How I Went From $0-$2 Million Doing Shopify Print On Demand POD (Must Watch Interview)

How I Went From $0-$2 Million Doing Shopify Print On Demand POD (Must Watch Interview)

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I'm just on my favorite what's right now but, what I have 40 guys is a really, really good interview there's an interview with my friends meet he's been able to sketch it over two million just in one year so. Even. Though it's like over 30 minutes long I highly, recommend you guys to watch through the whole thing take, notes because, he chopped a lot of value, in this interview so I hope you guys like this interview and, I'll see you guys soon peace, hey. Guys what's up I'm here with a friend nation. I met him from the Phuket mastermind, he's, been able to hit incredible, numbers on print-on-demand. He's, been killing, it within the print-on-demand space, he's big drop shipping at the same time he's been able to scale his store to like over two million dollars just in, one year so it's insane he's been able to reach 30k, days just. Off print-on-demand, and, I think you know a lot of people I just want to sort of bring us on on that has experience, with print-on-demand because. That's something that is sort of not talked about much on the YouTube space so, I wanted to bring in some of that sort of basically. Qualified, to sort of give, valuable, information Sony, should tell everyone a bit about yourself and how you go into econ. Alright. First of all it's video pleasure to be all so happy thanks for having me yeah hi guys alright, so my name is inspiration now I'm from you know New. Delhi India and I've been the econ space for more than 1.5, years I've. Been in the internet. Marketing space, for. Over. Five. Years now EECOM. Happened to us like one and a half years back and, coming, so I started, with the blogging and. SEO. More. Also, published. Best-selling author on, Amazon so then that's how we started, and then you, know we will do product launches and all that stuff but, then of course you know maybe struggle for three long, years to finally make a first order on the internet and then, one, and a half years back we, you. Know we start any calm so. The last one you, know in a first year specific, unity Combinator over, two million dollars in sales but I think was around 4.1 million that was the first year with it and we. Are mostly depend, on a man you know a t-shirt stand offs or, canvas hoodie. Is all that's and now, we want so diversified, into, physical products, so. We're all over, physical products now the, kind of products that you find on Aliexpress, so. That, that's pretty much about us you know the best stage that we've had so, we've had. Days. Up to thirty thousand, dollars of you, know one of the best months was around, 350. Thousand, dollars so. Yeah, that's, pretty much about, me. In my econ business that's awesome, and that's like insane, that you've been able to create, so much like not many people are able to hear like 300k, months. Like that's basically the top you know 0.5%. Of, dropshippers. But, you know one of the biggest question that everyone's asking does, print-on-demand still, work today. Yeah. It definitely does it definitely does it's right I think or you know, the man is on the best things that we have in the market right now because. You. Know you're, able to build it a brand so there are two things one is that with, print-on-demand, you are able to build a brand so, because, let's, say you're selling t-shirts so, people are gonna see. Your brand as a t-shirt company they can see your t-shirt back and your, product quality is going to be top-notch because, though let's say the t-shirts, cloth. Quality, is going to be the same only your designs are be changing so, you know you are, gonna be sure that, the products in your customers, are receiving they wanna be top-notch so. Number one in terms of branding I think is. Really really, good and secondly. Even, when you speak about the profit margins, or scalability, or if the man, at the market and all this, tertiary, monica's, t-shirts.

Or You, know the petition, is one product that sells, throughout, the year so. You know dependent, on events you're not dependent, on whether, you. Know you, don't depend on people. From China coming up with product ideas you, just you know you can think of whatever you want you can think of it as I get, in bed on a t-shirt from your design now you know make it yourself because, that's that's how we serve in so, what coming by you can get, the designs made launch them and that's it and then when you you. Know when you add a. Few things to the pre-namib business like up cells themselves, are. We, targeting and when you know that. What price points, you should have but, I think beauty, is really really profitable, really, scalable really, brandable and. Yeah. I am so we, we've seen great results of it and at the same time we've also at the model other. Guys seem like really, really good results for that that's, insane. What sort of profit margins are you looking roughly. Here in 2018. Through print-on-demand. So. The average profit margins, that we usually have around 20 20 percent this. Is the. Net profit margin that we make after paying the. PayPal, tree stripe fees being, Shopify, paying, the vendor all that all that stuff so we left the 20% net so. Yeah yeah. 20% that's awesome yeah that's definitely really really solid you know, when you're talking about you know how. Print-on-demand. You it's basically shirts, and people always need shirts like you're always wearing a shirt Nathan who need during winter and you're wearing a shirt or the touch of someone, but, when it comes to design what's, the biggest tips for that because I think people who get into print-on-demand have no idea what, can sell how, didn't know if a design is worth, advertising. So what's your biggest tip when it comes to creme and best inside that people would actually purchase, and value could scale. That's. A very good question again so you know when we are so. When we come. When, we talk about the designs one very important thing is that whatever. You design or whatever you promote you, should know that who exactly is going to be wearing that thing okay so when, you go to and, when you search for let's say. Some. Cool t-shirt designs or fine initial designs you. Know you're not gonna know who's gonna be wearing those funny designs, because, you. Know you should know the exact persona of the customer, who, you are gonna be promoting that design to so, when you create a design you know I would say don't, first of all don't really you. Know there's a lot of you. Know there's a lot of misinformation out there that. You need to higher premium, designers pay $100, per design, $200. Per as I know so, even till today we. Pay like two to three dollars per design so. And but, the only thing. That we do differently is that first, we, think about a target market first, we think about who's a target customer and then we get a design made so, just to give you an example rather. Than just of creating, out design which is funny let's see something something that says for the world or publish. Anything anything, rather. Than making something like that I'm going to be creating something like I'm.

Or F mom or mm, or more, does not give a F something like that so we can know that mother's about to be wearing this design of mine she, just make sure that whatever you create or whatever you get created, from someone else you should know that, who is this, design for number one number two definitely. Your design should be simple you don't really need to have a lot of colors so. 90%. Of the sales that we've made with Beauty they, have two. Colors at max and, those, two colors are black, and white that's it so even I'm talking about the design I'm. Not even talking about considering, the t-shirt color here so let's say I am. Selling a t-shirt which is flatter black in color the, design is just gonna have one color which is look white, a one color which is red so we keep it simple we know who's, gonna be wearing this and. Yeah. That's. It that, was insane you legit Chaucer very cold and nuggets just in like 30 seconds, so I guys take notes because what. Neiges saying is really valuable, like he's right like you don't wanna. Crack. The design first and then think of people to target you wanna see who you can hog on Facebook, look, at the interest I think of what that interest. And that audience would purchase and, what basically designed, I'll be looking for so that was like insanely, insightful. Like I think that's, really, really good but. You know you mentioned email marketing, upsells. Basically. Building a brand, talked, a bit talk about like the importance, of that especially in, 2018. And like just talk about like brand building in general nation, because, it's just so important. Yeah. That's a very good question, so you know we. Have to agree with this fact that you. Know Facebook Ads is getting the. Beginning more competitive, and I, think customers is definitely getting more is getting difficult right so the, average, customer, acquisition. Grade is definitely increasing for everybody out there so. If we as EECOM entrepreneurs. If we want to sustain in this market, if you. Know we want to be profitable with good profit margins, and if you want. To create a brand definitely, there, are a few things that we really need to do so, one is the, business side of it I mean. The, sales iris right and then there's customer service so first let's talk about the business side so, there. Are a couple of things that we've been doing especially this, year because leading that. We've been doing since January so, the very first thing is we make use of a lot of upsells and dancers so. Let's. Say or you know someone buys an iPhone someone buy it since powerful, my store off so after, I definitely want to be showing maybe you, know Wireless, of earphones. On a charger, or anything else then I'm gonna be down selling, the. Same product for a lower cost and if someone buys those wireless, earphones, I'm gonna be showing them maybe a phone, cover or a phone case oh wow, it could be anything just to give an example so, we do the same when in on a man or whatever product Ahmad so, like the other day we. Were promoting a t-shirt promoting, a product it was a physical product and it was for couples.

It Was a product for couples and. Of course you know we had t-shirts. For couples in the upsells, so we had three upsells three down cells you've, been using in this app called cut hook CA, RT HW, okay we were using this app, so. You know and we also use this app called a one-click of self a zip of fire so, you know using these apps we always, keep our really, be fun so. That we can make more money from the customers because if we customer. Acquisition, rates are going up we really need to be sure that we are making as much money as we can from these customers that's number one have up cells and down cells number, two is email marketing, so. We use clavo. We're in clap. You we have our automation, sequences. Set and our email. Flows in place so, whenever someone's, gonna buy a product related to an iPhone from me or from my, store desk oh they're gonna be added to an automation sequence, where for the next 10 days they're. Gonna be receiving, proper recommendations. Like on day one we're gonna send them a welcome email we're gonna come down you know send, them to a Facebook, page we're gonna ask like. A Facebook, page and it gives ourselves on, day two we want to be sending them recommendation. Number one in d3 we're gonna be selling and then -, it could be an earphone, it could be a wireless charger, a wireless at forum whatever it is so, you know even, marketing and GP really help us make money because whatever, money you make, from even, marketing you know you're making pure. Profits, you just paint with the product cost you know you're not paying for advertising because, the customer is already yours so number two is email marketing have. Your email, automation, and flow set up if, not cloud you you guys can be accused of formation, so I think MailChimp, is free for the first thousand, or three thousand, dollars and I think it saw its thousand is that's how we started, or, when. When people new e-commerce and, third, is retargeting, so we're really really on you, know full on into retargeting, so, we use you targeting in two ways one, is. That when, someone does not buy from us definitely you know we we show them retargeting, ads with some visits, the, sales page but doesn't, really buy each, for the me targeting ads and number two is, we. Cross sell them products so, I know that if someone bought this product from me definitely. My custom audience is being created, so I'm, going to be showing more products similar to this product of mine to this custom audience so, I'm going to say something like hey, we, have something I have. Another cool one for you or I have a, recommendation for you or I feel you would love this or we feel that, you would love this product that product is gonna be related to this product of mine so you'll also cross-selling, using retargeting, so, these are three things that we doing to make more money from the customers from, the customers, whom we've, already acquired or the customers, who know. About. Us or customers o visited our website and secondly.

You You asked about branding, so for branding, definitely what we would be doing is. So. We have two customer support agents now first, we only used to have one guy now we have two in fact one one go and now we have two ladies, over from the customers thought, so. One person works in the morning shift one person works night shift we've, added live chat with the website so you know people trust. Us more we've, also added a voicemail number, on, the website now so. You. Know what people can do by saying come on the website so on the header they're gonna see our number and when they call that they could you set us a voicemail, in fact now we've also hired or you, know, ours will. Telugola. From Philippines so, you know people can holler and even she is giving thank you goes to people now so when we get harder she, calls them says thank you and also, up. Sells them related products, and trust, me no this, is me just came up with this idea and it's really good because when. We call the gun customers. You know let's say I need you buy this product, from my website and I call you and, I tell you oh yeah, Andy welcome to our family you, will place this order on, my store and, you want to receive it in these many days and we, have something of recommendations, for you and then that person is gonna make the customer order something or send that person recommendations. On his email so, we're doing this as well for branding, or we're. All running Instagram, we're doing influencer, marketing. But. Yeah I think when, you stick out running you would become a brand when people start when, people start. Trusting you and loving you so, I had live chats have, a phone, number could. Be just our normal IVR, recorded, or number if you can get I'd, like you start phone numbers. Increase. Your also your reduce. Your average response time on email. Keep. A check on your facebook inbox messages, reply to comments or. Keep doing giveaways send. Emails I think yeah that's, pretty much it wow, that's a society, definitely, revealed so many things I definitely, would you know help people so, I really appreciate, you just revealing all these golden nuggets nation but you know I guess, it just sounds overwhelming what. Advice do you have for people because there's so many things email marketing instagram, all, these retiming strategies, both on facebook. Instagram, or email. Marketing and then you're talking about like live calls customer, service, live chat calling. On the phone like what's, the biggest tip because it sounds overwhelming like. How. Did you like basically build everything in, sort of do, it all on your own like basically. I guess i talked about a bit of automation, hiring. Talk about that because it just sounds overwhelming it what advice you would give to people wanting, to sort of step that up and sort of build their own brand and their own sort of branded, store. Alright. So, i know one is you know start step by step because. The. Most of you do the more the most of you inculcate. And your business, some money is gone a day so. Of. Course what we're doing is identi the process that we follow on so, first of all like, what, is the most the, most important, thing for you is gonna be your sales so, your Facebook Ads spot and your customer, acquisition part, should definitely be sorted, so, once you know that you have a customer, acquisition, rate or customer, acquisition, cycle, you're also running well and you're profitable, that's when you focus to these things before, that. The. First and foremost Emily should focus on guys should, be making, money directly. From your shop for startups one once. You have a process, in place that's. When you can start building a team so, first of all hire someone for customer support from online jobs rph that's a one I think that's one of the best virtual. Assistant, hiring platforms, that, we have so, we use online jobs or pH so higher, customer guides from there the, same person can handle the live chat on your website this, person could be could have could work in two shifts a morning, shift and a night shift and, this guy is gonna take care of your facebook comments so this person is going to be replying to every comment that you receive on your Facebook ads they're. Going to be this, person is going to be keeping a check on your facebook. Inbox so, your facebook inbox your facebook comments, your. Live. Chat and then you can also add a phone. Number you can buy a virtual phone number from, this website well grasshopper I think it's both grasshopper.

Which. Is Google that out and had a virtual number at the top of your websites so, if someone visits your website they know that you can be a branded, wheel company so, one, person I would say could handle all these things initially and then if you feel that, you. Know you getting more work then oh definitely you can hire more people so that's number one so, in this way you will be able to create a system you could be able to create a process but, definitely remember you. Should do these things when you are already profitable making money because, when you hire these guys you, nobody you hire more. Employees 70 you you want to be paying them a recurring on every single month so, I, would say that yeah this is pretty much how we went about it on. Edge offshore ph's would be used and. And. Yeah talking about the even marketing sequences, and all that stuff to be the middle all this stuff after, you, know we were sure that yes we know how to cross you. Know six, every single mom did already crossing six figures with decent, profit margins now, you know let's take things to the next level let's be on our selves let's make more money and let's make, a customer Omega customers, feel. You. Know that we care for them you know so, I guess like the most important, thing is just get, started not, perfect things you know go ahead and go ahead and get cells play, around with Facebook ads so just get profitable, before, you start again and thinking of all, these things and guys those, who are at the stage of you know profitable. And looking, to take to the next level the stuff this just reviewing is like call any Content that should be put in a course and he just gave it to you guys so, thankful, for him to revealing. It to you guys and I think that's the reason why I wanted to bring him on because I knew that he'll be provide value, to you guys and that's what the content I tried to put out to definitely, take notes on what he's saying but. Like these like how did you like to sort of get. To the place, where you are like you've gained all this knowledge like, like, toss. About the princess I always watching videos every day will you buy horses did, you have a better like that's insane you thought COO tonight it's so much knowledge. Wow. All right all right I be chic in that all right so um. So. You know we, I got to know about e-commerce like two years back and two, years back so I was added on these make money online forums. In groups where, you see people posting, six, figures screenshots like we made a hundred thousand dollars, excuse. Me so all, those features and I was like wow this, is some really huge, amount of money and. That was it that I am, when you were struggling with internet marketing you know it was just uh you know we were just breaking you in with the other businesses, that you wouldn't do like you wouldn't okay if you're not doing very well so definitely. It was like really enticing, for us that we really need to get, into this stuff, we created a Shopify store but then coming from India again now there are a few limitations, that we face in, terms of the payment gateways so, we do have paper PayPal, is definitely, available, in the country and also a. But. Then again PayPal, cannot store money also. PayPal. Auto withdrawal. So you know the money gets Auto get drawn every, 24 hours so the money cannot be stored there so, but then again we can accept image. Service okay Bob is there, then you don't have strive we don't have, or any other international. Payment gateway that be that any of us goes off so, it took us like four or five months to figure out the payment gateway stuff, because.

You, Know people going through them through those through that list of database at Shopify recommends we, couldn't have tried every possible game hey that'd be good in India but then you know we, could not really figure out a deal with them so none of them was none. Of them for allowing us to, accept. International payments. Accept paypal so. Do, this we. Do not even start you know we could not even run off for a stab after. That you. Know what we did I tell you what we did so I contacted a, friend of mine from us so. This guy I knew him from a couple of years so. We partnered. With this guy he opened a company in u.s. a US, company US bank, agon us credit cards, u.s.. Tribe u.s. PayPal, all that stuff critter, software store with his SSN, number so, that we could use our factor means, so you have taken all that stuff out and that's. How you know people finally able to start a software store then, or when this stuff was ready. You. Know we played, a gamble, there so. You. Know of course we I took a mentor in fact much as one mentor, I got a you, know both my Epistle Spartan and I you're a lot of Metroid's, specific. Just for e-commerce will give us since we started so, we got a mentor, you know being on some really cool stuff initially. Then after you know I would say, after. Two. Months of working or you know with the shop vest or when you running the ads we draw six figures and after. That I would say four or five months so that we got another mentor, well does cross multiple six figures and. Yeah. Since then things have been like that and you know you asking what knowledge definitely. We saw you know I personally I've, seen a lot of course is your name but you name the course I've seen it, really. Little Shopify and I think mentors and courses, and YouTube, channels like yours they definitely play a huge role. Because. You know you guys. Are going to be learning stuff really works so instead, of just you know pre-recorded. Content that, people you. Know bundle, in courses that were clear like five years ago. You, are gonna know what's working right now and what other successful, guys are weighing. In what people you know so people who are we making money they're. Gonna be sharing that Johnny's having on this cherry what's working right now so you. Know I think having. Mentors is really really really really order, of. Course, is definitely help courses. Or knowledge, mentors, and of, course taking action, so I think inca, yeah that that's pretty much it that was amazing, he, basically revealed how you, know people in they say countries such as India Phillip paces sort of those countries. Where it's just hard to basically. Get right to work and he sort of revealed how he was able to do it so guys that I even deal in a similar country situation, definitely, follow what they just said. But, I wish what. Could be going about three, to five months where you're struggling, to get you know a second, payment gateway you're struggling to get basically. Things profitable, what, kept you going. Alright, I would say there were two. Things that really kept us going so one was feed and, the second was direction, so. You. Know speaking what faith so we I I always, had, faith in this business model because, you. Don't definitely ever seen a lot of people posting screenshots even. In sharing video recordings, of their Shopify, dashboards, so I was sure that these are really making money so. I definitely had faith in the system because I think it's really I think it's very logical and practical and, Vesey dropshipping happen every, single day so, if you go to Shaw or shock you boy if you go to a shop, and your local, city or even, if you go to Amazon you know even these guys are drop.

Shipping Right so they buy, stuff achieve they sell it for a higher price and that's exactly what is happening all. Around us so this business model has been in place for centuries. I guess people, have been you know working on this model, so I really had failure in this business for number one I had faith in myself because, I knew that I really, want to make this money I really want to you know live that life and I wanna have freedom, location, independence. I want. To get financially, free I want to achieve, those six, figure numbers myself so. Faith in this business in this business. And most importantly, myself, it definitely, kept me going and ii, was direction, so. I remember that, for the first four, months and literally wasted, four or five months in just the case of, not. Having, access to other. Payment gateways but i still had access to PayPal, so, I did not have I do not really have anyone, you, know who told me that you could start with PayPal right away because you you, know most of his sales economy from PayPal so that is something that always you. Know or kept me under the hood I cannot really go, forward and last also I do not have. Any connection there but after four five months you, know when I have partnered, with the US come a might accompany God created everything was in place I had a direction that I knew and now at least I get with this this way then, when I was watching courses, when I was following guys when I was boobs Facebook. Groups and then when I was working with mentors you, know definitely uh my. Direction I was, getting very specific so, first I was going in all different, different directions but then after that it was just one direction altogether so. When, you when you have a direction, you. Gotta know what you need to do you're gonna know that even if you're not seeing profit today you're gonna see profit tomorrow because, you know that you, following the right process, you are in the right direction. You are in the right way so once you have that thing in place, it is definitely get you going, so, yeah this is some in our faith, and direction.

These Are two things that kept me going that's. Inside and I guess I really do rely with this sort of the, spreading of directions, because we get started they're just sort of information. Sort of overload, because there's so many people teaching different, things on YouTube, on Facebook groups, so I guess that's, what a metal comes in play away it gives you a base, pair direction, that's been proven to work with here many students, and, that's so I guess that's what you reckon helped, you find success. Yeah. I definitely did definitely did so mentorship and. Gaining. Knowledge, from. All the content, that we see Ron it. Definitely definitely are helped, me definitely, it did and I think you. Know if you just go out and if. You you. Know see success, stories around every. Year so behind every success story definitely. You're gonna have you know you're gonna see a mentor, so, because these guys. You. Know it's very bottled I meant because they would be able to tell you from their from, the years and years of their experience, that what is it then, you need to do right now so instead of you, know going. Through. Thousands, of videos and YouTube or going through thousands. Of articles on Google or whatever it is you're gonna know what you got on the the, exact blueprint, then. You need to follow to, actually. Have results, and make money so, I think that really really is very important, and also. You. Know because because you, know we've been in the coaching. Space as well so you, know since early. This year we've, been helping econ. Badi-ma he come on a bit nervous big money. And runner he comes towards ability brands so, you, know even we've seen so many people transforming, their income, businesses, in you know like a few days not a month like, we see a day in and day out like, I think one of the best or. One of our guys he crossed $1,000. A day using, drop shipping and his, profit margin as. I40, Sam and, then like, I just recently there was a post on a Facebook group where. This guy he, was struggling for like four months yeah. And he did, $25,000. After, you know he joined. The program of Farsi the $25,000. That month with, 20% profit margins, p OD again the other has to be ready again. Merchants. Guy and you know so we see these results coming day in and day out so and we, know for a fact that the, kind of content that we share the. Kind of stuff, that we share it is it.

Is A limb sand it's practical. You know maybe share what's logical. It's practical, it is action, and result oriented so, we know that you know there. Are there's, so much misinformation out there you're having the right man or is having mentors and having, all that stuff engage is very important and I have gone through your stuff as well Andy I think even, you're doing a really really great shows all your stuff so, yeah thank, you so much nice not really appreciate that but, you know tell, everyone at Dyea Facebook group because I've been a part of it you just provide so much value, just in the person this is just free values you know every week the Praetorian nuggets but tell everyone what you're sort of doing of the group and sort of the things you're up to now. Yes. Also this, the office, was funny comp success he, calm space success you can just spend it on Facebook calm so, yeah and he's gonna add a link in the description so, yeah. Alright so. So. We started is true with a month of January this year oh now I think we've going into play, presently we have an auntie eight to nine thousand eyes to the droop and definitely. Be add a lot of value in there, when, you go to pin the post of the drew very good influence, you. Would be able to see a lot of. Premium. A lot of free training and we've shared their so initially we, wanted. To launch that stuff but then they did not so. We kept it free for you know people like you, people like us. You know when we were starting back. Money. Am lactarius. So, you, know you would be able. To learn a lot from the pin post or, go through the case studies we share. Our own case studies sweet share a case studies of a students and. We've also share a lot of stuff worth facebook ads but we saw scaling, email. Marketing all that stuff so the group is Polycom success and. Yeah. Like I said. You. Know we. Seen, a lot of people gain a lot of knowledge and, results from these stuff from, from the stuff that we've shared so, yeah, yeah. That's that's amazing guys definitely, check out the group joiner, it's, really, reactive, he's always missing Valley and definitely check out the free content is provided because like you know instead of choosing to actually get people to pay for it you know be putting, himself in sort of his own shoes he's giving it out for free cuz that's his, way of giving back and I guess that's, sort of the reason why I'm giving content, because if I was in my situation you, know one year ago I wish people were giving out valuable. Content for free and so if not sort of pulling, you along the strings to get you and basically upselling, your course so I definitely want you guys to check out leashes group but, nation tell me sort of your, before, and after a cough like what's, your lifestyle, like now what's changed, like a believer, the world what sort of your lifestyle. How has it changed like, what's this a result, of a common entrepreneurship, for, you, yeah. So then again, definitely. I've seen a huge, difference in my life you. Know now. Trust. Me man so they. You know that's when we were struggling so he. Was struggling with payment gateways and we were struggling financially as well you know because you do not have a direction you. Were doing everything that we could, find this to make quick cash but. Now because you know we've, been seeing he comments a proper business we've, done two, million dollars more than two million dollars interest ammonia.

You, Know it inconsistent six-figure, mom's helping. People do it so you, know my life has changed a, lot many ways number. One is definitely the life style so I love to travel, I really love to travel so like. I sit alone I think I have traveled to more than ten different all locations. Be, it a broader bit of my. Country, some really exquisite. Patients you, know you can check a few pictures on my facebook profile if you want so. Yeah. You know so you. Know you wanna have the links to the description. Definitely so, definitely. A minimum travel, spending more time in the family spending, more time with the people I love my friends my family, and. Apart, from that of course you know we, are making money consistently, so, you know when you are hitting concision six figures having easy profit margins you make money that you can reinvest. Your servicing, to be invest in the business you can put something substantial, so, now we're working on something really big we're. And we you know the money that we made yeah, reinvesting, a manicure, but, you know focusing a lot of customer, service, and. Of, course you know when you know that. You're making money on autopilot this, is a location independent business, so you you, can be at any part of the world and. Even you know when you have a team in place you, know things are gonna be running on automation so now we also have people, running Facebook Ads for us so. Now because people running Facebook Ads all the other stuff is definitely, taken, care of so. You, know we've put in to partially. It is an automation now so, we're also enjoying, you. Know the laptop lifestyle, the, 4-hour workweek lifestyle. So, it's really good life, has definitely changed to, know it so doing. The software I love and I'm a lot, happier. Pockets. Are better. Now of course I am better go, and so I see wow meeting. New people great, people like you so yeah, it's been great, likewise. So, I guess the 45, months of just hardships. Of just stress and so just basically, failures, after failures, or paid, off. Definitely. I cannot, anymore yeah, so, what's, your advice on, people, who are just into dropshipping they put it two three.

Four, Five months they're trying to find success that watching YouTube videos here there and they're just sort of on the edge of giving up or they just find it super hard to succeed what's. Your final advice to them. Alright, so number. One or stick to one process, at a time so, one one mistake that I made then. I see a lot of people making as there is that they, are everywhere, so they keep in zooming information, from every possible source that they have but that they fail to, take action and even if the big action they don't stick to one plan so, I would. Say that stick to one plan follow, one process, across. The process, and don't. Do well. Believe in yourself stick to the process keep testing you know testing, I think with, EECOM. There are no secrets, there, are no secrets the only see who they said there are no secrets because all you can do is find, the right products, test, them well keep testing keep learning from the, stats trust, the numbers supply your brain trust, numbers if you don't, have account is not working if you're not seeing any results switch should add accounts which your business manager or maybe test different kinds of products change your strategies, and. All this information, definitely. You know all this information, is there all this knowledge is there if you are singles with you right now, I'm sure, you know from just, this source I'm sure you would have learned a lot maybe you, can learn a lot from the, platform, that it currently watching us with you on so, definitely, you know number one sticker process keep testing have, faith in yourself it's very important, if. You are here you know if you are investing your time you know value your time value yourself or see. Yourself as a winner already if you're aggressive you, dive into this and if, you are working so hard he even they ought to make this world my, friend you, better, make it work and you, really have no option you, will make it work because that's you, know if you're, not seeing success right now I think you are in the same is that Jeff, be stops was 20, years back or Elon Musk well it's, you, know a number of years back so everyone, passes, through, this fellow, this is called a silo effect so, you, know you this, is just a phase, that you apparently in but you won't realize but. Trust. Me you're. Growing, like anything. You cling like crazy your experiences, way so, have faith in yourself keep going and keep testing stick. To one process, have the right mentor, specifically, for the one person stick to it to follow one, specific. Vision. One, process, and I think you, want to make it definitely, that's. Awesome that's the perfect hitting nation guide is definitely, check out nation are putting always social media in the description is, Instagram, its facebook its Facebook group so check, everything, out hopefully, you guys like this interview and yeah peace. Alright. See, ya I was into it me I hope you guys enjoyed it he dropped a lot of ballot bombs in this one interview so definitely, take notes there was a lot going like dropped, in this beer he was really generous with his advice, I really recommend you guys to watch his interval, over and over again take notes of all the little things he said because he definitely has experience, he's definitely, proven his, knowledge in if he's been able to hit two million dollars just in one year definitely, check out his better group and any other of his social media platforms, in the link in the description, below but. Yeah if you guys want to learn how to best piece of master dropshipping, muscle, e-commerce personal, branding networking, platform. Our mentorship application, link in the description, don't forget to drop a comment if you have any other questions, or any requests for any other type of videos just drop in the comment below don't give them your my face group of e-commerce legacy, that's but if that's where everyone just sort of networks, and gets to know each other just helps basically, each a lot succeed, in a concert definitely on that the year last but not least don't, forget to like the video and subscribe you so I'll be seeing you tomorrow peace.

2018-09-12 00:54

Show Video


Wished the audio quality a bit better. I think he has a point with POD. I'm procrastinating right with opening my store as I feel dropshipping is saturated.

Hey as dropshipping beginner Which platform you recommend for marketing to get sales

He is looking like Rohit Sharma (indian cricketer opener)

Hey Andy do you know what POD company he uses? Printful, Teespring, etc.

You deserve way more subs XD

# 2nd comment

At this level, what companies do you use to print your products? Is it done in house?

Hi Andy, I'm just starting off. Now I have found the area I want to focus now, say I have a few products I found that I want to advertise, since my store is basically empty, is it a good idea to add in what i would call "filler" items to give your store some product volume?

Hi, we can offer "print on demand" service. If you need it, contact me.

Are there any spots left in Nish's program? I would do anything for a spot.

Thanks andi and nish

The info provided in this video is great

i come here after seeing your AD

Plz any one help me to earn thourgh ths type of work ..i m a sudent

correct me if im wrong by POD margins are like 10 percent, 20 sounds magical with POD..

Currently averaging at 25% net.


Private vendor from China.

Chinese Vendors.

what's ur email Sheeta Zhu ?? I am interested

Nishkarsh Sharma  Yes, we are Chinese supplier.And I think we are making good quality and good service too.

O L I  Hi, my email is

Thanks for sharing. Great info.

This is good share

Thank you very much! really good content

what POD is he using?

+Nishkarsh Sharma can you share ur Shopify store link and how u got the private vendor?

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