How To Do Insider Trading? (Legally)

How To Do Insider Trading? (Legally)

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howdy folks satish here from dallas texas now in this video we're going to learn about insider trading what is insider trading is it illegal or is it legal we're going to also learn step by step on how to you know tap into information to use it to make you lots of money but before that before that this is the disclaimer okay i am not a financial advisor uh things i say you know you know trading is risky you could lose your bank balance you could lose your wife you could lose everything in trading so it's gambling okay you are gambling but you know international i'm about to share with you is information i gathered through reading experience 11 years experience so that's where the information is coming from i don't have any license fyi you cannot sue me you cannot i'm not liable for any gains or losses so that is the disclaimer let's go and talk about insider trading so what is insider trading insider trading is whenever management of a company uses information you know easy information to make a trade on the behalf of that company for example let's say i work with apple i'm on the management team and i use some information that's coming up to either dump or buy stocks okay that is insider trading okay now if i do that i have to report that with sec the government entity that takes care of all the securities okay i have to report it so that's public information now as a retail investors you can tap onto that information to use it for yourself and make money so that's how we retailers can make money because think about it for a second okay you know instead of trading is only illegal if you are the first firsthand to get that information hack it things like that that's illegal okay it's not illegal if the information is public now let's say somebody reveals an information on reddit okay use you use that information to you know buy or dump a stock that is not illegal because you found that information publicly okay so keep that in mind so any information that you find publicly it's a fair game okay let's let's go let's move on to learning more so in the next few in the next few minutes we're going to go ahead and learn about editor database okay learn more about that editor database is a database on sec side where all the information from all these companies are dumped up okay i'll show you how to read those i'll show you how to you know read the forms i'll show you how to find you know trading trades by senators management and all that stuff i'll show you all that stuff step by step from my laptop you have to be patient with me because this is a longer video but keep in mind okay you could be making a lot of money using the information i provide to you in this video okay a lot of people out there are selling this information for a fee that's fine but i want to go ahead and give you all this information for free but you have to do me a favor right you have to go ahead and hit that red button so subscribe right now and if you want more videos just like this you could also go to trading university dot io or of course stay subscribed to me i'll give you all these videos on the channel let's go ahead and jump on my laptop and learn more about insider trading hey hold on hold on before we get any further i have a little bit of an announcement for you okay so did you know i publish videos once in a while for 24 hours and get rid of them why because those videos are exclusively for my subscribers that could be you okay so right now i want you to hit that red button and subscribe right now if you want that exclusive content now is it going to cost you any money to subscribe no so go ahead please subscribe so i can bring you those exclusive content right now now let's talk about the edgar database and all the forms that you need to watch out for to track insider trading so what is an edgar database edgar stands for electronics data gathering gathering and analysis and retrieval retrieval on the sec sec site so it looks something like this uh this is their site and uh you know it gives you a tutorial on how to use it it it has it pretty much has all the information so inserter has to report right all of that is dumped up here the problem with this database is oh there is a problem i'll show it to you right it's not that easy to read okay i'll show you a few things here and there but i'm also going to show you a easier way to figure this out but i want you to know that you know all the information for insider trading it's coming from this side right here so whatever somebody on the inside wants to do some trading and things like that they have to file it if they don't that's considered illegal and of course so they have to file it here and if you can track it properly you'll be able to profit from that okay let's talk about a couple of forms okay so first of all we have something called form number three you see it on the left right so form number three so you'll see these forms on the edgar site on sec so form number three is the form that i have to file let's say let's say i work for a company right i'm on a management level and then i want to be i will be getting some information that is considered insider information okay so legally even if i don't i really if i don't buy any stocks or sell it right even if i don't do anything i'm required by the law to file that hey i am an insider okay so form number three will show you that okay that's for number three now form number four okay this is the form where you'll see the buys and sell of an of an insider so for example let's say i decide to buy something or sell something i have to report it on form number four okay and last but not least we have phone number 144 so 144 is pretty much uh you know whenever somebody on the inside decides to sell a restricted stock meaning let's say i joined a company right let's say i joined apple and apple says great you've been working with us for touching so many years here is some stocks for you okay they give it to me okay i take it right i can't sell it yet okay number one i have to file this form number two is that i have to wait at least one year before i can sell it okay this form right here okay now this form i would file it if i'm planning to sell it and once i file this form i have to sell my stocks within 90 days so how can you use this information so for example okay so form number three is just information that hey somebody is getting that insider status so you know who the person is so what might be beneficial for you is once you see a form number three google that person okay find that maybe follow them on twitter follow them on instagram and things like that okay see what they are up to because the idea is you want to get that hint you want to get some information out of them okay they're not gonna say to you out loud right they might reveal some information okay that's one number two is just follow them okay it just helps you out if you if you're so passionate about that company that you're talking about okay form number four okay that's where the meat is okay that's the phone i'll tell you hey somebody has bought it sold it you get the idea now form number 144 now why is this important so here's the thing okay if i joined the company right and if i thought the stock was gonna go up right i would keep it right i got it for free right but if i have decided hey i'm gonna go and sell it in the next 90 days i must have some information that something is about to you know go wrong maybe right that's we can't be sure so maybe somebody needs money somebody needs to buy a house somebody needs to get a car they might sell it but the idea is that why would they sell it they're selling it because they want to take the money out right now of course like i said people might need the money and they might sell it but okay if they if they're gonna sell in a nice you know they've kept it for one year and if they have decided to sell it in the next 90 days you know something wrong might be coming up so if you hold those stocks maybe it's time to dump at the right time after taking profit so you have this information okay now how you use it is up to you so make sure to you know look at your site in the next video but you know where this information is coming from and you should know what a form number three does form number four does and for number 144 so form number three is a status okay so if i'm going to work for a company if i'm gonna be considered an insider i have to file that form regardless of me buying or selling a stock is me stats okay form number four is the meat it shows when i sell buy and all that stuff and phone number 144 is stocks i received for free sort of right from a company and if i want to sell it i have to wait one year right but if once i file that form i have to sell it within 90 days that's the whole point so now let's learn about how to actually use the edgar site okay the editor database so i'm gonna show it to you and step by step don't panic okay i'm gonna show it to you step by step okay keep in mind edgar does have some limitation meaning it's kind like i said it's kind of hard to look through it okay keep in mind it's a government side what did you expect right okay so it's so so keep that in mind okay let me show it to you so let's go to the edgar site okay i'll put the link somewhere so uh if you come here uh let's go back a couple of things right let's let's go back right here and i'm going to come right here so edgar site right here is a couple of things okay so number one is it says quick tutorial i recommend you go through it i really do it gives you step by steps on things it can do too long to read but you can go through it second thing is description of the sec forms uh we talked about this already but if you want to review it you can so pretty much let's see okay so form we talked about these things right so i give it to you in simple words that was the promise right that i thought i made you into on the course so same thing let's go back right here i'm gonna go ctrl fine i'm gonna do control five one four four okay one four four so let's go right here okay right here so it says blah blah blah amendment that's that's what it is okay let's see if we can find form for okay just to give you an idea of what we're talking about so let's see there we go so it says it right here so form number four statement of changes in beneficial ownership of secure that's what it means okay it tells you you're like what is it right pretty much what that means is that hey if you if somebody on the inside buys or sells you have to report it that's the whole point you know the thing is you know the government knowingly makes it difficult so that you know people don't lose their homes wives they're you know uh they don't want people to go bankrupt okay that's another reason why there is pdt rule i don't like it but that's that's the way it is okay so uh and so that's it let's go back so you know the deal right uh imagine if you had to read this you're like what is what is this guy talking about right um i read through it and i'm just you know giving it to you in a simple manner so form four statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities you know you have it with these government you know they're using these fancy words you know um let's go back right here and let's go to search for company filings okay let's click on that okay and search by company name mutual funds and blah blah blah you've got a bunch of stuff up usually we're gonna do company by fund name okay let's click on it right here let's click on apple find apple okay now next up is you got the documents is here okay let me show you a way to find it okay what you do is you click right here okay form four search now we got this okay you see how it got you that all these things let's go right here search okay and you just have to look through it if we can find some looking for form number four okay let's go right here let's go back right here i'm gonna go here um insider equity awards let's click on that let's click search there we go there we go form number four right here okay i told you don't get scared okay so this is the guy we can google them if you want to [Music] sometimes you have to know you know uh you have to know who you're tracking you don't want to track some random guy uh you know um who might need money for his marriage or you know maybe he's going through a divorce or things like that okay you don't want to track random people let's say i'll give you an example okay so let's say uh somebody has insider status right and they go ahead and do the trading and they have to report it right and use that data to make a wrong decision okay wrong move okay but right here we googled him right bruce swells okay board of members in apple so this guy of course definitely okay you can trust him because you know that okay people like i said earlier people don't you know you know people don't buy things to lose money people buy things to make yours make those themselves even richer okay so like the guy checks out okay the guy checks out cool let's move on i also like to sometimes see people's salary for some reason it's it's i think it's somewhere here right this was just to see okay so this guy made 310 310k blah blah blah was received so you can see how much money he got through stocks and okay so he got 207k as a stock you see this is you need this information uh so you can see you can you know you can make your own decision based on you see this information for example right so this guy got this much worth of stock okay so white so you know this was awarded on let's go back right here poem number 144. we talked about this right so if if you got this right at this at this point right uh we can check when he got it on the forms as well now if you received it keep in mind okay the sec site says that they cannot sell it for at least one year but if they decide to sell it they have to file the form number 144 okay and then um intent to sell okay and once they file this form they have to sell it within 90 days okay so it helps to google people's name okay let's move on let's go back right here okay you can see if you want to go through it you can you can they'll tell you how many shares all that stuff right here a lot of the information is stripped out sometimes guys um sometimes it's not going to show let's let's do open document okay see it's stripped out sometimes they they this is the problem with sec side because see this is a form right he filed but this is empty see this is the main problem i have with edgar sometimes it's stripped out sometimes it's not uh see the big problem is right here okay let's see we can still look around we can still look around let's go back right here so if i'm just going to try to see if i can find you one that actually has some information okay there we go so that's the problem with the sec site is that sometimes it's stripped down so let's see this guy okay john andrea let's google her up okay c is not on the board blah blah blah let's type up let's let's go right here okay i think c's and she might be an employee because it doesn't say that let's go right here okay oh so c is c is uh board of director maybe c is not at this point blah blah blah you see it right so let's go back right here we see that information right here and on on her case right the number of stocks all these things number of shares you can see that right here okay price there we go you can see all this information so let's go back right here so right relation it tells you right here so c is you know um cc's on the board says director right here if somebody was not on the board of members or management right um then they would take this one so you should see it right here um common stock so let's go through it couple of things right so she bought it she bought it how do you know that because look on this line right if you go through it it says a okay a equals required okay so it tells you right here that the stock was acquired so see this is this is the problem with the sec site okay they make it difficult and it's like so much data here um like i said i was like you know i'm looking around because and the form is different sometimes so for that's why sometimes usually the acquired or you know disposed of is usually written on the top okay and i was looking for it okay but um as you see you know sometimes you know of course they can change the form number four uh and they did that so it's right here now acquired right i tells you right here sue so securities acquired a disposed d it tells you right here so c acquired it meaning c got it okay okay let's see so she got that many shares you can see all that as well um we can see let's see and then we can also see she got it here she also sold it here as well um let's see a couple of information okay so this is how you can you know get the information out so just go through the edgar site and just play with it okay uh and if you need more information on how this their site actually works just you just have to play through it but the big thing is if you go through this thing right here this tutorial will give you a lot of ideas this one not so much it gives you let's see the sic code that you might need like those codes that they were using on the forms you can fill that out out as well if you want to take a look at the form you can go right here so these are the forms that people fill out okay the reason i like going through these is it gives you instructions as well okay so you know like we saw the form right let's see if we can find that form right here so filled by uh let's see [Music] it's form number four there we go click on it okay this one doesn't give you see i told you this this form style changes every single time um let's go back right here it should also give us uh instruct oh there we go instructions okay there we go this is what i was talking about so um i think you should go through it um this just gives you an idea on you know for example like what are people thinking how what what they need to file all of that information is on here um you just need to read it once and you should be good um not much information but if you are going to be you know tracking down an insider trading you do need to go through it a little bit you tell it right here so this is this so so acquired and right here a d disposed uh and you know exercise it it tells you all of it right here okay so for example if somebody got it as a gift it will say g on it benefit gift um it's all here so this is the instruction their lawyer or themselves are using when they file the document number four you get the idea so at this point you should have a basic idea on where to look for the information and how to read that information okay so that should be you should know that so what i want you to do is next up is you know pause this video or you know stop it and then go to the edgar site and look up documents on some of the most popular companies that you've heard of or maybe you are investing on a company right maybe go there and see what are they doing okay look at their files that might give you an insight on what's actually might be happening with the company make sense cool let's move on okay so so far you know how to use the edgar database now i want to make it simple for you but i did want to show you how to do it on edgar because all that information is coming from at your site okay the sec site there are some other sites where you can get that information but here's the problem okay sometimes that information is not indexed meaning that information might not be on these automatic site which grab the information okay so for that reason i strongly recommend you learn how to use the edgar database okay now if you're feeling lazy what you can also do is go to these four sites that are really really helpful okay first one is called finbis biz insider trading so if you go here right it'll tell you the ticker this is the latest information they have right um ticker the owner the relationship just keep in mind this is coming from that same form right it's just they have stripped that data and then put it here but like i said a lot of the times like most of the time information from that site is not transferred here most of the time okay so for that reason i do want you to go and learn how to use the edgar site okay cool let's move on so you can see the ticker owner relationship date transaction cost shares you can also go right here and see all the like all the transaction you can see when somebody bought it so this is like okay uh let's see you're trying to find about the company so here's what i do i'll tell you so i go through uh of course the editor database but i also like to see it here because a lot of these companies that i haven't heard of right but if i see hey this might be good i go ahead and buy it so here's what i do so i look at the ticker right i also look at the amount if somebody's selling like i don't know like 10 shares 30 shares i'm not interested okay let's look at this so 485 okay so these are 10 owner okay and this company is called p dli i don't know about this company let's look it up okay let's look it up the trading at 2.68 cents okay let's go ahead and google them up google is your friend okay huh as you can see right here okay this is the after hours after hours it has actually gone up a little bit sort of let's see let's go to the news [Music] okay let's go back right here okay let's go back right here where was it pld okay it's right here okay this was filed on december 23. okay okay there's the form right here this is filed in december 23. so what does that mean for you so what that means for you is the fact that if you were just looking through the indexes if you went here [Music] i guess it's not here usually they put it in the archives right let's see if it's right here trying to find the archives right here so these companies are just pulling the data for all these stickers but uh if you had this information like couple days back right as you saw a day before or so look it went up these people did the insider trading on 20 they filed here um so once they get it they got i think 10 days to file it got filed here um they try to file it just to be on the safe side what does that mean it means that um let's say i'm insider right i'm not let's say i buy something right what they try to do is you know they don't want to just straight up file it right now because they got 10 days they file a day before the whatever the news is coming out um this for their safety purpose they don't want to be charged with manipulation of the stocks and things like that so that's why they did it right here but if you have that information here um and then guess what if you have that information here that's why it's a day before right if you have that information see it went up right and it went up and then most likely it's going to go even higher a little bit you can do more things with let's let's let's do it okay let's go right here let's click on this right here let's look at the volume open high is 75 previous close okay i do want to see let's go right here let's click on this volume is 2.76 okay

that's okay volume of call options so let's see that let's go to bar chart most active [Music] i like this side gives you a little faster information um i haven't looked up this company before so i'm doing it in front of you to see what's going on sure outstanding um this is probably going to go up a little bit more okay let's open up trading view and check few things okay of course you know you need a little bit of more knowledge to do this but i want to go and show you what i'm thinking okay so there we go so probably once the people found out about the information it got pumped up even more right and people started taking profits let's go right here okay the rsi is high so when the market does open i'm expecting it to go a little bit higher a little bit higher so it might actually gap up to be really honest because you look here right um that was the closing and you see how a little bit here right so what i'm expecting for this to happen is when the market does open it's going to gap up and if i were you right if i had bought it today on that first morning gap i would sell it make that money um and then re-buy it on that dip again so you know the deal every morning there's usually if there's good news and things like that it's gonna spike up and the spike usually is the worst time to buy okay that's the best time to sell okay keep that in mind let's click on news okay okay we can go to seeking alpha is a good site okay oh i see what's happening i see what's happening not a bueno news let's go right here let's go look at this let's go back to uh let's go back to finmiz let's see did i miss some information see [Music] they bought it okay um it's liquidating it it should be listed on nasdaq okay [Music] okay so it is liquidating so not a good buy i'm sorry about that so see if you google more information you'll see you'll get more information as well so this was not a good buy see if i had i hadn't seen this right um so always google to see what's up let's see why did they buy it see you want to find out usually right let's go back okay people have downgraded it let's go back let's see what this company is what are they trying to do and you'll see the price they bought it and they're buying so much let's see what this company is it's that i feel like what's happening is they're trying to get the money from the liquidation um special situation investment oh okay okay okay so see it helps to google so it tells you that okay so uh companies like companies like these buy stock when it's something is wrong going on so that they can help the company out so that was the reason okay so we figured it out so i didn't know about the stock i didn't know about the situation we figured all of it out through googling so googling helps okay you see right initially i thought if they bought it so i'm like okay it's going up if everything else was right but i figured out that hey they were getting de-listed right so i wanted to see who was the one buying it right and then when i googled it i found out that focuses on credit on special situation investment so pretty much what they were what it means is that this company is helping that other company liquidate see how that information could be taken in a wrong way if you don't google around cool so you have so you have a so you have a real life example of you know the thought process that goes into into into me so you got it let's move on okay so that was uh this site okay we can try one more right we can try one more let's go back right here [Music] bye okay let's go right here ceo okay bye he's okay ceo hmm of course ceo bye whenever a ceo is buying my thought process is okay are they a founder if they're a founder uh sometimes you know you have a file let's look it up okay seo ceos buy to usually you know make it look good let's look it up [Music] sometimes you might want to do this like this okay dollar sign and then like this okay 17 bucks okay let's go to news okay so you see on here right again okay on the other one what was happening was let's go back let's let's let's compare okay on the other one you see that it's spiked up okay um the chances are that whenever a stock is kind of like liquidating sometimes data traders play with it um if i didn't know if the company was not getting de-listed if i didn't have any research who was buying those shares i would have to assume that hey you know um you know this company is fine it's going to go up couple i said a little bit right on the market cap so what's going to happen usually our market cap on the morning since we know it's going to be listed it's going to gap down meaning it's going to lose value okay let's go right here it says odt [Music] let's look at the news an ounce is what let's look at the and a couple of things a couple of things okay um this is whenever you see something called newswire that's a pr company press releases take press releases with a grain of salt because a company who wants to raise their stock value or somebody right they will release information to you know press releases and they and other companies pick it up says business wire business wire is a press release company owned by hathaway that's what it is okay see you can submit so if i owned some stock right if i wanted to release some news out there i would submit it here and these other media companies would just you know pick up the news and spread it so pretty much think of it like this so let's say i have a news hey this company is about to make a new car i would go submit it i would write a little bit of article here and then these other companies like yahoo cnn would grab it they would do research and they would talk about it if if that's good enough okay or sometimes right people see this information and they think hey you know it's a news so whenever you see wire or just make sure that the news you're getting is right it's not from uh press releases press releases or anybody can do i can pay 60 bucks and do a press release saying hey this company is going to do this this this okay i could do that that's illegal that's manipulating the stock right but if it's a real information let's say we know a company is coming out with a product or service blah blah blah or let's say a company's earning call is coming up we're expecting it to go this this this and that's actually happening that's not illegal but if i decide to do a press release saying hey this is what's happening with this penny stock blah blah blah and people buy it up i will end up in jail that is not legal please not do it but i want you to know that press releases or you know they're not real factual news okay anybody can submit it okay let's go back right here okay so we looked at that let's go look at that other company where's that d something company we looked at it let's go back odt okay a couple of things right so net exchange so whenever you see some insider trading keep in mind usually you'll see of course we'll talk about the us but whatever you see instead of trading on over the counter i would be suspicious okay not always right because on otc over the counter market it's a penny stocks the penny stocks are like in a penny or two and then you do have a chance to make a lot of money but how much how much do you trust that information okay so let me give you an example okay um we'll come back to it okay yeah okay so rl ftf this was uh this was uh you know uh this was a stock still is of course this is this is trading on over-the-counter um uh exchange pretty much what that means is that um not always but like this company i haven't done a little bit i haven't done the foundation uh research but if a company cannot qualify for nasdaq or nysc they go ahead and file it on over the counter okay the requirements are a little low and then on nysc or nasdaq you have to keep filing information reports and you know every quarter on here the requirement is not that top okay so that's right here okay so so before this company let's go back about this company so this company what happened was uh at one point and what was happening was i actually got in so um they were building some sort of medication to help people uh feel better with coronavirus okay and the vaccine wasn't out yet okay so we found out that information and then they were releasing press releases on these sites like i told you right and always what i tell people is that okay um you know buy the news sell the buy the rumor sell the news okay that you get the idea um you come up here and then i came up here and then i bought about 20 30 000 shares i saw it i bought it and i sold it for like i think 35 something that day but it went up to like 75 i took my profits and i left in the morning spike but you get the idea so this one the insider information came through press releases okay the company released it and it you know pushed people to go up a couple things you're looking at is volume spike okay right here so volume spike right here a little bit right you see it right here too and kind of now the vaccine is out this is not worth too much okay it does help with people who didn't get the vaccine they're still suffering still helps them but um you know the stock is not going to do that great okay let's go back okay this company okay blah blah blah blah blah okay there we go ceo buys he buys it so let's see okay just because of the news right look at the price this is the after market price this one is definitely going to gap up when it opens up um on on monday okay let's see when he bought it i hope you guys are enjoying this like you know the thought process that goes in my mind while i'm doing the research um it i mean it should let's go back okay he did it on december 23 of course okay of course okay like i said people they it on the last day that they're supposed to so that you know uh so this after that it usually pumps up so december 23 let's go back right here [Music] i want to see when it spiked up okay right here you see this let's go five days december 22 december 23 we still see the stock was worth 15 dollars and 44 cents if you'd have this information okay and finn biz would have given it to you on december 23 it would have you'd have made money just make sure to research that the company is not getting de-listed or it's not done doing something crazy like this company looks stable to me 17 bucks not like pennies or like a dollar so it looks good uh market cap is look looks good as well let's look at the volume how well is the volume right we'll tell you the volume right here okay right here 4412k not bad not bad for a company like this okay one more thing that you can do is go to stock widths okay stock widths is pretty much okay here's how i use it okay um again take everything with a grain of salt because everybody has an agenda on what they're telling you somebody says bye bye bye they probably already own it okay they want to make their prices go higher somebody says sell sell sell sell right idea is maybe they own a put call okay you know maybe they want to put contract on options you never know but it does help to get the sentiment okay up the up public because keep in mind it's always better to ride the wave right and exit okay because you want to exit the ride before everybody else exits and you are like you know you're struggling to you know you have to cut losses what i like to do is once i get on these instead of trading you know these these kind of rights i like to just make my profit i'm not trying to hit a home run if you try to hit a home run trust me okay a couple of times you might get lucky okay but what's gonna happen is we try to hit the home run every single time boom boom boom right one of those days your account is gonna blow up okay and i don't know why i don't know why people who trade online here they think blowing up an account is passes of you know becoming a better trader that's up that's messed up that doesn't make sense don't blow up your trading account okay make consistent gains okay you're not trying to hit a home run run that's if you try to hit a home run you will hit some okay and you at one point you will hit a home run people are lucky okay but you know if you keep doing if you try to run you know hit a home run every single time one of these days things are gonna get messed up trust me okay trust me it has happened to me has happened to people i know okay so consistent gain okay so for example let's say you buy in right right the way okay wait till the rsi this this course is not going to talk about indicators but our site let's look at it let's look at it i think we'll help you so rsi measures the strength of the market at that given time right let's say what is this okay okay so you bought it let's say you bought it right here okay let's pretend you bought it right here on december 23. now watch okay look at this rsi value it's it's right here right overbought it's way high so when it goes right here you might want to sell i would have sold it right here i would have bought it right here the price was let's see what the price was price was 1547 out of soldier middleweight right here right here okay right here why this okay i look at two things okay uh okay of course this is not an indicator course i do do want to give you some insights on how i'm playing these games right um it's a game it's a game nobody knows what's happening on your stock market the only thing that you can do is that you know uh you know that most of the people playing on stock market are stupid okay and that's not to say you know stupid people are bad people we need stupid people on the market if they were if everybody was going on one direction the stock market would crash okay that's how stock market works so somebody needs to be buying selling for different reasons fear and greed okay so right here what i do like i said i don't want home runs okay i want consistent profits okay so i go right here let's say i bought it right okay the rsi is pretty good okay i wait till our size like overbought right here right here you see right this is where the sentiment is picking up okay right here right here or you might find right here see what see what happened right right here you see that big green big great red um kind of like in a volume right here you see it right here see that's when people are exited okay people who knew what they were doing they exited boom if i were you i would have exited right here okay right here okay let's see what the price was i would have made about pretty good money right this was the gap this was the gap so usually if i own the stock if there's a big gap in the morning i exit morning gaps are the best gaps um best you know price spike price to sell it at after that it's down the hill right but okay can you still play it okay let's go back right here let's say you didn't know about it right you found out okay let's see the price is 16 okay what you can do is when the market opens up okay on monday so the chances are that it's gonna spike up okay it's gonna spike up because the momentum is good okay the momentum is good it's gonna spike up to like i don't know 18 something right that's gonna drop boom up so you're gonna see the our site go up okay don't buy then don't buy it in the morning that's what i tell people okay um those people are buying on robin hood and they're like you know buying at the wrong time right and you're like you're losing money this is why you're losing money so it goes up okay spikes up and then um don't buy wait wait till for it to drop rock bottom like this you see the rsi is like 29 that's one you buy and then you wait you ride the wave and it goes right here it hits the um 70 right here our side exit exit so that's how you can also day trade or swing trade uh instead of trading okay so you get the idea what i'm thinking about so i think i gave it to you i gave you extra more more information then uh see i'm super excited when i teach this to you guys because i had no plans to teach you guys the actual trade but i did it because it's exciting okay and i want you guys to make money so we've talked about uh finvez okay so there's other sites that do this as well the second one is called third one is j3sg the one i really like it's called guru focus this one gives you uh real time well not real real time right it's gets on the scc's edgar side and then they grab it out and then they throw it out here make sense so there you go perfect so that was it you learned how you learned everything that you needed to know about insider trading so you are probably gonna be that that you know that smart guy in that room when somebody talks about insider trading now you know everything i've taught you what is insider trading is it legal or not i've taught you about edward database i've shown you step by step on how to buy these and how to sell these on this video i hope you enjoyed this video if you did go ahead and give me a thumbs up if you have any questions go ahead and comment on the below right there so i can actually respond back to you as well and of course last but not least make sure to go ahead and subscribe to this video so i can bring more videos like this to you next time thank you so much for watching [Music] so [Music] you

2021-09-11 16:51

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