How To Get More Customers For Your Business on Search

How To Get More Customers For Your Business on Search

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hello good day um welcome to our training we're so glad to have you here thank you for joining our training so today we'll be talking about um an interesting topic here how to get more customers for your business on search um a very key topic because everything has to do with getting customers or driving sales for your business is very important sales is like the lifeline of every business um we're just going to get right to you my name is um welcome to this webinar i'm going to be taking you through this course or through these shortcuts very short qualities we're going to talk about the concept of customer journey we're going to talk about search and we're going to talk about how you fit in the whole concept of customer journey to getting customers to your business via search so our first module customer journey right what is that what is what is the journey of a person being a stranger and turning into a highly pain customers customize your business sorry so we say customer journey is that step each customer follows that get them to know about your business and also buy a product or service so you might want to see customer journey has that whole loop someone takes to to learn about your business and buy a product remember the last time you went to a market or a mall you probably would just walking down the the floor and then you saw this beautiful clothes by the store and then you walked in and and asked them okay how much is it and then you probably paid or you told them that you come back to pick it maybe you even didn't right so how does a customer journey and you see that every business will usually have more than one customer journey meaning there are different um ways people become customers in your business so let's look at some of the common ways um so first first example here is those are found your content and then want to try out your business maybe they found out your content on social media and then saw that okay let's see how this this is going to help me and then they they wanted to try out the reach out to you um remember the example i gave about you working in the mall you could probably not not want that thing at the time but because it looks nice you just want to try it out you want to check it out and if you have the money for it you just want to get it and go with it yeah so that's exactly how it looks like here and then here is another example which is those that heard about your product or service i want to check it out so these are the people that heard about your products maybe saw it with your customer that has that is using it or that is enjoying it and then they just want to check it out oh i like i like how this is going oh where did you get this kitchen device from i think i need this in my kitchen right and then the next next set of people are those are all gently need a product or service and went online to search or just went to to any channel they could get to really search so again keyword here is urgently neat right and then another set of people is those that have a problem and then they are looking for solution maybe they are not exactly looking for a product to buy but they know they have a problem and then they are looking for a solution if buying a product will solve that problem they're hoping to to get getting in so let's bring it up down to real life after the example of the um mall that i gave this is i already talked about someone that is just walking down the floor so really nice products just stepped in and got more information about the product and then someone else that really wants something and was like let me go to the mall and go search the mall i'm sure i'll get someone to um find i'll get someone to to sell that sell me that product so that's exactly how it is online and um here's a big question which of these set of people will likely become your customer faster is it those people that just saw the content or just saw the product and then they were like nice nice i think i would like it or maybe i'll get later or the people that rush to the mall and then they're saying i need this product of course those people that are actively looking for something so those people that have an audience need to feel that they are looking actually looking for a solution so those are the people that you would see get the product faster this is what where the old concept of buyer's intent comes in what a buyer intent buying intent is is that is is a measure of the willingness of the customer to buy so are they are they are they intending to buy a product that's where the world come from so are they coming to search for your business because they are intending to buy or they just want to check out that means the higher the buyer's intent the higher the buyers intention to buy the higher the buyers interest to buy the faster you make the sales so remember the title of our webinar um how to get more customers for your business on search so which so we have we have channels you can use to get customers online there's social media there is um a wide range of other channels there is email marketing but when you talk about search search as one of them the highest buyer's intent meaning people that are coming to search already have a defined need so they're just coming to search to in to encode search for a solution so that's where your cost your business comes in and meaning being on search being found on search would literally help you grow your business revenue by acquiring more customers because you're having people that have interest in buying a product coming to your page and then patternizing you or starting a conversation with you so that's where the old concept of online search comes in so remember those customers with high buying intent where do they go to look for help on search and in the age and time of today they will likely go to a place like google search so this is a search um it it searched that i s that i just conducted why building this slide um okay i was trying to get it okay so i just typed in um kick kick vendor near me and then i can see options i can actually go right to it to do the search so that we make this class as practical as possible okay so i can see see the result um at this section shows me first result i can see ada which means an advertisement we'll get to that in a second so this is search someone coming to say to typing cake vendor near me on google search probably wants to get a cake at the time and then here are a wide range of options for the person and then the person can go right to choose whoever they feel they're comfortable with so let's get back to our slide so they go on search and usually google search google search is the most popular search engine that people use to find answers online and two ways to get on to get your business on google search so before we get into that that means being on search being visible on search is very important to your business one quick exercise i want you to do right now type the name of your business and see if if your business pops up on search if your business pops up on search another question i would like to ask you is does or what what you see on search does he fully represent what your business is about does he fully represent your business address doesn't fully represent your business contact does it fully represent your business email does he fully list all the products and services your business offer if not then your business is misrepresented on search that's exercise one exercise two is search for something a potential customer would actually go to google to search for and see if your business come up if you're into consulting maybe a business strategy type i need a business strategist in this and see if your business comes up if you sell baby toys um toys generally go ahead to search where can i get toy for my baby let's try that out okay um a minute my system is angle okay where can i get a toy for my baby i type that strongly so here are search results right here and then again i can see search results here i can see businesses that actually sell those those toys so meaning if i really want to get a toy for my baby right now then there's a likelihood that i'm going to click on at least one of this business find out about them look at their review and then go to interact with them patronize them so that's does it that's if if i if i eventually buy the product that's a new customer for them that they didn't really sweat to get and that's that's part of their customer journey someone comes to search search for a business or product we offer then follows the link and then find out about our business and become a customer so how do i get my business on google google search that's one key question you want to be asking right now so there are two ways first is the paid and the second is the free free free option paid channel is when you pay google a certain amount to have your business visible on search so for example if i type in i want to to buy an iphone okay where to buy my iphone right so i typed in where to buy an iphone and from from this right here you can see this search this that says had if you see ads that means the the company that has listed their product here they're actually paying google a certain amount to get their business visible here um and the business only pays they only pay google when someone clicks so until i click on um on any of this product that's when this company actually pays google right so that's that's the paid search that that's the paid option this this business put a certain dollars in their google google adwords dashboard and then their products get visible so same thing for this company you can see hey there so they actually pay google so that's the first channel which is the page you pay pay google that means if your budget runs out your business doesn't get visible anymore the second one is pay is a free free channel here's where your business yeah your business is visible on google search without paying a dime you don't pay anything but it's highly competitive simply because it's free everybody wants to tap into the free channel and then um traditionally or in times past people will say if you have a good search engine optimization you get found when people are looking for a product or service you offer so let's go right to this search that we conducted so by iphone this so this result from this section right to this section where i can't see any ads which means i can't see anything to say that it's an advertisement these people are actually gonna these people are actually having their business listed on google without paying a dime so if i click let's let's look at this the company that is advertising here is they're paying a certain amount but the company i can see here is they sell the same thing but if i choose to click this the ng junior and if if i choose to buy that you may have made the sale without spending any amount of marketing while conga had to spend some money to get their business visible so what is the advantage of the paid over the free the paid means so you you can have a little bit of chance to get fund because you're actually paying while for the free it's very competitive you can see in the big company apple that's that's you that's their

main company website is right on the second option so they are competing with a whole lot of small business imagine you're a small business you just have this in a small store where you sell gadgets you are probably going to be competing with people like junior the condo ng that have big budget for online marketing competing with they have almost unlimited budget for their marketing right so those are two ways to get your business on google so you'll be thinking so does that mean it's very hard to get my business on google search or does that mean you should just write off google search because this will pay this or even the free channel is very competitive no i have a good news for you so um i think this is what i think i think google thought how can we help small businesses get found small businesses don't have that big budget big large companies have how can we get them how can we help them to get from do so they introduce something called google my business so google my business is a tool that allows people to easily google your business that is easily find your business on google but one key thing google my business capitalizes on is that they give you results based on where you are or based on the locality so if if i type where to where to buy an iphone so for that same search result so this search result you see here the one that you see the the star rating and then you see this those are those are the ones those are the results brought to you by google my business so you can see packtail online practical online i can see they have 3.9 reviews by 71 people um so i can click on the business that i choose to work with or find out about and then i can see their details see other things and then if i if i'm interested in working with them or buying from them i'll just go right to check their website call them or this so does that mean that there's a there's a breakthrough yes if you have a google my business account you have a huge chance of getting found on google google my business is free of charge free of charge you don't need to pay to have good to get your business registered on google my business of course the process is a little bit simple you even need to get verified all of that i'll talk about in a minute but that means for this business just phones i can just call them and say hey i need an iphone do you guys have so so so and can i come pick it up or can you deliver to me and then they just made the sale without running ads without without stressing and because i'm coming with an intent remember where we came from i'm coming with an intent to type in where to buy an iphone so i'm coming right right here with with which an intention to buy so like there's a likelihood that they're going to always make the sale so that's google my business and with google my business here are all the things you can take advantage of one your business can be found when people search for your business name also you can get found when someone says for what you offer you remember this search result i sent i typed in where to buy an iphone i didn't even know there's a business called just phones but because i search for something that i want or something i look for this business name com comes up so next time if if i'm not going to buy now i've noted this name so next time i'll just i'll just come in to type just forms okay you can see it's already given he's already giving me details about the business so next time i'm coming to purchase i do not need to type um buy i where can i buy an iphone because i already know them i already have their name offered i just can't type their name on google so your visas need to be found when someone types your business name and your business needs to be found when someone types something that you offer a product you sell is service you offer so those two things are important and that's where google my business comes in all of this for free let me show you some interesting things so this is a let me try to increase this um slide okay good oh we should have done this oh wow so this is someone that says i need a cake for my daughter only very short notice i found sugar smith smith on google and they delivered peaceably well on a very short notice at the exact time they promised to deliver the kick stood out just loved by all our guests so meaning this person that wrote this review is a satisfied customer the person is so happy that there's a tool called google my business that can help them find businesses that can offer a product or service while the business owner is excited that i'm able to get a new client without running marketing again i'm not saying you shouldn't have a marketing budget you shouldn't run ads for your business but is it something that allows you to get customers without running marketing i think you want to set that up first you want to make sure that that is running before you now go to talk about um the other channel where you need to pay for marketing this same business you can see this was i at the time i'm screenshotting this this was written a week ago look at this a month ago similar thing happened i looked up cake in about on google and this page popped up i had had a seamless experience transacting business blah blah blah blah blah so if within a month two people wrote this they are likely that this business owner got more than two customers maybe others just didn't find the time to write a review because not every customer writing review most cost some customers just want to buy and then bye bye that's it so this is within within within a month this person nailed the sale this is a sale she nailed just because she took some time out to set up something called google my business and she's reaping results she didn't he probably doesn't have to do a lot time to time um maybe maybe i'll get into what what she's probably doing that is helping her getting this constant sale because she's not the only one that has a google my business profile she's not she's probably not the only one right so um so imagine a total stranger who needs a product go on google type what they need and your business comes up and when they reach out to you to pay for it and when they reach reach you to pay for it yeah they pay for it right away without back and forth you see with google google search result remember where we came from there's there's an intent meaning this person is intending to buy so it's different from someone that is just checking you out remember the analogy i gave about them all someone that is just walking on the floor and saw something nice and then was like oh that's nice let me ask i want you to cost i'll come back to pick it and someone that ran to the mall literally because she's almost getting into trouble and then she comes right there and actually putting what she she's looking to get and then she she gets get the results right there so that's the power of google my business and it's actually contains all the features you might be interested in um again so this class is about how to use google search to grow drive customers for your brand and i think with what we have what you have learned so far you've actually seen that search is actually a huge opportunity to actually drive clients but what other future does google my business provide to you first is reviews reviews are fantastic reviews you know one thing you should see when you talk about driving customers online is that you are not there to talk to the customers in person you are not there to justify whether you are good or not they would form that answers in themselves based on what they see about your business and reviews are one way that helps potential customers get the right perception of your business of course it goes both ways because if you if you don't put a lot of effort into delighting your customers and they come there and write a bad review about you your business could literally be finished because when people see it they'll be like no this is not the kind of person i want to work with let me look for another person but if you run a good business you have a good customer service you deliver your promise and someone i mean if i if i want a cake and i stumble on this review about this business there's nothing that will stop me to getting um product from even if it's a little bit more expensive because someone wrote this review oh i don't want to i don't want a customer that would disappoint a client out sorry i don't want a company or a vendor that would disappoint me let me just rather go with this that about two people wrote the same review and um she was the one i snapped a picture i have i blew my business portfolio she has 50 reviews 50 reviews of 5.0 that means 50 people gave 5 over 5. of course of course the best man will always win so google my business gives you ability to win in business so um yeah so let's just keep going so reviews are great number two is post google my business has a section where you can put in post the same way you're putting posts on facebook and instagram but this time you're not putting a post like motivation monday people that are coming to your google my business profile don't want to be motivated they want to buy people will say that oh don't be too sexy on social media try to create connection google my business is a place to be salesy because the person is coming to come and buy they're not coming to come and find out about you and just say hello or comment on your post because they like how your page looks like they are coming to buy pretty much they are coming to buy so um and the last part is data so google my business gives you data to let you see what is working you can see what is working what is not working you can see how many people viewed your profile yesterday how many people video profile this month you can even see how many people video profile and called you so this data lets you know that okay if i if a lot of people are coming to my profile and i'm not getting people to call me the name is there's something definitely wrong i need to look into we'll talk about that in a bit so are you ready to set up google my business for your profile for your business sorry are you ready to create google my business profile for your business um like i said these businesses um that i showed their success story just to time out maybe two and even some two hours follow the detailed step and then she still repeat the reward month after month after right um before that one question you need to ask is if this actually works for other business and i think from the reviews i've showed you you can see that this works for other business this is just one business how much more a lot of businesses are there think deeply haven't you had a time when you needed something and then you go on google to search and you actually found an article or you found someone that could deliver that service that's the same way your potential customers customers need that right so i have a good news for you we have written an e-book that explains step by step how to set up google my business for your for your business and then how to use it to drive massive traffic and sales to your business guess what this this person that i showed a success story here consumed this exact content and followed it step by step i remember she attended our training at the time she was not the only one that attended the training but that day of the training she was literally hyper she was following the steps she she even immediately got he got i mean she immediately followed all this step-by-step guideline and secret that was shared with her in less than a month she started she started reaching out that hey this is already working this happened in less than eight months she followed it she got her first sale she was shocked she was shocked maybe she wouldn't even sell a product this high but because this person has a buying intent um the person has a buying intent they come right to the um they come right to the page and then they're able to to get the product and without any hassle you know someone coming to say you know i need so so so i found your page how much is it can i send the money right away the joy of getting a customer that you didn't spend a dime to to acquire it's it's almost interesting so this is the first one this is the second one she got another client almost two days after so it was actually rapid of course that doesn't mean if you set up google my business every day you get client because it's it's typically depend on on the buyer's interest but the fact that you have set this up you don't need to do too much extra work and then you're actually getting client she thought the first one was okay maybe it just happened the second one happened now we checked i i checked that page recently one month ago review um one week ago review one week ago one month ago so that means this has been constantly working for her um yeah so we've put all this knowledge everything we shared with our during this master class we have put it in our ebook the ebook costs just seven dollars um if i'm going to calculate how much she actually earned it would have been about a hundred dollars imagine paying seven dollars for an e-book and then you're almost getting a value of a hundred dollars within the first one month that is massive i must say i must say we're not affiliated this is a disclaimer we're not affiliated with google in any way um it looks like i'm talking so highly of the two this is because it has worked for us it has worked for businesses that use this tool and then everything we've put there a testimonial that our tips and strategy works you know to every tool out there there are secret hacks that some people that have used it for so long would have built that instead of you having to start afresh make a lot of mistakes you can just get their knowledge and write on their sugar so that means some people don't get as much result as this it depends on how well you're able to follow the tips how well i mean for imagine sorry another thing to consider is if you do not have a good business you do not have a good review no matter how fantastic our tips are no matter fantastic fantastic the content we have used in the ebook is um you definitely would not get the best result out of this so this is a disclaimer so this is not to say after getting this ebook you're coming to us hey i didn't make sales of course if you have any issues we have a support center where we'd actually respond to your inquiries um respond to your requests and then provide support we provide support to everybody that gets our ebooks our courses we have a community where you can subscribe to to even get more help interact with other people so um people cost just 6.57 dollars that is less than seven dollars of course maybe the payment gateway had some some 30 some um 0.3 dollars but you would not pay more than seven dollars to get this ebook and to get this evil just go right to this link you can find the link somewhere in this video maybe at the description or anywhere on the page you find the link just click on it you would be able to access the ebook and if you get the ebook today we're going to give you three bonuses we're going to give you a ebook that talks about creative ways to ask for reviews for customers remember sometimes customers won't just think they should give you review they will even think why should we even give you review i'm just to buy a product from you but they're creative ways you can talk to them she getting 50 reviews didn't mean 50 people just were in their happy mode and just gave her reviews she she probably followed some strategies and step to get them to write a review so if you get this ebook today you get this offer also you get our ebook that talks about call to action suggestion that can drive your customers to purchase call to actions at this line you put in your in your message to tell your customer what they should actually do so in this ebook we work we would talk you through that and then last bonus you get is our ebook that talks about how to think like a customer when writing when writing your business description it's not enough to put the name of your business or to describe your business a lot of mistakes small business make is they want to describe their business in the way that they have the vision for the business no you should describe your business in the way that your customer would want to type it in so if if you are if if you're into fashion design and then you're describing your business to say oh we wow your world we make you look elegant no you're not going to get found you want to write description to say um we're a reputable fashion design company that delivers to time and give the best fit for your clothes we have a lot of success story to prove something like that that's that's the way customer would type because someone won't come on search or anywhere to say oh i need a fashion design company that make me look on top of the world you really now find that you would so you this this this ebook will teach you how to how to write your business description because getting found on google search even anywhere online depends on you putting your business you you describing your business in the way the person looking for it would type it in that's where the connection will happen if there's no connection then you will you won't be able to make the sale so this is three three plus three plus two nine dollars if you get this ebook today for just seven dollars less than seven dollars you get a bonus what nine nine nine dollars how cool is that each of these ebooks actually sell on our store for three dollars each you can buy them separately but if you get our ebook because we think you need this knowledge to get the most out of your google my business then if you get it today today like right now if you get it right now we don't know about tomorrow we might remove it tomorrow but if you get it today right now you get this access um so i already gave the disclaimer of course would try to support but getting results is totally up to you we have success story to prove that our knowledge works we've written other ebooks we have offered other trainings we have fantastic reviews fantastic reviews so you can trust us on this um i hope you learned something i really hope you learned something remember where we started from we talked about um we talked about buyer's journey how people interact and how are different customers how different people become customers to your business and they will talk about the rule of search they were talking about buyer's intent and how to position yourself to those people who are who have the intention of buying and they will talk about google my business and the advantage of google my business you can go on online find out how to set up google my business but when you when you get into problems and and challenges you'll probably not be able to find help but instead of spending three four hours a whole day all week at home and trying to figure out how to go my business yourself for just seven that's for less than seven dollars we have written an ebook the ebook is is well with pictures with clear instructions and with strategies that we have shared with this business that got results that you can easily just copy and yes so we hope that you enjoy this training even if you don't get the ebook we hope the whole concept of buyer's journey and how to identify customer with intent would help you through you through your other marketing campaigns or to your other marketing activities but if you can or we it's not even if you can't because we we think for a business that force for someone running a proper business this price is just perfect it's it's i mean you're getting way more value way more value so do go to the page get the ebook and get this done for your business even if you have google my business before you have all of this set up before you can also get the ebook to learn extra things that will help you get more results thank you so much um you can follow us on our social media at the abgas community if you have questions about this or you want us to run a training for your business or you want to find out about our other programs you can email us or go to our website

dabjs so you can email us on you can email us business at or go to our website thank you so much and we look forward to talking to you in our next training have a great time bye

2021-01-06 09:39

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