How to Love Your Home (And Afford It, Too)

How to Love Your Home (And Afford It, Too)

Show Video

Your home could either be a blessing, or a curse but, in this episode we're going to talk about how you can love your home and afford. It too. Well, you guys I'm so excited about this episode because we are going to be talking about how, to own, your home without. Letting it own you. That's right now, a lot of you are currently paying off debts or you're saving up for your emergency fund which is fantastic and, paying. Off your mortgage seems, so far. Away but there, are some things you can do to help you now and in the future with paying off that mortgage so we're gonna walk through how. To pay off your home early, because. Who doesn't want to do that we're. Also gonna Skype in a couple, who's currently on baby step two with a mortgage, but, they want a new home I know some of you up there you have the same situation and, last, but not least we're going to talk about when is the right time for you to buy a home and we're gonna have a real estate agent, here to give us some great tips on the home buying process, bill. Listen the topic of your home this, is a big one it's, kind of an emotional one because, not only is, it the biggest financial, investment. Most of you are ever going to make in your lifetime it's a big deal but, it's also your. Home right, like this is where, you go to bed every night where you wake up every morning where, you raise your kids where you have meals we like this is a huge, staple in your life and for. A lot of people it brings a lot of joy which is so great but, at the same time it also can bring a lot of financial, stress and, financial, strain and. Even some discontentment, yeah when you're comparing your house to everyone else's like. I mean the seeds in a life where a lot of my friends are like moving out of their first homes because. They. Like have, multiple kids now and they're like busting, at the seams and like I've heard the phrase over and over like if we just had more space like everything would be better right it's like it could be the size of the house that you're just content with or, maybe it's not maybe, it's like what's inside your house you're just content with or you know when you walk into someone's house and you're like am I in Pottery Barn right now like what is this or like every light fixture looks like it's from Restoration, Hardware and, you're like oh my gosh this is just like the. Most put, together. Beautiful. Like your paint colors work, with the fabrics, on your couch like all of it is just gorgeous right, like that, feeling you have Oh Phyllis. You, can be very discontent, in your home and trust me I have been there and this. Is a big deal because this. Is like totally, what happened to, Winston I when we moved into our first home. So. Just a little back story we, bought our first home it, was in 2009. That's. Right we bought at like the bottom, of the market so we actually got our house in foreclosure we were able to get a bigger home that we probably normally, would have just. Because of like where the market was but. Here's deal when, you're moving in to, your new home it's a little bit bigger than what you planned you, don't have furniture yep. We had like no. Furniture, we bought a couch, we bought the coffee table, we bought, a kitchen table and some, bedroom stuff it's, like that's, it like we had places that were just empty. Like barren. Rooms there was nothing, in them and, when. We moved in I was like oh man, I kind. Of now get why. People go into debt like it really is when these first moments where I was like I could go to, Pottery Barn or wherever and be, like I could go buy like all, this furniture we. Could pay for it you know a little bit each month but, like my instant, gratification like, that that it would be scratched like oh it's just gonna feel so good like I just wanna do it now I'm gonna do it now like the idea of waiting and saving was, so hard but of course we, did don't worry I did not go into tents for my furniture but. It took us years, and, when I say yours I mean like a solid, five years, to, finally furnish, all of the rooms because we took our time we. Wanted some nice pieces but, those first five years like there were moments where I genuinely, was kind of embarrassed to have people over and I look back now I was like it's so stupid but, beforehand. I was like I like, don't, have people over cuz it looks like we have nothing like they're gonna like walk into this empty house bag. I got over myself and it's so funny when you put expectations on, people and they don't have them like my friends like they don't care they didn't care at all like at, all and so it, was just that moment that I look back and like man I'm so glad I got over that rather, quickly and that.

We Took our time to furnish, our home because, we still have those pieces now like nine years later right so like they'll probably move with us to our next home so we did, some investment, on that end but, it was just important. To point out that like discontentment, is really guys it is but you can overcome it in your home and you can learn to love your home and, not everyone else's I promise all right coming up next most of you are paying off debt and you are killing, it you're in the process and, you're doing so great but, there are some things you can actually do right now to, help pay off your mortgage early. Why. Do we, fight with the person that we love the most what's, crazy is one of the leading causes divorce in America today money, fights and money problems, money is the number one source of conflict doesn't matter how much you have a little or a lot it's, still the source of a lot of friction and what happens to negative feelings that we bury they have a high rate. Of resurrection, it's amazing, that money hits us in a place in our marriage that no other subject, does I want. You to put yourself back in the driver's seat of your life and your money because I want you to learn to love your, life not, theirs your. Relationships. Can only be as healthy as you. Are. Don't. Get on the same page with your spouse just because of your bank account do, this for your marriage. All. Right I think everyone, out there wants, to pay off their mortgage faster right, so here are three things that you can do no matter what baby, step you're on now, if you're wondering what does a baby separate, you know well if you don't know what the baby steps are it is a proven financial plan to get you out of debt they're amazing, so make sure to check out my recent episode titled, the 7 set plan to live debt-free you'll, learn all about baby steps alright, number. One how to pay off your mortgage faster is to refinance, for, a better interest, rate so.

If The current interest rate is actually lower than when you bought this could be a great option for you because ultimately at the end it's going to save you money which we love, number, two is to refinance, your mortgage from, a 30-year mortgage if, that's what you have to a 15-year. Fixed-rate. So, when you do this I will warn you your, monthly payment will go up a little bit but. The, good thing about that is that you're paying off your home faster, and you. Usually get a better interest rate with a 15-year mortgage, versus, a 30-year so if you think about it like the math side it's two hundred and fifty thousand, dollar mortgage you. Could save over you're. Ready for this a hundred. And thirty, thousand. Dollars in interest, by. Going to a 15-year, fixed rate you guys a hundred. And thirty thousand, dollars what, could you do with a hundred and thirty thousand dollars I could do a lot of shopping that's what I can do I mean that's a lot of money back in your pocket so. If you want to do that if you want to refinance, I recommend, church home mortgage so they are awesome they work with people all the time on this make, sure to check them out and last. But not least to pay off your home early is to, look at your current situation and, look, at what, your mortgage is costing, you in your budget like how. Much is your mortgage is it like half, of your monthly take-home pay if. That's the case you, guys you have too much, house, and. This is a hard pill for a lot of people to swallow but seriously think about it it's. Gonna be really hard to win financially, and pay off debt and save up for an emergency fund if half. Your income, or more is going, to your mortgage and so you're working really, hard, to. Keep that house okay, so, you might be in a better situation if. You sell that home and move to one that you can afford where you have less house but. In the long run it's going to help you you're gonna pay off that mortgage faster, because financially, you will be ahead, all right most of you are in baby step two and it probably feels like paying off your mortgage is so far, away but stay, motivated you, guys you can do this use those steps we just talked about and pay, off that mortgage you, can do it all, right you've called in a couple who is currently, where probably, a lot of you are they are paying off debt but. They, want to move but, they want to be wise so, welcome, to the show Emma and Rolando thank, you so much for coming on and sharing your story thanks for having us thank, you, absolutely. Okay so you guys are, on the debt free journey right, now you're working your way out of debt so I want to know how much debt did you have and how much have you paid off so far so we started, out with 169. Thousand. And. In 25, months we've paid off. $153,000. You, guys that's insane. That is absolutely. Insane okay, I would, know like like what made you start when you had all that debt what made you say okay we wouldn't actually get out we want to do something proactively, with our money and get, out of debt how did you what made you start that so, initially. Dave. Came to our church here. In Houston, and he. Made the pitch for Financial, Peace University. The. Class and, Rolando. Was pretty. Much all in, as. Soon as he heard it I was. More hesitant, I was we, both have student loans I had almost 90 thousand in student loans so I figured, I'm always, gonna be paying these loans anyway, why, why, would we sacrifice, so much and then. We. Laid out all of our debt when. We got home and that's, when it hit me that we have to do something about this. Dave. Illustrated. Borrower, being slave to a lender with, the change yeah. And that just that, just got me whenever we laid out all of our debt I said we. Have to this I'm literally working to. Pay my. Student that's, totally. Okay so how long will that debt free journey be from start to finish what. Do you predict, start to finish it about twenty eight months ma'am it's okay and you guys own a home currently, we. Do and so are you guys happy there are you itching to move like, where are you at in that process so. We're. Kind of on different sides of the fence there we're both happy where we're at however. I'm. Excited, that once we're out of debt, we'd, be able to save up sell. Our home and, eventually purchase a larger home she's got a different perspective on that though yes and. He's. The one he I guess I'm the more content, one, I guess you could say, he's.

Already Like looking, at homes you. Know just for fun he says. Ready. To move to. A bigger house and, I'm. Just more content, and. Comfortable. Where. We are already. Yet so I'm here it's like what's the biggest motivation, to move do you think you're busting up the seams for a bigger home or you just like man we could afford it and it'll be fine like like what's that what what do you think it's I think it's both right so as our family grows I'd love to grow into a bigger home and then again being out of debt not having that weighing. Us down and be a whole lot easier to move into a bigger home because we can then afford it yes totally. Totally okay so the. Fact that you kind of have that itch and together you guys may, not necessarily want, the same things right this minute like what keeps you from not doing it like what keeps you guys paying, off all your debt saving, up for a down payment like what keeps you on the plan when you still have that itch to move fine, I think starting off it's it's understanding, that we're so close first of all we're. So close to being out of debt why do I jeopardize, that at all right now. And then, just being able to say we're free we're, debt-free we, don't have any bondage, now. And then again it'll it'll open up and free up that income yeah and, I I agree with that and it's also um. Seeing. The success of focusing. On this getting, out of debt how, how. Much how successful, you are by just focusing on one thing rather than spreading. Your efforts out and then just remembering. Why we're doing this we have two little ones so. Knowing like like, dave says we're changing, our family tree and that is worth the. Wait yep for us so. Good I mean that's like this the class Sic example. Of like that long-term, goal like that long-term freedom what you see it may not be in the moment but, you see it's out there you see it's possible and that keeps, you motivated is, just so important so what would you say what, would you say to someone. Watching, and maybe they have. $85,000. In debt and look man I think I'm gonna start this journey but like oh I hate my house like I hate the carpet in it I hate them the pain like I want a different floor plan and they, just want to move right now with all that consumer, debt what would you say I'd. Say just, wait it'll. Be worth the wait and. Again because you'll be able to. Use. The income that instead of paying towards that you'll be able to throw it at a house you'll be able to possibly, afford the home of your dreams instead, of having to settle for something less, yeah. I I agree that it's it's worth. It. Would be worth the way and, you. Have to learn. To. I, guess my big words just being content and. Be. Happy for what you do have work. At this current goal and know, that in the future those all will be possibilities.

If You don't have this debt weighing, you down and, like he said you'll have even more options, available to, you I love. That right it's not like you're never gonna be able to have the nice home right, I just may be putting, something the things in place for you to enjoy that. Home so much more than right now so I think that's such. Good advice you guys and you're killing it I mean you guys are. Like. Doing like crazy stuff right now paying off all that debt you're sacrificing, putting, some of your wants aside. For the moment but absolutely. Absolutely, incredible and you're exactly right what you said earlier ma you are changing your family tree for, those two kids so thank you so so. Much for coming on and encouraging. Those watching thank you I appreciate, it, I. Mean. How awesome were, they you guys I love how, focused they are they're just so great okay, so those of you working through the baby steps or those of you who haven't even started the process there. Is one requirement I have of you and yes I am going to require this of you you. Have, to have life, insurance okay. I know we go over this often but it's really, important, and you have to have it I mean imagine if something, were to happen to you or your spouse and, they left you with that mortgage and all the other expenses it, would be terrible, so you need to, make sure that you and your family are taken care of now, when Stan and I we use Xander insurance, because they make it so, easy all, it takes is a simple phone call or visit their website and, they will shop the best rates, for you we recommend getting 10 to 12 times your annual income and if. You already have term, life insurance then. It would be a good idea to get a new quote especially. If you've made any lifestyle, changes, like losing weight or you've quit smoking, all you have to do is go to Xandar dot-com. Or click the link in the show notes all. Right coming up next is Alex, healt and who is an awesome, real estate agent and he's, going to walk us through when. You are financially ready to purchase a home and what to look for he's, one of our real estate endorsed, local providers, and these are agents, that we recommend all over the country to help you buy and sell a home. Well. Thanks Alex so much for coming on sharing, your wisdom, glad, to be here so appreciate it are you guys so when you're looking to buy a home here are three things to remember when it comes to your money to, know that you are ready to buy that home first, and foremost I want you completely, out of debt and a fully funded, emergency fund of three to six months of expenses, in the, bank so this, is great because it sets you up for your house to be a blessing, not a curse and Alex you know that but it is it's so key so she needs to be out of debt and have that emergency fund case right if, you're broke you guys and you buy a house you become broker is happening. So getting, that solid foundation is, so so key and then next I want to make sure that you have a good down, payment, on your home so Alex I always tell people 10. To 20% down payment is like the ideal world so don't you agree with that for sure so we recommend putting 10%, down by. Doing that you are keep in mind these folks are working towards, ultimately getting the home paid off yeah right and so if somebody says hey can I get a loan, and put nothing, down they. Are out there those are options, it's just not consistent with where we're trying to go I think that that is great advice and you guys if you are saving up for a down payment you can click the link in the show notes and get my free down. Payment, goal tracker, to help you stay encouraged while, you're saving up for that down payments and then, last but not least when you're taking out your mortgage make sure to get a 15-year, fixed-rate, and that your payment, is no, more than 25%, of your take-home pay so that's key all right Alex you've, been doing this how long how long you've been selling. Homes. Six. Weeks now. You're. Really good. So. What are some things that people should be looking for when, they're, going to buy a home the. First thing I would do would be encourage. Them to remember what got them here right so.

Patience. Mm-hmm. They're working a plan yeah, they've had discipline, yes, and so what you don't want to do is throw all those things out get. Into the process be overly emotional, and then put yourself in a bad situation right. The, second thing that we want to encourage people that have never bought a home before is. That this is, your first home like. There's probably gonna be a second, maybe a third or fourth or fifth this is not your forever home, yeah just keeping that in mind cuz it's emotional, right cuz like when you're buying a home you're imagining, yourself in it, especially, your first one right so this is like the biggest purchase you've ever made in your life everyone. Is like ah this is where I'm gonna raise my family this is where life is gonna happen it's gonna be so exciting and so great that's right but it's probably not gonna be your dream home especially your first one so I think that's a great realistic. Expectation. Just to throw out there that's, good yeah, so, now that we have the right mindset then we're gonna work on three things before. We go shopping the first thing is getting really clear on a budget, we, know what you all recommend, with you. Know having a mortgage with HOAs, and taxes no more than 25% of your take home yeah but that doesn't mean they're clear on their budget so they need to get clear on their budget first it's good, the. Second thing would be a wish list and not just a wish list but prioritizing. Your wish list and, some of those may be non-negotiable and others, may be strong, preferences, that's, gonna be really helpful for somebody starting out and, there's not there's non-negotiables, I think are so important because I, mean I think about like you know for instance it could be a yard right like you're like I don't want to zero a lot like we want a yard and, what it does is just starts narrowing, down what you want and those big priorities, those non-negotiables, it. You're still gonna have options, but, it's not like this whole world of houses and it's so overwhelming, it does narrow it down and it helps you be wise in those decisions that's, so smart yep the, third thing is going to be choosing. An agent hiring, an agent. You. Know we recommend reaching out to an, indoor smoking provider in in. Your area for the estate services. And, when you're looking for an agent, when you're interviewing those agents we recommend, interviewing, you know anywhere from two three however, many it takes to be comfortable, and you're probably gonna be comfortable with them because you trust them yes. And. Not dresses huge not a blind trust like you're the expert, I don't know what I'm doing but. A we're, partnering together and, I'm trusting you to guide me I'm trusting, that you're gonna be patient with me to answer questions, that I have right. If red flags pop up or whatever it may be I'm trusting. That you're looking out for me and that you're giving me a really good advice such, good tips okay so I, want, to know some red flags okay some things when someone walks in at home do, they have to just like run out the back door and you're like get out of there don't do it like what are the big red flags slow yeah. Just, throughout the process, okay.

So We're assuming that you're working with an agent that is. An EOP and that you trust them and that you're comfortable with them but. If you hear the words I was thinking about this if you hear the words coming out of like in, anybody, all. Right of. Like. That's. Not a big deal and. Then they want to keep moving on huge. Red flag for me so. Good and, it may or may not be yes, but I but, they're not taking the time to explain it yeah, these folks should expect, that. They take the time to explain, it to the point that they are comfortable making. Their own decision, to move forward or not so. Good oh I love that oh guys, there's so much in this yeah for real though such. Great advice Alex, thank you I know you guys probably learned a ton so, seriously thanks so much for coming on yeah my pleasure. Okay. You guys if you're getting ready to buy or sell a home make sure you connect with an LP real estate agent like Alex, so click the link in the show notes to get in touch today all, right best part of the show we celebrate you guys that's right she, works hard saving, money and it's a baby step 6, edition. That's right these are all people who are currently paying, off their mortgage Tami said at baby step 6, took my coin jar and a bit of money from selling a couple of items from our home for, a 55, dollar principle, only mortgage, payments, a little, at a time is, better than none I now, owe less, on the mortgage and my annual, salary feels. So great great. Job Tami Kevin, said what a year we, finish, out the year with, our biggest, mortgage payment ever over, ten thousand. Dollars seventy. Five thousand. Dollars of debt paid off in a year and one. Year closer, to freedom, don't. Let anyone tell you you can't do something you, can, do, this crash 2019. I love, that Kevin that's right anyone you can do this you guys Melissa, said we are celebrating a major victory over, here today last week we've brought in our final. Mortgage. Payments, to Veridian, credit union and walked. Out with a weight off our, shoulders, you. Can do it too and we are here to support you along the way let's say guys paid, off your house slip guys, hot ball they're doing it I love, it so much well. I really, hope you guys found some encouragement, on today's, show and ways, to pay off you're home early, alright thanks to Emma and Rolando. For skyping in and for Alex for coming on and giving us some great real, estate tips and. Make sure to subscribe to my new podcast that's, right the Rachael Cruz show is on, the Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts I don't want you to miss out so make sure to go and subscribe there, well thanks. You guys thanks, for watching and, remember, as, always take. Control of your money and create, a life you love.

2019-02-20 15:52

Show Video


Hi Rachel. I've been watching your channel for a few months now after checking out the Dave Ramsey channel. My husband and I will soon be starting the Baby Steps. We are in South Africa, how much would the Emergency Fund have to be in Rands? Should we save R1000 or equivalent to 1000 dollars which is actually R14 000.

Will you do a show about remodeling a home? What does it take to save to reach that goal? I inherited an old home, that needs lots of repairs. Please, help. I feel overwhelemed and lost. I began 10 years ago by reapiring the roof, painting outside, and changing all the electrical. That was finished 5 years ago, and it took all my savings to cover those tasks that needed to be done. Now I'm a little recovered. However, I need to fix the rooms, paint, and may be remodel the kitchen, and he bathrooms. This will be my forever home, it's paid off, but I do not like the inside layout of it.

Skittle Boys is in the comments! This was great!

I needed this reminder! I think the Lord is reminding me to hold my horses.

Very helpful, but the commercial and other business plugs were annoying.

I live in my car I love it I just updated my kitchen and its beautiful and no mortgage Iam saving money so that I can buy land an acre at least and put a tiny home or a van so excited

Is it better to live very modestly while saving for a home and buy it outright or finance one like normal and pay it off over time?

People who judge you by your furniture are not friends. And the opinion of other people should not bother you. Friends should support you not give you a bad feeling for not having the latest and coolest stuff. So true Rachel!

My kitchen table from my first apt in 2005 is in my home still in 2019. It's falling apart and old, but paying off debt.

Sarah S. Priorities are so important! I don‘t replace stuff unless it’s broken

This was so helpful! My husband and I are saving $100k for our down payment, closing costs and upgrades ... we will be buying at the beginning of 2020! So excited and this really motivated us!

That is so me right now! Moved into a much bigger home than where we were and it is soo expensive to furnish a home BUT we are doing it in baby steps... cash flowing everything. Just ordered this coffee table that I had been eyeing for months and today it is on sale!!

Is your podcast on Google Play Music?

So excited for this!

Am excited to hear this. Been waiting for days.

Rachel I know this is going to be a great show!

Cant wait! :)

Yay! Restoration Hardware mentioned! Humbly began in Eureka, California!

I love this show! Rachel has such great ideas and inspires me so much to save and to not worry what everyone thinks. Thanks Mary

Major house fever right now! We have about a year left of baby step 2. The idea of THEN saving and emergency fund THEN saving a down payment feels impossible. Thanks for the encouragement.

Perfect timing, Rachel! Just dropped off my fifty percent down payment for my first home!

I dislike the phrases "starter home" and "forever home". My house is what many people would consider a "starter home". That phrase and thinking leads to discontentment. We've been in our "starter home" for 13 years and have no intention on moving. That being said, the phrase "forever home" leads people to hold an object too closely and get overly attached. Life happens. Change happens. Why can't we just call our home, home?

I was talking to a smart vester pro who said that some people buy these huge houses they can't afford to furnish, so when they have a party, they rent furniture!

I think I imagine our first home being our forever home because we are 35 and have 4 kids.

No more than 25% of your take home pay is not possible unless I’m moving back to the hood where safety and other things are issues. I have a family now so In my area 25% isn’t possible

I wish I had heard from the realtor more

I truly feel like this video was God sent for me. I ended up finding this home I LOVE online but it’s double the price of our home now. And the couple you talked to was definitely my husband and I except I was more like the guy looking at properties. My husband is more content where we are. We still need to do all the renovations at our home before we could sale it and everything so it would be a rush for us to purchase another home. We simply aren’t ready and still owe to much. It spoke right to me though about the size of our home and the things inside it like the carpet

Can you even think about saving for a home when you and your significant other only make about 75,000 a year living in Minnesota? Am I stuck renting for the rest of my life?

They have houses under $175,000 there, get debt free and save up 20% down and you’ll be fine.

Hi Rachel, I am also a huge proponent of the 15 year mortgage. How do you advise your viewers/listeners to pay attention to the fees associated with refinancing? I have decided not to refi in the past because the payoff was too high.

+Reba Sheppard Thank you very much for the avise.

ALI ROMAN it always cost more than you think so since your mortgage is paid off, you should be able to save large amounts for projects. We remodeled our home and it’s still in progress but we have been saving up money while we plan out the details of the project. Once we have the money, we do the project and keep doing that over and over. Also, work with a reliable contractor or whomever you hire to help. Even helps to get a few estimates from different people/company. Make sure they can give you a receipt for services so it’s not “off the books”

The more you can save to put towards purchasing a home, the better! A down payment of at least 20% will help avoid PMI being added to your monthly mortgage payment. We also recommend getting a 15-year mortgage and being gazelle intense on paying it off during Baby Step 6 (after you’ve paid off your consumer debt (Baby Step 2) and get an emergency fund of 3-6 months in expenses in place (Baby Step 3), and you’ve started saving 15% for retirement (Baby Step 4) and funding children’s college funds (Baby Step 5).

Yes it is, Brandon! — The RC Team

I really like how Alex emphasized to expect your ELP or anyone involved in the purchase process to listen and answer questions until you feel satisfied with the answers. this couple’s story. Great job paying off so much in a relatively short amount of time. Your options in the future will be amazing!

rachel, where is the down payment saver form that you had mentioned?

Here you go, Rebecca! — The RC Team

I love your show. Honestly, it’s so relevant and you present everything in such a way that is down to earth and people really understand. And you must be a mind reader on these topics you’ve been choosing because so far, they’ve been exactly what I’ve been thinking/needing to hear.❤️

That's amazing, Chelsea!! — The RC Team

Rachel, thanks for sharing information about the house. I'm taking notes and be prepared for a down payment. I'm going to be a 1st home buy, when I'm ready.

Totally agree. I only recently heard the phrase "forever home" when someone I didn't know well asked if I was in my forever home. I kind of just looked at them and considered and wondered what that even meant, at the time. I'm middle aged, and I'd have to count, but I think I'm in my 6th house? Strange phrase, strange way of thinking. I like to trade my sweat equity, when market allows, and invest it. I'd hardly call any house a forever home. Especially now that I'm on the Ramsey program. They are all just houses.

I have 4590 dollars left in debt. How can I get rid of it by may?

Hi Anna! You definitely want to start with your monthly budget and see how you’re currently using your income. Do you have any extra money that could be put towards debt? A certain budget category that you can scale back? Do it! Also look into working overtime, picking up a side hustle, and selling some things to earn additional cash to put towards your debt snowball. You CAN do this!! - The RC Team (If you need some additional ideas, check out this episode: )

A majority of your audience is Target/Value City Furniture/Bob’s Discount Furniture/At Home people, not Pottery Barn/Restoration Hardware/Ballard Designs people. Cater to all demographics please. No wonder people are loving other people’s lives and not theirs.

God Rachel is the biggest MILF

What worries me about refinancing for a 15 year and a higher payment ... what if you lose a job? What if you take a paycut? You can always pay more when you’re able to but having that lesser payment option makes me feel better for the “what if’s” just in case ...

Hi Rachel I love listening to you and have been trying to implent your teachings in my life. I live in Ontario, Canada where homes start at $600,000 and up... Rent costs an average of $2,500 per month.... What are your suggestions as the advice given seems pretty unattainable??...

I wish I could love this comment, instead of just liking it! I agree 100%!

Do you have the goal tracker available Rachel and/or Rachel's team?

Sarah S. Priorities are so important! I don‘t replace stuff unless it’s broken

I just subscribed. we are doing things a little weird. We are below poverty way below. We are shunt have extra money to pay on debt much. But been paying on my house for 10 years now. My husband and i agreed to use our tax refund to pay our house off. Then use the money we would be paying for a house payment on starting the baby steps. But our house is no exaggeration identical horrible problems like the money pit home.

great point

Thank you for addressing the embarrassment and unrealistic expectations from guests we put on ourselves when buying a new home. That feeling is so normal and so unnecessary! Wait and acquire what you can afford as you can afford it for no regrets.

I’m in my first house for the past 2 years. I managed to replace the kitchen and bathroom. Still have disgusting old carpets, 2nd hand couch and old bedroom furniture that came with the house. It’s so tempting to get a home improvement loan but I recently became debt free. Doing it the hard way, will be so much more satisfying in the long term. Hoping to have it finished by Christmas

Your friends didn’t care about your empty house. Lady, you are Dave’s daughter, they knew you were taking your time

Ok, my house is one DR himself would advise against. It's a double wide manufactured home on foundation/land. We've been here 15 years and love it. Its needing some work but I don't plan on moving anytime soon.

@Reba Sheppard Thank you very much for the avise.

@Reba Thank you very much for the avise.

Why not just rent until you can afford your forever home? Why move so much, just for the sake of moving, and destabilize your kids' childhood? Also keep in mind that most people cannot afford their "forever home" until their kids are half-grown already.

This is pretty unattainable advice in places with a high cost of living. Maybe get a 30-year and budget to pay extra on the principle each month? Then it would still get paid off sooner.

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