How To Make Marketing Easier (For Health Coaches)

How To Make Marketing Easier (For Health Coaches)

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marketing really is the hardest  part of growing their business   that's not what you signed up to do  oh my god you know how to do like   blood work and i don't even know what you know how  to do but yeah it wasn't what we signed up to do welcome back to the show today i have got a  guest here with me who i know that you are   going to love because she is here to help  you get clients and scale your health and   wellness coaching business but in a way that  is going to have you working less and getting   your life back since that's important to us  all so it sounds pretty great i know for me   you know when i first started building my own  business really the ideal thing was to always   to create a what i would call a lifestyle business  meaning something that not only do i love to do   but it also supports that lifestyle that i really  desire you know and supports me financially plus   provides freedom and time abundance like all of  those kinds of things so that i could live the   life that i had always dreamed of if you're  anything like me though in the beginning it   things don't always work out quite this way so you  know i talk to a lot of entrepreneurs especially   in those early stages early-ish stages people  who are just exhausted and frustrated and they're   finding themselves working way too much in their  businesses for too few results and they're just   really kind of wondering if it's all worthwhile  right um and that's why i'm excited because i   have a guest with me today who is going to give us  her insights on how to make this whole thing work   like how to get clients and to scale your health  coaching business while working less so hannah   hermansen is the founder of dream life is real  life which educates and inspires by showing people   what is truly possible for their lives so in  her book we no longer need to wait for the   lottery or retirement to live the dream which  i absolutely love and am 100 on board with   now today so hannah marries her passions for  radical self-love and personal development as a   business consultant for coaches and she has helped  hundreds of business owners to create more freedom   and ease in their business so hannah welcome to  the show it is such a pleasure to have you here   whoo that got me excited these are all the things  i love talking about helping people and living our   life it's great yeah amazing so i know that you  have got just a ton of good stuff to share with   us about how to grow and scale our businesses  and introduce more ease and i can't wait to talk   about all that stuff before we get into all of  that though i would just love for you to tell us   a little bit more about your story like what led  you to doing this particular work in the world   yeah no i was not the second grader who was  like when i grow up i will be a health coach or   i will be a copywriter like totally was not  in my scope of like possibility for myself   until i needed a health coach myself so i grew up  in small town wisconsin did all the right things   landed in a cubicle with a 401k and my toyota  corolla parked in my parking spot and found myself   very unhappy unfulfilled like i had like something  inside of me that needed to get out but i didn't   know what that was again like no one around me  was entrepreneurial or doing anything outside of   a nine to five and so i started channeling that  you know inner giant into um food body weight   over exercising and really getting myself wrapped  up into an eating disorder in my early 20s   that forced me to start to learn about things  like you know mindset work personal development   talk therapy yoga like all these new tools landed  in my path in such a powerful way that i wanted to   give those tools to other people so in overcoming  anorexia i got connected with other coaches and i   thought that's what i want to be when i grow  up i want to do what you all helped me do   so i became a certified yoga teacher i  moved to san francisco i started teaching   you know wellness classes for educators and i  really leaned into this entrepreneurial journey   just with what i you know found was possible like  you mentioned and something really interesting   happened when i was living in california it  was working with a startup i landed a job   actually teaching wellness until i didn't  have that job anymore and they let me go   and that's when it was like the do or die  and this whole like figure out how to get   coaching clients thing again just showed up  on my path not something i was planning to do   but figured out how to do and in the first two  years of my life and health coaching business i   was able to get clients and i wasn't running  ads i wasn't like doing all the things that   people told you to do back in 2015 like run  webinars and do all these sexy digital things   i was just like telling my story and writing copy  i didn't even know it was that kim i was just like   telling my story showing up sharing and figuring  out how to get my health coaching business to   30 grand a month and then people who wanted to  know how that worked and ever since then i've   been doing marketing support for other coaches  that is so fantastic so can i just pull back   for a second so you got your health coaching  business to 30 grand a month not doing anything   fancy or crazy or extreme but just showing  up with service value sharing is that did i   hear you right yeah connection because here's the  thing i learned every business is a relationship   business and although we have all these shiny sexy  tools like social media that we can use for good   there are ancient forms of marketing that  we can rely on to build connection become   known become liked and eventually become trusted  enough to have people invest in working with us   that's what i did i love that that is that's so  perfect relationships it's it's not like sexy but   exactly like you said it's it's timeless it is age  old because it's connecting with people on a human   level so i really love that that totally resonates  and i know that that is going to really speak to   a lot of people who are watching and listening  today too is because it's it feels like it has   to be so much more complicated than it really  needs to be so it's amazing to hear that story   so okay well let's get into things i would love  to know you know what do you see is perhaps the   biggest mistake that health coaches are making  when they're building or trying to grow their   businesses tell me about that well we started to  speak about it a little bit and it's that we're   playing the wrong game okay kim i'm a lot type a  and a little woo-woo okay so bear with me while   you get a little taste of my woo-woo here but the  truth is we are down here playing the human game   some of us playing like the algorithm game which  is so tiny okay you in your bedroom trying to   figure out what hashtag to use is such a little  blip in this way bigger universe of how things   work okay so that's the first thing to remember  like the algorithm can change meta can change   its name they can take like all these little tools  are really just little tools but when we can start   to look big picture back in the rear view mirror  what's worked in the past what's worked for other   businesses what worked like 100 years ago that  might still apply today it starts to play with   some of those like laws of the universe you know  i'm not just saying rely on law of attraction   but i am saying start to think bigger than just  those little shiny objects that we have today and   i never teach people how to hack the algorithm or  what hashtag to use but i teach people the power   of storytelling the power of making relationships  and engaging which yes you can do on instagram   but the theory that you can use on instagram  you could also use in a live event or in a book   or with you meet your new next-door neighbor  so the mistake that we make is we think we   have to figure out instagram or this little  thing that we have for this blip of time   when we should be thinking about bigger universal  laws that we can plug into our business i love   that approach just as a general guiding principle  like it's not so much about like the minutia   of the particular platform and exactly like what's  going on there because like you said it can change   and has changed and will continue to change right  so it's not really that it's like we're getting   and it's easy we all get bogged down in those  like the minutiae event so what you're saying   is so much more about think about what it is that  you're sharing what stories do you have to share   what value do you have to share is that right  like is that the perspective that you take   totally totally and that's that's a big part of it  and i break this down even more concretely so if   you guys are like no taking people like me this is  the time to get out your notebooks and write this   down because again you can plug into instagram or  you can go you know use on your neighbor next door   and this really does come from the ancient idea  that if you are known like and trusted people   will bring you business i mean think about  the blacksmith he did not have instagram he   did not have the yellow pages he did not have a  billboard but enough people knew that he existed   liked his work enough and trusted him  to do the job that he didn't need to   hashtag about it so we can start to think about  those same things and wherever we want to show up   and market and i've really distilled this  into the three c's for coaches to think   about creating content and building marketing that  actually gets people coming back to pay to invest   and the three c's that we all need to be thinking  about is clarity connection and credibility   and i've got templates and we can like make  all these diagrams and stuff like that but   if you show up and you ask yourself you know am i  being clear is there clarity in who i am and what   i do am i making connection is there actually an  exchange and a dialogue happening in my marketing   and then do i have credibility do people know  that i'm certified that i get results that my   clients you know lose 10 pounds or whatever so  if you can just generally think am i building   clarity connection and credibility in who i am  and what i present you're off to a really great   start i love that let's break this down even  more let's do it okay so all of us so that's   like the general theory great okay now the truth  is and let's use social media because we all   mostly have access to it and are probably going  to use it to share our business in some ways today   the truth is we all have three types of eyeballs  of viewers of followers okay and the first one   i like to call the sidewalker these are people  who are just walking past your business you know   they kind of know that you have an account maybe  you went to high school with them they're like on   the sidewalk like yeah kim's got that little like  running club over there i don't know other side   of the street you know sidewalkers and those are  the people who need clarity they need you to say   kim i help coaches get clients online they're  like oh it's not a running club oh gosh okay let   me come over and so that's why we need these like  clarity posts these like times when we literally   say i do this i'm looking for this type of  client do you have this problem like clear posts   to pull sidewalkers off of the sidewalk to come  closer to come look at your business a bit more   okay the second type of viewer that we  all have are joggers okay these are people   who are like running by they're moving fast  they're like on the treadmill they're jogging   but they don't know why they would stop to come  into your business now i consider myself a jogger   i mean in real life i jog but i'm also like a  fast action taker like if i see their starbucks   like i want starbucks now or if i trust you  know if i would like need that in my business   i'm just gonna buy it today i'm not gonna i'm  just like i need it i want it i'm running over   let's do this right but they still need that  connection that reason to stop running on the   treadmill and come over and say okay tell me what  you got how much is a latte right how do we really   work together and that's when connection like  personal storytelling like come in and like have   a cup of coffee and like talk to me about this  thing that happened or don't you see yourself   being like this other client that i have and so  that connection type of post or that connection   type of marketing is where the storytelling  like you asked about can really come in   and then the third type if you're tracking the  c's we've talked about clarity we're talking   about connection we're gonna now go to credibility  and credibility are for the third type of audience   people that you have who are shoppers shoppers  are people who have like been in your business   they might have like gotten your freebie or given  you their email list like you've had some exchange   in the shop where they're like in there they know  what you have to offer and they're just waiting to   swipe their card again like does that make sense  like these are people total sense done things with   you and they're like why would i invest again why  would i swipe my card again and that's where we   need credibility where you show them these are  the exact results these are the outcomes you can   expect this is my proven process or this is how  famous i am i was on kim foster's podcast doesn't   that you know make you trust me so much more and  so if you can start to understand that we all have   these types of people looking at us people on the  sidewalk people on the treadmill people like kind   of thinking about investing and you can start to  show up with a good cadence of clearly saying this   is what i do connecting hey don't you like this  story and then showcasing your credibility you   start to create this omni presence that leads to  that know like and trust hey i think kim is a life   coach or i think she can help you with your health  goals or i know a blacksmith and those are really   the core marketing things that coaches need to  start looking at and integrating into how they   show up websites social speaking events books  all the things yeah that's that's such a great   framework of course like for understanding it and  it really helps us to not just be always doing the   same thing right like i think that that it would  be easy to fall into like always showing up and   having the same message but the truth is just  exactly like you highlighted people are at   different stages and different mindsets and frame  of mind and all of that kind of stuff so we have   to show up for people who are in all different all  those different categories that you described so i   love that that that's just such a great framework  of of thinking about it and i think it also will   help people to get their creative juices flowing  because we kind of get into a rut right we're like   uh what am i supposed to talk about now but you  can go back to what you described so clarity   connection credibility like think about  you know are you attending to each of those   pieces beautiful yeah yeah now that's so real the  like blanking cursor dilemma when it's like i need   to post what do i say what do i do and it's like  if you can come back to a process or a structure   that doesn't just rely on your motivation or  your inspiration this is like all things in   business just so you know just can't just rely  on inspiration and motivation when you've got   a structure have i had a clarity post have i made  a connection post do they need to see credibility   like it helps you take more focused immediate  action because we know we always need to be   marketing we are businesses right yeah absolutely  yeah so i mean to that point like i know that for   you know so many people in my audience marketing  really is the hardest part of growing their   business that's not what you signed up to do oh  my god you know how to do like blood work and   i don't even know what you know how to do but yeah  it wasn't what we signed up to do yeah exactly   yeah i mean i hear this all the time i'm sure  you hear it all the time is like i don't want to   just be doing marketing all the time i  just want to do the work that i really   feel inspired to do and that the stuff that lights  me up so we i understand this i hear it all the   time you do too so if this is true like if for  many people marketing feels like the hardest part   of growing their business what thoughts  or ideas you have on how to make it easier   just don't do it just say no to drugs just say  no to marketing okay this there's my little   like 90s kid love it whoever got that joke  but this is where i disagree with a lot of   marketing business coaching people right now  is they want to teach you this stuff they want   to say oh you got to learn it let me come to my  sales master class come to my get my this get my   that but the truth is it's like you will always  be trying to fit a square peg in a round hole if   your passion and your mission on this earth is to  be a health coach then set down the marketing hat   i learned this the hard way but the more that i  lean into my zone of genius which is storytelling   and i'll take marketing off of my clients plates  and they can just coach i'm learning again this is   the universal woo-woo thing that this is how the  world works if we all do what we're here to do   what our soul has been called to do but we love  and we're energized and we're passionate about   we become magnets to the people who need our  help but when we're blocking our magnet with   all this other stuff we have to do like accounting  and marketing and videos and all this spreadsheets   and uh all that zone of yuck stuff you become way  less magnetic than when you're in your zone of   genius so my philosophy is if you're a health  coach who's feeling like i hate marketing   then set it down set it down you can just say  no now sure you want to like have a general idea   of like what your offer is and like how how your  packaging works like what your product is but most   health coaches spend way too much time on sales  and marketing when they could be like saving lives   i okay yeah i totally get that i totally um i  mean yes absolutely i agree like play in your   zone of genius it's morally it's really about  like leveraging your strengths not sort of   working on your weaknesses like how much time do  you want to spend working on those weaknesses when   really you could be spending so much more time  on your working in your zone of genius in your   strength zones so to that end though tell me how  do p how do you how do you help people to do this   or how do you suggest people lay it down because  it still needs to happen as we said if you're in a   business it still needs to happen you can't just  be like no more marketing in my business that's   the end of that of course i'm just gonna sit here  and meditate and wait for people to show up right   i wish man if you have that figured out please  reach out but yeah how do we actually not do that   how do we actually set marketing down and i think  about this with anything in life like i personally   don't have children but i have a dog and if  i'm gonna not be watching my dog for the day   i don't just like okay i guess a dog you could  but i'm like a bougie dog mom so like madison   my dog has like a dog sitter and we like visited  this woman's house and she's really good at what   she does and she had referrals and recommendations  and so if you think about this you know marketing   being like your baby or your puppy you don't want  to just hand it to someone like the you know the   like 16 year old babysitter next door va who like  kind of knows babies kind of knows marketing like   hopefully we eat today you know it's like  if you think about the value that marketing   brings to your business finding an expert and  getting someone who can help you get it done   is my recommendation and there's a few ways  you can go about this so the first piece is   to systematize it as much as possible so this  is something i've done in my business in lots   of different places where you just have to get  like as much as you can out of your brain you   know how many of us just like leave it to a whim  like i'll post today when i'm like on my walk or   i'll like send an email when i feel like it well  the first thing is is you want to create some   sort of structure some sort of documentation  like i think we need five instagram posts a   week i email my list every thursday i make this  many outreaches this is you know like actually   documenting like what your marketing needs to do  is the first thing and getting it out of your head   is such a relief you guys i don't know if anyone's  done like before bed when you just like write down   what you need to do or just like getting things  out of your head literally helps you sleep better   so think about doing that with your marketing  like write down that dream vision of what needs to   happen in your marketing okay cool now you've got  something to look at and now you have some choices   of do you want to create a system for yourself  again not just based on motivation or inspiration   but can you dedicate a day a month to write 10  emails and just plug it into your system like can   you time block to sit down and put on your  marketing binaural beats or whatever you   need to get in the zone and like bust it out okay  that's one option now the other option would be   to have someone else do that and to delegate your  marketing again to someone with expertise someone   who will come in and do it for you which being  the bougie dog mom i am you're gonna guess that's   my my take i've delegated lots of things in my  business and every time i do i'm able to get back   into my zone of genius and when i'm in my zone  of genius i have more opportunities more income   more ideas i write more books all those things um  yeah that's perfect and it's it's such a valuable   uh frame of mind to get into is like finding the  expert person who can actually like take this off   your plate so that you can because it's gotta you  have to have confidence right you can't just like   you know hand this really crucial part of your  business over to just anyone um for sure so   tell me more about that i know exactly what's  coming up for everyone everyone's like but that's   going to cost money like hiring you know like i  didn't even want to hire a va the first year of my   business because it was like ten dollars an hour  and i was like i could have those ten dollars like   that's two starbucks a day like why would i pay  for that you know but here's what here's the um   way that i found you can easily hire and delegate  to an expert you just have to figure out how that   person is going to pay for themselves or like how  you're going to make money on that investment so what i recommend is you're going to look for  someone you're going to find a copywriter a   marketing strategist or you know a social media  manager is another term that some people use   and you're going to think about that as winning  time back so like i said you could take a day of   the month and just bust out your content i've seen  lots of coaches do that you can do that or what if   you took that day to speak in three masterminds  or book four sales calls or write a new program   that you could sell for a hundred bucks you know  like thinking about income producing activities   ipas you're going to remember this because i'm  a beer fan i love beer like artisanal beer and   ipa is my favorite if you guys are beer people you  know ipas and the same thing is true you've got to   find that delicious income producing activity that  you would rather be doing that is in your zone of   genius because that makes this hiring piece a  whole lot easier not just like oh it's off my   plate i'm gonna sit back and like let them do it  for me but where can you re-channel your energy i   just wanted to like bring this up because i  know the hesitation of making an investment   hiring delegating oh but what if i miss  my baby's first spit up or what if you   know like that whole thing like leaving your dog  somewhere like leaving your marketing to something   is that you've got to have another like thing  that you're excited or would rather be working on   does that make sense it makes a ton of sense  yeah exactly yes okay so and absolutely i mean   it's really about like if you can hand over those  low tasks low-lying fruit tasks like things that   you can safely hand over to somebody it frees you  up to actually get in there and stay and spend a   larger proportion of your time in your zone of  genius making more money doing more high value   activities that's the stuff because of course  there's some things that you just can't delegate   out right like you can't delegate out you doing  videos or connecting with your private clients or   whatever it is um yeah i love that okay and so  how tell me a little bit more i want to circle   back to what you were saying about creating  those systems like those documented processes   do you have a framework or a formula for how  people can start because that itself i know that a   lot of people that seems like a huge task like how  do i even start where do i even start with that   well i have some free resources on my website  shameless plug you can go over absolutely yeah   dreamlife is freebie and you can  get some of these templates and you can start to   plug and play things so you don't have to always  reinvent the wheel but i do think that there's   power in a schedule or consistency or making some  commitment to yourself you know the same thing is   true if you're looking at a health goal right like  if you just like go to the gym some days or like   i hope i get a walk-in today or maybe  i'll find time to drink water later you   know you have to start to build in some system  structure or accountability and know yourself   i am i told you very typing color coded put  it in the calendar give me a reminder i will   check it off the box at 9 30 every tuesday  to email my list okay that works for me   other people have accountability buddies that  it's like okay i sent out five posts today i   texted my friend like that but i don't believe  that there really is a one size fits all like   i i believe we're all like special snowflakes and  you have to look at your business and really take   a look in the rear view mirror what has worked  for you so if you're gonna sit down and say this   is my marketing plan the first thing is to look  at where all of your clients have ever come from   and the truth is most of your clients  probably didn't come from like one email   or one instagram but some of them were on the  sidewalk right and they kept listening to your   podcast or they kept coming to your events right  and so if you can like really have like that   um what do they call it like the cookie crumb  trail back to where your clients came from and   you'll start to see where the majority of them  come came from those events social your book   how could you double what  you're doing in that front   because especially if we talk about these like  sexy shiny objects we could be tick-tocking   youtubing but all we could be doing all of these  things but if you really want your marketing   to go further faster look at what's worked in  the past and ask yourself how could i 2x that yeah that's good and then because then it's way  more strategic than just kind of like random well   i guess this this is maybe what i should be doing  i'll just kind of do that and hope for the best   but actually looking back and you know tracking  your metrics and figuring out where did people   how did people get to you and where did they  first encounter you all that and then double down   on that and cut out the stuff that isn't  really making a difference and isn't really   moving the needle i love those ideas for sure and  then icing on the cake if you're still with me   totally if you're willing to if you're willing to  like schedule it or figure out how you're going to   be held accountable in the first place just like  making the commitment with yourself getting your   gym buddy in place that's the first step then the  second step is to take a look at what's happened   what's worked and how can i do more of that that's  where you're going to get your most bang for your   buck then the third like icing on the cake  is how do i maintain intimacy at scale okay   so this is for sidewalkers this is for randos  this is for that like again icing on the cake   because the truth is in today's day and age if  you're gonna buy something what's one of the first   few things you do you google it you look for their  facebook you want to know what they look like   you you know you like go find them even if  your most income producing activities were   speaking near your books the end of the day if you  don't have an instagram or facebook or a website   you look sketchy so you do need to  maintain some anti-sketchy content   to show that you're a living breathing alive human  or a live business and so that's you know that's   where you can start to think about what can i  repurpose or how can i keep my you know online   assets up up to speed because as much as i can  say you can run your business about social media   if you really want to be the coach that stands  out that has the authority in the space you are   going to want to start to look at how do i show  up consistently on whatever platform you choose   yeah absolutely so if we're getting some help  with all of these things because it you know   the tasks are kind of building and and and we've  also talked about how important it is to get good   people to help you with this so that it's not just  all on you maintaining your social media presence   and doing your marketing activities and working in  your business so if you're if you're looking for   good help and it that takes some time right like  that takes some effort to find really good quality   people to help you with all of these pieces so but  so do you have some suggestions on you know how to   keep those people so that you're not constantly  like on this hamster wheel of like oh i found   this great person and then she cut because i hear  this from people all the time too they have a good   person but then you know she's gone or whatever  you know so like what are some ways of keeping   your people instead of always having to kind of  reinvent things and focus on getting new people   yeah and this goes back to what we talked about  around zone of genius i believe in strength based   delegating hiring people and giving them tasks  based on their strengths so this is where i'm like   a total psychology nerd and i love like i know  you're like enneagram three right i love all that   in the human design like i think that's really  important and so when i hire in my business i have   every single person that i'm considering hiring do  two tests they all pass don't worry it's not scary   the first one is a colby assessment which helps me  understand their follow-through all of us have a   different level of like how detail-oriented we are  how much we care about deadlines and for me hiring   copywriters and marketers it really matters that  we look at details and we finish projects so i use   colby and then i also use strengthsfinder where  i can see what are your natural strengths are   you a communicator are you a later are you  an idea person and anytime i have a new need   on the team or i'm like oh i have this project  or i have this question we need to answer   i pull up those drinks and i see huh lindsay is  really great at developing systems i wonder if   she would be willing to take on this project and  it's a shift and it's different than usual hiring   or working in an organization where it's like this  is the job this is the cubicle will you take it   on the third floor or the fourth floor no it's  about getting humans lined up with their natural   strengths and so in hiring look for the strengths  the value that people can bring to your team and   see where else can they grow into what make makes  sense to um you know invite them not give them but   invite them to take on and i think we're really  seeing this um especially as more females take   leadership roles especially as health coaches and  we lead from our feminine energy of collaboration   of sharing strengths of coming together we need  to think more as teams being synergistic and not   hierarchical to get like too wordy on you but  strengths strengths based hiring and finding the   right personalities for your organization  and knowing that the roles and the tasks   will will find will land yeah yeah i agree with  you 100 like hiring for personality and strengths   as opposed to like skill in a particular like  task or software or whatever it is right because   you can teach people things you can train them you  can purchase a course for them so that they can be   trained on a particular thing if you need to but  it's so much more important to hire for like those   right qualities and strengths so i i love that  that you know your process for that that's awesome   and i do this when people want to hire me as well  you know like the masculine way of selling is this   is what i have do you want it like yeah kind of  like go for the jugular like push it convince them   but the way that i sell it's more feminine  in that i lead with my strengths and i say   hey here's everything you need to know about  me here's my personality here's how i write   here's some other people i worked with like  if you like it knock on the door kind of thing   and that's something to look forward to if  you're going to hire or outsource or delegate   is like do they have the energy i am not the right  writer for everyone like if you needed me to sell   like bro construction worker pants with leather  steel i don't even know like that i would just   be like oh no i'm not the girl for you bro right  and so really thinking about your business kind of   being in like the matchmaking i like that business  yeah will help you have more fun find the right   people and make sure that you stay in alignment  with your mission vision and values as a health   coach yeah i love that that's perfect i mean this  has just been such an awesome conversation hannah   you know i could continue to pick your  brain on all of these topics i love it   um you know i i wanna before i get all your  details and stuff like that find out where   we can connect with you i just want to you know  for our audience do you have like one key kind   of takeaway or what's like the most important  thing for them to to know like to get started   implementing the stuff that we've  been talking about in these ideas   i want you to lead with lifestyle and just because  you can do it doesn't mean you should we know this   as coaches we know that you got to get rid of  the excess we know that you do too much but then   we get into our business and we put on this weird  other costume where we think we have to do it all   and this is your permission even as a business  owner to lead with lifestyle delegate the things   that are in your zone of yuck and get back  to your zone of genius why you started this   which is health coaching and helping people if  you're finding yourself in your day like drained   marketing bookkeeping washing your windows like i  don't know what you do with your day that doesn't   make you fulfilled and lit up and like aligned  with why you did this you know it's time to get   back to leading with lifestyle i love that you  just gave everybody a permission slip to lead with   lifestyle that's just perfect because really like  i mean of course all of my audience are health and   wellness helpers right like people who feel called  to help but thinking about your lifestyle first   that can feel super selfish i i've heard this from  many people that they don't that feels like it's   just all about them but what you just flipped it  around that really like you have permission to   lead with your lead with lifestyle exactly like  you said so that you can create the business   that you want to and you can help people like  maximize in that way i love it okay cool magnet   yeah exactly that's what it's all about right okay  cool so hannah tell us where we can go to learn   more about you to connect with you all of those  good things yeah we are dream life is   it's a positive affirmation again my woo-woo  it's healthy for you to just like type that in   dreamlife and if you go to slash  freebie that's where you can get some of these  

free templates that you can start to plug and play  into your social media calendar and if there are   things you just want to delegate and have done for  you the website will tell you what would you like   done for you and we could take the conversation  from there amazing okay that's so perfect i   will put all of those links in the show notes and  everything and what about like connecting you with   you where's the place that you like to hang out  the most like for some of the people actually yeah   and graham i'm also dream life is real life  underscore there but all that's on the website   dream life is real life will lead you where  you need to wherever you need to go choose your   own you'll choose your own adventure from that  space okay very cool well thank you so much for   this hannah such a pleasure to talk to you have an  amazing day all right well i hope that you enjoyed   that conversation as much as i did and i hope  that you got loads of value out of it in terms   of the mindset and the strategy around scaling  your business but doing so with ease i would   love to know your thoughts have you been afraid of  scaling in the past because you think that it is   going to represent more work for you and create  even more complication and hardship let me know   in the comments if you are watching this on video  or if you're listening then go ahead and find me   on instagram and let me know now i have mentioned  this a few times the past few weeks on the podcast   that i have been putting together a brand new  membership club the wellness ceo club specifically   to help you build and grow your wellness business  and give you all the support and know how you need   along this journey plus having a really amazing  uplifting community to turn to for support and   connection and collaboration and i am so excited  to say that we are right on the cusp of launching   the club and opening the doors to enrollment  so we'll be opening the doors the first week of   april but only for a very limited time now i know  that we are all busy and we've got lots of things   crossing our radar and the last thing you need to  do is remember the launch dates of this program   so to save you from having yet another thing  to remember just add your name to the waitlist   and then i will let you know as soon as the doors  are open i'll put the link in the description box   and the show notes so just head there right  now and add your name to the list i seriously   cannot wait to get this club off the ground and  to welcome so many new members and to get this   party started okay that is a wrap for today as  always i hope that you enjoyed today's episode   have an amazing week and i  will see you again very soon you

2022-03-26 06:39

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