How Luke Hawkins Built a MILLION-DOLLAR COACHING Business in 4 Years

How Luke Hawkins Built a MILLION-DOLLAR COACHING Business in 4 Years

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okay so what is happening welcome to monday night live  ladies and gentlemen the incredible luke hawkins   how are you i'm doing incredible incredible  outstanding outstanding great to have you here   drop in the comments let me know where you're  tuning in from guys you know the drill who we got   on the call we've got lacey sabil we got there  we go ian's ready to party that's the spirit how you been mate good yeah very well gooD  yeah it's hard to do this i've never done   this with you before so you've got  a lot of hype to live up to i know there we go chris solid is in the house ladies and  gentlemen um all right where do i start i've got   to introduce you now um now i'm going to make  this a little bit bigger ladies and gentlemen   um i'm going to tell you a little just a brief  story um so i think it was five or six years ago   um forgive me if i get the timing wrong but uh i  was at tony robbins uh event i think it was date   with destiny and um and i met luke uh i believe  you may have been there with what i think my dad   was there as well but um uh and luke was sleeping  in his van at the time he's invested all of his   money to be at um the tony robbins event you  know and i imagine that this event would have   had a lot to do with you know the transformation  that happened afterwards but the next time i see   him at a tony robbins event you know tony's got  this like inner circle of like platinum partners   which you know everybody wants to be members  of but it's invite only and like once you add   up all the travel the costs and everything  it's about a hundred thousand dollars to   per year to be a member and and luke's down the  front with the his black bloody lip medallion on   member of platinum i know this is the guy that's  wondering if he's still sleeping in his van and um   yeah i followed him on facebook and like i just  i was just seeing event after event packed out   just to give you an idea guys here are some of the  pictures i'd see popping up on my on my facebook   so like you know you fill out an event  like this like i see that like maybe   if i if that happened like once or twice a year  i'd be like awesome these are these pictures   with popping up like every single week and then i  see like ones like this we're hiring um you know   and it just goes on and i can show you heaps of  them but luke's had the fastest growing coaching   business in australia um over the past few years  and you know like from i know where he's come from   um and so when people look at that they're like a  lot of people would be like wanker you know like   yeah look at this guy and and they  would make all these excuses but   when i look at it i'm like [ __ ] what a tr  what a psychological transformation this guy   must have undergone and and i just know as  well like how much work you would have put in   to make that happen so tell us what what um  what happened after that tony robbins event   well i remember actually uh turning up there was a  unleash the power within uh that was my first one   was in 2014 i think was in september i remember  driving there in my van was uh spent a thousand   bucks this van and i parked it at bondi beach and  and i i bought it for surfing and i bought it to   sleep in so when i went to events i could sleep in  it right so i i did that uh and you know i had no   confidence i had no very little belief in myself  uh but i remember um them inviting tony goes oh   go up to the back of the room you can see and  hear about our you know our most exclusive program   platinum partners um and then i'm like oh what's  this about then i'm like i'll go check it out   and then i'm standing there at the back and then  they go oh yeah to join it's it's 85k us and   take a us per trip there's three trips a year and  here i ever sleep my van unless spent every last   dollar on my uh ticket um and tony says no excuses  you can find a way if you want something in here   i don't know about that like that's a lot  um and so yeah i remember going home that   night and and actually people saying to me like  look like like forget about it right you you you   that's [ __ ] so did you already signed if you  already signed anything or you just it was just   a goal at this point i was just listening to it  i'd thought about it so one day i'll be there   yes but may i'll be there and uh yes so first year  business um you know just working with people on   one-on-one for anxiety quit smoking depression  weight loss i used to work with a lot of network   marketers uh i remember making 60k my first  year and then a hundred k in my second year uh   you know doing even more one-on-one and then  my third year i don't know what happened but   it went to a million in the third year in in uh  income in in revenue well well well you're you're   a coach at coach coaches i'm sure you know  what what happened what happens between 100k   and when you went to the millions if you  had to put your figure on it what was it   by the way it takes most people it makes the  average business 10 years to reach a million   right and uh i think the percentage of businesses  that well 50 of businesses are gone by year one   and eighty percent by year five and the ones that  are still around like you know i think less than   five percent would would ever get to a million but  uh or even be profitable yeah profitable like yeah   yeah so i think the difference to go from 100k  to a million in a year for the audience here is   i know every dollar went into myself every dollar  that i made went into transforming myself and into   paying to learn the skills that would make me  money right but i talk to people every day and   i say to people like if you learn these  skills and you decide to go all in you   decide to give it your all then you will succeed  but most people can't deal with the uncertainty   the threshold for uncertainty is is too  low they can't handle much uncertainty   so they don't take big enough risks and i think  that's a problem for most people you do not take   big enough risks uh and you know if you model and  what somebody has done or benissa say if you model   what somebody's done and just follow what they do  you can succeed but you know i went all in and i   went one to many events uh is what's held at one  to many oh i see one too many now look because   like you know tony robbins events it's fairly  easy to get in the place of certainty like   you've got the music on everyone else is doing it  but when you're when you're in the real world and   um things start to go wrong like maybe you've  taken a risk um you know maybe you know you've   you've got no money coming in and you've got all  this money coming out maybe all your friends and   all your i say maybe it's like it's actually  like this um friends and family are like like   concerned as hell they're like what are you what  are you doing man like i'm worried about you like   when that's all happening around  you all that external uncertainty   like that's when people crack isn't it when that's  when there's certainty levels drop but you you   seem to you you're certainly the sea level seem  to go up when the odds are stacked against you   yeah yeah so i noticed that i i thought like this  is where people happens like you're um you know   your disappointments um you've got it you they're  either gonna drive you or they're gonna drop you   right and so when things not going your  way every person that said no to me   every person that you know when things  weren't going my way when i wasn't   you know moving forward i dropped money  lost money clients saying no i have to know   like prospects saying no i always wanted to use  every no or every disappointment as a reason to   make me hungrier as a reason to make me better as  a reason to give even more of who i am but most   people when you get uh you know when you're facing  that uncertainty or things are not going your way   uh they pull back and the universe is not  teaching you to pull back the universe is   saying use more of who you are then i'll give you  something but most people don't stay consistent   long enough for the energy to come back  around and be rewarded for what you do yeah so during that year of growth what was  the biggest challenge that you had to overcome   uh i would say fear of uh public speaking oh wow  yeah wow i remember um i had uh one person in my   event um in january of 2016 um and then i had 46  people in march of 2017 right um and and so it's   about that and so but yeah i remember seeing 46  people there and i was [ __ ] myself you know   i was absolutely for myself right but i just  knew my you know if your intention is to serve   at other people i believe you always will  be supported always right but you you   thanks beck it's good to see you on here as  well you know basically like you you whenever   your intention is to serve something greater  than yourself you will always be supported but   you have to jump yeah you have to take the risk  you have to do things your shit's scared to do   um you know i'm in my first real estate talk  where i'd not talk to anybody in a in an event   space and i had 50 real estate agents show up um  this guy said oh he's trained in how to master the   mind he's going to teach us how to master our  mind and i never spoke to anyone i turned up   the event he goes oh how are you feeling like i'm  like oh yeah i'm good i'm good i'm good and then   at the end he goes luke you might want to uh  wipe that texture off your face i had texture   all over me and texture on my shirt to 50 real  estate teaching how to master their mind but   you know i like to use the power of  identity you know when i had no money   and i was breaking a board and i was sleeping in  my van doing a coaching training i told myself   i'm a million dollar coach so you must have an  empowering identity to produce the behaviors that   you want if you say i'm a shy person or i'm just  starting out i'm just a you know i'm a new coach   that's [ __ ] when you start getting trained when  as soon as you start hold the identity that this   is who i am right i'm a million dollar coach and  that's how i saw myself so i produced a behaviors   consistent with that and so i think that helped  me a lot is to have that empowering identity   um yeah and and when you talk about like that  that will to serve because i i i can see it   in you when when you speak i can i can i can see  like that as soon as you as soon as your mindset   is in service you completely forget about you  know your own yourself and and the way you look   at stuff because but most people who who have  a desire to speak on stage in the first place   they just want to do it for attention  and so they're not very good at it   but like when you get out there to serve that's  when you forget about what you're actually doing   100 and i think people have got to come  like you know one things i learned from that   about speaking is public speaking is you've got  to stay like i've always stayed in my heart i've   always wanted to be someone that came from my  heart and your heart knows the answers your   heart will deliver the truth through you always i  believe in through something greater than yourself   you might call it god the universe your creator  whatever but whenever you are coming from your   heart then the the truth will always come out and  the best things will always come out uh and yeah   i think that like i spoke to a lady today from  uh where was she from she's from tasmania and   she's like oh yeah i want to do this  business i said well you've got to learn   this skill you're going to learn sales you've  got to learn social media you've got to learn   all these things he's like oh i didn't know that  i just thought i'd just the clients would show up   i'm like i don't know where you  trained but they ain't showing up like   watching this like the hardest thing generally  is how to fill your events how to fill your   programs like and and you know you have to be i  tell but you haven't got to be a savage you've   got to wake up you've got to you've got to stay  focused you've got to stay driven you've got to   keep high standards you know you've got to have  a high paying threshold where you know i took   35 to 40 calls last week like from 7 a.m till  10 at night five days a week monday to friday   right we did six sales we did we do about 150k a  month now uh but you know like you're not going to   get rewarded every day you've got to  keep going no matter what yeah yeah   and now you've got like a team you know to look  after and virtual events i know i know you know   you've got a lot more overheads when you started  um but like where you came from like when you   when you started like um and you started filling  these rooms and all of a sudden you've got all   these customers paying you money different amount  like different amounts different times um you've   just got all these new admins skills that you  need to learn you've obviously nailed marketing   along the way somehow i want to ask you about that  as well um but so what did you do to to you know   to keep up with you know that growth and learn  those skills so quickly yeah like i remember um   you know things jump when we had uh you know we  we started averaging you know i think from 2018   in the middle of 2018 i started 2018 in the middle  we started averaging about 100 to 150 in the room   and i used to have 80 of the people pay for an  8k program so it would be 500k to 900k in in   money coming over a five day period right which  is you you can't predict that right like this is   what i was saying before people gotta stick stay  consistent no matter what but um yeah there was   a lot of admin i lost a lot of money i've had  all kinds of things i've had employees you know   steal from me i've had um i've you know had the  wrong tax structure and lost money that way um   you know i had my bookkeeping was a total mess  i remember my taxes were you know just all over   the shop you know i've actually just been audited  and now the ato discovered that i overpaid tax and   now they're gonna pay me you know more money  which was a surprise but um you know i had   no idea you're gonna make these mistakes but uh  yeah i definitely you got to learn these skills   as you go and find people that know what they're  doing and uh and and learn their systems and yeah   you know you're definitely you're definitely  somebody that is is you know is very good   at what or what they do you're good at changing  lives and no one will argue that i mean i i don't   just see these rooms full by the way like for the  guys tuning in like you know a lot of people that   i meet that have done luke's training well i mean  everyone that i've met that has done the training   like when i asked them like how was it like i  mean like there's there's all kinds of people go   oh yeah things are good like whatever but they've  all said either like oh my god it changed my life   some of them start like crying like the emotional  response it's like [ __ ] what i don't know   what this guy's doing in his body rooms um  but obviously it's having a big impact but   but yeah like you're somebody that would  have had to draw on resources from all   different directions to to fulfill all the other  responsibilities that come with growing a business   um you've been extremely resourceful um yeah i'm just amazed i think it's awesome  yeah so i think with the challenges i think   that the audience will uh be served by  this and i want to share this is that   so when the challenges come up uh right and  you something happens you lose an employee you   you know you realize that you know you don't  make have made sales for a week and it's and it's   dropped right um you what else might happen like  you know you get a big tax bill out of nowhere   or you know your facebook ad account gets shut  down like i've had all these things right um but   but but you what you've got to do is ask like  what is positive about this what is good about   this what is this teaching me that if it hadn't  have happened i wouldn't have learned this   and you'll see that it's actually happening  for you and it's probably saving you from a   bigger problem down the track like i know when i  had problems at 50 clients or 100 clients i'm so   glad this didn't happen when now i've trained 1600  people how to become a coach and we're over 100   people now that are doing six figures a year as a  coach or a consultant um you know i'm so glad that   i learned um you know i had made these mistakes  you'll see you're so glad the mistakes happen now   um you know then down the track when it's bigger  because it will cost you a lot more usually so   always find what's positive in every situation  what's the benefit about it what's good about it   and if you stay and then and  you find the lesson quickly   um then you'll move forward but i think the mind  enjoys pain for most people and so they sit in it   and it's comfortable and they actually like it  they enjoy it and they uh and it meets certain   needs so i i i yeah you've got to get out of  it yeah did you ever encounter in like what   they call imposter syndrome did you ever reach a  point where you're like you know who am i to be   you know like this is something that comes up  a lot by the way with with well with coaches i   imagine but with small business owners like they  get they reach a point where they're like they're   not actually comfortable charging that much  or they're not actually they don't think they   they deserve to be speaking to that you know or  an audience that size and so they hold themselves   back did you encounter that oh yeah 100 i remember  starting out coaching real estate agents i was   coaching them um how to make more sales and  uh make money and you know i had none right   you know i was walking in the door saying yeah  i can show you how to make lots of money and you   know it's just starting out zero in my account  right so i think what really people can do   to overcome that is like stop using past success  or what you've achieved in the past to give you   certainty if you don't have any past success  then don't look that way to try to give yourself   certainty you're not going to find it in your past  and i think this is where imposter syndrome comes   back they go i haven't done it in the past so  why could i how could i do it now or how could   i ask this from the world now so stop looking  to your past you're not going to find it right   so the way i built certainty to get beyond that is  i said i'm not um you know what i create tomorrow   or or what i create in the future is based on who  i say i am now it's based on who i say i'm today   right and i don't need an external result  to give me a belief system or to give me   an identity that i can help people that i can  charge or whatever i just made a [ __ ] decision   um and i said this is who i am i'm here to serve  people i will find the way i will make the way   and i you know and and i just decided that you  know this is who i am now i am a world-class coach   today i will serve this person i will do whatever  it takes to get this person the result and   and so when i use that language like i am dot  dot dot like whatever comes after i am dot dot   becomes your future right if if i don't if that is  the most powerful thing like i am dot dot dot and   it's all made up you don't need outside results to  give yourself that that that that certainty yeah   and have have and it sounds like yeah you've  got you've got your certainty from within but   and you've also you know you've you've invested a  lot in yourself but how conscious of you are you   of or have you been on along your journey  about who you spend your time with and   you know being around um naysayers and stuff  like that does it concern you at all or   oh i've been through a heavy span um but i wanted  to say something before that the certainty comes   from focusing on what you want right now write  that down right imposter syndrome you start   focusing on what you don't want then it gives  you an emotional state that gives you uncertainty   and you do not take action from that place  exactly yeah yeah yeah what you don't want   is is the strategy to crash your car into a brick  wall if you're driving round the bend you start   to slide out if you focus on the wall you're  definitely going to hit the wall but you've   got to stay focused on the road where you're  going especially when you're sliding out in your   business so you know doubt or or whatever form of  doubt you call it or or uncertainty you call it   imposter syndrome whatever you call it or focusing  what you don't want so you must train yourself to   focus on what you want right so uh and that's why  i do that by repeating powerful things to myself   with emotion right jumping up and down you know  on a trampoline repeating things so strongly to   myself conor mcgregor says this he says like i'm  the [ __ ] best in the world like before he was   that that is the the the the trait right but when  it comes to judgment from other people i think   you've got to ask yourself this like you know  this one helps me most people right are judging   themselves all day right all day to the point that  they do not feel good or like themselves so if i   don't feel good about myself of course i'm going  to project my judgments onto you because how else   am i going to escape these feelings um you know  because it's triggering so much pain in me of all   the self-judgment that i put on myself so they're  projected out right but you know and whatever we   don't accept in ourselves we judge in another  so people will throw those judgments on you it's   actually them if they say oh you're money hungry  or you're just in it for the sales or you just   want to take from me these are all the things that  gets projected out i'm like i don't know that's   not true because there's actually a lot of easier  ways that i could make money right real estate   being one this is not an easy game for a coaching  consultant business um you know we give 10 of   all our profits to operation underground railroad  right that's one thing that you know helped get me   out of scarcity but you know i think just knowing  most people don't like themselves so i just you   know i don't i let go of those judgments from them  i don't let them define me i define myself they   don't like themselves so why the [ __ ] would  i care if they like me or accept me they don't or even like another they're not going to like  you they don't like themselves that's that's   99 of the population and you're speaking to them  all the time aren't you because these are the guys   you you need to come to your  trans your events right yeah before like you know people that just you know  yeah like the conditioning you know um you know   but that's why you must keep going because paying  these people and i use that to drive me i need to   help people that are open-minded that want  to deal with this stuff in a different way   you know yeah that's that's uh uh you know  driving so when you're in a sales call and i   don't know if you do still do you might might  not have this problem anymore because you're   you've got a brand now but like i imagine at the  start when people throwing these objections at you   like like you just said you just want money or  whatever would that motivate you more to get   the sale yeah i'm just like gosh number one you  think that money is negative or bad right yeah   which is a hundred percent condition because money  is just energy that you receive in exchange for   the value you add to other people's lives so i  would write that down to people as well money   is just an energy you receive in exchange  for adding value to other people's lives   so when i used to clean toilets at haman island in  the whit sundaes i got paid nine dollars an hour   for that it was nine or ten dollars an hour right  um is what i got for that and that was the value   i could add to other people's lives i could clean  toilets right now people one-on-one i just had an   eight-figure e-commerce guy a lot of people might  know if i said his name but he wants to keep pride   right he paid me 2 000 an hour for my time right  but you know you are paid in proportion to that   and it's just energy and and so you know you've  got to ask people to work with you like this thing   that they will project their judgments on you just  know that that's them that's not you if you know   why you're doing it you're doing it to help people  right then then that's all um what's the number   one or the the biggest um uh obstacle that coaches  um that face when they're you know like in that   sort of between 100 grand to or i don't know maybe  even 50 grand to a million like in that range like   what's the number one thing that they have to  overcome generally what's their number one thing   holding them back well i think i'll start more  with the the under 100k a year because i think   most coaches are definitely that right oh they're  okay yeah yeah most yeah large majority right so i   i i think to break that you are going to work your  ass off and you're not going to see any rewards   you know you know you know generally for a good  couple of years and if you're super consistent   you know i met one lady she'd made got one paid  client in 10 years i'm like oh my god right wow   but yeah she's still going and then realizing that  she's still going well yeah yeah then she made the   decision yesterday she's like i'm not going to  do this business anymore i was this morning i'm   not going to do this business anymore because  i don't want to learn how to generate leads on   social media and i said well you know there's your  answers you know stop yeah but that's what you   want to do um but yeah i think that you have to  condition yourself to be in a state of certainty   and you have to want it enough this is probably  for all coaches really yeah you have to want it   enough so more than you know going and partying  on the weekends more than booking holidays you   know more than oh gosh i don't know like all this  scrolling on social media netflix whatever like   yeah i worked my ass off before i saw any real  you know return and so you've got to make the   second where you gotta want it enough you know  i i i think for that but it's one thing to want   to sit on the beach all day because you've  you know you're a you know successful coach   but it's another thing to have a why that's bigger  than yourself isn't it so it does like wanting it   enough comes from the why surely yeah yeah yeah  so i think that right but one empowering question   that really helped me is um um what have i not  been willing to do to get to where i want to be what have i not been willing to do to get to  where i want to be and every person i ask that   question they can give me a list they can say  ah well not make enough calls not do enough   posts not reach out to enough people right right  and so i have this on my phone as a screen saver   right and i say if i had to make x amount of  dollars in my business and my life depended on it   what would you do so for some people if you had  to make 5k a month and your life depended on it   what would you do if you had to make 10k a  month if you had to make 50k a month you'd   make 100k a month whatever it is what would  you be willing to do and i think people would   come up with some real empowering answers for  that right but would they be prepared to do   it i mean that comes down to whether they want  it enough yeah well yeah the brain hasn't even   avoid pain and gain pleasure so you know yeah  you've got to think of what are the consequences   uh long term for you if you don't change what  is going to cost you in your finances and your   health your body and your contributions of charity  and your family life you know i don't want to put   my kids you know this is real transparent  now i don't want to raise my kids in um   you know in formal schooling ideally you know i  would love for them to be homeschooled you know um   the extraordinary you know it's not everyone can  do that it's an ideal thing you know i'd prefer me   to raise my kids in the government um but uh you  know you've got to think of all these things yeah   so what's next luke what is your what are your  goals from here um well basically we've got about   a hundred coming to uh so far to our uh business  boot camp seven figure academy uh the coaches that   want to go to 50k per month in four months or  less we've got about 100 so far we want to get   150 there uh is that okay and um so that would  be that's a goal there yeah we'd love to break   the 200 people in events and uh i'd also like to  give more to uh charity than i ever have before um   yeah yeah to talk about i'll talk about this  charity that you support you're welcome to   share what they do with everyone yeah so i support  a charity the main one we support is operation   underground railroad and uh that that organization  is about freeing young girls and boys from us   sex slavery sex trafficking right so they found  in third world countries and developing countries   that there's actually some of the parents they  pimp their kids out to sexual predators uh for   money um because they essentially they struggle  to survive right um but also you know people   just kids are just taken abducted by these you  know sick people right these sick western men   um you know so i do that and uh you know i learned  this actually um where someone said to me um that   if you uh decide to give to something outside of  yourself like you know and you systemize it like i   decided to give 10 of that profits like if you do  it and you systemize it then it teaches your brain   that there is more than enough right it teaches  your brain there's more enough if you only make   100 grand give a small amount i only give smaller  i give small percentage right but if you can't   give a dollar out of you know ten dollar like  out of a hundred dollars you're not going to give   you know you're not going to give 10 000 out of a  million or whatever you know and so that drives me   um you know to give to those that  can't uh give to themselves yeah   so yeah that's that that's interesting  because you're sending messages to your   brain that there's more than enough consistently if we don't give because of a place of  fear we teach our brain is not enough   yeah [ __ ] that's huge yeah it's pretty big  i i sat in uh the wealth trip with uh tony   with that yeah learning from  billionaires i i learned i learned that   wow wow yeah and and it'll be it's so it's  just as important whether you don't when you   don't make millions to do it isn't it probably  more important it will teach your brain there's   more than enough you go in the sales call you're  so much more congruent they say to you oh you know   i don't have the money you can say look i'm all  in i've got no other way and i'm giving money to   charity trying to support somebody else like like  there's no excuse like you've just told yourself   there's not enough like you know people ask that i  think to find people's financial future is one is   like you know oh i can't do it i can't find the  way when they see an opportunity the other one   robert kiyosaki said this is not how can't  i but how can i how can i do this if you say   how can i you will find a way for anything yeah  yeah yeah and if you're in a place of abundance   well like i mean at least if you if you know  you've physically seen the evidence that you   can give right which means you're telling your  brain there is enough even if there's that you   don't you the external circumstances show you that  there isn't just yet but like if you're telling   your brain that that there is is enough um then  um [ __ ] i lost my train of thought there um so   your brain that there's more than enough just by  doing the act right you're you're giving yourself   strengthening the belief in yourself you're  strengthening the trust in yourself you're   strengthening everything that's great about the  human spirit that has to trust and the unknown   is being strengthened inside of you and i believe  yeah that's but that then you think you think to   yourself because you've given you've seen the  evidence that you're wealthy you're welcome   well it's not it's not a an ex wealth is not an  external circumstance it's a it's an internal   trust and faith and knowing that you're always  going to be supported that is wealth hmm   and and then the external world has a way of  meeting the internal yeah it's going to match with   your internal right but not in yeah just using  more of those of those resources inside of you   right i feel like this would be a good time  for me to um uh sorry i really feel like i'm   interrupting you now this would be a good  time for me to tell everyone to here we go ladies and gentlemen there you go i'm  gonna be homeless this winter for a night   got that shut that down support my sleep out  sporting the homeless i don't know six years   in a row um sleeping out in the street because i  i nearly was homeless when i started my business yeah you know we've i mean we've all  got our stories like i think that these   these um challenges build [ __ ] incredible  entrepreneurs you know i i don't you know   like these you start start a business with  with when you're fully financially supported   like as soon as things start to go wrong your only  answer is going to be to get another investor to   sell equity that you know i found successful  people it's never ever to do with their past   it's never ever to do you know it's very  rarely that's ever to do with the amount   of money in their account it's very rarely  it's ever to do with that the number of kids   they have or their partner it's nothing  to do with their external circumstances   and it's everything to do with are they willing  to back themselves are they willing to jump right   if you're not willing to jump then you'll never  see your potential you're just you've got to put   yourself in a position where you're forced to  use it for most people you know um yeah so talk   to me a little bit about mark the marketing side  of things like obviously going from one to one   you know one to one i could imagine like you know  getting on the phone you could you could you know   fill your calendar with a bit of effort um but  we're going one to many you know then you need to   incorporate marketing um i don't know you you've  been very active on on facebook um did you find a   formula that works well or did you just literally  hit it from all angles yeah well i start i believe   people just add platforms in stages right is my  belief based on uh what's going to give them the   highest roi return on their time energy and  money right just add people get overwhelmed   because they try to do everything at once right  so i believe having um platform by platform so   i started with facebook i got really strong with  facebook uh and getting you know lots of likes   and followers on there and engagement you know  facebook ads from the start organic facebook okay so listen up mother cluckers like all you  people that say facebook organic is dead oh mate   is it is it luke we do about uh 20 to 50k  every month just from uh facebook organic   i knew it i knew it everyone says everyone says  the organic doesn't work anymore when that when   the algorithm gets smarter and they're not good  enough anymore they just want to blame them   more creative most people in their  marketing they're too uh what do you call it   um bland as in they're trying to do what  everyone else does they're doing the same   thing as everyone else when when people used  to sign up when people started my courses   um you know i'm a different stage of business  now but when i was you know earlier on i used   to dress up as things i used to dress up as like  a banana or as a whoopee cushion there's superman   like and then he gets attention yeah right  attention right and people would yeah   i meant and then it would lead to the next sale  it was crazy um that's awesome that's awesome yeah   i remember seeing one where you bought your gucci  shoes was it or louis vuitton shoes was that right yeah you started did you go to tony robbins 60th  birthday i did i flew over there with a mate um   that was for uh february of uh 2020  just before they started the lockdowns   right you know in in march and then although  they closed all the uh it must have been a bit   like going to the academy awards i saw a clip on  youtube oh i was i was there i was so close to   front i swear to god i i saw a gerard butler there  i saw um gosh who else was there there was um   all these famous uh oh yeah pitbull was there  uh gosh i think um yeah not uh alicia keys   there was a another leona leona lewis leone  lewis i think the name is the singer um yeah   a few other big uh really successful people  oh they're billionaires there as well yeah   but yeah just meeting greeting with all  these people you know i was i went there   for two nights to la yeah wow now you joined  how so when you joined platinum partners did you empty your bank account to do that as well to join uh yeah so i did that and you only get  three events you get three events yeah yeah yeah   but you but it was a goal for you and yeah it's  the best thing i ever did i got coached with by   tony on a lot on a few things yeah yeah yeah but  so did you set yourself a target and if you met   that target you would buy uh yeah yeah so i was  like once i hit this amount of in the bank uh   then i'm going to put it back out now here's the  thing right this i find this interesting that most   people when they make a little bit of money they  put it in things that depreciate in value right   they buy the car too soon or they buy too many  clothes too soon or they you know go and spend   on something they might put it in you know crypto  but then you know just just know like if you did   it in bitcoin now it's just dropped by 30 so like  you know you don't know they put in things that   they either they can't control have no control  over all the depreciating value so they do things   too soon so what i did is i put all the money back  into myself until i knew that i had a real clean   systemized income generating machine that was  predictable and that could make money every   week or month and i knew that if i produce certain  actions it would do it right so i believe to build   wealth the first thing you've got to do is you've  got to increase your earning capacity right your   earning capacity is the number one thing that will  control your wealth long term because that gives   you money to invest in everything right so i put  all the money in 2019 in the middle of the year   uh to a lot of money into that um you know  investment and i remember the first event   was in uh august of 2019 in amsterdam and now  i'm getting personally coached in my business   by jay abraham and tony robbins right and by that  time you sit down and you shut up you don't say a   damn thing right um that alone was worth it that  alone just one interaction right so i i i think uh   that people should do that and then once they get  that then invest in property or crypto i do other   high risk things in that now but yeah okay but it  starts with the belief in yourself because you're   not going to see it as an investment if you don't  believe in you because the personal development   yeah a lot of people could say oh you know you  a lot of people a lot of people would give you   the feedback as well like you know what did that  cost you know what did you get out of it most of   your family friends are going to think you're  crazy like this is the thing that people make   people go ask their partners that have never ran a  successful business or never generated any serious   income and asked them about their investment  decisions in their business do you think warren   buffett is going to go speak to his wife about  oh should we invest in this company or not like   no like do you think they bought your boardroom  meeting like him and charlie mungo i'm gonna ask   my wife about what she thinks about her intuition  on this no they walk in like oh if i'm a business   owner i need to look at all the numbers i need to  look at the information and to make an educated   choice but i'm only going to ask people that are  well informed or that have done it themselves   right so i think people will only take risks  to the degree that they believe in themselves   so i believed that i could make more  than 100 back from that investment   and i have right multiple times over right but  and i believe that no matter what happens in my   life i will always find the way and that's the  thing your audience is going to take away too   if you believe that no matter what happens in  my life i'm going to find the way what would you   do then what what would you act on what would you  know whatever it may be uh and and you know that's   just you know whether it's waiting i would  like to have that belief yeah yeah um did we cover off so the number  one challenge that coaches face   oh yeah oh gosh just doubting themselves doubting themselves and not wanting it enough  yeah focusing what you don't want so yeah   yeah okay focusing on the problem focusing on  the problem you focus on what you don't have   you focus on what you miss you focus on what you  can't control if this is your pattern of focus   what you don't have what you can't  control and what's missing then   you're going to produce emotional states that  are just going to shut your nervous system down   and you're not going to take any solid action  from that place yeah right so what do you do to   get yourself primed to to take that action that  that's that's necessary or what what do you do   to get yourself ready for that sales call when  you really need the deal oh gosh well you've   got to come in there and just say like i'm going  to serve this person i'm gonna help this person   i'm gonna solve this problem better than anybody  else and they're gonna know that in their soul   and they're gonna say this is so weird it's  irresistible but they have to say yes to me   yeah right i like to move people emotionally  on the sales calls so when they give you   their objections i go yes or now you know because  only two things happen on a sales call either   they're going to buy your unlimitedness which  is the truth or you buy their limitations   if your solution is more valuable than the cost  of their problem then you have a duty to sell   it to them right if their problem is costing them  emotionally whatever it is or financially and your   solution is more valuable than that then you've  got to give it to them you've got to do everything   i try to move people emotionally right uh you  know and when you do that and against the sale   you must encounter a bit of buyer's remorse  have you you got to do the right amount of   push and pull energy i've learned this earlier  on right i i i early on i used to push push   like a crazy man and i some people didn't  want to talk to me after that right   i learned how not to do it i'm like okay right  before that i was super soft to go oh think about   it no worries let me know when you're thinking  about it all right too soft then i was too hard   and then now i found the happy medium i'm like  i come from a place you must enter in the place   of a place of no need no need right you want  them to do it but you don't need them to do it   right and you've got to be willing to walk away  right i'm willing to walk away but i come from   places it's not for me the sale is never not for  me like i don't like this is the thing like you   can't come from the place you've got to be this  is to solve their problem i'm trying to help you   i want is more valuable so you know do it for  you not for me right yep i've done it for me   this program has worked for me i feel good about  myself i you know that's how i think about it   yeah so so what when's the um  business event you got coming up   uh okay yep so sembling academy  business boot camp is uh july 23 to 25   and uh and we're gonna be virtual and you can  fly over here if you want if they don't uh make   it'd be like a hybrid event yep a hybrid event  hybrid event yeah and is it just for coaches or   could anyone come uh look anyone can come it's for  anybody that generally wants to get to 50k a month   and i'll teach you the most efficient effective  methods through organic means on social media   yeah facebook instagram obviously  you're a linkedin king as well um all ordinary ways but but uh you know yeah  well i mean it it's yeah i mean it's wherever   your audience is is [ __ ] hanging out but i  mean they're on social media that's for sure most people don't post their stuff because  they you know post about or they don't know   how to post generally right but yeah how to do  copywriting and things like that i believe i teach   that where'd you learn how to copyright uh just  understanding social psychology human psychology   how people make uh i think everybody should uh  watch um something by charlie munger and uh and uh   warren buffet charlie munger came up with  it's called the 25 cognitive biases in the   brain oh yeah wow yeah yeah that's huge  yeah yeah [ __ ] when i learned that see   how all your decisions are biased according  to your filters and your subconscious mind   yeah see exactly how you're sabotaging it you see yeah yeah and i like it people people have a  problem with with with this stuff because they   can see it like they see it as manipulation but  it's like it's not it's not manipulation it's   just it's just influencing them to might make  the [ __ ] decision that they wanted to make in   the first place they wouldn't be talking to you if  they didn't want to make it they wouldn't want to   buy it yeah no i think that manipulation is where  you do something that's win lose i win you lose   right yeah and influence is where i do something  but it's uh but it's win-win i win and you win   that's how i just see that's right you're being  manipulated every day by the way by the news the   media and whatnot right um but you know the  influence is that like if it's come from a   place to serve that other person and it's win-win  then it's influence you're just trying to get from   someone and it's win-lose and it's manipulation  right but yeah the i think i was going to say   do you know you had a bias in your brain called  the uncertainty bias so it's conditioned to avoid   anything that gives you uncertainty to avoid  anything that gives you uncertainty yeah yeah   yeah well i mean i i see it a lot with like with  marketing it's like people like novelty right but   like only a little bit like they they novel will  get their interest but then it's got to be the   same as everything else to back it up it's like i  don't want a two novel yeah i want two different when it comes to learning tech like if  it learns to facebook ads or instagram   they don't know your brain goes i don't know how  to do this and if you're not aware of it then your   brain will shut down right that's when you say  i can what if you turned every icon into i can   what if you turn every icon into our mast oh boom i need one of those  things on the screen that explodes that's a it's a tweet what have you turned up   i can't until i must i can't i can and then  okay every i can until i must yeah yeah because   if you must you will find a way you know tony  robbins talks about this a lot but it's like   it's not a mask you know it's good yeah it's right  it's assured but [ __ ] it [ __ ] should that's   i'm sorry for my language i hope  my mom's not watching but like   yeah because a lot of people because i hear this  a lot like you know i'm not a coach but i i do   you know help people where their businesses  and one of the statements i hear a lot is   i should i know i should be doing this or i know i  should be doing that and and like like when i hear   that i like i don't really know what to say i'm  like i'm like well forget about what you should   do what are you actually what are you actually  doing it and what are you actually prepared to do   because these shoulds they come from they  come from other people's opinions don't they   well it's i should but you've got low standards  in yourself because you've been conditioned   if you look at most people why are 99 of people  unhappy broke not fulfilled in what they're doing   um or they're not doing what they love why is  99 of people do that is because you've been   conditioned to have low shitty standards when  you grow up in school if they say it's too hard   they or you don't do that well they give you  a participation award they you get rewarded in   society for being average they still give you a  job you're still like this is crazy like you'll   still get a job you're still um you know most  people relationship will settle for some average   shitty relationship right you'll still keep  your partner probably holding to hold on to them   you know for a lot of people in most cases right  but for you know most people will tolerate it   like you tolerate city standards because if  you look around your friends and your family   got low credit crappy standards like i've been up  since 7am it's 9pm soon i'm going the gym after this raise your standards stop tolerating [ __  ] from yourself and i said to myself like   i'm not a little [ __ ] i'm a savage i'm an  animal i'm a [ __ ] warrior what i'm a boss   whatever it has to be like start giving yourself  identities that will cause you to take action uh   and you know raise your standards your life  is a result of that right if you just made one   decision and you kept to it for a long enough  time you would see your business you would see   success you would see it yeah yeah man we king brock that's all my social media uh oh wow  and yeah been with me uh gosh couple of years   now longest employee yeah yeah yeah well  i guess i just want to i just want to say   sorry shout out to brock um i've been  like at school like i found i found that   like when i look back on it i you know i did  alright at school but like i remember a lot   of people telling me what i can't do like you  can't do this you can't do that and like and i   i kind of still hear it from a lot of people but  like it's taken a lot of personal development   it's been the only thing that's gotten me to a  point where it's like well [ __ ] why not like   you know you're getting trouble growing up so  obviously you get conditioned that way but it's   taken me a long point long long way to get to no  no no i think i you know like i wha why not why   why can't i um and and i feel very different  to most of the people around me because of   that mindset um but yeah is that why is that  why you want to homeschool your kids yeah   pretty much like okay i might offend people or  somethings by what i say but um basically like   you know wherever they are like you just want  to be able to influence your kids more than   another person that's not helping them to become  the best version of themselves and some people   do it consciously or unconsciously right but  you know i i think that uh you know you want   to be able to influence other people to be the  best they can be you know as best you can and   you know i grew up in school and you know like  many of us we've you know experienced bullying   bullying experience uh you know being told that  you can't do things you know you know you learn   things you learn in school i don't know like  you you it's built from a 19th century model   and we're living in the 21st century they're  replacing everything with ai they're gonna   uber's gonna be gone actually um uh well they're  gonna replace it with uh self-driving cars   right yeah oh yeah yeah you're gonna replace  mcdonald's workers with uh robotics and ai a   lot of things are going to be replaced with  robotics and ai so you know you've got to be   doing what you love right um so these things  were funny i could take a screenshot of this oh thanks for these dating profiles yeah  yeah in a better commerce right well   look i know you got to go pump those  beautiful guns of yours mate so   i'm working on it i'm working on it yeah thanks  so much for your time man uh you've given us   if people are spending two thousand dollars  for an hour of your time so i feel very blessed   that you've spent an hour of your time with us  thanks very much for being here you're making a   huge impact let's acknowledge nat bibby he  is a king give give some love to that baby   shout out to that who is an absolute living  legend right i've got to say this uh i've made   ingredients stop it stop it oh yeah i meet a lot  of people in the self-development world and i want   to take this gift from me that you are a genuine  heart centered being and you go out there and you   generally go out and serve people and you know  what you're doing for people and how you've got   to where you are right now is super inspiring  my friend and uh i love doing this with you   and uh you know right you always make me laugh so  i want to say big that shout out to uh that baby   hell yeah all those all the people watching  that are coming on in the next few weeks   i wanted to take notes that's how you end the end  of monday night live but you you thank your person   they help you to serve other people right  right so that is the legend uh and uh   i will one day see you in perth or sydney  right yeah man hopefully sounds good brother you

2021-06-02 00:23

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