How To Grow Your Coaching Business By Getting Interviewed On Podcasts

How To Grow Your Coaching Business By Getting Interviewed On Podcasts

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today we are going to get kind of meta because  this is going to be a podcast episode talking   about podcasts more specifically i'm going to help  you if you want to get featured and interviewed on   podcasts and i think that you are going to love  this i happen to believe that this is a very   effective and powerful marketing strategy  and it is such a great way for you to reach   a whole new audience not to mention that  it's a really good networking activity   and it's just plain fun so there are lots  of benefits but i know a lot of people in   my community wonder how to make this happen how  do you land some podcast interviews how do you   get invited or featured or you know whatever it  takes to get on all these amazing podcasts out   there well i have got you because today i've got a  guest with me who is going to help break this all   down so christine of the pod grow is so good at  what she does and she has got some really smart   and strategic tips to make this as  simple and as effective as possible   so if you want to get yourself featured  on podcasts to help to market and grow   your business but you're just not sure how to  do it then you definitely want to stay tuned well hey christine welcome to the show thank  you so much kim for having me i'm so excited   to be here yeah i am so looking forward to this  conversation because you know for sure getting   interviewed on podcasts it has the potential to be  such a powerful marketing strategy for my audience   um but so many people just really have no idea how  to go about getting booked on podcasts and i know   that you've got a ton of tips to share so i can't  wait to get into all of that but before we do   i would love to just you know let's start by  giving people just a bit of context so tell us   a little bit about who you are and what you  do christine yes thank you so much yes so my   name is christine i am a founder i am also  a podcast guesting expert and strategist   and founder of the podcast growth agency and what  i do is i help purpose-driven female entrepreneurs   coaches and service providers gain  strategic visibility and generate   really warm quality leads through done for  you hand-picked and booked podcast interviews   so that is the main focus and i am also a wife a  mom to almost two-year-old boy and uh i can say   for sure that i am also the ultimate junkie yeah  well i think that's probably how so many of us   get started is just be by being listeners like  that's how i started um you know well before i   even considered having my own podcast or being  interviewed on podcasts or anything i just love   listening to podcasts they are just like the best  thing ever in my opinion yes you can learn so much   and really it also opened my eyes and what is  like possible with like online business and   stuff like that so i absolutely love  podcasts yeah exactly so i'm curious   like how did you get into doing this work  of of helping connect people with podcast   interviews and things very interesting story  actually and not your typical one you can say   i have a completely like different background  educational background i have i am actually i   have a bachelor's in food technology and master's  in nutrition science but i kind of like understood   that while i was learning all of this i always had  a battle of marketing sales and science world like   from where i can remember like from even like from  school years but at that time it was very popular   to study science and you know i took that road  and no diploma after diploma you're kind of like   okay i should get into the next school and into  the next school maybe that would be better but   um when i actually got into like working  like in a working field i would worked in   a regulatory like field uh i know every day  i had to work really close with marketing   we had to approve like uh launch uh you know texts  and and banners and you know what we can say about   that product and this product we will launch at  that date and what how how we should present it   and you know regulatory overlooked all of that and  i really fell in love with the world of marketing   right there uh because i understood yes this  is actually my passion so i think around 2019   i realized that i'm not really really fulfilled in  my job so i was finishing my master's degree but i   already knew that it's not the kind  of like my passion that i want to do   but uh yeah and by the time  i was really looking for ways   to learn more about online business because that  was like i was really fascinated with it but once   i found out and somehow i found this community  because it called marketplace superheroes so   shout out to them and they actually uh teached  people how to uh sell products on amazon   and somehow i get all involved in all of this but  actually the mentors uh stephen summers at that   time really um also teached uh like side hustles  that you can do and i and i was really interested   because i needed the the capital to grow my  started my business and he presented this idea   and i was like of of of being a podcast agent and  i'm like oh my god this is like totally me i love   marketing i like podcast and and this is this  is this is yeah this is completely me and uh at   that time he really like hand pick a few people  he's now like eight or nine figure entrepreneur   and really teached us because he used podcasts as  a way to market their his business and i was like   yes this is me i love doing that i it was  very easy for me very very easy because   i was working in the marketing before so i  understood the idea completely and i just got   started and it just took off very fast i got my  first client and then people kind of referred me   and that's how how it just grew from there that's  so awesome and you've definitely found your zone   of genius i would say because i mean and for  people who don't know like i we met because you   you pitched me uh one of your clients from  my podcast and i just thought that you did   such an awesome job like i receive a bunch of  pitches and yours just really stood out as being   so friendly and professional and thorough and so  i then reached out to you i was like because i was   starting to think that i needed actually somebody  to help me um you know get on podcasts i thought   you know this woman would be i would love for her  to represent me so i reached out to you and i said   are you taking on new clients right and so then  then you and then you did such an amazing job   like the podcast that you've got me on have  been amazing and it's just been so fantastic   anyway we'll let's talk though about um let's talk  about podcasts obviously like how you know i'd   love to start by talking about why people would  want to get interviewed and featured on podcasts   like why is it so beneficial and what kinds of  things can it do for your business yes um yes so   i'm sure that a lot of listeners you know health  and wellness coaches out there know that you know   they're absolutely killing it at their practice  they're helping client after client but you know   not enough people know about me so naturally  visibility and bigger exposure are things that   we are looking for to be able to reach more people  and yes so to answer your question and why podcast   guesting is such an incredible tool is first of  all obviously we reach more aligned people but   we actually are gaining so much more than just  visibility and i will explain why so in general   as we all know most businesses can have uh  you know various types of marketing tactics   that we can use to grow our business boost our  visibility and reach ideal clients and one of   the ways is of course through paid activities  you know like paid ads partnerships influencer   marketing whatever it is but essential  idea is that money exchange is involved   but it's it's kind of expensive and we also don't  know if it's if we can get our investment back   so another type of marketing is actually  i like to call it earned marketing or in   our case earned media and what it is that  the company gets promoted you know referred   shared to other people without any money  exchanged based on your expertise knowledge   your value that you are providing so it means  that somebody else like a third party promotes   you your services and your products uh without  being paid for so in this case it's really this   earned media which also podcasts definitely falls  into this category meaning that you don't have to   promote yourself but other people are saying great  things about you about your services so because   there already is this loyal audience that  trust the source in our case podcast host   it creates this huge credibility and validation  to your service and to you as a person and it   creates this you know huge credibility in in eyes  of potential buyers so that's an amazing you know   place to be in so especially if you are a health  and wellness uh professional health wellness coach   this can be so important for you because you're  obviously working with people's health people's   bodies so this outside validation that someone  else is saying about you is so so beneficial for   you and also it creates a huge difference in eyes  of potential buyers so new clients instantly see   you as you know trustworthy and essentially much  better professional so they are most likely to   choose you or someone else yeah i i mean i totally  agree and those are just i love the phrase earned   media um and that's and the the authority and the  trust piece that comes from that kind of exposure   it's just it's you can't really replicate that  through you know other channels it's just so   powerful so okay so let's let's talk about  nuts and bolts like what are the first steps   that somebody would take when you're starting  to research like you're thinking okay where   where could i pitch myself like what  possible podcasts could i be on so tell me   about that so the first steps in my opinion are  way back and we are actually just sitting down   and figuring out okay who is my ideal client  uh what is my niche who i'm trying to reach   and what value i can provide to them like what is  my expertise what i like to talk to talk about um   in a way in a strategic way for example what  value i can provide during interview it can   be interview topic and how it is tied together  with my offers but what i'm what i'm offering   so without knowing your target audience it's  very hard to actually determine the effectiveness   of podcast guesting as a marketing you know  tactic versus when you know who you want to reach   it becomes much easier to figure out like a clear  and establish a clear guidelines of what we are   you know searching for so i can give you a few  examples that shows um like a blurry guidelines   like a blurry target audience sorry and like  a very uh like very clear target audience   so a blurry one could be um weight loss  coach for females you know it's kind of a   not a very clear uh target audience but  a good example would be in my opinion   for example a functional nutrition coach  helping driven and professional females   to heal their gut for example with plant-focused  diet that's a very very clear niche and i   definitely can see like what i'm looking for i'm  looking for driven professional women you know   most likely entrepreneurs or career-driven women  that are you know age potentially 30 to 50 or or   even more you know women who are uh passionate  about their careers and also they want to   figure out what's wrong with their gut and they  also into like plant focused diets so that gives   me so much already clear guidelines on what to  search for versus you know just females wanting to   lose weight so yeah that's that would be the first  step that i recommend uh starting your podcast   guesting journey right and i mean that's just good  business sense too it's like you really i love how   you use the phrase like blurry a blurry defined  audience versus like a really crystal clear   so once you're crystal clear on your audience  then then what's next like what how do you find   the shows that are really aligned and and those  that your listeners are gonna be listening to   uh so i actually have this uh hack how you can  find like really really aligned shows in minutes   ooh i love a good hack that's awesome yeah so  this hack will work uh if you already know what   kind of audiences you want to reach which we  just established we should know that and also   you know maybe a specific people that are serving  similar audiences than you do so for this uh like   method i like to use itunes i love itunes and just  type and search your maybe it's a competitor's   name or a person's name with a similar target  audience it could be like a source provider   also a different like wellness coach whatever  or it also can be for example a web designer for   health and wellness coaches so the main idea that  they have a similar target audience so what will   happen is that you will get out of this all of  these shows that this person has been featured on   and instantly you can you have this list  of ideas that you can research and see   um see what what these shows are about and  i can guarantee you that uh the same hosts   will be interested in what you have to say  because you're serving the same audience   so yeah that's that's a super fast way how  to find really really aligned shows and also   because there are 2 million plus maybe even like  2.5 million shows out there so it's really easy to   uh to really uh go into this rabbit hole of shows  that you know they're just limitless later all   the time like lists list lists so it's very easy  to get lost but this way is you can really find   a line shows really really fast and with like  specific target audiences that is brilliant   such a great idea so think of like somebody  who serves your same audience but you know is   is doing you know working in the same sphere and  then see what shows they've been featured on and   then those that's gonna make it onto your target  list of places to pitch okay that's awesome what   a great tip yeah that'll definitely shave off  a whole lot of like research time for sure yes   because that can be like hours and hours  and at the end you can just have like   some random shows that are really just okay but  using this method we can find like perfect shows   with like very very aligned audiences and you  can just uh sometimes you can just screenshot for   example this person once you're scrolling you know  instagram whatever just screenshot and save this   person uh that you already like found with similar  target audience and once you're ready just go back   and just have these like folders of ideas and just  start searching in itunes yeah that's great okay   so then let's talk about pitches because obviously  i mean that once you know who you're who your   audience is going to be and then you've identified  the podcast that you would like to get featured on   so next step is the pitch right so what's what  are the most important details that you'd want to   include in your pitch um so the number one thing  i think is to be genuine warm and very personal so   that's very important and you have to show hosts  that you did your homework you know and understand   who their audience is and what value can you  bring to the table essentially to their audience   but i can go through some equally important  details to craft your podcast pitch so   first of all i think very important is  a subject line this has to be very clear   short also i recommend keeping under seven if  you can okay but it's very hard like seven to ten   words and catchy and interesting and also be like  clear on what the email is about like be very like   like straight for example it can be podcast guest  suggestions speaking on um you know gut health   transformation something like that that's just an  idea um the second is definitely use host's name   and and i strongly suggest double check the  grammar of the name because sometimes you know   it can be like a one letter this or that  but it's very important because the receiver   definitely we can see if our name is written  correctly so that is the first one and in the   first paragraph um also i suggest be a bit of a  fan girl you don't have to be like over the top   like obnoxious but just be like appreciative of  the person's work let the host know that you know   um what their show is about and be specific also  highlight episode or topic that really resonated   with you and why that's very important um and and  also let them know a little bit about you who you   are who you serve uh and uh of course how it's  tied together with the email that you are sending   and brag a little bit about you but be very short  and specific i suggest like keep it under three   sentences don't like write like a whole text  block about you and your biggest achievements   uh hosts are very busy they like to be very  specific you have this this and that they   don't like to read like tons of emails um  then also be very clear about the value or   in my case like speaking topic that  you are offering to that potential   host because nine of ten times uh the host will  pick the episode idea over a person because   they don't even sometimes they don't even know  that they want to speak about it unless you bring   it up and really show how it is relevant to that  audience and i also can really strongly say that   a lot of the times your suggested episode like  angle or idea will also become the episode title   so yeah yeah and also i i suggest to keep it like  one to two topic suggestions don't list everything   that you are an expert in like keep it very  short like and it's also your homework to   research what you know the host talked about  previously it's on you you don't have to suggest   the same topic that was discussed like two weeks  ago um add your social media handles for sure   um it's it's it's not their job to research  who you are so add add social media   handles i suggest hyperlink it or if you can and  be super fancy and ready you can create like a   landing page that is like your media press  kit that looks like super professional um   if you really want to take it serious um of course  it helps but hyperlinks work just as good but the   media kit is just this next level like a landing  page but not like an attachment because hosts will   not open the email with an attachment like most  of them but like a link with your media kit um   yeah and also if you can you can give you know  previous podcast features or media features that   you have been already featured on if you don't  have one just um don't panic i'd use your previous   speaking engagements or you know maybe instagram  live or facebook live just something to boost your   credibility like you put in this page and also  be generous like i also i always like to give   like five star review it's just listen this small  extra step that the hosts really appreciate it so   that's really important and always always follow  up uh that's just something non-negotiable i uh   recommend following up like starting from like  a week and i i i recommend following up at least   like three times you know after like fourth fifth  time just you just have to let it go with time   yes oh my goodness so many helpful tips in  there like that i mean i hope i think that   listeners and or viewers are gonna need to  like re-watch or re-listen and take some   notes because that that you just like outlined a  really comprehensive pitch strategy in there so   that's amazing but definitely one of the the  themes that seems to come out is you really want   to make it easy for the podcast host to say yes so  you want to be like really clear really concise do   all the work for them so they don't have to like  do the legwork of researching you and finding your   links and stuff so have it all super easy readily  available for them and a really compelling topic   so that they can podcast hosts need content right  like they they need they they need content and if   you can create a compelling idea um and a an angle  they can just be like yeah that sounds great that   would really work well with my audience done um  if you can create that kind of feeling then you're   golden yes absolutely you have to do your homework  and really suggest the ideas uh because you know   like you mentioned hosts are busy and they have to  create content so uh they really need these like   ready to go ideas coming from you know you you  will be the speaker so they don't know what you   can speak about but you do so yeah that's super  important yeah that's awesome and i love the   fan girl uh suggestion too and i mean it has to be  genuine of course and like you said you know don't   go over the top right exactly but but it's i mean  don't underestimate the power of just being like   complimentary and and citing something specific  that you listen to is always a good thing so okay   i love that so let's say so we've put together  our pitch we know what what we're gonna do   we know who we're reaching out to so it's time to  actually reach out to podcast host but is there   a way to kind of streamline this outreach process  so that it doesn't take over our entire work week   definitely uh so i actually like to um like do  like uh blocks of time that i'm for example i'm   researching and putting um like a google doc for a  research um like research phase let's call it that   so just a list of shows that you are going to  reach out and you can have like a notes for um   what angles do you want to suggest like what  are your social media handles um if you want   to be super like fancy with your notes and you  want to streamline it you can also have like a   um like a note section for example talked about  this topic before or or or or that topic before   and when you are ready to pitch when you have  created your you know pitch template let's just   say that you just uh customize it every time you  change a little um you know the beginning of email   like the plot will essentially be the same and  you know your social media handles will be the   same and your previous podcast appearances will  be the same but probably change is you know um   obviously the name the the show name very very  important uh feature like not future but like   insert the name of the show uh that that hosts  can see that it's not like a automatic email   it's specifically for them so that's the main  things just personalize the email and you can   have this like email template ready to go and  once you're ready to pitch like send actual like   pitches just use a template and go through the  research list and just send the email to each host   and you it's actually pretty fast once  you get into this work zone work mode um   and yeah just just just customize here and  there and you have a ready to go pitch so   i like to dedicate like for example research  phase i'm researching for example 10 shows and   i'm pitching 10 shows and i'm indicating the the  date when i send the the pitch and after one week   i will follow up with this exactly the same shows  that i already sent my pitches to and in that way   we actually don't lose any of the follow-ups  this is so important because so many shows i have   booked for my clients in a follow-up phase that's  so important because once again hosts are busy   they might open your email something happened and  they forgot to answer but they are like oh my god   i totally wanted to answer you of course i want  to have you on my show here is the link so sorry   i didn't answer earlier something came up you  know that's super important to not forget about   following up um but i like to i like to follow up  in the same day for every show that i reached out   for example a week before in that way i don't lose  any of precious like leads that i already found   yes it's so important that follow-up the magic is  all in the follow-up in my opinion and that and   not just for pitching yourself for podcasts but in  so many other areas of business is don't just it's   not just a one and done and then give up um but  yeah follow up and that's so great to hear from   you because this is like real life experience that  for you when you're pitching people so many of the   actual bookings happen on a follow-up outreach  not the first time that you present the idea   but but just um yeah following up so that's  incredibly important all right so let's say   uh that our audience you know has been following  along and they've landed themselves a couple of   great interview opportunities can you give us  some tips on how to really make the most of   this opportunity like how do you leverage  the interviews that you actually do get   yes so important because we really want to  maximize maximize each interview that we get   um because uh there are a lot of factors that  impact uh you know if the if the interview   will be successful or not so first of all uh i  like to like suggest uh definitely don't hold   back and give tons of value uh and also don't  lead with the sales energy but lead will like   it's like a service like little bit service  in mind not with like the oh i have this   program i have that program but just share  value and lead with like genuine service   and also super super important uh before like  your interview half figurine like have already   uh your next steps figure out ahead and what  i mean by that is have very clear um really   incredible call to action ready to go for them  because at the end of the interview we all know   that host will give you like two minutes of  time maybe that you can use to really invite   those people who are ready to take this next  step with you to the place where you want   him to go so i encourage you to share um one  really good call to action and i really don't   suggest sharing all of your social media  platforms your tongues that you might have   and all of your uh programs because at the end  of the day uh people are listening to podcasts   while they're driving while they're washing  dishes you know on the walk so they really um   need to need to stop what they're doing and just  go to that place that you you you invited them   and not the million places because at the end of  the day they will get overwhelmed and they yeah   and okay if good if it's good that they connected  with you on social media but then what uh yeah you   essentially you want to kind of convert them into  your world or potential buyers with this call to   action yeah yeah that's great advice i mean just  having one very clear call to action because yeah   i mean think about what your podcast listeners  are doing at the time they don't have they're not   going to go and do all the things that you have  described so just one really clear call to action   is so much more powerful than giving a whole  slew of options um so that that's great advice   you have given us so much information in terms  of like how to do this how to do this yourself   right like how to actually get yourself pitched  or pitch yourself for podcasts how to find the   right podcast how to how to get yourself in front  of the host and then how to make the most of your   opportunities and i know that there is a a lot  of people you know listening and watching who are   raring to go for sure but i am kind of  wondering what about like how do you know   when you are ready to actually not diy but  actually get some help from somebody like yourself   yeah uh when you will do this yourself you  will actually um understand that it can take   up some quite of your time uh some people  are like more into systems and are really   streamlining this process but again  it will take your time definitely   to personalize everything do your homework  listen to some you know episode or two which   i highly suggest don't just go there and write  you know a bunch of hosts without you know   researching them um so once you are kind  of uh understanding that okay this takes   you know a day like a whole day of my week with  my work week for example i think if your work is   just um client work is overloading and on top  of that you know your your podcast uh like work   you really understand that you need help with  this so this is the time maybe to outsource   or to train your va or whatever it is but  it's very specific skill um yeah that you that   that it's kind of requires you also to be like  kind of a super connector because it's not   just about your pitch but it's also seeing the  opportunity that these two people can have um   that's yeah that's i think it's like uh it's a bit  of difference of like a general va and a like a pr   like professional pr help in this area yeah yeah  yeah totally agreed so yeah i mean you're right it   is it's a such a powerful marketing technique but  it can take some time i mean you've given amazing   tips on how to actually streamline the process as  much as possible but for those people who are just   like i would love to do this but i just don't have  the time for this then there is it's such a smart   move to hire an expert like you and you're amazing  at this so yes uh i mean what i would love to do   before we wrap up is of course i want to get all  of your details and you know and your links and   where people can go to find out more about you  but i would before we do that i would just love   to know like what's the very first step that our  audience should take right now like somebody who   wants to get this in motion what's the one thing  that that that they can walk away with that they   could do today to implement the stuff that we've  been talking about today yeah so i think the one   thing that they could do is if they already know  who they are serving and who their ideal client is   i think uh the one thing that they could do is  really start looking around and seeing these   possibilities that are out there you know and  kind of just using for example instagram just   screenshot a host that you feel is interesting  to you just engage with them on social media   uh save the information because once you will  set out send out that pitch either uh they will   remember you from instagram or they team or their  team for example if the host is not running uh   their account by themselves but didn't tm tmr  most of the times the same person will also be   in charge of your emails so this will be a much  warmer you know welcome email than just like   hey i'm here i want to be on your podcast so uh  that's definitely one step that you can do today   just start looking for these opportunities  and just be aware and just screenshot them   and you know put it in your for example future  podcast opportunities folder and when you are   ready uh when you have time to to pitch yourself  you already would have this amazing list of people   that you can reach out to but also don't  forget to like engage with them you know like   like their posts like uh and authentic comments  leave authentic genuine comments um like that's   that would be gold yeah you could do that yeah  yeah that's perfect that's amazing okay well   like i said um you know before we go christine  tell us where we can go to learn more about you   and your work and connect with you yeah so i  definitely uh prefer instagram so you can find me   in the pod grow in instagram but i will have  amazing free master class that i like to invite   all the listeners into it's called uh pitch and  get booked like free podcast guessing masterclass   i will show all of the examples that we just  talked about i will show this in real life like   share my screen everything so the listeners can  really see how this process works how we can   find the line shows with examples like uh like a  podcast pitch and everything from a to z so they   can really get uh get booked essentially and the  master class will be like approximately one hour   so i would love to see uh all the listeners there  and i think the link will be in the show notes   it definitely will yeah that sounds amazing  that that's going to be just like taking this   what you've shared with us now and just even more  so yeah everybody needs to sign up for that for   sure yes thank you thank you so much christine  this has been such a pleasure to have you on   my podcast and i just i mean it's just you're  such a pro and you just really know what you're   doing and i mean the word super connector that you  just used that definitely describes you so yeah   thank you all right well i hope that you enjoyed  that conversation as much as i did and i really   hope that you know exactly what you need to do  next to get yourself featured on podcasts and get   yourself in front of the right podcast hosts  i would love to know your thoughts is this a   marketing strategy that you have considered have  you been interviewed on podcast before and is it   something that you want to do more of let me know  in the comments if you are watching this on video   or of course if you're just listening go ahead and  find me on instagram and let me know now if you   haven't heard me mention my membership club that  is going to be launching very very soon let me   just take a quick sec to let you know about it so  of course this is a monthly membership it's called   the wellness ceo club and in this program you are  going to get access to so many things that will   help you to build and grow your business you'll  get my training curriculum and and plus a new   business bundle every month you'll get access to  an amazing community of like-minded entrepreneurs   and just so many resources to help you hit your  next level it's got all the know-how that you need   along this journey plus a really amazing  uplifting community to turn to for support   and connection so we will be enrolling in early  april but the doors are going to be open only for   two weeks so if you're interested in learning  more there's just a couple of things i want   you to do first of all is join the waitlist  and the link is going to be in the show notes   um and the description box but the other thing to  do is to register for the free video series that   i will be sending out in early april it's called  how to make a difference in the world and create   a better life for yourself so this video series is  just full of inspiring stories and strategic steps   and juicy insider information on how to do exactly  what the title describes make a difference in the   world and create a better life for yourself again  it's totally free and i will put the registration   links in the notes and the description box  alright that is a wrap for today as always   i hope that you enjoyed today's episode have an  awesome week and i will see you again very soon you

2022-04-09 05:34

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