How To Market Your Health Coaching Business When You Don’t Have A Team

How To Market Your Health Coaching Business When You Don’t Have A Team

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welcome back to the show now one of the biggest  struggles that i hear from people is how to get   started with marketing their business and you  know especially in those early stages when they   just don't have any help or a team to outsource to  so that means they're doing everything all alone   but also if you don't have a marketing background  yourself then how are you supposed to know   what to do so to help with those questions and  all those struggles i've got a guest with me   today who is going to offer some support on  this sarah noel block is the founder of tiny   marketing where she helps small businesses  and entrepreneurs to increase their know   like trust factor by batch creating one month of  their content marketing and social media posts   and email marketing all in one week so she's got  a really cool system that she has developed and   she uses herself in her own business in fact and  in this conversation she walks me through exactly   how she gets it all done we also talk about the  most beneficial marketing activities when you're   right at the beginning of building your business  and what you should be focusing on and also what   you shouldn't be focusing on and really how to  get traction so that you can eventually get to   the stage where you can outsource some things and  then keep growing from there i think you're going   to really find some useful tips and strategies  in this episode so let's get right into it well hey sarah welcome to the show thanks for  having me it's gonna be it's gonna be a fun chat   it sure is yeah i'm super excited to really take a  deep dive into marketing with you because you know   obviously this is a huge topic um for you know of  concern with my audience and you know most people   i think like health coaches wellness coaches  they of course realize that they need to market   if they are going to get clients and grow their  income and do all those things but many people   i find you know lots of people don't particularly  like marketing activities or they find it kind of   overwhelming or they're just not even really sure  what they're supposed to do um yeah so and and   that's especially you know of course if you don't  have a team if you're early on stage and you're   it's just you doing it you're kind of having to  figure it all out by yourself so you know i'm   really excited to talk to you about all of these  things and have this conversation but before we   get into everything i would love for you to just  give our audience a bit more context and just tell   us about you and the work that you are doing yes  so i'm sarah noel block and i have a show podcast   and youtube channel also called tiny marketing  where i talk about how to market with a tiny team   i spent my marketing career working as either a  one-person marketing department or a very small   marketing department and now i work with small  teams to help them scale up their their content   marketing so i'm excited to talk to your audience  and give them some of my little tips of the trade   that i've learned along the way it's not their  zone of genius it's not where they are spending   their time so but there is an easy way to be  able to do it even if that's not your thing oh   that's exciting to hear about them i'm sure that  people are going to be excited to hear about that   so yeah i mean let's just dive on in i want to  start by talking about an element of marketing   that i think is it's from my understanding  it's central to the work that you do sarah and   and it's the concept of core content right  yeah i would love for you to tell us what   core content is yes so core content is that one  thing that you can commit to doing every month   even every quarter and you use that core piece of  content to feed everything else so i mean you're   doing something else you're not doing marketing  you're a nutritionist you're a wellness coach   you don't have time to create a lot of things but  maybe you have time to spend an hour interviewing   an expert in your field that could help your  audience and drive value for your audience and   that one hour can be repurposed into so many other  things you can break it up into clips for youtube   you can break it into audiograms it could be all  of your social media for the month your emails but   that core piece of content that one hour you spend  can feed everything else hmm i love that that   that's that's i mean that absolutely sounds  doable right like one hour a month and that's   your core piece and from there you can kind  of like spin it out yeah you repurpose it   chop it up and distribute it in different ways  make it different formats so you're attracting   you know the people who prefer podcasts you're  attracting people who prefer video or writing but   you're using that core content to feed it all yeah  that's great and i like that idea of of you of   then sort of hitting different media options right  so because you're right like not everybody who   you're trying to reach as an as an entrepreneur  not everybody is going to be consuming your stuff   in the same way right everybody learns differently  mm-hmm yeah exactly okay that's that's amazing   and and certainly sounds like you know uh it  feels doable it feels like okay actually it is   doable yeah because that overwhelm i think is a  big barrier people think because we see you know   pro marketers who have huge teams and we see how  they're showing up and we think okay well if i'm   not doing it like that then i'm not doing it  right right don't compare yourself to that   so true i mean that's generally true for pretty  much all things right yeah right yeah but but   definitely like we because because the team  often is invisible right like those like the   big influencers and things they have got a team  but they're behind the scenes you don't realize   that they've got a huge number of people who are  just facilitating and getting all of this uh you   know machinery behind the scenes happening  so we think okay this is what i'm supposed   to be doing and because i can't do that that  means that i you know i don't i i can't be   there opt out of everything then right yeah  exactly and and that's a shame because then   of course you're not actually showing up you're  not being visible you're not reaching the people   that you need to get the people that really need  to hear your message um exactly exactly and it   really doesn't take a lot of time to be able  to show up consistently for your audience and   add value for them while still doing your job if  you just set it up like automate anything that   you can batch all of the creation that you're  doing if you're interviewing that one person   set aside that one day and chop up those videos  put together your social media posts that you're   going to use and schedule it out and then  you'd only have to worry about it that one day   yeah exactly okay so i mean i'd love to kind of  like dig into this a little bit more and just   kind of unpack how would this look and if you  have any examples of how people have actually   managed to execute on this kind of thing on their  own i would i would love that but like how how are   they actually like what is the very first step if  you're trying to if you want to kind of implement   this sort of strategy what are you doing first  yeah so the first thing you need to decide is what   is my core content what can i commit to doing and  how often can i commit to doing it so for myself   i do all of the marketing for my own business but  i also market for 15 other customers so it's a lot   of work but i use the method that i'm talking  about today to be able to make it work for me   i commit to an interview an expert interview every  two weeks and what i do is i break that interview   up into three segments so they end up being a  series and then um so every other week a video   show will come up and then those opposite  weeks the podcast episode will come up   ah okay carry on yeah and it all comes from that  one interview so we've got six pieces of content   right there from that one interview and then  weekly emails which i just sit down and batch   i write them all at one time schedule them  out so i don't have to think about them   and each one of those pieces of content so far  we're at six you can create at least three social   media posts from each of those so that's feeding  your channel for all of your channels for a month   with that much oh my gosh that's great i love  that framework that's super okay so let me just   make sure i understand so you so you do when you  say you do two interviews per month that's you   like actually sitting down like this basically  right like interviewing somebody um and you do   two you record two of those interviews a month  but then you take that you take that recording   and you break that up into both you separate  out like video and audio podcast right   yeah i do and each of those interviews is just  broken up into three learning objectives so those   videos are broken up into three episodes and then  i'll record the intro and outro for each of those   but it's a series of three right oh cool okay  and so then do you i'm just curious like when   you're planning to when you're doing planning  your interview you're like you're recording are   you planning ahead of time how you're gonna break  it up into that series of three or does that kind   of come up after the chat no it usually is before  so we'll come up with three learning objectives   before we have the conversation i'll have some  general questions i might go off the cuff on some   right i'll have general questions  for each of those learning objectives   and then i'll know exactly where to slice them  like okay and we're stopping here and then this is   where the next video will come in so they're aware  also that it's being broken up into three yeah   having those learning objectives and the this is  what i want my audience to learn in this segment   in my mind it helps a lot that's brilliant yeah  so it does require a bit more work beforehand with   planning and prep and stuff but sounds like much  less work afterwards in terms of editing because   you already know like where you need to slice  yes and you just get a lot more content out of it   yeah tons more content so out of each interview  you're getting like three videos and three podcast   episodes that's amazing yeah so then you've got  six pieces of content for the month it sounds   like that you can for that one yeah so yeah six  pieces of content for so it's 12 total oh right   right two interviews yeah okay gotcha and then um  four emails that i send out so i send out one per   one per week and um i just batch  those so i do them all at one time   and same with social media when i come up with  my social media content i'll write it all at one   time and then schedule it out that's brilliant  yeah okay so you just sit down because there's   so much value i find i mean i like to do this  too when i can is like that batching because you   just get yourself into the right headspace right  yeah you're in that mind frame you can get to it   yeah and it's much more efficient rather than sort  of flip-flopping between different tasks and all   of that yeah and you can sort of put yourself in  that mind state when you're you have in mind okay   i've blocked off my calendar on this day and maybe  you book a hotel and you go there and you decide   to do it there and you make a day of it you make  it an event so it's a thing you look forward to   and at the end of the day you have all of your  content and you really only need to publish like   that could feed two months of  content those two interviews   yeah absolutely oh that's amazing okay i love that  um so i'm curious like how how else do you suggest   like for for yourself or what's your approach that  you take and of course for the clients or you're   helping them with their marketing like how do  you stay in front of your audience like you know   of course we've been talking about ways to do  it but what else like talk to me about you know   what's the what can people do to feel like they're  staying top of mind staying present you know all   that kind of stuff yeah so as far as email making  sure that you're doing it consistently send that   email every week so you're always in front of  your audience and then as far as social media is   concerned just time block decide hey for this 30  minutes every single day i'm going to engage with   accounts i'm just going to comment on other  people's accounts and make sure that i am out   there and i'm having conversations with people i'm  responding to comments on my content and just that   30 minutes is enough to be out there show up  for your people and keep that conversation and   the relationship going yeah i think that that's  so important like to really block out that time   because as we all know social media can be a huge  time suck yeah you can get sucked in there real   good right you look up and it's like what happened  to my entire afternoon so yeah so i what i do is i   don't know what you do to keep yourself on track  but i just set a timer for myself i am like okay   and when that timer goes off i am out i'm just  like yes it's stage left because i have to get out   and get on with other things but you know just to  because it is important like exactly like you said   you got to show up for your people you have to be  present and engaged but that doesn't mean spending   the entire day being present and engaged  that's you do that you're not working are you   right exactly like you've got a business to run  you're not just you know social media butterfly   so yeah yeah and if you're bad about that like  you just can't step away from the phone there   are apps that will block them for you like i use  this pomodoro um app that it's like 25 minutes   on so this is like my zone time five minute break  and during those 25 minutes on it also blocks all   of my apps so i don't get any notifications  and i can't go in if i want to perfect yes   exactly if you know that you are just not great  at this this is a bit of a weak point then just   just outsource the discipline to something yeah  yeah okay cool actually i want to circle back to   because you mentioned email marketing because this  is definitely i know that this is a struggle too   for many of the people in my audience is just you  know we know i hear from many many people who say   i know that i'm supposed to be you know i should  be nurturing my list and communicating with them   regularly but i don't really know what to say or i  don't i just sort of can't get around to it or you   know those kinds of things so tell me what's your  take on you know how to stay consistent with email   marketing what kinds of things are we emailing  our audience all of that stuff yes so the content   that you're creating in that core content it's  feeding those emails you it builds out and nurture   a nurture system because theoretically any content  you're creating should be adding value for your   audience otherwise don't create it if it's not  teaching them something that they care about yeah   so those should be your email talking about what  you've created sending that call to action to that   piece of content you could do that every week  easily with core content and if you are doing   podcasts or you have a pr mention throw that in  there it adds a little bit of social proof like   other people trust my opinion here's evidence  of this it's important really important yes but   i i would say send weekly emails  so people get used to it and also   just the way email works in general you'll  show up not in the spam or the promo   sections of their email if you're  doing it every week at the same time   gmail comes accustomed to your email showing  up they're like oh okay this person's legit   i will send them through yeah absolutely are there  specific times that you recommend or have found   have been particularly um you know just optimal  times or days or you know that kind of thing when   people are sending out their regular weekly  emails it depends on the industry i work with   some facilities companies and like 5am is the  hot time because they're working really early   but you need to really a b test i send mine at  six and i get like a 40 to 50 open rate nice   so earlier has always done better for me as far  as email and then when it comes to social later   always like after work hours always does better  that's perfect and and during the week you find   it's more you know optimal during like monday to  friday not saturday to sunday or what if you think   i don't bother on the weekends yeah so i mean you  could always test it because maybe your people are   different than mine but no i do tuesday tuesday  and wednesday are supposed to be the best email   times just in a general sense but every audience  is different well that's exactly it right like   it really does and it all comes down to and in  so many things in business we're always saying   well like really you've got to know who is your  audience and who is your ideal client and what   did they need and what did they want and where are  they showing up and all that kind of thing test it   out see what works for your people and accommodate  them yeah exactly yes okay so you recommend   weekly emails if at all like if you can get  that but and to help you with that batching   it it's all at once so it's just batched it's  scheduled it's you don't even have to think   about it it's just all good to go yeah you're  just writing four emails scheduling them out   so easy and at the very minimum monthly yeah it's  agreed totally if all you i mean weekly is ideal   but if you just simply don't have the bandwidth  or you don't have like the muscle yet right like   it's just not a habit yet you haven't kind  of got your system down then if just commit   to doing once a month email and then when  you when that feels like it becomes you know   easier right like when you get that kind of  feeling like i got this down i can do this then   scale up and and do twice a month and then move  up from there right start it once a month that   is perfectly fine and people listening right  now might be like sarah that's a lot of content   18 pieces of content in one month but i mean you  could do one interview a month and spread it out   over a quarter you don't have to be doing  it as much as me it's just uh setting those   systems and putting them in place but you can  distribute them however you want yeah exactly   right and that and i guess even though like  going back to the way that you kind of slice   and dice out your content you're not sending  an email to correspond with each of those   pieces because i'm assuming you're not like  or are you sending out 12 different emails   during the yeah i send out four emails and that  content is distributed over a long period of time   like i did a whole bunch of interviews in february  and they're feeding me through fall nice that's   awesome that's great okay so good right okay so  for people who are like let's just go back pull   back the uh you know back up the bus here for the  people who weren't right at the beginning of like right at the beginning of their marketing journey  or their business journey and they're like oh   my gosh i don't even know where to start with  marketing i've got like this person saying do   this thing and that person's saying do that thing  where where do you think is it really is the best   place to just start with marketing your business  the assets you own is the best place to start   you need to build your home instead of renting it  so a lot of people start on social media because   that's where the people are hanging out yeah  but you need to really build your home first   so make sure your website appropriately shows your  business and um is the face that you really want   showing and build your email list those are  the top concerns when it comes to marketing   so you you might need to you'll eventually go on  social media obviously but start with your home   and create a lead gen that will generate enough  emails that you can start sending email emails   regularly because that's a list you own linkedin  instagram twitter it could all go down tomorrow   who knows but you own that email list yeah yeah  i totally agree with you i love how you said that   to like start with your home because and i know  that so many people most of the people that i   have like clients and people in my programs they  start by oh well let me just get on social media   and i'll just start like posting stuff because  that's it feels like the obvious thing right   because you see that's what other people are doing  that's where everybody is hanging out so it kind   of feels like okay that's where i need to start  but it really i i agree with you completely sarah   it's like that's step two you need to get yeah  foundation first of all because ultimately you   want to be driving people back to your you know  your storefront right like you don't want to just   be like out there on social media talking about  you don't even really know what yet um because   that's just kind of wasted effort right so yeah  and if they go to your website they're like okay   this person's cool i want to work with them they  go there and they're like what is this what's   happening what do they sell it's immediately  turn a turn off yeah you need to have that home   like ready to sell for you yes agreed yeah  totally okay so start where start with your   building your home first not like on rented  space but yeah where you live yes that's awesome   and then from there like we you know we've been  talking about people who are marketing their   businesses and their solopreneurs they don't have  a team um they don't have anybody that they can   outsource this stuff to yet how do you prioritize  what um marketing tasks to actually work on and   you know when you're in a busy week especially if  you are kind of short on time if you've also got   a job and you've got kids you know all the all  the stuff that demands on your time so really   prioritizing is so important so how do people  actually prioritize what stuff they should be   doing well the person that you just described was  me when i started my business i had a full-time   job as a marketing director i was building my  business on the side i have two little kids   that was me right but i had to somehow build my  personal brand and the priority that i took was   pr so getting mentioned in publications writing  guest posts on any publication where my audience   might be hanging out being a guest on webinars  and podcasts that was my priority because you're   borrowing someone else's audience bringing them  over to you and that's how you can start building   your foundation and your home you can build  your list through those pr opportunities   have a lead gen that makes sense with each  of these pr opportunities that you're doing   and you can build your list that's brilliant yeah  i like that idea because it can to me that's like   a not it's like a shortcut right like it sort of  can jump you up in terms of getting in front of a   whole lot of people very very quickly um without  you having to do a ton of legwork exactly i got   my first six clients from pr opportunities  from guest posting and other publications   guest posting in particular and webinars are  genius ways to do it because you're showing your   smarts you're showing what you know and how you  can solve a problem so people will reach out to   you that way even still i've been doing this for  a long time and the pr opportunities that i have   drive a lot of it because i'm getting in front  of those audiences and they're saying okay sarah   knows what she's doing i will reach out to her so  pr is the best way to start and it's easier than   you might think like help a reporter out harrow  miss you media mentions and backlinks to your   website which help you get up in google rankings  um it also has gotten me um podcast opportunities   through there too and then um there are websites  where you can find you know what podcasts are   looking for people to interview you can reach out  to people on linkedin and say hey do you want to   collaborate on a webinar it's easier than you  think pr sounds big like it's too much for you   to handle but it's really not yeah i agree i mean  it does sound it sounds like fancy like you need   to have like some kind of like professional who's  handling your publicity or your pr yeah you don't   you don't need that you can absolutely do that on  your own and yeah i mean i i of course because we   were talking about like creating your content and  nurturing your list and all those kinds of things   that is absolutely necessary i think that that's  what you're saying too is like you have to do   that stuff that is your core that is how you're  nurturing marketing all of that kind of stuff but   it can be more of a slow burn right like that is  more of a it can take a little more time to build   yourself up in organic search results and like all  that kind of stuff for your content all takes time   but eventually it moves to a point where you are  getting 100 of your incoming leads organically   i don't do any outreach at all it all comes  through what i've been talking about these   things yeah that's awesome and then that becomes  even then you're into like then things can really   snowball because you're not having to spend a lot  of your like time and effort yeah in in all that   outreach stuff that you had to do at the beginning  because now it's coming exactly it's coming to you   which frees you up to you know keep on keep on  growing and and just like continue to climb the   ladder so it sounds like in the beginning you know  yes there's going to be some leg work you're just   going to have to get to roll up your sleeves  and get out there and and pitch yourself and   you know try and get on podcasts and try and be  a guest authority do some guest posting like so   that you can do what you can to get yourself  in front of as many of your ideal clients as   possible like right out of the gates and then  keep on going from there yeah exactly start with   borrowing other people's audiences make sure you  have legions in place that you can use so you can   pull them over completely so you actually have  them on your list and then you can start reaching   out to them directly and then go into your core  content so you're building your home your seo   that way it all works really well together but  it is it is a slow burn it it takes a minute   but it really works and then you don't have to do  any outbound sales which feels icky at least to me   and you don't have to spend a lot of time on  creation because you have a system in place yeah   oh yes i'm all about that like systematizing  where you can and um love it yeah yeah that's   that's awesome and then you get to the point where  you actually do have some resources where you can   actually outsource and hire some people yeah to  help you make it easier yes exactly but you gotta   get there first with the prps like with that you  know publicity do you find you know either for   yourself or for your clients like is there any  particular avenue especially for somebody who's   new and doesn't feel like because i know that i  i can hear people like with this concern right   now like i can just hear their thoughts right  now is thinking well how can i be like a guest   if i or an expert authority or whatever if i am  brand new like how who's gonna listen to me yet   and how can i do that at the beginning shouldn't  i get someone build up some authority first and   then reach out to you know publications or  whatever can you can you tell me about that   yes um so they don't feel like they  are an authority and that's the problem   start with guest posts because you're proving  you're an authority through that you're educating   and then as you start to do that more people  will feel comfortable bringing you in like with   guest posts you're like okay free content if it's  valuable they're like yes thank you thank you keep   coming but then you have that as a reference like  see this publication trusted me this is what i   this is the value i added and then you can use  that to snowball into webinars which get you a lot   of leads at one time that's a real list builder  and especially with partnerships and um and harrow   is another easy way to start because they're  looking for just really smart quotes to add to   articles and you can do that as a beginner just  as well as someone who has been doing it for years   yeah it's so true i mean and in part this is also  a mindset thing too right is that like really   knowing that you have got something of value to  share with the marketplace and really owning that   um even yeah you sure you don't have the years of  experience but you certainly have a lot that you   can that you can share even if you have some one  small thing that you can help somebody out with   um that's valuable and uh you know you want to  get it out there but what i hear you saying sarah   is that really guest posting pretty low is the  lower barrier one right because the yeah you know   they're it's not taking applications are exact  they're excited to get yeah they want content to   fill they need to fill their web pages yes so it's  the lowest barrier one tarot is slightly harder   because they're a little pickier on who to take  votes from but start trying that right away and   then partnerships with the webinars podcasts those  you have to have built a little bit of authority   through those two other means first before they'll  start taking you seriously yeah but yeah that's   the the way out the direction i would go with  it yeah that's that's perfect yeah i i like that   like that journey kind of thing it's very easy  to do and um like easy way to start out and just   and get your name out there and and then it builds  right so yes every and literally everyone has to   start from the beginning anyway right we all  started from the beginning no one came out of   the womb a genius that's something right with with  all sorts of established authority and credibility   and all that kind of stuff we all have a media kit  and one day old yes exactly actually do you have   any tips on on putting together like a really  simple media kit for yourself like you have to   do this yourself of course like what what would  you do you have any suggestions on that anywhere   you've been mentioned make sure to put that in  there if you have any quotes from customers or   people that you've collaborated with on podcasts  live streams whatever put that in there um   your follower account email count that all matters  and what value you can bring to the table what   come up with a content differentiator what  makes you different than everybody else   what can you teach that other people can't i think  that makes a huge difference yeah i like that yeah   really focusing on what makes you unique i think  to help you stand out of course right um yeah yeah   and it's really it's easier than you might think  because you're like oh i'm a wellness coach like   everybody else but that you are you right you  are somebody else you aren't like everybody else   and even if it's just your personality or how you  approach coaching something is different about you   yes always your your story your experiences the  journey that you've been on that your particular   philosophies like all that stuff is unique i do  i i hear that a lot a lot of people feel like   there's nothing unique about them but that is  not true i've never once had a situation where   i thought yeah this person is kind of the same as  everybody else's person is exactly like everyone   else no not possible yeah exactly well this has  just been so fantastic having you on the show   sarah i just have really that you've shared so  many useful tidbits i can imagine that people have   been like scribbling notes to themselves like what  they need to do next um and it's just been awesome   so but tell us where can people go to connect with  you um you know and learn more about your work and   all of those things yeah so you can find me pretty  much everywhere at sarah noel block that's my name   it's my website it's what i am on social media and  then i have a youtube show and a podcast called   tiny marketing show so you can find me on youtube  or any podcast network perfect i will put all of   those into the show notes and just make sure we  link all of that stuff up um it's just so awesome   thank you so much for for having this conversation  with me it's just been great thank you it was fun   being on here okay well i hope that you got a ton  of value out of that conversation and i really   hope that we helped to clear up that overwhelm  about where to start and what to prioritize as   you begin to market your business i would love  to hear your thoughts on this in particular   i'd be interested to know your thoughts on sarah's  core content strategy and if that is something   that you would like to try go ahead and let  me know in the comments below this video or if   you're listening to the audio of this episode then  find me on instagram and let me know okay that is   what i've got for you today have a wonderful  week and i will see you again very soon you

2022-08-08 16:09

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