How to earn profits in forex

How to earn profits in forex

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hello everyone welcome to get many takeover session on how to earn profits in forex okay so a lot of individuals know about forex they may have heard about forex but they really don't know how money is made in forex they don't know how you earn profits in the market okay they don't know what is entailed with how the functionality is some people think that you have to buy stocks because they're familiar with the stock market so they're thinking that you have to buy something or purchase something in order to make money and it happens over time it happens in you know one week or a month or a year that's not the case with forests okay with forex you earn profits typically around a two-hour time span um on average for most trades that i take typically two [Music] maybe three to five hours but typically around two hours and you're in and out of the market we are day traders uh we primarily trade within a few hours we snipe in the market we get in and get out after we secure the bag and so today on this session i am going to break down okay how profits are earned and it's very simple and so looking at the screen here you will see on the side with all black writing okay risk reward and probability okay on the opposite side you will see the header points in green okay profit and then trade management and so the way that i break it down is very simple whenever you place a trade in forex you are going to risk a certain dollar amount that dollar amount is determined by you the dollar amount is determined by the size of your trading account and so your trading account let's say you have a 500 trading account well if you want to trade properly you don't want to risk 50 bucks on a trade because that 50 dollars is a large chunk of your total capital it's a large chunk of the total amount within your trading account you want to risk and always want to risk a very small amount okay your percentage should be microscopic and this is why i love forex because you can earn [Music] a large sum of money compared to the amount that you actually risk and trade and put into the market you could put ten dollars into the market and that ten dollars could earn you profits to exceed 100 bucks that is incredible where else could you find something where you can put ten dollars in and then you get paid a hundred dollars it's like having a casino in your home on your laptop and you could just hit the jackpot every day you trade in the market it's unbelievable okay and so that brings us into the next topic okay the next point reward whatever you are risking your reward should be greater okay you should not be risking 20 bucks of your account to make 20 of your account you should not be doing that if you are going to risk your hard-earned money your money that you have made from working hours at work from working your 50 hours a week or whatever you working with your salary career you don't want to take a trade that's only going to pay you equivalent to what you're risking it is not worth taking that trade so whenever you place a trade in the market if i'm going to risk 20 then i want to make at least 80 bucks out of that 20 that i'm risking if i'm going to risk a hundred dollars because i have a larger account if i'm risking 100 then i'm making about 400 on that trade if i'm going to risk a thousand then i'm making about four thousand five thousand from that one thousand and so now you see how when you trade the right way when you risk appropriately and you trade with a reward that is worth taking and worth risking your hard earned money you can multiply your income this is why a lot of organizations and a lot of people are saying multiply your income multiply your income because that is exactly what 4x does forex allows you to risk 100 bucks and then your reward your profit will be multiplied times that hundred bucks so if your reward is four times whatever you are risking you are risking 100 your reward and your profits would be 400 as the result of that trade that you take it's a beautiful thing to be able to flip your money this is how you can turn a few hundred bucks into several thousand dollars once you have an account that is several thousand dollars let's say a ten thousand dollar account well if you have a ten thousand dollar account you could go in and risk 400 bucks well if you make a reward that is five times 400 bucks you've just made two thousand dollars in one hour two thousand dollars in two hours because your typical trade will be around two hours and so now you can start to see how the money and the profits earned in forex could replace the salary that you make on a weekly basis in a short period of time only a ten thousand dollar account and in one trade you could earn two thousand bucks and if you do that three days that week that's six thousand dollars that you just made in a week from home from your laptop from your couch from your desk chair wherever it may be in your home from your bed it's it's beautiful okay and so now we're going to touch on our next point which is probability probability is going to be whatever your edge is in the market so your confirmations your entry methods all of those different technical analysis and things like that will lead you to how to place a trade and take a trade and incorporate your risk and reward if you have a winning edge then majority of your trades will be wins and you will grow your account which will bring us to our next bullet point in green which would be profits okay profits whenever you take a trade everything on the chart is going to have a line number and so when you enter the trade that will be your entry point anything in the opposite direction of where you intend price to go where you intend price to reach everything in the opposite direction is going to be your risk you are going to have a negative account balance for that section the rest of the chart where price is moving in the direction you intend that section is going to be your profit section that is going to be the reward section that is where you are earning money and making money okay in the market and so you will have a take profit that is set that take profit is the line number where the market should reach if you are intending it to reach that point and so if it reaches that point it will close you out automatically you don't have to do anything you don't have to be watching the chart you don't have to be on the chart okay it will take you out of the trade automatically on its own the broker would just close your trade due to your parameters that are set this is why you have to know what you're doing when you're trading because if your parameters are incorrect it could cost you money and it could cost you the win and your win could turn into a loss okay if the market does not reach your profit line number your take profit your destination point where you are seeing the market intending for the market to reach if price does not reach that line number then you can manually close that trade out and secure the bag and take profits on that trade okay and so this is going to bring us into the next bullet point which is the last one trade management you have to know and understand how to place trades manage manager trades how to set your parameters because without doing so you could increase your losses and when you increase your losses you're going to drain your account and blow your account okay you want to be able to maximize your earnings you want to be able to maximize the amount of trades that you win over the trades that you lose because as we discussed earlier with probability if you lose more than you win you are going to blow your account this is over 90 of people in the forest market because they are taught how to trade and it just they're taught the wrong way it's not their fault okay it's the individuals that teach the wrong entry methods the wrong strategies the wrong concepts it's those individuals for why a lot of people lose in the market and i'll do a video on that on another on another session because that's that's a nice sweet spot um to discuss because the way the market is is taught is it's not correct all right and so once you can properly manage your trades you can set your parameters you can know where your entry point is know how to calculate your risk know how to trail your trade know how to manually move your stop loss into profit and make it a stop profit knowing how to do these things you will incur very minimal losses this is how we obtain a 90 win ratio with trades that are given setups that are marked up from getting money takeover okay the entry methods the confirmations okay they are insane and they are accurate and they pay out high risk to reward okay and so now i am going to jump into an actual example of a trade that was given on gold to the team this week and i want to show how someone would have been able to earn profits just by taking the signal that was given the trade that was given okay and so on this particular trade with trading view you have a risk and you have a reward and so the risk is calculated right here this section in red the green is the profit and so as we just went over on the white board this is called for people that may not know the risk to reward tool and so this is something that is very helpful because you could pull this tool up and look at it to see if your trade is worth taking if your trade is not worth taking then you don't need to take that trade because we want our reward to be far greater than whatever we are risking and so if we use those simple guidelines let's see if these trades are worth taking let's see if the reward is far greater than the risk so the actual setup was this trade right here we have a 35 pip risk and then we are risking 35 for a 250 pip reward so that is quite obvious that the reward is there now this is a trade that i took from the same setup with a manual entry okay from price action after price action accumulated and i was able to catch this move for a multi-entry okay and so this multi-entry was a beautiful setup the risk which is the red section only 13 pips the reward is 150 beautiful risk to reward on this setup so at this point once you are in the trade this is the entry zone they have a little gray line right there that's the entry zone anything above that area you are going to be negative balance negative this is just your amount that you are willing to risk and then this is the amount that you are seeking to gain okay so your profit same thing here this little entry zone is going to be that gray line there that gray line is going to be where the market will place you in the trade where the broker would get you in and then above it is going to be where i do not see the market exceeding or surpassing because i am intending for the market to continue to drop so with that being said when you know how to manage your trades you could place your parameters and set them up with pending orders you can set them up with pending orders pending orders the broker will place you in the trade automatically without you being on the chart to physically enter the trade so once the market is starting to move or give some type of price action we see certain things and based on these confirmations once we see what we need to see we then set limits which are pending orders either a buy limit or a sell limit depending on the direction the market is trending or going and so on this sale we are obviously looking for the market to trend downward and so we set a sale limit and so that is how i was able to get into this trade here with a sale limit and i was able to obtain entry without even being on the chart i just saw what i needed to see in price action once it was given and then from that price action i set a sale limit and then at that point the broker came to that particular line number activated my appending order and then i was in this trade and my tp was obtained because the market exceeded my take profit which is right here at that point so at this point my trade is done and this amount of pips have been obtained and collected and placed in my account this is pretty much similar to a bank account this was a transaction where you went to the grocery store you bought groceries as soon as you swipe your debit card those groceries have been purchased which is here your transaction is complete and then once it gets here this is going to be the bank actually moving the funds from your account to the grocer's account and so in this instance once the market reached this particular point we have maximized our profits the profits have reached our take profit and now we have just cashed out we have just cashed out on this particular trade and so if we look at the risk to reward tool we could see that this trade the risk to reward is 11.54 so now we look at okay well what did we risk on this trade and so it's very simple okay if we risk a hundred bucks on this trade just to keep it with simple numbers and easy math we take a hundred dollars we multiply it by 11.54 we have just made 1154 bucks and it was automated it was a pending order that we manually set because we know how to manage our trade and set our parameters and so you could have been sleeping you could have been at work you could have been doing whatever with the family and you would have made over a thousand dollars from a hundred dollars okay amazing amazing amazing opportunity to be able to earn this type of income from a laptop or your cell phone so this trade with a hundred dollar risk resulted in 1100 bucks once this tp was obtained because this was our first target on the multi-entry because at this area due to price action that was given price could reverse and go the opposite way which means that these profits could get taken away if we do not manage our trade accordingly again this is why trade management is crucial in the market if you did not secure your profits instead of obtaining a thousand and 154 bucks you would have lost money because as you can see the market would have went the opposite direction and it would have hit your stop loss it would have hit your risk if you did not manage your trade accordingly your winner would have become your large winner would have become a loser for you and now let's look at our original trade entry which was here okay this entry did not reach take profit again this is why you have to know how to manage your trade because this winner would have been it did not go 250 pips but it did reach the first line number where we were looking to cash out on the multi-entry and it was uh over 180 pips in profit if you know how to manage your trade once this target was reached and obtained by price touching these line numbers here your alert would have gone off you would have been notified to maximize your profits and secure the bag as price has reached your take profit zone your take profit area on the chart and so at this point in time you need to move your entry move your risk and adjust your trade parameters to where your stock loss is no longer a stop loss your stock loss is now turned into a stock profit and your stock profit is now moved if this trade is up 180 plus pips you move your stock profit to 150 and you see if the market is going to continue to push down and reach your 250 pip target in this case the market did not reach the 250 pip target so therefore if you manage your trade correctly your trade would have reached your 150 pip stock profit meaning that you would have earned 150 pips of profit on this trade and so if we look to see how much profit 150 pips was worth i like to add a couple of pips to cover my spread [Music] that way i'm getting a full 150 pips on my trade and now we look at the risk to reward and it is 4.43

so that means we earned four times more than whatever we were risking so therefore if we are risking a hundred bucks then we take our risk multiply it by our risk to reward tool number and we just made 443 bucks on that trade so now we have two winning trades that resulted in over fifteen hundred dollars of profit over fifteen hundred dollars of profit amazing that's 1500 bucks let's look at the time frame this is the entry this is the take profit area we are looking at a time frame of almost one whole day from 11 11 21 to 11 12 21 at four in the morning and at seven in the morning so almost a complete 24 hours so in one day you could have earned over fifteen hundred dollars in one day and that's just using a hundred bucks risk if it was a thousand dollars risk you would have made 15 000 in one day in one single day all of these confirmations price action everything is taught in the blueprint the blueprint is the curriculum okay that i created that has my entry methods it has the price action analysis how to determine multiple entries how to read structure in the market how to obtain whatever you need within forex okay it's breaking down from simple to intermediate to advanced it has all of the nuggets that you need to be successful in the market and so this will wrap up the session that we have held today i want to thank you all for watching and hopefully everyone has learned something and got some value out of this video if so please like subscribe so that we can continue to give you information and different nuggets if you like the information and you see how the money is able to be accumulated and obtained in the forex market then go ahead and jump on our website get money take over and actually subscribe to our organization it's only 92 bucks a month as you can see the trades that are given you can earn far more than 92 dollars on a monthly basis in profits that are given from signals and trades giving out to the team on a weekly basis we are flipping accounts getting over 100 account increases this has been going on since last year so i mean the the value is here and so at this point again thanks for watching get money take over thank you guys thank you girls ladies gents everyone and i will see you all on the next session enjoy your day have a good one you

2021-11-15 17:08

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