How to Beat eBay At Its Own Game TRP #94 w/ @technsports (Half Episode)

How to Beat eBay At Its Own Game TRP #94 w/ @technsports (Half Episode)

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welcome to the resellers podcast with techn sports  and daily refinement we've helped thousands of   people save time and make more money by improving  their online stores check out resource   podcast for thousands of hours of full-length  ad-free podcasts and coaching calls join our   facebook group with thousands of sellers making  the transition from hobby to business see you in   the show what's up guys welcome to the resource  podcast with tekken sports and daily refinement   i'm super hyped about this episode because i  want people to take the power back from ebay   and we talk about this sometimes but today  i have a different way of looking at it   which is the way that you spend your profit   can totally be optimized so that it gets you  further and further down the right path and the   analogy that i want to use is if you're playing  a sport let's say you're playing basketball   and you score and so now you have one point when  you earn ten dollars profit from the sale let's   say you sell something for um ten dollars or  so you buy something for ten sell for thirty   and now you have twenty dollars and if you think  about it reselling does cost money to play it's a   game it costs the money of the initial item  and now you can play twice instead of once   but if you spend that ten dollars on  something else you just only get to play   once again so if you're playing sports this  just occurred to me for some reason yesterday   you can just always have the ball you can have  offense all day you don't you don't need to   give the ball to anybody else and what kind of  sport is that you always talk about running up   the score what kind of sport can you just keep the  ball the whole time business is very interesting yeah so business is very interesting and um you  know for conventional athletes the length of the   career is three or four years they retire at 27  years old and they don't know what else to do   so for us we all have the ability to run  a very long-standing sustainable business   and as you said you know you put the money  in you're able to sell an item go out and   buy three more if you so choose or go out  and buy two more and pocket that third and   put that money to the side so it's not back in  the game but it could be deployed into a different   game if you choose to do it that way so you know  there is a million ways to do it but you know the   the way that we advocate in the group is always  to try to keep that money rolling time after time   and involved in the business rather than being  taken out of the business because that can really   jeopardize your business and hurt your business  but you've been on a kick lately with you know   taking massive action and a lot of people um  you know they they get in this cycle where it's   constant consuming of information consuming  of knowledge and there really is no you know   taking of action so you know some people need  more information but a lot of people just need   more execution like there's not another piece  of information that is going to make or break   their business or like take their business to the  other level most people already know what to do   in fact you made a poll this week where the  runaway winner was i know what to do i know   how to do it i just don't do it yeah that was  surprising the poll was do you know what to do   do you know how to do it do you know what  to do and how to do it but don't do it   or do you know what to do how to do it and then  you also do it which was not that many people   so people are definitely unclear about what to do  next if they know what they're supposed to do they   may not know the best way of doing it someone said  i know how to do it but it ends up taking too long   that would mean you don't know how to do it so if  you if you put the effort in and can't get it done   that means your technique needs to be improved  that way you can get the result that you're   looking for which is great because if you just  let us know honestly where you are in the process   we can help you achieve that now aaron brings  up a really good analogy in the chat which is   in baseball defense controls the ball now we  don't need baseball fans in the chat for this   analogy because i don't know tons about baseball  but when you are buying something at the thrift   store it's like being at bath now you have the  opportunity to hit a home run they had a base hit   um but if in business if you reinvest  the profit you're always at bat you   the other team doesn't even get to play you  mentioned earlier when i mentioned this that   you know when the stimulus checks came out  the real winners were corporations they got   all that money people spent all that money on  other people's they gave other people at nap   you gave apple more opportunity to make another  phone by giving them your money for the new iphone   walmart sold out of tvs for the first time in  history when the when the stanford check came   in and you saw that they dropped the price to  the exact price of the stimulus check that was   received so like they're not they're not they're  not stupid so you know a lot of people you know   they got stimulus last year but they went out and  bought a tv so like who really got the stimulus   it wasn't you know the person that received  that check it was the actual corporation   so you know we all have to be wise and be smart  and make the right decisions and you know one   wrong decision like that can [ __ ] you you know  for the long term so you know if if you were smart   and you use the stimulus money you went out  to the thrift whatever it was seven hundred   dollars or a thousand dollars or whatever you know  that that can totally catapult you and launch you   in the right direction to launch a business but  if you squander that money or you know a lot   of people talk about taking out working capital  loans and then they go out on a vacation or buy   a new truck like that's that's the wrong move to  make um whenever you do go out and seek that kind   of money so you know uh i i always want to be on  the offensive i try to focus 100 of my day about   being on offense i there's there's rarely if any  portion of the day where i'm playing defense so   i think that a lot of people like you said the  person who said they know what to do but it just   takes too long so that means that they don't know  what they're doing you know the the mechanical   portions of the business taking a photo people  know how to do that um but people really get   stuck on the knowledge portion whether they get  crippled by the research or they don't know how to   fill out the the um the listing form and then they  get stuck on that portion whether item specifics   you know price and things like that and that's  where they really slow down and it takes them   too long to list but if you don't know how  to research and you have taken the time to   understand the listing form where you could do  it with your eyes closed there's nothing that's   going to ever slow you down um the only thing  that's going to slow you down and trip you up   is just going to be yourself venturing outside of  really and truly whatever you're supposed to do   so you've mentioned in previous podcasts that  ebay is the best way to multiply your money   i want to give people an example  of of what you were doing because   i've heard you say you turned eight dollars  into 30 but i never really looked at the math   so i want to break this number people right  now so if you're listening to this on youtube   maybe you want to pause the video and get a piece  of paper write this down because it is interesting   if you sell if you buy an item at  the thrift store for eight dollars   and then sell it for 30 30. ebay will charge an  average of two dollars and 50 cents in tax so   buyer pays 32.50 for the item that you bought  at the thrift store for eight dollars goodwill   let's say they got it for free so first  part of the equation somebody donates it   you look through the whole store find  the item for eight bucks you resell for   30. two bucks goes to tax that's important  because that's how they calculate the fee   after the ebay final value fees comes out if  you pay six dollars for shipping you end up   with seventeen dollars profit on an eight eight  dollar investment okay so this is available to   anyone listening somewhere in your neighborhood  or area you can buy something for eight and sell   for 30 and you now have instead of we talk about  doubling your money but you go from one attempt so   you go out with your eight dollars that's one  attempt by making money if you're successful   you get three attempts the next time that's  pretty insane you also have a buck for gas that's that's awesome so all you you just  put gas in your car and go do it again   it doesn't take very long before that becomes  something pretty insane right but then people say   but i can't find items that sell for thirty  dollars no problem you buy two fifteen dollar   items for four dollars each yep and it and  it's just you just have to work a little harder   and at the end of the day you know we can't  be afraid of working a little harder like   you know you you listen to these interviews or  like these people that are self-made came from   nothing they started as a janitor and rose to  be the ceo and their their their only words of   advice always at the end of the interview is you  know i came in early and i stayed late how many   people show up early and stay late for their ebay  business i've never heard that discussion before   they don't if they do they're  certainly not working the whole time   um right we were talking about this too you're  the owner of a business somebody comes in early   and goes home late that person gets preferential  treatment they get more attempts which is what   we're talking about right now you if you want  more attempts at work show up early go home late   do a good job you'll get the opportunity to move  up you're the person they present first with the   opportunity because you're the least replaceable  everybody else comes on time leaves on time   you come early you stay late you know kobe bryant  said that he wanted to be the first person in the   gym and the last person in the gym out of the gym  because he wanted to have the ball the most time   so you're putting in the most work you quote on  quote deserve the ball more than everybody else so   if you want to be more deserving you can you can  put in a little extra work and you're right you   texted me earlier that the janitor the ceo story  is is quite common in the us and it's always they   were looking for something extra to do at work  over and over and over again until they became   the ceo right and we're like you know the masters  of our own domain we're piloting our own ship but   i don't hear anybody talking about showing up  early to their ebay business and staying late   that that's non-existent and like it's almost  like a taboo subject but how how in the world   do you ever expect to move up in anything let  alone ebay move up in the ebay world without   putting in the extra time showing up early staying  late you know becoming a true professional in the   craft and those three things are the epitome  of being offensive you know showing up is often   staying late is offense and becoming an expert  in your craft is is strictly offense but a lot   of people don't take the time or put in the effort  to make sure that those three things are necessary   so yesterday you did a nine hour coaching  call and it's funny because you texted me   first this morning i'm and i'm on the  west coast it's funny you are still up   understanding answering questions yeah i was still  there i looked at the video you did yesterday   compared to last week and it looks like it's on  pace to do double so it was very interesting to   see um the differences between those two videos  so i was just reading through it so i thought   i'd reach out and tell you that it is like the  first person in the gym last person to leave   the gym first person to work last person leave  the work you also notice a lot of things if your   first person at work you're going to notice a  few things that people don't notice and that is   the difference for reselling when you show up a  little bit early show and you do a little extra   you notice everything and this goes to being  being a parent you do a little extra cleaning you   do a little extra prep everything is completely  different i think you're right i guess i've been   obsessed with this massive action thing recently  and i just you know we just put together the ebay   white paper and we grinded that out in a week  or so there was a lot of information to reduce   and there's no better time than just doing  it immediately so i'm super on board with the   pro being proactive taking massive action and i  want people to recognize it doesn't have to be   perfect you will just figure it out if you're  out there trying you'll you'll figure it out   absolutely you will and you know especially  if you if you whittle it down like what like   we always talk about if you do a time on it  and you know you you really separate the task   you can improve every single task at the same  time but you can improve what you're focusing on   and if your focus is spread amongst 8 or 10 or  12 different things nothing is really going to   get improved everything is just going to stay  the same or regress but you know if you could   really narrow down you know one or two things  that you really want to work on and focus on   and put all your attention towards those things  will will be done better we'll be done faster you   know you'll start paying attention to the  detail you'll start noticing other things   um that you know you didn't notice when you're  looking at a bigger picture so you know there's   like two parts of the business like inside of the  business and outside of the business and along or   most of the time i kind of get stuck inside of  the business like inside of the perimeter of   the computer screen but you know every couple of  months i kind of take that step back and look at   everything on a much larger level and whenever i  do take the time and really like rack my brain and   put in the effort to do so um my business always  takes like a huge step to the next level but it's   very difficult to do that when it's you know open  to close like really my new inside of the business   you're unable to really clear your head or or  make any sort of innovations or improvements or   or anything that can really help your business  gain and get to the next level so i think it's   very important that you know we all take that  time to take that step back and look at the big   picture of your entire business for the health  for the safety you know for the future for the   longevity um and make sure that we are moving in  the right direction because you know everything is   changing the climate is changing the you know  the um you know the recession prices going up   everything is changing across the board and you  really have to wonder and think about and figure   out is the business that you're running a day  running today sustainable is it sustainable today   is it sustainable next year in five years in 10  years and if it is today fine if it isn't three   years five fine if it's not in five years if it's  not sustainable in five years you have to start   making some changes you have to make sure that  you put yourself in the position where you're not   going to get priced out you're not going to run  yourself out of business by just continuing to do   the same thing over and over while increased  competition comes in higher costs come in   um these companies are now starting to compete  with us instead of you know just places that we   can source now they're starting to compete with us  so like you know it's only going to get more and   more and more difficult and we all have to come up  with like new original ideas and figure out ways   how to pivot so that way when things do come our  business can still grow and still be prosperous   so landon is saying in billiards you can set up  the game to get the ball right back again so i   think this is interesting because the definition  of passion is wanting to do something again so   if you're selling and isaiah asked me how i was  able to quickly build my store from starting with   no money i'm very passionate about growth so  i want to sell the item as soon as possible to   get my money back so i can do it again the hardest  part of that experiment was in the first two weeks   there were periods of time where i had zero  money i had to wait for an item to sell i had   to wait for the ebay payment thing to kick in  to get my money that's why i was shipping the   same day because if the person gives you  a positive feedback it releases the money   in some cases so i'm like i gotta ship this  right now because i want to have no money two   ebay is holding my money and when you're  really passionate you want to do it again   so the people who want to sell items really  quickly they act very differently than the set it   and forget it the senate and forget it you don't  need to be passionate you can just put it online   and you're done you want to sell the item today  you might be dancing on the the corner of the   street with the item and you might draw this giant  chart with sidewalk chalk trying to sell your   writing because you want to sell right now that's  the passion is like everyone's in such a hurry   how come that energy is not going into selling  your item faster but that's that's really going   to make your business explode you just channel  that energy and getting your money back so you   can do it again that's real passion so during that  process of you building your store you know when   your cash flow wasn't great when ebay was holding  the funds when you're waiting on positive feedback   you figured out how to force a sale and a lot of  people don't think about that a lot of people just   let the sale come to them wait it out however long  it takes maybe throw on you know a half-ass effort   on a sale or a promotion or a newsletter or a  markdown or a coupon like no one is out there   really truly trying to force sales trying to get  your items in front of customers trying to get   those items to convert you know figuring out  why things convert why things do not convert   but if if you know how to force the sale you can  get that money back like you said on a three times   multiple now you get three more at bats for the  next one yeah i think that wanting to do it again   is when people are passionate they're excited  they get out of bed quick and that's how you   should approach your your listing you want your  listing to be like that do you want a listing that   um takes its time or do you want a listing that  works as hard as possible to get the sale so when   people talk about um wanting to do promoted  listings or not doing from one of those things   or you're like or why take 10 photos instead of  one photo why fill out all the out of specifics   when i can just fill out none of the item  specifics why price it competitively when   i don't when i can just make up a number earlier  in the chat i asked people what they would price   a used nike hoodie at and the lady said i  just priced every single hoodie at 29.99   every brand every style every size every color and  i was just thinking wow that is like the opposite   of passion and that was that was after you told  them there was like a five percent sell through   per month at that price point yeah so it would  take you it would take you two years to sell it   and they still said they  would price it at 25 bucks it is interesting passion i think if you break it  down into wanting to do it again it really does   get you fired up because i think about everything  now how to make it faster if you if you want   things to sell faster you don't take shortcuts  that's so that's so interesting right you would   you would not think that's true you want something  to sell as fast as possible you personally take   zero shortcuts you show up early you make  sure the lights are turned on floor is swept   lighting is perfect everything's in place  you know when you walk into a fancy store   we're they're walking around  making sure it looks perfect it looks perfect for every customer  because they're trying to get the sale everyone has a smile on their face it's just it's  just so different than walking into somewhere and   no one is there to help you you don't know what  it is you don't know how much it costs this is   so different the because you know everyone's  all about fast but then they don't make it   so their item can sell fast they act fast  but they're not trying to make their items   sell fast maybe that's the mentality shift  making your item sell fast is a full contact   sport you gotta get in there and figure it out  are people okay with their items selling slow um yes i think i think that  the general ebay thought is um   i'm not sure how much profit i'm going to  make but i know i didn't pay very much for it   so they don't figure out the exact  profit margin they don't know   and then also the they don't really know or care  how long it takes to sell because they're not   the more research you do in the  souls the faster your item will sell so like to a regular ebay seller and as you  said what they sell two thousand dollars a   month is like a regular average ebay seller  yep so two thousand dollars a month regular   average ebay seller that is just putting  your items out there and just waiting   waiting for something to bite like it's no  there is no urgency with that there is no   there is no extra initiative or effort otherwise  it would be way more than two thousand dollars   because like pretty much everyone in  the group once they figured out how to   how to operate ebay they would all agree  that 2 000 is something that you know at a   certain skill level and a certain amount of  experience is not very difficult to achieve the average ebay seller lists  and sells three items a day   with 2 000 items in their store so that's a grind  that's basically two-car garage completely full   you're selling and listing three items a day  which is not very many items it's not very   exciting there's not much in my opinion  that's where the passion is lacking they   they're passionate about having an ebay store  but not passionate about their item selling   because people spend a lot of money making their  ebay store look nice nice shelves nice thermal   printer they the most popular poshmark item was  the tote that you take the item to the post office   in so even if the total didn't have any packages  in it you are solid if you have the right look so   i just want people to get into it because now  whenever somebody comes up with some kind of   strategy like oh i tested one percent versus three  percent promoted listings or rather now it's two   percent i tested two percent versus five percent  and they get into it you know they're on the   right track back in the day lewis knew his metrics  exactly he's like my impressions went up this much   my click three went up this much i sold this many  more items in before that lewis is getting into it i just think that's figuring out how to  i've never heard it that way forces sale um   but like the book that i had from from  you know the baby book baby wise that book   you can force the sale by low low pricing  it low there's so many people who want it   you can force the sale by just pricing it low  on something more generic forcing the sales   man that is it almost requires an expert to  to force a sale on a nike hoodie you have to   know exactly what you're doing that's  not easy with with 22 000 competitors maybe people are underestimating how hard it  is to sell an item it is difficult but once   you really gain an understanding not only  can you force that first sale but you can   entice buyers and kind of force them into another  sale as well with you know different levels of   discounts you know order discount volume pricing  things like that and you could try to force you   know two sales on every one sale in the media call  you know a lot of people are very very focused on   you know selling three items to every buyer  five items to every buyer and they're they're   really forcing those extra sales because they  don't want one person to buy one item they're   forcing them to buy three or five items the way  that their discounts and their store is set up   you know um the one cent sale is actually pretty  common like you know people always talk about the   nordstrom rack ones penny sale where items  get marked down all the way to one penny   they've just decided that that is it's cheaper  for them to give it to a customer as a lost leader   than to liquidate it somewhere else and i feel  like what the reason they do that is so they can   get more shelf space for different stuff this is  part of the cycle of retail you have to move all   of your inventory maybe that's something that  other reasons how many ebay resellers say they   want to sell all the way through their inventory  right absolutely and that's a very important   metric to look at like so i i try to cycle my  store three to four times every single year   um that's my goal and you know you know when  people that when they get caught up on like   the line by line thing or like i paid five for  this item like they they don't fully understand   that it's a net net game involving your entire  store so like when home depot marks something   down to a penny they've already sold and oversold  so much product that they're way in the green   that them selling that item for one  penny is literally one penny of profit   but like when that item is sitting on the shelf  it's zero dollars of profit it became a liability   yeah but so like just because they might have  spent 57 dollars on that particular saw that's now   been pennied out on the sku yep they also spent 57  on you know 400 other saws that they sold for 400   yeah so like they're way in the green on that  skew it's run its course they need to just sell it   and fill that spot with something else that  hopefully can sell through faster that they can   hopefully have better margins or hopefully have  better profit on and it's the same thing inside   of our stores as well like if you spend a hundred  dollars every single day on inventory and you sell   500 every single day all you have to do  is pay your store back a hundred dollars   to buy more inventory to list 20 more  items sells for 500 bucks you keep the 400   you repay back the store 100 every single day it  doesn't matter how you get there but if you get to   hundred and one dollars technically speaking you  were profitable that day but a lot of people get   caught up and going oh you know i paid a for this  item i can't sell it for any less than x amount   or i have to double my money or i have  to make at least twenty dollars like   you don't have to do anything what you have to  do is turn a profit and like no one in here will   ever go out of business turning a profit it's not  possible but you can go out of business needing   or wanting or desiring to double your money  or making twenty dollars per item it's net   net if you spend seven hundred dollars a week on  inventory it's your job to three times that money   and get twenty one hundred dollars put 700 back  into your business and you put 1400 into the bank   and you do that every single week for the rest  of your life and you live a very comfortable life   because you're only listing a handful of items  every single day you're shipping a handful of   items every single day you have very low overhead  because at that point you can still work out of   your house with no employees and you're banking a  thousand two thousand dollars a week like it's not   rocket science to get to this point but like a lot  of people are not operating in the proper way like   just because you do get the 8 into the 30 and you  get 24 so now you get 3 at bats there's nothing   wrong with getting your original money back buying  a new item taking another eight dollars back   buying a new item and then keeping eight dollars  like one can go to ebay one can go to a new item   one can go into the bank and you can  live a beautiful life just by doing that   somebody asked you a question that hasn't or at  least i haven't heard the question before yes   until yesterday can you grow too slowly  and you said you'd be making a lot of money   because the opposite is growing  quickly and having no money   right people who grow quickly actually  have no money that is a really   interesting if you're about to double or triple  your your listing goal prepare to be broke   it it sucks all the money out of out of everything  because it's so expensive you have potentially   new equipment you need new inventory system you  have that your cost of goods doubles or triples   and then do you have the revenue sustain it you  bank a decent amount of money before you grow   and still bank money as i grow because like we  talked about in the advanced podcast you can grow   and still be extremely profitable if you do it the  correct way yeah but in the 99 dollar tier like   it hit it right on the head a lot of people  don't want money they just want more shoes   yeah i got i don't understand that concept  like no money just all the shoes just let's   but let's just keep throwing every single nickel  back in the product and like you never get the   opportunity to make any money yeah now yeah  and that's what happens when you see people's   listing goes double or triple there's no money  all the money is going back into the business and   yeah no money just close like you can't pay your  rent like with air force ones that you got at   the thrift eventually you have to turn them in  the money and then pay the rent with the money man i just keep thinking about the the 100 and  500 rule is really nice because at a certain point   if you follow the tenants of the group you'll run  out of time you you list as much as there is time   so at that point if you're a restar in nirvana  if you can list 30 items a day you're selling   30 items a day you can't spend the profit of 30  items a day it has to go somewhere else and then   it goes into things that are more passive um if  you just keep that goal because you you can't   you can't list more than 30 because maybe you have  a full-time job or maybe that takes you all day   so you're at your capacity  but if you slowly grew there   you wouldn't have to there's no cash flow problem  and now it's it's extra you're at the point where   30 a day is um around 900 to a thousand  a day um and to run that only costs   to 300 a day yeah so you can't you can't even  spend it to be honest because it's hard no no like   i i would challenge someone to spend 600 every  single day like is it's eventually you'll run out   of stuff to spend the money on yeah and if you're  thinking about one thing about massive action   is if you're trying to make tomorrow easier and  you invest that's i mean 600 profit is a lot per it day doesn't it's hard and being prepared to  do that every single day being that consistent   is it's a it takes your full attention trying to  be consistent i think that that's this offense   thing is really just blowing my mind just thinking  about you playing a sport and you don't have to   let somebody else take a turn you can just keep  winning over and over and over again you because   essentially what happens is you've already  won if you make 101 dollars and you spend 100.  

you've already won but you just keep going thank  you for listening to the resource podcast with   tekken sports and daily refinement if you'd like  to listen to the full episode please check us out   at resourcepodcast for all information  all our full-length episodes over thousands of   hours of coaching and our facebook mentorship  group which is 35 dollars per month just about   a dollar a day to help you get to the next  level we appreciate you guys see you next time

2022-07-28 19:26

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