How to Pay Zero Taxes TRADING Crypto (Legally) | Best Bitcoin Advice For Beginners | Use Choice IRA

How to Pay Zero Taxes TRADING Crypto (Legally) | Best Bitcoin Advice For Beginners | Use Choice IRA

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we're trying to meet people where they're at we're  trying to meet people where they're at and make   this again better than what they're in like and  admittedly it's a very low bar which is actually   hilarious about it is that just just again  retirement accounts as they are don't inspire   confidence okay and we're going to continue doing  more and more things more and more things to make   choice than just so obvious slam dunk choice  in the retirement category for bitcoiners   welcome back everybody to altcoin daily today  we are joined with friend of the channel   product market lead and bitcoin lead at choice  a retirement and ira company brian harrington   today is going to tell us all about why save  for your in your retirement account ynra and   specifically wide choice it's one of the best in  the game a lot of people you know don't know that   they can take advantage of this so this is what  we're talking about today smash the like button   brian how are you doing today what's  up guys good to be here good to be here   um yeah so iras iras 401ks the whole point  of them is to like not have to pay taxes on   all of the like labor that you um you know do  at your job so there's an american hero his   name is william roth he was a senator and he's  the one that originally came up with this whole   concept of the roth ira okay and it it's for six  thousand dollars a year you put it in after taxes   and then that money is able to just grow tax-free  and you can take it out when you turn 59 and a   half there's no taxes on it okay and his whole  mission was to just like help americans keep   more of what they make because we all go to work  every day we all do our proof of work we get paid   and then we store our labor into the future  and so these accounts i we talked about this   a lot internally at choice about saying like tax  advantaged accounts instead of retirement accounts   because as i think we'll get into and as  i want to just be really transparent about   like the words retirement accounts honestly  don't make very many people feel very good   like they're they have a giant problem like  they're just not they're not interesting they   don't inspire confidence and it just like is  a very ambiguous thing that like old people   like i feel frustrated by them young people feel  frustrated by them so i think we should just be   super honest about that and talk about you know  what the problems are and how we're fixing it   i think it's intimidating for people especially  people who are younger that they don't know how   easy it is to set up an ira or a retirement  account through choice they don't understand   the benefits you know one of many and we'll get  into all the benefits of choice and what choice   specializes in i mean one of many is that you can  you know trade altcoins or crypto currencies with   no capital gains you can you know you can have  them in your ira you can trade them for bitcoin   not paying any of those taxes right right no  exactly and people need to understand this that   like i so i like iras bitcoin crypto inside iras  are not replacing anything you're already doing   it's an addition to everything you're already  doing like if you're already sitting here   like at altcoin daily when you watch these  guys every day as i do and i hit the thumbs   up every day as you're already doing that you're  already out there crushing it so we're not trying   to replace anything you're already doing we're  trying to add on to it and make you more robust   moving into the future like when i really think  about this like i have i have kyc bitcoin i have   non kyc bitcoin i have lightning channel bitcoin  i have liquid network bitcoin i have bitcoin in my   ira i have bitcoin on a cold card i have bitcoin  like i think about different stacks for different   things and i think about trying everything across  the entire spectrum and so that's exactly it like   we're trying to to me this is very is super  obvious to everyone i've talked to i'm very   like bitcoin versus fiat like that is just i think  that the just like thing of our time okay just   the most giant thing to think about and talk about  and so i don't want to see underutilized like fiat   stuck in these accounts not doing things that more  productive things that people have found out about   with cryptocurrency with bitcoin and so that's  what we're solving you can transfer and roll over   from these accounts so if you have money stuck at  schwab second td ameritrade second fidelity second   xyz bank and you don't even know what kind of fund  that it's in you can transfer these over and then   exactly um as i said like you can get into bitcoin  get into all coins and not be paying taxes on it   right right if you have uh different retirement  iras from different jobs or different 408   401ks rather just a bunch of different ones from  different jobs you can easily roll them over to   choice you guys make it easy i do want to just  say for the folks at home as we get into the kind   of differentiators you know why we like choice  anybody's welcome to find out more information   and use uh the link in the description to find  out more about choice and set up your account   um choice is a bitcoin centric company built for  bitcoiners by bitcoiners and from bitcoiners which   is pretty cool um but also they have some of the  you know most digital assets most cryptocurrencies   that you can uh you know add to your choice  account and you know hold or trade like just   for instance i mean there's a whole list there's  ave cardano cosmos uh dogecoin polkadot ethereum   chain link uh z cash you're in finance i mean like  would you want to hold dogecoin in your uh in your   retirement account i don't think so i think you  know better to be conservative and stick with   bitcoin maybe a few others but you can trade them  and that's a huge differentiator just fyi that if   you're in these cryptocurrencies already you can  start trading them tax-free and you know holding   them in a retirement account i just wanted to  say that yeah no thank you like thanks for um   yeah shooting off the list like we have a very  active um discord channel too and so you can   come and like talk to people about like whatever  um crypto that we have on the list that you're   interested in or if there's ones that um you know  you want to see like we're trying to meet people   where they're at we're trying to meet people where  they're at and make this again better than what   they're in like and admittedly it's a very low bar  which is actually hilarious about it is that just   just again retirement accounts as they are  don't inspire confidence okay and we're going   to continue doing more and more things more and  more things to make choice that just so obvious   slam dunk choice in the retirement category for  bitcoiners and so other ways we're doing that   like we came out with wrath links like i know  that's just standard for like all like crypto   apps and all bitcoin apps and so we're doing  that 50 bucks you get paid 50 bucks your friend   gets paid 50 bucks for making their retirement  account for pulling them out of the legacy system   this is uh okay all coin daily like exclusive i  don't know exactly how fast we'll get this posted   okay but like choice is coming out with daily  sats rewards like for interacting with choice   app okay and so that's just that by just making  the decision to have a choice account instead of a   legacy ira 401k account you're getting paid daily  sats daily rewards and that's again the way that   we're just trying to meet people where they're  at and make this such a more positive experience   than they're used to we have um three different  ways to custody bitcoin we can talk about each of   those ways and again it's like very accustomed  to whatever kind of bitcoiner you are going   further on that could you kind of talk about like  what makes a bad crypto ira and why choice and   there's a few others that are good ones because  my research there's a lot of crypto iras out there   that charge outrageous fees that are just taking  advantage of the nascent space could you talk   about the bad ones versus the good ones and more  choices yeah so i like we're not just sprinkling   crypto on okay we're not just like an ira 401k  company and we're just like sprinkling it on   and we all know that again if we're here on  this channel like we're very hyper online like   we're very doing great research you know you you  know and can spot providers that are just like   sprinkling on and kind of just trying to ride the  crypto wit like that's not what we're interested   in like i talk a lot about the just circular  economy and like i'm like thinking 20 years down   the line like 30 years down the line i want to see  like retirees rolling off these accounts and then   like rolling stats through like btc pay server in  el salvador okay like that's very where my brain   goes all the time or i've said on the channel last  time too like if if i'm doing my job right like my   son never opens a bank account okay we're plugging  all the holes on each of these things this is not   like we're not like just the legacy company that's  like pivoting to you know go ahead and do this and   so that is just kind of the main thing i would say  of like really check on that and then the i think   the cus i think the custody options the wrestlings  and the like daily stats rewards are the biggest   ways we just put our you know sats where our mouth  is on like being the best place for people to   make use of their retirement accounts and so  the custody for sure so you look we have a no   annual fee plan okay so if you want to hold  your bitcoin inside our like lending product   that'll subsidize your custody fee and you won't  pay any custody all crypto trades are always one   percent so all crypto trades are just always one  percent across the whole board but on the custody   side we have a no no fee custody plan okay and  we're working on tweaking that to pass along   um a little bit of the money earned to the  customer also and so that is like very much an   active development so it's gonna go from no annual  fee to like paying you also on that um we then   have an up stepped up custody of fidelity digital  asset custody so if you want the like uh main way   the like institutions and just kind of like beefed  up um security you can pay for that and that comes   out to 0.083 per month of your like last 30 day  balance so it comes out to one percent of your   annual balance but it's billed monthly which is  why i like saying that 0.083 um and then finally   we also have hold your own keys and we have self  custody okay and so this is like very important   like i agree with all the bitcoiners that talk  about like the you know holding bitcoin in your   own wallet is super powerful and it's a lot like  and name of the game and game and so we do allow   people to do that that comes with a um it's a  500 one-time setup and it's 10 bucks a month   so that's the cost for hold your own keys and you  currently what you do is as you make your account   we're on iphone and we're on web right now so we  have android coming in beginning of next year but   if you sign up through the iphone app or through  the web app you're you're greeted with like hey   what kind of ira do you want to set up traditional  or roth and then you're greeted with hey what kind   of custody plan do you want and that's where you  can select the no annual fee the fidelity digital   asset or the hold your own keys um pro tip pro  tip for people you can switch okay and so like   obviously do your own risk research pick whichever  one you want what i like to tell people is you can   switch and so if you want to be in that no annual  fee like while you're getting set up and then like   switch to a different one later um it's not like  that is definitely something you can do so i just   want people to be aware of that um those options  so that's that's like a blah of the secret sauce   so just to review real quick some of those things  we've gone over in no particular order um choice   has way more cryptocurrency options than a  lot of the competition choices fees are a   lot cheaper than the competition and there's no  annual fee option cheaper standard i'd say one   percent is yeah standard decision i mean because  some people overcharge a lot of people overcharge   a few different custody options including holding  your own keys um of course you get the fifty   dollars if you use the uh link in the description  and you can start referring people um and then   just as we're listing them what else did we go  over and the daily stats rewards and that's like   very very fresh like that's super fresh the people  watching this right now um it's so we're coming   out with a new if people have seen uh the price is  right you're gonna like really um see the feature   and really enjoy the feature and so it's it's  saks rewards sats rewards every day for just   interacting with your savings and hopefully this  just makes you think more about it like something   what i love the most about just bitcoiners and  bitcoin youtube and just bitcoin twitter is   the amount of just high agency people that are  thinking about the future and thinking about   tomorrow and making it better like making their  personal life better and then making society   life better and so in a small small way we  are paying you to like open this app and   think about the future think about the future  tell your friends about the future and that's   i think really really powerful so what is that  process like for somebody who's interested and   you know obviously they click the link in the in  below they want to get that 50 bonus but after   that you know what's like the process like for for  somebody you know signing up for this yeah so that   link um that link should be a smart link if you  open it on your iphone it should take you right   to the app store and you should be right into the  flow if you're on a desktop then it'll take you   right to our web app um and then you're discreet  with the application and the whole the whole goal   of the iphone app is for it to be as easy to open  up a like regular exchange as it is again to open   up an ira account like in these things and then  and then what you do is we have in-app transfers   so you scroll to the bot once you're through the  account setup process which again you just choose   your type of ira choose which custody option  you want but then once you're to that plan you   can hook up your bank account this is another pro  tip just because transfers can take a little bit   of a time because you're dealing with the legacy  world like you're how we're having to plug into   the legacy world and literally pull your money  out of there okay and so so that you're not like   staring at a zero i would hook up your plaid and i  would throw in 50 bucks throw in 100 bucks like do   whatever like do whatever you want to do 10 bucks  and just get that process going um so that you   can like feel momentum in your account but then  you just scroll to the bottom you click on start   rollover or transfer and that'll take you right to  the transfer rollover form where you put in all of   your information from your old provider and that  lets our team be off the races you know saving   saving your money like all of october didn't even  hit this yet all of october we're just doing the   zombie theme and we're capping it off with a um  halloween party out at the phoenix meetup but   that's this whole thing like you want people to  have this in their head of like the like don't be   a zombie like don't let your retirement accounts  be a zombie and this actually is very serious   because there's like there's missing 401k funds  like there's people that are so disenfranchised   with their other providers that when they switch  jobs they don't even take it anywhere and don't   take it anywhere and it just sits it just sits  and sits and sits and gets like the annual fee   just like we'll draw down the account and  you just like watch your like balance from   your like old company you don't even like don't  even remember it because these these like that's   how bad the retirement crisis crisis is and how  many people just are not inspired and so that um   that makes me angry actually like actually and  it just uh because it shouldn't be like that   like that that was money that you decided to  take out of your paycheck and put into these   401k plans you know again trying to like do the  right thing like your mom and dad totally doing   all this stuff and then uh for it to just sit  there um because there's no better options for   it and because you don't know about like  like choice app yet honestly uh it's sad   you know what's crazy it's like 401k there's  cash in there people forget about it if there   was bitcoin in there i don't think people would be  forgetting about that no no hey talk to me about   these meetups like lay it out as if i've never  heard it before what are the deets yeah so um   meetups in general i just want to really  encourage people to meet with bitcoiners in   real life because you like your brain is different  like you see the future like differently now and   for me personally i've experienced like  meeting a lot of great friends and really   honestly being more optimistic about the future  when i meet up and talk to bitcoiners in person   so um the next one if you're in well number  one they're across the whole country so   they're almost in any state so my dms are open on  twitter if you don't aren't sure where yours is   you can message me and i can probably find one  in your state um the one one's most of top of   mind for me today is we're throwing a halloween  party in um in phoenix at the phoenix meetup so   if you just google phoenix bitcoiners um or  phoenix bitcoin network uh arizona bitcoin   network that will come up arizona bitcoin network  halloween party and i'll tweet this out again too   um but yeah just come we just hang out um  you know drinks are on us for the night and   it's a great time and then i would really and then  suffer all of the kind of like west coast people   we this is the second year in a row we're doing  this but we're throwing a christmas party that's   for all the meetups in all of california arizona  um and nevada and the goal of that is because i   want people to feel like they're part of something  bigger so in the same way we're talking about   choice app and wanting people to feel like they're  a part of something bigger and feel like they can   have optimism for the future and just be putting  you know previously you know dead fiat to work   i want people to feel this at a grassroots level  that they're like bitcoin is taking ground um   you guys cover the news every day like every  day and it's it's almost funny that when you   see it every day you become um just used to it  like all the headlines all the headlines but i   really want to use the christmas party for like  real people in a real room to be like there's a   lot of people from across california that are like  really thinking about this um and it's materially   changing their lives like i've seen i've seen  there's another thing that meetups help couples   like if one partner is like into bitcoin one isn't  yet showing up and talking to other real people   that are doing this um and and double bonus if  you're like at a bar or a restaurant or something   like takes bitcoin because showing that in real  life that there's other people and then showing   the transaction honestly really like makes it  click home for a lot of people i uh i agree with   you you know regarding the news every day you  know it's easy to not realize you know how much   momentum is just being built and how different it  is you know today compared to a year ago compared   to four years ago but just uh real quick regarding  those two specific meetups you mentioned if people   want to get the information they can always  go to your twitter links in the description yes but um there's one in arizona um  near halloween and there's one where near hold on it's taking me a second to get my calendar  but i have it now okay uh october 26th october   26th it's called linger longer lounge um in  phoenix and that one is where the halloween party   is and then the christmas party is december 9th  and that's in costa mesa and everyone is invited   from from anywhere like if you're across the  country and you want to come to this we absolutely   want you to come but it's hyper hyper specific  on california arizona and nevada because i really   want that region to um just really feel and like  know each other and so december 9th costa mesa   october 26th phoenix and you must be a fan of  bitcoin don't show up if you don't like bitcoin   these are you know bitcoin people excited about  bitcoin that's why i like to go anyway let's   keep going with choice but we like but we like  maximal issues too i just want to put that there   like there's a very maximum maximal ish right is  that still a thing do people say that sure sure   so it's like people like bitcoin but also yeah  yeah yeah very inclusive but yeah anyways gotta   be focused gotta be focused on bitcoin anyways  um let's bring it back to choice what else can   we talk about did we want to touch on the zombie  accounts a little bit more because that's a big   promotion yeah yeah so in the month of october we  had a goal to get 21 million dollars out of the   legacy world out of these accounts that are being  underutilized and we're already over halfway there   so we're on target for that and so that feels good  like that feels good to be making like a material   impact um on the issue and the the wrestlings  are helping the 50 dollar bonus is helping the   like daily stats rewards are helping  and so that's like let me say a few so   that's where if even if retirement accounts don't  excite you like the reason why it should excite   you is because again it's like plugging this whole  of these underutilized accounts and so bitcoin has   already like it's fixing checking accounts like  lightning network is fixing checking accounts like   hardware wallets are fixing savings accounts like  we're solving all these issues like bitcoin fixes   this is so real and so you should dis desire and  like want to see this like retirement crisis fixed   and because we're purpose built to force outflows  out of the legacy custodians something that super   frustrates me is that these legacy custodians  you know they come out their press releases and   you guys cover it in the news where it's like  oh they're like coming out with bitcoin access   and then you just like read read read it all the  way down and it's like for private wealth clients   and i'm like dude that again like makes me very  angry that is super frustrating because like i'm   like dude right here on the wall like this is why  i'm in bitcoin this is why i'm in bitcoin and so   when they've released these press releases that  are like oh if you're a private wealth client you   can buy bitcoin but i don't understand why you're  not turning this on for your regular clients and   to be super like so i knew about choice for a full  year before i joined um and something that made me   drag my feet of getting my roth stack started was  because i thought that the other custodians would   just turn this on i just thought like oh like  they're you know they've you know been doing this   been toying around toying around like they're just  gonna turn this on you know maybe i don't have to   go through the work you know of doing my transfer  that's wrong like i was naive on that i was naive   on that i didn't i didn't see the trend yet of  only turning it on for the private wealth clients   and so um that is what we're fixing our purpose  built to cause outflows um from these things   um so i have the do you want to hear some  retirement stats it'll inspire anything okay   so like 38 of americans 18 to 29 have zero  saved for retirement and these are stats   from the federal reserve like our actual federal  reserve like okay and then the median savings for   an american 55 to 64. so heading into retirement  heading into retirement 120 000 that's not good   on either end of those spectrums okay and so  choice accounts currently we see a bump in two   categories and those are both the categories it's  kind of like the like stereotypical like crypto   crowd you know like late 20s early 30s or whatever  um and then this other crowd of the like you know   getting close to retirement getting very serious  like about these things and it's either you're   stuck on zero in retirement because again i think  we all have a bad taste in our mouth from like   the 08 crisis and just like things like this and  not wanting to tie our money up because the world   is changing so fast and then you have people that  are behind in their um retirement account because   the you know and do running those like real  retirement numbers of hey if i'm drawing x   amount per year this is like not this runway  does not look good and so those that's um   that's two like those are two issues and other  custodians are not solving that like you can't   you can't solve that um without the tools that  like we're building um into into choice app   it's like like when i got into bitcoin like it  changes the way you think about money you know   delayed gratification you know savings account our  arrays were specifically created by the government   to encourage people to save so there's a lot  of like middle ground in that venn diagram of   all right how do we get people to save  for the retirement well i'd rather do it   in a you know an asset that's hard capped um that  i can self-custody so i think there's a lot of   you know middle ground for both parties  there totally no totally and i think um we all like we all get orange filled at a  different time and so if you got orange felt   after you had worked at a few different jobs and  you had one of these zombie accounts that you may   have forgotten about that's like totally normal  but now you know that there's tools available   that can make that um like be more productive cool  so as we're wrapping up this interview i feel like   we answered a lot of you know big questions around  choice and ras i hope you know people are getting   value from this video comment below your thoughts  uh you know visit choice yourself with the link or   follow brian harrington on twitter um you know  what else what else we want to talk about brian   as we're you know finishing this out i think that  just continue the conversation like that's that's   what i love most about like what i love most about  your guys channel and i'm thankful to be here like   every time is i think you are i think you are  leaders and i think the people that watch this   um are just in the right place and so like talk to  me talk to my i'm brain harrington on twitter and   yeah you can ask me any questions about it we  have a discord channel i might try to get you   a link to our discord channel also because  that's a really good place to hang out um   and there's a random thought to end on but i just  was thinking about this this weekend oh because i   so i started the tick tock account i started the  tick tock account and i was thinking about this   this weekend like influencers i think can be  kind of cheesy sometimes like we can kind of   start to roll our eyes at it just like just  the day to day of like um thinking about it   and watching people on the internet but i  was like watching these gardening channels   and i was like really like learning like real  information it was like really changing the way   my brain was working and i was like this person  taking the time to put this on the internet like   matters like that matters no matter how cheesy  that is to like maybe their friends or whatever   or how cheesy they felt while they were doing at  the same time but i was like i'm getting like i'm   a real human getting real value out of that and so  i like just want to acknowledge that like i think   there's like real i'm i just want to acknowledge  that to people here like i'm there's real humans   on the other side of the internet and i'm there  like in so many other niches and so it feels cool   to be able to just talk in depth about like  bitcoin in this like one specific thing and   i hope this can help you like i hope this can  help you this isn't like it's not about me like   it you know it's a little bit about choice app but  it's not even about choice app like this is about   like physically you and if you're all the  way to the end of this video right now   like that matters okay so you know talk to me talk  to these guys and like let's like continue to like   make the world a better place as like sometimes  funny and cheesy as that is gardening talk i'll   have to check that out yeah you have to you have  to yo but i love the final thoughts let's continue   the conversation down below in the comment section  brian thanks for joining us man yeah cool guys

2021-10-26 21:26

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