How To Find Your Why in Business

How To Find Your Why in Business

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Hello. And welcome. Everybody Janet, Becker's here with, my manse your tribe radio, and I'm, so excited to introduce you. To, my, beautiful guest this morning Heather, yelling hey Heather hi. Dennis, lovely to be here and lovely to join you and your tribe, yeah, well, I'm one, of the reasons why I truly. Wanted to introduce you to here there is simply, because he's one of my favorite. Favorite, people Heather, and I have gone back years. And years and years ago through. A girl friend of ours Joey Martin who was one, of the first people I interviewed, years, ago when I was starting off my business and and, it. Was a really, integral, part of that team and we, got to know each other really well through there now our relationship. And our friendships, go on for years so much so that Heather's. Actually, one, of the strongest mentors, for my son, klancy, yes our little in love with him to dinner and what. We. Can tell we can tell that you know. She's. Just, she's just met such beautiful influence, so we're, gonna talk a little bit about how, that came about okay. Also, Heather is also, one. Of these peoples that. Everybody. Feels. You. Know very very special, to her she has that ability and that ability to, really. Engender. Trust within, a tribe so, much so that you've even won a. Trust. Awards wasn't that yeah, it, 2015. I was voted the most trusted. Business leader, in the country which, sounds. Yeah it sounds a bit knobby but I mean, I think if it was an award that I wanted to do to win Genet that was it because. I really think that we've reached a time where in business we need to go back to the basics and one of the fundamentals, in any relationship. Is trust ah absolutely. Absolutely. And the interesting thing was I I found that letter I was nominated for that and I had already gotten voted, as many times as I couldn't be ever. That's. Very slow. So what we're going to talk about today is, a few, things, one. Is, I really. Want to dive, a little deeper into, how. Does Heather have that. Beautiful trust, within. A, tribe, where people, have never ever met this so quarter. Doing that and then, also I've seen the evolution of Heather's, business and, its. Growth, and the impact that it's making so we're going to dive into, her. Her branding, and the growth, of her business and how. You can. Take, follow the process, that heather has used to, be able to build this beautiful, strong, brand so that's what we're going to dive into, now. Before, we do that first, of all over, to Heather now we, are. We are going to attempt to try to give you the maximum value, in about, 20-25. Minutes max so. To. Start with to cut to the chase Heather can you please share with us. Who. Do you serve and how. Do you do that sure. I'm. In. Really simple terms, the. People that we serve are those invested, in their own growth, right. So but. We do that through largely. Through four streams so that the company has four streams to it II see Ella Bache Children which is all about serving children and the people who support them so families. Teachers, communities. Secondly. Elevate, people, which is personal. Growth programs for anyone whose interests in their own growth and development and leadership yeah. Third elevate. Business, and that's all of our business consulting. Particularly. Focused, on the development of culture, and values based leadership. And. Then our fourth area is elevate. Humanity, and that's a whole range of different things that we offer, and get involved in to support, other people. From. A sort of a charitable, perspective. Not, not just here in Australia, we do work in India. Africa, Indonesia, Myanmar, and, New. Zealand Wow hmm. Wow that's, huge impact, and I love how. You're so clear on the four different, levels that you do because your company's the elevate company that was the, elevation, come, yes so the elevation, companies the sort of the arching the overarching name of the company but those four strings of services, underneath, yeah that's, fantastic so we're gonna dive into. That. Clarity, you know of, what you've done there now before we do that let's just, talk. A little bit about your, very first one which, was, which. Is where I've had a lot of contact, with Heather over the last few years so we're, just gonna indulge, us both here because we have we, have a mutual person, we love and. It's, actually through one, of one, of those streams that Heather does so could you give us in a nutshell about. Your green super cats yeah. So, green super campus basically the, result of I was actually sitting having a conversation with Roger Hamilton, one time in Bali and he, said to me you know you're one of the most passionate people I know but.

When You talk about your, business the way that it's structured at the moment I don't feel the passion and I. Said well you know pass the cocktails, cuz Nordahl I and and and so it became fairly clear that something, needed to change and he said well what are you passionate about and I said I'm passionate, about kids, unfortunately. It was never able to have them but some you, know the universe works in strange ways I now have eight run. All the, richest stepchildren, to me but means, that I get to mother on on a daily basis so, I think. That as a result of that conversation with Roger what I really started thinking about Janet was. How. Do you, create. Opportunities. For the stuff that you love to. In seeing the way that you make your difference in the world everyday and, and, lots, of people had said to me you know we know you love kids don't do that there's no money in there etc, and I thought well what about if it didn't need to be, right. You know what about what about if I actually grew, my business in a way that it was so successful that I could do whatever the hell I want to. Support. Children and play with children and spend time with children and learn from children. Without. Needing, it to return, me a financial. Return. Now. I think, when you set out with that you know what I call the heart investments. Rather, than the financial investment. The. Universe has a way to conspire, to give you what you, I'm. Really, clear about who the hell I am and what I stand for and I think that's been, the crucial, aspect, of the, success of my my. Business and and the growth of the, team, that I I now get to work with every day. Because. I suffer well I love, kids I do love kids and I want to spend time with them and like the biggest kid of all the kids so. What. What, opportunities, are there for me to do, that and not have to make the money and I thought well our business consulting, is the growing area. Of the business what. Happens if we look. At ways that we can make money out of that and then take the cream off the milk as it were and support, the children's program. So. We, did some research, discovered. Super, camp in America. Which is an American based program but runs all over the world and has been running for I think they're entering their 39th, year or something, and. I made contact with them and said you know when I come to Australia, pretty much. And. What I didn't know at the time which was great was. That they've been trying to come here for, about. 18 years and had had 12 different partners, in that time but it never worked right and. It, was great that I didn't know that because I might have been a little more nervous and, but, once we ran our first very successful, program, the. Co-founder. From America, came out for that program and. Yeah. And told me that I said well I, figure. It was just because you were waiting for me, or. I was waiting to find you guys or something yeah and, it's grown exponentially, from, there so we've run, in, fact we just ran in October. This. Year. Program. Number. 13. Here, in Australia, fantastic. On and, we've. Run, three. Years. Orbit in Bali, as well in Indonesia, we've now told the Indonesian, people to run it for themselves and which, is terrific. But. Yeah. It's it's an incredible program and provides really. Great. Personal. Leadership academic, acceleration. And environmental, awareness for, kids from well. All over Australia, mostly, but we always get about. 10 to 15 kids from New Zealand this time we had kids from Myanmar. Indonesia, Sri, Lanka. Canada. I. Think. That's all I can think well the top of my hair yes. Yeah and I can for, me it's a real peek, into the kind of work that you do with your corporates, because, my. Son Clancy, went, you, know he was he. Had a high scholarship, actually which was really nice to me you got to apply you. Know, to. You, know you, know why should your child go and I basically said look this kid is fantastic, it's really funny is, really, you, know all these things that are wonderful about him but I just, can't work out if he won't if he knows what lights his passion, up this, kids capable of anything but. He, just doesn't know what he's passionate about and so this kids driving me crazy. If. You can help him work out the passion you've done your job yeah, yeah.

And I tell you what the difference. In this boy once you've been able to go. Through such a wonderful, process and. Really. To tap into what lights him up like I was. Just like you, know that. Was all he needed and so yeah so we've we've, seen an amazing process and of, course now you know Heather, keeps on inviting him back and he's now training, yeah, you. Know it's a big part of his life so we get to see all the time the. Process, and we get to practice a, lot of the techniques because he brings them home and we have to use them. Practice. On the family and all. So. Yeah. So that's you know for anybody that wants to know about that we will put the links here for you, to be able to know, about green suit camp because you know you've, got to send your kids it makes a, huge difference, so I think. Jenna there, is gold in there for the people who are listening. To this conversation you know they may be thinking okay so where are the parallels what what does that mean for me how can I learn, from that and. I think though there's a few, things that stand out to me one is, get, really clear about what it is that lights your fire, yeah get clear, about what, it is that makes you want to get out of bed every day and make a hell of a difference and leader you see and. That for me was about working, with children and number. Two is. If. That, doesn't, enable the opportunity, for you to make the money that you want to make to build. Your business and have the kind of lifestyle, that you want find. Other way is they don't box yourself in, and so. From my perspective it. Was about. Okay. A week I mean, I knew I was probably going to blow somewhere. Between 15, and 20 grand on that first program so I thought well I've got to find a way to, put, together a 15, or 20 grand hmm. So. Then I thought well okay what am I good at I'm, a speaker I'm really good at speaking okay, with whom can i partner, in order to. Spread. The word about the, green soup account Australia program. But. Also to ask. For support, to, make it possible for, young. People to come along if they, weren't able to pay their own way so, if it's like. Who can, help why are you doing it I guess I sort of this, is the process I run myself, through why, am i doing it and I don't I don't ask or answer any other questions, until I've got pages and pages and pages of answers, to that and I literally will. Book. Time/date. Myself, and. I do it during business hours not during work. At I mean personal, hours I actually, booked appointments with, myself and I sit down and I just write why, does this matter why is this important, why does it speak to me why does it call to me why, will I commit, to this above anything, else even if that if it all goes wrong or the hits the fan and I and I don't know which way to go forward why, I won't, get really, clear about that that's great yeah then. Get clear about okay so what's, the what what is it I want to achieve what, is it I need to do what is it I need to be. Get. Clear then I write and I write I write until I've got the what clear. And then, I ask the who who's done it before me that I can learn from, who. Who's currently doing, it that I might partner, with, with. Whom could I. Develop. A partnership or a collaboration. Or even, who. Could I join for. A little while and and, in fact Paul Dunn who is. The co-founder of, buy one give one or b1g, one as we know it and Paul, and I had a conversation that. Was. About three and a half years ago in fact and he was part of the the, incredible, influence that helped me to redefine, the, name of the company, and. And, the way that I do business and I. Remember. In. The conversation, with Paul he said. You. Know Heather I know two or three people that have done a similar thing that I think you should talk to and that's, exactly what I did and I rang those people and I said Paul suggested, I should speak with you I'd really love to buy, you a coffee or shout you lunch and take an hour of your time. And. This, is what I'm working on and this is what I'd love to hear from you and I guarantee, either, if you're prepared to do that I will. Give you the results, of my research and. Absolutely. Follow through and honored on a debt commitment, right then. I think once you've got the the Y the water and the whom sorted. Out and there's, a far greater sense of momentum and flow and you, feel much stronger, about. Your certainty, and what it is that you're doing so, then putting together the bones of it I think the big, trouble. For us in the Western world is as. Soon as there's a dilemma we go straight to hell. Right. You. Know here's my problem how, can I fix it found politicians, to law to whatever, is. The problem how do I fix it and in, my experience all the how question, does is amplify. The energy, so if you're asking, that question from an energy of expansion and. Possibility. And innovation, great you'll.

Get More expansion, possibility, and innovation most of us ask for how questions, from a plane at place of pain, or deprivation or, longer uncertainty. I love, that Heather that is. That. Is a huge clarifying. Point for I know a lot of people who are listening here because, that. Is that classic figure she did a how because you solve a problem correct. Yeah, don't, don't don't don't, even ask how until, you're clear about the why the what the who and the yeah. And, once you get clear about that you know it's like a funnel that how steps. Kind of fall out the bottom with. A real clarity, and sense of certainty but, then if something, that you choose to do in terms of how it doesn't work, you. Don't get dissuaded. You don't get shaken off, because. You've got that absolute. Clarity of why you're doing it mmm, watch wanting, to do who, it is that can help you or who it is you're trying to serve yeah. All of us can pull ourselves out a bit even on horrible days when we've got that level of clarity and we've got that emotional, engagement or emotionally, invested, investment. So. A, few, things that you've that you said there that I'd like to just dive. Into for people to be able to apply now. One of the things you talked about was, with the Y yep. You. Know that's, the big energy and I love how you were saying about your why was. Working with children but. Then. You did a reality chicken, thought actually. That's gonna be really difficult way to make the money so when. It comes to, people. Who you work with because I know that, this is a cool. Part that you do not. Just with the young with the kids but also with. Your corporate clients, is is. Getting. Into that why because, I find, when I talk to this with people, they. They, can tend to fall into a few categories they, will go oh, my. God I'm so shallow, I don't have a, big. Overarching. Life-changing. Why. But, then if they go well I just basically want to make a shitload of money, that. Also is not as strong enough why for, when things get tough, so. I, know that this is stuff that you do with people all the time is there, any any, advice, that you can give on that part there yes, absolutely, and to. Two things one, go, and. Watch. Simonson. X. TED. Talk on y si. N EK, simon, Sinek, some. And I have different interpretations of exactly what the Y is all about but his TED, talk is a really, great. First, cut of, YY, is important. Hmm. The second thing is most, of us have either had a three-year-old, currently. Have a three-year-old, or know. Somebody else's three-year-old and, one of the things that's lovely about through your odds is that their little brains are undergoing such changes, and there's so many wonderful things happening in the firing, and wiring of their of their, the. Neuroscience. If you like that. They ask why a lot and even though. Spending. Too much time with them starts to feel a bit frustrating, because it feels like they are asking why just to annoy us yeah, they. Ask why, to create. Meaning. Right. Yeah, just do the same thing sit, down with a pad and say right why does this business, matter to me well. Because I love to serve people okay service, why your service, important. I, love to make a contribution, great. Contribution. Widest, contribution. Matter why is that important. I guess. It gives me a sense of fulfillment great why is fulfillment. Important. It, helps, me to sort of connect. With who I really am and the reason I was born okay connection, why is connection. In bought and so. On it goes and and, one, of the things that we love to do with people is help, them to understand, what we call their big why and to. Us your big why is the essential. Energy that must be in all things for. You to be content. And. In my case Janet. You know I do love, to hang out with. With. Kids and I and I do particularly. Love to be around them and and I think perhaps part of the reason for that is because I wasn't able to have my own yeah, but, then I started to think or what is it why, do I love to be with kids it's the sense of connection it's that pure.

Presence. It's the honesty. Of the way that they engage, with you, and. So. Then. I started unpacking that, a little bit more and saying well it's actually the the, why behind connecting. With kids for me is, not about the kids it's about the connection right. And so the bigger connection. Perhaps that yeah absolutely but, my big, wire is connection, so whether I'm working with, Macquarie. Bank Blackmore's. You know some of the bigger, clients, that we have or whether I'm sitting having. One-to-one. Conversations. With young people at super camp as. I did with your beautiful son they're. The, juice in that that, the what feeds, my soul in. That is the connection right. So. When you get really clear, about that like you get to a point where you're able to say there it is that is my why we sometimes refer to it is the thing that calls to your soul and. You. Know what I really love about this Heather is you're. Not having to articulate. Something, like, you. Know I'm gonna bring water to developing. Countries where they can't have, clear water you don't have to, articulate. Something. Huge, that you go I should think. That we. Deep down it's not the thing that's getting me out of bed where. Is what you're talking about is that, real, energy that, integral, we know, you'd that connectedness, you totally. Tapped into that that's really, I've. Actually done quite a bit of work on this myself working out what is absolutely. Core to everything I, do and what comes to me naturally and, it's. Love, like, and love it's actually, in our, in. A mission statement of you know is everything. Like the first thing I do when I somebody comes into our company is how, are you going to. Demonstrate, love, how you breathe into every interaction, then. You have to define, well. What does love mean to you, hmm. You know love does not have you know love for different people is is different. But for me the love is is about. Connectedness, and making people truly, believe in themselves. Yeah that's, a real buzz so, I, really. Like that that there. Can. Be your why you can take the pressure off yourself and you, know in in the sense that I'm speaking, with the. Queen of vibe. Well. The world the queen of I should sorry to say that the queen of tribe you know your your, vibe, attracts. Your tribe yep. Spot-on and that is it so so if you show with a vibe, of uncertainty. And you, know lack, of clarity and, all those sorts of things there no those are the people that you live attracts so if you're we. And we talk to the kids at super camp about this your vibe attracts, your tribe if you turn up to camp going Luke Kindt sucks I didn't even want to come on my appearance made me you're gonna find a whole bunch of kids who also feel like it sucks and didn't even want to be there and that's, then going to be the way that you construct your reality, if that's what you want knock, yourself, out. Yeah. But, if it's not what you want and if you look at the kids who are engaging with the activity, and during a huge amount from it and you, want some of that shift, your vibe that's a personal, accountability, thing, and it's, the same for us in business why, is it that some people are your Heather so lucky, yeah, I am but.

I Am because I create, it, yeah and I create, it with the vibe and the vibe that then attracts, my tribe is that sense of certainty and, it's, interesting because some Genet, you know in many ways there. Was a fairly, significant, cost to me and setting super camp up and and I still probably tip in somewhere between ten and fifteen grand per program. Although, the, at camp cost is now cost neutral because of the. Numbers that we have at the programs, yeah but. But. I don't care, because it's, interesting that even though what I did was set out to run a program, that allowed me to just help. Young, people understand. And believe in and love who they are and I. Didn't care whether I made money out of it or not it's. Become, a huge. Marketing. Strategy, for us hmm. And in, fact we were commissioned, to run a program, for YPO young presidents, organization or. World presidents, organization, is. Sort of that the creme, de la creme if you like of business. People around the world. And. We, did that a Parent. Child Program. We, ran for them, and. It, was the highest rating, family, program, that YPO across. The world has ever run and the sponsor, of that program, was, admitted. Into the Hall of Fame at. International. YPO. And off, the. Back of that I, then, got to be in contact with about 25. Extraordinary. Businesspeople. Three, of whom are now, coaching. Clients, of, ours, fantástico, and and, one of whom is a business, consulting, client, so in fact one of our biggest pieces of work going on in the company, at the moment is. A piece, of work that came to us from that from that program so, you just never know it's it's about being it's, if you if I break it down one, know, who the hell you are and why you do, what you do, excellently. Two, structure. That into the way that you tell the story about what you offer I could. Stand here Janet, and say to you well, you know I and our team work with corporate Australia read businesses, across the country who do this it who, cares nobody's, listening anymore yes. The reason we do what we do because. We fundamentally. Believe, that all anyone wants is to love and be loved, and to be known loved and God for. Who they truly are, be. That in life. Or in business. So. What. We do is we grow people and we help them to connect, to and express, more, of the truth of who they are brilliant. We. Do that whether it's at super, camp whether it's in our personal. Growth programs, for, adults whether, it's in our business consulting, I turn, up literally, to the big four banks. When, I'm having conversations, with them and I talk about I'm going to teach you how to love your people if you're not up for that tell, me now I won't, waste your time and you don't get to waste mine, excellent. Interesting. That the big four said there's, the door not. As frankly. Is that right, and Macquarie, said well God knows we could do with a dose of that that's. Fantastic, and that's that's. The other side so as well as you being yeah. You've got your wine your. I love, how you said you weave, that into your story because, the next part about that then is it means that it allows, your getting off the fence you're getting a splinter out of your bump from sitting on the fence and being, able to say well this is what we believe now that's. Our tribe. It's our buyer that's. Who we want to work with so you can. Very clearly you. Know your people who don't, want to be part of that could very, clearly go nuts is not where we belong we, long over there's really boring ones but, the, ones who can, relate so like the corporate with the McCrory or like. The people who work with you one on one is, they. Not, only go, oh yeah that sounds good they go ah that's. Ain't God yeah, it's haptic so I absolutely, love that so. In. Us wrapping, up so we've got that super, super, clear only why we're. Getting. Weaving. That into your story which I just absolutely love, then, we've got this other like they're, adding in there of you know get this linear out of your bum get off the fence because that's where you're gonna get clients being, a lot working with and that, level of clarity will, allow you to say no, yet.

To Tire, kickers, because. Tire kickers, refer, other tire kickers, yes, good, point. Absolutely. That's. Brilliant. That's brilliant and probably. One other thing I would say Jenner than that is, understand. The, difference. Between growth. And change. And how you relate to both. Yeah. Because I think a lot of us especially if you're looking to either you're starting, out your business or you're looking to expand, your business a lot of us will say things like oh yeah all I really love to grow so I really like to grow and I very much like and as soon as I go okay well that's gonna require you to change they go through and. Stop breathing right, most. Of us want growth yeah. Very few of us engage, with and enjoy change. If. You don't engage with and enjoy change, that's okay but know that upfront and, don't let it become a constraint, to you build, building. The supports, and the structures, and the systems that will help you to overcome yourself. Really, when, the the fear of the change strikes. And. The other thing that I would encourage. People to think about is. Especially. If you're a, small. Business or, maybe a solopreneur, and, you're. Thinking to yourself yeah well it's all very well to say outsource, of stuff that takes you out of flow. Mm-hmm but I don't have the money to outsource, you don't need it, you. Don't need it the very first person that I brought into my team 8 years ago. Was, a mum, looking, for an opportunity to. Rehome. Her skills, because she'd been out of the workforce for 12 years she, worked with me for 12 months, for, nothing, Wow and. Still. Believes that she got the better end of the deal right. That's. So fantastic. I, feel, differently. About where, the supports, are available kids. That are doing study, at University. Need the opportunity. To practice their skills you. Provide, the context, or the opportunity. The possibility. For them to do that they'll often provide the assistance, free of charge or it costs only you. Know but be innovative, about the way that you think about where, the opportunities, and the possibilities are but.

When You back yourself you know what you stand for and you put out a vibe of that. Those. People and opportunities are, often coming to you instead of saying oh look I don't really like to work with Phil in this name here but. At the moment it's painting bills yeah. Because. While you're doing that they. Insert. Name here people, are saying well this is great because I'm getting heaps. Of good, outcome for not much money I'm gonna refer my mates who want a cheap deal and, suddenly. You've got an entire client. Load of cheap deals, and I. Remember, when we moved our fees our. Day a day rate fees from, $4,000. Which is what they were at the time $4,000, day and I thought that was pretty steep and I, mean you know what StuffIt, what would happen if I just changed it to 10. It. Wasn't, as simple as when I woke up tomorrow I'm gonna make it 10 it was who, would I need to be yeah. What would I need to believe, yep. And why. Would I need to think I have a right and. Once. I had the answers to those questions I went back to my existing, clients and I said three, months from now if we're still working together I need you to know my fees going up to this I lost, two, clients. But. I gained about eight. Of what I would call, higher. Caliber. Clients. Fantastic, who then refer me to other high-caliber, clients select, next. That's, you've, just given an amazing. Wealth. Of wisdom. Here. Heather you're welcome. Probably, so. As. A, wrap up because I'm looking at our time making. Sure that we're getting. Sharp, well I'm at with totally, sharp. In. That wrap-up I think that the key things I really want people to have up to look at is really, those tapping. Into your why and. And, then. You, know there's some so you know we've got some fantastic. Strategies. There to be able to do that now getting. Around to, the, who because. You've just did. A really nice loop then when you've talked about the. Who you get to help and it's really because you're super, clear underway and so. That's. What it was a really nice example to show how to be able to use, that including. The way that you use that when you were first growing your business to be other than how. Do I get to do what I love and to. Fund it so. Pretty those, points, going across is. Really. And then seeing how that you can get absolutely, super, clear then on what, it is that you're doing who you want to work with so, I absolutely, love, that so what I would really ask everybody, that's listening here, hopefully. You've been taking lots of notes, and. You. Know on the on the website here we're gonna have all the transcripts, in this and the summary notes of all the links so you can go back there as well but, what I do ask you to do is, the. Heather and I to. Be here like you can tell that both of us we, genuinely, care. About you getting resolved it's, what drives, both. Of us and so. For. Us to spend this time here is a gift for, us you know it's a gift to us as well as a gift to you what, would be incredibly. You. Know a gift, real, gift to us is if you, get. In contact with Heather so whether it's going to be will put your contact details down, below any. Way that you connect, me together whether it's dropping her an email whether it's stalking her on Facebook, but let her know, one. Thing, at least one, thing a bigger half from today something that you have done because, nothing. Will give both, of us greater pleasure and I especially know Heather to, know that, there's, we've, made a change yeah. Absolutely but, so to do that what's the best way where, people can go to find. Out more about what you do Heather and. To, you, know if they've been working with you how do they find out yeah, the best way is just to make contact with us we'll. Find out what what we're up to and get a sense of who we are there's videos and information that sort of thing on the website which, is the elevation, The. Elevation, company, comm. But. Also to just. Shoot us an email, admin, at the, elevation, Dot. Au is, our best option.

Mmm. And me or you can shoot me an individual, one at info, at heavy, Yelland comm, excellent. And but. Yeah and and of course I am very fortunate to work with an extraordinary team, of people, so. You, know you might, be interested to hear, their views on what it's like to be a part of the company as well particularly. If you're wanting to look at you, know adding staff to your team and so, they mean anyone in our team would be more than happy to answer your questions or give you some insights, on what it's like to be a part, of the elevation. Company's. Family. As we like to call it fantastic. Thank. You so much for your time Heather I could just spend days, literally. And. We will we will I think I think I sound quite, well to keep it to 20 minutes or anything or 20.25, or whatever. Okay, bye everybody and can't wait to see what, you what what, action you take from today by base, in it.

2018-03-14 06:51

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The connection was speaking to me. I believe connecting and love are paramount in life and business. Great conversation. Thank you.

It often seems strange to talk about love in connection with business, but for me, it is the basis of all decisions. Thanks for your comment.

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