How grow to your #Scentsy business using YouTube

How grow to your #Scentsy business using YouTube

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i think we're live we are live yes we're live guys oh my goodness i am so excited guys to bring to you edie ann and edie is one of my friends and she has volunteered her time to come here to share her scentsy story with you guys i'm debbie pitts palmer some of you guys know me as dpp and here's edie i'm gonna let her have the floor and explain to you who she is and tell her story awesome thank you so much i am so honored to be here thank you for doing this um i think it's so important um i my name is edie i have been a consultant for almost 12 years um and you know i was telling debbie this earlier we all think well not all of us but i think my story is very boring and i get reminded very often that no matter what your story entails even if it's not a very dramatic sad or that type of story which we tend to connect to those more with our empathy emotion but all of our stories matter right all the ways that we joined matter and for me um i was doing another direct sales business and i had just literally started working from home and i kind of landed into this with my daughter having a fundraiser and my sponsor asked me to have a table at an event that i was doing for the other direct sales business and she's like oh no no set up a table it'll be fine you'll you'll it'll be great i'm like listen i'm not even going to be able to man that table you can't come and do it you want me to do that she's like yes she goes i'm going to send you a barbed wax you'll have a warmer because i already had a warmer she goes just turn it on and put the catalogs out on the table i'm like okay listen i can't promise you nothing and at the end of the night i had sold 300 of product from the table that i was manning which was the other direct sales and i went over to the table to shut the warmer off and there were 300 worth of orders sitting on the tables like 270 or something like that of orders that were sitting on the table waiting to be processed and they had asked me during the night they're like well how do we place an order or whatever and i really wasn't paying attention so i was fairly impressed um because i hadn't done anything like nothing um and it was the warmer the scent that kind of sold itself right the smell cells um and so that's kind of how i got started with scentsy um and within nine months i became a director what's up what scent was that i'm curious blueberry cheesecake oh my gosh my blueberry cheesecake oh my goodness one of my favorites one of my all-time favorites um she had sent me a buddy and i think it was penny pig was that her name penny the pig she was pink anyway um i think that's i think that was the the buddy that i had sitting there with some catalogs and then i had uh jade stone was my warmer so that was one of the original warmers that was back way back in the day um so yeah i mean there's no pizzazz around my story but it is my story um and it's part of how i became to be interviewed tonight right i mean i i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that story so i i want you all whoever's watching to remember that your story is enough for you to be sharing no matter what it is so anyway so that's kind of my story um i'm a nana i have three children uh grandchildren i have a grandson and twin identical granddaughters um i have two children of my own i have two stepchildren i live in a town of we lost 15 people in the last seven months wow so i think we're down to 192. oh my gosh what happened did they random stuff like heart attacks um we had one that was in an accident we've had one that had cancer and finally didn't beat it anymore um it's just been and it's it i think maybe one was kovan wow that is something i mean and then i want to ask you this question what was your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it as a scentsy consultant yeah uh my biggest challenge obviously was the fact that i lived in a town of 192 people like i was not even sure so the other direct sales business that i did didn't really do parties it was just catalog sales so i didn't mind knocking on people's doors or sending them a catalog in the mail or you know that kind of thing and that's kind of how it worked which really didn't i will say that i i did that direct sales for 12 years and it never did what i've done with sensei so wow put that out there um my biggest challenge was definitely not having enough people to do home parties and back in 12 years ago that was the prominent thing that we did was home par home parties and so it became very aware to me right from the beginning that i was gonna have to figure out a way to get myself known get myself out there get myself in front of people get my sense under people's noses but having to do it in a way that wasn't going to take up my 192 people because once i went through the 192 people there was nobody left so the biggest challenge was definitely living in a small town and trying to get my my name out there um and i did it so can you tell us how you did this we were interested in that part um so i mean ultimately for me i understood that the computer the phone or whatever was going to be my way to get out there i knew that i couldn't stay in this town i would have to drive to an outside town i would have to go an hour out of my way if i was going to do home parties or a half hour out of my way to do home parties um and so that became kind of normal and understood by me that if i wanted to grow i would have to do that i didn't like doing it i didn't like driving half an hour to an hour to go do somebody's party because around here that's kind of far um and so social media became my go-to when i sat there and said edie what is the way how is the way that you are going to reach people one was fundraisers and that's a whole other thing but fundraisers are a great way to get your name out there to people that you would never have touched but then social media became my thing and video really kind of had just started back then and youtube was the place to do that um there was no live video on facebook no live on instagram it was none of that stuff there wasn't even live video on youtube at that point the live video thing didn't happen until like what five six years ago um and so i decided that instead of being in front of a audience physically that i was just going to take the knowledge that i had and put it on camera and record videos and i call them static videos because they weren't live they were i could record them i could edit them i could delete them i could do whatever i wanted with them but it was my way to be able to get out there and the number one thing that i found worked because i would do scripted videos and i would do a la carte or all natural right i would just wing it like i would at a home party right and i found that the ones that i wing it winged it or i just did my own thing were the ones that people connected to and so that's what i did i would do demonstrations on youtube i would um do mock home parties like i would do a home party and bring my camera with me if i went an hour away to do a home party i would bring my camera and i would record it and then i'd upload it to youtube and so the relationships that i started making on youtube were ultimately what grew my business because i would say at that point 90 of my recruits came from youtube wow and so and i became director in nine months and so from that january because i joined on december 30th of 2010 and so from january to september was all youtube and like i said 90 of the people i would even venture to guess 95 came from youtube um because i think i might have had one or two people locally that decided to to jump on board so honestly and and now as it's evolved and become live good heavens like to me that having a live version like what we're doing right now is ultimate bliss because for someone who cannot physically go into people's homes and we haven't been able to right so i always joked about it when kovit came around that i've been social distancing from the beginning right you know and i've been running my business that way and so if i couldn't go to them i was going to allow them to come to me and and to be able to um see a home party the way that it would have run if i was standing in their home and so i would set up my countertop i would you know put everything on there like i would have done at a home party and i would just do it you know and and try to be as natural as possible and then create those relationships by going to other people's channels and commenting on their videos and and creating that relationship you know i was about to ask you how did you form relationships with people on youtube how many followers do you have right now um i'm not sure how many followers i have i probably could go check um i i mean as far as okay really there um i'm trying to go find out for you um as far as building relationships the biggest thing is to i have 22 000. oh my oh my gosh that is amazing now i've lost you though so where'd you go oh my gosh that is amazing hold on um so i the the best way to build relationships is going to like and don't talk shop like i always tell people don't talk shop it's not always about scentsy it might be in your life but it ain't for them and so if you start vomiting at the mouth of all scentsy stuff they're going to be like time out i don't i don't even know what this is that you're talking about right so what i did is i would go find videos of my dog breed i would go find videos of flower gardening because those were all things that i enjoyed and i knew that i would be able to have something in common with them so if i commented on their video and they replied most of the time and it still is this way um if you comment on somebody's video most of the time they're either going to reply so there's that conversation or two they're gonna go to your channel and see what you got going on so if you have a mix of flower videos and scentsy videos now they get drawn in because you have something in common with them and then by the time they finish that video what is what happens the next video that rolls through is scentsy so now oh she sells scentsy huh what's that oh that's pretty cool oh my gosh i needed a scentsy consultant you know what i mean so there's there's you have to have that common ground in order to build the relationship relationships are built on built by uh know like and trust right knowing you liking you and trusting you and it can be a little bit difficult doing that through video and having only a one-way conversation especially if it's a static video and not live like this right we have a conversation happening but when you're doing a recording and you're uploading it there's no conversation unless you create the conversation in the comments and so it's super super important to be authentic so that they can know you and potentially like you because of that and just create content that you have passion about hopefully one of them is scentsy right the other one could be gardening it could be about cars it could be about look you can search anything on youtube anything right and so that's how i built the relationships that's how people found me and and if they search scentsy i might come up and so they'd see my videos and be like oh yeah i can really relate to her you know so i always tell people please don't script don't scr people don't want to listen to you read they want to listen to your heart they want to get a brain dump from you and and hear what you're actually thinking about and what you're doing and how you're doing it you know how often do you uh i mean currently how often do you go to youtube do you go live or you upload the videos and yeah i mean i i this this platform right here stream yard i have the ability to go live and do maybe like an unboxing or something and i will have it go on my personal page on my business page and on youtube so i always um unboxings i do live because i just feel like there's a genuine genuis genuine knitting being genuine when you are being genuine or authentic there's so much more connection that can happen with people because they're like oh my god look she looks like a kid when she opens up that scentsy buddy or wow did you see her face i don't think she liked that scent right being authentic can be relatable um and doing that live i think is is has been the best uh result in unboxings for me um but every month i do a static video on the scent and warmer of the month so i just record a video i talk about it i edit it so that i can take out all of the dead space um and that's really the only editing that i do is taking out the um's as or like i had to leave because i needed to go plug it in or whatever so i usually cut that stuff out to make it concise um but i i mean at this point my my channel has become 80 scentsy and 20 personal um and i really need to kind of up that a little bit more but i'm i'm so passionate about scentsy so i love to do scentsy videos but i have to keep reminding myself like i would be doing for you to make a personal video you know i used to i had uh gastric bypass four years ago so that's been a big thing for me to talk about on my channel so that brings those um people that have had that or are wanting to have it and so they have questions or whatever so it's it's just a way to get people to my channel that's a good idea never thought about that everything i have out there except with the exception of my daughter's singing but i never thought about putting personal stuff out there oh my gosh well i mean i think that's what creates that connection they don't know scentsy the majority of the people out there don't even know sensei exists still so when they come to your channel and the first thing out of your mouth is scentsy they may connect with you more than likely they're not gonna right so if you bring on something that is personal to you like let's say you love gardening you know maybe you have a little excerpt of you actually planting your stuff this spring or talking about what you're gonna plant or showing what you're gonna plant or you know that kind of stuff that is going to bring an audience because they're going to be searching for it how many times you go to the to youtube to search for how to do something so if you know how to do something then video it and put it on youtube because somebody's gonna look for it you know um so yeah definitely mix it up that's a great idea that's a great idea putting that on my list so edie why do you love scentsy so much oh god you know my biggest saying for the last and i've been with scentsy for almost 12 years so i will say that this really started to sink in about 10 years ago so two years into my into my journey um it's just been a pure blessing of a catalyst some pretty amazing things in my life and so not only do i love the product i mean listen we wouldn't i don't know that we would be here if we didn't love the product right but i feel like the things that have come because of scentsy i don't know what i would do without scentsy in my life whether it's the friendships that i've made i'll be honest the biggest thing for me has been traveling i mean you know deb i mean you and i have been on numerous trips together and i just cannot like i literally just got my flights for alaska today so it's like i don't those places would never have been on my radar if it hadn't been for scentsy and if they were i would have had to work a lot harder to earn the money to go you know but i've been to places like greece and africa and new zealand and punta cana and cancun and now i'm going to alaska so it's like what so the traveling by far has been one of my favorite things about scentsy but i also know having worked with other direct sales businesses that nothing nothing matches scentsy like i was telling you i i worked with that other direct sales business for 12 years and i didn't even get near the recognition i didn't even know who the i knew the owner was do you think she talked to me or even had dinner with me ever do you know how many times i've eaten with heidi norville i mean the fact that or dan at this point i mean the fact that they know us we're not numbers to them we're we're souls we're spirits we're we're individuals that they literally care for and that company that i worked for before she didn't even know i existed you know so i think the compassion and the love that comes with scentsy and the traveling um i think those are my favorite things about scentsy and a big reason why i love scentsy and will never leave scentsy did you get to go to the other company's convention that they have those how would you wear there is no comparison listen you hear us talk about scentsy spirit there's no way to explain sensei spirit there really isn't and the convention i went to two conventions for the other place and it was just so i don't like it was just kind of rhythmic like you just kind of went with the flow you did the things you saw the things you did the rah-rahs and i mean it was nice it was fun and and you know we had a great time while we were there but it wasn't like scentsy has this energy i guess that's all i can explain it as like energy when you say scentsy spirit to me that's the energy that we consume and exude when we're together and then that kind of just trickles when we leave right it trickles through when we when we leave there um and it's just there's just it's totally different totally totally different and to to mark that the first year that i was with sensei in 2011 the reunion was in texas and i opted not to go i this was the first and only time that they had a virtual option and it was like 10 bucks and i was like i've drank the juice i've been there i've gone to conventions i i know what this raw rust stuff is i don't need to go so i didn't go and i stayed home and i watched one general session it was 10 bucks i watched one general session on the computer and it was completely lagging at that time because we you know 10 years ago 12 years ago um and the next year was in vegas and i went and i thought shh i missed out like not going the year before i kicked myself so hard because i was like this is nothing like i thought it was going to be nothing you know and so i never missed an i never missed a reunion after that except now of course we've had a couple that were yanked from us um and unfortunately this year i'm not able to go because of some medical stuff and it's okay it's okay it's okay am i bitter maybe but it's okay it'll be fine um you know so we're going back in person but we also have a really exciting virtual option that we're going to be getting so hopefully and definitely going to be much better than the one that was in 2011. you know they had a virtual one back then i guess that was i mean i was there they only had one oh i didn't even know about that and it was horrible it was a horrible experience to be very honest like i said it was only ten dollars and i'm not quite sure what their how they did it but like there was a camera standing in the back and it was dark and you could hardly see or hear anything yeah so much better yeah but yeah sfr is electrifying it is like everything i mean the lights the confetti and all the stuff i mean it's just and it's not just that though it's the energy that comes from the people oh yes like we're just on fire when we're there and it's contagious as heck right and so it's just like i said it's that spirit it's the energy that comes from us being together and i truly believe and here here's what i think the conventions that i went to for the other direct sales there were a couple people that i knew so you kind of hung out with them and you you you know attended it together scentsy you usually know quite a few people and just in that you get to meet other people they're very welcoming that energy just compounds and compounds and then all of a sudden it's just you're shaking the floor because you're doing the fitness marshall and it's literally shaking the floor it's everything it really is oh my goodness just everything yeah yeah that's i tell you either you have shared so many amazing things with us and uh we so appreciate having you here is there anything else that you can think of that you may want to add in closing uh that you may not have thought about before and just what do you think i think the biggest thing that i want you guys all to take away from this is not only did i live in a small town and i needed to figure out what to do to overcome that but the only way i would have been able to do that is with the right mindset and i think that we forget the power we have here in allowing us to do more and allowing us to feel like we're enough and allowing us to be a better consultant every day and if you don't think you can you won't ever but as soon as you have hope and you line it up with that desire to have more or to do more or to travel or to have a bigger team or more parties or whatever it is that you need to draw from that as soon as you believe that you can the mo the motion's already started and so i truly believe that if it hadn't been for a mindset of growth a positive mindset mindful thinking or mindful thoughts i wouldn't be sitting here right now oh you know i just thought about something edie because we never we didn't even talk about the give more than you take and you did you did that with that home party group that you had um because edie was so amazing at these virtual parties she created a group and she invited all consultants to join this group where she shared all types of ideas about how you can go live this is before i started doing virtual parties so i was in the group but i didn't pay a whole lot of attention to it because i was doing events but that was her thing that was her thing and she mastered it yeah yeah it's still it's still around it's not as as active as it was in the past because we're all doing virtual parties now right we had to um it's still there there's still tons of information it's just the virtual party group for scentsy consultants that's what it's called on facebook um but yeah yeah i mean i i'm just in the camp of if i know how to do it and i feel like i can do it well then there's absolutely no reason i shouldn't be sharing that information so others can do it too you know that's just how i think that's that spirit right there it is so edie we have enjoyed you we thank you so much for sharing all this valuable information i have taken some notes myself and i'm sure i'm hoping that you guys have taken down notes because we're going to implement what you've learned because i am going to be upping my youtube game yeah it's a great tool thank you so much debbie for for doing this this has been wonderful i appreciate you so fun okay guys have a great night bye okay let's see how to end this this

2022-05-13 03:50

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