How To Launch A Successful Business In 2021 (Step-By-Step Process)

How To Launch A Successful Business In 2021 (Step-By-Step Process)

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so after about my second business i realized the last two times girl you was doing all of this in the wrong order you were spinning your wheels you kept coming back to the beginning and there really is a step-by-step process you guys know how i am to getting this done [Music] [Music] hey there my loves welcome back to cptv i'm cp and you are in the place for aspiring and growing entrepreneurs who want to turn their passions and ideas into businesses and those businesses into freedom if that sounds good to you then you are in the right place i want you to go ahead and subscribe because every single tuesday i am giving you the training on the step-by-step business processes that you can implement immediately into your business and life so that you can get to that level of entrepreneurial freedom that you so deserve and desire so you heard me go ahead hit that subscribe button and click that bell so you don't miss any of it and of course if you like this then show me smash that like button and tell me what you think in the comments below i love hearing from you guys so some of the things that i hear from my peeps my newer entrepreneurs are i'm just getting going and not sure what to do first and i'm full of so much information that i'm overwhelmed and paralyzed and unsure of what to do next i also hear i need someone to walk me through the steps to make this easier and help me feel like i'm making progress and doing things the right way i also hear i'm afraid to fail and i lack the clarity and confidence so i feel stuck i remember those days does that sound familiar to you yes well keep watching then because today i'm going to do the best job i can giving you the road map that you've been asking for and guess what for the next six weeks or so i'm going to go even deeper into each of these steps and i'm going to walk you through that roadmap to finally set up and launch your business for success so make sure you subscribe and that you hit that bell so you don't miss any of it this is the step-by-step system that i teach in my startup academy online learning center and today i'm sharing it with you and giving you a peek inside so first i want you to click the link in the comments and the descriptions below and grab the free workbook with the roadmap actually in it follow along take notes and ask any questions that come into that beautiful little mind of yours in the comments below now with that being said let's get to work now you might be wondering cp where did you get these steps from well honestly i developed these steps over my years of starting businesses and developing them my first couple businesses i was all over the place learning so much stuff not even really realizing what i should be doing first and that's where it all came to bite me in the butt over time of growing what i'm up to now which is five strong successful businesses and i've sold some in between i've grown some in between and i've failed at some in between i learned that there are certain steps that you have to take and you have to take them in a certain order so after about my second business i realized the last two times girl you was doing all of this in the wrong order you were spinning your wheels you kept coming back to the beginning and there really is a step-by-step process you guys know how i am to getting this done so on my third business i began to implement these steps and in this order and let me tell you within 18 months we had hit multiple six figures in revenue and we were well on our way to the seven figure mark and that's because it finally clicked for me that not only are there certain things i needed to do in order to successfully set up my business so that it could grow that quickly but i also needed to do them in a certain order as to not spend my wheels forget things and become frustrated so that's where these steps kind of formed from right i've done them repeatedly and every single time i do them i grow successful businesses and that's where my passion in coaching and working with other entrepreneurs lies so that's where they came from and today i'm about to walk you through exactly what they are and exactly which order you should pursue them now let's talk about step number one getting your mind right all right this is the step where you focus on figuring out if you are really ready to do this entrepreneurial thing you have to understand the commitment and the sacrifice you have to gain clarity you have to manage your time and you have to find your unique impact proposition no joke trust me i have skipped this step i have tried to avoid this step and i have tried to plow through this step and every single time i was pretty much setting myself up for failure bottom line getting your mind right gathering your thoughts really coming to some conclusions is absolutely critical to setting up a good business structure now i already told you that this is a series so i am going to dive deep into each of these steps in the coming weeks but i do want to make sure i touch on this particular piece first the getting your mind right when i mention understanding the commitment and the sacrifice you have to know that entrepreneurship is a marathon not a sprint and even though you may see entrepreneurs who are at the seven figure mark or who are running these wildly successful businesses you have to realize that they are way beyond where you may be in their business journey they may be five years in seven years and 10 years in you have to recognize that you will eventually get there if you do this thing right but you can't by any means expect it to come overnight within a few months or even sometimes a few years running a business becoming an entrepreneur being a ceo is a marathon but if you slowly practice and you train and you put the right pieces of the puzzle into place you will achieve that success now when i say mindset and gaining clarity you have to make sure that you have come up with the right business idea gaining clarity around exactly what you want to do you may have tons of different things going on in your mind and some of those things may be things that you really need to be doing five or ten years from now but getting your mind right means really coming to terms with exactly what product or service you want to offer or provide exactly what you want that business model to look like so that it ultimately meets your lifestyle goals in the future and exactly what you recognize is going to put you out there and help you be successful and start a successful business now of course mindset is also about managing your time and i talk in depth about managing your time and quite a few different videos i will go ahead and link to the entire managing your time playlist right here so that you can check those out but a key difference between successful entrepreneurs and unsuccessful entrepreneurs is that successful entrepreneurs have figured out a way to develop the skills even if they didn't have them originally to manage their time effectively and efficiently bottom line when you are starting out in your entrepreneurial journey you will need to juggle a million different things you will need to wear a million different hats and if you suck at time management you will suck at wearing all of those hats so getting your mind together means creating the skills utilizing the skills and developing the skills to effectively manage your time now i also mentioned that you need to find your unique impact proposition don't i and that's really a cp term that i'm absolutely in love with and love putting out there but the unique impact proposition is really telling the world what makes you your product and your service and ultimately your business different from what's already out there i work with entrepreneurs all the time that will tell me you know hey there's too much competition in this particular area or somebody's already doing that and my response is good because if you pick a business idea or you pick a business structure or you pick a business in essence that no one else has done it doesn't mean that you're some genius that has come up with a bright idea it traditionally means that someone else has already thought about it they tried it and nobody bought it so you want to stay away from things that there's no signs in the world that actually exist but even if what you've chosen has lots of competition there is room for you as long as you find your unique impact proposition and that is a huge piece about taking the time before you begin this entrepreneurial journey and as you are setting up your business to getting your mind right now let's move on to step number two and step number two is do your research because ignorance ain't bliss in entrepreneurship boo okay in this step you have to validate your business idea you have to get to know your customer thoroughly you have to get to know your market and you have to get to know your money when i say validate your business idea i mean actually going out there with whatever you've come up with from step one and gaining clarity around what you want to do and figuring out all that good stuff about your unique impact proposition and you want to test it you want to see if anybody really is interested in it if anybody would pay for it and if anybody really needs it so you've got to validate that idea don't just plow through and determine based on your own ignorance and your own feelings that this is the right business idea and because i think it's great everybody else will think it's great the reality is i've been there and i've done that and guess what i did invested a lot of time and money into a product or service that nobody was interested in buying that was when i realized that step number two is validate that idea now i also mentioned three things that you have to know your customer your market and how much money it's really going to take to get this thing off the ground once you discover that information it's going to set the stage for your marketing activities your marketing goals your marketing strategy it's also going to set the stage for what you're going to highlight that you're doing that your competitors aren't doing how much things should cost help you figure out your pricing structure and most importantly help you figure out how much money you need to come up with and or raise and or borrow in order to really get this thing off the ground now if you're getting to know your money and you realize this idea that you have is going to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to start and that in itself is going to stonewall you from being able to move forward because let's keep it real right as a brand new entrepreneur coming up with hundreds of thousands of dollars or looking for a loan or getting all kinds of lines of credit may be difficult even finding family members and friends unless you've got a wealthy one that's going to actually invest in you might be difficult so that might mean that you need to pare back a bit come down from the mountaintop and start at the bottom and rethink what that whole business structure and idea is going to be to get you started until you're able to kind of generate some revenue so the business can fund itself right i have 100 believed in all of my businesses that growing organically was the best fit for me and if i came up with an idea that was going to cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars to start i paired it back dumbed it down and started a lot more simply so when i say step number two doing your research that is exactly what you will uncover now don't get caught up in all the information that you're going to find because it may create paralysis but before you move forward and then start investing and getting things made and getting things built and creating your brand and doing all that good stuff you've got to make sure that people out there want your product that there are customers that need it that you can afford to start it and ultimately that you know who those customers are so you know how to attract them and bring them into your business now step number three is make it official and say i do to your business in this step you will pick your name and claim your brand you will register your business appropriately and legally you will set up your communication structure and your financial infrastructure and you will make sure that you are good to go and legit now this is the step that step three most entrepreneurs dive right into and this is exactly what i did in my first couple businesses right i skipped step one didn't really have a good idea didn't really validate it didn't really get my mind right didn't really do my research and went right into picking a name and registering it and picking colors and doing all this cool fun stuff step three is the most fun because it gives you something tangible to walk away with you really feel like you've started this business you've got papers on your business you've got a brand on your business you have a domain name for your business but you can't skip steps one and two step three is absolutely critical do not piecemeal it when i say setting up your business i mean everything to get the foundation laid and i have talked in depth about setting up your business structure i'm going to go ahead and link to that video right here in the comments as well because i get a lot more in depth into those other videos but again that is step three you have to make it official so if you haven't done that and you've been functioning in a business environment as an entrepreneur where your business isn't legit and you don't have a business account you don't have a financial structure you don't have a good domain name or emails or phone numbers all you're really doing is pursuing a hobby and that means that you have commitment issues right so you need to go back to step one and get your mind wrapped around making a commitment to this journey that you're embarking upon and not to mention the fact that you're opening yourself up to all kinds of ridiculous liability that can dig your grave and kill your business before you even get started so step number three is what it is it's extremely important and you gotta make sure that you get it done and get it done the right way now step number four is near and dear to my heart and that is set up your basic foundational processes to get you started in this step you're going to do just that you're also going to create your marketing sales service and operational processes now why are you doing this before you begin to market your business and again this step is something that i see entrepreneurs skip all the time they register their business they get their domain they set up their brand and then boom they start trying to sell things well they begin that marketing they may get a little bit of traffic they may get that word of mouth and then all of a sudden they've got customers coming in and they are overwhelmed delivering bad service they don't have good concrete you know processes in place to be able to collect their money to be able to pay bills to be able to get people through a sales process and have high close ratios that is why setting up your business and doing step four is so important if you don't take the time prior to to set up what everything is going to look like when a lead comes into your business an elite ultimately decides to stay in your business you will be spinning your wheels and you'll be like a hamster on that wheel [Music] you'll just be kind of going in circles and never really making any progress so step number four is absolutely critical and it should be done right after you've made it official take the time to think through exactly what it's going to look like exactly what your customer experience is going to be exactly what you're going to do when you get that lead who actually wants to buy something because if you're trying to figure that stuff out as you go along you will not make enough sales which will in turn not make you enough money which will in turn not motivate you to keep going and keep pushing and ultimately you'll give up which is the number one reason why entrepreneurs fail so don't skip step four and make sure that you do it set up your processes boo don't skip that step it is absolutely imperative now step number five is everyone's favorite right market and sell it in this step you are going to determine your marketing mix you are going to learn how to drive traffic to your business you're going to establish your online presence you're going to grow your audience and you are going to automate your sales the biggest issue that people tell me that they have as new entrepreneurs is not enough sales and that is a problem my question always is do you have enough traffic and that's what marketing is all about and sometimes we discover that they don't have enough traffic sometimes we discover that they do have enough traffic and they just don't have any of the processes that we talked about in step four in place to be able to do anything with that traffic bottom line is once you get all those other steps set up step five is critical you have to create a very strong very concrete marketing strategy that continually brings leads into your business if your business is not generating enough revenue for you to see the fruits of your labor psychologically that mindset work that we did in step one will begin to completely critically deflate you and you'll want to give up so making sure that you are prepared to really market this thing and you know exactly how you're going to do it and that you're not like kind of winging it through marketing will ensure that you have enough traffic to make enough money to be a successful entrepreneur and step number six it is the last step you gotta launch it boo you have to create a plan in a timeline you've got to make sure that you've got a good pre-launch strategy a launch time strategy and a post-launch ongoing strategy in place so many times i see people don't even announce the fact that they have a new business they've got no real strategy around a time frame that they want to drive sales and really see if this thing can work they just kind of say guess what y'all i got a business oh yeah by the way here's a couple instagram pictures oh yeah by the way here's a couple facebook posts why aren't y'all buying duh you haven't really got up on the rooftop and started screaming this is my business this is why you need it this is what you can get from it and this is the experience that you're going to have when i finally launch this thing you want to get people excited before you even launch it you want them to be salivating when it's time for you to open and you want them to keep coming back after you've ultimately launched it and that's why step number six is important now some of you out there already have a business that you've been kind of doing just kind of haphazardly and you still feel like people aren't supporting you you don't have enough sales people aren't referring people to you and my question is do they know that you have a business do they know what your business does have you told them and screamed from the rooftop giving them all the information they need to support you to make recommendations to refer people to you have you if you haven't done your due diligence you can't get mad at other folks for not supporting what you haven't told them about that's why step number six is absolutely important cannot be missed and it doesn't matter when you do it you could have already had a business going for the last couple of years but if you never officially launch it i want you to go back and do step number six again surprise y'all i've had this for a minute and i am ready for you to support me so step number six is important i need you to scream it from the rooftops and be as excited as you should be and proud as you should be from all the work that you've done by already going through steps one through five so my love you see there is an easy to follow road map you can get it all done without the overwhelm and paralyzing lack of focus just take it day by day and step by step and i got you i'ma jump off this clip with you don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell because for the next six weeks i'll be breaking down all of these steps for you and before you know it you'll be growing a business you love headed down that road to freedom and money and flexibility and no more nine to five so smash that like button let me know what you need in the comments below what questions do you have and don't forget you can catch us next week and every single week after that until next time my love stay safe bye-bye

2021-06-06 02:39

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