How To Create a Portfolio Website for an Online Business & Monetize (Step by Step)

How To Create a Portfolio Website for an Online Business & Monetize (Step by Step)

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If I would have told my younger self, that brand new entrepreneur, not too long ago, maybe three years ago, one piece of advice, it would have been to start a website right away, even though I was new, even though I was starting my online business, because a website is essential to having your home online. Now today's video is sponsored by And what we're going to be doing today is walking you through a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a portfolio website for your online business, for your freelancing business. Maybe you're an influencer you're going to love today's video. And the goal is really to enlighten you and inspire you. Because with Wix,

a world-class website builder with tons of professional templates, I'll show you how you'll be able to get your website up and running in less than 15 minutes. And so you may be thinking, okay, Mariss, I've never built a website before. I'm not a coder. I'm not a programmer. I have no idea what I'm doing. Don't worry. I didn't either.

I'm totally new to website building. And Wix is a very user-friendly and intuitive platform. And so the editors and all of the features you realistically could learn extremely fast. And so, again, I can't emphasize enough how important it is. If you are starting your online business, have an online business and don't have a website yet, it's very important. So I'll show you when building this portfolio website, this is geared toward small business owners, influencers, videographers, photographers, freelancers, no matter what type of business you have, your brand needs a place online to call home because really you'll need it all the time. When you're wanting to open a business bank account. When you're applying for a merchant account, when you're applying for, let's say a loan, when you're applying for a business credit card, all of these processes require you to submit a website for your business.

And so without further ado, let's dive into my computer and we'll go through the entire tutorial and stick around through the end, because I'll be going over several strategies to monetize this website and create some passive income. So let's go. And so to get started is extremely easy. All you got to do is click the first link in the description to start creating your own website. And you'll come to a page where you can get started. Now, after that, you'll put in an email address and also a password to create your account. And then after that, we're going to click get started.

And then you'll come to a page where you pick the type of website and in today's case, we're going over portfolio. So we're going to choose portfolio. And then after that, you'll come to a page where you can select the type of features you want on your website, such as blogs forums, a way to collect payments, a chat box, and then you'll be prompted to a page that says, you know, is this your first time creating an account? In my case, it was definitely my first time. And so now we've arrived at the part where we choose a template. Okay. So welcome to behind like computer.

So I actually prefer to edit with a template as opposed to this option right here. So let's go ahead. And there's so many great templates. Let's look at the options here for the portfolio and let's take a look. These are very, very, very nice very, very professional working, whether you're, again, a freelancer, videographer, you know, whatever type of body of work you want to show these portfolio websites are awesome. So if we go back up to the categories, you see block unity and the different categories of templates that you can look for. If we click on business services, this is more, I think of what I'm going to focus on because I am a video marketing consultant.

That's what I'm going to pretend I am today. So we're going to go with consulting and coaching to take a look at this option B, because I think this one would better suit the example of what we're going through today. Personally, like to start with a website that has a background, that's already waived that doesn't have too many colors. So if I add my color palette, so now we are inside of the template and you can see right away that every single element is edit upsell, and you can move any element around and we'll get instantly dive deeper into that. But up here, I just wanted to go over a couple of views options up here on the top menu.

So you have sight, you can save as you're working. There's also autosave that you could make sure you have to non, you can preview the website at any time publish it. You can also look at the site history and things that you've done as you've edited. You can connect a domain here in settings, get a mailbox upgrade.

One thing I want to do really quick is, Oh, first we have to save the site. So let's go ahead and do that. So we're going to go. Romero, portfolio. Oops. Okay. Save and continue. So we do want to save the. Site. All right. So.

One thing in the settings that we'll go back and do is the favicon. Now the favicon is the little image on the tab of a website like this right here. It says Wix. And I'm going to go ahead and upgrade to a plan so that I can change the logo out from it being Wix, it being my own logo.

So I'll go ahead and select a plan and, and check out. And so you could do monthly, or you could do a yearly I'll go ahead and do year away just so I can save a little bit of money. And so let me check out, putting my details and we'll be right back. And so now that we went ahead and paid for the upgraded plan, we first have to connect our domain and this could be an existing domain or a new domain that you want to buy and connects. You would just go through that. It's very, very, self-explanatory just going through the steps and then you can upload the picture. So let's get back into the tutorial of the actual website.

So we'll get out of this. And what I wanted to show you is the editor this over here, this, these are all of the editing tools that are really, really, really fun. And it's almost like a blank canvas. It's like starting a new painting. You can do really, whatever you want. So up here, you, you see, you can navigate from the pages up here. These are called the pages about book online clients.

So you can navigate in and change whatever view you want to see up here. So you change them up here. However, if you want to modify one of them, you would come here to the site menu. And this is where you would either rename, duplicate copy, and another cool thing. So let's say you wanted a sub page to you know, have a sub page of a category. So let's say about, was a sub category of book online. So you could put it, you can rearrange the order or you can make it a sub category by dragging it out like this. And if we go to preview,

this is what I mean by having a sub category. So it'll say book about, so that's what I'm, so we'll go ahead and we'll just make it a regular page for now, but this is what I wanted to show you with site menu. And then also page background. You can have any one of these images and choose one of them. You could use your own. This is probably what we'll be using the most today. So texts, images, buttons, galleries. This is super cool.

There's virtually everything you need to create. A website is right here. I cons buttons adding if you have a YouTube channel, you can add a YouTube video menu. So that is the left-hand side on the editor. These down here,

we won't really be using today, but just so you know, there's, there, there, there's a booking manager, there's media, so different media to add starting a blog. That's another type of feature and then also marketing and SEO. So we're not going to go into that today. But one thing I do want to say is if you have a branding palette or a color palette that you stick to, you can come here to site colors and change the colors to whatever you want. You know, if this was not the right blue, he can change it to a teal blue and add that.

So then that becomes a part of your teller pallet, as opposed to the baby blue. And one last thing before we get into the editing right here, you can switch back and forth between mobile and also the desktop view. And this is going to be really important with one of the pages I show you today.

So we'll get more into that, but just know you can go back and forth up here between desktop and with mobile. All right, so now we've made it to the next part of the tutorial. We're going to walk through and constructs the pages, which is, I guess, the meat of your website, the body of the website pages are, again, those tabs at the top. It's kind of like a menu bar that serve a different purpose and a different category of your website. So to me, if you're having a portfolio website for an online business or for freelancing work or whatever type of business you have to me, these are the essential pages that you need.

The first one is obviously a homepage, which introduces who you are and what you do. The next one is an about me or about us. If you have a partner, maybe. So the about me is just going to say your story, your background, how you've gotten to, where you are today, the challenges you've overcome, the different accomplishments that you've had. So that is on the about tab or the about page. The next one is how people can work with you.

If you're a coach or consultant and have different services, have different one-on-one options, maybe you have a membership, maybe have a digital course that will definitely go in the work with me because after all people want to know and getting to know your brand and getting to know you well, like, yeah, I like this girl or this guy, I want to work with this person. So you definitely want to make it known how somebody can work with you. The next page that I think is absolutely essential in your portfolio website is a toolkit. And later on in this video, I'll go more into depth of why,

but a toolkit is basically your business toolkit. What type of equipment, what type of services do you regularly offer? Maybe there's popular applications that you normally use, and you want to recommend them to people and put your affiliate links so that you can get a commission in a credit. And then the last thing that I think is essential is a social media page or a socials page, which has links to everything so that you can have it let's say in your Instagram bio, or maybe in your Facebook bio, it has links to your, all your social media is it has a direct way to contact you via email, for example, maybe other resources like a free ebook, or maybe you have a lead magnet that would all go in the socials page. So let's get to it. We have a lot to build and I'll show you how to construct these pages.

All right. So let's get into the fund and let's work on the home page. So definitely the first thing I want to do is, is delete this up here. I don't need it. And the next thing I would want to do is add my logo to the top of the page, because anything that goes in this space is going to show on all of the other pages on the top header.

So let's go ahead and add an image and I already pre uploaded my images just so that we can save time. You can upload all of these images and have some fun with it. So let's click on the logo and add the logo to the header and the top of the page. So this is really nice and I love these grid lines that are here. It allows you to keep track of where you are on the website and make sure you have these symmetrical grid lines so that you know, what it looks like on a desktop.

And it makes it a lot easier to visualize what it will look like. So then what I'm going to do is I want to delete this and I can add an image so you can replace an image on an image, or you can add a new image. I just find it a little easier to replace the image like this.

So let's see, I like this one add to page. And the cool part about these images is that you can customize them the design and you can have a border or no border. And I like, you know, these little ovals right here, I think it puts a nice touch.

So I'm going to keep this old hole and have that. So this is pretty cool. It makes it nice that it has this edge. And I think it gives it a nice touch because it's not like the image with just the regular floor on it. So then of course my tagline,

I already have my tagline written, but you can easily like edit any texts. You can highlight a particular part and you can come here and change the color. So if I want it to be orange, red, whatever you want and you can bold it. So all of the ways to change the font to change anything about the texts are here and that's what you could do. So my tagline is going to be, so I am a video marketing consultant, so I help you with video marketing.

That's what we're going to pretend. This portfolio website is all about. So I pre wrote something so that we can go a little bit faster in this tutorial. So let me delete this and put what I had so welcome. I'm Melissa, and I'd love to help you live video marketing, blah, blah, blah. No kidding. What I have to say is important.

So I want to make it a little bit smaller. Make the text not so long, center it a little bit more and then move it up. And. See, I like open sands. That's generally my go-to.

You want it? Yep. That's right. Let's see. Increase indent decrease indent. No. Nope. Okay. So we'll keep it like this. Oh, the other thing. I don't want it, that one. So the other thing is I want to make it gray. Okay. So I think my tagline looks good. Now we can move on to the button where you can change the text of the call to action and what it says.

And I just want to put something simple, like learn more, and then you can have the button go to a link where you can have it go to another page. So if you go to a web address, if you go to another page, like another page on this website, which I think is pretty cool. And then here you can change the design of the button so you can edit the color. So definitely want to go with the teal color. That is okay. Wait, that's a little bit too teal. So let's make the T.

I feel a little bit darker. Oops. Nope. And then we can. Get like that. Yep. I like that. So then, yeah. And then we can edit the text. We can make it bold. We can make it smaller.

That looks good to me. And then down here, I think I'll just put, like at one of these columns, you don't have to have all of them. So that's the cool thing about the template is you could remove or add whatever you want. And it looks really nice. So about us.

I think I'm going to call this something like my mission. So we add the texts that we want. Let me grab the texts. I had it on the document.

I don't want to italicize open Sans. Let's make it bigger, like 20, 20, it looks good. And then. Of course I want to add another photo down. Here. And part of my color palette, like the complimentary color is red. So let's go ahead and add an image image, make it look nice. And so I like this one, we're going to add it to the page and I would again, like to change the border and make it look nice to have a white border around it. So I like that. So we'll go with that. Yeah.

I think this looks pretty good for the front of the page. The other thing you can do, if you would like. We'll make this a little smaller, sorry. Kind of scattered. It's hard to,

hard to teach and talk at the same time, but it's fun. So the other thing is you can change the background image or color, whatever you want. So I'm going to add an image. And so there's a gradient that I had pre-made I could use this one or this one or one at the bottom. Maybe I'll choose this one at the bottom just to see what it looks like. And if I don't like it, I can change it. Yeah. I think that looks cool. And then, so the homepage is done. Okay.

So now what I want to do is I want to definitely rearrange these and rename them. So about that looks good book online. I'm going to rename this. To work with me. Okay. And then clients, I'm going to rename that to tool kit,

and then contact. I'm going to change this name to socials. I can't spell it. Okay. So now we're ready to modify each page. So we're going to switch to the about, and we'll start working on the above.

And so I'm going to go ahead and get to work. The video's going to speed up, but you can definitely slow it down if you want, just so we can go faster and you can see me constructing it live so let's get started. Okay. So one thing I want to know. Is would the different things you can add at the gallery. I think this is really cool. So you can add grid, galleries, slider galleries. And I really like the slider gallery. I think it's really,

really modern and fresh for the website. So we're going to add this and then I can easily change out these images. So let me change those images out. And so now you can see these images are all of me and that they will slide. So if you go to preview, it's really cool because then they move around and there's like a slider grid. I love this.

So we'll go back to the editor and we will go to the next page. This about me is pretty much done. I'm just going to move this up, this in this. Swine. Move this up. And I think the about me is done. And we could also move this grid up a little bit more. Oh yeah.

And I forgot down here. You do want to change this so you can put at, and then your business, LLC, whatever that is. So Marissa Romero, LLC. And. We'll move on to the next page. All right. So now we've made it to the work with Macy's and this one's really exciting because you'll be telling your viewers or the people that see your website, how they can work with you.

So I'm going to this is like you can book different services with this coaching and consulting template. I'm going to go ahead and add a testimonial strip so they can know that I've had clients. And then I have some credibility. I'll just put one testimonial for now to make it easier. But again, you can just delete this. And so let me get cracking on making this work with me page.

[Inaudible]. Okay. So cat obviously is not a real client of mine use my YouTube friend, but this is just an example of how you could put a testimonial of people that you have worked with so that, you know, there's social proof that your services work, and now this, you would want to go in and manage services and you can delete these, edit these one by one or the booking services. This is a really cool feature that I think Wix has.

And so let me just, you know, take away a bunch of these because I don't have let's pretend I don't have that many services. Let's just say I have two or three, so you can delete these. And you know, once you want, if you want to modify one of them, you can change the name of it and change the name of the type of service you offer offers. Let's say a clarity. One of my services is a Clare clarity call on your niche or something like that.

And you can edit image and a subtitle cover in case. So we're just going to save this and then, you know, to save time, I don't want to show you and do that individually one by one, but you get the point. You could do this for all of them and modify all of the bookings and stuff like that. So this is the work with me page. Now let's go over to the toolkit and I'll show you how you could do some affiliate marketing on your website. Okay?

So this toolkit part is really fun and exciting because this is all about affiliate marketing and how you can start monetizing your website right away by putting affiliate links on this toolkit page. Because people, for example, always ask me, Hey, Marissa, what do you recommend for your camera? Your lighting, you know, different softwares that you may use for designing, you know, whatever niche you're in. You can promote whatever affiliate product that you have.

And so this is how you create a cool toolkit page on Wix. And so another thing that I really liked about the using the different borders, you can change the color of the borders. So if I want to change it to teal, I can do that decrease the opacity a little bit so that it's not super bright. You know, it can go all the way to white. And so I'll put it somewhere around three, 4%. I think looks really, really cool and clean. So now it'll make sense. When they come down here, they see a picture of me with my toes.

And so I'm going to delete these vector icons. We're going to replace these with images of products that I promote and any product that you want to promote to. So let me get busy with that. Okay.

So now we have added all of our affiliate products to the business tool kit. Now this is really cool. Obviously you want to make sure you put a link to the affiliate products so people can click, so you can add a link. Let's say you want to put your Amazon affiliate link, you know, whatever it is, pretend it's that. So then now this image of this ring light is linked to your affiliate product. So, you know, to go even more crazy and to do other things and make it more customized, you could add text and a title to each item.

So they know exactly what it is like you could put like, you know, bring light, light led, you know, he could name each one. And but for now, we're just going to leave it like that. So that is the business toolkit page. Now let's move on to the socials page. Cause this one is really, really, really important to put on your social media. So your Instagram bio, your Facebook bio, your YouTube channel description, this is really great. So you know how people can get a hold of you.

[Inaudible]. Okay. So this is really cool. If you come here to this section, they have a social media area where you can add different social media icons.

I like this one. You can make it either horizontal or vertical and we're just going to keep it horizontal and you can modify the links that are in there. So I don't have a Pinterest. I don't have Tumblr. I do have Instagram.

I don't have Twitter. I do want to add add icons. I do want to add my tick tock tick tock when add this, add to gallery. Okay. So you put YouTube first because YouTube is my favorite. And then we could even modify this icon with a different icon. I like this icon better. And then of course, for every single one,

you can add the link to your Instagram, the link to your Facebook, et cetera. So we're going to roll with this. And then the other thing I wanted to add is an email icon, because that's important for people to be able to email you the case. I definitely want to add some buttons and make sure that I'm able to put everything that I want to drive traffic to.

So I'm going to just create this button. And modify. What I wanted to say. So I have to say like. Work with move, and then change the design, customize the color. So make it teal for. The text. We want to make it bigger.

And so the cool thing, as I mentioned, we can link this to another page. So we already created the work with me page and how people can work with us. So we are going to link it to the work with me page. So when they click on that, it'll go to a work with me. So I love that. So let's do.

Locate that and we can. Also put the other calls to action. And so maybe you have a webinar funnel or a webinar. In our training that helps you sell a service. So you can put here like watch free training. And then if you have, so this is the monetization piece that works really beautifully.

You can send people to the different products and services that you have, and this is, what's really great about the portfolio websites. So another thing I love showing in the socials is the business toolkit. So business toolkit, if I can spell, okay. And then if we want to add one more, maybe you have a YouTube channel.

Maybe you have something else and I don't know something else you want to drive traffic to. So like, let's say I wanted to put something like watch my latest YouTube video, latest YouTube video that could work and we want to Make it smaller. Okay. So something that's really important with the social's plate page. And we want to make sure it's mobile friendly because this will be seen very often on mobile. So, okay. We want to make sure that the spacing looks all right and you know, Wix is really good with, you know, converting it from desktop to mobile, or you just want to double check on this to make sure that the spacing looks good and the buttons look good as, so maybe we can make these buttons a little bit bigger because this button on the bottom is longer. Okay.

This last button here next with Marizza. If y'all want to make this a little bit smaller, more. So I think that looks really good. So imagine you are on Instagram and you come here and everything looks clean. It's very clear on where the options you can choose to get to know you better. And so I really, really love the social stage.

And so now we have our awesome new website that we've created with Wix. Here's what it looks like here. It is in preview mode. Awesome. About me work with me. This looks good.

Okay. Tool, kit, and also the socials page that we just made. And that is how you create your portfolio website with wakes. So I hope this video has inspired you to take action and building your portfolio website with Wix. And again, you can get started by clicking the first link in the description on building your Wix website today.

It really is powerful to have a strong online presence and be able to monetize and have a place where people can go and see what your brand is about. See your body of work. So thank you so much for tuning in. And if you enjoyed this video, let's continue the fun, learn and grow some more together. Why don't we watch this video that's coming up next, which is about 17 websites where you can make up to $300 a day.

That video starts right here, just click and we'll see you there. Whether you're living lovey, the loca, traveling all around the world, playing in the water, playing in the waves, or whether you're stuck at home in quarantine.

2021-05-02 02:11

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