How To Create Your Content Marketing Plan - For Startup Business Owners, Simple & Effective

How To Create Your Content Marketing Plan - For Startup Business Owners, Simple & Effective

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Hello, and welcome, to the startup, queen podcast. I'm remy. A startup, business coach, and visibility, strategist. For startup, businesses. I will help you build a powerful. Digital. Online business. Right out the gate. I help you reset your mindset. And help you create, that online, course. Or that membership, program. That freebie, opt-in. That you want to create or even. That ebook, that you've been meaning, to write. My superpower. Is that i don't just tell you what to do, but i also show you how to do it. In these podcasts, that are created, for business startups. I hope, that you'll get a taste of what it's like to work with me, the business, startup, queen. Now let's get to this week's episode. So thanks for tuning in guys for another, episode, of the startup, queen podcast. This week i am sharing with you, a, live. Training session that i delivered, last week. Inside, my. Facebook, community. So in case you didn't know. Every friday, i show up and deliver. Free, business, startup, training, inside, my community. Now if you want to come and join us it's called the business, startup, network. Set up and grow your small business. You will find us on facebook. And you will be. Very welcome to come and join us so, this is a replay, essentially. This is a replay, of a live recording. And, uh. Obviously, i'm going to be talking, about. Uh. Things that i am sharing, on the screen. So. What you're going to have to do in this podcast, is use your imagination. Or, come and join me in the group to see the video, for yourself. But yeah it's still very self-explanatory. Of how you as a startup, business owner, can create your own. Very simple. Very easy to create. A simple content, marketing, plan. That will keep you on track. With posting. Daily, or regularly. And also, making, sure you are showing up, with something, to say. About your business. And that you no longer have any blocks. Or reasons. Not to be visible. With, your business. Because that's how we attract sales guys we've got to be visible. People have to know what we're selling. People have to see us, get to know like and trust us, in order for them. To buy from us so. Make sure you get yourself, a content, marketing, plan, and you can use this very, simple. Freeway, that i'm going to explain to you. In this week's episode. To create your very own simple, content, marketing. Plan. All right, enjoy the episode. Hi guys so, in this video i am going to be talking you through. How to create a very, simple. Marketing. Content. Plan. It's not going to be the most, deep. And meaningful. Content, plan, ever but what it is. Is a very simple plan to get you started. So that you can, take away. This excuse, of oh i don't know what to write about today so i'm not going to write anything. This gives you four, solid, weeks of content. To talk about so that every day you have something. To share, with the world about your business. So, to get started. Use, a software. That you are most comfortable, with, in this video i'm going to be using, google, sheets. Which is google's. Equivalent. Of microsoft. Um they have something called excel, which you may have heard of, if you don't have excel, you can sign up to. Um. Gmail, and it will give you free access to sheets. Which is the equivalent, of excel, or you could do this in microsoft, word or you could do it in google docs. As well you could just create a table, inside, of a word, document, if you wanted to, you could also get really fancy.

If You are comfortable, using trello, or asana. These are software, apps. That organize. Your work then go ahead and do this in one of those, but for the purposes, of this video. We are going to be creating, it, inside. Google. Sheets. So if you just go to your normal. Google. Search engine and type in. And it will take you here, and you can just click on the first one here. Again you need to sign in if you don't have an account if you do already have a gmail, account. It may just, sign you in automatically. And once you are in. Go to the left corner, there's one that's called blank, and i want you to tap on the blank. New spreadsheet. So. The first thing i'd like you to do is go to the top left where it says. Untitled. Spreadsheet, and just type in here, my. Content. Plan. Call it marketing, plan if you want to. And now before, we start inputting, into. This sheet. What i want you to do, is i want you to think about three or four key themes, for your, business, or your service, or your product. That you offer. Now, when i say key themes. I want you to think about three or four things that you can continuously. Talk about. That represent, your service your brand. Or your product, over and over again. So that your messaging, is always, on point. So i'll give you some examples. So myself, i am a business, startup, coach, so my three or four key. Um, areas that i like to talk about in the content that i create so my marketing, plan. Is, number one business fundamentals. Because i help, business startups. So i go through a lot of the fundamental. Stuff, that a business owner would need to know. At the early stages, of their business, so that would be a core theme for me, and that might be something i put into. A column. Inside, of this content, plan. Apologies, my nose has suddenly, become all blocked up so i sound a bit, sniffily. A second column. For me, and a core. Uh value, and a core theme for my business, would be marketing, i talk a lot about online marketing. I'm a social media coach first and foremost. So a lot of that stuff online marketing. Goes into a core value. Sales. And selling, online, selling, again, another core value of something i teach would be a theme, that i put into. This content, marketing, plan. And the fourth thing that i would talk about regularly, and consistently. Is about, mindset. Because. Mindset, is something i do a lot with my clients, one-to-one, and what i'll be doing a lot of inside of my membership, because. You have to have the right mindset, if you, want to become a business owner and a business coach, and you really have to have a really strong. Mindset, if you want to become. A successful, and a profitable, business owner. So we do a lot of mindset, work so that would be like the fourth. Column or the fourth pillar. In my. Content, marketing, plan. So you need to get four. For your business. And four things four core, things, that really, describe, your business. Another example, might be a hairdresser, so let's say, we were looking at a hairdressing. Uh, hairdresser, and we're trying to put together. A content, plan so that they could put out content, every day about their hair salon. So one of their core themes might be, customer, service. Now that be might be, how, you know how, their salon works. Um. How you know it might be that we answer the phone in less than three rings that could be a piece of, content. About how you book into the salon, you know do you book online or do you phone up to book, customer, service might be about, any training that the staff. Have gone on to. Learn about how to look after their, their customer service because customer service is a really strong part, of a hairdressing. Salon, or brand. In that, their customers want to know that they're looked after. Another. Theme might be the products that they use do they use organic. Do they use cruelty free. That could be a core theme for them, selling the products that they use, would be the thing that might attract people to come into their salon. And then styles, might be another. Category. That they use excuse me. That's better apologies. For that. So, that could be, um some themes that, a hairdresser, might use, so what i want to do now is jump onto, this spreadsheet. And show you an example. Of how, we could build a very simple. Content, marketing, plan. Now. I have copied and pasted. This out from. Another, sheet that i've just made i've just typed it up but just to save time i've copied and pasted and now i'm just going to walk you through. How this, works. So. You will see, here, um, i've written, up the top of this, table. Week one, week two, week three, and week four so there's four columns, there. So essentially that's a month's, worth of content. And then here down on the left column i've given you seven days of the week, monday. Tuesday, wednesday, thursday. Friday, saturday, and sunday. So again across the top we have the weeks. And down the side. We have the days of the week. And then in the gray, i'm just going to expand this a little bit so you can see, so this row that i'm going to highlight, now.

That's In gray. These are my four. Themes, or my four, content, pillars. And some people like to call them. For my business, so, one of the cool things to me is business fundamentals. Because i work with business startups. Marketing. Online marketing. Sales. How to sell online, you know where to sell online what you should do to close a sale all of that stuff. Is my third column and then fourth column is mindset. Getting in the right mindset, to become a business owner, you know shedding, limiting, beliefs, and, um. Uh, yeah, creating, a really healthy money mindset. Those are the type, of things that i would then go and put into, the columns, that i'm now going to explain. So if we look at this yellow column here i've only filled in one just for time, but i wanted to give you an idea, of how you would use a sheet like this. So uh the left column, uh sorry the first column that says business fundamentals, i'm just going to highlight, it so you're clear which. One we are talking about which is this column here. I've put in on monday. I want to talk about, ideal, clients. Now i've not written the content, in i've just given an overarching. Theme, that on monday. On week one. I'm going to talk about ideal clients. On tuesday. Of week one. In the business fundamentals. Category, i'm going to talk about, niche. What is a niche. Why you should have a niche. All the things about niche, i'm going to talk about on a tuesday. Of week one. On wednesday, i'm going to talk about systems. So again for a business startup, what are the systems, that you need to, create, and have set up and put in place. To start your own business so whether that's email systems. Accounting, systems. Content, creating, systems. We talk about that on a wednesday. In week one. On a thursday. The offer, are you creating a course an online course are you creating an online membership. An ebook. What are you creating, that and how do you create it that is what i'm going to talk about, every thursday. Of week one when i'm talking about business fundamentals. Uh facebook. So on a friday, of week one in business fundamentals. Themed week. I'm going to talk about facebook, all the things about facebook, facebook, profile. Facebook business page facebook, groups. You know facebook, lives. All of anything related to facebook. I'm gonna create content, on that day, of week one. In the business fundamentals. Theme. And then on saturday, i've just got memes so that means i'm just going to share something that's fun. Light-hearted, that's related, to business so what i would do is i'll go and find a really funny meme. Related, to business or to business startups. And i will share it on a saturday. And every every time we recycle, around to this it will be a different name. And then on sunday. I might share some social proof or a testimonial. That supports, that i am a business startup, coach. And here are some of the clients that i've worked with. And if this was for you if you don't yet have any social proof, or testimonials. You would just put in something, else that comes in under, the business fundamentals. Category so that might be something, like, um. A low ticket offer or a high ticket offer and then explaining. What the differences, were. So how we use this is that. These. All of these in this box here in the yellow, column. All of these are triggers. And so it means, it just means when i open my content. Plan, i have something to talk about, it doesn't mean i've already written it, but it just means right. On. Friday. Next week i'm going back to week one. I'm gonna talk about facebook, so i now have an idea of something, i can talk about, that's related, to my business. That will attract, people into my business. To learn more about me and to learn more about my business and this is why, we have these overarching. Themes. And then i would go over to the marketing, column. And i would fill in again, the monday. To sunday. With seven overarching. Themes i can talk about for marketing. And then for week three i would go to the green column, and i would fill in seven, overarching. Um, themes, that i can talk about, to do with sales, that would help a business, startup, person. And then for week four monday, to sunday. Again. I would go to, um this column and i put in seven.

Overarching. Mindset. Related. Topics. That i can talk about. Off the cuff. Um. In there so it's good to go. So, when this is completed. You would have, every. One of these. Boxes, that's 28 boxes. Seven for each week and there's four weeks. They will all have something, written in as almost like a trigger, a trigger word for you. To. Create content, for that day. And then what i would do. Is, i would if you can see at the bottom here, this is, a tab here that says sheet. So this page is just at the moment called sheet you can rename, it but if you look to the left of sheet there's a plus button i'm going to click that plus button. And it's got sheet2. I'm just going to rename it straight away, i'm going to call it archive. Okay. Hit enter. Let me go back to sheet1. And then in sheet1 i'm just going to copy, these, four. There's four themes. So we've got business fundamentals. Marketing, sales and mindset, and then go back to archive. And i'm gonna paste them here into. This is the spare, sheet called, archive. I've now got four. Four um. Categories, again or sorry four columns, again. And what i would do is every single time i posted. I would copy, that. Post, and i would put a date. In the left column so the date i've published something or put something on a facebook post or an instagram post. And then i would copy, in here. The content, that i've posted. So what i am doing is i'm creating, an archive, of all the posts. That i've done for business fundamentals. All the posts i've done for marketing. All the posts i've done for sales and all the posts i've done for mindset. It's all stored. Somewhere. So i don't have to keep scrolling, through my facebook, business page, or i don't have to keep scrolling, through linkedin. Or instagram. It will all be here in a little archive. It's not going to be the prettiest it's not going to be the most organized. But it's all in one place, if you want pretty and organized, i suggest you go and, um. You know try trello, or asana. Because they will make this categorizing. And this organizing. Look, much more seamless and more beautiful, but again this is a really, simple, way. Just to get started. And the reason we want to archive. Is because. I want you to be repurposing. And reusing, these contents. When you need to, i'm just going to jump back to the main sheet, which is here. And so how i let me just explain quickly how to use this. Um. So on week one you would go down and you would use all seven of these, um. Sort of overarching, topics. So on monday you do ideal client. Wednesday. You do systems. Sunday you do social proof and testimonials. And then week two you go down and you go through your list week three you go down and through your list week four you go down and through your list, and when you get to the end of week four. You go back to week one. But, let's just say as an example, this you're looking at now let's say this was for. January, right this is january, and you've got four weeks in january. So when you get to the end of january. And you start february.

You Start february, again, and you start at week one and you go down, but you don't have to do the same. Ideal client, topic. That you did in january, you do a different, ideal client topic, so, again. January. Your ideal. Client. Content, that you create on, on the monday, of your first week. It might be, a simple post about, what is an ideal client, that could be, your, january, content. And then your. February, content. On week one, your business fundamentals. Column, about ideal, client, might be something, like. How to. Expand. And define. Who your ideal client is more clearly. So do you see, that we are still talking about ideal client, but they're two different posts, about the same, topic. And then in march you will do another. Ideal client, topic, in week one. Of, business fundamentals. And it might be looking, at, um your ideal client. Um. Where to find your ideal clients, online. Do they. Um. Depending, on their age do they show up on facebook or do they show up, on linkedin. So that might be a third different category. And so. Again you use these overarching. Topics. As, like the header. And then underneath, that you create new content. Each time, you recycle, around and you come back to each of those weeks. Now i suggest, you have at least, three. Three core themes. Four would be the sweet number. Don't have one or two it's not enough. And don't have more than six, columns. Because. It your message is going to get lost. So i would try to keep it between three to four. Of these columns, if you can, if you have more, then you need to, niche all of that down and perhaps some of them might need to combine, into. Two columns so two like topics might need to come into one column. If you have too much stuff. That's it, i mean and then as i've said you use your archive, you keep anything you post you keep it somewhere, stored. And, again the easiest way is just, to store them. In their sort of themed categories. For now. Sort that out a bit later. But, yeah this is a very. Simple. Content, marketing, plan. That you can get up and running inside of excel, inside of sheets. In your google doc you could literally, create. This table, inside of a google doc, you fill in the fields. You choose your three or four themes, and then you do some overarching. Topics, as i've shown you here in the business. Fundamentals. Column here the yellow column, and you create that for your own business. It's really, really simple. And it removes, the excuse, of you saying oh. I don't know what to write about today so i'm just not going to write about anything. I want you to remove. That hurdle. So create, this, a very simple. Content, plan, i will if you want me to. Um. I will. Um drop a link. To this as a as a template. That you can just go to and download. And pop that somewhere around this video either up or below. So that you can just download this very simple template, and use it yourself. To create your very first, um content, marketing, plan. I hope that's been really useful. And. Yeah i will see you, in the next video. Bye. Guys.

2020-11-25 19:16

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