How Do You Improve Your Support & Resistance Awareness for 2023

How Do You Improve Your Support & Resistance Awareness for 2023

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all right uh good morning everybody good  evening good afternoon how are you guys doing   welcome to the webinar guys we have another uh a  very powerful support and resistance webinar which   I'm sure you're gonna absolutely love it is going  to be on the topic of awareness how do you build   awareness when it comes to looking for support and  resistance and especially going into the upcoming   year how you want to use this information so  as we get started um let's just find out we   got a lot of you guys tuning in right now we'll  give it a few more minutes as everyone gets in   um but uh I saw actually a bunch of you guys  already in the room uh a good 30 minutes prior   so uh kudos to you guys to making it here on  time um so uh where are you guys all tuning   in from today okay I see some South Africa I  see Nigeria I see India I see Toronto uh Saudi   uh what else did I see here so far uh Philippines  all right so I'll wait for you guys for all your   chats to come in uh and then we'll give it  a second and then we'll get started here   so I think the the chat is probably going on  and off uh with YouTube today but uh uh you   know it should probably be up and running  in no time so don't worry about that okay   so we've had a lot of information when  it comes to support and resistance right   um support and resistance is something that I  personally hold very close to myself uh where   if there's one thing you should Master uh when  it comes to trading whether it be Forex stocks uh   indices uh Futures even cryptocurrencies doesn't  matter what you do support resistance is a key   element that you have to have to have to master  right okay all right guys so what we'll be doing   uh over the next 45 minutes so you know I'm gonna  walk you through on some of the things that you   need to do when it comes to drawing your support  and resistance what are the elements you need to   look for in terms of what is a good level what is  not a good level what is a level you need to look   for certain things and what are those certain  things so we're going to bring awareness to   that because it's just not a simple line in the  sky right it needs to be more than that so we're   going to bring awareness to that as well for  you guys and for those of you guys who are new   welcome welcome to Urban Forex webinars this is  the webinar in fact if you if I ask the question   how many of you guys have been to my webinars  before I'm sure the responses if I see on my   screen will be more than 80 percent will be saying  yes so if this is your first time welcome uh if   you don't know me my name is Navin Prithyani I'm  the senior Trader here at Urban Forex um CEO of   Black Tower investments in Hong Kong and also CEO  of anticipate don't participate dmcc here in Dubai   so we got a very special webinar here for you guys  today and I hope you guys are going to like it if   there's any questions or concerns you can use the  chat uh if you're watching here Live on YouTube   or on Facebook you can use a chat wherever you're  tuning in from uh otherwise we're always available   on support by email that's  all right let's get started let's get started okay   all right here uh give me a second, okay all right I see a lot of you guys are listing out   your countries where you guys  are from welcome welcome guys   um I'm not gonna read them out because we have a  very short span of time here today we've got 45   minutes here to uh together I generally always say  45 minutes we end up going to an hour but uh we'll   try to keep it at 45 minutes yeah okay so let's  let me share my screen first and we'll get started [Music] okay give it a second it's just loading okay I think you you guys are able to see my  screen now just fine okay so so first things   first first things first now some of you guys were  asking uh in chat earlier regarding um uh trading   different markets not just Forex markets so I want  to let you guys know that you can create different   markets I personally trade different markets as  well I'm going to show you a few trades that were   done yesterday uh at New York open um we have here  we have Qualcomm this is from the NASDAQ and uh I   use similar aspects of everything that's taught at  Urban Forex and apply them to different markets so   what I what I personally do is I go where the flow  is okay Forex is a big cash flow area but not all   the time is it busy okay there are times when  it's not busy and then I'll be like okay well   the flow is happening on stocks and stuff I can go  there because in stocks there's always something   with its earnings reports guidance is um patents  and all the stuff coming out that you can trade   them so I use talks more of as a day trading and  I use more Forex as a semi-day trading into swing   trading okay so this will this will help you uh  figure this out so now this is Qualcomm you know   this is I took a small Buy on it I didn't take  it all the way up to my take profit as you can   see up here the upper part is my limit this one  just generated 920 dollars just as a disclaimer   um uh as a rule as a legality of stuff that uh  past results are not future guarantees right as   long as everyone knows that trading is highly  risky you guys should always be aware of that   um all right so and the other trade and  was from DocuSign okay many of you guys   probably use docusigns in your careers one  point or the other while taking up a new   job or during the lockdowns everything was  coming out with docusigns where you that's   how you would sign paperwork so that company  is public and uh been trading that yesterday   um traded 6 000 shares of that yesterday and took  a total net gain of Thirteen thousand dollars on   that one so all in all around 13k yesterday um  trading the stocks but the whole point is this   is more of a Forex webinar okay so even though  um I'm showing you some stock relevance here it's   more of a trading webinar because more of a Forex  webinar because the whole point is this is where   everyone starts their journey to find out in Forex  there's a lot less things to keep track of okay   because generally the price is around one dollar  wherever you look it's approximately one dollar   when it comes to stocks you have to do all kinds  of adjustments of can I actually trade this can   I not trade that can you know so there's so much  more to it that's why a lot of people come more   towards Forex because it's an easy starting  point yeah does that make sense so I I teach   generally around the Forex industry we will open  up the stock side uh in the near future coming   into 2023 but as of right now we're going to be  putting all of our focus into um uh the Forex side   of things yeah okay all right all right no let me  pull up the uh let me pull up a empty screen here okay all right if you guys can just let me know  whenever you guys um let me open this up   whenever you guys see my circle just let me know   as always what we're gonna do is we're gonna  keep the first half of the webinar into more of   a theory uh make sure it you uh things make sense  to you you understand it and then the latter half   of the webinar we will switch over to the charts  and saying okay everything you just learned I'm   gonna test you onto charts and see do you get it  do you get it do you get it okay so try to keep   this interactive as possible I like to ask  questions I like to probe into your mindset   um and these questions may feel intimidating  that is not the purpose of it they may feel   attacking that is not the purpose of it it is  simply to ask yourself these questions to be   like what am I doing with my trading how can  I get better okay it's mainly for that okay so   um I I generally like to ask the question so  the question makes your mind think it makes your   mind think and go beyond what one person might  think they already know about everything but yet   they're attending a webinar you see what I mean  so um so the whole whole point is we need to get   better uh we want to do better than what we were  yesterday we want to keep that element of growth   always there yeah all right so you guys see the  circle perfect perfect so let's get started here   now support and resistance as a very quick recap  support and resistance what is it what is it   okay it's a wall okay it's a reaction area okay  these are some of the things that's commonly   said right it's a reaction area this is an  area where we can probably make money okay   this is an area that is if you go deeper into that  probably make money where you can limit your risk and if it if it pushes away from the  area you can increase your reward   right these are some of the elements that are  revolving around support and resistance and this   is what creates an idea and notion of well isn't  that the whole name of the game I want to go in   with as less money as possible and come out with  more than I put in right that's how business Works   therefore that's how trading works it's the same  thing right you don't want to go in there and say   I want to put a million dollars and I want to make  one dollar that that doesn't make any sense right   that that sounds like a losing system okay so it's  all about saying how can I protect my downside and   and the flip side increase my up upside okay  now before before we get into um basic stuff   about support and resistance like that I need  to bring your attention a little bit on trading   because I think this is a lost art everyone's  coming into Trading uh without understanding   what trading is and I it's very important for  me to uh talk about this and in fact all of my   webinars and you'll be surprised how many people  still till this day are like I really I I didn't   know that because I never think like that we as  individuals we enter the market and we think Hmm   if I buy money and we see it we say if I  sell money right this is the logic so now   when everyone sees that and they see on  their cell phones oh this guy is driving   a Ferrari and this and that and that you  know whatever the case is that they can uh   um that attracted them to this Market fine  fine that's fine but the whole idea of   this is the nutshell of how everyone's um  education goes as far as what their understanding   of the market is that if it goes up I want to be  part of the up if it goes down I want to be part   of a the down and the next search becomes is  so then how do I do it what is the strategy so   then the pursue of the individual becomes strategy  it's nothing but strategy it's how how how how how   rather than understanding what is trading what is  it what am I getting involved in okay if I don't   know what it is then does it matter what kind  of strategy I use right okay so so you need to   understand what you're dealing with first before  you can go into okay now how do I do it because   what you're dealing with and how you deal with it  are two separate things you will know how better   if you know what you're doing okay how many of you  guys right now you you sort of have this idea of   if I only have the right strategy so far maybe  it's been five years I haven't found the right   strategy there's got to be a strategy out there  well it's been five years is there a strategy out   there it's been one year is there a strategy out  there are we using the wrong keywords in Google is   that what's happening we're not looking for the  right thing is it the big boys they don't share   information with me they never tell me they're  keeping it a secret because they want to just take   from me take from my wallet at all times and keep  me poor at all times is that what what's happening   so we need to educate ourselves first on  this before we can go into strategy strategy   strategy what do I do what do I do what do  I do you see what I mean so again without   feeling like the information is going to be  offensive we just want to tune back a little bit   and saying okay baby we're gonna go a little bit  on the 101. okay 101 basically means the basics   very quick Basics okay well I'm gonna give you  five minutes on this Basics before we proceed on   to the theory and practical all right so what are  the basics of trading what is Trading trading is   basically this there is this land here and there  is another land here okay he has rice he has corn he says I I'd like corn I want to have corn and  this guy says oh I like rice I want to have rice   so how much corn do I need to give you to get some  rice how much rice do I need to give you to get   some corn essentially that's what trading is okay  this part you understand because we don't really   do this in the market all we see is a green candle  red candle and we don't even see who the other   person is you know where is that Rice guy like see  we don't see the other person but what's happening   in this entire thing is there are larger players  now okay so let's say there's this large player   and he's done all his research and efforts  okay let's give him some nice uh shades yeah   okay cool okay large player um nice white beard  horrible beard but you get the idea okay and a few   pieces of hair left okay older guy very smart  guy very intelligent very very uh experienced   okay and he knows something about product okay  something about product a now this could mean   a certain stock this could mean um a certain house  this could mean Euro USD this could mean anything   he has done the research that says you know what   today Euro USD is this price and based on how my  knowledge is is how the global World economy works   I'm going to buy euro at these low prices  and as the prices rise in the long run   I want to be able to see what I can exchange  that for maybe for something else at that time   maybe I don't switch it back to dollars  maybe from that moment I take it into   a small portion of the government that I  want to buy okay so this larger player is   thinking like that now if you are this larger  player and you have 10 billion dollars for   this particular transactions do you want to  put one million one million one million one   million one million one million one million  one million all the way to the top like that   where would you like to have your position  mostly where would you like to have your   position it's generally going to be as early as  possible now here's a dilemma here's a dilemma   if someone selling the Euro USD if someone's  selling the Euro USD is only 2 million   but the big boy he wants to buy 10 billion there's  a problem because he's not going to get filled   you see you and I were such small players  in the market that we say hey one million   dollars to buy euro USD we get filled there's  no problem they'll fill us hundred thousand   dollars will get filled so we never have to  ever think about what if I don't get filled   we never that thought never comes to our mind in  Forex because it's never an issue it's so liquid he has that problem okay and why is his problem  important to us because he can drive the market   we can't let that sink in for a moment let  that sink in he needs to get filled so what   happens is he needs to get the highest amount of  fills as low as possible he can't just get this   initial price right there and saying  perfect I'm in for 10 billion he can't   it's too big of an order so he has to do come  on get me as much as I can I'm done and then   he might have been like okay I got 90 filled  but I'm not buying up here that's ridiculous I   don't want those prices but I got 90 filled in  down there I'm happy with that so far so good [Music] that's us in this entire game that the big boy is  playing to to accumulate his wealth where do we   fit in we are called as little traitor what is our  role is our role in the market to say oh buy sell   profit rich is that why the market was designed  it was designed for people like us to just come in   and become rich by just clicking a button no no it  wasn't designed like that it was designed [Music]   we've gotta get public interest involved in this  we got to get public interest involved in this   by saying if Euro USD is going up maybe this  individual thinks it's going down so he sells   he sells he sells how high Could It Go sell  more sell more and while in the same time the   larger player says perfect I'll take it I'll take  that I'll take that I'll take that I'll take that   he's filling in his orders right so that's where  the transaction gets completed okay it's going   from the smaller Trader who doesn't know what  he's doing and he's feeding it to a larger fill   okay now does this mean oh so Navin you're telling  me Oh I just need to study is is that the answer   no because what you study is also going to make  a difference okay you can study whatever you want   you can study mechanical engineering that's not  going to do anything you can study every course   on the planet that's not going to do anything you  need to understand what he is trying to do if you   want to get involved the easy way okay by saying  when a market goes up and then it gives you this   look and then your trend line breaks and when the  trend line breaks you want to do a cell like that   if this guy wants to buy and you sell that  steamroll oh my my pattern is back my strategy   trendline's been broken on the  other side I'm gonna sell steamroll now if this big boy closes his position  over here and now oh my pattern is back   on the other side I sell it works it works so  tell me now was it your strategy that worked or   was it the involvement or disinvolvement  of the larger player in the situation   you have to be very understanding of this a  strategy on its own is useless is useless it   needs a guiding it needs a North star it needs  a compass that tells them this direction this   is where we need to go now everything you need  to do must follow that Compass it must follow   that Guiding Light it must tell you that's  how we're gonna operate does that make sense okay so where we fit in we're basically  that transaction in the middle   so if he says I want to buy euro a lot as much as  possible and I'm targeting up here we don't know   where he's targeting right but we can feel how  desperate he is and where we fit in as a smaller   fish we're not interested in what euro is actually  worth we're interested in seeing it's on its way give me a piece of that because once I buy it  ahead of him or with him and I get a thousand   orders for myself then I can sell it to him  because I know he's willing to pay a little   bit of a premium saying give me the thousand  shares what are you doing with it you have no   use for it give it to me and we say I'll  charge you a dollar extra per per order   and he says I'll pay give it to me because he  wants to do something with the Euro you don't   you're not interested in what its value is  you're only interested in is can I get a slice this is what a Trader's role is without the  logic of that role everything is all crazy   so if you're an individual that thinks I'm gonna  buy euro USD today and it's gonna go up 200 Pips there's no future there is no future  the career ends today it's over   if you're a Trader that says I made 100 Pips  yesterday I'm going to make another 100 Pips   today stop loss like this take profit like that I  saw it on YouTube on Instagram I can do that all   day every day and approximately forty thousand  dollars a day blah blah blah means so and so   golden plane with my initials on it on the side on  the on the on the back on the bottom of the plane   you know the brain goes into all these dreamy  States but will it work no okay so far so good   is it clicking what the market  actually is what is our role   don't mix Your Role with becoming that larger  player don't mix it don't mix it because his   problems are different than your problems he has a  fill problem you never have a filled problem okay   anyways we'll do a whole webinar uh on some of the  basics because I think the basics are absolutely   missing in in uh in this world of trading like  everyone talks about how to do something uh and   what strategy and what techniques to do it but all  it is is a round round game you'll be in this uh   um Rat Race if you want to call it uh that's an  endless thing okay all right so shall we move   back to SNR now yeah so far so good if uh if  things make sense so far give me a heart icon   or a fire icon so I know you're you're here you're  listening things are clicking okay so far so good all right moving forward  moving forward now SNR s and r okay there is levels that  in SNR in general that we   that we like to draw because the way we  draw generally has this sense of [Music]   oh that's beautiful oh so satisfying to connect  that bottom piece and this upward piece It's Magic   it feels magic right uh let me let me try this one  oh my God oh my God that's so beautiful oh my God   support and resistance that's beautiful it's  like magic okay this is why support resistance   so attractive to many many people because it  feels like hmm if I draw this line ahead of time   maybe if I sell here I'll make a lot of  money and then an individual might experience oh no oh no oh no Why didn't it work this time  okay so we need to iron this out we need to iron   this out as beautiful and as fun as it is to draw  support and resistance and feel all Jolly golly   inside because it brings memories of preschool and  kindergarten to connect dots you know we need to   come back out of it and be like okay let's take a  step back a little bit and understand what we're   dealing with okay so before going into how how  to deal with support and resistance let's first   understand what is support and resistance to begin  with what is it what is it so a couple of things   couple of things let's say um you want  to use a you want to go buy shoes okay   you want to buy these new Nike shoes that are  in that are uh um on the stores right now okay   you want to buy these Nike shoes let's say  all right now the Nike shoes right now cost   a hundred dollars okay so this is the current  price it's running it's at a hundred dollars   okay it's been at a hundred dollars for  the last one week it's just staying at a   hundred dollars staying at a hundred dollars  and then the price goes up to 105 dollars   and then it comes right back down  to a hundred dollars hundred and   five hundred dollars hundred and  five hundred dollars ninety five hundred dollars 105 95 hundred dollars as  of right now nothing's been going on right   and then suddenly out of the blue because of  a shortage of the Nike logo or something like   that suddenly they're not making enough anymore  and what happens to the price all of us we go to   the Nike store says give it to me give me your  last piece the next guy says give me your last   place a Big Boy comes and says I need 10 billion  dollars worth of these Nike shoes give it to me   because I know it's gonna rise in value so all  this war is going on that makes the price go up suddenly it's two hundred  dollars now this sudden movement okay this sudden movement to a normal individual  his brain okay this is the weirdest brain I'm   drawing but his brain is on alert is like what  just happened and it feeds into the memory so now   let me ask you this if I ask you what did you  eat three weeks ago you won't be able to tell   me but if if I ask you about a dramatic and  uh shocking event in your life you can tell   me about that so vividly so clearly because it  stays in the brain when there's a shock in the   market it stays in the brain okay which means if  the prices come back down people use whatever that   resistance was of hundred and five dollars they  say oh my God it's back at 105 Buy It Now Buy It   Now buy as much as you can because last time it  was at 105 it shot up to 200 buy everything now   you see they're they're using the past  experience of portraying it into the future   this is how support and resistance is  created so what happens here is yes   we can draw the line and we can draw the line  always around shock don't draw the line around   simple things like if the market is stable at  a certain price and then it goes up like this don't draw snrs on that don't don't draw s  North on that you're wasting your time on that   there's no shock value to it let it be a shock  let it Panic people Let It Be embedded into   their head like oh my god did you see that  what just happened okay so far so good okay   so it needs shock value to draw it okay next  thing next thing once you're able to draw it   let's say in this case you draw it like that  that was your resistance now it's become support   now if the price comes back down to this area  we're expecting price to bounce up again right   bounce up again so this is the part where there's  a whole different technique involved you don't buy   because it's at the line you buy because what you  see happens at the line two different things two   different things just because he's at the line  don't mean doesn't mean you buy it you buy based   on what you see has happened until it's reached  the line and what it does at the line and then you   buy so your buy generally will happen here there  is this X Factor in between that must be solved   that must be solved okay and that's what gives  you the green light that says clear there we go before that it's unknown it's unknown even  though you're at the line it's unknown you   have to understand this okay so far so good okay  now let's take this a little bit deeper [Music]   let's say the price goes up like this and then  it goes down a little bit and then it goes wow   and then you're like oh that's got to be  a nice line so what I want to bring your   awareness to for something like this  is let's say this is your 15 minutes what do you think this looks  like on a 60 Minute chart a 60-minute chart might Simply Be a green bar a green bar with a little bit of a tail right this  part that comes down is that tail and then it's   just green bars so I want you to understand  this SNR that you have drawn the 15 sees it not the 60. this is a very key element you  can draw snrs wherever you want but you want   to bring awareness to who else sees this is it  just me or does a 60 see it does a four hour see   it does the daily see it the more you can get a  higher time frame to acknowledge that same level   the higher the chances that you're going to  have a big boy involved on that SNR trade   remember we can't our role what was our role  nothing our role is nothing in the market   we simply are just coming in and saying I think  it's a buy I think it's a sell I think it's a buy   there's no purpose behind it when an actual  investor he comes in he's got purpose he knows by   Euro Euro has come down I don't care buy more it's  come down more by 50 billion more uh there it goes   we're not doing that kind of a research we're  just saying if it goes up can I buy with you   if it goes down can I sell with you I hope this  is the big boy I hope he's gonna you know pay me   for my shares that I can sell back to him that is  where what our role technically is if you want to   make any money in this market any any money you  have to understand who you are in this industry   it's not a strategy thing where if you don't  know what a Trader is and you just say strategy   strategy strategy you're not going to become rich  suddenly it's not going to work like that you have   to know can I use the strategy today is there even  a big boy here somewhere what about tomorrow how   many guys in here are actually in the mastering  price section 2.0 that we've had at Urban Forex  

now what are some of the things we talk about  in the mastering price section 2.0 we talk about   purpose we talked about a a the entire Asia Market  breaking through during London we talk about all   these elements even though it's a strategy but  have you ever sat back and thought about hmm   why is Navin making me do all these things what  is the purpose of this technique exactly what I'm   showing you guys here why are these levels  important when you break the entire Asia who do you think can see that everyone sees  that the further it moves the stronger the   desperation of the larger player which makes it  even better for you to cheese in the situation   right so anyways we're getting into all the high  level private stuff that uh the members have but   anyways going back to um going back to this so  your awareness needs to come with an idea of what   you draw on your time frame must also be visible  to a higher time frame must also be visible to a   higher time frame so let me let me bring this up  onto charts now okay everything okay with you guys   so far everything's making essential we bring you  to the charts and we'll do some dot connecting on   on the charts now yeah okay let's let's take you  to the charts now in fact we must have some uh we must have some what is called the CPI  news that must have been released so there   must be a lot of uh stuff going on okay let  me see here this is Qualcomm okay let me come   out of this sorry about that let me take  you guys to uh open up a different chart   there we go brown bear okay okay so  pounds moved pounds move right now   let's say so I'm just going to use this as  an example now notice my time frame on this   it's a one minute now don't panic oh my God one  minute what are you doing on the one minute relax   relax it's just a number I'm showing you a certain  time now when there is a panic like this and it   drops down people remember that 168.90 price when  it was around 168.90 it went down to 167.55 price   hmm so if it somehow creeps up there again maybe  I can sell it again this is how the whole logic   of the brain works right and this is causing  a lot of orders uh trying to get filled again   over there now you and I were thinking of this  simple logic we're saying okay first things first   okay if I tell you hey man do you want to  sell this down here you'd be like come on okay I think I am back now my connection dropped uh uh okay yeah you guys should be able to see me now yeah okay all right yeah sorry sorry so I I didn't  wanna I I was giving away the techniques of how to   trade with million dollars so we got shut down  okay let's start from the beginning again okay   um I think I have an idea where I got uh I  got disconnected for a second there okay so   now so there's there's a panic that sets in  around the price of 168.90 right and that's   where people say all right if the price comes  there somehow I will sell it give me a better   price I will sell it right so you know that the  intention is down now notice when when I say   Charlie Mark Bob Lisa um Samantha if I say  why didn't you sell it down there you'd be   like come on what do you take me for an imbecile  I'm not gonna sell down there that doesn't make   any sense I I have that much knowledge that I'm  not supposed to chase the market good as long   as we have this basic understanding you can't run  after something okay you can't run after something   so then you would say give me a better price  and I'll sell it so where would you sell it from   here or what's there why should it go from there  here why should it go from there here why should   it go from there so the the obvious answer  comes out with people putting a level up there   people putting a level up there it seems  like a logical support and resistance now   let me get to the next Point here because we  were talking about where you fit in [Music]   in this price of 168 to 169 168.90 to 169 right  it was bouncing between 10 cents it was bouncing   between 10 cents 10 cents never bothered anybody  it's just hovering around there up and down up   and down up and down the larger player he knows  what he needs to do with the CPI because he's   doing that kind of research he's aware in fact  he even has information coming to him saying CPI   so we don't have access to that information it  doesn't mean we quit it means we try to be smart   about it we Elevate our education and we try to  find out okay I want to see what happens as he's Gathering all of his pounds to short as he's  getting ready to sell all of his pounds the   slip happens very very very fast in a matter of  one two candles two candles on a one minute chart   means in two minutes the price dropped that much  I want you to tell me something here if the larger   player says I'm going to sell 10 billion dollars  how did the price drop that fast what happened he didn't get filled see you and I were on standby  we're saying I'm not going to sell down there are   you crazy let me see when it comes back we're  not even in involved here but the larger player   is already struggling he's already in a mode  of man so many people sold in ahead of me from   my 10 billion I only got filled 3 billion and  there's so many Sellers and not enough buyers he still needs to fill in 7 billion where is  he gonna do that how is he gonna do that that   becomes your homework that becomes now that I know  what he's trying to do now that I know he is there   how do I get involved into the cell take as many  orders as I can for the cell and sell it back to   him for a premium because I know he wants  it I can see it don't just sell because the   price is doing this and coming down don't just  sell there do you know if he really wants it   if you buy a property out in the  desert and there's nobody around   what's the point even if that property is  worth ten dollars you can't sell it to anybody   it doesn't make any sense get the buyer  first before you can buy things to sell   get the order first stop buying  merchandise without a buyer lined up for it   does that make sense is it clicking   you have to know if you get involved with  risk and you buy some pound Yen stock if you   buy some of that merchandise of pound yen  can you sell it to somebody for a premium   does he want it that bad that's the question  you have to answer now you might be thinking   okay wait wait wait wait wait I mean let me get  straight so you're saying if I if I buy a hundred   dollars if I have a hundred dollars worth of pound  Yen there's no one out there to take the hundred   dollars a pound Yen from me of course there is  is that your goal to play in the hundred dollars   is in your goal to grow bigger and bigger and  bigger to a point where you have this problem   where I hope I'm gonna get filled plan  the right way trade the right way don't   trade with this idea of if I only have the  right strategy come on baby come on [Music]   what what's going to happen if you think  like that what's gonna generally happen is   the whole purpose of you moving away from your um  your job or uh your business to come into Trading   it's gonna get worse you're going to work longer  hours you're going to be much more stressed out   and it's probably going to take money from  you instead of give you money you don't want   to do that you don't want to do that so the very  first step to doing all this is to elevate your   mindset and saying can I actually get better  and understand what am I even involved with   we start there and then we'll start to become like  those traders that we see on Instagram and all the   stuff that that's attracting you right okay now  moving forward moving forward now if we say this   is a level of support resistance that I like I'm  drawing that there that yellow line you see that   now take a look at this this is a one minute  let me just glance over at the 15 minutes   let's see what they're saying I'm going to  open this up 15 minutes huh that level there   I don't know man I think the larger player on  this time frame will be looking at a level like   there so that level is weak it's not strong okay  okay so let's say this becomes an important level   okay 168 48 price got it let me go up a time  frame and let me see huh on the 60 Minutes they   also see that interesting they can draw the line  nicely even if I put it there whoa beautiful it   just connects it's like touch touch touch oh okay  calm down the pre preschool uh Tendencies hold on   go up a time frame [Music] huh is  this important to these guys as well huh wow this area seems to be very important every  time price comes near this area in that vicinity   Wham it goes down in that vicinity Wham it goes  down you're on to something now you're on to   something that 168 58 ish level is now stronger  because a big boy is going to be involved there   this is not your level that we saw  on the one minute that was here that's a weaker level although on the one  minute that sounds like the most important level   but who's watching it is what makes a difference  who's watching it is what makes a difference   okay so let me show you something here you see  this level right now this is a line that I had   drawn I didn't draw this was a line that was  already there before right there's a line that   is coming in from here to here to here to here to  here and we're stopping right there but if I take   you down a time frame okay I'm going to bring you  down a time frame here's a 60. according to the 60 there is a level maybe there but okay so let  me draw one there just to give you an example   there's a level there there was resistance comes  down goes through it support goes through it okay   but if I go up to the four hour  that area doesn't make any sense   it's not doing anything there if I go  up to the Daily it's almost invisible delete that is not a level I am interested in I  am interested in where there are larger players   are at Play because they move the market  and I know where I fit in in their story   I am not the almighty where I will make a level  and things will happen because I have a strategy   again I'm not trying to be offensive here sorry  it just comes out just get heated up sometimes   but I'm just trying to explain it yeah  is it is it making sense actually it's yeah is everything I'm saying so far is it  like click click click okay okay I've been   doing support resistance wrong this whole  time there is a way to look at suffers   it's not going to be very far from what you  thought you might know of support resistance   you actually might be very close but at least  if you've done any sort of support resistance   everything in this webinar should click very  nicely for you and you'd be like ah oh yeah   I I didn't I never thought of it that way I  just need to buckle down and clean up my snrs   so we want to bring your awareness to these type  of things yeah aha moments today aha moments   yeah okay now where'd it go [Music]  let me turn that off okay so now   everything that we've talked about today we  talked about snrs now what I'm planning to do   is uh in the next few weeks I'm going to be doing  another webinar and again SNR and then in the few   weeks after that another webinar again SNR you  see support and resistance is something that you   cannot play lightly you know I want you to attend  these webinars look at them as as best as you can   and really hone in on the qualities of support  and resistance because it is the foundational   piece of good trading foundational okay if you  don't know how to do support resistance well then   everything else sort of is like I have a strategy  I hope it works I have a strategy I hope it works   it's the building blocks you have  to know this because there might be   a larger player involved who didn't get  filled this is why those levels respond   it's not because we drew a line on any time  frame it needs to be visible to many time frames   that's what makes it important does that make  sense is it is that is that clicking for you guys   yeah all right now those of you guys  who are new to Urban Forex I wanna   put this out there for you we have free trials  and stuff over at Urban Forex um if you're already   convinced with the way I teach and the way I can  get you to the next level just go straight for the   mastering price action 2.0 it's a great starting  point to build your career in the right way with  

the right knowledge with the right technique  slash strategy but the focus is never strategy   the focus is why are you doing what you are doing  let's understand that first and then here's how   to do it and then next level how do you make  more money how do you become a bigger Trader   here you go there's how you do it now now if you  take this information you're like Navin Forex is a   24 hour Market I don't want to really be in front  of my screen all the time that's fine I showed you   in the beginning of this webinar I trade stocks  as well in fact I'm going to get ready to trade   uh the New York open in 30 minutes when the  when the New York Stock Exchange opens as well   so I apply the same techniques and logic  towards trading the New York Stock Exchange   as well so this is very versatile because  I go into the core of what is Trading   how and where do you fit in to pull out that  chunk and says got my profit how do you do that   consistently how do you do that regularly rather  than saying I need a new strategy the current   strategy I have is not working I need a new  strategy the current strategies give me headache   okay we'll be hopping all over the time in fact  the chances are the strategy you probably have is   a good one you just don't know when to use it and  when not to use it because the whole approach is   all jumbled up yeah so again if you want to start  with the Mastering Price Action 2.0 you can head   on over to there's a lot of  material on there for you to train to practice   we have a wonderful support team that's available  almost 24 7 Around the Clock they're there to   assist you in fact eighty percent of the people  in this room are going to be students of mastering   price action 2.0 and the fact that they're here  in this webinar also tells you that the bonding   and the understanding that students have with  Urban Forex is at the level that's never there   with any other firm on the planet okay we know  our stuff we've been doing it for over decades   and we can really change the turn change the bring  you the turning point that is required okay that's   the right words I was looking for get you the  turning point that you need that you've probably   been missing year and year and year doing the same  thing over and over again looking for the Holy   Grail there is no Holy Grail but we can get you  as close to it as possible all right guys thanks   a lot for coming in today until next time see you  guys in a few weeks cheers bye for now [Music]

2022-12-15 12:13

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