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hey everybody happy thursday uh i hope everyone is having a wonderful wonderful day uh as always please do say hi and where you are coming in from what social platform you are watching from uh please tag some people that you feel could benefit from the value of this content either before during after uh please do feel uh it is okay to share this content out because again the more eyes and ears that are on this content the better it is and again for people that that don't know march 22nd through march 26th my wife and i are having another amateur to expert 5 day linkedin intensive it is free if you would like to enroll just type in i do in the comment section below and we will send you the registration link to join us we have nearly 300 people already registered which is awesome and we've just been promoting it for about eight days so really really great so uh again um i see nate's jumping on good to see you so again as you're coming on please do say hi in where you're coming in from and what we're going to be discussing today is in specific how linkedin video will not only increase your business and your visibility but can increase your revenue and your sales but also can then give you the ability to become a linkedin live producer as i have become over the last few months and how beneficial that is for your business because again when you're able to connect with an audience like this where you can talk to people you can educate you can inform you can create that kind of relationship with people it's very beneficial so you know nate says can't wait till the 22nd yeah it's gonna be awesome uh very very excited so again as you're jumping on please do take the time and say hi and where you're coming in from um you know please throw some emojis some thumbs some hearts whatever you would like to give tag some people share this video and if you're not yet registered for our five day free linkedin intensive from the 22nd to the 26th of march in about a week and a half please do type in i do in the comments section below and we will get you registered we will send you the links and my good buddy joe just jumped on good to see you from pittsburgh pennsylvania so again we're going to talk about linkedin video today and the importance of that and what i want to stress to everyone and my friend claire just popped on great to see you on here video is not only the most important thing that people should be doing on social media it's also the most nerve-wracking i think the everyone is fine posting and and you know putting up pictures and quotes and uh and claire i will absolutely send you that link uh when the live is done would love to have you a part of that and again anyone that is registered i'll drop the link anyway and please do share it with your networks because we have nearly 300 people registered there's my friend margaret good to see you jumping on so again if you're not yet registered as claire has done just say please send the link or i do and i will send you the link to our free five-day linkedin intensive which begins on the 22nd it is live and recorded so no matter what time zone you're in you will be able to watch along now type uh in the chat box um me if you are intimidated by producing video content uh is it a hang up for you does it give you anxiety or stress do you not want to do it because it scares you or it's intimidating or you don't want to sound stupid you don't know what to say who's going to watch so if any of that resonated with you just type me in the chat box because i just want everyone to know that you're not alone you're not alone people feel intimidated by video you're not by yourself everyone thinks that they're on this island by themselves because they don't want to produce video content or they're not sure what they should say or how to say it or when to say it and they don't want to look stupid they don't want to sound stupid and again you know nate says yes and what i can tell everyone is that that is completely normal it is completely normal to feel very anxious to feel a little bit overwhelmed to feel a little bit stressed out when it comes to producing video content it's very easy for us just to post but what i will tell you is that no matter who you are everybody has a first video that they produce everybody and everyone at some point when you're producing that first video it is stressful it is overwhelming there's a lot of anxiety about when i first started producing videos god about eight years ago eight and a half years ago and it was very nerve-wracking and you know deb just said i used to be really nervous about video so i started a youtube channel and i am slowly getting better and and i think that's a that's a key point to really kind of you know catapult off of is that you know t harv ecker says it best he says every master was once a disaster so anyone that you see that is doing great video content now in the very beginning it may have not have been that good i look at some of my old videos and i just laugh because i see how much i've grown and how much i've improved over the years because repetition is obviously the key to mastery you want to continually do it over and over again it's just like the gym you can't build muscles by working out once and eating healthy for one day you have to do it day in day out week in week out month and month out year after year so i want to go over the the three keys to producing videos on linkedin that will increase your business increase your sales increase your revenue but also give you the ability to become a linkedin live producer like this which is the optimal way it is such a a step above just producing video on linkedin because now you can engage and interact with your audience so again if you're just jumping on please don't hesitate to say hi and where you're coming in from tag some people that need to see this share this video out and if you're not yet registered for nancy and myself our five day free linkedin intensive from the 22nd to the 26th of this month type in i do and we will send you the registration link and we go over the optimization of your profile searching and connecting for your ideal people messaging people on the conversations you need to have content creation and the 20-minute routine so you're not overwhelmed on linkedin and we did one before it went great people loved it and that's why we're doing it again so step number one to get into the habit of producing video content on linkedin number one produce produce two native videos two native videos per week for consistency produce two native videos a week for consistency now for me i do videos um twice a week um and uh i'll i'll send that out obviously so you can register for that absolutely uh elham i'll i'll send that out for you now so the days that i do video on linkedin are mondays and thursdays if you've kind of picked up on that theme so monday and thursday i always do my linkedin lives for consistency even before i was doing linkedin live i was doing my videos about twice a week so what you need to do is you need to kind of create a schedule for yourself and this is what helped me i actually have in my calendar it's an appointment reminder and it says linkedin live and it's a repeating event at 10 30 11 30 depending upon the day on every monday and thursday so number one nothing is getting put in that time slot and number two i have the reminder of what i need to do so make sure that you start by producing two native videos a week monday and thursday tuesday friday monday wednesday wednesday friday whatever two days you want now native video means grabbing your phone leaning in against something hitting record and shooting the video from your phone and uploading it to linkedin through the mobile app so you don't need any fancy equipment literally you can hold your phone up shoot the video and post it twice a week now if you feel you can do that type i commit in the chat box if you feel that you can commit to up leveling your business your revenue your sales your connection your visibility by doing two native videos per week on linkedin type i commit if you can do that because again if you want to up level your business you have to up level your activity and doing video is one of the best ways to up level your activity and to up level your business so tony says i commit james says i commit deb says i commit claire says i commit nate says i commit love it i love um i i love the fact that people are committing um not to me you are committing to yourself so i want to give you and give yourself a round of applause because again committing to yourself and what you're going to do so what you need to do is pick the days that you're going to do it first and foremost and number two put it as a calendar event so if you want to do videos mondays and thursdays tuesdays and fridays whatever the two days is book those as reoccurring events in your google or yahoo or whatever calendar you're using because again you're going to get reminders you know don't forget you know later today you gotta do your linkedin live so book it in your calendar so produce two native videos per week now number two when you commit to doing these videos make sure the videos are only 90 seconds to two and a half minutes in length and you want to write this down 90 seconds to two and a half minutes in length so as a trivia question type in the chat box how long should the videos be so type in the chat box how long should the videos be that you are posting from your phone to linkedin because this is key and there have been studies done on the various lengths of videos posted to linkedin so what's that optimal time what is too short what is too long what is the magic area what's that magic number so if you know the answer type in the chat box what is that magic range 90 seconds to two minutes yes up to two and a half minutes 90 seconds to up to two and a half minutes is optimal you want to write that down also if you know the answer yes claire says 90 seconds to two and a half mins max yes 90 90 minutes 90 seconds 90 seconds to 2 minutes yes now so someone also asked me before if they wanted to do a longer video what's the the longest a video can be on linkedin and the longest a video can be on linkedin is actually 10 minutes so you can do if you wanted to do a longer video or maybe you were interviewing someone you were asking them some questions and you wanted to post that that is going to be up to 10 minutes in length anything over 10 minutes you're actually going to have to upload it to youtube and then back link it to linkedin which is not what you want to do and wendy says 90 seconds to two and a half minutes absolutely and again a lot of this we're going to cover in the intensive as well so again for those that are are not registered for the five-day intensive uh the free five-day linkedin intensive from the 22nd to the 26th just type in i do and i will send you the registration link and for those that are registered when i drop the registration link later today please do share it with your networks post about it on linkedin um you know we want to get as many people in there as possible to educate them the right way so again you're doing two videos per week create calendar reminders for yourself and you want to keep them from 90 seconds to two and a half minutes now number three because the question in your mind is what do i what do i do what do i say and and james i will send you that registration link not a problem so now that you've committed to doing two videos per week now that you've understood that they have to be between 90 seconds to two and a half minutes in length make sure that your videos are educational and informative make sure they are either educational and or informative so as a trivia question type in the chat box what should your videos be remember should they be educational should they be informative or both type in the chat box what should the videos be make sure they are one of two things or both they need to be what or what type it in the chat box i want to create a brain tattoo for all of you to make sure that when you leave this training you know exactly what it is that you need to do yes james says education and informative yes educational informative or both absolutely so again if you're use me as an example use me as an example so uh deb says education information or both wendy says educational yep claire tony joe amazing you guys are great very coachable now use me as the example think about it what am i doing right here i'm educating and informing all of you about the importance linkedin video so i'm educating you on how many to do on how long they should be what types of videos they should be but also informing you of what could happen you get more visibility you get more reach it could increase your business increase your sales increase your revenue but the beauty of this is you have the ability then after you start producing a number of videos so say that you commit to really diving into linkedin video you commit to it and a month two months three months goes by you can then apply to be a linkedin live producer which means you can then do linkedin live streams just like this instead of the native video that people have to watch later so you can actually engage with your audience which takes your connection and your community to the next level i can't tell you how beneficial it's been for me because it took me a while to get to become a linkedin live producer because i didn't know that you had to be very consistent at publishing videos but when i started publishing two videos a week that were very educational very informative that were leaving my audience better i wasn't selling them or pitching them or anything i was literally just trying to give them as much free content as possible and all you have to do this is the great thing to apply to be a linkedin live producer you just go on google and you just type in linkedin live producer application it comes up with the url you click on it and you just fill out the information i had a client do this the other day because she's been producing regular videos two to three times a week within three hours she got approved to be a linkedin live producer and not many people are doing linkedin lives as you notice there's only a select amount of people that do it but i can tell you this is what i teach my clients and i'm teaching you right now if you commit to doing two native videos per week that are between 90 seconds to two and a half minutes right that are educational and informative linkedin is gonna notice this they're gonna they're gonna say you know what this is a value-added person on the platform we want them to connect with the the network that they're building on linkedin even better we're going to have them do linkedin lives because that puts you into that impactor and that influencer category because not everyone you have to apply to be a linkedin live producer so type y or yes in the chat box if you would love to be a linkedin live producer at some point so why or yes in the chat box if you would love to be a linkedin live producer you know facebook live everyone can do it but just to show you how special and unique the the ability you have to become a linkedin producer is you actually have to fill out an application which is very special which means they're only hand selecting a few people so you know claire says yes deb says yes james yes yes so what i can tell you is it is so beyond important remember i can guarantee you it's not going to happen overnight but if you start producing two videos a week that are between 90 seconds to two and a half minutes that are educational and informative you will eventually when you fill out that application to become a linkedin live producer it's going to change your business and it has to start with the native videos first so again just as a reminder for those that are coming on later on the replay use hashtag replay if you're coming on late and you are not yet signed up for uh my wife and i we're doing a free five-day linkedin intensive from march 22nd to march 26th just type in i do and i will send you the registration link it's from eight to nine pm eastern live and recorded so even if you're across the world across the pond wherever you are even if you can't be on there live you get emailed a recording the next day and it's also gonna be a watch party in the private facebook group where the training is going to be held so you have three different ways to watch so again just type in i do and i will send you that link so remember the three steps to really committing to video on linkedin step one commit to doing it twice a week set those reminders in your calendar number two keep them between keep them between 90 seconds to two and a half minutes and number three make sure that they're educational and they are in form of so colleen um nydia i will send that to you tony i will send that to you as well so again even if you come on late hashtag replay you just type in i do i will always come back and check but for anyone that does uh sign up um you know colleen uh nydia tony anyone else that wants to sign up please take that registration link share it on linkedin share it on facebook you know other people want to learn linkedin and it's a free way to do it and i would appreciate your support so again uh tony says native video twice a week 90 seconds to two and a half minutes make sure your videos are educational and informative that is what we just went over with a nice pretty bow on it and again when you are ready to apply so wait a few weeks maybe a month or so after you have enough videos under your belt then you just go to google you type in linkedin live producer application the link will come up you click on it you fill out the application and then you can start going live so i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a another training on for those that are linkedin live producers what they can do to maximize it and colleen said she's already signed up so again i really encourage those that are signed up and are are going to sign up please share that registration link so we can share this with the world educate and inform people more about the power of linkedin and how you can optimize your profile grow an authentic big network messaging and creating more sales calls content creation and creating a 20-minute routine so you're not overwhelmed on linkedin so everyone i hope you enjoyed today's training again please share tag register i will drop that link below to those that want to sign up love and gratitude to each and every one of you and i'll talk to you next time bye everybody

2021-03-15 13:13

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