How To Develop A Winning Mindset In Business

How To Develop A Winning Mindset In Business

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hello hello hello welcome welcome my friend if you haven't met me before i'm kept miller and in this video i'm going to share with you how to develop a winning mindset in business so that you can stand out from your competitors for the past two decades i've been on a quest to understand what what really separates the winners from the people who give up what are the keys behind that winning mindset and what i've discovered is that the ability to create a winning mindset is at the heart of transformation true lasting transformation and over the years working with thousands of people i've observed so many successful people and also so many people who have given up and i've realized that success is so much more than just strategy it's so much more than just knowing what to do it's all about it all starts with what we're thinking about and i believe that winning in business it's not about beating other people it's not about trying to be better than other people it's about winning the war over your own fears your own fears and doubts i love this quote by roger stovak he says winning isn't getting ahead of others it's getting ahead of yourself the way i view winning is it's about overcoming your personal challenges because business is an extension of you business is a reflection of you and when you discover what you're capable of personally and when you can show yourself that you can do what you thought was previously impossible that is what makes you win in 2006 i was working as a personal trainer at les mills gym in auckland has anyone heard of les mills gym les mills is an incredible brand global brand when i moved to london i i went to the gyms over there like la fitness and some of the big names over there and they would have big les mills posters everywhere and it was so exciting to see it because liz mills was a new zealand olympian him and his wife colleen they were olympians i think i believe in the 60s and they started this chain of gyms called les mills in new zealand and i worked at the one in west auckland in newland which had about two and a half thousand members in it at the time it was four levels it was awesome and when i was working there i was doing a lot of weight training and i loved weight training i was always in the gym and i decided that i wanted to compete in a bodybuilding competition because i wanted to see what i was capable of i wanted to put my work ethic because i had a really strong workout ethic into into good use i wanted to have a really great goal that i could achieve that was definitely outside of my comfort zone i'd done a lot of body for life challenges i don't know if anyone else here has done a body for life challenge but body for life is this 12 week challenge by bill phillips and i used to do a lot of them over the years and competing was that next step for me it was that next thing out of my comfort zone that was really scary the thought of getting on a stage in a bikini as an introvert as someone who really hates the spotlight was so scary for me and that's why i wanted to do it because i love running at my fears and so i decided to compete in the figure division figure is is pretty strict you have to be really lean i think uh the leanest i got was around 10 to 11 body fat and i thought that i would only do one competition because it's freaking brutal it was hands down the hardest thing i've ever done in my life and i spoke to a friend recently who uh wants to compete before his birthday before his 40th and he was asking me about it and so this has kind of triggered me to in a good way to talk about it and to share a little bit about what i've learned from competing and i said to him the greatest lessons that i've learned have been through competing because it absolutely stretched me to my ultimate limit and it raised the bar so everything under that now feels so much easier um i thought i'd just do one i wanted to develop the mindset i wanted to see what i was capable of i definitely wanted to grow but i also wanted to coach other competitors i wanted to coach bodybuilders and figure competitors in bikini models and fitness models and i thought the best thing to do is to do it myself and learn how to do it so i can coach others anyway that taste of victory was very addictive and i ended up winning trophies or i've got some of them up here you can see some of them up there on my shelf there and i ended up doing 10 competitions over a period of eight years from 2006 on and i did it in new zealand and then i did it in the uk and ended up competing at the national level in the uk and actually winning a national title in the figure division at the mpa there and i placed in the top three out of the ten competitions i placed in the top three and nine out of ten of the competitions and i won gold in um in three of them and in the 10th competition i came last and it was the last time i competed losing just doesn't feel good and one of the most important lessons i learned through competing is that your outcomes are so much more than the few minutes that you're on stage and i'm not comparing myself at all to an athlete or to someone who does marathons or things like that like they are a whole league of their own um but what i did realize is is when i trained for competition which was usually four to five months of training twice a day no rest often three times a day very strict obviously calorie deficit um it's not about that moment on stage although that that moment is amazing when i heard um the judges call my name and received a trophy that was incredible but it was more who i became in the process and this is what i want to share with you the lessons that i learned that have really helped me in business so that if you are wanting to know how to stand out from your competitors if you're wanting to uh know how to have that winning edge how to motivate yourself inspire yourself to go the distance in business and to you know walk through those valleys that are tough and come out the other side because business is not easy and business has a lot of hills and valleys right if you've been in business for a while you know just how many mountains we need to conquer and the way i define a winning mindset is being strong-willed in a way where you believe you can achieve what you set out to a winning mindset is an attitude of action over time not as a one-off not when you feel like it but over time and i know that you probably don't necessarily want to be a champion or into a competition and stand on stage in a bikini necessarily but we all have that desire for growth and for being the best we can so i've been pretty obsessed with creating success all my life and obviously we all have a different definition of success and what it what that means i mean the dictionary definition is basically that it's the accomplishment of a purpose so success is the accomplishment of your aim your goal um but it's really what success means to you and the private victories that you win when no one's watching they're often the ones that are the most meaningful you know those days where you don't want to show up and do a facebook live video or those days where you you don't feel like creating new content or having five coaching calls in a row you know those moments where you have emotional days and all you want to do is like when i was competing there were days where i would cry i'd be so emotional and all i'd want to do was bury my head in a bowl of pasta and a glass of wine and i couldn't do that you know i had to feel my feelings i had to be with them i couldn't buffer them i couldn't i couldn't numb out which had been what i used to do in the past and those are the moments that have stretched my capacity as a business owner and a lot of people that i've worked with in business as well as uh training world-class champions world winning champions that have won trophies on the world stages uh has been that they've been obsessed with success what success means to them and they have been relentless in developing those habits that make them make themselves feel proud it takes a lot of intentionality we don't drift to winning we don't drift to a winning mindset we don't drift to success it starts with intentional thinking and more than any other year this year for me has been one where i've had to dig so deep to constantly reset to constantly choose a winning mindset when i didn't feel like it when i wanted to choose a losing mindset and i've had to choose to go through and feel my feelings it takes that focused decision to push through that resistance between us and that winning mindset but there's so much growth in it right there's so much growth in achieving uh any goal that we set out and our capacity grows so regardless of where you're at right now these five things these five lessons i believe will really help you um so if you've got a piano notebook i would love it if you write these down five ways to develop a winning mindset in business number one is to commit to your own success commit to your own success commitment is the ability to stay loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood has passed you by right so to stay committed you have to have a reason you have to have a why the reason i've been so committed is that i made a promise to myself that i would do whatever it takes to succeed because i believe that the gifts that i've been given are meant to be shared and one of my reasons for wanting to stay in business and help so many business people is because i believe that the gifts i've been given um are to be an example of possibility to other people and that by me being that that best version me evolving into my best vision i help other people be that best vision and that reason that promise i've made to myself is so strong it's so strong because it has a deep meaning to me and that's helped me stay committed just like in competing you make a decision to compete you set the date and you go for it in business we need to set dates with action with a goal with an action um and actually make it public when i was competing it wasn't until i told people that i was competing that it became real for me often i'm like oh i'm not sure not sure and i'll be about 20 weeks out then 19 weeks out i'm like am i doing it am i doing it am i doing it but as soon as i registered and as soon as i shared it with people and obviously shared it with a coach that was when it became real for me so what are you committing to in your business and are you telling other people about it are you saying hey i'm going to be doing a webinar this year hey this quarter i'm going to be doing my first facebook live video or i'm going to release my first um book or i'm going to launch a podcast what are you committing to and not giving yourself an out and what's your reason because your reason has to mean something to you when you have a real reason you won't give up if you don't have that clarity of the reason why you want it you'll probably live life pretty aimlessly just waking up in the morning and doing what you feel like rather than having that commitment this is what i'm doing no matter what it's not just about setting the goal but it's about having a standard it's having a standard that you live by and staying committed means being uncomfortable right and you know the truth is in life we're going to be comfortable regardless we're going to be uncomfortable regardless we either get uncomfortable because we're not moving we're not evolving that's pretty uncomfortable they say the comfort zone is the safest place but it actually can get very uncomfortable because it's outside the comfort zone that the real magic takes place and that only comes when you're committed you know you can um allow those emotional wounds to hold you back from committing i'm you know i'm afraid i don't know where to start i don't have time um i can't get myself to follow through i have to think about it that's too hard you know if you're having those those emotional wounds run your life then you're going to just go with the tight like go with the the flow the current of everyone around you rather than being committed no matter what like henry ford says if you think you can't or you think you can't you're right i heard recently i heard this um interview by mark i think it's mark shulman the drummer for pink and he said he was talking about how he could be idle being interviewed and he said i sing like every note depends on it i sing like every note depends on it and i love that because he's not using excuses he's not showing up and just giving half effort he's been fully in and you know winners know that they're 100 in control of their their own destiny and they don't use excuses when things go wrong so that's number one commit to your own success and make it public tell other people about it number two is to show up like you're performing show wherever you show up in your business show up like you're performing my coach when i was training for those bodybuilding competitions and when i was constantly pushing and pushing and pushing in my in at the gym there were days where i felt so exhausted especially when she started dropping my calories and dropping my carbs down and i had no carbs but i had to train hard anyway and i'd often say to her i just feel like i gave 70 today or um i just feel like i can't give up my hundred and she said it's not about giving your hundred percent every day of your potential it's about giving you a hundred percent on any given day of what you've got available that day and it really reframed it for me um because i always thought oh gosh i'm i'm not always giving a hundred i always wanted to give a hundred but that's impossible right like you can't always give a hundred percent but you can give 100 of what's available to you that day in terms of your energy your resources what what you can do on any given day as well as putting in you know your self-care your sleep all those other things that are super important it doesn't mean like performing doesn't mean that you have to always show up perfect it doesn't mean that you have to grind and have three coffees just to get through everything but it's about giving what you can that day giving your best effort that day and when you think about how you're showing up at the moment like if you think about what's your overall average day are you showing up giving six out of ten seven out of ten or are you giving what you've got on that day knowing that you've got all those other rocks in place of sleep exercise family time time to yourself all those other things in place but then what you've got left over are you going all in on that day and are you are you [Music] thinking of everywhere you show up as a performance because when you think of it like as a performance rather than thinking of it as just oh i'm just going through the motions i committed to you know you got the commitment but you just get okay i've committed to showing up on facebook live every week so i'll just show up and see what i feel like sharing no a winning mindset is a belief that that our attitude our mindset our energy level fuels our performance and everything you do as a performance down to the zoom call you were on today that was a performance people are watching your life people are watching to see if they want to work with you or not um social media posts that you're creating that is you performing because you're taking yourself out into the public arena and if you want to be a high performer it requires overcoming fears and doubts so how do you show up in your business do you show up as though you're performing or do you just cruise along just getting by just chucking on an outfit just um just pumping out something average i'm not talking about perfection because it's not about being perfect but it's about showing up with superior communication skills masterful influence engaging your community sharing out contributing everyone else and it all starts with your thoughts i used to have so many negative thoughts when i was growing up i really lacked a lot of confidence and the schools that i went to there was just this common theme where it was it was quite normal to judge and criticize people but i had a really great mum and she introduced me to faith into personal development and i used to read her books by jim rohn and zig ziglar and i started listening to her tapes um like standing on the shoulder of giants and i think it was les brown and some of the old the old grandfathers of personal development and that really made such a difference for me and i was stuck in a job that i hated at for many many years but it was personal development that really pulled me out of that and it made me want to show up and just be my best and and be in that positive state where i didn't focus on what was going wrong but i focused on how i wanted to feel times where i was successful when i was competing when i was staying on stage i would think about times that i'd accomplish something in and i'd look at the judges and be like this is your winner this is your winner look at me i'm your winner and it was like i commanded them to look at me in a way that oh i'm a winner and i remember my coach saying to me cat you're not competing against everyone you're only competing about against the ladies that have decided they want to win and so i realized how important performance is and i've brought that over into business and this is what you can do as well you can think about those past experiences that you've had of accomplishment and you can bring them in if you're feeling at a funk at the moment if you're feeling a bit if you're feeling like things aren't really happening as fast as you want them to you can draw on experiences from your past times that you've accomplished something great i know there's many many times that you've accomplished something great okay number three is to surround yourself with people on the same mission as you this is such an important one we need to get really good at saying no to the things that do not move us to our yes we need to know what our yes is and we need to get really good at not hanging out with the people who are not helping us get there you know with a winning mindset you'll have to give up some people you'll have to choose to do some things that you don't want to do and choose to be strategic in terms of who you hang out with and it might be a case of changing your environment it doesn't mean you ditch your friends and your family but you need to get yourself into growth environments that has been the key to my success in competing and the key to success in business if i could say one thing that's helped me to succeed it's been the people that i've surrounded myself with it is so important that you get the right people around you mindsets are contagious who you surround yourself with is who you'll become so i want you to evaluate your circle of people and here's a question i want you to ask yourself do you want the mindsets that they have do you want the mindsets that they have the people that you spend most of your time with does your environment add value or does it deplete from your goals it's so important to get around people who make you better who encourage you who uplift you who support you and that you get into growth environments regularly number four number four is to be present with whatever is in front of you this is another lesson i learned from competing where you would have to be so in the moment and you'd have to just look at the 45 minutes of weights in front of you or 45 minutes of cardio or that hill that you're climbing or that fish and veggies you're about to eat whatever is in front of you and be present because your focus is one of the most powerful tools you can use in your business your focus is where your attention is and something that i see so many people are struggling with at the moment is that they're so scattered so scattered and when i say what's your goal first of september first of the month what's your goal for september can you answer that because without the focus without knowing what you're focusing on over the next 30 days or the next quarter you'll be aimless you'll be drifting and another month will just pass you by think we're in september already you know are you happy with your accomplishments in the year so far whatever you do whether it's bodybuilding or business your focus is everything imagine you're in the middle of a zoom call and your mind wanders off and you have difficulty staying present with that person do you think that that person notices probably if you're in the middle of writing a blog and your attention goes off now obviously we're all human and this happens all the time but if you find it difficult to constantly stay in the current moment if you're worried about the past if you're anxious about the future it is going to affect the way you show up and your performance will take a hit if you're not focused in the task in front of you or the person in front of you so it's really important to keep your focus on your what you want and not on what you don't want so many of us focus on what we don't want and that just sets us up for unnecessary anxiety so being focused is about attending your mind to whatever you're doing and being so present this is what i love about training it forces you to be really present especially if you're pushing a heavy weight up or you're lifting a heavy weight off the ground you cannot be wandering off and thinking about what you're having for dinner you have to be so fully focused when you're running you know you can let your your mind run quite free because your body is engaged in something physical and so it's so so good for your focus to be able to get into that zone you know what i mean if you're an exerciser and whoever you're in front of that should be the person that you're focusing on it's like a muscle you train that muscle of focus and it gets stronger and if anyone asked me when i was competing which muscle i trained the hardest it was my my focus muscle it was my my focus on i want to win i want to be the best that i can be it makes all the difference in the gym on stage and business and when you're focused when you know what you want people can feel that certainty people can feel that confidence conviction that you have other people notice because you're closing the gap between that that vision that you have and the reality it's getting closer and this energy comes through your body and it's contagious and then number five the fifth thing that i learned through competing was to keep showing up consistently whatever you're working on is not gonna change immediately maybe you've been putting in the work and you've been showing up and it hasn't necessarily come with a whole lot of results it's so important that you just keep going because nothing happens overnight and champions understand that the process must be trusted you can't take shortcuts some of us want to get there so fast and i'm all about acceleration but when you have the winning mindset it's like being a gardener it's knowing that you're planting seeds consistently and it will pay off all of the work will pay off before i had a six figure business i used to sit in my room and create videos for my heart and it was tough knowing that not many people were watching them it was tough sending emails out when i had such a small email list and connecting with my facebook group when there was hardly anyone in it but every day i planted seeds every day i trusted the process and every day i grew even though i didn't realize it and in the beginning no one was asking me to speak for them now i have constant requests for people asking me to speak on their podcast and asking to interview me um but i had to put in that work even when i didn't see the result and a lot of people start things and give up too easily like if they don't see a really amazing result within a month they throw in the towel so yes we need to be committed and we need to have that focus and we need to be disciplined but there's no point doing it as a one-off it needs to be consistent it needs to be um day in day out whether you feel like it or not and often people think that they're not consistent but actually they're just not committed because when you're committed you will be consistent so i hope that that has given you some things to really think about i'd love to know out of those five which was your favorite and which are you going to apply because it's all about application it's all about speed of implementation so i'm going to recap them for you number one how to develop a winning mindset in business commit to your own success number two remember that everything is a performance how are you showing up how are you performing are you seeing everything you're doing in your business is a performance that people are watching number three surround yourself with people on the same mission as you mindsets are contagious number four be present with whatever and whoever is in front of you at any given moment and number five keep showing up consistently if you want to find out exactly how to do this in your own business if you want to know how to have a winning mindset how to develop that winning mindset so that you can stand out from your competitors and so you can grow a successful profitable business just pop the word winning in the comments or just dm me the word winning and we can have a chat about where you're getting stuck and i can help you identify the exact thing that you need to do to keep moving forward and to accelerate the process thank you for being here i love catching up with you guys every single wednesday at 8pm thank you for joining me on my very first zoom to facebook i hope it has worked okay and i look forward to seeing you again soon bye my friends

2021-09-10 10:41

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