How To Brand Your Business Like A Badass Boss | Rich Kozak

How To Brand Your Business Like A Badass Boss | Rich Kozak

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foreign [Applause] [Music] the podcast for conscious entrepreneurs are you willing to step into your greatness are you ready to shine well get ready truth Seeker you're in for an amazing ride and now here's the host of the show Christine Blasdell foreign [Music] welcome back to out of the box with Christine I am your host Christine Blasdell your motivational multimedia coach and today get ready folks buckle up your seat belts because my guest is going to blow your mind when it comes to branding and as I was saying before we hit record today uh talking to Rich I was saying that I know a lot of my clients are amazingly talented gifted personal development folk you know coaches and consultants and the one thing that they lack is proper branding and knowing how to Market their services so if you're someone who provides a service or a product and you're not getting the traction that you deserve or that you think you deserve this show is for you so today I am happy and honored to bring to the show Mr Rich Kozak who is the founder and CEO of Rich Brands I'm going to throw out the website in a little bit for you and the the link will be in the show notes but rich is all about impact driven branding and his experience is vast I'm going to have him explain a little bit where he comes from and how he can help you expand your brand and business through some very very clever impact driven branding Rich Kozak welcome to out of the box with Christine Christine it is a pleasure and boy if you're listening to this particular episode get something to write with you'll hear things you've never heard and you might want to jot them down I think they might be a blessing to your business and maybe your life oh I love you're perfect for out of the box with Christine you know the full title is out of the bottles of Christine the podcast for conscious entrepreneurs and so much of what I see that the work that you do the work that I do and the work that people that I like to work with and do co-ventures with are people that come from their heart space and their intention to help others to help others create a Better Business to help others whatever it is lose weight uh get over their fears from childhood all of that and it comes from the heart and so I'm super happy to have you on because this is something that's practical and people can actually use immediately in their business and their life as well so um why don't you tell us a little bit about your background I I Matt you've you are the man when it comes to branding um talk a little bit about uh the experience that you've had over the next well last what 40 plus years or something if doing it a long time is good um then yeah so I am in my 45th year of defining and languaging Brands but I don't want to kind of take a high road here I will roll off a couple of things just some document them I ran a high-tech Agency for about 18 years I was head of new business we had Partners in 21 countries different agencies that have been around a long long time and did what we did and we had a branding process that we taught all the principles we got certified AS Global branding consultants and we taught and guided companies what they needed to do with their brands to be successful with their business strategy we also moved brands from country to Country so I was addicted I loved it Partners although it's like but I was doing all-nighters at 50. I was addicted to my career and I loved it but I chose to resign to reshape my life I changed my prayers Lord I'm don't think you want me to be a dead guy I don't think this is kind of why I'm here so show me what you want me to do I'm ready and years later people started asking me to help them with their individual Brands and as I explained I don't do that anymore they explained that was not true I had never stopped I just wasn't charging for it right that hurt my ears but okay so what I realized and started doing um was that the process of helping an individual and I only work with individuals now now they might own a business they might own a manufacturing company or a software integration firm or or they might just be a solopreneur but they are more focused on the impacts they know their work or their gift or their calling they could make than they are on you know let's make a million dollars they just love what they do they might have done it for years and they want to take it to another level but like you said people who aren't trained in branding people who have come from their heart often aren't natural self-branding people because for a lot of reasons but so what I realized was when we give people Clarity by having them have their heart tell them who they clearly see impacting and what the highest level impacts are once you have that Clarity down you can you'll have to take it from me I've been doing a long time you can Define the brand you must become to make those impacts so it comes from inside you I don't make up things for people they don't say oh that's great language he gave me it sort of came from them I might have helped but that's the gift seeing what people what possibilities people have in their work or in their art is part of the gift and I I used to think it was my skill it's it's a gift and I'm very very thankful for it and that's why what I do now doesn't feel like work it feels like love so seven years I've been doing just one-on-one with individuals and I'm going to be doing it a lot longer Christine because honest to God it feels like love it does not feel like work it was work at the agency there was a lot of pressure a lot of people now it's just I feel I get to do this so when I say to somebody you know uh they expect me to charge big big money and you know and I say you want to hop on a zoom call and talk to me about you they're like really but I do you know and um you know how the world is there are no coincidences we come into people's lives through a moment or a season or a lifetime and I've been helping Brands launch now and holding my brand behind the curtain oh oh oh no I'm now sitting on the public okay on a public uh media uh but I'm about to raise the curtain and show up so that whomever the man I work for wants to put in front of me they can find me because that's not up to me oh wow I just got goosebumps on that which is Christine's Little you know uh technology uh that that it's um it's coming from a very very high place and that is such a great space to work from because like you said it's not work it's love and um and seeing the lives that you can change and the ripple effect of that because again it's not just your client that you're talking to right and impacting their bottom line or their business or their income your what you are doing in in because of your skill set you can see things that other people can't and you can see things that the actual client can't so it's this it's the same like when I work with people and you know I mean I do all kinds of multimedia with them I try and get them to get their message out to the world right I try and say Let's Get You On video because video is king um and and when I'm working with them they can't see how glorious they are they have an idea they go well I'm really good at this I'm really good at that I I must have a a skill set that I I can help people with but they don't see the big picture and that's what is important about an expert like you coming in and you're like oh you have a break you you have something that you didn't even know existed and then how to draw that out of them that's a very important skill set to be able to to to pull that out of someone and you need to do that by by talking to them like you said with those Zoom calls right yeah and to know if you want to work with them of course as well there are two things there that people don't focus on because they haven't learned how important it is sometimes they can get it intuitively but consistent language that transfers energy we'll take those one at a time you know how people that respond differently all the time are hard to trust because you never know what to expect well brands are like that too if they say they do this and then they say the same thing a different way you're like what do they really do so brands do that to themselves by jumping to marketing with six different people and it looks like a hodgepodge and people what do you do again really great confusion or misinformation they waste money in marketing before they create consistent language that transfers energy but it's not just about sitting thinking upwards oh that's a good word let's use that it starts with the vision of impact and without going down a rabbit hole here's one of those write this Downs the clarity with which a brand speaks and that means everything things come out of your mouth the way you show up the way you hold yourself how you look the clarity with which a brand speaks shapes its impact so the clarity that's missing most of the time when a brand Falls flat in other words somebody goes like oh that's nice that's false flag because you in case you hadn't experienced it and we've all experienced it but is a clear picture of what the brand sees for the person they're talking to so if I say to you or somebody who's listening if I said to you this is what I see for you you know look at what you do what you have heard your heart this is what I see for you you might not be able to see this for yourself or you might think it's difficult or it's you don't know how you get to take my arm I'll take you there you've been there before this is what I see for you the clearer that picture is the more compellingly magnetic the brand is when it's missing that's a trombone okay it's not going to happen the brand Falls flat so that's the first clarity second Clarity is internal thinking clearly about those types of people that you know you can impact when your brand is thriving you're doing it you're speaking you're right you're teaching you're a coaching you're doing masterminds you're whatever you're doing it's thriving whom do you clearly see and your heart will tell you that when you write that down and write down those impacts you clearly see making when you thrive the process of impact driven branding is simply a seven step process that defines the brand you must become to make those impacts it's not fake it's not outside of you it started with you those impacts came from your heart we're just getting consistent language that transfers energy to pull you along and turn you into a new magnet it's like seriously yes seriously yes I I don't get excited about this at all so I have no you have no passion behind at all but he said it's so true because you know I confusing the audience or confusing your potential a potential customer or potential client is what 99 of entrepreneurs and business owners do because if you if you've ever if you've ever talked to someone like I'll go you know wherever you're at you're in a cocktail party or you're you know I don't know somewhere and you in and you've had this before where somebody says so what is it that you do because that's a that's a common question what is it that you do you're so you're interesting and I love it when people say oh what is it that I not do I do everything I do I do a little bit of this I do a little bit of that I'm also this I'm also that and on the weekends I do this well that is so confusing to someone that they don't know what it is that you that you do you're all over the place and I got this message uh today I was looking at something earlier about the importance of your of of staying away from that creating confusion right and having a having a direct call to action and not giving people a bunch of different options and choices and things well you could do this or on Mondays I do this and that and it it reminds me of well you're you're in Los Angeles and one of my favorite places that I used to go to when I was in Los Angeles was Jerry's Deli hey go to any Deli but Jerry's Deli is the place right and but the thing is was with Jerry's Deli is that when you open up the menu it's there's like a thousand different choices right and what would happen is that I would get information overload every time I would go and it would just be I would always order the same thing you know what I'm gonna have a potato pancake with applesauce and sour cream and matzo ball soup that's sweet that was my Deli thing but they had a thousand different things right and it's fine for a restaurant but for a business that can wreak havoc because you're confusing people to the point where they're not going to take action because there's too many directions it's like come with me you can either go left or right or up or down and they just go I'm not going anywhere because I don't know where to go the the languaging of all the things you do uh we have a phrase for that in the agency the business it's called dancing on the piano well here we can do your annual report but oh do you need a website because you know you're like or you're a massage therapist oh you know we do Thai we do hot stone we do the one with the elephant we do the thing with the weapon again with it it's like nobody wants to know that you know what they want they want relief but you're not even talking about relief so if you let's talk about language that creates energy words that transfer energy she say to me Rich you're a you're a branding consultant but you actually do which a lot of people say if I said to you well Christine you see I manage the iterative Continuum of the 31 Brandon steps of you know it's like you'd be like you'd be out to lunch you'd be thinking about something else if I say if I sense that you kind of need inspired I might say well people say I put rocket fuel in their branding gas tank and you'll go or you won't oh my God I I want that what what is that what we've done just now is we've created an intangible brand promise it's rocket fill in brandy guys but those words transferred a lot more energy than the iterative the 31 iterative whatever I said you know steps to the brain and continue if I felt you were higher level I would say well what we stand for is creating impacts we help individuals create impacts and abundance on purpose now for those people that are Vision driven they're like oh my gosh I think I don't even know what that is but I like yeah so that language must be congruent with the brand Champion your brand you know it's got to be congruent because that's one of the four things that make a brand come alive congruence with the heart of the founder or champion um but words have power and you can say we do um we do yoga uh in a different way oh that's nice or you can say we we're experts at body intelligent yoga I'm like I I what's that I want that okay I gotcha so you know you understand it's like and but it's chores you don't feel dirty or or out of congruence when you say it well I'm the grasshopper of the green dress you know it's like you know what I mean yeah but you don't have to put on some Superstar suit or some clothing or some exterior brand thing that you have to like be you just you that's the beauty of it you get to talk about your impacts and your vision and and what I see from you it's so much I just love the space and not everybody's like that some people go hey I got this thing it's gonna make a million dollars that's wonderful so you know can you help me the brand well let's move forward you made the million now what what do you mean maybe talk not my client yes well and you and you said something that was that was really important it's the importance of language and the Power of Words and this is something well this is something that as a oh my goodness well I was a writer for America online for several years and I had a certain amount of you know inches where I had to make an impact and and write here's the thing my audience because it's always about knowing your audience right like how to speak to somebody or to a group but my audience was like they're like right for like a nine-year-old to 90 year old and I was like what but there's a way to do that there's a way to it's almost like those like the Shrek movies you know kids love them but adults love them too because there's there's a little thing that will go over a kid's head but the adults will get so it's having that ability to do that and so I I was trained on that kind of thing then I went into radio broadcasting and I was a producer for many years um at Pacifica Radio and then um an on-air host so I was very careful with my writing when I was producing very careful with the language that I used very very thoughtful on that and that was just from being at America online so then writing and producing then when I got to be an on-air host man when you got that on air light and it's going out to hundreds of thousands of people all of a sudden you better be aware of how you're speaking and what I found Rich what was what was my Guiding Light literally when the light went on was I I pretended like I was in my car listening to me and what would sound really good but also I tapped into the audience and so as a guest um as a host and I had guests on like I'm having you on right now I was able because I put myself in their place right I didn't just talk to hear my voice I hate that I you people just talking just to hear themselves talk but uh I put myself in their place and when I did that the questions that the audience would be asking in their heads I got like it was some kind of magical download I may have known the answer as the host I know the answer I've got a information sheet right in front of me I know but I would ask the question of the guest that I felt the audience wanted to know I love that and that just comes from you know that comes from experience but it also comes to listening we like to talk as coaches and consultants and speakers of course we like to talk but I find that it's really the skill set of listening and I mean really listening is something it's an art form that not a lot of people have tapped into but it's very valuable and very important and I would think as a branding expert that's something that you've also developed as well uh one of my mentors who is a trainer of neuro-linguistics programming for decades said to me I want you in my next training to learn neuro Linguistics program well she goes you you're gonna have to trust me you're already a world changer but having this tool set and skill set will take you to a whole other level that you have no idea exists in the way you listen and the way you speak to others listening um I'll say between you and me I've never had a problem speaking to my speaking speaking to other people's listening is a little bit of a different workshop and what I learned was you know I could do a better job and there were lots of different learning modalities that once I was aware speaking became more focused on all those listening modalities and I listened with different ears so in what I do because it's impact driven I find and I people actually have told me I put down on my desired brand triangle connecting because I connect with people they connect with me and people told me time and time again you're so it's like you're connected with my heart and I'm like I heard it so much I changed it to heart connecting because I believe it's something that's necessary for me to make my impacts but it seems like I already do it to listening you heard me say what have your heart tell you what impacts you clearly see making and on Hoon because the other ones you really want to make and I mean in your mind's eye not in your head because we can all make lists but your heart tells you once you're there that's a very special place and I would suggest that maybe a higher power might have put those in there and that you listening to them is a good idea and then we get to do that work uh but I won't go too far down that road but I do believe that and so wow if we can help each other we're a coach or branding consultant or whatever we are help each other as an act of love because we're only here for two reasons love each other and praise God and everything else is man-made if we can help each other in that love area by helping each other step into our possibilities and step into the purpose of why we're here in the first place what a great place this world gets to be oh absolutely absolutely and that is something that again the energy because it's all energy right everything we're doing right here is energy but that energy of that that Rocket Fuel that you're talking about helping someone you find the language find the tools to express what it is that they do so that they can impact more people and that ripple effect so that they can impact more people and then those people can go on and impact other people that energy if it comes from a place not a desperation space because we all can smell desperation we can you know I I need more sales because you know my mortgage is due and I and and and and you can feel it you can see it you can smell it you can touch it and so uh when and this is a different type of sales but when I'm you know when I'm trying to talk to my fellow programmers let's say if it's a fun drive and and they're trying to you know raise money I said you know nobody wants to to jump on the Titanic as it's going down so don't whatever you do don't say nobody's calling right now oh my God nobody's calling right now you need you need to pick up the phone and you need to I was like nobody wants that I said what you can say instead of because in in the phone because if there's nobody calling there's nobody pledging or whatever there's nobody ringing up to book you know sessions with you if you're a coach instead of saying oh my God I have no clients or oh my God nobody's calling you you know that Panic that instead of that what you can say is if you calling in right now and you're put on hold just be patient it means that our phone answers are trying to get to your call and they're going to get to your call right away or if you're trying to book a session with me and you see that my calendar is filled up just be patient pick the the the soonest date that you can and I will be getting to you and I promise I'll be 100 focused on you that is so different than oh my God you know just call me anytime and I'll work with you and I'll do whatever I have to do I'll meet you in a dark alley you know type and you've done two things in creating energy and a magnet you've created scarcity in just the language that you use if our calendars if you see our calendars and uh and and caring you've given yourself credit for something that might be necessary as a coach that nobody wants a coach that doesn't care and and I will I will focus you know your your caring language that you use told me that I hope I do get her because I think she'll really care about like wow no it's just beautiful somebody somebody we were talking about um smelling inauthenticity and I you I think you probably see a reflection like glasses I was working on testimonials today with people and somebody used the word authenticity and I want oh here it is um it said getting Crystal clarity for my brand was life-changing it enables me to now serve people at a much higher level Rich connected with my heart there it is and opened my eyes to what I really needed to know to grow with philosophy this is it amazingly the impact driven branding process opened up my own authenticity what that's like wait a minute what that means is nobody slapped a brand on me and said go be it hmm amen all right now they get to be themselves and create a platform that is way more abundant and get to the money faster because they're targeted they're impact driven so their language is focused on the care abouts of those audiences they really want to impact so they're going to attract them faster get to the money faster and create a platform that allows them to step into their purpose much more easily look our businesses are not why we're here they're just not exactly it's a vehicle and so if we can use okay branding fine to create an abundant platform that's purely us and it makes it easier for us to step into our purpose praise God and you know what we count those so there's another one well we count it's our new marketing metric people come to our one day workshop and they go see my band come alive on paper right in front of you this is amazing praise God me oh there's another one we literally count them all right let's get into let's get into the class uh Rich Let's get into class because I could I could hear the audience that's a weird skill set I can hear them going okay I'm I like this I like him I like the idea of this this is good I feel good about this my heart feels good my tummy feels good my mind feels good about this but where do I start and a lot of people I know because there's a lot of designers out there there's a lot of graphic artists and things like that a lot of people uh they spend a lot of time focusing in on their logo and and and it's like all I need to do is throw five million gazillion dollars out and get that that logo now I I like a good logo as well I think that's cool but why don't you um if you don't mind let's talk about where to start is it the logo is it defining the language first is it a good headshot and I but I am a fan of a good headshot I gotta say with this this stuff with the Selfies if you're a public speaker and you're giving me you're giving me a selfie like or no okay come on now but you teach the class here well you have some idea who you're talking to I have great headshot stories but let's start with that logo and then I will deal with your real question logo at the end of every one day workshop I always actually the half day so it's it's almost free I do a 10 minute training on logos so I'm gonna do it in 30 seconds ready okay five acid tests of a good logo and includes the brand name says what it does easy to say easy to spell easy to remember has licks has legs needs lots of places to go what do you mean Bobby's five minute pizza delivery says exactly what it is no legs can't go anywhere five minutes pizza you know what you're gonna get no legs but if you tagline it the first step in your future culinary life-changing culinary experience Bobby could be doing the White House next year you just gave it legs okay so got those five acid tests so when do you change your logo only two times there's only two times one is you got acquired you have to the other is and listen up write this down something significant has evolved in the value your brand brings to the world and you're going to change or evolve the logo or your look to take advantage and call attention to it that's the only time you should change it if you have no changes and you're just going to change a logo waste of time big waste of money and a little bit confusing why'd you change your logo oh the boss one forget all those I mean I have a whole list you know that you can make your listing okay that helps on Logo honest to goodness and do you do it first well a logo is two things it's a it is a recognizable trademark it says this stuff this product this service this came from this Source it marks the source like a cow brand on a cow hey Bobby that cow is yours this heifer over there is mine you know because you're looking at the brand you know where it came from right the second thing is it starts the messaging hierarchy if there's language on your logo it gives you the opportunity to reinforce a unique and defensible positioning that you've cracked positioning versus competition whatever people think you're coming that you have crafted after you looked out there to see what people find when they look for what you think you have what do they find and how do you fit against that and how can you be unique against that that's true to you not fake but true to you so I'm saying this easily because I do this every day every day and it's people get over oh my God I don't know hey it's it's just a process seriously it is just depressing but does the logo come first no I sat on the board of directors of the American Marketing Association internationally it's a volunteer but I was elected and I sat there for four years you'd think that I would Revere marketing and say get out there and do that marketing I'm here to tell you marketing at its best and I mean that with honor to marketing is the execution of an excellent branding strategy brand that comes first who you are what you stand for those things like I said we help individuals create impacts and abundance on purpose who says that well I say that so to know clearly what you stand for and say you know what this is what we see for you and have them go because your antenna out when you get there first then execute now you can write copy now you can create a message hierarchy now you can define a logo so write these words down creative project brief that's it three words creative project brief what that means is if you're just about to spend money on any kind of a creative project from I need a flyer to hand out on Thursday at the team referral Network big event or I need to totally redo I need to do a website from scratch for my new brand whatever it is content write a book whatever it is creative it's a document that says it's a brief and it doesn't have to be you know too brief but it it it says okay what's the project who's it targeting what are the objectives of this project in priority order what does it have to do how are we going to meet those objectives like are we going to put QR codes in the book so that people watch videos and get to my heart or are we going to give them a little test at the end of every chat you know what are we going to do to make sure this book or this ad or this you're going to put an audio file that's a minute and 20 seconds on the about us page of your website what is it supposed to do what are its purposes will you write that objective saying you make sure you reach objectives now you've already done brand development so what are you using you're using language that you've already developed and you have this list of characteristics that you must get credit for to make your impacts and certain expertises that you've named in unique ways body intelligent yoga um I'll give you a couple uh come on uh one client who's a you can call her a bookkeeper but she helps people create the Tech stack so wait a minute that's not a book so her column one category of expertise is simplifying the critical Tech and accounting decisions required for your company to reach Millions you know the woman speaking at the International Conference of business growth tonight is an expert at blank simplifying the tech and account simplifying the critical Tech and accounting decision required for your company to reach Millions like oh I think I need to talk to her who came up with that language well we did she did but it had to do with how do we say it in a unique way so that you come so that you come you show up uniquely and defensively versus all those other people that think that other people think do what you did because they don't so the brand definition comes first and then you would be amazed at how easy it is to execute marketing execution elements no matter what do you have that key after you have that down which is in place the brand is defined yeah you have message hierarchy and hierarchy order you have all this language and every this is going to sound like an exaggeration but it is not when you have Clarity baked into your brand and you're defined and languaged your brand uniquely with consistent language it transfers energy everything the brand says and does aligns with those impacts that started the process I don't know if you'll get chills down your spine I do and I watch it happen and people get delighted and it's all purely them they never feel inauthentic it's always wow one of the ladies today she ref certified breathing therapist out in a desert community outside of Los Angeles she said the work of Rich Brands is masterful I have seen my desired brand she never used that term before come alive and expand worldwide everything we say and do is aligned with the impacts we want to make the impact driven branding process is invaluable for guiding our brand it's like who talks should talk like that before but she does now and nobody pinned her down and you just get used to it and so now you can literally champion and guide your brand because your brand it was her vision it was her heart her skill set she just now instead of having a brand called I can't I guess I can't say it having whatever it was called before which was I would call it a very parochial local kind of name is now called the breath of New Life relief today transformation forever yeah with that and with that with just those words and the energy behind those words you've got a book you've got a course you have a speaking um you know uh topic you have uh coaching you have you have a studio you you know your speaker one sheets are on the Mary speaks page of the website bam download the one sheets and they get the speaker one sheet and a media guest one sheet it's like she steps right into the desired brand and all she gets to do is impact people's lives well and like you were saying too about the the bookkeeper instead of saying yeah you know I'm a bookkeeper and I help you with your accounting and with what you had worked on with them and that you take the The Listener or the viewer or the potential customer or client you take them on a little mini Journey with a few words that are carefully selected so that they can see the potential of of working with this person watch out you may get a job I'm making I'm gonna offer you a job but it's that's that is powerful and I would say too like if if someone and there's I've come across a lot of people who are wonderful experts in their field and they want to write a book and I would say one of the things that I would tell them before they write that book and especially name the title and subtitle is to come see you because because the advantage of that free Zoom call like now here's what here's what I'll send you this save you a little bit of time yeah choices with the book ready I'll make this really clear ready I've got a book got it or a book is a stake in the ground that moves a brand forward and you get to choose so if a book is part of a calling or or your future or a direction or an impact you'll it needs a context which means that it needs a brand for it to create a stake to move that brand forward and create momentum so it either has a context or it doesn't and you might already have a brand and many people do but they get to that point where they want to take it to another level like a book and they don't know how to build those stairs because nobody ever taught them and nobody well there are very few people who teach what makes a brand come alive so that people can do it themselves they just want to sell stuff including branding oh you nails done yeah I'll tell you that oh you know that logo is getting a little bit long in the tooth it's like sorry it's all right well this is podcasting there's no control so okay that's good yeah I'll try not to do that anymore okay but um yeah I mean the world uses the word branding to sell marketing services this will be good for your branding hey this will make your if they had to light a match and say what makes branding you know what makes a good brand come alive they wouldn't know what are the steps the you know that the brand has to go through to make sure that the brand is congruent they don't know but that's just one of those branding is this buzzword that everybody uses but when he takes the lid off of it and says look it's just a process you do the steps and look what happens well so much what people think branding is is you know colors you know like a color palette and um a color palette in design and the the use of words and carefully selected wording is sort of left out of that it's all it's it's about the design and yes I mean I appreciate a a nice design just like as anybody else but there needs to be a story or there needs to be a feeling behind that that The Branding and it branding is not just a logo as we were saying it's not just the logo it's important but it's not it's not the end-all be-all so um I've had several clients who created a brand that never existed before let me see if I can give you an example um fellow from the I.T space who realized in 2014-15 that a lot of things were moving in the same direction that will converge to destroy small businesses because of internet crime and it's happening now data breaches uh the big one in the last there were 261 million uh ransomware attacks that's a lot last year like whoa and and he created a business that named compliance specialists because the problem occurs for a small business when they get breached they don't know it two years later it turns out that somebody's information got stolen from their computer and sold on the dark web and it comes back to them they get publicly notified and they're fined because it's a law they're laws in New York state and Virginia and California all states have laws Federal has laws organizations have you know they get fined and then the lawyers are waiting and depending you know they get sued now they lost their house and the three or four people that work for them or ten are out of you know employment and and it all goes down the hill and he saw it happening and so being in compliance with data security and privacy laws means if anything like that occurs when you when somebody tries to sue for negligence you're not negligent even if you've been paying a little bit at the time to automatically get things in place to be in compliance with data security laws even if you're a one-person shop like I am I'm my own clients client and I'm paying him so that I am totally a bright side I know what that means I know what it takes and I can speak to it uh I'm safe because nobody can sue me for negligence I'm not like I have a printed data security policy manual it's like you know what I mean and so he saw that but little companies didn't think they were vulnerable so in doing the logo we had to begin overcoming the lack of vulnerability awareness and so we tagline compliance Specialists protecting you to grow because I like that not a hobby wants to grow protect me why why are you protect me oh glad you asked you know I mean it's like you gotta open the door because they're not paying attention they're going you know I'm too small you're not that small and he knew her from a Time those computers and those internet criminals they don't care how big you are they're just gonna find computers they can get into and see what they can find absolutely and yeah so what a blessing one to ten people he targets the smallest U.S businesses that's U.S

because that's what his purview is and I realize you're coming out of Australia but um you know it's fun I mean go there and you can learn a heck of a lot no matter where you are um Europe has some of the toughest data security lines it started there they kind of set the pace and then the United States kind of like hurried up so uh just the compliance Specialists compliance I mean it's like that yeah awesome and um and it's a honest it's it's a wake-up call and it literally will save people from business killing events and that is um that's money in the bank right there as well it's protecting yourself and being aware that that things because things change quickly so I love that I do love that tagline because it kind of it opens up a question for people to go uh am I in danger I didn't know that I needed to think about this as well um but he's the the targeting especially yes in the US and it's smart because there's a hell of a lot of people in the U.S there's a lot of businesses in the United States um I mean he's that's that's a fantastic um you know it's our small really small businesses and you take a big chunk of that out and a lot of people are in a world of hurt uh yeah you asked a moment ago you said well let's get to that let's get to the details those other areas you mentioned logos that's huge you want the other ones because you already know yes content what do we post content right what kind of what do you think our clients you know would like that whole area content the other one is messaging messaging is not content messaging or things said with knowingness or gravitas that gain the brand attention as a voice of of of of of uh trustable information so it's those messaging messages and which one comes first then which one comes next and then how do you even figure that out if you want to do it quickly if you take the top seven message hierarchy number one message overcomes the barrier what barrier in in uh compliance specialist case it was a small businesses don't think they're vulnerable so message number one we started it was before right before covet broke out and and message number one was if you're open for business you're open for a business killing event hmm well that's that we thought oh my God we've hit the Bell right and then code would happen and nobody was open so I'm like oh sorry we gotta taste the message to a backup um you know your your your business is under attack and you won't see it but we will was the backup message under attack what you know so yeah that works it's a little pop-up on the website those those messages uh or messaging is super important because it's just it um just reconfirms what your say your brand is right because if you say your brand is some is one thing and then all the stuff that you're posting you know like the things that you're putting on social media are completely in opposition to that oh I got this cute little dog and I'm on Facebook you're like why if it doesn't have anything to do with what you stand for actually it's it's more granular and easier than that if you know that you want to make certain impacts and you've written them down and you've gone through the process of saying hey in order to make those impacts what characteristics must the brand be known for and get credit for like Visionary or you know client the customer caring or uh process Centric or you know whatever those characteristics are that you must get credit for to make those impacts and then you can make them faster we've we've written all those down looking at the impact statements and then we prioritize the top ten and the top three we call the top three impacts on first impression so if you make first impression like above the fold on the home page or on a piece of cloud on material you hand to somebody or a testimonial that you helped write you know or any that's first impression even somebody telling somebody about it you want to get credit for one of those or more of those top three so the message hierarchy message number one is overcome the barrier message number two is get credit for your number one category of expertise and then three is your second category expertise and then it's the top three characteristics so it's like you write a message hierarchy that says something with gravitas about the world about the space about your Target and their life because you know and in saying it the way you say it you obviously get credit for that characteristic for kindness or for insightfulness or for guiding for whatever those are that's what you do because the point is you've got to get credit for those things sorry that you must get credit for it I know that my mom is an English teacher and she would say Richard you cannot Define a word with itself but um seriously you got to get credit for those characteristics or areas of expertise that you must get credit for to make your impacts so get credit by taking you've got to get credit by taking credit and you bake them in to the message hierarchy it's like that'll be a good one yeah let's use Columbus it's like thank you so it's that the focus on impacts that you truly want to make is the aligning tool from that Clarity the focus is the clarity and everything aligns after that you just can't get off the track we know we need to get credit for our top two characteristics it sounds formulaic every one is different if I did three financial advisors uh they would all be different because they have different Hearts yes hopefully they have hearts they have different styles they have different yeah they have uh absolutely different but you still have to on on every person that you work with which I would yes assume it's getting Clarity on those those top three on those hierarchies that message let's take elevator speech that's everybody struggles with that can we do that yeah we got time we got time for that and then I want you to let people know how they can get in touch with you how they can have a zoom session with you because I know right now people are going I need to talk to this guy so go ahead and do the elevator pitch I love the elevator pitches email and the word blueprint in the chat so you have that because that's the easiest way people just link and literally talk to me and I I would I am available and accessible for that as much as I should not be everybody says don't do that Okay so let's call him Frank because hey that's his name he comes to me and he goes I've been a financial advisor for 20 I think was 27 years and they're all they're trained by big companies to sell products that probably doesn't happen in Australia okay it does but it certainly happens here and I won't mention any names of the big you know but you can smell them coming you can see the logo it's horizontal there's usually two names perfect then you go oh it's another one right well there are people who are diligent savers and they save a hundred thousand dollars or more a year and they don't want to hand it to one of those guys because it might not come back they'll put in the market they'll do whatever they'll do you know play the game whatever and they just don't want to do it so they put in a savings account and then they get mangrate themselves oh okay but then they're back to the work that made all the money energy okay so those people are diligent Sabers so Frank says to me our industry I don't want to do it that way anymore I want to serve people a higher level so he comes to my eight weeks seven days over eight weeks Thursday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday two months apart a month break a month break and all the work all the work impact statements characteristics categories of expertise titles and subtitles of content 15 or more titles and subtitles of content in each of the categories and categories of expertise will take you out three or four years all that work messaging hierarchy competitor analysis all that work is done in eight weeks all of us done we're at day four and he comes in and go Frank I've been thinking about what you told me about how you do prison ministry you know six nights a month so wow that's amazing you live your faith like he goes yeah yeah you know I mean yeah whatever and I said so um I rewrote your um I rewrote your elevator speech you want to hear it 27 years is a financial budget but I had listened to who he was and where he was life was going and this work I do now yeah it takes businesses to higher levels and makes them more beneficial but remember the part about on purpose that it kind of moves into where they're going because our lives aren't about our businesses it's about why we were made and why we're here so here we go so I said here you go Frankie Goes okay what so you're in an elevator you have a really nice tie on it somebody goes hey Frank nice tie buddy what do you do well for years I served as a financial advisor and you know how many there are well but I decided at a point I wanted to serve people at a much higher level particularly committed Savers and I created my own company called safe savings options using your money's power and today I serve people as a Savers wealth Advocate does that help was that kind of language in the financial industry you know what I'm saying can I take you with me at an elevator next time yo you get me it's like you realize it was just a link together a bunch of intangible brand promises yeah they're compelling and if they're my target they're gonna go uh yeah you know hey do you have a card yeah instead of I'm a financial advisor after that I said and Frank I named three books for you I I'm not writing any books yes you are you're like yes you are Frank Frank let's start that's not big you know a book is a stake in the ground that moves the Branford do you want to hear the titles really quickly yes yeah so here's the first one uh it says from broke to six figures steps to success in business and life no I guess you didn't have to read the book it says I'm one of you yes now if they open and they read the title of table of contents they'll see things that are kind of life lessons like the way not to talk to people like lessons I learned like don't do it the way I did and there's these little QR codes at the end of every chapter that are called the Frank spot club and they can listen to him and he says hey you read in chapter two I'm really glad you're here because here's what I didn't put there that I want to tell you in person and now they hear his heart and at the end he gives them a golden nugget it's not a book about financial advisor and there's some stuff in here about going up the mountain of wealth and down and you need a different Sherpa to go down and up and the up Sherpa doesn't tell you about what's going to happen when you go down you know there's kind of wisdom like that that people go hmm there's stuff I don't know and that leads them to maybe I ought to talk to Frank but the book is not a pitch book or it doesn't say like hey these are the stocks you know it's like nothing like that the second book is about what we interrupt in life that stops our flow and we started by focusing on uh compound interest on uninterrupted compound interest that Einstein says the eighth wonder of the world but we got to seven things to not interrupt your health Integrity your relationship all those things that we like ah you know I'll get back to my Integrity after I make a million in this industry you know like whatever and then the third book is is exactly where he's going and it's called doing business with a servant's heart the name above all names and when I gave him that book title he got tears in his eyes and so did I because that's why I do what I do now it's not about branding I am granting all day long it's about impacts abundance on purpose and getting into purpose and it's about love praise God well there's another one yeah you did it I love love love having you on the show you are welcome back anytime Rich um I have a book coming out a little later this year earlier and I will definitely call you okay you definitely you need to you need to like reach out to me and and we'll we'll get you back on the show um my guest today has been Rich Kozak and Rich how can people uh get in touch with you what's the best way the best way you have two two things you can get I'm gonna give you my email address and just get ready with the word blueprint so my email is just rich at Rich brands dot o-r-g so it's not difficult to spell but I will spell it r-i-c-h at r-i-c-h-b-r-a-n-d-s dot o r g please don't forget the org part and just say blueprint and I will send you a copy of your impact driven branding blueprint you asked me before what can people do like right now that's the document that says look you can even close your eyes on these first two steps of the seven steps that ensure your brand impacts people's lives in the world you can close your eyes so get the blueprint and go from there the other thing is there is a set of free videos total 18 minutes there's eight of them so two minutes three minutes at the brand you will the

brand y o u the brand you will just go there type in your email it'll send you a link download them and those answer in straight talk not branding pablum or tricky and tan entrancing language or jargon like Micro Niche or you know all that kind of stuff that people say to make you think that you need some special you know wisdom branding is just a process it is and so it's straight answers to questions that you really want to ask but maybe you don't have a branding guy to ask or you really need to ask and hear the answers and the answers are in Straight Talk and it's not scripted I am speaking right to the camera and answering the questions in straight talk and it will be I think it would be a blessing to your business and possibly to your life oh nice all right rich thank you so much uh we're gonna put all those links to everything that you mentioned in the show notes so people can just click on that if you're watching on YouTube of course the show notes will have the links directly in there or if you're listening to your favorite podcast platform be it Spotify Apple podcast we'll have the information in the show notes as well thank you again Rich so much for being on the show um thank you wonderful listeners and viewers and everyone who's catching this program if you think that someone can benefit from this and if you know of anyone in business they can please make sure you share the show with them send them the link to to listen to it that would be awesome if you want more information about this program you can go to out of the box with if you want more information about me and my coaching you can always go to I'm not going to spell that out for you it'll be the show notes as well and until next time as I always say remember to think outside that damn box bye for foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]

2022-12-07 13:51

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