip and   thought she was gonna be able to meet but needs to  reschedule so I want to make sure I respond to her   on Tuesdays a lot of times I don't really get to  email as much but I saw that came in so I want to   make sure I respond to her of course I'll usually  just kind of take a glance but I really tried   to get more intentional about what I do and when  because if not my business would take over my life   like literally really have no other way to explain  it it would take over everything so I've just been   trying you know now that I've been doing this  for some years now and even with just this newer   business the last like year and a half I'm just  trying to work smarter not harder and so I have   like specific days where I actually will go in and  reply to emails D like in detail but things like   this if there's clients and stuff that's always  a priority so I check my email every day but when   I have to do like more thought out responses  and stuff I have set days for when I do that okay I'm trying not to get annoyed we have the  worst Wi-Fi ever okay like I am so frustrated   with it it's not working again it keeps like  going out so I think right now will be a good   time for me to go ahead and restart it and then  I'm actually going to hardwire my computer in   because I'm getting ready to go live and I don't  want this thing going out like we've been having   so many issues sorry because I'm getting ready  to go live and I don't want this thing to go out   like it's just been a nightmare we actually have  a technician coming out later this week because   it's just ridiculous we have sparklight and  in the area we live in we don't have a ton   of options available so it's kind of like two or  three options this is actually the best one for   the area and it just sucks it's always going out  um the lady that I spoke with she was actually   saying she thinks that there may be something that  they can do for the connection so we'll see since   we've lived in this house it's just been like  not really the best so while I'm waiting on that   startup I can't even respond to my email right  now so I'm gonna just get my setup going so let me   prop you all up somewhere okay so basically I have  my tripod which is the first part of the setup   and I'm gonna adjust it down a  little bit because it's a little   too tall you know that's two because I'm  going to be sitting down y'all you would   think as much as I do this but I still  every time I'm like where do I set this   too okay so I like to have it right here in the  corner that way when I put my camera on there   the light will be right there I'll take my glasses  off so I won't have that glare which will be good   um let's see so next there's  a couple things so I have this   power cord for my camera so instead of using  a battery for the camera because the batteries   tend to die especially like if you're on a  live stream the battery would not last very   long so I have this little power cord and it just  basically keeps it charged so I need to get the   the little thing for that and it really just  goes right into the camera so it looks just   like a regular battery but the only difference  is it has this little piece right here that you   use and you plug it in so I'll show you all when I  get ready to set it up in a second but I need that and this is a Canon M50 camera by the way if  you're just wondering like what even is this but   um it goes right and you don't even have  to have your SD card in for the live stream   um because it's just going to be getting saved  to whatever platform you're streaming on but just   push it in like a regular camera and then open  this little rubber piece so that that's exposed   and then this is where I'm gonna plug in the power   oh wait I need my piece this tripod is  always annoying it has an extra piece   that is so annoying that you have to put  on the camera first and then you can attach   it the lights seem to be back on does anybody  else just have like horrible Wi-Fi like I just   don't understand I don't understand in 2022 I  don't understand you know it's just frustrating   and we are not paying a little amount for this  wi-fi we have like the best package for the reason   of like this stuff because I have the live stream  I have to upload YouTube videos and stuff and   it just okay it's working again I'm still going  to hardwire in though I have my little external I have this little piece that is an adapter  so that I can plug into my computer while I'm   on the live and this is just the hardwired  cord into my modem as well as I showed this   in the past video but I used this for  live streams as well because I need to   um plug this in so let me do that really quick  and get all this set up oh yes let me respond   to her really quick this little piece right  here I'm gonna plug everything in that I need   I'm not even going to use my dual screen just to  make sure my computer is charging the data cable   and the data cable goes in here which goes  into my computer which goes into the camera yeah I don't even think I was  looking at you when I said that   I was looking at a completely different direction and then this goes under here all right so this is the setup basically  I have my camera here I'm gonna pull out   that part and trying to let my computer charge  I forgot to let my computer charge while this   morning so that was a fail on my part we're  only at 21 so we'll see how that goes but   um basically in here as you can see this is  stream yard so that's what I'm using to be   able to go live I already had this scheduled so  when I enter the studio because it's almost time   yeah they even recommend plugging in the internet  so I did it seems to be working now but I don't   know what be going on y'all okay so let me exit  out of this oh hey takea's joining early hey   what's up um okay so I'm gonna add myself to  the stream I still need to plug my my camera   in but I'm waiting for my computer to charge a  little bit more so I have to hold off on that   but as you can see here's the live that I'm  getting ready to do right now and then I have   it's in the planning phase um it's actually  about to be getting recorded now but anyway   um and then this is all my talking points I'm  getting ready to paste this in there because I   have a little checklist so I'm going to add that  into the live stream here in a second but yeah   that is um what I have kind of on the back end  when I am doing everything but yeah that's the   setup so it's pretty simple not anything super  Advanced or amazing and then I end up just using   the mic I believe it's the mic for my computer I'm  pretty sure and yes so I'm gonna try to chug some   of this smoothie I ended up putting the top on  there because I had to carry way more upstairs   than I remembered so this is what the little  top looks like on that if you're wondering   but this is really good the other thing I like  to do as well is I'll show you all in Click up   I have which I like completely redid my click up  stuff so I'll have to give you guys an updated   look at everything um at some point of just how I  have everything set up for my content but on click   up I have a different task that is for every  live stream every video I do and then anything   that I know I want to say I have it pulled up for  the live so then that way I'm not like scrambling   trying to find notes or anything it's just right  in there on the date and I don't really have it   in a script I just have it more so just things  I want to make sure that I cover while I'm on SO   I'm just waiting on it to load I really  hope that this internet connection is not   ridiculous because it feels like it's  about to be ridiculous and I really   don't like technical difficulties I know  I can't be the only one it is so stressful all right I just got off of that live I had  completely stopped drinking my smoothie because I   was talking and it was really good it was about 40  minutes long so now I'm just waiting for the video   to process I'm getting ready to add in my flow  desk link because I talked about flow desk that's   my email platform that I use and I have a code to  actually get 50 off so it ends up being 19 a month   which is really really good for all that they have  all the services that you get um so I'm gonna drop   that in the description as well and then we  can finish up talking about this holiday stuff and I'm gonna get on with the rest of my day I'm  gonna um finish up because I need to get the rest   of memories to give together so she has like this  really big Gabby's dollhouse thing so I need to   um finish putting that together I started the  other day but I'm gonna have that out for her   and then I think the other stuff she has which  is not a whole lot after that we'll probably   give that to her this evening when we we're  doing like a FaceTime with our or we're doing   a zoom call with our family tonight for them  to sing Happy Birthday to her and we're getting   um tap and taco which is our favorite taco  place here so that's what we're going to be   doing tonight and I have a couple more presents  for her to open and then that way Evan will be   here with her to open some stuff too and so but  yeah so anyway I wanted to quickly talk about   the value thing that I mentioned so as you know  like I said there's a whole series going on on my   Channel right now all about email list building  I highly suggest that you tune in this month to   um learn or if you happen to see this video  later on September of 2022. there's the   email list challenge uh or a challenge geez  there's an email list series that I have and   pretty much the whole point of this is I'm trying  to really just stress the importance of providing   value to people like now like I just said in that  live that I just did you know it's not about being   sneaky or you know being like well I'm giving you  this access but it's really gonna be for this you   know or you know I'm giving you this but it's  really going to be the purchase like yes I mean   people are aware that you have a business so  they know at some point you are going to try   to sell something to them they're aware of this  you know your business this is kind of like a   no-brainer and I think sometimes people can be  kind of scared to be salesy and there's a time   and a place for that but with this I think right  now we are in the beginning of September this is   a great time for you to be thinking about okay  what is something I can really be providing to   my audience now whether it's a very low priced  thing or free opt-in for my email list a training   um just content online you know topics going live  reels posts whatever it is what can I be giving   them right now so that they are keeping me top of  mind you know I'm being consistent and showing up   regularly so that when I show up in November and  in December you know doing my 12 Days of Christmas   sale and my Black Friday deal and all this stuff  it's not literally like well who is this person   I've never seen them before now they're asking me  to purchase something like you don't ever want it   to be that way so that's really why I suggest to  provide value and value is going to look different   for all of us because we all have different  businesses different Target audiences and just   different goals for what it is that we're trying  to achieve so it's different for everyone but even   if let's say if you're trying to launch a course  or something like that if you're doing a course   um actually because the reason I'm using this as  an example is one of the women on the lives was   asking about a course I think a great introduction  to the course could really be sharing a bit about   your process that people will work through in  the course and just giving them the steps and   telling them why it's important that's a great way  because you're getting people aware of what it is   that they need to do you know you're teaching them  okay this is the process this gets you here now   whether they choose to you know DIY it and figure  it out on their own or they choose to invest in   your course when it comes out you've provided them  with a step that's going to help them because now   you took something that they had no idea about  what to do and you gave them a guide or you gave   them a walk through or some steps to help them  now be like okay well now I at least know this   is how it works this is the steps and that is to  me what the value is it's not gonna be so much a   coupon code okay um a coupon code is wonderful  there will be a time and a place for that you   know clearly we got the holiday season coming up  there's gonna be plenty of time for selling and   um you know salesy emails and reminders that  hey this is on sale for the last time there   will be plenty of time for that but right now  this is such a nurturing time it's kind of slow   you know we're not quite into the hustle of  the holidays yet so it's just a great time to   really get people in is what I would say so that  is pretty much it thank you for watching this   video I hope that these tips were helpful for you  as you're starting to think about the holidays I   know I am as well shoot on the business front and  the personal front so it's definitely a lot to   consider and all of that but yeah I'll see you all  in the next one thank you so much for watching bye

2022-09-14 01:47

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