How To Create Flow In Every Area Of Your Business (and life)

How To Create Flow In Every Area Of Your Business (and life)

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hello iranian one and welcome to the golden frequency the show on podcast sharing wisdom experiences tools and knowledge for and from the new era weaving the worlds of seen and unseen spiritual and practical magical and mundane i'm your host spiritual business coach energy alignment method mentor catalyst and facilitator maria serafina i serve soul-driven heart-based spiritual entrepreneurs business owners masculine's rising and golden greek keepers wanting to grow and expand from within as well as lead with love and business and life if you have yet to join my sacred newsletter community of radiant ones here to support the unveiling the awakening transformation and healing of all through the lifting of the frequency and the vibration of our realm personally and collectively i invite you to join us go to dcia you'll also receive my free divine clarity and inspired action guide which i've created for you divine clarity and inspired action is designed to help you connect deeply with your divine feminine essence of gnosis wisdom knowledge and intuition as well as activate your divine masculine essence of action creation foundation expansion and building so that you may experience the satisfaction and liberation that comes from bringing to life that which you're here to birth while being doing and living your soul's divine purpose on my website you'll also find show notes transcripts and previous episodes know that i always encourage you to listen with an open heart and an open mind and take only what serves you and leave the rest it is my deep honor my great pleasure and joy to share this episode with you here is today's episode hello radiant one and a very big and a very warm welcome into this episode of the golden frequency today i'm going to be um touching upon a subject that i know that a lot of people have a lot of interest in and it's something that i speak about very often both with my clients literally it's something that i work with with my clients but it's also that things that are in my network and from people that they want to know how do you do this and so today's topic is going to be about how to create flow in every area of your business and i'm just by saying that there's also the end in your life because what i'm about to share with you can be uh easily transferred both to your um business but also to your life so as we're moving through this uh episode i encourage you to have that in mind as well if you're not at the place where your business is nearly necessarily your biggest focus maybe your business is running it's flowing everything is well maybe it's actually something in your um there's an area in your life that you wanted to have be more inflow have that in mind so as we move through this also i want to share that as we move through this there's going to be some some resources and i'm going to leave links and everything in the show notes and you can also see the transcription of this episode on my website i'll leave a link to that in the show notes so that you easily can access that i am going to be demonstrating something through this episode so maybe um if you're listening to this via podcast you want to go ahead and jump over to the episode um on my website to check that out um it's going to be flow and business so it's going to be for slash flow and business and that's where you can see the video so the things that i'm going to demonstrate you will be able to um you'll be able to see that there for the video um but it shouldn't stop you from listening if you're listening to this via the podcast get it twice will only elevate the or the downloads i suppose um okay so the first thing i want to start out by uh defining is what is flow um and when i talk about flow i talk about flow from an energetic perspective you may have heard that everything is energy and maybe you're like me a few years ago that you understand that on an intellectual level but you've never really experienced it or had noticed that that was what it was in your life and so i'm gonna walk you through because energy has three states um there is the resistance state there is the reverse state and there is the flow state the resistance state is a state where let's say that there's something uh in an area of your business where um you're there something that you're wanting to achieve something you're wanting to change and you can do it but it requires a bit of effort it's it's it's like you're you're um you're going uphill but you can actually get there um and it would be way more fun and way more uh enjoyable if it was just something that was quote-unquote easy it was inflow and then there is the reverse state that the reverse state is often caused by when it comes to energy is caused by either a shock or trauma that has happened at some point and whether when i say shock or trauma it doesn't have to be like necessarily a bad thing but it's something that is being perceived by your energy as something where you're like stunted or you're shocked and and that lingers both the resistance state and the reverse state lingers in your energy and the reverse state causes you then it's like a push-pull effect it's no matter you know what you want to do and i remember this from when i wanted when i first started out with my business um i knew what i wanted to do but no matter how many times it was like i was pushing this ball like sisyphus i was pushing this ball up into a hill and right before i reached the top it would just roll all the way back down i actually remember i was doing this is years ago i was having a reiki uh session energy session and and they said that they said that they could see that and it was just so annoying that i wasn't able to shift it or change it um so so know that the the reversed energy state is like it's a frozen state it's like you can't seem to either budge or you're like you're literally going in circles no matter what you're doing you're ending up in that same space where you where you started out so those oh and then of course there is the flow state and the flow state is where everything is flowing it's what we call the orgasmic state it's like everything is just like whoa and while you may have challenges as an area the the the solutions show up themselves you get the download at the right time it's about you know being at the right time at the right place um it's what we call divine timing and synchronicities these are all the things that are coming up that is the flow state um and um again it's it's it it's not like you won't it's not that everything is just like the heavens will open and angels descend and rose petals be strewn um there there may be issues or challenges that you're going to have to deal with but they'll be dealt with in a very uh flowy state easy manner you're going to be able to move through them you're not moving into victim mode or there's no limiting beliefs that's holding you back and all of these things that can be standing in our way so those are the three energy states the resistance state the reverse state and the flow state and um if you're in a place where you can take notes please go ahead and grab a piece of pen and paper and then just jot down a few um notes about each state where in your business are you or have you been experiencing resistance where in your business are you or have you been experiencing the reverse state and where in your business have you or are you experiencing the flow state um and like i said if you want to do this with your life you can also do that but i i will be focusing on the business because that's what i love um and usually things also flow into each other as well so um go ahead and do that now um i'm going to be sharing um in order for us to be able to identify whether or not we are in a resistant reversed or flow state in any area of our businesses where i'm using a tool called the sway i'm using a tool called the energy alignment method that is a five-step process that will take you through identifying what's going on in your energy whether or not you're in resistance or reverse state then releasing that and then also aligning you with that which you do want if you want to go ahead you can go ahead and download i have a free guide that will take you through the five steps of eam and you can you can go to forward slash eam to get that free guide and that will really help you so but what i'm just going to briefly demonstrate is i'm going to be demonstrating the tool that we use we use a muscle testing tool to to um to recognize what's in your energy and and when we use the it's called the sway when we use this tool you um you you tap into what is currently held in my energy and you're able to it bypasses your mind and it goes straight to what is actually going on in my energy i want to say that once we first start using this way it can be um usually it's there's some trigger in terms of uh first of all what's going on and once you do it the thing is i love being a flat on the wall whenever people do this way for the first time when they see what happens is like once you recognize that you hold that power in yourself and there's nothing outside of yourself that can give you quote-unquote those answered that's why i love e-m that's why i love the sway is because nothing outside of yourself can give you those answers they're already within you they're in your energy but let me go ahead and demonstrate in this if you're listening to this via the podcast just know that i'm going to i'm standing sideways and i have my feet um hips width apart um and my i have loose knees not bended knees but i have loose knees and my hands are down by my side and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna what will happen and make sure that you're in a safe space where you won't be falling over or hitting your head on the wall or anything else make sure that you're in safe space because we your energy will react we'll respond to the to the questions that you will ask it and so um what's what you'll do is you'll ask simple yes or no questions the only thing that the energy can or your your energy can respond to is yes or no questions so what we start by doing is called calibrate or i call it calibrating this way and you literally check in and see okay is my name and then you say some name that you're not is my name um marianne and uh you'll see that i'm swaying backwards and is my name maria serafina and i'll be swinging forwards and you can do that a few times and i know that if this is the first time you're you're seeing this and you're like what just happened and she's just swaying backwards and forwards because that's what she wants to do you know what i'm not here to convince you of anything i i invite you to try it out and and try it for yourself and then be like mind blown when it starts to when start when you start swaying if it if this is the first time you work with energy you may in the beginning not have a very um quote-unquote big sway it you may not have big swings maybe it's just a sensation that you're feeling pulled in your chest or it's um in your in your back you can feel the the push or the pull kind of thing in terms of recognizing this way so be aware of the slight nudges or things that are happening so um so that's this way um next we what we what i want to do is i want to walk you through the areas of your business that i see relevant to this these are um these are like these are areas like normal areas of your business you may have more or you may find that you define your business with less that's fine um and what i'll do is i've defined these seven areas and what uh i've just recently discovered is that um not not that the seven initiations that i will be talking about have had has been with me for a while but what i'm realizing is how they're actually correlating with every area of your business i was seeing previously i was seeing the seven initiations as these initiations that we were um going through in terms of the more internal but now i'm also seeing how they actually correlate to uh the external and um what i mean by that is that um you know how we have our senses you have your ears and your eyes and your smell all these different senses we also have that as an intuitive sense so we have it as both and in the physical realm but we also have it as an intuitive sense and it's the same thing with these seven areas of your business the seven areas of your business also have a corresponding uh initiation or challenge or intuitive sense that uh once you align those two magic happens that's the realm of magic and miracles as i like to say but let's move through the seven uh the seven area so the first area is your purpose and your mission and as i'm going through these my invitation to you is that you take notes and you also use your sway to identify uh and that you'll be doing that you'll be identifying which of these areas do i have resistant or reversed or flow energy in so that you know where to um release and what to release i do recommend that you go through them sequentially at least in the beginning once you've gotten through it because usually it starts with the core which you'll see as i go through these so the first area of your business is your purpose and your mission and that to me is the realm of the divine feminine it is your gnosis your wisdom your knowledge your intuition it's where your uh clarity but also chaos exists uh usually in the beginning there's going to be chaos because you're receiving all these downloads and and and and and you're receiving it through your divine feminine channel and it's it's normal for that to be in quote-unquote chaotic before structure and order comes in which is the second um area but more about that in just a moment so are you aligned with your purpose and your mission are you aligned with um um yeah you're like is your divine feminine essence is she uh fulfilled is she nourished or is she depleted so these are some of the things that you can use this way to check in on with um and you can also use this way to see do i have resistance in this area is there anything that is reversed in this area and it's really the thing is so i'll have a program that's coming out we'll we'll next round is starting in may where um you'll get like sheets of um of releasement statements that you can check in on but it's also important that you listen for your own intuition and your own guidance and your own nudges so when i'm sharing about your purpose or remission what's coming up for you write that down that might be something that might be a clue for you to check in on am i resistant or reversed in this area of my business so that's number one the second area is your um it's all of your structures it's also the action part it's the realm of the divine masculine ones your divine feminine essence has has woken she's risen she has her purpose and her mission she knows what she wants to do he comes in and says yes babe let's create this thing he comes in with the building the foundation the creation it's all of your processes it's all of your structures your website your email servers it's um like all of the things like all of the the channels through which your divine feminine essence is being channeled again i mentioned your website do you have a physical location um and is there the in the any of that those areas any resistant or reverse energy um then the third area is your marketing and your promotion um the fourth area is your pr um no sorry the the third area is your marketing and your promotion um i i may switch up i may switch these up a bit depending on where i am feeling into it because right now i'm actually feeling into um you know um your products and your services which is has usually been um the fifth but i'm gonna share that instead of i'm gonna share that here so your um your your the the area that i'm going to talk about is uh your products and your services are your products do you have any resistant or reverse energy in any of your products and your services um you can check that with this way and again what we want to do is we want to release that energy to create that flow that you're wanting and like i said you can download the free guide that i've created for you go to maria forward slash eam

where you will get the guide the free guide that'll take you through the whole process of because it's more than i can cover in this episode and also there's a video and there's downloads and all these things so go ahead and download that so that you you will then be able to release whatever and is resistant or reversed to create that flow that you're desiring in whatever area it is of your uh business so there's the products and the service uh the products and the services i was not expecting this is this is your download because that's the next thing then the next thing is the the marketing and the promotion of the next area is the marketing and the promotion of your services this is typically where um it's i'm i'm if you're watching this you'll see or if you're not you're you'll see that i'm touching my throat it's usually to do with our throat chakra it's usually to do with what i call the or not i call but what we call the witch wound or the healer's wound it's having been put in horrible situations for years and years and years and millennia um for speaking our truth for sharing our wisdom for sharing our medicine so very often whenever i work with a soul-driven heart-based spiritual entrepreneur there is something that comes up in that and i even personally have this coming up from time to time as well i would love to tell you that this is like a quick fix and everything will just go in you'll be good forever that's not my experience maybe it's in the experience of others my experience of this is that it's an ever expanding journey and so uh it may come up in a different area but i recently had something where i was like i wonder what that is and i realized that there was a fear in me that was about speaking my truth about something that i was really passionate about and so i identified with the sway and i used cnn to release it and here i am speaking about not it wasn't this but it was something different and um yeah so that's something that can be really really helpful um so that's about um it's also about social media uh it's about showing up like in videos like this or if you have a podcast or if you're doing lives on facebook or instagram if you're doing clubhouse meetings like all of these um ways that you can be speaking your truth sharing your wisdom that is that is that area of marketing and promotion then there is the excuse me then there is the area of your clients and your customers and that to me has to do with uh contracts agreements and boundaries what are the things that you have in place that are serving you as much as it's serving your clients what are creating the sacred containers one of the things that i for some reason very often bump into is with clients is that having a having a an agreement in place somehow is is scary or um out of order when you have a soul-driven heart-based spiritual business and um it couldn't be further further from the truth because what what happens when you create that really sacred container when you create that really sacred boundary is that people then thrive within that you have the ability to expand within that and you can always go back and change it to give you um to give you an example in terms of um boundaries so for example for me personally when i work with clients one-on-one i work with clients one-on-one on wednesdays and thursdays because that gives me the freedom the uh and the ability to create free content to show up for podcasts to be on other people's podcast to do group work and all the other things monday tuesday and friday it also gives me the possibility to go to a cafe whenever we're not in a pandemic situation and hang out and sit down and just be on those days it gives me the the the power to show up fully for my clients on those wednesdays and thursdays and my clients are in so many different time zones all over the world that i work throughout the day but i know that like it lights me up to do it that way because i know that these are the days that are deeply committed to my clients and also in between sessions clients have access to me via whatsapp or telegram and i don't respond to things during the weekend which i let them know so they know that absolutely they can reach out of course if it's something that's really horrible that's a whole another case but that rarely happens but um they know that they can always reach out to me and then i'll get back to them so there's that freedom of knowing um so setting boundaries and having clear agreements and be clear about what the expectations are is wonderful and by now i'm sure that you things that has most likely come up for you so go into that what is it that's coming out for you and check is the energy resistant or is it reversed um then we have um you know the market that you're in uh and that has to do with uh comparison uh competition and colleagues it's what i also like to call the shadow round like this it's where we do the shadow work because we live in a world where we can see our fears and our limiting beliefs and our um uh self-sabotage reflected in like literally everywhere we go on to instagram and we see all these pretty five beautiful lives or facebook um it's very very easy for us to oh and also clicks and likes and don't even get me started on that but it's so interesting how we have these beautiful windows into other people's lives and very often we don't come it is not something that's uplifting when it's something it's rather something that's dragging us down so so um rather than seeing oh my god there's this brilliant brilliant spiritual business coach she's absolutely amazing um i could go into oh my god oh my god oh my god like i'm not enough i don't serve makai enough i don't blah blah blah blah and i don't for me i am i'm i love that they're quoted with more people when i first started doing this work there was i don't think there was any spiritual business coaches out there or at least they weren't identifying themselves as that um which i've done from the beginning because i knew that that was what i was here to do um the the the more of us that are that do do this like the better our world becomes that's how i see it um and that's not something it's it's not something that just happened overnight it's taking me years to get to that place where i'm i'm fully placed in my knowing of i serve and and so if you're in a space or if you're in an uh in a market where there's a lot of what you ever it is that you do know that there's no one who can do it just like you and so check in and see do i have any resistant or reverse energy use whatever comes up for you on social media is that reverse or resistant energy can also be other things but but those are the things to check in with and then like i said release them finally we have the big one or at least it's the big one because people tend to think that that's the big one it's money wealth and abundance and it is um it's the one where i mean i i just recently saw someone had posted about how like it whether or not it was okay to as a spiritual business to be making money off of whatever services or products that you're providing and i i just couldn't believe that in 2021 this is where we're still at um the the notion that we have to go sit on a rock to me belongs to the pagar patriarchy i was recently in a group where i share a master class or presentation where i shared this where i think that that's part of the old paradigm it's part of the patriarchy if you want to dim a light or kill something you kill it from within and if we as spiritual soul-driven heart-based spiritual entrepreneurs uh go at each other for like is it okay then we're literally dimming like we're killing ourselves from the inside rather than being like no it's okay to be making money um however it's also an area where there can be a ton of resistance and this is looking at your bank accounts where you're receiving your money from your wallet your ability to receive your your energetic funnels and so forth but that is an area and as much as i've said this before it's really not about the money and i don't mean that because i understand that we have a huge discrepancy in our world that needs to be addressed and is being addressed in terms of who gets what an exploitation and white supremacy and all of these things so that is that's not what i'm saying i'm saying when we talk about money find the underlying issue release that and then the flow uh will arrive in some way shape or form i'm just checking my notes so those were the seven areas that um i went through let me just briefly say purpose and mission realm of the divine feminine action and structures realm of the divine masculine selling and service which is your products and your services uh marketing and promotion which is your um speaking your truth the witch wound social media then we have the clients and the customers that's agreements uh sacred contracts and boundaries we have the market which is comparison competition and your colleagues money wealth and abundance those are the seven areas um now i know i talk really fast and i know that i've gone through these uh and it might seem like a lot and you're like oh my god where do i start my recommendation is that you start with the first one with the divine feminine the realm of the um your purpose and your mission check if there is any resistance or reverse energy and like i said then then go ahead use the the energy alignment method to release it um and experience what happens as you do that um then um like i said my next round of this it's called mastery through love the seven initiations how to create flow in every area of your business we'll start in may it's gonna be about i think eight weeks this time where we will together walk through every one of these areas you'll receive um release releasing statements you'll receive alignment statements you'll they'll be journaling prompts there will be audios there will be videos like there will be there's going to be a full thing because for me the more flow that you have in your business the better our world becomes that's how i see it and so i would love to have you join us and if that's something that you're interested in you can go ahead and you can check mariacerafina.comflow it may not be ready at the time of this recording yet but that is where it's at you can join my newsletter and i'll make sure that you get notified as soon as it's ready um now i would love to hear from you uh what is the what is the biggest challenge that as you move through is like what is the biggest challenge that you have seen throughout this what is that that's been coming up for you the most um please do share it with me in the comments um below or on the website if you're listening to this via the podcast that is all i have for you today i hope that you've had an idea of how to create flow in every area of your business first identify what's like what are the energetic structures what state is it in the area that you're focusing on what are what what state is it in release and then align without further ado that was it for me for today i love you take care radiant one i hope today's episode served you well for all the deeds and details click the link in the description and if you've enjoyed this episode please share it with a friend so that the love shared within this episode through our connection may be amplified and rippled further out into the world thank you i love you

2021-05-01 20:00

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