How Consultants Achieve Self-Mastery in Business & Life with Mike Kitko

How Consultants Achieve Self-Mastery in Business & Life with Mike Kitko

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Hey. Everyone it's Michaels a Persky here and today I am with Mike kit Co Mike welcome. Thanks. Michael it's great to be here I'm excited to do I have to show up yeah, good stuff what you are here right showing up is the first I guess, step towards success, right you got you got to be present and we're both present so or. How. I guess having a good start, my. Gear background you've been managing, high-performing, teams, your. Whole career right you've you've. Got a strong background in sales marketing operations. And leadership, you. Now work as as a coach and from. Looking at your client list you, you coach leaders, who. Are often, in many cases business owners, they. They, describe and some in terms your testimonials, man describe the kind of the work with you in terms of life changing, and your. Title, that I've kind of seen that you've labeled, yourself as it as a self mastery coach, that's a that's a really interesting, title. Or or, kind of way to describe what you do so just tell us a little more about what does that actually mean to you and what, kind of work are you doing with people yeah. So I I. Do. A variety of coaching. And consulting right. And in that space but. I'm. An example of what, I would do is I'm in a corporate boardroom I'm working, with a team of executives. To. Help, them narrow. In on a strategy. Get. Really clear about what they're trying to achieve strategically. You know three to five years, understand. The tactics and what they're gonna need to do day-to-day but. As well I'm also you know I'm peppering. Them about their, physical their mental their emotional. Health about. Their relationship, with their with their spouse about, their relationship, with their children about, how. They're how, they're handling, themselves financially. And it's really understanding about how. The human, being is going, to create, the, results that we're looking at on the board right because you can't you can't separate, them we try hard as executives, we try to leave home at home and and we try to go to the office and and and, live this this separate life but, really that the worlds merge so, as. Much. As I'll sit in in an office, in. A room and hold them accountable, and help them hold, themselves accountable for, business results I'm also making sure they're showing up at, a healthy place physically. Mentally and emotionally well, because it's, going to show up in the results whether they want to accept, that in the brief that or not and so. A lot of people might be wondering you, know isn't that a dangerous, line to cross like, you know if what if you say. The wrong thing to someone, and you're, bringing up family, stuff and they, don't want you you know they're not looking for counselling or therapy they're, looking for for help to grow the company what.

Have You found because I've also seen this right over the years or even clients, that oftentimes as a consultant, you actually end up being a bit of you, know call it a you. Could say a therapist, but it's almost you know you you, get into a lot of conversations, have nothing to do with business and just be able to listen to your client is ultimately, will it helps, them or it's one of the factors that helps them to feel comfortable around you and see you as a trusted adviser but, for someone listening to what you just shared. And going, well yeah. But that's not why they hired you like how do you even bring that up, what's been your experience. In you. Know kind of making that transition or being able to cover both areas, yeah. So every commitment, right how you enter, a commitment, is ultimately how you show up in a commitment, so, I wouldn't, I wouldn't walk into, a. Consultation. Agreement. And say hey we're just gonna focus on the numbers that's not what I'm about so, as a, powerful, consultant. As a powerful coach we need to know what we stand for and then, we need to make sure everyone, understands, what they're getting you, really. What they're getting like authentically. Not, trick them not back them into something not you know hold up a mirage and then and. Surprise them it helps, them understand, exactly the. Value, that they're going to get from you so you, know one of the one of the words in a prospect, call or or when I'm when I'm in front of a prospect, or, not, telling, right I just I just try to serve and. And from that service maybe they want more I say listen we're, going to create like, extraordinary. Results, because we're going to get really really clear about we what we want to achieve in the business we're going to get really really clear about what we want to achieve with. The culture, but. I'm not going to let you lose yourself. So, I'm. Not going to separate those two and if you want me if you just want a business. Coach I can, go and find you one of those I know a lot of them that are great but, that's not how, I want to show up because it, comes down to for the consultant, or the coach it comes down to what. Do you want to do with your clients because when you connect with that that's. When you're going to be energized, that's when your passion, is going to be overflowing, and that passion not only sell but, that passion creates. Extraordinary. Results, so I think one, thing you're hitting on there Mike that's so important, is the kind of setting of expectations, right. So often, people, get, into situations whether. It's around scope creep or, just, you know just different issues in a project or an engagement of a client and almost, always it's, because, there hasn't been clear, communication. Between the, consultant, and and the, client right it's kind of been, dodging. Things or hoping that they don't come up or just didn't address them because for fear of that the client, may say no. What. Gives you like the confidence, you. Say, to a client you know what if you just want a business coach off or you, know business consultant whatever like I'll find you someone else because to, some people right they would they know. Or they they'd like to do that they know that would actually be better for, them to be clear about the expectations, of what they do and what they don't do and what their sweet, spot is and their power and all that but they're not saying that, because, they don't want to lose the, business they don't wanna lose the opportunity what would you say to someone who, you know has ever felt that way before yeah.

It's A scarcity mindset right, scarcity, mindset scarcity. Heart set it what, are you there for are, you there because because. You feel like there's not enough to go around or you or you there to serve and support and and make sure that you're connecting the. Most powerfully. As you possibly can with that client with that prospect, convert. The client and show. Up with everything, that you have for them or are you just doing it for yourself because. If you're not showing up authentically. And powerfully, like, with all your enthusiasm. And all your passion, then you're really under serving, them and that's going to show up in your results it's going to show up a new expansion, to your business because you become radically, referral, when. You show up 100%, of you so what. If, I could tell a story real, quick sure, I had a client at one time so I had a private client I worked with him on a private basis, and and he had some challenges, in his life and after. We were finished working. Through those private. Challenges. I said, what's next you know do you want to keep going and he said absolutely I won't you know at. That point it was life-changing for, him so, he said I want to keep going I said what's next he said what I need you to come in to, my, conference. Room with my other two partners and we've. Got some alignment issues you know we put together the. This Agreement, that that was loosely based but. We really were not on the same page can you come in so. By. The way I'm a former, Marine I'm a Marine, veteran by the way so let me get that out there so that's going to show up in the, story but, when I walked in I started I started introducing, myself, now my client sits on my right his business partners across the table and and, he you know I started introducing myself, my name is Mike KidCo I'm an executive coach I'm a speaker I'm an author and probably. Within the first 30 seconds, of introducing. Myself one of his partner says what, makes you creditable, to be here and why should I listen to you and I said this. Is brother, what's your name. And he told me his name I said you, didn't even allow me the respect and the dignity to. Introduce. Myself without. Undercutting. Me without. Disrespecting. Me and without, challenging, me and I was going to get to your answers, the questions, that you just asked I was actually going to answer that within my introduction, but you didn't even give me the courtesy to finish my introduction. Now here's what I know my, client told me you guys have a problem I know you have a problem and I know how to fix it but here's what I also know you don't know how, got. Two choices either, you. Could like raise your level of respect and allow me to help you because I'm not being paid to be here or. You. Can keep slapping like your lips and disrespect, me and I can walk out and leave you with your problem you know you can't resolve what. Choice you're gonna make at, the end of that session that's the guy that invited, me back the next the next month now. It's, about showing. Up authentically. And showing, up as yourself because if you're lying to them if you're, not like, showing up is you you're, under serving in them and you're just telling them a bill of goods they don't know what they're getting where. Does that come from coz, I can I, sense. That there's many people listening, to this or watching this right now going I would, love to be able to do that but I there's no like I just it's, I, can't. Get it up for my stomach like that that just mean that my stomach is turning when I hear you say that mic so where. You, know did you read certain books did you attend certain trainings, is this from being in the military like growing, up in a certain type of environment. Where, does that level, of again confidence.

And You, know showing up in that way and being so straight and direct why, are you able to do that yeah. So I think a lot of it has to do with with my Marine Corps background and I was a leader in the Marine Corps so. You know it you got to show up and I have people's, lives right. In my, in my responsibilities, so it wasn't about telling people what, they wanted to hear it's about making where they understand, what they need to hear and and then, presenting, that to them but you know I kind of shrank from that I was I was an executive leader, in corporate America, for 16. Or so, years and I kind of shrank from that I lost it I kind of lost myself in, those, roles where. I, wrote a book called the impostor in charge where I started showing up as an impostor because who, I wanted, to be wasn't. Who I presented, right or who I was wasn't. Who I presented and I, kept shrinking from those things always out of a sense. Of self-doubt, and and and, fear and after. After. My hain corporate. Career collapsed. Because I was so scared to be myself I rebuilt. My life and, that's when I stepped into my consulting, in my coaching business and I vowed at that point to never be anybody but my true authentic self so you know, some. Will some. Won't someone's. Waiting right, who that you. Know Mike you talked, about on your website something that like. You know you're very open, and vulnerable about some challenges, and tough times you've had in the past, you, mentioned at one point you were suicidal you're an alcoholic you're, over 300 pounds. That's. That's. Tough to like to get out there I mean I would imagine that it's putting that out and being so, transparent, with, it a, lot. Of people wouldn't, do that because they're. They think that they're a profession. You know quote unquote professional. Professionals, don't you. Know they don't they only should show strength and not and not weakness yet what I've seen in my experiences. And talking with with others is that, the more vulnerable and open that you are the you know just the more that, you attract the right kinds of people and just like good things happen can you share a little bit more of first, of all what you were going, through at that time so.

That People could maybe kind of resonate understand where it's coming from and then I'd, like to just you know hear your thoughts of why you decide, to share, that and what's kind of happen as a result so it's a bit of a three-part, question I'll guide you through it there but let's just start with the first leg what was going on at that time for you yeah. So I'll do the best I can um, alcoholic. 300, pounds, suicidal, completely. Lost myself in, in. My, corporate, career in, my, marriage my wife was in chemical, addiction, my kids my wife and kids were being abused because inside. I was in so much turmoil, and so much distress, I was abusing myself on it on a daily basis and, a lot of that stems back to my childhood right there was a mall a station, there was some physical mental and emotional abuse, there as well. Yeah but I was running from that my whole life and and, it's. Going to catch up to you right it does catch up to you and I tried to avoid it I tried to outrun it it didn't happen I lost to two, executive, positions in about 20 months, at. That point I knew huh, I was, there, was a president, of a company that I worked for and he said hey if you don't get fired once when you're an executive then you're not really in the executive got a professional so, when it happened once I was like ah there, you go I got my check in the box when it happened the second time moans I tried something's, wrong and, I don't know what it is so at that point that. Second time I was like unhireable, right, I was unemployable, I mean my 20, months to two terminations, and so no one would have me and, I was forced to figure out what do I want to do who do I want to be for the rest of my life and and I, I did, a thousand, things a day in corporate America but there's only two things that I ever loved and one was developing, people and developing team those are the only two things I love doing I did him with it I did him with teams and, I. Resolved. At that point that I've, already. Done it the way I thought it was supposed to be where you, make, it hard you sacrifice. Yourself you sacrifice, everything for. Income. And at, that point since I had nothing left I had no income I had no family we were getting ready to you know we were on the still on the brink of divorce and, everything collapsing. I just. Kind of vowed to live soul out from, the rest of my life right and just be me and that's where, did that come from if I could just go a little deeper into that because I I mean, I don't know what. Maybe. There's someone that that's going through something similar right now listening or watching this and you, know what what was that turning point for you or what, kind, of got you to that place where you decide yeah you know I need to make this change and I'm gonna go full oh yeah. When, you literally have a loaded, gun in your hands getting ready to put the you, know that the barrel in your mouth, it's. Life changing so. You have you have two decisions, to make right because at that point I'm getting emotional as I say this at. That point when you're at that point it's. A fork in the road am I going to do this right. And and, and all these, problems will go away or. If, I'm not if I don't have the courage luckily, I didn't have the courage right but, if I didn't have the courage do this that, I'm basically, acknowledging. That everything. That I've ever learned, about life is all, garbage, and I've gotta like wisely, clean and, refigure. This whole thing out because I am NOT going back to the life that got me and if. At, that point, Michael that I decided, that I had guys I'd like to say I figured out that I had nothing figured out and I, wiped all of it cleans at the point of I hired, a coach I started, working on you know my my addiction.

I Started working on my physical, state I started, working on my mental and emotional issues. From. From that stemmed from trauma. Three. Or four months later my wife started. To attack me because I was making all these changes and, we were both in a beautiful, addiction, together right she didn't like the fact that I was I was resolving, my addiction, and she, saw me moving through, and she, started to attacking so I filed for divorce from her and after, I filed for divorce the, next morning she came down and said all right I'm in how do we how we make this work let's do it and that's getting emotional. That's. When we started putting our marriage, back together and our health back together and that's when we stopped abusing our each other and our children, and that's when like, our life really started it was like a it was like just. A complete, you look at our life now we're. Business partners it looks nothing like it did four years ago when we were going through yeah, my, life looks completely different right so. Whole. Life chef and at, that point I got to decide I get. To decide. Who, I want to be for the rest of my life and, what. Didn't. Work for, me, was, doing things everybody, else's, way through. Things. That I were taught my, father taught me making, money was hard you. Know man's. Gonna take money to try to try to take everything away from you that's all those things my dad loved me dearly but he taught me a lot of painful lessons right that the world was dangerous, never realized, that that was all garbage that, I had made it so and I, wiped the slate clean started, rebuilding back from. Authenticity. Because, lying and covering up, all the pain I was in you, know it never got me anywhere so a. Few. Months later after I was you know I throat we said well about a year later I started working through all this I was in front of a group of about 250, entrepreneurs, and I said my, name is Mike it co you don't know me but for 20-plus. Years I physically mentally and emotionally abused. My wife and kids won't just about a daily base right, so, there's, my garbage so, I get what and why for a first night I want to just thank you for being, so, open here, and sharing this I. Think, that means it means a lot to me and I think it means a lot to everyone, that's tuned in right now. Why. Did you share this why not, bury, it and you know move, past and like what why for you was it so important to to, tell your, story even though that story is a, tough one in a really personal one because, everyone's. Suffering right now hmm. Suffering. In their own way the, difference, is most, people, are walking around pretending. That. They're not and hiding. It from other people and that's making them feel even more broken, than they actually are, and, when. We when. I stand up in front of an audience and I. Express. My garbage it makes everyone, else feel normal, in their skin it, makes everyone, else feel normal, in their soul Matt as a. Coach. That's, a great thing because I'm not. People. Know when, I'm coaching them that I have. Experience. Right. I'm not just teaching, textbook. It's. Not part, of me but, I'm not just teaching from a textbook I'm teaching. From real-life experience. And I'm, helping, you understand. What I've already learned so you can avoid the same the same pitfalls, in the same balance that I experienced, as a, consultant.

And As, a coach, it's. Important, that everyone understand, what they're getting and it's important, that. They. Know that they're. Going to get this authentic. Piece. And that, when, they have an issue when. They have a challenge, they're not broken because, of it but we all have it we're all experiencing. It and they're not they're, not different, they're not broken because they're there they're going through some kind of a challenge mm-hmm. So. When you made this shift and he. Said he stepped, out from it you're, working on making, these improvements things are now starting to come together you're kind of seeing you know the light the end of the tunnel you, decide to launch your business you. Get in front of 250. Entrepreneurs. Just. Take us back to like the inner I think you're both four years or so in our in terms of building your coaching and salting business at, the early stages how did you go about actually getting clients what was the first thing that you did once you kind, of ventured out into this you, know zone of Mike, keiko coaching, consulting how, do you go about winning those first few deals so. Just, to clear it up so I've been on this journey of, life. Reinvention. Let's call it for about four years about. Three and a half or so four years. My, I've been, in business let's say for about two and a half got it okay so. I was. Taught this, really, really cool, technique. To get my business started and, he's, a local guy his name's Josh he's awesome and he's you I'll, call my sales coach he, won't take credit for that but but, he taught me this really cool thing right so let's say you and I are I'm. Starting this is when I was first starting out this tactic doesn't work now but macwhirr. Me but. Maybe it will if someone's, just starting out their business so we're sitting across from the table and you expressed interest, in working with me and you, say Mike I want to work with you what's it like the, question, that that got me started was, well, what, are you looking to invest in yourself how. Much are you looking to invest in yourself and, when. They give you a number now you can design a package, or you can design plans and, why you say that would not work for you now because. I have programs, and I have packages. And it's you know it's more hey I've got options but here's what your options look like, that. Works and and how are you getting in front of someone so for. Someone really early-stage and it doesn't have a pipeline yet isn't having as many conversations as, they would like what were you doing to actually get in front of a potential. Ideal client, networking. Right going finding, local networking, groups just going and meeting people talking to, people I joined a local co-working. Community. And, I would show up at the two working meetings, and they got to know me they, started referring people to me I didn't, do a whole lot of referrals, back then but it was a matter of sitting down having one-on-one and, just connecting, and. Serving. Powerfully. From the shoot like even. Back then you couldn't tell if when, I was sitting with someone and I'm sitting there sipping on coffee you, couldn't tell if they were a family member you couldn't tell if they were a friend you couldn't tell if they were a prospect, you couldn't tell if they were a client they all look the same because, it's, coaching, is not in consulting, it's not something, I do for work it's, literally, how I show up in life because, I've, turned, my passion. Into my business. There's. No separation, there's no distinction, Tuesday, looks like Saturday, and Saturday looks, like like Christmas, Day if, there's, no difference it's Who I am so my kid asked me a question and I'm going to start coach they, hate that but, I'm, gonna start coaching it because I have this passion that trying, to get out trying. To help everyone understand, that life doesn't have to be as hard as you're making it to be so. That, was the early stages right you go into networking events you're having conversations, you're, you're trying to add as much value as you can in terms of serving and providing, coaching it sounds like maybe there's even some redoing. Bit of free coaching kind, of initially a bit of a session, with people kind, of getting into you. Know just deeper conversations, so they could experience what it was like to work with you were you doing I was got a bit of sense of that maybe that bit of that was happening or no yeah.

I Would talk to anybody any, place any time you. Know grocery, store lines at, the library, at 4:00 working shop sitting down I got. Up to my table I heard this guy telling this really cool story at a coffee shop some time and I, just got off from my table after. Every when I was getting ready to leave and I. Think. Shawn and I said hey Shawn I, just. Heard your story man and I would love to sit down and just hear more is there would you would it be okay if I just like pick your brain one time and he said oh I would love that so I sat. Down with Shawn we arranged, the meeting and I sat down with Shawn and, for. 58, minutes of the time we were together he, just talked he. Just he just talked and I every, time he would ask me something, about me I'd say no I talk about myself all day long I want to hear more about you, your I'm. Interested, in your story and he. Would he, kept talking and talking and talking at the end of the conversation, you know I mean I probably I probably spoke for two minutes, that was including, me saying no I speak, too much about myself you know he says hey this was it's been awesome we need to do this again and, I was with that guy for a year so. Be. Interested. Not, interesting. Right how did you transition that that conversation, where him saying hey we should do this again -. Sure. I'd be happy to but like that's how I get paid right you know how did you transition to a client. Engagement yeah, so I think there's a time and a place for that and you you have to use your your, intuition. In. This case I came back you. Know the next time and we spoke and then. He started literally asking, me what I did and I started expressing what I did and you know we started talking about what it would look like to actually work together but. Okay there's. A time and a place for everything and it doesn't mean you always need to be out for the dollar the, planning, feed and watering. Them will create all the dollars you need yeah, that's such an important lesson we talked quite a bit about that you know in different podcast, episodes, I'm of guests and just even with our coaching clients in the community like planting. Seeds is so, critical. Right people, are often looking and judging, their success based on what they're doing right now but. What they don't recognize is what you you, know what you did three to six months ago is creating, what you're seeing right now and so you, gotta plant seeds now you got to keep on them every single day it doesn't matter if your, business is going fantastically. Well or it's you know every day is dreadful you need to plant those seeds because, that's, what's gonna create the future for you every. Single, conversation that, you have is a seed, yeah good. So. Mike let me ask you what are you doing today, like now fast forward two and a half years of working the business building the business what, does your marketing look like today how are you going about you, know building your business attracting. New clients fill. Us in on that so. Um I, jump, on cool podcast, right, um I've. Launched. The book a little. Bit of self-promotion with, the imposter, in charge is, my book it was, just published in October, so that, is marketing. In itself, I've, hired an Operations, Manager who's, who's constantly, looking for speaking, engagements constantly. Looking for podcasts. You've. Got to know your zone of genius and mine is speaking, so, it's. Really about connecting, with that inner genius that you have inside and what, I like to tell my team because I've got a team before is when, I'm talking, we're making money so.

Their, Job is to get, me in front of people and talk, now I go out and do my own networking. And meet people and write but but. When. We get in front of people when we get in front of a crowd it creates. All the business that we can handle so. Break down your kind of team. Of four right now what are the rules of those people. Yeah. So I have a developer. Who's constantly working on systems. Developing. Systems, that you know allow us to to create new offerings, to be able to get all the behind the scenes the emphasis on this you're someone kind of like a web developer, so stuffed on your website and things of that nature or. Systems. In general right in terms of in terms of client. Intake in terms, of, you. Know taking payment, mmm. Feedback. System, those eyes I don't know they are they full-time was there a kind of a part-time contractor, yeah. Part-time contract about you cool okay and heavily, weighted towards, towards, my business you know I've got an Operations, Manager who, who does a lot of support, elements. And. What she does mostly, is go, out in the world she's got a in. Corporate, when she was in corporate she. Was constantly. Looking for speakers to come in mmm. Her place of business and she. Knows what you know the marketing packages, what the speaker packages that that are going to catch people's eyes she, knows the language to, rest that is cool. Okay and, then and then my wife my wife is my business partner and she interfaces, with our marketing team, she, interfaces, with our publicist, and she, does a lot of public facing. Interaction. With our our vendors, and sponsors. You. Put out the book what are you doing right now to to, kind of get the book out there how are you leveraging the book to to generate new business and you know get, greater distribution, yeah. Again podcast, speaking. Engagements. I. Had, a guy reach out. Because. He finished the book and this was the. Value of social social. Media right, guy. Read my book you saw me promoting, it on LinkedIn he read it and after he was finished reading it he said alright I finished, your book is time to me mmm. We met, and we came to terms at the table, he said I need more of this and when. You're working when you're finding, the right people right, I'm not a low dollar coach but when you're finding the right people, they're completely, willing to invest in themselves right, so I I, go, I love, the whale client, not the minnow clients, right so, so, it's at the end of that conversation and. Again it was a two-hour conversation, where I just gave you know tons and tons of value so, not only had he read the book but now I just reinforce, that with being at the table when he saw the energy saw the intensity, he saw the passion I questioned.

Him And challenged, him I started breaking down some of his excuses, he, ultimately saw, what it was going to look, like to work with me and he says how could we do this more I laid, out an option and he bid, it up nice, another, thing that I noticed here is you blog a lot I mean it seems like almost every week I don't know if it's you or your team but you're getting content out there a lot this is an area that people, have a challenge with I mean I think people understand, the value of putting content out there putting you know developing your IP and, making sure that you're kind of getting it in, front of the world and getting in front your ideal clients but a lot of people simply, makes the excuse they're too busy they can't do it they're not gonna do whatever it is right there's some reason they can't yet. People like yourself and others are putting out content consistently, what's your, secret what's your process to getting content, out consistently, again. I think it's really knowing yourself right know, thyself, understand. What. Your gifts, and your talents, are my, team. What. Their their whole, role, in life is to allow me to stay in my lane that's why I pay them right they allow me to stay in my lane and my, lane is speaking, and I also write content, so so, Michael dance to answer your question yes I do write, the blog I don't edit them because, I can't end editing, but, I can. Crank out a blog post I can got an article, if. My, operations, manager, said hey we need it we've got an article for a magazine tomorrow. I, can sit down and crank out a 14-under, work article, and in a matter of no time because I've got topics, that are constantly, on the brain I've got alizarin topics, that are already developed so, it's connecting, that and making, sure I I, know, what, I'm doing, in certain, spaces content, delivery, and content, creation those are my favorites at, what point did you decide, to. Bring yours to start building the team so a lot of people hesitate. To bring on a team member or even to hire kind, of a you know like a part-time contractor. Because they see it as an expense they see it as taking, money away from them and so they, decided they're gonna delay doing that until you know more revenue is coming, in at, what point kind like where were you at in terms of revenue, or growth, like what was the stage where you decide yeah you know what I'm gonna bring, someone in here so I'm not doing all this myself yeah.

Let's Just say way, before, I needed, her and weight before I could afford it, why. Why you do that, so. A good friend of mine told me who had owns a very successful, consulting. Business he, called it the universal. Law love the assistant so. When. You hire an assistant, couple. Things first of all you're telling yourself that, that you're you're like, the real deal, you're. Worthy of having an assistant now you have a business second. Of all that person. Should. Be, able to generate. Revenue they're. Not an expense center they're not a cost center but they're a revenue center right, third, is that, now, you you, really have to start cranking, up the engine and now you really have to start making some money because you've got another mouth to feed so, the universal. Law of the assistant, says that when, we hire this person before we actually need them and before we can afford them then, it creates momentum and, creates motivation and, it. Actually. Works stuff. Mike. I want to thank you so much for coming on here sharing a bit of your story and journey and just being so open I really do appreciate it I want to make sure that you can learn more about you and your work your book and everything else you have going on where's, the best place for them to go yeah. So if you go to Mike, KITT cocom, that's mi ke ki, TKO. Com, my, way site on, my website you can you can connect with my book I've. Got multiple, offerings, membership, a mastermind. Well I'm launching a membership, in a mastermind, and of course there's private coaching other courses on my website so there's plenty to choose from connect. With me there's. Also places the schedule time will my calendar, if you just want to sit down and jam and have a conversation I would love to connect in me there. We go we'll have all that linked up everyone decide. Over consulting, success com type in Mike KITT Co that's, ka-ki, t KO. Will, make sure that's correct and, yeah. Mike thanks again for coming on really appreciate it Michael.

Thank You so much for your time and thank you for your audience.

2020-04-10 09:35

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