How to get more customers for your cleaning business [Facebook live]

How to get more customers for your cleaning business [Facebook live]

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Night which is all about how to get, more customer, for your business I've, had a lot of people inside my private group, ask. Me why I'm just sort, of thinking of starting or I want. To start my cleaning business now how, do I get my first client. In how do I even start getting, clients, so. First of all remember to download my roadmap which is proven ways on how to get customers in, your business, and. Also. How, to set. Yourself up so. You attract. Them so when anybody, comes to your, website or your Facebook page or see anything about your business, you, open them with welcome, arms you, set, the scene for them, and you connect, with them on the emotional, level for, them then to be ready to buy, there's. A way of induction, are meals of whiteman the cleaning coach and I help cleaning, business owners get more customers for their business so they can live the. Life that they deserve to have, the freedom to go and holiday when you want and to buy that car that you've always wanted, so. Tonight, we'll be focusing, on be. How to, get the your first customers, or that. This will work even, if we go if you need other if you already got your first customer and you want even more customers so. You have to bear in mind I'm just quickly going to explain, how you need, to think, about getting. Clients, for, your business. So. Everybody, thinks it's kind of like mmm. You, know I work for a customer and they will refer me and I've got to do there's no go to this but nothing is, working it's, all over the place and it's, just because you're thinking about, how, you're sort, of you're getting your clients in needs. To change a little bit notice what needs to change you just need to understand, it a bit better and. I. Will always call it planting. Your seeds so. No, business, whether you've got clean business or any other, business out, there will. Basically. Do, something, to, get customers in and then, just do it and that, all wasn't good results, and then they don't do anything about it because apparently. That didn't work so it's, about getting the. Right message in front of the right per. In front of the right audience at, the, right time. When. They already, so. It's not always about doing. Willy-nilly things, all over the place having, no plan, two sets right so this month I'm doing this this, long time doing that you. Need to concentrate, on, those, three things that, the right. Message upon the right person, at the right time, so. Even if you you might now be thinking about what about if when. Is the right time wins ever the right time and you will never know that because obviously that is the customer, but. If you plant, your, seeds, constantly. If you plant the right message, and if, you constantly. Connect. With your customers on a more of an emotional. Sort. Of de-feet connect, to their feelings. If you, connect with them emotionally, that. Is when you're gonna start seeing. Things. Change, it's, about trying one thing and, thinking to yourself okay that didn't work then, trying something else it's. Not about just trying one thing and then think well that didn't work well I don't even know what I did wrong remember. It's the content, make that emotional contact, with your customer. For. Them to be hooked on you. There's. So mainly, cleaning businesses out there you. Need to with, your, actual, message, that you get across you. Need to stand out you, need to stand out above, all that noise everybody, saying we clean brilliantly we clean briefly we will beat your prices we will beat your prices and customers.

Go Online they. Actually hate looking for cleaning companies they, go online and they say all these, people, okay well, so they say kidding. Service in whatever area, and hundreds. Of companies come, up it's. About you standing. Out and making, that emotional. Bond, with them, with your words so. You are going to connect with them with their pain point what, do they hate they've. Been let down the, cleaning standards, are not grades whatever, they're receiving at the moment, and then. Act for. The right customer as well because you don't just want any customer, in your business you want somebody that's. Gonna, appreciate, you, especially. If you've got really, really really high standards, you're never gonna convince a customer that, you're really great, at your cleaning standards with, words you never there's, no every, single company out there says we're, brilliant, we're brilliant, we brilliant and everybody guarantee they standards, it's just when things go wrong when the customer actually finds out well well actually there wasn't but, there's, nothing you can do about it because they don't know about that in the beginning, so. If you've got really really really high cleaning, standards especially, you. Need to get your message out there the, emotional, bond with your customers, now you, might think but I haven't got customers at the moment and you've actually got a brilliant opportunity to, start your business, with. The emotional, connection. So, any clean, any person, any customer, and that's gonna come across your Facebook page or your website even if you haven't got one don't panic they. Will then be hooked, they will remember, you because, of the time factor so, when they, are ready to buy so. You've got to imagine, the sort of scenario that. Either are they've, already got cleaning companies, working, for them or cleaner so. Then all of a sudden they see your, message they might not be hunting for you but you've been really proactive, in trying, to get, your message out there they. Spot that don't, really need a caterer at the moment, but, when. The cleaner they've got or the cleaning company does, actually, do something wrong or not unless we do something wrong but the King stands on tie or they're being let down or, I fell out with a customer, you have, to be first, in mind and each, your job as a cleaning business owner to remind, them it's not their job to come and hunt for you you, have, to be in front, of them, with. The right message and at, that right time but, they might still remember you even if they not now at the present time think, about I need a cleaning company so I'm gonna go search for one there might still not be ready they, might then be thinking oh well I'm gonna I'm gonna holiday, and was August, now so you know it's all the holiday do I really want to be bothered. With interviewing, cleaners and letting them come to my house. So. It's about like, I say timing, it right and the. Planting, your seed is about planting, your message so don't expect oh I'm gonna go, so one brilliant way to start if you want new, customers, is to go, into, an area draft. Up a conic like a sales letter and I'll explain why I say that in a minute I remember, to download my roadmap there's ways in there to get customers. Do. A sales letter so basically all I say, is sales later when it sounds so like, massive. All it is it's an introduction, to, you your, mission statements, your core values and, what. You can do for, them but, you have to in that letter obviously have your content right which is connect. With the feeling the fear they have of, choosing, a novel cleaning company that might not be that brilliant that's a real fear, for domestic. Healing their customers and office what all customers, they, fear that feeling that were hanging a minute maybe if I spend 10. Pounds, I mean 10 pounds in everyday, life is not that much for us but for customers like hang on I'm gonna what, if I give them even 10 pounds and they're really rubbish, what. If I coming and they steal, from me what if they come in and they are horrible to my dog they've. Got all these fears running through their head well they're looking for a cleaning business and if, you're the one that get in front of them and say hey. But. Don't. Fear because we're, animal, friendly weird kick friendly we TBS check our staff we've, got all these but it's not the feature of the DBS, checking, what you need to get over is the feature they.

Can Relax because you do the back work they, don't have to do anything all they have to do you, go to their house you see them and then, you talk about what they need you, find out what the other company, did, wrong, and why. They want a cleaning company and why they chose you, to, call you to get you in but. You take this hours later and you. Literally just go and post it and it's many, houses as possible you can hand right on the card, make. The envelope nice and bright and you can hand write on the card saying your. House needs you something. Funny, something is gonna stand out and grab, their attention because. You, get so so. Much, post. Every. Day like, it's unbelievable, and this is like scan scan scan is good not so, you need something that's going to go what, I, need, to open that what's that baby you know the curiosity, of home to open it so he introducing, yourself and, you'd. Literally just keep doing that and offer maybe, saying your first two arrow clean off for, the first five customers, that. Will respond. To your letter now. It will be a case of yes. You might post a hundred, don't expect, 50. Replies because. That's not how it works, because. It's not it might not be the right contents you need to then tailor your content it might not be the right time for them however. 2%, of those say for instance hundred, sales letter your posts that might just be exactly. The right time with the right content that emotionally. So, connects, with them and bam. That's, how you get your first customers keep, trying, if you, pay fees ins post fifty and you get no response within a month you, try a different sales, letter and the, reason our sales sales leads to rather than leaflets, and and/or business cards it's the fact that sells later you can inject so much a bit more personality, in there and you've got a chance to connect with them or if you, just post a flyer through the door it's like there. I am use. Me don't use me don't, care a sales, letter gives them a bit more of that but, your personality, add, a picture. Of yourself let them this is me and a lot of people are afraid of that but you friends. Do business with friends they don't do business with leaflets. I don't, do business with business, cards and, and, if. You do go is say for instance and take fifty sales, letters and you posted them but, you know a year, down the line they might well a year ago you posted it sales later through my books and they might even thank you for it and there. You go you've got a customer so, it's not about oh I'm gonna do this oh ok, I've got no replies and it's two days are gone it, doesn't, work like that it's about planting your seed everywhere, go, into shop windows make. Sure you, put, your business details there, for, people that could keep scan pass and but. Connect. With them like have, you ever been let down by your cleaning company or. Easter. Stan as you're seeing at the moment not, you know not on par or are, you not happy with your POS at the moment call. Us we'll make sure. You know you are or and. Then go from there basic it's about making that connection for, them to stop and look and think well actually yes, my kenan service aren't that great and they not doing a brilliant job oh I, call her because you've connected to that thing that. Is a pain or do, you hate calling, cleaning services or hunting. For a cleaning service they will not let you down. Call. Us you, know because. We won't let you down but. It's making that initial, first, emotional. Connection. And. Goes. From if you've got any comments and just remember to comment down below and I will answer their, comments afterwards, and. So. Basically at the moment if you're not really proactive in. Actually, doing. Getting. Out and having like a marketing plan where you say to yourself right so this month but. You need to set yourself a goal and say where I want 10 customers so, for that 10 customers, what do I need to do so, if I say get a 2% return on the sales letter so I need them to do take, 200, sales letters but this week I'm gonna take an hour I'm gonna post it in this area and then in another week I'm gonna go posted in that area and then, another Overstreet's.

And Then another street and then another street and it's to build awareness, how. Many people live in your town and how many people know about you, know. About what you actually can do for them that's. What it's all about so you. Have to get. Connectional. That, connection emotional. Feeling, you have to connect to then, it's the time and, then. You. Have to get your contract right so. It it sounds all simple but it's literally just testing. And testing, and testing on one shoot kids a letter, that. All of a sudden you do get ten phone calls you. Know that letter works and then, you stick with that letter and then you you just double and multiply, what you did in the first instance, to get a few customers and once, you have one customer all you, need to do is then. Go, to their neighbors and say oh by the way sales, later we're clean for number three did, you know about it they're very happy with us and then. Because. There's friends, in the area that knows them and then they're gonna go and ask that one customer you have by. The way how is she and they go oh brilliant Oh that's. When. You start, getting. The customers, in and the recommendations. Aim and the referrals. Then. If you get another customer you do exactly the same and I can have a customer in another area it's, just about being proactive. Testing. Testing testing until, you get the results, that you want and, that's how, you can grow your business um. And. Like, I say think about it as in planting, let's, say to yourself I'm planting my seeds so I'm gonna go and do these sales letters I'm gonna plant my seeds in that Street on that week I'm gonna, close my seeds and then, they. Need watering, and nourishing. Where, is the content and the. Timing comes in when, they're ready I have already made that connection all sort, of connection, with them the emotional connection and therefore. You'll, be first at mind and you'll be the first person they call so. Stand out make. That emotional connection, with them and. Like. I say once again I don't say it's as simple as that but it is it's, just literally testing, testing testing testing until, you get it right until something works and, bam, there you go and once, you find out something. Does work like, I say you double, it you triple it and you just do it more and more and expand, your area, um I'm, told, you, literally. Don't even have to work anymore your business won't need you you just keep doing that try, different things until. It succeeds, and then you'll succeed. Right. So um, is. There any questions, I don't wanna go on too long because I've had some, complaints. Michelle. Even says. You. Are great thank you Oh Thank You Michelle and, yeah. Guys so if you've got any questions I'm, actually um. Basically. On the process, of creating. A sort of a monthly, membership I'm, not selling anything don't worry and. Which. Is basically focused, on. Getting. More customers into your business in a more off sort of like a monthly basis like a monthly, a. Lesson. Right this, is how a sales later work this. Is what I use in my business. You go and do it and let's test it get, reviews and we get it working but, it's about implementing. And taking action and that parenting.

Of Your seed and. Also want one with me to start with orbitals you know where you are where you want to go and let's get some action steps in there and it's, all about results, for. You, and, so. Obviously, it's not up and running yet but I've had so, many of you asked me for mentorship, as far as cake lines are concerned and I, understand, it's hard in the beginning and although I say all these wonderful things some, people still struggle and. And also I will definitely help with mindset. Wise when. It comes to trying to get customers, because it can be hard it's. Not personal it's never personal to you somebody doesn't want you to clean for them so that's. The first thing don't ever take it personal, but, and I will definitely you know um. When. This. Is up and available I know I think it's about for your thoughts, are things 42 people have asked me so far so, what I am in the process I promise of creating, this new group which, is the monthly membership, to actually. So. You can have more time with me you can show me what you're doing and I can say to you that's this this is try this and this and this and we'll try it and do it until it works and also what works for me hi, Elizabeth Elizabeth says, I'm in New York and just, starting up my cleaning business really hard to get leads here and. Yes. It's always it. Seems, to be always, hard um Elizabeth, when you first start, and. Maybe. Just put this here and. It's. Always first me cuz you they think it's really hard what, you just need to do is remember there's loads of cleaning businesses out there that. Has already got, customers, that are. Fully booked and I can't cope with him what, you need to do is get. Up, above, the noise and with your message, with how you do things and be very proactive so. You stand out and you will, literally get to the point where you build your reputation up, where you'll get known, for, what you do so, you don't actually really have to do that. Much of this kind of trying to get customers, and it, then becomes more sort of email marketing kind, of way but, when you first it's just I understand. What you say but it's your price point and it's. Your message you put out there and how often your messes go out there and remember. It's your job to let all of that customers, know that. That. You're there I mean you're doing actually you're doing them harm but not cleaning, for them because you're awesome, and they. Need you the universe, needs, you to, take your awesomeness. With cleaning. And to. Give it to customers that will deserve you. And appreciate, you so, you're actually by, not trying hard enough and, you're, actually doing them. At dishonesty, because they're, sitting there without you and they need you, so. Just go spread your message try. Flyers try, business. Cards you can try them all I would always say self it is because it's more personal and you can make more of that a quicker. Emotional. Sort, of connection, but, look again don't do it and then expect BAM. Oh I've now got 50 customers in a day because, it doesn't work like that it's planting, your seed everywhere. And then, once, that seed is ready to be sowed we just win the customer calls you that's, when you gonna actually reap the benefits, but. The plant doesn't grow in, a day or two days but, literally be proactive, go everywhere download my roadmap all, the ways in there you can your, Facebook, page you can set it up so when people do go and see your, you know go to your Facebook page but. They can see who, you, are like. You need a face on there you know you need a video on there that says hi. This is who I am and what can I do for you and connect, with them on that emotional, level because you'll then stand. Out, if they, go online and they look at five different Facebook, pages and yours, has got your picture on there which a lot of them don't and you've, got a video on there saying hi this is me this is what I can do for you and you cover a pain point and connect, with them on that emotional, level who, do you think they're gonna choose you. And. They're. Their best customers out there that want you and that need you so. You need to plant your seeds get your business ready to stand out from, everybody, else because, you like I say even if you're a better cleaner you're never gonna tell anybody you're a better cleaner you literally just have to stand, out make that emotional and I keep repeating myself but this is so important, make, that emotional connection um. And. Then you will get to the stage where literally, you'll be attracting. Them, without. You even having to work that, hard you will start getting that, phone ringing off the hook and then I would, like you to actually, leave. A comment in the Facebook group and say I've, got too many customers I can't, cope on full ebooks because, that's what I want for all of you to.

Get To a stage where your business don't need you anymore, your business runs on, its own and you can do whatever you want and not feel guilty about not spending enough time with your kids and. You can actually take holidays and enjoy it and not worry, about your business. So. Right guys if you've got any more questions, now's. The time it's so hot tonight here in the UK I do it probably does my bit perspiring. A bit and right. Guys so it's lovely thank you very much for your time and thank. You very much for joining me I really, appreciate it, so I will see you in the Facebook group see. You later.

2018-08-26 13:26

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