How To Make Money Online With 1 Tool & 0$ Investment [Full Guide 2021]

How To Make Money Online With 1 Tool & 0$ Investment [Full Guide 2021]

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hi everyone if you are a beginner and you want a full step-by-step guide on how to make money online how to build an income stream from home working online you are in the exact right place what i will share with you works in any country worldwide and paypal is not required so don't worry about paypal to get your money today i will share with you everything from scratch till you get your first client on line and if you stick to the end i have a special gift for you stay tuned hi everyone i'm hasan from h educate and today i'm so happy to publish this new mini course where i will show you how to start working online step by step before we start if you are new here on my channel you have to know something very important number one rule here is honesty here on my channel if you watch videos you will not make money you have to learn understand ask and then implement and start working and after watching these videos my videos you have to work at least one week two weeks maybe one month to get your first couple of clients maybe get it from the first day i don't know but usually usually it takes at least one to two weeks to understand to answer questions to learn everything and start implementing strategies to make your first profit online so if you are looking for something scammy if you are looking for something super fast please pause the video or just unsubscribe from my channel and search somewhere else here i'm sharing with you some real strategies real case studies something i tested and i'm sure it works online and you'll see this when you watch the video so if this is clear let's start together and a small motivation for you do you see all these messages from people worldwide i get almost every single week from people sharing with me their success stories after implementing the strategies i'm sharing here so i will be waiting also for your emails for success stories on hassan i will be more than happy to hear from you so without wasting more time what do we have for today simply we want to work online from home and make some money and build an online business from your own pc so how to do it in general to work online we have mainly five strategies number one is content creation affiliate marketing freelancing sas services and online stores don't worry about all these terms now what we are going to do here in this video is to pick one which is a freelancing and go step by step to see how we can build a successful online business with the free lansing and about other stuff don't worry soon maybe next week i will publish a full video about how to make money online free course here on my channel so if you like to watch it don't forget subscribe to my channel turn on notifications or like the video to get every new update anyway we picked up free lansing so what is freelancing it's simply selling your services it's simply selling a service like writing articles like creating logos like data entry like graphic design any skill you have even if you don't have that big skills you will still work online just stick with me you will see everything i will teach you everything don't worry so freelancing is selling services line very simple and why i chose freelancing simply because it is one i believe it's one of the easiest ways to start working online you don't need any single dollar you can start with zero dollars zero investment and anyone can do it even if you don't know that big skills you will see you can still work online as i explained in this video very nice so we picked up freelancing let's see what service we will sell for whom we will sell and how to promote them and everything else now to make things easier for you in this video i will pick only one powerful tool that allows you to provide multiple services or what we call gigs online also i will pick one marketing strategy to get your first client so we can focus on one tool one promotional strategy which means you will be successful and believe me if you follow up you can do it in less than two weeks in my experience you can get multiple clients in maximum of two weeks or maybe 20 days so stay tuned and follow up if you want to take breaks pause the video take breaks and then come back and follow up and don't forget to take notes and if you have any questions you can submit to the forum forums or simply join our telegram group and channel so we can chat together if you have any question after you publish this video so in this way i can give the maximum help i can so let's start with this one powerful tool with the service you are going to provide let's learn them and see in details how things work so what is this one tool to provide services go with me now to nvidia dot i o what is in video it's simply a service a tool allows you to create videos professional videos in minutes it's easy and free and this is the best thing i love about this tool it's simple and easy anyone can use it and you can start totally for free with thousands of templates as you will see together now in this video so it's the best choice for beginners zero investment zero dollars and simple to use very nice and you can see here what companies are using in video and if you go here to similar web extension you will see that nvidia has more than 1.9 million visits every single month which make it somehow a trusted service very nice so the one tool is in video okay the question what we are going to do to explain this let's share my experience so i will go to my website

slash services to show you what service i provide with the help of this tool so now i am giving you one of my secrets you see here is my services and here i start providing these new services creating video ads instagram posts packages and youtube intros and outros packages so maybe as a beginner now you will tell me okay hassan what is this what you are providing here what you are selling let's see we will start one by one explain one by one and teach you how to implement this on in video one by one to explore the benefits of nvidia and how it helps then we will go to the second part which is very important promoting and getting clients so if we go back here we will see this service youtube intros and outros so what's this let's explain it by a video here on my channel i will go to youtube youtube let's open my channel videos let's open my latest video a case study on how i made five hundred dollars in three days i will go to the intro let's play the video this is my daughter sarah by the way watch the video [Music] look at this you see this it is called the video intro which you add to every video if you are a youtuber so you will be the one to provide this intro to youtubers or anyone working online who wants intros to his video or her videos so nvidia will help you to create these intros easily and then you can sell them example i will go here and say intro like this we have 214 templates let's pick one to show you how easy it is really how easy it is let's see i will pick this one here here you can watch this template you can see so this is the intro with the logo whatever okay very nice i picked this one to sell to my client here you can pick the size created for wide screens hd videos for youtube as an example or maybe square videos for instagram or vertical videos for stories or pinterest or whatever or tick tock anyway click on use this template you will see how easy it is now to create such videos such intro videos to sell online it will be really super simple just wait a little bit and here is the video editor you can simply play the video in the online editor you see what we need to edit here is simply two things the logo and this text here look how easy it is i will double click on this text and simply say www.a i changed the website now i need to upload the logo you can see just click here and upload a logo let's say this is my logo anything this is the logo as an example just to show you how things work of course pick something that is similar to the colors and so on anyway just say play and now we have this intro video you can see and here we are this is our intro video ready to publish how to render this how to download it to select your client simply go here to download and share you set the resolution here it's full hd export now just wait for the export to finish it will now render just wait for the rendering it will take few minutes then you can download the video i will pause this now and come back when this finishes stay tuned if you want drink some water and come back okay so you can see it's ready now let's click on download and here is the video open it and here we are this is our entry video we can sell it for anyone for any client you want as you will see in this video in a couple of minutes so this is our first service selling intro videos for youtube or any kind of videos online let's go back to the main screen and see how we can create outer videos again simply say outros or simply say end screen in youtube called end screen i will show you now what do i mean by end screens say end screen let's go back to my youtube video here and go to the end of the video so i will play this video at the end and you can see we have this end screen where i share my subscribe button and my next video so this template is called an end screen for youtubers also you can create them within video and sell them let's see how again to end with you you will see also we have a lot of templates for end screens let's pick one let's say maybe this one for recipes i click on this one you'll see this is the end screen of a youtube video related to cooking as an example you'll see it's nice and clean click again use this template and again we see the editor here you can play the video with the music really nice and if you noticed here we have a story block audio what is story block if we open story sorry storyblocks you will see it's a website where it provides reality free stock audios videos templates images and so on so when you use in video when you subscribe to nvidia you you will have the option to use these libraries like storyblocks like i stock shutter stock and so on so this is also an awesome feature that saves you a lot of money as a freelancer if you use in video you can get all these stock images from all these different websites images videos and music and use them inside in video anyway again so you can edit this if you want the stacks and simply upload a logo again if you want also and download and share it and then sell it to your clients very nice so there's youtube intros and outros what is the next service let's go back here you can provide it's called instagram posts packages let's open my instagram account so i have an instagram account and simply i need content always to publish on my profile any instagram profile owner will need content to publish you can see all these posts those are the content so you as a freelancer can provide a service like this one to sell instagram posts packages my other videos explain this how to sell posts like image posts today move to the next level and sell video posts again let's go back to in video here to the main screen and what's nice here in video as i mentioned we have more than 4 000 templates to use really awesome let's say you want to create a post about marketing anything let's say marketing here and you can go here and select one to one square as an instagram post and you will see here a lot of posts like this one email marketing tips three reasons to start your email marketing campaign let's open this let's play it you can see this template reach your customers inbox number one two tracking up and click rates and email marketing and customize content whatever so this is a video ready to sell to your client it's ready just use the template make some editings if you want and download and sell really in a few minutes you can create posts like this using in video using built-in templates we have a lot of templates to use just the text and you can sell to your clients really awesome so this is the second service which is selling instagram post packages the third service is video ads now here we have maybe something more advanced what do you mean by a video ad to understand this let's open youtube and let's open any video let's say this video if you open it you will see now we have this ad it's a video ad that you can skip here you know inside youtube so these are called video ads people who want to promote something need to create a video ad to publish on youtube to promote their services so you can provide this service you can create a video you add and sell it to your clients who want to promote something so as an example say here video ads and you will see now a lot of templates ready for you a lot of categories you can see 1 300 templates really awesome let's say you want to promote maybe a course let's say a course let's say course you have an online course you want to provide your client i mean and you want to create an ad let's say this one here really nice you can see this designed for instagram if you want you can select 16 9 wide and see what do we have here let's say online cyber course add again you can play this ad you can edit it [Music] and simply sell it sorry sell it to your clients you can create also video ads to sell now if you are familiar with google ads and youtube ads you can sell a full service like creating the ad and running the campaign for your clients to provide maybe somehow advanced services but now let's keep things easy for you you can sell video ads for your clients create video ads and sell them so this is the power of in video why i chose this again nvidia is one tool allows you to create multiple servers as we saw youtube intros outros instagram posts video ads so multiple services multiple gigs with one tool this is the first benefit number two it's super easy as you saw you pick a template edit export and download super easy in minutes you can create these services number three it's free to start so and this is one of the main reasons i chose it it's free anyone can use it and start training and learning these skills to provide as a freelancer as a service online not only that nvidia has an awesome support almost 24 7 already to help you you can go here chat or maybe send an email to their support and they will help you to get the most out of this service and what's also awesome that nvidia has a community on facebook a facebook group with more than 24 000 members video creators marketing professionals you can discuss with and get ideas from to scale up and learn more tips tricks and things to help you online working online so this is about the services you can provide if we finish the video now we can simply do nothing okay we learn the skills maybe we can learn the skills but how to sell them and the more important is how to promote where to find clients so here you need to focus very well because it's really very important if you want to get clients and start making money online so the first question is where to sell these services again if you open my website you will see i am selling these services on my own website on but now you may tell me i am a beginner i don't have a website i don't have traffic or whatever i know but in my case i am selling them here simply because i built audience today i have around 350 000 visits per month so i already have audience i have a professional website this is why i'm selling it inside my website but as a beginner you will not use your website you will not need to create anything you just need to publish on freelancing websites like like people per hour yes sarah sarah i'm recording a video please i can't sorry one second please sorry about this if you work online at home and you have kids you understand me anyway so we have we have we have we have we have solid gigs and so on now to make things easy for you just go to and publish your gigs now in this video i can't cover everything in detail but i already explained everything in detail in my freelancing pro series how to sign up to fiverr and publish your gig how to rank it and whatever and how to promote it also so please refer to my freelancing series if you don't know anything about fiverr in short fiverr is a place where you can buy services and sell services example if you say if you say he video ad you will see now we have a lot of people selling video ads and by the way a lot of those people use in video to sell this service so you need to publish your gig gig is a service on fiverr publish your service or your gig on fiverr to sell it now the main question maybe you will ask me is okay we have a lot of people selling the same gig the same service how we will compete with these people how we will rank our gig how we will get our first client how we will promote our gig this is exactly what i'm going to answer right now in this video so let's say this is your gig you uploaded it inside fiverr maybe you'll get a client i don't know but of course we don't want to rely on maybe we want to go and find a client to start working online we want to find a client to make money we don't want to just sit and wait a lot of people do this mistake publish their service on fiverr or whatever website and just sit down and wait for someone to find them you have to find your clients we are in 2021 today we have millions of people working but also we have millions of people that wants these services so you have to catch some of them how you need to do some work promoting your gig now before i go with the marketing strategy if you go here to my youtube channel if you go here and search for promote fiverr in my channel you'll find this video almost a full course 25 minutes sharing with you five strategies to promote gigs so this video really will help you a lot to promote your services also if you go here to my website and in the blog if you search for fiverr you will see here this article a full guide on how to promote fiverr gigs and increase your sales also you can follow up this guide to get some ideas on how to promote your gigs but now to make things easy for you or not easy to make things straight for you and simple i will go with one strategy i feel or i think it's the best way to get your first clients it's simply called emails it's simply called emails so what is called emails and how to start and how to do it let's see together what is called mailing it's simply sending emails in small bulks to people to prospects that may be your clients in the future so as an example if you are selling a youtube intro service if you are creating youtube interest to sell so who is your target audience who is your target client simply youtubers so you need to find youtubers contact them and ask if they want this service i will show everything now but this is the idea in general you have to collect targeted emails build an email list of targeted people target prospects and send emails to those people trying to provide this service for them now you may ask me how to get those emails and how to build an email list and how to send emails in bulk and so on again let's open my youtube channel if you go here to my channel videos and search here for prospecting you'll find this also full guide on how to collect leads how to collect emails you will see exactly how to use google for free some tools some free tools to collect and build and validate targeted emails anyway let's go with a simple example now let's open youtube again let's say you want to target some channels i will say let's say gaming channels i will say gaming here and in the filters i will filter by channel so you can see here we have a list of youtube channels so as an example you start opening these channels let's say this one open it there's a gaming channel go here to the about section go view email address submit and you will see this is the email address for this channel again up another channel like maybe this one try to target start up channel chats that are somehow new go to the about section view email address again you will see this is his or her email address i don't know so contact those people not only those i mean those youtube channels or build a list of youtube channels that you want to collect that you want to contact to provide the services you want to provide like intro videos outro videos or end screens and so on the same thing for instagram you can go here and search people on instagram and you can connect using instagram direct messaging and ask them for providing this service and tell them about your services don't worry about now how to tell i will share with you some templates that you can use when you contact someone anyway so this is about cold mailing you build an email list or maybe a list of influences on instagram depending on your service and you start contacting them now one important tip is send only 10 to 20 emails per day or send 10 to 20 messages per day why the first reason is you don't want to spam and if someone replies back you want to open a conversation with him you want to have few emails only you can contact thousands of people so keep things small easy and clean for you contact 10 to 20 people every single day so around 100 people every single week so this is the first part collecting emails or collecting lists of people to contact now the second question is how to contact how to send emails on instagram it's simple you go here to dm messaging and start contacting but in emails in emails how we send 100 emails or 20 emails directly to 20 people simply we are going to use one simple tool which is ge mass if you go here to my email if you go here to compose and you add a list of emails here and click on send they will all see that you are contacting multiple people and it's not a good strategy you need to send a campaign like an email marketing campaign everyone will get a message as it's a personal message okay so how to do this simply go here to g mass dot c o and install this extension inside your chrome browser it's called gmask say add to gmail here it will open the chrome web store click add to chrome add extension just wait a little bit and you can see now we are inside our gmail account it will tell you to sign up with google to log in with this extension okay this is my email allow very nice close window very nice now when we click on compose you will see that we have a gmask button you can see here we have a lot of options i explained before in my email marketing videos if you want you can check them anyway this is like a full email marketing system inside gmail now one important note if you can afford getting a business email like this one like hassan a professional email really better so when you contact someone they will see professional email it will look more professional obviously so here you set the list of emails subject and the template or the email you want to send them and what's nice in gmask they have personalization you can add the name if you want whatever you want and send to their prospects or to those targeted people and start promoting your services now the first gift for you in this video is sharing with you some templates that you can copy tweak them edit them and then send to your prospects and don't forget we have another gift in a little bit so please stay tuned and stick with me i know the video is somehow long but really it's very important to follow up to get the most out of it to understand everything i'm trying my best to be as fast as possible explaining everything so the first template i have for you today is this one the subject you add the name the target name get one intro video for just 1.99 or something you want

any price you want at discounted price you want try us out then the buddy hey the channel name or the target name hope you are doing well we are reaching out blah blah blah you get the template you can edit whatever you want now the main thing here we offer various services now i want to focus on one important thing this line here we offer various services that we believe can make your channel better or move to next level the idea here is never share direct links to fiverr or any freelancing website or even your website just list the services and how these services can help them just like that at in the end say if you have questions about whatever just feel free to reach out so you are opening a conversation with the prospect never share links sharing links will be considered as spamming we are cold mailing and not spamming a lot of people misunderstand this concept if you are promoting links in the emails directly it will be spam here we are sending an email to open a chat with that person so maybe we can turn him into a customer or a client to buy our service okay this is very important other templates simply go to this link sell services with cold emails you will find this full guide how to sell services on fiverr with cold emails step by step and you'll find some templates other templates inside this article check the link in the description below i hope this way i covered everything from scratch starting from learning the services till promoting the services and getting your clients do this every day for one week two weeks and for sure you can get your first clients and make a first profit in less than 20 days starting from today now before we move on to the last topic for today which is scaling this business and how to scale it up i want to share my surprise for you today my gift for you today i have a new giveaway in this video five winners will get a free promotion for their services if you go here again to my website to my shop to my services you will see i am providing this service promote your business with cpm ads so five winners will get 10 000 ad impressions on my website network to promote your services for free if you want to join check description below you'll find instructions how to join this give away now the last topic for today or the last part which is how to scale up this business if you go back here to end video and go here to pricing as i told you you can start totally for free zero dollars free forever you can start for free to learn it to test it on whatever you want you want now if you want to scale the business up you see you can pay monthly 30 dollars or yearly 15 dollars other gift for you that the company helped me and will help you with giving you 50 discount using my coupon code so if you want to scale up get a business account or whatever ultimate account you can use my code to get 50 discount on in video the second thing also you want to scale up as i told you it's better to go with a business email so go to google workspace or maybe office 365 from microsoft and get a business email starting from six dollars only per month so as a total if you see here the price it will be around fifteen dollars per month or maybe seven dollars per month if you go the yearly plan and six dollars on google workspace so like 10 or 11 dollars per month running this business scaling up this business i think it deserves it for you as a beginner start with zero dollars start from scratch learn it try it apply it when you get your first clients you can scale up with google workspace or a business email and in video business plans i hope you enjoyed this video to sum it up in this video we learned about freelancing providing three main services youtube intros outros video ads and instagram post packages using only one tool which is in with you a super powerful easy tool to create these types of videos and sell them online when you finish you can publish them in websites like and then start promoting with cold mailing using templates and guides that i shared with you don't forget if you like the video smash the like button subscribe turn notifications to get every new update almost every day see you later [Music] you

2021-06-29 16:42

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